2018 TAPS Newsletter

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2017-2018 AGADEMIC YEAR 7 a a TSP | A NOTE FROM THE CHAIR Aree, and that war especial teu his yar in ct Main Stage season. Weatogue ecto who brought diferent sels, apyoacies to the Ziermaking, and rehearsal oom metnoalogen. They ‘cet two rally ferent theater shows, While po ing tants with equally rich and textured learing tn reate epoieces. Dominique Serrands pr ‘on of Pato Callen dea Baas Lf a Ds was tote and lat gelatin pal eiriion ‘snd erp wile Mina Mora staging Bertolt Brecht The Go Person o Szcoan was immersive, spark. and igh engaged What the audience did ot gto se in ‘heormer was Dominios work with actor tha inc ‘ehous of clseoom coaching which helped some othe ‘st member get it elie MEA programs and what re ‘maint hidden inthe late was Mins astonshing apc ‘yt runan fit rehearsal oom, which ma a0. ‘mento tie or asqureinchol sacs wasted and allo ‘hat wth rem of oy a accomplishment. Sat a four Fall dance production FOUR, choreographed by out {acl Diane rank, Aleta Hayes, Alex ele and Romie Redick stadets performed fs no nly onstage, bat tho cFstage: father sao tring. in eceara, but So nperormance ul epecialithore who perorned. {nore han one segment af this omnibus perfomance. ps ‘heater production hides moe than “Thi yer, ou Second tage season St new standards in experimentation and engagement. TAPS radhte stu ‘dent Mat Stone made Katsu, +1969 play by a ‘Samed German these an fim diestor Rainer We. ‘er Fassbinder, speak to rey contemporary questions of tigation ond xcopbi il tn aco prodection wth one ofthe oncampu stdent heater groups Asan “American Theater Projet, TAPS undergrad Vineet Gop {2 (18) explored the tues of American pereptions of China through the play The ord 9f Extreme Happines by contenporiy Chinese-American playwright ances 1h-Chu Cowhig In ur Graate Repertory wesw pe. formance and devised work by TAPS graduate students Kari Bary Danee Conley Rishi Meri nd Aran ‘Stars Lat but by nn means the et thi year we the fist season of Nery Experinentl Theatre the Nery oan consisting of TAPS graduate an undergraduate students (Karina Gute, Aine Tyrel, Caro Asecon, ‘Andy Kao and Dan Halland) gt their Baptists by Se initiation uldng Tey lane that insitatons re «5 vlrable as they ae had o make, and tht they ae ‘ostained by communities not erinances {hope ia ‘the loin Karna, ine, Caro, Andy, and Dann this note a inpotant endener. “This Spring thve of our doctoral students defended thie Alisertatons, While they wrote on vas diferent ops, ‘lhe proj are mre by depineectul uri, “rng and original seach, ant personal engagement ‘Gig Ouro Henle diseiion Fre Resta Performan, Ark and Activin on Sa Fron Strip Chis 186020105 sa ploeerng work that eas itr record of much neglected form of ptr ance lor, anda ref uncompromising eso nd ingulstve scholarly reseuch In er dissertation Acts of Reamer Eugene ON and Addition Treatment Pos WHT Ameren, Rebecn Ormiston sheds ight on ‘rarely examined dimension ofthe clase of American ther aed hc ie relerance td. In Performing he Sil Cooma Surgery ond the Pita sono of Best Jn Kora, S-Run Le explores a whole new perfomance Indus that apy developing i Soul Korea, ad which incldes a tang af phenemena: fom K-Pop 0 Interactive TV shows to iis net ys So. Rim willbe postdocioral low at Cambs Universi East Asan Stes inte Students fen join TAPS a ea ther reshma yar they ener our casooms an thers as high sco! ‘gradats,ad they eave a atts Theirs are a: ‘aps vere and ths yea, the rating cohorts Cap- stone projets are probaly the bes ndcator of thai ‘ret: Productions theyre made amar ast se. ‘on, ars the university: Nathan e-Sun Large ected Ran Heads Te Wid Party, Zacary Dammann taped ‘he Laramie Projet, Fara lcm Sith rece a le wth ft) and Vinge Gupta decd TAPS- ATP ‘The Wild of Estreme Hapines. io Chives did an mpeoetortling profs anna Halon di story. Ing combined wit Sat up comedy and Eas Mooring nace sn project The Oc adhe Avene Caro ‘erin id maser work stage managing over de. ‘mann proucon of Te Goad Pesan of Scan, ad {ill Hoenn ad Eso Vso excelled nthe rl they crs respective inSain aon of the Scans td Life tsa Doom, In anther fst Heather Connel, Leah Sng and Ellen Woods teamed up wil jnion Andy Kao, Mis Pt a Robin Yoo to progicenes normal as coloratv Capstone rjc. Viet Gupta ‘elected on is wrk av adecor in histhess Tana. tional Enum of Cosmopaan Fantasies Dicing The World of treme Hap at Stanford Universi rd aco Valerio in his thesis Before and Afr “The Creat Work The Evan of Nvionl Themes in Tony Kish er Anes in Americ made an ilormed assesment of thislandina pee of Ameren theser quarter entry fer spree ‘hi year our department spr to welcome back te alum’ Sterling K Brown a Stanford Commencement Speaker We ery mach hope he il ot be test and that one of our current ot recet graduates wil ete the tine honor in the ot oo distant, Congratulations on an outstanding year BRANISLAV JAKOVLJEVIC department chair @ STANFORD TAPS 2017-18 eel by matt stone, phd student worker (usually Italian) implying sexual promiscuity and aggression. ore und—that postwar West German titles and dire a the ponvar contest Sights By making the language of @® FALL SECOND STAGE NEW DANCES BY DIANE FRANK, ALETA HAYES, ALEX KETLEY, AND RONNIE REDDICK Dian Frank, Alta Hayes, Alex trian objets, iestigates progres “potential Franks piece, “Teal for Taeing Toward the Light with ts cooler all he lecor an dering ples gad and @® FALL MAIN STAGE HAMLET by ezra jackso! @ CAPSTONE PROJECT auapnys pyd ‘Avjoavg tavy hq AYOLYAdaY JLVNGVYD 6 CAN | HOLD YOU eo GRADUATE REPERTORY STONE SOUP Parone seeene eer ee Seer pears ee el pera teeta res See ee toe eer eee eee a Pearce en eateries Sn neat MeN RT Let Pen eel er enter net Seren emer ereerecry De nee eee vir Per Aenea Pore ere nna Lieepenevenewn peter peri Penta nha aetna etn ts ple ater isting a barter high schol n East abo lo ocean nteeene erent Ree rey mneennr nny Pennie nen pene eeeeerne nunnneN | Peer eterna eT SeL ny emerepenan rr er are ne Preece Senses Frierorea ether er rer owner reenter eer eet Poorer Ne ea eee eT Nye Pores eererent eimai eas eae eter ferritin ed Snares eee Serene So ee eae Cee eee etna ee ert eee ee ee eee ects [ee emer terry wipes vey Petree een nits Sioa ase perenne seine ta een ane eee Serr eee entero Rena et Raa re ene en ea ees Pees Cee een er Pee nee ecm mney See eee Ae ener ene Mer een] reenter er een PEM reer ertenc tert rece eee eee ered eee eer enem ened ere eer Pee aN ee Perrone wer ernie ee oe eee ee eee Bicieere arene sitar ee ee teeter: SCN Saran rr ener tn Pe remanence genre nar ne Perera erin pee nee rer ie nt ety oereen recent ear Dad pn tage as ach actor damp fall ag goods Pesriecnoriar omen ieeri sina tc ers peairenimmomrenrrnnren erty Pemremenrerengrere myer Reenter mene renters Pere ee ee er Peer eee a nee Tey ate Popercemnar ver enemy kre fenton ener ton eee ete ee propo rene pte rca eT ene een ee Pape poem peeunyersyrpranh ee eee er et Ere eerie ee eer mee nn ener ee erent ern re ei aaa rere EMBODYING PHILOSOPHY DEVISING OLD-ISH: CRISIS IN THE LIFE OF AN ACTRESS serie of rough vignettes of fll ut pletion, the ce engaged wth To devise the plese thet maker Hannah 111 began pling out the ain from Rept by amani starnes, phd student oe GRADUATE REPERTORY e GRADUATE REPERTORY OUT OF BREATH O: ee eee eeeea reece ee Poaceae ne Precieninsectieecnt sateen Cet eee Sen are tea aroun the concep of pray thro hich snr Penton ee nee pee eee anaes Teel teat piesa herent ree ener teen Pern tren eR eet ne ae See eens Renee erent SS pe rae eet earee eater eee nr ad eseeecrpernienennte reper nena Perera cena ee a eregreere hd erence nein peer reenter eerste Pic acereireaeeerehe encees ee eee Pree Seren AC Neat ee ee eaten ease Eoaineainates Dae eee gee Procite Titer areas eer Penn Cae ane e e en oaN eran ey erent nna Pepieeier ee poe eran anes Per Perera teeresiietararinenc see oy acton an a, porn and pry he Pecan eee iamnanate eine Ponte ementnreenrintind atin Init ah teal of ior, Out of rth eer ee ee Pei haeer ec nT eceeTad eet ee Pere ee eerie eae peer ce near eines etn oer te ert Peni t ea eee Preece nee nine Poi ee eer ers Prete meraor eer ermine eee eee eRe TEV aR ner Sy renee er eye ere nog pecan eee meter ta iets f eareernneartteeeMrtorent ee ee for eee eeepc erent erat See ere eer erent peer ameererenereirienmeerera Peter reermeurpreee eit ern tals und the ho. As the ates sted down, Level eee une ermine nr eerett Pine eecereremneenneeeyr pens Perego ernie rnd Pears ieee eet ee cory inarenmer mnt enrnernitins eecrenenpenreneer een enenar pers Corre ay een een Ts eer a meen mene enrreet ay Peper erneearrerme nr enna ty Picetinroc meen nee eer rare Leer rive ndectonr epee nee er es oa eer eee ar ee Prep apent sea peieenere a cee ener emer aren pene eene A Aenea paeerepee nore re etn ee ee re Se ernrerne ty heen Peewee pmenrpepe net ore peo beri ope OSF ARTIST VISIT: TWO GREAT WOMEN OF THEATER SHARE A SINGULAR VISION AND. PRACTICAL ADVICE ny freed, the Orson Stakespeae Festal. lon who ae aie with a “The ve of thete to dymamic artists was 2 © ARTIST VISIT @ GUEST ARTIST SERIES & casils, guest curator of vital signs VITAL- SIGNS Jn atime where the president make jokes to hi vice resent out wantingtohangall GBT Americans. As hiss hans ‘sept to Hoge pss, detonate bombs, cla aay Wars se ee ok cote by fr pvt ive ile gre pl apart health cre protons pod mode device a als nan tees brag bout how he ging 10 ul wale no wat tl rin hi mania he can Source tha fora ow ow wage inet he abo phd apart 1 pend def abo a He lights a atch bros oa 6 (Calforis blazes in wires he dds his got golf wophy woth good cians of Puerto Rio He pulls the eggs ig oan tacher bls ip throagh the flesh of chiki. As ntre bangs back, blowing ‘okanes,hurcanes grating ths mate change ‘ener shakes clenched tiny st the fecal ply ‘they Benda kee or those who standin the Weak of dismantling sting monuments oa tine that ts wth dishonor “his the word we afin ‘Vil signs are important indications ofthe status of the bodys essing factions "Vital ign sao the ile for nse five performances andartt tases over the 1017-18 seademic year at Stanford Univer ‘ty that have ad the honor to erate, So tate are std ie specaens ut ‘arly are we gen the resources apd op Porta creat platforms for discs ‘ons on our ow terre, Focusing 00 ‘ements of pertormatnity, ech gsr ter we pate artists from lifereat serait, Thave Den intrested in esol bringing a yourger at that we can enn fom inergener tonal tacts when approachingaes Thetis, performance and the state of the world Asses ureney. these art older a road ap proach for waging the social body. “Tough the us of Siferent formal an conceptual strategies, mess nents canbe taken wed atest rads, giving ws ches sees” and poste proves tovard re ‘ner The rn ht series pt ierel they et ke the “nee Dorma is unacepale These et ints bled, obliterating the margins ‘bringing iesons fom the cho of hard socks to present states af etitnge aod rain der between proper ae impropee all end, and quer subject Harey Gamboa J; presented ta, tlhe story ofhis practic where he Eserets the conenptery etn Chicano experience. From his os sa young peson partiating in the East LA School Lock oath 1 his current poston teaching inthe Phozography and Med rogram st CalArts, his presentation contained sharp poieal erique, combined, wih eloquent and humorous ze inscing tout his may and vai sccomplshments Har contin fal practice works to interpt Jour Expectations He creer sp Patina imagery that speaks to abd Yetin the very same moment defies ‘he abt ofthe ssa magn Ing that socety has for men of cao le the Fall Harry Ganboa Je and andr har joined for xe Bist ‘rent of the serie Xana Tas ‘ho aio operates under the om de hime La Chick Boo hs» pac Hoe that causes «ruckus Roping the iden of seal Hieron, len ‘confined to hie wren terms Tare uss er rt expe certain (Chica/Chican icmogrphis ed on-congrapies For Vial Ses, andra recreated ber pice, “Node Laightg’ for a pubic eslience st Stunfon’s Anderson Colleton, andr work, x hes pty pat ine bio "ecto between tection an oy and problematzes the bo In the Wines, Nao Bustamante and a Esra both performed seme thei moat grourbrentng works Raf Espareaperformed"Dalé: Dale meas go" but tastes nto “ge Iimherthey Within the pace, Epare tose forward double of isl —colecting 1 emai and then tossing ora gain, repeatedly ona pth berween Pi ‘a0 Theater and Rable Gye, psig {Centro Chicano y Latinos the LGBT [DOES NOT REPRESENT THE VIEWS OF STANFORD UNIVERSITY and the Black Community Services (Cente: para stated wae“ make ible the bor of pushing foek saf through college ee lly at a Queer, Brown ist gen fen [the pee) points towards how tte nations are hee and ome ofthe same students have & Special ality wa This a pertor ‘ance tha’ thinking about them fd these soll choreopsphise ‘utr by inet aci Nao Busta, curently Vice Dean of Art at USC. performed ‘Chase Scene. The plese inter singled techniques of cinematic Feley wrk, wih provisional ements, Bustamante tems to Be ‘aught in a chase scene a ate ren Scbthe old topeofa woman alone in the atet andthe danger that ‘Whether i bl proof kevlar oF stems oft and burr tha makes Navi arte devices ate event Sorel itl in hese ies In the Spring, Ron Athy and Kel faun Thos presented bck toa Performances in Pago and) Me mAud Both Ron and Keun use inaerals metaphocally how they ransom vith their bode, how hey communica and tall stories ho thy cll upon te antenna just a pasive ewes bat np cate themdencess witnentes. Vial Sigs ian atlempt to open up these dicosons on Sn Ron presented ne piece, “Regard- Campus, heer I want tobe ing the Foret cf Acépbe (tects tht och tnconions ame ae wt from apcoming ‘Pre Inman sate for addresingisttion- performance with Casaod Arial framework tht enabled ach rc Tia) A makimeia piece mixing ism misogyny ansphobia nop ‘des, sundae performance, bin and seem, The work is changing Reworked from the Catholic tli around useing andtie up fo thom Athy ocled Lianisof the ward thinking people stven, stdenty Sint and Lanes of the Dying. acuky and adinistatrs, to be a part This lel to istractions and tals of what it get cred int. Ths a tie from the ret society of Actpale, in story that willbe long sted, And onstaced by Georges Balle inthe question what side dd you stand ot 19s, Asdatkatime a thisws ith What did you do! What dys? What art teint tin eye Hw iyo at pe the power of fom, Sache oa mpd Sepa lc Sipe bres anor be asi cal ho bg nt Ha ae ey. that wn _ a ny wn wn nn < a 3° a w bE n < = DANCE GUEST ARTIST MASTERCLASSES WINTER her experience in training aby wor that Sere and ick weg shift Aer eae hermosa red her experienc onl dance traning. And raphe and working 10 Sinish the quarter, TAPS cr ideas about agai nied Katie Fulks to traning aod. performing Add stra o teach anther ep tional ia Winter, Stor LIVE. cone nc on \2 erlang tag by a movement engaged dancers who eet xperinee ad Pir taining Ard tht sin Part the definton of « master tock eons he ts slid founds men Theitmastrls_ tom anda rt challenge to those in he experimental theae/ dase. group pers and theater makers STUDENT SPRING REFLECTION cnet, VICTOR RAGSDALE, '19 dhncerorengrapr Holy hn saat in eae Asa ating pete, wing in he ney mr of ontemporary scm ike sack an abate Ela mosular ners ad ore. work with a woking art sucks Rena Hidalgo was eis was on oer ee-pet ot ne, Sh as worked eth tinuty ef movement and falls many arts including JL, Gera stefan, Min Ei ae rade her peseace so taslocrative Ws her il: and ingnes to talkabout er experience os working perormer is PHOTOS BY ZACH DAMMANN NEXT TO NORMAL CAPSTONE STUDENT REFLECTIONS, » PRODUCING by leah slang, ‘18 DIRECTING by nathan jae-sun large, ‘18 © CAPSTONES PLAYING NATALIE by heather connelly, ‘18 twas ovale oe bout this poet the porto engage al thes hae leer ter the ps four urs nclang dap character werk aplication of any ete theories wd concent rr bing to bcome a part something hat tral spoke {oan adince of our pots Tls musa, nthe bande of this ieee cmpany had a eyo ulding uc corp people andsituntions bat ting them speak such simple ths: Every tine [wae it ou rehearsal here was tet the tying Allah we werent fanaa bof « doctor armor. very time we care into rehearsal we wets rep of people tno choe cach ther We give our efor, ur bane, and ur ‘empuston net oom © me sot aboat un ego ot anne ia conson,a cathartic noses cones tht ss harder than we ever thought re We keep Ung abs hen we dota we find moments flee PLAYING DAN by miles petrie, ‘19 «sto mormal is ripping music that resin the ves ofa suburban fan and witnesses their coping with & raters polar disorder Dept the at that very cha. acter ats nt fone another ant docs wht they tay Beleveto be best at every turn, dysfunction and pain peal This fami ably to soppres a ner deone ae le achieve a "nema i” demonstrate that brokenness univers cholopicalpin touches everyone, wheter it be director a tent, No-one fan exception to this rule, and we our distor ‘Nathan Jan Carge (18 aptly pat “aoa she on orl of the urs condition: Paap was his university, nl the desi to ako the nivernty of esa beth sey, tat brought this cous norton projet int beng In the Winter of 2017, 2 hand TAPS njra Dean dicing ow much tls soy ad touched ‘urls and hoe much we wanted to being to this campus BY the ime we began the oficial chara procs inthe all we bad aor ok this producton as thir TAPS Capstone In-TAPS practicum cas, Ihave eared thats pl rom pst experiences, fodings and fairies to bring my character oe hil ot allowing then to becoe to el Paying the ptf Dan demanding sole that faces unbearable gre an complex prychitrc challenges tested my ait to find that alae, but was ukimatly on ofthe mot re trading experiences of my lie: Our intimate cast of sik fad the opportuni to share our stories and experiences ith exch othe which made us ike fuy.Thanks to thi son, lve an openness wa ale to comfy ex this do of yet and be apt of something that ‘owed aot lyme to dave omy rth about nest tnd healing, bu our adeno av wel Tat shared expe ‘nce of ering patos and vloerably truly the gle thse PLAYING DIANA by ellen woods, ‘18 es to normal ent an easy show —ie grapes with heary pcr sch gr, rama, mental nes sd and rg abuse Tetfrestay seem supesing tha the reas 2} room for our production af ex! to norma was character inet primary by Inger, However, omy mind tls en of lay hal allowed sto crete someting beat Proc the use ply drew our cas ogether a niin ering ke around wth eachother ery on, we qulcl Bec cose, developing sense of ast spect pl camaraderie both Sule intense erotona vulnerability spd ates fom all fs ‘Etre viscera pales oe cau only encore trough » proces allot comment an, inetabi moments fal-ou fale rained by quck-wited antes, we became accstonied tole ing for shi in xchotbed perforanara vhich opened the doar foresperimentation, More important, however, these “show joke” served at foro seleprotetion against the hey subject matt In arches pro stapes op to 20 hors week ving wth the material tly ting. Though iso ines ke "se maybe fatal” rang Joke base on morbid pot pints and alsurdt spins onthe At spect worthy artwork and mall fader for jokes, These moras fle expose the humanity of the characters and crete a conrst sith moment of darknes binging ot bath the eal depth of te darkness and the never-ending ost fight nthe dark by eliseo valerio, ‘18 @ HONORS THESIS ON ANGELS IN AMERICA FOR A NEW GENERATION ste Is iret otic. In ‘his ay and age may seem as ifthe personal swath wht you make art andthe pli s what ou ‘eid discuing a soa aberiage, ‘ors sates Tony Kushner the ply ‘eight behind Angels Americ: A “Gay Fanaa on National Theme The play arrives pei at ne of famense plc nd socal ‘dirison in or county, ren ‘hough vas writen eae spon to paral ran our Fistor one il find hat many ‘of iy themes and the san Vins that aie for i ll reveal themelen in 2018, But ow and what eet? Thisqueaton of eonlempe rary rsfevance in rslaton to Angas in Americ es 2 the center of my Hon ‘ots ths in TAPS Anglin Ameria turns Rome. afer Tendon revival 25 yas ar ts premiere on Bevaay in 193, Thad the pleasure of atending {perfomance of this to pat fighthour pie at the Reyal Naonal Theatre when Ts fed abroad in Pari lst Spring. Hvieg never seen redaction afore I wanted to experince the playin eaiety ad ee rw the National These would tackle the complestis of tg ing While in London, spoke to flow audience members heard ffom designers, and was thr gh capt the compen. Jet simple desig ofthe pu ast ll, particptes nthe Sundin New Yk progr, nin my spare time watched {recording of the 199 Broad ‘ey production atthe New York Tae Litrary for the Perform Ing Ars Sine then, 1 returned to Neve York in March to tend 2 perfomance of the Broadway Feral and ocety Berkeley Repertory praducton Whenitsomesto Anglin Amer Jew and contemporary wlevance, iis importnt to conser tat the play ses the personal with the pollen wring, [ound it lial to folate sn eaten "as each thems, when in realty they ae all interconnected with inthe dimensions ofthe tage. T Tene that the play manages to cole the iaheest qa: ‘ofthe mation and preset them ‘nage though the ves and teraces of characters, ee ites eight hous todo sa. ray ths Farge that Angel “Amero coins to be elvan today esate of he there that portay lnimacy and connec nthe ody an opr sic. cosms ofthe fre nation. These themes ised with poi, not ‘ony pint or tention to rine how much we have progressed and how much we have et to da, bat sls push oo consider the ind of ‘nods that ate produced an Bren Thehemec Arerica-thenerand oor “rational”, Adlence members st the eksey Repertory production are encouraged to te thar responses to the question “hat does Ang Amsicr mse Yo think about” and post them on wal i thee aby Many wrote down he names lowed oner eho di of AIDS, thers cle ‘sto action My response We eed more the ert eae with atonal themes. THE CHOCOLATE crsorccunte HEADS 2017-18 oe cl (Chocolate Heads Movement. IMAGINARY CALIFORNIA, hana : sins enon sy hash “ides of California and the AMBER LE ys im which Cabioaia summons cpio cs theme tnt bee be ei of our Ful pce cane fn Ale aa melceaeltasan teu! Dyrua Reid Arte Tec amed ne by aleta hayes, lecturer —— SSC a nd Fo ‘kr Dyas ped econo exh brand moving our odes when et ee In Fall Imaginary. Calf pe- Slunubeatietine omeh mine emy ort fren ss apart FOUR enon apa peas bh ea thelni Rate lg ters and. meine Recent eee net mg {Sen the Modernity snd the bene ne fonratcld hop Gu ee cd Say hata vert tink Sake ctr poet er ane pe ea ana See eee Sree fr aur perirmuce Neel era ave he pen THREE YEARS IN Fre wer 10 mp he eet of THE CHOCOLATE HEADS Tepeatdiecee eat acont GHEE KING ABRAMSON, 20 “anien BeNONS 8 1 Winter, we presented Fgues i 4 Ouinaine Calora ee fom imap tha when eral California Landcape, a pefrmance. te iro rta ds rt have Be lnwallaion inspite by native Califor. ap ts ars Mane Net, who work ean rie ol ms no coe ah cia ema os ne tas a ve conureniy on vew he AX enc any Wilt ace woe whe Aeron Calection Nets dep interest fm the human figure, the marty a twas Heads tnd multiple posites or interpe- Heals temo ya at tb tation war ach dlogue Between Ine menial ese Teun tra opty ee te ‘cakes and dene roar cei prep ana ur yearlong projet culminatsn ay the Speing wath Cho Quale a fer le spe ttc tured performance in csleration of ane was fens cna ise te the Frankenstein 200 Pe elowitencurnlprtictSceyecice With Choc He, {fad the oppor t prem, iste ams rie Rete ge Tasch MOVEMENT GROUP SERIES. lie the ineffable and irrefutable yet bn me produced age pve seme of being human, dtc genes wo el tpt FINDING THE SPARK: PHYSICALITY AND CONNECTION IN LIFE IS A DREAM. nd the aadences © MAIN STAGE | CAPSTONE ¥ THE OCEAN AND THE AVENUE T: hort fil, The Oca a the Avenue dca carter and his ‘ot nly ep TAPS Capaane bt the prod- mctivtion in spec scene ex by elias mooring, ‘18 ‘ctofayeurofclaboration wih my peers. ential, Diana guide men app My talented waters and dete, Bella Lega ng what I had eaaed rom TADS aa Spence lv hate worked tll with_ating and physi cass fin ‘ny wonderfl costar, la Wile (19), and_ perfomance, me tote thistry. The Ocean and he Avene fellows vo young als, and Zoe a hey Working with ou xe and xg ‘andr the San Franco scenery The flee for any long hor ay ave me ‘apeiments ith marae suture as the Sense uf what fakes 1b shot “sires of the characters ring them in and_locaton, to have limite time and ‘tof contact voughout the lm Intend rents, o withstand wpe ‘ofthe typical boy-set gi andi fre and legal verte, aed lo wor. ‘c-changed ropes Levags and Skorc areas part ofa posonate eam wth he “concerned witeingstmultancoussto- stn goal: to tla goad sory and ‘ies where chareces are pulled sprt reach peopl. [am so gait to ‘nd pod tether by the forces of hae had the opportnity #0 work thet pst and the cy vith such a tleted group and to fave applied what I have Kare Playing II presntod a series of over the past four youre sith the unique changes thar Thad yet 0 TAPS department ‘apeioce in TAPS. The nae of ‘retin # short fil ment ery Ile rebel for Tong ours of fiming and performance with fut an aydence This meant Working extensily wih ny ‘eso Dana Looser, n psp ration for shooting. As te Fiming proce centnoed, @ CAPSTONE PROJECT GRUESOME PLAYGROUND INJURIES had 2 @ STUDENT PROJECT LA VIDA M ty Marc La Vida ought wo nights fn May 1h and 1h Tis TAPS Cap. one tackle estone nye tht breght ‘me familiarity and comfort ino my seal, tay body abd iy experiences navigating San Hid aes ques Lali siden. The tle Mey Marin came t mea a chance 10 ram ‘ad rwork my mein cllge ts one that "ras very quer marin being deroyory slrfor quer nda) an ery" (nes acted rece while tl hang Fan) The proces in choosing which so "es to ell was challenging: T knew the iy” store | wanted osare with ny dine that would grab thei ten tin, ut ke I ned 0 share "es that would ground my experience ‘ange hotc view into my ie by julio chavez, ‘18 1 os thi Capstone a a platform to share experiences that That not Teen woe about porto pero ‘mance, where 1 Keew wil ‘rophane in and andthe spo Tight on me, Fad to belistened Tin tht moet Tahed oy ‘ongoing srugle with sence ee ot performing a wel Teadericaly nnd how thal, compltes and ad pres @ CAPSTONE PROJECT MESSY MARICON: sure a a fist generation college thudent. While» happy ending for tne shared my coming-out ry, but addreted the rey ty expe lene fom my pees in qicer ard trans communes with thei on fenton These performances gave me joy time to eel andthe space tbe ‘ere with my aienees Fam ad Laid not doit any ther way PHOTO COURTESY JULIO CHAVEZ RADIOHOLE ARTIST VISIT Maer [New York thee makers, sted TAPS this ‘Apel to share thei ion of ale, Franke wis was our departments contibaton to the Stanford wide cslebration of the 200 fon The Modern Prometheus, nove reared ne ofthe retest works of English erature Ran though the medial schools Medicine {The Muse outreach program, the yearlong teres inched panels on genet edig eel ‘ows, exibiions of naomi desing td ocigial tudent at projects baring the fined inon the estes by screninga veo of Radiohlés characters beat aap. Sed through our Liveon Seen sey al by Ieatig the rp for contro electing Inflate Franken fase egress [es ofthe artists (Exc Dye, Mage Hoda and Erin Douglas) nko & monsrous asm ‘age. In one sequence, Hofman speaks some tex fiom the novel cise the til and torment of trying to bring fe to ones work Then she des hind fake pwr pop ne of any eaboriteenachine, ths one i Soling lng pasts sheet she must thread tnd crank through whl pretending to wee; twit no ell dial Hofinan begins to then ste nou story about Shelly’ partying, fas lured ito a story from Hoa own Youth, a reminisencesof wandering tem Fight sect of Brooklyn tur Back no tales 4 grabbing cariage around Pats all to oop tack span to Hainan and Douglass om ans sbout beng bath parents and rss. Thal aks up abou four mites, OF cours, what Radooe are known foe i ther mes a ill Fanketen the ave thet Vor Frelestsin charcer conde! ul Child-xqu cooking sho thirty minster in intracing the audience on how to eae Train ith jst the right consitency. How, fu, water, ato por ing aound he ge the ete cst old bod ish pop before them onto then drop that slime on tee own heads They spend the rest of the play dealing withthe lowly ip, and slowly solidifying, mass of gunk costing ‘ich of her heads, Mean, the stage sa becca dominated by the proved fable body» hart and kings made From transparent shopping bag tik elisa the dirk, and Bown up th a Bele pump n ver the mang third ato the show Altogether, the dsparate elements of aa tte Franken show that theater is sre thing of «sewn together crete I ith word, aucines, bodies, and goss ue all ouncing ef ach ther and alvay supting evs ogunce There was nothing surprising oweven about the doquence ach introduced the piece in thelr ovat way: Dyer spoke af Antonia by doug eacho, phd student Ie strugales with ln and ecto shock thers Douglas explained bo the group aves a thei fast po Alaogue, and tesa apart ne thorny Sequence fram the srptt show how ‘much thoughts packed nto throwaway yokes And finan drew ou tention 1 thet es wd hoped ha och moments sesean artyoveant fake —the fingan dnc cam ave Wat something ul ev ‘shappeningas the actor rete with pre Aaa Our conversation moved fom thenoveltothe broader work contemporary theater Having worked in New York for now ‘wen ear the group agreed that economic oto are oly becorsing moe diel Sor artist whl noting that eadenees re becoming ‘more receptive experimental work They we theater students na to gle the importance of the technical side of theater. ning tht ll of them bd ther elborate machine sod words together and that they cen start working fom es and then up with scripts ater than working the other ‘ea aroun. Geting dow a ty with matrix the reheral room: hey suggested, would be avery Prankenstc way o make eter ‘What might they be working om nes, we ake? ‘They volt only give ts aone-word ans “wholstry. © ARTIST VISIT by heather rastovac akbarzadeh, Tnfand the humantles ‘mellon postdoctoral fellow n dance studies, @ DANCE STUDIES SERIES STANFORD COLLOQUIUM ON DANCE STUDIES 2017-18 in isfourtn yer the Stanfon Collageamon Dance “Kinetic and Cinetetic Ati: Moving a Studies ia ern tre seis tht rigs ogtber Beg Moved by Dance Onsen wh css schol practioner and ommimnty meners to mark by lene DeVere Brody TAPS Pree ad seuss iterdspiary approaches to dance rate a re (Chat of CCSRE tno}. Bens resurch soc earch Ath 6-18 Nallon Postdoctoral Fel in Dance on enone betwen ose and machine o mesa ‘Sale ivan the Humans [ave had the dtp sure bul on the Colgutun progzaming hat the pe tenis: She freer of The International our naff Sovendace and her mans npc en. “hos elon Joanna Dee Ds 2014-15) and Rachel Cacric_ tiled Dances Civumom Mrnet ar Blogg i tants Janice Ross. or the 2017-18 Colloglum,Thaecoabort ‘lvth Profesor Usa per (Fn & Media Studes, Depat. 16) a develops unde the guktanceofPofsorfl Cubes Hee presentation aceon the sor 60 Cat af eat Cre), dete by fon Boog, visu at ‘by Aleta Mee, and dancing by Boog? wd Li Back Inet of Art & Art History, Stanford) to curate this yas. Drawing fom the nerdy fs of xendance ‘heme arind Medaton of NowmetTivrsing Dance sud cinema ses fini theory, dance sts fn Seon, Srendance ses has emerged within oth ance sts and fot sacs ance atention to helong history of egagerent ten dunce cinema, {ndaer orig me: Throughout 2017-18, we ‘thre scolar fo fe the tere and sta “lets aoundscrendance sts and seen for thst of dance, med, a and persone. (Our November event fued astute by Douglas Roseberg (Profesor and Car ofthe Aft partes Univer of Wisconsin Madison), "Hiding i Pha ‘Se Sceendance Hints and the Expand Ing tation” Ronee i founding ga of the de ‘line of creendance tus and founding eer Tie International ounalo Scendane eho of ScendancePsibig the Ephemeral og a ‘or of The Oxo Handbook of Sedan Ste, Rosenberg iss tht “reendance i peraps the ‘mos anes ola speci ia een ag ine’ snce well bf there was ical mass ofiatre nthe fr, even before wae mal ‘uch? Opening the years sre with Rovers Tetr, which ze an strc ae between ance sd seqentaliagestom the east af po topapy ped bol fae the eld se ‘nce sides the reader four series In February, Harmony Bench (Asstt Prof sor of Dance, Ohio Sit Une) presetad ‘nd Back cll etism, ech eet the “ole ‘ot finesetic (movement ofthe body) and neste {mavement ofthe screened image) act In dance ‘nsten" Bench itt the eo and hs ang ‘srs ant ac viene In way hat push aga ‘nrg thereof Rinetei empty and aft ‘ise nies west think slong dance ‘ys that do not atempt orate pps in understand Ing but eather crates space thie encounter ass Aree” In My, a Metal (isting Assan Prosr a the Rosh nit for Pesan Stade, Unversity € Mary Jund) presented a ecre eed “The Bool Exon ofthe Re abet Dancer in Twentieth Ce tury at Drang ober histrogrphi and eh ogapic study of dagce ia La, Meta iaterogt the social artes suroundg the cabaret dancer in 1979 Revolution commercial em in do Ingo Mah traced how th doematc cabaret dancer ‘ecomesa ste fr Pala 19261979] bps Tran, purcub tose dated 1 "ubantrasematin, socio-economic ofthe pop tage, the formation of ‘ltr pd acl catego and olga discourses pubic prormance™ Daring Meas vst, onanizd a ound nied “Contemporary scbaasip on Dance & Dances in from a ening scholars Antony Shy a Me tah and mye followed by a performance fesse tnd contemporary Iranian danc yal dance chore ‘grape Asn Hos rnin dancers nd dance genes ne galing atest cose rope an North Amen ‘Manan dancers ave Begun ceasing cclate tmongtansotonal dance ccs and socal mea ter the pst ten eur Hoc and ty. dance Un tanabt its asporaasben a efor the proj thon and proton of kell srondng gee, sexi, modernity, ational, reponse, high row at Ores, clu reservation, re stance, neoberalsn,mmigration, and. cen. The outa the spekes have contd othe pong yet understudied lf escarch on nce and hance ran. Athan Sy (Prefs of Dance tnd Calara Suds, Theatre and Dance Depart, Pomona Clee) a shoe on Ian dance whose life esearch hasbeen founda to the Bl: is 1999 book Choeypohu Sols proved Dace the raion Words the schol monograph on oc tnd tage dance nthe aman word laa Mag tous hisoviogephical resech on dance in 20h and st century mba lo made major contrition 0 the fel pray er 2016 monograph Gender end Dance nor I: Bipot on Sage whch dees from ide range of cies to construc te most co prehensive view on dance in Ira odie. By research bile onthe work these wo scolas to aaje the ptiesadancein the ranian daspora in aon tBu Fo-Americn gop of neobeals,imigratin, tides Te Callum sponsored by the Mellon “Dance ‘States infand the Humans” andi ener ‘funda by the Andee W, Malo Foundation, We tre grat orth supporto the Oe ofthe Vie res kt ore Atte Humans Center; CCSRE loa ‘Solis Clan Ise fr Gonder Research Fm “Media Stes Program ~ Departent of At Histry Hamid and Clystina Moghatam Progra i Lian ‘Sule and Abbas Progam nine Ses. THINGS | LEARNED AT STANFORD @ CAPSTONE THE GOOD PERSON OF SZECHWAN @ SPRING MAIN STAGE Bag CAPSTONE STUDENT ¥ REFLECTIONS WORKING ON THE GOOD PERSON OF SZECHWAN STAGE MANAGEMENT by ca 18 @ MAIN STAGE | CAPSTONES PLAYING SHEN TEH/ SHUI TA by adi chang, ‘19 ASSISTANT DIRECTING by daniel cai, ‘19 FIRST FRIDAYS chal Friday © TAPS COMMUNITY SERIES &y dance coney, phd student UNDOING RACISM WORKSHOP conic 9 thre hour woop xan on Reig the Snir ommunity undentand what > STUDENT here came from how aodtow® REFLECTIONS. y ¢anbe undone. Had onstage in fd the word and how tsusedto REGAN LAVIN, ‘22 Iain a ach vie, in hopes chives a equity ac Si care td res Attended ‘over 50 members ofthe 8 Undoing Racin was 4 very open enero nese aoc xp ple to talk and interact. We spent « elt of time dcssng societal sp tere that led to racial ine Sch s hosing, eathar, athe salto decrbe ce and cee fd areas allele pple pore of ace. My main ake nies ctetng networks, und Intralted al opps acd ‘ndertanding the rl of organs inal gate keeping as 2 mechani for perpetuating ras, fou intial on ea KARI BARCLAY, PHD STUDENT Undoing rca ie ore thant year on average than do white stodente This ac al happens the un Terabe ad race needs to been eteyaycorideaion in the ay lnwitations operte fel ke being Bren record, Dut @ GUEST WORKSHOP by vineet gupta, ‘18 @ SPRING SECOND STAGE a = © DANCE CONSORTIUM by diane frank, lecturer BAY AREA DANCE EXCHANGE ely: renomaedRoble Gy, the schools athena in Sto 113 t show dances workeinprogresy and excepts The day began with 8 morning technique css fom anger works Guided by TAPS strer forall BADE partisans taught by Ray Taio, Diane Frank students gave foedback ake (Profor, San Faniso State Uniersy) An questions of the student choreographers ceptional teacher of Lester Horton dance and shard thr suo work process rd Tecigue Ry le all the dances thewgh an calboratve ers Dancers dacased the inceatingly expansive series of movement signature movement interes of hi ener: ‘htsestothenuscofDavdStenacclmed kon thes impulses or cresting wrk the Soy Ares dance musician (SS). Aller the varied eer rocenes, nd the poss {Bop technique cls, stdenis wee fe totes for extending the work sa res of Choe font among five bveskout werk: thee BADE experiences and feedback, The ‘Profesor, UC-Behce) lected n vibrancy an focus stents on Bartenienf Fundamentals, performed and shared their dance works. ‘anbodied cove moreme concept es Stanford dance students and facaly were lst for any Kind of tsk tan honord to host thi yearly een ht nds ing Cathleen MeCarthy (Lecture, UCSF) us tothe pacing arte educators in the Ted somatic workshop, Rogso Lopee ay Aten sn fo the many stant dances (Praesor,S. Marys College) into- who are restive pre at oer nto. shops ec List Wy ‘wok NExT: LOOKING BACK AND PLANNING FORWARD is quer marks the cxlmiotion ofthe Niery Experimental Theatre (OXEET)s fist ever season centered south theme of Displacement snd what ‘fis yerithas been, (Over the pst year NEXT has ben defight. fo how new a estaba stent troup nclading JUST ART, Casa Zaps "a, AATRand Music 51, Te projets we have collaborated with bare developed ‘work intent on exploring «number of ol poiial fies anong. these LGBT rights & transgender rene trance the experienc of Latin com ‘ues nd the consequences ofthe ‘ope of DACA, and ego ad {tot eights nthe US. and rope Toname bute few, We woul Uke to thank each and everyone ofthe at is, groupe ative and organisers ‘wo have worked with us ve the fat year for Their Glee con Iitment to attic practice and Social change We were outed 1o het your increible work ‘We would ao ket thank al of those who expres intrest in working wilh ut andlor who ‘tended any of ur events uk ns havea sesso without Jim and we hope that you val onkinse 10 app, tnd and ttherwise supprt the tlt and tovil transformers of Sanford Tengint he are. sSpstking f the fare, oe in augur season was sutured to showense av dive 2 range of pole, cultural and ex pment work ts poauble to Poston the Nery Theatr a Space dept commited to repe ‘nlngthe diversity of Sto mp by peoiding spe ‘ew and mbt stadt vot Ata board we hae sught te abn a ear legacy this apace, We ave stent st precalens, form polices, loge nnestons and partnerships nd most important, tre ‘Moa kang pit inrresion ‘eithin the Stanford Comment ‘We fly intend t bea space that commited, now ad lang i the fat, tothe ison that was establtbed upon our foondirg over a exe apo, Sad msi is To prevent bold and relevant performance latent on ‘allengng. tasting and altaing” meaningful rite ‘apron: end to repre the ‘vere commutes aesthetic. sndpolics hat exston Sanford ‘hpas, We ined fo er or Jormance aa intra frun for ‘amma consti. Though pethape itl setimenta ine Formulation he folowing at ‘ment fom out fouig doco nen sil rings rae over a ear Iter: “NEXT i nota new bone foe performance: NEXT ee performance make Stanford 3 ew Kindo em With this in mind, we are de lighted to announce that he nee theme frou 2018-2079 seem Isto be “Symeopation: Breaking the Blyth The productions, rtworks nd events ob how ‘sedate all inten on sp ing challenging, rating, and! tr breking eye wl cet Ing new ones. At the core ofthis season ta collective investigation into whatitmeanstobe out of step vith he nom the passage of ime, dlr eoret ucts omer By may af endasion, we would Hhe to take this opportunity fo thank the Deparment of TAPS and Stanford Aro he support four vison fo this space, We would alike to pe sonally thank Erik Sunderman sane CCoamajorseihout whose time, cre tnd ace NEXT would ot be possible Final Karina and woul ke hank tur inert bound embers: Coro Aeron (18), Dan Holand (19), Andy Kao C19) — whohave saved us more tnes than wecancountand whos dedication ta theater, 0 ping others and whose pro fesonalion never cess to amaze by dine josephine tyrrell & karina gutiérres, co-directors of NExT and phd students @® NExtT @ FACULTY + STAFF NEWS Table bap touring newest work, Thi Society a phys comedy tbe 0 the Be Fim grove The pce iets forma Iytheinenecton of gh gee and thre tage, ball wound « sgh lat arc nu pysel exorton seedy dee Sharsctrrelatonships He also Brough {ons it the depart! tog in ‘ont on The God erin of Sena, fn conund techn in vars rogram Preece Mata his pornerbe aban snow bay at me KATIE DOOLING was honor at «Gn [EE Chanpoa by VPGE ler her ean wrk ar TAPS Stet Services Of a {hee announcement VPGE ceed Kae ‘er ining TAS rac tes the byretng an eminent filed wih sp DIANE FRANK tour stony wih An Caron poet "Doi Hamlet jain by ‘no sao wrk which was prose a8 Franco onthe ivan seer Concept 22 "haye he meme erg Tove or The Young Charograpers Fam, and she was 4 Sing semester guest teh ngs ero nce dance more Sanfove Sate Unie nish th Orem Stlespeae Fess Sakae’ Py On poet Shes ene 6 Ameren lyr are wring ra {yee tanto f Sakae ply (Gr dern aalincn The cape sey of ‘he 36 tansitons wl be peste nase Siri aC Ca Se Cy earn the ou a worng on OSE x {St Any ao wre al pation of The Ting of he SivenSve) premiered at South Cost Rep his past pring. and anes in send prdcton le thi une She snow working oo ma eomisen for 203, Reet fxr on Any speared SHREW apd her 0 yrs a aise labo ‘ston wth South Cast Repertory These, ‘ts for the Chocolate Head yer long horegiapiepitoem 0 thei of Ca Vomit The prbrmner Indes Fal) Imainary California, part of FOUR by TAPS ‘ey (Wit) Figure Caja Land scape i eration of the Manel Nex tion swell as marking the psig of unk Andon, t he Andon Colton (Spring) Gon) Qu, commision by ‘he rnkentan 200 2018 otemaional "Heath Hurts Consort Conference In ay the woupe ao peso athe ‘nda inert dance sere Nemo ‘peser nd pancit athe Fserti200 pening Coogan “Wate Monster? ‘What Haman” During the et she hs nlp weiops fr the dco the Designing our ile Cursiclum ad tbeU ‘erty Innornon Felons, Dug Spring, Ie gna aa ey Dann ‘tonne Wi tea wt Sra Camp aye ero wth Kin alleys band 2 ‘concer comenoratingthe Sth Ani ‘Sry of Matin Lathe King a pec, ve Been tthe Muto at Cone, (etry peelaton by Bro Clay Ca ‘on Hayes continuo crete pag th {ne enue Stunord Dace Comunity Inu Se Choreography Werks which a tated young ste! chregrapters tel dace eters fom csc ae, onder to develo new methods fr dance omposton ands foe commaniy. [BRANISLAY IAKOVLJEVIC reel the AATHE 2017 Dsngsta Book ard for ‘Anan Ect Performan and Sa Ma agement aga: The same ok as Ali fr AATSEEL 207 Bet Bk in Rn san Shri Cat Pri Hi book eed ‘Suyen Seria Set agar 1 dog ‘Se (rcen Doky and Other aye) as bse in Bladen the io 207 ALEX KETLEY, in aon oh acing {Stanford a been commbstond in 2018 ‘pals Los Anges, Ne sk Seat Ta Fran Aguero, wel os being 0m Sat rs pip nil Sa ri PATRICIA RYAN MADSONs sk Ino ‘Wisdom: Dos reps Show Up (Cow ks Random Howe, 29) cae Inngings incting to Chie er I ‘alo be eda a sok and ‘ok Tis year pullsed nChinse and tn Bele rs Lay in Ta. beng JANET PINEDA rss thi york HS Dean Ava for Mert Nominate by TAPS fay dfn a honored or er tera the years cy earch set fr The the Sn Preto Con Serato of Mas, Opera Deparment The “rs coves the cnr chic ane Sn movement for sage The department (Chas one ara Conde asked Hic ‘echt meds that hmsl ok om chard twenty ys ago Tis yar Richard Isao teaching hore dance workshop in Par Toe Venice Serle norte Novos Sica pei ves Winter aR telat rsp wl bis hid ‘vet Wie teaching Siberia ‘pleted her no ear Mellon Postdoctoral Fetwship n Dance Stas invand the Hu mani tthe he 2018 cadence, During arte fn TAPS, she ag he ‘outs in dacs sts, dvsloped cure tum ward anew DANCE tour ano. fied ten Sanford Calan om Dane te evne In Sach 218 she pied {kre i the fra of Me East Women Studer She ako ontbte 4 fp he ature of Dance Sater Wisconsin Pros, 2019) lo Fal 218 rl star Unies of Clon Car Cae Rouble De Tak ommncrpton the pee of nce theleenn dopo RUSH REHM hd the goo oan on gute te Stand i New ork pla rows inthe Fall 07, ing re Ce feeb than decency alos a Ces ad teaching” Opera ate Me Hea cose ‘ed an sy “Amine and the Rights of Amigo (London loratary 307) athe ‘Winter heparin seer darn talsewches and tg the Acting Dect {al Doct and te Chases Mae Semin ‘Grek Tage and he Ar Ore ong ‘rene ed Chiesa ite ‘nd wna et apr in the A, {tveling olen acoso tes and erking om tape chore lng ah te ‘et tom the Unversity the Poon Inthe Spring be ght his sophomore se nar en Noun Choris, and ge tks on ripest Gardener, Pla ae Unnenity of Reyna in Cee. Saminer 2a he drt hi tlationo Ege Hecate or Ss wall ong then Sr ns of cacapanie tnd Von Tro he SE Symposia (The Ton War, Then and Now) an tescing 3 CSP course Fares Our Contemporary Sige Nino etry Newoxience und theo Modern Thea pul oy (Oxo ater Pest in Soverber 207 TAPS.STANFORD.EDU | @STANFORDTAPS. 375 SANTA TERESA ST STANFORD CA 94305,

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