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Thursday, 14 June 2018

PEULICH: Safety Ambassadors Program Open to Political

At this week’s Public Accounts and Estimates Committee (PAEC) Hearing, Labor Minister for
Multicultural Affairs, Robin Scott MP demonstrated a complete lack of understanding for true work
place safety with his botched $300,000 Multicultural Safety Ambassadors program.

Under questioning from Danny O’Brien MLC, a member of PAEC, Minister Scott failed to answer
basic questions about qualifications for the safety ambassadors, and even what the job entails.

Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Inga Peulich MLC criticised the Safety Ambassadors
program for not only being placed in the wrong portfolio, but for also being open to political

Comments attributable to Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Inga Peulich MLC:

“Work place safety in Victoria is a serious issue and doesn’t deserve to be used for political
manipulation of multicultural communities or for rewarding loyal political and union mates with
plum appointments.”
Contact: Inga Peulich MLC (03) 9772 1366

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