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Child/ Tama: Yasir. Teacher/ Kaiako: Naema.

Date:2nd of

Asalamo Alaikum, kia Ora! Yasir, your last story was

about your developing strategies for active exploration,
thinking, problem solving and reasoning skills.
During the last few weeks you have been consistently exposed
to a number of activities that engaged you in collaborative
learning such as gardening, making pizza and cooking Paratha
for Suhoor during Ramadan. We also encourage you to write
your name on art work related to Ramadan to promote your
literacy and writing skills.

We are so
excited to do

I found out that

I have to keep a
mask on my
face and wear
gloves to
protect myself
from toxic
present in the
Yasir lets
writing your

I want to see Ayaan’s

I want to see his name and
how white he is. (Yasir is
developing the understanding of
the world around him.)

According to your individual learning plan, we set-up a

science experiment “Volcano Explosion” outside in the
sandpit. You showed your interest by getting the spade to
create the mountain and participate in responding to the
questions asked related to the science and geography
experiment and developing the understanding of the
chemical reaction of; baking soda and vinegar. To make it
more visible we put red colouring, you said it happened
because it is a red colour but when we added blue colouring
to the soda and you were very surprised. We talked about
how volcano ruptures, allow hot lava, volcanic ash,
and gases to escape from a magma chamber below the
surface of the Earth and how it changes the geographical
condition on the earth.

Yasir we will further assist you to promote your learning and

finding strategies for active exploring, thinking and reasoning.
We will be supporting you with learning priorities and skills you
will need in primary school.
Yasir Voice: Masha Allah I am learning how the surface of the
earth changes.

Parent’s and cares givers’

In Ramadan time I met Yaris’s
grandma, I mentioned how he talks
about his mum living in Australia, she
had a big smile and told me that yes he
always says that his grandma is from
Somalia and he is from Australia.

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