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United States Patent [191 [11] 4,239,397

Sandell et al. [45] Dec. 16, 1980

[54] METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING 1,595,362 8/1926 Schacfcr ............................. .. 427/426

SHOTCRETE STRUCTURES USING A 2,176,891 10/ 1939 Crom . . , . .. . . . . . . . . .. 264/309 X

MATERIAL HAVING HIGH IMPACT 2,495,540 1/1950 Nichols et a1. 427/426 X

2,504,805 4/ 1950 Clipson . . .. . . . . . . .. 427/427 X
RESISTANCE AND OPTIMUM 2,683,625 7/1954 Fisher ...... . . . .. 427/426 X
DEFORMATION PROPERTIES 3,093,505 6/1963 Conway .. ....... .. 427/427
[76] Inventors: Bertil Sandell, Hovzis, Hovas, 3,211,253


Gonzalez ........ . . . ..

Pearson et a1. .............. .. 264/309 X

427/426 X

Sweden, 430 80; Giite Liljegren, 3,730,763 5/1973 Schlottmann et a1. . 427/427 X
Myntv'aigen 22, V'zixjii, Sweden 3,912,838 10/1975 Kraus ct a1. ..................... .. 427/426
[21] Appl. No.: 944,312 3,930,061 12/ 1975 Scharfenberger . 427/426 X
4,022,439 5/ 1977 Groth .............................. .. 366/50 X
[22] Filed: Sep. 21, 1978
Related U.S. Application Data 1646890 8/1972 Fed. Rep. of Germany ......... .. 427/427
[63] Continuation of Ser. No. 790,389, Apr. 25, 1977, aban Primary Examiner—Shrive P. Beck
doned, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No.
600,079, Jul. 29, 1975, abandoned. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Holman & Stern
[30] Foreign Application Priority Data [57] ABSTRACT
Aug. 2, 1974 [SE] Sweden .............................. .. 7409963 The invention refers to ?bre reinforced shotcrete and it
more particularly resides in an improved method for
[51] Int. Cl.3 ................................... .., ....... .. B05D 1/12
manufacturing structures of such concrete by means of
[52] U.S. Cl. ...................................... .. 366/3; 239/427;
shotcrete. According to the new method a dry mixture
239/430; 366/11; 366/40; 427/426; 427/427 of a binding agent and ballast is supplied with chopped
[58] Field of Search .................... .. 234/ 10, 554, 419.3,
234/424, 422, 427, 428, 430, 431; 427/ 196, 426, ?brous reinforcing material through a feed opening
' 427; 366/5, 10, 11, 40 located in the spraying nozzle of the spraying apparatus
upstream from the position in which water is added to
[56] References Cited the mixture.
1,346,638 7/1920 Crook et a1. ................... .. 427/427 X 7 Claims, 3 Drawing Figures
US, Patent Dec. 16, 1980 Sheet 1 of2 4,239,397
US. Patent Dec. 16, 1980 Sheet 2 of 2 4,239,397

Mim ‘.
1 2
If an introduction of reinforcement ?bers were ef
METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING SHOTCRETEv fected immediately before the outlet of a shotcrete noz
STRUCTURES USING A MATERIAL HAVING zle, the ?bers tend to concentrate in the middle of the
HIGH IMPACT RESISTANCE AND OPTIMUM stream leaving the nozzle. Some mixing of the ?bers
DEFORMATION PROPERTIES with the shotcrete mixture would of course take place
in the areas between the inner ?ber stream and the outer
This is a continuation of applicatiion Ser. No. shotcrete mixture stream, but there would be no homo
790,389, ?led Apr. 25, 1977 now abandoned which in geneous mixing in the entire stream.
turn is a continuation-in-part of Application Ser. No.
600,079, ?led July 29, 1975 now abandoned. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The purpose of the invention is to provide a method
This invention relates vto a method for manufacture of by which the clustering of the ?bres is substantially
shotcrete structures utilizing shorcreting practices to eliminated and by which a more homogenous mixture
provide structures having high impact resistance and 5 can be obtained, and this has been achieved with a
optimum deformation properties (slight shrinkage and method comprising in combination the steps of:
creep tendencies, reduced crack formation and im A. pneumatically conveying a dry mixture of a water
proved crack dispersion) by means of shotcreting, in activatable, binding agent and ballast material to an
which a dry mixture ‘of a binding agent and a ballast application nozzle having an outlet;
material is carried in an air stream through a ?rst tubing B. introducing water into the application nozzle up
to a spraying nozzle in which water is added to said stream of the nozzle outlet and activating the binding
mixture. agent in the mixture, which is to be pneumatically pro
The term shotcreting means the introduction of a dry, jected at a high velocity onto a surface; the improve
pneumatically conveyed mixture of a binding agent and ment comprising:
a ballast material to nozzle, where water is added. The C. introducing into the application nozzle upstream
water-cement ratio is much lower than for ordinary of where the water is introduced into the application
concrete, about 0.3—O.4, which means that the mixture nozzle a ?brous reinforcing material; and
leaving the nozzle is relatively dry. This shotcrete mix D. spraying the activated mixture of water-activated
ture leaves the nozzle at a very high velocity. The ratio binding material, ballast material and ?brous reinforc
dry material-air is as low as about 0.01. ing material onto a portion of a shotcrete structure
Attempts have earlier been made to reinforce shot being produced.
crete materials with ?bres. The orientation and location Fiber reinforced shotcrete can with advantage be
of the ?bres in the concrete is an essential factor. A
used for example when reinforcing ceilings and walls of
number of different mixting methods have been devel—
oped, but none of these has proved to be acceptable in tunnels, drainage canals, tubes, or thin-walled shell
practice, due to dif?culties in distribution of said ?bres. structures. An improved energy absorbing ability is
The ?bres cluster into large units, which will be located obtained with such applications, i.e. the impact resis
in the bottom layer of the structure due to their heavi tance increases, and also the toughness. The ?brous
ness. The mixing of ?ber shotcrete is made dif?cult material, which has a high tensile strength and a high
thereby that the result is heavily dependent on the type coef?cient of elasticity, can with advantage be used
of ?brous material used the quantity of the ?brous mate when manufacturing tubes, or moulds intended to be a
rial and the length and thickness respectively of the permanent part of the structure. If there is no need to
individual ?bres. consider the tensile strength of the manufactured ele
Attempts carried out with admixture of ?bres in con 45 ments, ?bres of polypropylene can be used with advan
crete have shown that considerably improved proper tage, and this results in a highly improved impact resis
ties can be achieved for the concrete material, if the tance. Other types of ?brous materials can also be used,
alignment and the distribution of the ?bres can be con e.g. natural or synthetic textile ?bres.
trolled. Comparative tests have been made to establish
Earlier has been proposed (US. Pat. No. 3,289,371) a whether or not the method now claimed is superior to
method of applying a gypsum slurry, to which is added the method described in the above-mentioned U.S. pa
to reinforcing material, onto a surface. This slurry is tent speci?cation when utilized for shotcreting.
pumped through the nozzle at a low velocity, as com When applying shotcrete, the ratio between the mate
pared to shotcreting where the mixture is pneumatically rial which will adhere to the base and the material,
conveyed at a high speed. The air content is 0 (com 55 which will rebound therefrom is signi?cant, and the
pared to a shotcrete mixture, where the air content is content of reinforcing ?bres of essential importance.
about 0.99), and reinforcing glass ?bers are introduced The above-mentioned comparative tests have shown
to the slurry either after the outlet of the nozzle or
immediately before the outlet. The introduction of the that the method according to the present application
reinforcing ?bers downstream of the outlet of the noz gave 35% by weight of rebounding reinforcing mate
zle will not afford suf?cient mixing of ?bers with a rial, whereas the method according to the aforesaid
slurry, but the reinforcement is preferably concentrated US. patent speci?cation gave 75% by weight, of re
in the upper stratum of the gypsum. bounding reinforcing material.
The introduction of reinforcing ?bers immediately This result is considered clearly to indicate that the
before the outlet of the nozzle would not function at all, 65 method according to the present application will give a
since the slurry would probably plug up the outlet of much more homogenous mixture of shotcrete and rein
the nozzle, because the smaller cross section area avail forcing ?bres than the earlier known comparable meth
able of the axially introduced tube or nozzle. ods.
3 4
material there is substantially no risk that the mixture
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS will plug up the nozzle.
The attached drawings show schematically, how the In cases where already chopped reinforcing material
method can be accomplished in order to render shot is used, a vibration and orientation device of the kind
creting of ?ber reinforced concrete structures possible. schematically shown in FIG. 2 can be used instead of
FIG. 1 shows in a schematic side elevation partly in the cutter device shown in FIG. 1. The reinforcing
section an embodiment of a shotcreting nozzle together material, which in this case can be pieces of steel wire of
with a device for the introduction of the reinforcing suitable length, is brouht into a funnel-shaped container,
?bres, whereby the container or a part therof is vibrated so
FIG. 2 shows in cross-section a side elevation of a that the pieces of wire are brought against an oblique
modi?ed ?ber introducting device, and plate where they are oriented in a direction towards an
FIG. 3 is a partly sectioned side elevation of a modi opening de?nd by a connection member. The pieces of
?ed shotcreting nozzle for use in carrying out the inven wire are brought through a pliable tubing and into the
tion. shotcrete nozzle in the same manner as described in the
previous embodiment.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED FIG. 3 shows in a partially section side view a so
EMBODIMENTS mewhwat modi?ed shotcreting nozzle.
FIG. 1 shows a shotcreting nozzle 10 which, with the The nozzle 20 is connected to a coarse hose 21
exception of a connection or pipe socket 11, can be a through which ?bres of reinforcing material is supplied
nozzle of conventional type in this ?eld. A pliable tube to a mixing chamber by means of compressed air. A
or tubing 12 is provided for supplying a mixture of a conduit 22 for introduction of a premixed, dry com
binding agent, e. g. cement, lime, gypsum or the like, and pound of a binding agent and a ballast material is con
ballast such as sand by means of an air stream to the veyed pneumatically to the mixing chamber where it is
nozzle, and water is added to the mixture of eg cement introduced tangentially into the ?ow of reinforcing
and sand via a pipe 13 connected to an annular passage material.
14 in the nozzle 10. The conduit 22 is as shown preferably ?tted to a
The reinforcing material 15, which for instance is socket, which is adjustably mounted in the wall of the
wound on a cylinder or is lying free, is brought through mixing chamber of the nozzle, and it is thereby possible
a cutter device 16 where it is cut into suitable lengths. to adjust the position of mixing between binder/ballast
The chopped ?bres can have a length of up to about 50 and reinforcing material axially in the mixing chamber.
mm. FIG. 1 shows a type of cutter, where band- or The nozzle 20 is further provided with an annular
thread-shaped reinforcing material is unwound from a nozzle 24 through which water which is supplied via a
storage cylinder via a pair of feed rollers and it is from duct 23 is introduced radially into the shotcreting noz
there fed to a rotor, provided with cutting teeth along zle 20 downstream of the point where conduit 22 opens
its circumference. By varying the speed of the rotor, the in the mixing chamber and as short distance before the
number and the positions of the cutting teeth, or the opening of the shotcreting nozzle 20.
speed of the pair of feed rollers it is possible to cut off Since the chopped reinforcing material by utilizing
different, desired lengths of the reinforcing material. the shotcreting method according to the invention will
The cutting teeth will also act as fan blades effecting the 40 be oriented in parallel with the surface being sprayed,
chopped reinforcing material to be blown to a feed the method according to the invention is particularly
opening provided in a tubing 17. The pliable tube or suitable for production of thin concrete structures,
tubing 17 is connected between the pipe socket 11 of the which because of said orientatiion will obtain high im
nozzle 10 and a connection member 18. The end of a pact resistance.
tube 19 intended for connection to a source of com 45 We claim:
pressed air, extends into the connection member 18 and 1. In a method of manufacturing shotcrete structures
possibly also into the pliable tube 17, and it is introduced using a material having high impact resistance and opti
so far that the compressed air when introduced through mum deformation properties, comprising in combina
the tube 19, will suck the chopped reinforcing material tion the steps of:
into the pliable tube 17 by ejector action and the ?bres 50 A. pneumatically conveying a dry mixture of a water
are introduced into the concrete in the nozzle 10 by activatable, binding agent and ballast material to an
means of the air stream. The quantity of the ?brous application nozzle having an outlet,
material in the shotcrete can be varied and the content B. mixing said dry mixture with a ?brous reinforcing
of ?brous material can be as high as up to a few percent material,
of volume. 55 C. introducing water into the application nozzle up
Attempts have shown that such a distribution of the stream of the nozzle outlet and activating the bind
?bres is obtained when using a shotcreting nozzle of the ing agent in the mixture which is to be pneumati
type described that the individual ?bres will be located cally projected at a high velocity on to a surface,
in planes substantially parallel to the surface or the and .

frame on which the shotcrete is applied, and with that a D. spraying the activated mixture of water activated
high impact resistance is obtained. binding material, ballast material and ?brous rein
The pipe socket 11 for introducing the reinforcing forcing material onto a portion of a shotcrete struc
?bres is arranged so that the reinforcing material is ture being produced, the improvement comprising:
mixed into the binder- and ballast mixture before water E. introducing said dry mixture and said ?brous rein
is added. This can be accomplished since the mixture forcing material into the application nozzle in sepa
conveyed in th pliable tube 12 is carried by an air stream rate independent streams and effecting the mixing
and is not forming a compact pillar in the tube 12. As of said dry mixture with said ?brous reinforcing
the reinforcing ?bres are introduced in a dry flow of material within the application nozzle upstream of
5 6
where the water is introduced into the application 5. The method for manufacturing concrete structures
nozzle. as claimed in claim 1 including directing the reinforcing
material to said application nozzle under pressure to
2. The method for manufacturing concrete structures
ensure mixing of the reinforcing material in the acti
as claimed in claim 1 including providing the reinforc vated mixture.
ing material as a continuous length, and chopping the 6. A method for manufacturing concrete structures as
reinforcing material while directing the material to the claimed in claim 1 including applying the mixture of
application nozzle. binding agent, ballast material and reinforcing material
3. The method for manufacturing concrete structures so that the reinforcing material will be disposed in a
as claimed in claim 2 including providing the reinforc primary direction generally parallel to the surface upon
which the activated mixture is being deposited.
ing material as a plastic ?ber. 7. The method for manufacturing concrete structures
4. The method for manufacturing concrete structures as claimed in claim 1 comprising using cement as a
as claimed in claim 2 wherein the reinforcing material is binding agent and sand as the ballast material.
* * * * 1k
a metallic material. 15









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