Unit 7

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[7.1] How to study UNIT 7?

[7.2] Present perfect + yet / already / still / just

[7.3] Why…? To + infinitive / For + noun

[7.4] Should / shouldn‟t

[7.5] Phrasal verbs

Lengua inglesa II

Pay attention to...

7.1. How to study UNIT 7?

To study this unit you should follow these steps:

1. Look up the Guía del alumno (pages 44 to 49). In this guide you´ll find an outline
which will allow you to organize your study material.

2. Study the Manual del alumno (pages 110 to 125).

3. Listen to Self study CD 3 tracks from 1 to 17 and in CD Listen and speak tracks
26 to 29.

4. Finally, practice with the correspondent exercises.

7.2. Present perfect + yet / already / still / just

 Present perfect can be accompanied by some of the modifiers we are going to

study next.

 Use still to express continuation, that is, that the action is not finished yet. Still can
be translated “aun” or “todavía”.

 Use already or yet (depending upon whether the sentences is affirmative, negative
or interrogative) to express that the action is finished. Both can be translated as “ya”.

 When we use just followed by the Present Perfect we know that the action has just

UNIT 7 – Pay attention to...

Lengua inglesa II

Still Already Yet Just

Used Affirmatives,
with… interrogatives and Affirmatives Affirmatives
y negatives

Aun, todavía Ya Ya Justo ahora

Word Before the main Before the main At the end of Before the
order... verb verb the sentence main verb

I still cannot go to I have already Do you know I have just

Examples... school because been how does it done my
I’m sick. in that place. work yet? homework.


Have you already finished your task? No, not yet, I have just started it.
(¿Has terminado ya tu tarea? No, todavía no, acabo de empezarla.)

Do you know how to do it yet? Yes, I do; your sister has already taught me.
(¿Sabes ya cómo se hace? Sí, tu hermana ya me dio las instrucciones.)

7.3. Why…? To + infinitive / For + noun

 If we want to answer a question with the structure Why…?, we can do it in three

different ways:

UNIT 7 – Pay attention to...

Lengua inglesa II

Question Answer Meaning

Because there was a
Why did it take so long? Porque…
(¿Por qué tardó tanto?)
(Porque hubo un error)

Why…? To + infinitive
Why did you go there? To buy new clothes. Para…
(¿Por qué fuiste allí?) (Para comprar ropa nueva.)

For + noun
Why did you move to another
For a change.
city? Para…
(Para cambiar un poco.)
(¿Por qué te mudaste a otra

7.4. Should / shouldn‟t

 Use the verb should and it negative form shouldn’t to express something that
should or shouldn‟t be done.

Should Shouldn’t

Debería… No debería...

Followed by the infinitive without to

The singular is the same as the plural

Equivalent to
Ought to ------

Should I take the train? Yes, you should,

You shouldn’t go like that to the
it’s very late.
Examples office.
(¿Debería coger el tren? Sí, es muy
(No deberías ir así a la oficina.)

UNIT 7 – Pay attention to...

Lengua inglesa II

7.5. Phrasal verbs

 The Phrasal Verbs consist of a verb followed by a particle (preposition or adverbs)

that modifies or changes the meaning of the main verb.

Look means “mirar”, but
Look after means “cuidar”

 The order may vary depending on the position of the IO (indirect object) and the DO
(direct object). Pay attention to the following chart:

Sentence order Examples

Verb + DO+ particle Give the sweet back to the boy.
Verb + pronoun + particle Give it back to the boy.
Phrasal Verb (verb + particle) + DO Give back the sweet to the boy.
Verb + ID (pronoun)+ OD (pronoun) + particle Give me it back

 As you can see in the previews chart, if the DO (direct object) is explicit, we can
position it either between the verb and its particle or after the verb and its particle.
Nevertheless, if the DO has been replaced by a pronoun it should always be
between the verb and the particle.

 In some phrasal verbs, you have to keep the verb and the particle together:

For example:
I‟m looking for my brother.
I‟m looking my brother for.

UNIT 7 – Pay attention to...

Lengua inglesa II

 There a lot of phrasal verbs. Some of them are the following:

To be about to Estar a punto de To be over Terminarse algo

To come To be down Estar enfermo de algo

Encontrarse con algo
across with

To fall over Caerse To get rid of Deshacerse de algo o alguien

To give up Dejar algo, abandonar To go around Visitar a alguien en su casa

To look Esperar algo con mucho

To keep on Continuar
forward deseo

Ponerse (ropa),
To put on To set apart Separar

To stand up Ponerse de pie To take care of Cuidar

Aparecer, subir el
To throw up Vomitar To turn up

Find out more about Phrasal Verbs in “+ Information”.

UNIT 7 – Pay attention to...

Lengua inglesa II

Specially recommended

Master class


This class is a review of the grammar studied in this Unit, paying special attention to
phrasal verbs, their rules and the most common ones.

Don‟t miss it; it‟ll be very useful to get a general idea of these particular aspects of them.

This class is available in the virtual classroom

Don‟t miss…

What is an Educational Virtual Museum?

“Virtual Museums were first introduced at the International Society for Technology in
Education (ISTE) National Educational Computer Conference (NECC) in 2005. The
slideshows were developed and presented by educators from Keith Valley Middle
School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. It is with appreciation to Valerie Fasy, Diane
Heitzenrater, Stacy Rotchford, and Greg Telthorster that the virtual museum idea,
samples, and instructions are available to other educators. They began using virtual
museums as a replacement for the original art history report done in 6th grade Art 1
courses, and later realized the potential for the museums across the curriculum.
Students at Keith Valley Middle School are successfully developing virtual museums
from scratch, and are using these museums to further their knowledge of curricular
objectives in academic subjects in addition to art.”

This is the beginning of an article you can read in the web page “Educational Virtual
Museums, Developed Using PowerPoint”, developed and maintained by Dr. Christy

UNIT 7 – Specially recommended
Lengua inglesa II

What is the purpose of a virtual museum:

They enable teachers to infuse 21st Century Skills into traditional learning.
They promote cross-curricular integration by having students link ideas.
The museums provide new, meaningful, and contemporary opportunities to
integrate technology.
They help students gain presentation skills.
They motivate student learning through high-interest activities.
Research for the museum and the construction of the museum requires students
engage in higher-level thinking.
They allow for differentiated instruction/learning.

They offer students opportunities to think flexibly and creatively.

Virtual museums offer a form of interactive and engaging learning.
They engage students in content learning.
They offer a form of visual and kinaesthetic learning.
They are a means of sharing what students learn at school with their parents at
Virtual museums require students use research-based skills and primary sources.
They encourage students to write.
They appeal to students who are visual learners.
They teach design and aesthetic concepts taught in art classes, and, if including
music, aural concepts and connections between art and music.

How could you use virtual museums to teach integrated subjects:

Students could create rooms about topics other than history (e.g., math, science,
literature, civics, geography).
Students could create rooms on a single theme with each room representing a
different content area (e.g., If studying Galileo, one room may focus on geometry,
one about daily living during his time, one with a written biography, and one on the
science of his time).
Students could present the rooms in the form of an auction with bidding starting at
a set amount for each picture.
Have students use the same pictures in each room, but use different writing styles
for the placards (e.g., biography, persuasive, descriptive).
Use the museums to teach research, note taking, and writing skills.

UNIT 7 – Specially recommended

Lengua inglesa II

Have students create museums as portfolio assessments of all content areas from a
single semester.
The teacher may use the museum development process to teach students to follow
and give directions.

Using PowerPoint Virtual Museums

Thanks to this video you will learn the process of using a virtual museum template to
create a virtual museum. The focus of the video is using tools to insert pictures and
create non-linear hyperlinks within PowerPoint.


UNIT 7 – Specially recommended

Lengua inglesa II

+ Information

More about...

Phrasal verbs

There are lots of phrasal verbs in English, some of them quite common.

Find out more about them and their meaning and use in the document below.

The document is in the virtual classroom:

Unit7_Phrasal Verbs

Technology and Academic Achievement

Tecnology and Academic Achievement

“Over the last fifteen years American schools have dramatically increased spending on
classroom technology to more than $5 billion annually, because there has been a widely
held belief by governmental, business and educational leaders that "wiring schools,
buying hardware and software, and distributing the equipment throughout will lead to
abundant classroom use by teachers and students and improved teaching and learning"
(Cuban, Kirkpatrick, & Craig, Winter 2001). In recent years a growing number of critics
of technology in the classroom have raised questions about what kind of return schools
have gotten for this investment. Larry Cuban has been quick to note that his surveys
suggest that fewer than 20% of teachers use technology several times a week, and up to
half of all teachers didn't use technology at all. (Cuban, et al., Winter 2001; Cuban,
August 1999) Even if teachers used the technology, Cuban concluded, few employed
these tools in ways that would improve teaching and learning. "[M]ore often than not,"
he noted, "their use sustained rather than altered existing patterns of teaching practice"
(Cuban, et al., Winter 2001). [...]”

Read the whole article in the following page:


UNIT 7 – + Information
Lengua inglesa II


Robbie McClintock

“Born in Manhattan in 1939, I was advantaged

by parents who had done well in hard times,
depression yuppies. I enjoyed a childhood,
perhaps patterned a bit on Rousseau's Emile,
living and learning on a farm in eastern
Pennsylvania. When I turned eight, my
parents, having long endured an arduous
commute to their workplaces in New York,
decided that my serious schooling must begin. Their commuting stopped and back we
moved to Manhattan, where I attended Buckley, a fine private school for boys.

At the ninth grade, boarding school followed, Deerfield Academy, where I managed to
do well in both sports and academics, graduating in 1957 with some life wisdom
impressed upon me by the great headmaster, Frank Boyden. My undergraduate studies
at Princeton started poorly, owing to overconfidence and a sudden taste for freedom,
although on graduation the initial disaster turned out well, for it was the key to
mywinning the class prize for most improvement [...]”

Read the whole article in the following page:


Lengua inglesa II

Recording yourself

About Educational Technology

After reading the previous sections, answer the following questions, and of course,
record yourself:

What do you think about the use of technology in class? Dou you think technology
can increase academic achievement?

Do you think the investment that some schools are already doing is reasonable?

¿Cómo grabarte?
Es muy sencillo, solo necesitas unos cascos con micrófono incorporado. En el menú
Inicio de Windows, deberás desplegar la pestaña Todos los programas, pinchar en
Accesorios, Entretenimiento y Grabadora de sonidos. Aparecerá en tu pantalla un
menú muy sencillo para que puedas grabar y escuchar tu voz. Una vez que lo tengas
grabado (puedes hacer las pruebas que sean necesarias) pincha en Archivo y guárdalo
con extensión *.wav. Por ejemplo: juan.perez_unit1.wav

UNIT 7 – Recording yourself

Lengua inglesa II


Trabajo: Bringing descriptions to life

When we describe something, the details are what bring it to life. These details can be
factual or descriptive.

Read this description as an example, and practice afterwards.

“Four brave individuals have set out to discover whether humans can live under the
same conditions as battery chickens. If they survive for a week, they will each receive
2300$ from the vegetarian author Rebecca Hall. The human chickens will have to live
on boiled brown rice and beans, which will be fed to them down pipe on to a metal tray
outside the cage. The cage has no toilet and is one metre square by two metres high.”

Think, plan and write!

Describe a public event that you have seen in real life or on TV.

Choose an event and note down ideas using these questions:

Paragraph 1: What kind of event was it? Where and when did it take place?
Paragraph 2: Who was involved? What did they do?
Paragraph 3: How did the event end?

Write a description of 100-120 words using your notes.

Finally, don‟t forget to check your grammar, spelling and punctuation.

UNIT 7 – Exercises
Lengua inglesa II

Puedes consultar las soluciones de estas actividades en el material de la asignatura

(Transcripciones y Solucionario).

Language practice 7A


1. Read the text and complete it with the verbs in the chart:

book confirm book leave pick up rent leave take

Holiday stress? Try Traveller’s Friends!

Let us help you to organize your holiday.

Tell us where you want to go and when, and we will _book_ your flight, ______ your tickets,
and deliver them to your door. If you wish, we can also ______ your hotel room and _______
a car for you. We will then ______ your airline reservation and hotel booking, and on the day
you travel we will take you to the airport. Our friendly chauffeur will make sure you don‟t
_________any important documents at home, and at the other end a local chauffeur will meet
you at the airport and _________.
Telephone (0281) 246 8064.
You can ________ a message on our answerphone 24 hours a day.
Call us now – we’re not as expensive as you think!

Yet / already

2. Karl is going to get married soon. His best friend, Leo, is making sure that
everything is ready. Check his list and write questions and answers.

Wedding – things to do

1. Talk to the priest 

2. Book the restaurant 

3. Send the invitations 

4. Buy the rings 

UNIT 7 – Exercises
Lengua inglesa II

5. Order the food 

6. Confirm the hotel 

1. _ L.: Have you talked to the priest yet? ______

_ K.: No, I haven’t talked to him yet.________

2. _ L.: Have you booked the restaurant yet? ___

_ K.: Yes, I’ve already booked it.__________

3. _ L.: _____________________________
_ K.: _____________________________

4. _ L.: _____________________________
_ K.: _____________________________

5. _ L.: _____________________________
_ K.: _____________________________

6. _ L.: _____________________________
_ K.: _____________________________


3. Have a look at the pictures on page 118 (Manual del alumno) and write a sentence
about each of them using just.

1. off / bus _________________________________________________

2. they / finish lunch __________________________________________

3. the shop / close ____________________________________________

4. the film / start _____________________________________________

5. they / meet _______________________________________________

6. the train / leave ____________________________________________

UNIT 7 – Exercises
Lengua inglesa II

Language practice 7B

To + infinitive

1. Have a look at the pictures on page 119 (Manual del alumno) and write a sentence for
each one using the expressions given:

Buy some milk Visit a friend Feed the ducks

Have a coffee Collect a package Get some money

1. __I went to hospital to visit a friend.____________

2. _____________________________________

3. _____________________________________

4. _____________________________________

5. _____________________________________

6. _____________________________________

For / to / because

2. A. Match the sentences on the two columns.

I checked my homework. 1 A Meet his girlfriend

She‟s going to bed early. 2 B A holiday

I sent her a card. 3 C There was a lot of traffic

She went to the airport. 4 D Find the mistakes

We arrived late. 5 E His wife

I‟m going to study tonight. 6 F Her birthday

He‟s bought some flowers. 7 G She‟s really tired

They went to the Caribbean. 8 H I‟ve got an exam tomorrow

UNIT 7 – Exercises
Lengua inglesa II

B. Write a sentence with because / for or to.

__I checked my homework to find the mistakes._____









3. Read carefully the poem and number the pictures according to the order they are
mention in.

To make a table
you need wood
to make wood
you need a tree
to make a tree
you need a seed
to make a seed
you need a fruit
to make a fruit
you need a flower
to make a table
you need a flower

UNIT 7 – Exercises
Lengua inglesa II

Language practice 7C


1. Complete the following sentences with the given adjectives.

annoyed / annoying frightened / frightening surprise / surprising

bored / boring interested / interesting tired / tiring

When I saw the thief in the living room I was really _frightened_
The end of the film was very _________. I didn‟t think it was going to end like
You should wear comfortable shoes when you go sightseeing because it can be quite
I‟m really ____________about the new radio. I‟ve only just bought it and it‟s
already broken.
She hates going to football matches because she isn‟t __________ in sports.
I thought it was a very __________ book – in fact, I didn‟t even finish it.


2. Read the letter directed to Maggie and number the paragraphs in the correct order.

Dear Maggie:
My mother‟s got a serious problem – she‟s obsessed with cleaning. She spends all day cleaning
… as soon as we finish eating she immediately takes the plates and glasses to wash them
up. We can never…
… the house, in case they are „dirty‟, so we can‟t have friends to visit. She even washes
the cat…
… once a week, and it‟s beginning to lose its hair. What should I do?

… the house, sometimes cleaning a room three times. When we go away, she spends all
night cleaning…
… relax. She doesn‟t like people coming to…

Before we leave in the morning. When we have a meal,

UNIT 7 – Exercises
Lengua inglesa II

Should / shouldn’t

3. Write advices as answers to the following sentences using the expressions in the
chart. Use should and shouldn’t.

Get a new one Do more exercise Drive it on a long journey

Eat sweets Go to bed late Have a good breakfast

My car‟s very old.

__You should get a new one.___________________

I always feel tired in the morning.


I need to lose weight.


UNIT 7 – Exercises
Lengua inglesa II

Language practice 7D


1. Have a look at the pictures in page 121 (Manual del alumno) and complete with the
given prepositions. Some of them can be used more than once.

on off for up

He‟s going to turn _off_ the TV.

She‟s picking _____ her glasses.
They‟re putting ______ their coats.
She‟s going to turn ____ the light.
She‟s looking _____ a job.
She‟s trying ____ a new skirt.
The man took _____ his hat.


2. Have a look at the pictures on page 121 (Manual del Alumno) and then read the
following question, you will know the order they should be in.

Stop that Kangaroo!

An Australian farmer found a kangaroo caught in the fence around his farm. He thought the
poor animal was injured, so the kind farmer took off his jacket and put it on the kangaroo. Then
he started trying to cut the fence to free the animal, which took him a long time. But as soon as
the kangaroo was free, it jumped up and ran away, still wearing the farmer‟s jacket. The farmer
was very surprised, but he didn‟t mind too much because it was an old jacket. Later, when he got
home, he was looking for his wallet, but he couldn‟t find it anywhere in the house. Suddenly he
remembered that it was in his jacket pocket, and what was worse, there was $300 in it!

UNIT 7 – Exercises
Lengua inglesa II

3. Match the sentences of both columns.

We don‟t understand this word! 1 A Take your jacket off!

We‟re freezing! 2 B Take it back to the shop!

These packets are empty. 3 C Look after him!

I can‟t hear what you‟re saying. 4 D Look it up in a dictionary!

I‟m really hot. 5 E Turn the radio down!

My boyfriend‟s ill. 6 F Throw them away!

My new CD player doesn‟t work. 7 G Put some more clothes on!

4. Write the following sentences with them or it:

Try these shoes on.

__Try them on__

Turn the music up!


Take those trousers back to the shop!


Please, turn the TV off.


Fill this form in, please.


Don‟t forget to pick the tickets up.


UNIT 7 – Exercises
Lengua inglesa II

Grammar check UNIT 7

1. Present Prefect+ yet / already

Write sentences with already or yet:

She / post the letters

_She’s already posted the letters_____________

Jim / arrive

I / do my homework

The film / not start


My parents / go to work

You / have lunch


Michelle / leave

2. Present Perfect+ just

Complete with just + Present Perfect.

Would you like some coffee? No thanks, _I’ve just had_ some. (had)

Congratulations! We _____________ the good news. (hear)

Have you done your homework yet? Yes, I ____________ it. (finish)

UNIT 7 – Exercises
Lengua inglesa II

I‟m going to the hospital to see my sister. She ____________ an operation. (have)

I ___________ Robert. He doesn‟t look very well. (see)

You‟re too late for the last bus. It ____________. (go)

3. Why…? To + infinitive / for + noun

Complete the sentences with to or for:

We went to their house _for_ a drink.

We‟re going to Australia ____ see my brother.
I‟m learning English ____ my work.
I went to the travel agent‟s _____ book my ticket.
She bought a new dress _____ wear at the wedding.
They‟re going to Tunisia _____ a holiday

4. Should / shouldn’t (advise, opinion)

Advise using should / shouldn’t to each of the persons who have made the following
comments. In order to give advices, use the expressions on the chart.

1 2 3
2 2
I hate my job I‟ve got an exam I‟ve lost my
tomorrow password

4 5
It‟s my girlfriend‟s 2 I want to be
birthday on Saturday healthy

Go to bed late Tell the police Look for another one

Send her some flowers Smoke

1. _You should look for another one.__________

UNIT 7 – Exercises
Lengua inglesa II

2. __________________________________

3. __________________________________

4. __________________________________

5. __________________________________

5. Phrasal Verbs

Complete with the sentences on the chart.

after away back out up down

Take that cassette _back_ to the shop – it‟s broken.

Look _______ these words in a dictionary.
I‟m going out. Look ______ your little brother.
He took _______ his wallet to pay for the meal.
Turn the radio _______. It‟s too loud.
Throw that rubbish _______.

Rewrite the previous sentences using the pronouns.

_Take it back to the shop.___________________






UNIT 7 – Exercises
Lengua inglesa II

1. We are going to the concert on Friday but we haven‟t bought the tickets………
A. just
B. yet
C. already

2. Ann: “Have you cleaned the kitchen yet?” Mark: “Yes, I´ve............ done it”.
A. yet
B. already
C. at

3. The government ............ hasn‟t said anything about the oil slick.
A. still
B. yet
C. already

4. Monica says she‟s ............ caught the train and she‟ll be here in half an hour.
A. just
B. yet
C. still

5. We can‟t have any more chips again. We´ve........ had them three times this week.
A. just
B. already
C. yet

6. Jim sends his love. I´ve……. seen him in the main street.
A. just
B. already
C. yet

7. I can‟t decide. I........... haven‟t made a decision.

A. still
B. just
C. already

UNIT 7 – Test
Lengua inglesa II

8. You ………. go to visit your grandma today.

A. would
B. have
C. should

9. You …………..wear that to the party, it is not appropriate.

A. shouldn‟t
B. don‟t have to
C. should

10. .......... I take the bus to the center?

A. should
B. have to
C. shouldn‟t

UNIT 7 – Test

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