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Name: Ellen & Timothy

Topic: Falls Creek Research Task
Lesson No: 9 (Double)

Subject: Outdoor Adventures

School: St Mary of the Angels
Duration: 100 minutes

Year level: 9

Learning Purpose/Learning Intention/Rationale:

The purpose of this lesson is for students to explore a variety of areas in relation to Falls
Creek. Students will research the area and answer questions which will help them form a
multimedia presentation.

Victorian Curriculum- F-10 or VCE focus (if VCE applicable)


Geographical Concepts and Skills:

Data and information:

Analyse maps and other geographical data and information using digital and spatial
technologies as appropriate, to develop identifications, descriptions, explanations and
conclusions that use geographical terminology (VCGGC104)
Reading and viewing
Creating texts

Publishing texts using a range of software, including word processing programs, flexibly
and imaginatively (VCELY451)

Biological science
The theory of evolution by natural selection explains the diversity of living things and is
supported by a range of scientific evidence (VCSSU120)

Victorian Curriculum (F-10) VCE Study Designs

Success Criteria / Learning outcomes:

 Assess and retain general information about Falls Creek; Elevation, distance,
Indigenous tribes in the area, hat national park.
 Evaluate a map of the area locating Falls Creek.
 Develop an understanding of materials they will need for a two night trip.
 Develop a menu plan for two nights and three days.
 Evaluate hut locations on a map.
 Define and develop an understanding about minimal impact.
 Explore fauna and flora of the area.
 Investigate the technology used within the area

To assess students knowledge and understanding after completing this 6 week block they
will complete a research task on Falls Creek.


Time for Teacher activities: Learner activities:

Engagement: Engagement:
5-10 Task 1: Buzz
minutes Task 1: Buzz
30 The students will play this game to
minutes Students will sit in a circle. Begin by begin the lesson as students may
explaining the game. come into class restless, this will
The students start counting substituting help engage the students in the
10 buzz for the number seven and lesson.
minutes multiples of seven. If a player makes a
mistake he/she must drop out or the
whole group must start again. (can be
done with a clap of the hands instead of
the buzz)
Procedural steps:
Procedural steps:
Task 2: Research task:
Task 2: Research task:
Hand out the students research task and This task is for students to form a
explain that students will be working on solid understanding about Falls Creek
this task for the next 3 lessons. (200 and The Alpine Environment. This
minutes) will help the students and teacher
understand students knowledge after
Explain to the students the requirements completing the 6 weeks of work.
that they must make a multimedia
presentation (to cater for inclusion
students can ask to present this task
differently if needed)

Students must answer all questions in

relation to Falls Creek.
They must include picture, videos and Task 3: Summation
make it exciting.
This small conclusion is to gauge how
Conclusion: well students are using their time
Task 3: Summation within class.

Ask student where they are up to in

their multimedia Presentation and how
they are going with it.
Get students to tick of the learning
intentions that they have completed
from this lesson.
Teacher’s resources:
 Pens
 White board markers
 Laptop
Catering for inclusion: The use of a PowerPoint presentation helps to engage all students
with different learning abilities.
Students’ resources:
 Pens
 Laptop
 Work book

Extension activities: No extensions needed

Learning space set-up: The classroom will be set up in a traditional way. The students
will be facing the smart board.

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