A Midsummer Night - Prompt Model

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A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Script + Play Deadlines:

Draft Script – DUE – 6/4 Monday

FINAL SCRIPT DUE – 6/8 - Tuesday

Acting – 6/11 -6/15

You will be creating a script based on William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream with a group. Your final
product will be a play based on your script that you will act in front of the class on the final week of school (6/11-6/15).

Groups: Groups of 4

Length: 4-5 Pages, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, double spaced (1/2 page plot summary)

Prompt #1: Positions of Power

Your script and play will explore the theme of positions of power. Often times we are forced to do things we may not
want to do. This is the case with Hermia under Egeus’ rule. Egeus enforces his command by going to Theseus, Duke of
Athens. You must create a scene where a parental figure seeks an authority figure to put your characters “under their
thumb” and in a predicament (just as Thesus commands Hermia to marry, become a nun, or be executed). The
characters may resist, flee, or obey.

MUST HAVE: Theseus-like and Egeus-like character

Theseus Character - A person in a position of power (e.g. Duke, judge, cop, grandfather, deity, etc)

Egeus Character – Forcing daughter / son to do something (e.g. parent)

Prompt #2: Unrequited Love

Sadly, love is not always shared—such is the case with Helena to Demetrius at the start of MSND. Write a play where
there is unrequited love. The characters may resist, may fall in love eventually, or through a turn of events, discover
their true heart’s desires. The more chaotic the love (quadrant) the better!

MUST HAVE: Unrequited love character(s)

Prompt #3: Mistaken Identity

Who is who? Character’s emotions get twisted, identities get confused or even swapped, and a crazy confusing mess
happens as a character who oversees all (just as Oberan the fairy king does) orders a servant (e.g. Puck) to do his bidding
and swap identities of characters. The identity swapping must have a purpose.

MUST HAVE: Oberon-like character – someone who orders others to do his bidding and swap identities for a purpose.

By Matthew Wolf

Play Title: Cupid’s Lost Arrow

Theme: Unrequited Love

Scene: A young man named Marcus has a crush on Sally. Unfortunately, Sally knows nothing about him. Marcus decides
to profess his love for Sally in a creative, grand and dramatic way. He buy a billboard. Sally stumbles upon it on her way
to work. Sally is head over heels seeing billboard, thinking its actually HER crush, James because of the wording. She
decides to surprise James with a big “yes” of her own. Only to discover, James doesn’t like her. Marcus watches it all
happen, but doesn’t see James pushing her away. Sally is dejected but sees a note Marcus dropped that describes his
undying love for her. She reads it aloud, falls in love, and picks up the phone to call.


Marcus – Young boy in love with Sally.

Sally – Girl who Marcus loves and works with at a business law firm.

James – dashing man that Sally has a crush on, but James has a crush on Rebecca.

Rebecca – Marcus’ friend who has a secret crush on Marcus, but helps Marcus try to get his “love”.

Setting(s): Outside on the street, in the lawfirm building, outside on the busy streets


This is a business park outside of Marcus’ work. It has a small pool with ducks where Marcus goes with Sally most days
to eat lunch and chat. Marcus’ lunch sits forgotten in his hands. Sally eats a salad merrily. People are passing by
happily. Marcus looks dreary and love-sick.


(Sighs) What am I supposed to do?


I don’t know. Talk to her maybe? Like a normal human?


And be shut down my heart crushed into a thousand tiny pieces? (Laughs scornfully) No thank you.

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