V2.1-Affiliation Process of Assessment Bodies

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TSSC Assessment Body Affiliation and Platform Evaluation Process (Ver. 2.


Affiliation Process of Assessment Bodies

Please note:

• Assessment bodies are affiliated for a period of 1 Year.

• The Assessment Body must get their affiliation renewed before expiry date to continue the
business with TSSC. The entire process takes approx. 3 months to complete, so the re-affiliation
process must be initiated well in advance of expiry date to avoid any discontinuity in business.

• The processing of the application will start within three working days of receipt of all fee
components including taxes.

Various steps of the Affiliation Process

The affiliation of Assessment Body is a multi-step process as under:

Step 1. Application Processing
1.1. Submission of completed Application Form with all supporting documents (Both, Online
and Physical copy)
1.2. Payment of Required Fees (Online mode only on TSSC website)
1.3. Evaluation of application form and processing by TSSC
Step 2. Technical and Process Evaluation of Platform
2.1. Platform Evaluation (if application is approved)
2.2. Assessor Certification and approval by TSSC
2.3. Question Bank approval
Step 3. Affiliation with TSSC
3.1. Affiliation and Signing of Agreement (if all other processes listed above are completed)

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TSSC Assessment Body Affiliation and Platform Evaluation Process (Ver. 2.1)

How to Apply?
Step 1: Apply online and make fees payment through TSSC Portal. Link of online application
is given in Appendix A. Please note down the transactions details for your reference while
making payment. The payment details also need to be provided along with the hard-copy
of your application-kit. There is a provision to make the payment of required fees online
through a secured payment gateway on this TSSC portal.
Step 2: Download the Hard copy of Application Form from the short URL given in Appendix
A. You can directly download the Document Template Kit which contains all necessary files,
including the application form and technical requirements specification for the platform.
Submit the application form with all relevant supporting documents to TSSC in properly
hard / spiral bound copy, along with the details of payment done for the following fees
Fee Structure: INR 10,000+ Taxes (Application Fee) Non-refundable
INR 10,000+ Taxes (Platform Evaluation Fee) Non-refundable
INR 40,000+ Taxes (Affiliation Fee) (Refundable if not affiliated for any
You can make payment through secured payment gateway linked to online application on
TSSC Portal.
Step 3: After submitting your online application, and making payment of all the required
fees components, prepare the application kit with all the supporting documents (in
properly hard / spiral bound copy). The list of supporting documents, and various sections
to be covered in hard-copy of application kit are described in next section.

You may send this application kit (in properly hard / spiral bound copy hard-copy) to below
mentioned address (mention the Subject on top of the package)

Subject: Assessment Body Affiliation Application Kit

Attn: Affiliation Team
Telecom Sector Skill Council
Plot No.-105, 2nd floor, Sector-44,
Gurugram, Haryana - 122003

Should you have further queries, please feel free to reach us at tssc@tsscindia.com.

Note: If you are not able to clear the Platform Evaluation round, the Affiliation Fee
component will be refunded to your bank account.

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TSSC Assessment Body Affiliation and Platform Evaluation Process (Ver. 2.1)

Supporting Documents and Sections required in Hard-Copy Application Kit

The hard-copy of the application is also required to be submitted in the single spiral binding and should cover
following sections, namely A, B, C and D, as described below:

Section A: Organization Details and Application Form

1. Application form (download the Application Form from the link given here and fill in the
application form (Page 12 onwards), with sign and seal on every page). You may find relevant
information about Assessment body from various sections of this document.

How to download the Application Form?

a. If the above link does not work, you may copy and paste below URL on a browser
[ URL Application Form Download : https://goo.gl/4byg60] (Please refer to Appendix A)

2. A brief note on organization's business achievements and USP to be considered as an

Assessment Body

Section B: Financial and Fees Payment Details:

3. Financial Details, with following supporting documents

a. PAN Card of the Organization – self attested
b. Income Tax Return for last 3 years
c. The fees-payment / transaction details, online application number (Order #), login
ID and date of submitting the online application and date of making payment of
fees and amount paid.
d. A Cancelled bank cheque with account number for facilitation of NEFT transactions.
e. The same bank account details must be printed in accompanying A4 sheet
mentioning following details:
I. Account Holder's Name
II. Account Number
III. Type of account
IV. Branch Name and Branch Address
V. IFSC number

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TSSC Assessment Body Affiliation and Platform Evaluation Process (Ver. 2.1)

Section C: Undertakings and other supporting Documents

1. The Undertaking in Rs. 20 Non-judicial stamp paper (for non-core-functionality changes without
approval from TSSC, duly signed and sealed by appropriate authority), [Please refer to Annexure C
on page 7 of the document named as “Platform Validation Format-v 2.0.docx” ] (available in
document template kit)

2. The Undertaking in Rs. 20 Non-judicial stamp paper for no criminal history, no pending enquiries etc.,
[ Please refer to the Annexure E on page 9 of the document named “Platform Validation Format-v
2.0.docx“ ]. (available in the Document Template Kit)

Section D: Technical Specification, Process Flows and Supporting Documentation

1. The technical specifications as asked in the document named as “Platform Validation Format-v
2.0.docx” (available in document template kit)
2. The process flow diagrams of various operations to conduct the assessment from very
beginning, supporting documentation, checklists, forms etc., if any that are part of operations and
practices in your organization for ensuring compliance with laid guidelines,
3. The Organizational Hierarchy and structure, covering Finance department, Quality Assurance
team, etc.) in the form of list of people with their designations, roles and contact details
(mobile/email) in your organization in hierarchical order of their designations,
4. The escalation matrix for assessment operations, with designations, emails and mobile numbers
5. summary and index of assessors for telecom job roles (specifying assessor names, mobile
numbers, job roles, approved by TSSC or Certified by TSSC, years of experience in industry,
highest educational qualification in a tabular format
This link to download the document template kit is available in Appendix A of this document or you may
also click here to download.

What happens next?

TSSC Platform and Process Evaluation and On-boarding process for Assessment Body

Following process is followed:

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TSSC Assessment Body Affiliation and Platform Evaluation Process (Ver. 2.1)

TSSC Affiliation Team processes the application submitted for affiliation of Assessment Body. If found OK,
the Technical Team initiates the Platform and Process evaluation process (commonly referred to as Platform
Evaluation hence-forth). A communication is sent by TSSC Technical Team to schedule an evaluation

Note: You may request to re-schedule/defer the evaluation session before starting the evaluation-process
(first session) up to 30 days, if you need the time to incorporate required functionality in your assessment
platform (to make it compatible with all the mandatory requirements listed in the latest version of
Requirement Document).

The Platform Evaluation and on-boarding processes is as follows.

1. It allows a maximum of 3 permissible attempts for re-evaluation within a timeframe of 15 Calendar
days from the date of first session to meet all the mandatory requirements and cover the suggested
gaps as observed during the platform evaluation.
2. If found necessary, and justified by the efforts required, TSSC Technical Team may allow a grace
period of additional 15 Calendar days to meet all the mandatory observations and submit the
platform to TSSC with all the executables/dependencies etc. test login IDs and password for
3. If the applicant fails to submit the platform with login credentials and URL to TSSC within the
defined timelines, the application is closed and platform is rejected because of non-compliance
with the TSSC requirements.
4. Such applicants may request an extension of time stating the reason for the delay to TSSC. TSSC at
its sole discretion, may approve an extension up to 15 Calendar days to continue with the platform
5. If applicants who could not submit the platform with all the mandatory requirements even after
exceeding the time limit of 30 +15 days, an additional grace period of 15 days may be granted by
the CEO at his sole discretion on a written request explaining the detailed reasons necessitating
additional time.
6. For any closed / rejected applications, there is a time window of 90 Calendar days from the date
of last evaluation session/decision to re-submit their application afresh after making payment of
all the fees components listed above. If there is a balance of previous affiliation fees, which was
not consumed because of failure to meet the requirements, it can be adjusted in the fresh
7. If approved, the Assessment Body is asked to proceed with signing the SLA and may submit the
profiles of assessors empaneled with them and Questions Banks for various job roles for Quality
check and approval by TSSC.
8. Once sufficient number of Question Banks are available, and assessors are approved and certified
by TSSC, the AB may be aligned to pilot batches for assessments

Platform must meet all the mandatory requirements listed in the requirement document.

Before First round of Platform Evaluation Session, please send the soft copy of the document named
"Platform Validation Format 2.0.docx” and completed, signed and sealed undertakings by email to it-

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TSSC Assessment Body Affiliation and Platform Evaluation Process (Ver. 2.1)

Appendix A
Links to download various Forms and Documents, and apply online

Name of the Document Short URL

Online application for Assessment Body Affiliation http://portalv2.tsscindia.in/TPRegistration?type=3

AB Affiliation Document Template Kit (Version 4) https://goo.gl/xA83pw

This is complete kit which contains:

1. Application Form and Protocol
2. Undertaking Templates
3. Result Format
4. List of Technical Requirements Ver. 4.0
5. Platform Validation Format V 2.0
6. Scheme-wise PASS criteria

If you download the kit, the application form needs

not to be downloaded separately. It is already
available in this kit.

Whom to Contact Contact Email

For General Queries tssc@tsscindia.com

For Affiliation Related Queries affiliations@tsscindia.com

For Technical and Platform Evaluation Related Queries It-technology@tsscindia.com

For Financial, Fees Payment Related Queries accounts@tsscindia.com

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