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Thursday, 14 June 2018

PEULICH: Labor’s MCA Budget Increase Won't Resolve

Management Problems
Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Inga Peulich MLC lambasted the Andrews Labor Governments
irresponsible fiscal management of the 2018/19 Multicultural Affairs budget.

In the 2017/18 state budget, our Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities received 12%
less than what was allocated, yet Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott MP received a funding boost
of 40% for his portfolio in the 2018/19 budget.

In responses to questions at Public Accounts and Estimates Committee hearings this week, Minister Scott
attributed the $6.1 million rollover to delays in grant funding.

This massive backlog of grant funding left organisations which applied for grants for multicultural festivals
and events in limbo or waiting too long to meet their obligations and successfully promote their events.

Labor’s constant changes to the grant system is short-changing CALD communities, backlogging grants and
leaving organisations facing potential financial turmoil.

Comments Attributable to Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Inga Peulich MLC:

“Labor’s constant changes to the multicultural grants system shows that the Andrews Government is either
unable to administer the Multicultural Affairs portfolio budget in a way that truly benefits Victoria's CALD
communities, or is fiddling the budget books.”

“Only a Liberal Nationals government is capable of implementing a transparent, effective and efficient grant
programs that really benefit our CALD communities.”

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