Radiation Notes PDF

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Formula Description
c=λ ν Speed of light = wavelength x frequency
λ=wavelength , ν=frequency where c = 3 x 10^8 m/s or 299-792-458
E=h ν , Energy of photon, given by Planck in
h=6.626 e−34 J-s 1900
E=ϵσ A T 4 Stefan - Boltzmann law
ϵ=emissivity ( varies from 0 - 1)
σ=Stefan−Boltzmann constant (5.67e-8W /m2−K 4 ) Gives emissive power summed across all
A=Surface area the wavelength at given temperature
T = Absolute temperature , in Kelvin
C1 Spectral blackbody emissive power as
Eb λ = 5 given by Planck in 1901
λ [exp(c 2 /λ T )−1]
source - Cengel HMT
k = Boltzmann constant = 1.3806e -23
C1 =2 π h c 0=3.74177×108 W⋅μ m4 /m2
C 2=hc 0 /k =1.43878×10 4 μ m⋅K

Note−C1 = when mediumis other than
vaccumor air , where n=refractiveindex

Eb (T )=∫ Eb λ d λ=σ T 4 W /m2 Integration of spectral emissive power -
over entire wavelength gives total
emissive power ,
this way we obtain stefan-boltzmann law
by integrating planck's law over all
Limits are wavelength
(λ T )max power =2897.8μ m⋅K Wien's Displacement Law
Stefan Boltzamann
Planck law
Wien’s displacement law
Kirchoff law
Spectral emissive power

Shape factors

Radiation shield

1. Basic laws of radiation

2. Concept of solid angle
3. radiation intensity Ie

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