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2500 Pts - Orcs & Goblins

Name # Type Mv WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Sv WSv Mgc Cost

Big Boss (30 , 475 pts)
Black Orc Big Boss 1 In 4 6 3 4* 5 2 3 3* 8 3+ 4+ 140
Composition: Hero
Choppas; Quell Animosity; Heavy Armour; Immune to Psychology; Armed to da Teef
Enchanted Shield 1 Shield. 5+ Armour save. [5]
Talisman of Preservation 1 4+ Ward save [45]
×Savage Orc Boyz 28 In 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1/3 7 6+ 6+ 335
Composition: Core
Animosity; Beserk Rage; Choppas; Size Matters - Orcs; Standard Bearer ; Big Stabbas;
Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Shield; Warpaint; Extra Attack: +1 Attacks; Frenzy
×Savage Orc Boss 1 In 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 2/4 7 6+ 6+ [10]
Beserk Rage; Choppas; Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Shield; Warpaint; Extra Attack:
+1 Attacks; Frenzy
Giant (1 , 220 pts)
Giant 1 Mo 6 3 3 6 5 6 3 * 10 - 6+ 220
Composition: Rare
Longshanks: Ignore normal obstacles (e.g. walls), but test to fall over when you cross them;
Special Giant attacks; Fall Over; Warpaint; Causes Terror; Large Target; Stubborn; Thunder
Shooty Things (4 , 80 pts)
Goblin Doom Diver Catapult 1 WM 7 3 80
Composition: Rare
See Orc & Goblin rulebook p48 for Doom Diver rules
12-60", S5, Ignores Armour Saves
Goblin Crew 3 - 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 6 - [0]
Hand Weapon; Fear Elves
Big Boss (7 , 508 pts)
Black Orc Big Boss (Battle Standard 1 Ca 4/5 6 3 4* 5 2 3 3* 8 2+ 148
Bearer) Composition: Hero
Choppas; Quell Animosity; Heavy Armour; Shield; Battle Standard Bearer; Immune to
Psychology; Armed to da Teef
War Boar 1 WB 7 3 - 3 4 1 3 1 3 - [0]
Tusker Charge: +2 Strength when charging; Swiftstride
Banner of Swiftness 1 Unit has +1 to movement (remember, mounts do not show this bonus) [15]
Savage Orc Shaman 1 In 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 1/2 7 - 5+ 2 155
Composition: Hero
Warpaint; Beserk Rage; Choppas; Size Matters - Orcs; Level 2 Upgrade; Hand Weapon;
Lucky Shrunken Head 1 Increases Warpaint save of bearer and unit to 5+, Wurrzag's save increased to 4+ [50]
Savage Orc Boar Boyz Big'Uns 4 Ca 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 1/3 7 5+ 6+ 205
Composition: Special
Animosity; Wild Abandon When mounted, may use two hand weapons, but Dangerous
Terrain tests are taken with -1.; Beserk Rage; Choppas; Size Matters - Orcs; Musician ;
Standard Bearer ; Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Warpaint; Extra Attack: +1 Attacks;
Savage Boar Boy Boss 1 Ca 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 2/4 7 5+ 6+ [24]
Beserk Rage; Choppas; Size Matters - Orcs; Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Warpaint;
Extra Attack: +1 Attacks; Frenzy
War Boar 5 WB 7 3 - 3 4 1 3 1 3 - [0]
Tusker Charge: +2 Strength when charging; Swiftstride
Ranger's Standard 1 Unit has the Strider special rule [50]

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Name # Type Mv WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Sv WSv Mgc Cost
Great Shaman (24 , 400 pts)
Night Goblin Great Shaman 1 In 4 2 3 3 4 3 3 1 6 - 4 255
Composition: Lord
Magic Mushrooms Roll D6 when spell is cast. Add to casting result, but does not count
towards Irrisistible Force. If a 1 is rolled, roll a further D6. on a 1-3, the Shaman suffers a
wound with no saves allowed and, unless cast with Irrisistible Force, spell fails.; Level 4
Upgrade; Hand Weapon; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves)
Book of Ashur 1 +1 to cast and dispel [70]
Seed of Rebirth 1 6+ Regeneration [10]
Night Goblins 20 In 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 - 145
Composition: Core
Animosity; Musician ; Hand Weapon; Short Bow; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves)
Fanatics 3 Uq 2D6 - - 5 3 1 3 D6 10 - [75]
Immune to Psychology
Cannot be charged. Release the Fanatics: When unit concealing are within 8" of enemy release
fanatics 2D6" in any direction. Further Movement: 2D6 in random direction. Splat: When
moving through a unit, inflict D6 S5 armor piercing hits. Remove fanatic when: contacting
any terrain, roll double for movement (except on release), unit ends move over (unit takes D6
S5 AP hits)
Great Shaman (24 , 390 pts)
Night Goblin Great Shaman 1 In 4 2 3 3 4 3 3 1 6 - 6+ 4 245
Composition: Lord
Magic Mushrooms Roll D6 when spell is cast. Add to casting result, but does not count
towards Irrisistible Force. If a 1 is rolled, roll a further D6. on a 1-3, the Shaman suffers a
wound with no saves allowed and, unless cast with Irrisistible Force, spell fails.; Level 4
Upgrade; Hand Weapon; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves)
Staff of Sorcery 1 +1 to dispel rolls. [35]
Talisman of Protection 1 6+ Ward save. [15]
Potion of Toughness 1 One use, drink at the start of the turn drinker has +3 toughness until the end of [20]
the turn
Night Goblins 20 In 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 - 145
Composition: Core
Animosity; Musician ; Hand Weapon; Short Bow; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves)
Fanatics 3 Uq 2D6 - - 5 3 1 3 D6 10 - [75]
Immune to Psychology
Cannot be charged. Release the Fanatics: When unit concealing are within 8" of enemy release
fanatics 2D6" in any direction. Further Movement: 2D6 in random direction. Splat: When
moving through a unit, inflict D6 S5 armor piercing hits. Remove fanatic when: contacting
any terrain, roll double for movement (except on release), unit ends move over (unit takes D6
S5 AP hits)
Big Boss (20 , 426 pts)
×Savage Orc Big Boss 1 In 4 5 3 4 5 2 3 3/5 8 6+ 6+ 129
Composition: Hero
Wild Abandon When mounted, may use two hand weapons, but Dangerous Terrain tests are
taken with -1.; Beserk Rage; Choppas; General; Size Matters - Orcs; Hand Weapon; Extra
Hand Weapon; Shield; Warpaint; Extra Attack: +1 Attacks; Frenzy
Opal Amulet 1 4+ ward against first wound [15]
Crown of Command 1 Wearer is Stubborn [35]
Black Orcs 18 In 4 4 3 4* 4 1 2 1* 8 4+ 6+* 297
Composition: Special
Choppas; Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour; Shield; Immune to
Psychology; Armed to da Teef
Black Orc Boss 1 In 4 5 3 4* 4 1 2 2* 8 4+ 6+* [13]
Choppas; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour; Shield; Armed to da Teef
Standard of Discipline 1 Unit has +1 leadership but cannot use General's inspiring presence [15]
Total Cost: 2499

Option Footnotes
Armed to da Teef The Black Orc can count as having two choppas, a Great Weapon, or a single Choppa, chosen at the start of
each combat.

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Big Stabbas A unit with 2+ ranks of 5 models has the Impact Hits (D3) rule. Strength 5. Against Large Targets causes
Multiple Wounds (D3).
Extra Hand Weapon +1 Attack. Requires two hands.
Hand Weapon 6+ Ward Save in combat when on foot and fighting with a shield; no effect if mounted.
Heavy Armour 5+ Armour save.
Musician +1 to combat resolution in a tie. +1 Leadership when attempting to Rally (may not exceed 10). Allows Swift
Shield +1 Armour save bonus.
Short Bow 18" Range, Strength 3. Volley Fire
Standard Bearer +1 to Combat Resolution; Standard can be captured if unit Flees.
Warpaint 6+ Ward Save.
Beserk Rage Must declare charge if able to unless a Leadership test is passed. Cannot choose to restrain pursuit.
Choppas +1S in first round of each combat.
Fall Over A Giant must test when -
*It is beaten in close combat (test before Break test)
*It is fleeing at start of Movement phase
*It crosses obstacle
*It 'Jumps Up and Down'
Roll a D6. On a 1, the Giant falls over. A slain Giant automatically falls over.
Roll scatter dice and place template touching base.
Anything hit takes a Strength 6 hit with the Multiple Wounds (D3) rule. If in combat, this counts towards
combat resolution.
A Giant that falls over suffers 1 Wound. If in combat, this counts towards combat resolution.
Once on ground, the Giant may get up in it's following Movement phase, but may not move aswell. Whilst
on the ground, the Giant may not attack, but can defend. If forced to flee, the Giant is slain. If he may
pursue, he gets up instead.
Quell Animosity If the Black Orc's unit fails an Animosity test, the unit takes D6 S5 hits and counts as passing instead.
Size Matters - Orcs Do not take Panic tests caused by Snotlings, Squigs, or Goblins.
Swiftstride When charging / fleeing, units made entirely of models with Swiftstride roll 3D6 and discard the lowest
instead of 2D6 for distance.
Thunder Stomp D6 automatic hits at creature's strength, Always strikes last

Roster Design Information

Units of Goblins Fear Elves .

Animosity: Roll D6 for each eligible unit. On a 1, roll on chart:

1- Get 'Em: Inflict D6 S3 hits (2D6 if Horde) on nearest eligible unit, unit does same back.
2-5- Squabble: Charge if possible, or do nothing.
6- We'll Show 'Em: Move towards closest visible enemy, or straight forward. Must declare charge.

Validation Report
Edition: 8th Edition; Game Type: Normal Game; Army Subtype: Orc & Goblin Horde; Special Rules: Forbid Regiments of Renown
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules
One or more elements of the Roster (×) are subject to the following in-play usage considerations:

Roster Statistics
General's Ld: 8
# Models: 110
Total Characters: 1072
Total Core: 625
Total Magic Items: 380
Total Rare: 300
Total Special: 502
% Characters: 42.9
% Core: 25
% Magic Items: 15.2
% Rare: 12
% Special: 20.1

Created with Army Builder® - Copyright (c) 1997-2012 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at!
Group Min Max Used
Points of Lords 0 625 500
Points of Heroes 0 625 572
Points of Core 625 Unlimited 625
Points of Special 0 1250 502
Points of Rare 0 625 300

Created with Army Builder® - Copyright (c) 1997-2012 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at!

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