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Evidence of Family Engagement

This packet contains excerpts from a “Family Mailbox” project that I implemented during my student teaching
experience at Barclay Brook Elementary.

This “Family Mailbox” was a journal in which each child would write a weekly letter to a member of their
family at home. The mailbox would be sent home once the message was complete, and that family member
would respond to the letter. This project continued over the entire course of my time at the school. According to
responses on a survey that was sent home, the families benefited from the “Family Mailbox” because they felt as
though they were better informed about what their child was doing in school. The project benefited the students
because it not only gave them practice with their literacy skills, but also prompted them to recall information
learned in the recent past. Ultimately, this project strengthened the bond between home and school and benefited
all involved.

If I were given the opportunity to teach in your district, I would implement projects such as these, along with
many others, to involve families in the educational process of the students. I would build a strong community
both in and out of the classroom.

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