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Chapter 1 - Intro

Intro  Gender hybrid – people who perceive

themselves as a combination of male
 Sex is one of the first categories learned and female
by children
 Gender Dysphoria – official diagnosis in
o Typically considered to only
DSM. 2 requirements:
have 2 categories
o Incompatibility between
o Categories are mutually
psychological gender and
biological sex
o We are immediately exposed to
o Distress due to this
members of both categories
incompatibility, including
Definitions impairment in daily functioning
 Sex typing (or gender typing) – the
 Sex – biological categories of female process by which sex-appropriate
and male preferences, behaviors, skills, and self-
o Genes, chromosomes, concept are acquired
hormones o Cross-sex-typed – someone
 Gender – social categories of female who acts as a different type
and male (male who acts feminine /
o Psychological features and roles female who acts masculine)
o Differs by culture o Androgynous – someone who
 Sex-related behavior – implies the incorporates both masculine
behavior corresponds to sex but is not and feminine qualities
the cause of it  Gender-role attitude – our own
 Gender role – social position personal view about how men and
accompanied by a set of norms and women should behave
expectations o Traditional – men are assertive
o Masculine vs. Feminine money makers / women are
 Intrarole conflict – expectations within nurturing family caretakers
a role conflict o Egalitarian – men and women
 Interrole conflict – expectations of one are equally responsible for
role conflict with expectations of working in and out of the home
another role o Transitional – between
 Gender nonconforming – people who traditional and egalitarian. Both
do not accept gender roles and norms men and women should
 Gender identity/gender-role identity – participate in and out of the
perception of the self as psychologically home, but women should give
male or female the home primary attention
 Transsexual – a trans person who has and men should give work
had surgical treatment to change their primary attention
sex o Sexism – prejudice toward
 Gender fluid – people who disagree people based on their sex
with the binary concept of gender  AFFECTIVE
o Sex stereotype (or gender-role o Muxe – biological males who
stereotype) – our beliefs about dress like females and take on
the features of the biological or women’s roles
psychological categories of o They do not identify as male or
male and female female
 COGNITIVE o Accepted by community as a
o Sex discrimination – differential proud identity
treatment of people based on
their biological sex Morocco (Africa)
 BEHAVIORAL  2 genders defined by physical space
o Private space (the home) –
Cultural Differences in the Construal female
of Gender o Public space – male
 Separate spheres of influence
 Gender culture – society’s
o The two sexes complement one
understanding of what is possible,
proper, and perverse in gender-linked
behavior The Agta Negrito (The Philippines)
Cultures with Multiple Genders  Challenges traditional hunter-gatherer
(masc.-fem) roles
 Native American cultures
o Berdache (Lakota Indians) – 3rd  Women hunt and barter alongside men
and 4th genders  Men and women are equally involved in
 Male Berdache – decision making and economic status
biological male that within the family
takes on characteristics Tahiti
of both women and
men in appearance and  Androgynous society (women and men
manner have the same social roles)
 Female Berdache – o Same status and opportunities
biological female that in domestic, occupational, and
takes on recreational spheres
characteristics… o Similar personalities
o Berdache are historically o No word for gender / no male
viewed as highly respected and or female pronouns
sacred (it has decreased
 Balkans Status and Culture
o People primarily take on the
other gender role to serve  Men typically have a higher status than
society’s needs women in most cultures
o Not allowed to get married  Reasons:
 Juchitan, Mexico o High illiteracy rates, lower
earnings, and more physical
abuse directed at women
o China and other countries kill o Concerned with women’s
female infants and prefer males subordinate position in society
(also sex-selective abortion) & sought to establish equal
 Dominant group in society has rights rights
and privileges o Formation of NOW (National
o White, heterosexual, upper Organization for Women)
class, attractiveness o Workplace equality,
reproductive health options →
Philosophical and Political Issues slightly focused on
Surrounding Gender intersectionality, marriage
The Sex Difference Debate  Present
 Minimalists – people who believe the o Global movement
two sexes are fundamentally the same o Intersectionality (race, class,
o If context was held constant, sexuality, etc.) and improving
there would be no difference the position of women in
between men and women society
 Maximalists – believe there are Men’s Movements
fundamental differences between men
and women  1970’s – 1980’s
o Difference does not mean o NOMAS (National Organization
deficit for Men Against Sexism)
o Standpoint feminists – advocate  Changing traditional
that women have competencies male roles to reduce
in domains that are more competitiveness,
important than those of men homophobia, and
emotional inhibition
Social Construction of Gender  Feminists, anti-racists,
 Constructionists – gender cannot be support equal rights for
divorced from context women, etc.
o Gender is created by the  1990’s
perceiver → facts do not exist, o Mythopoetic movement
only interpretations do  Modernization of
society has stripped
Women’s Movements men of bonding rituals
 ManKind Project
 1800’s – early 1900’s
 Men can get in
o Believed men and women were
touch with their
fundamentally different
emotions to
o Women aimed for greater
live a more
respect for domestic roles
fulfilling life
o Abolition, temperance, child
 Promise Keepers
labor laws
 Bible is used to
 1960’s – early 200s
justify the
natural state of
 Homophobic
 Antifeminist

Sexist Language
 Generic “he” in reference to all people
o People do not really perceive
“he” as representing “he or
 Sexist language → feelings of exclusion
o Usually only by women
 There is no language in which the
female version of things is the standard
or is shorter than the male version
 Reducing sexist language
o Use the singular “they”
o Table 1.3 (p. 28)

Approaches to Study Gender

 3 main ways:
o Sex is used as a subject variable
o Study the psychological
differences between women
and men / femininity and
o Sex is examined as a stimulus or
target variable

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