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No Item Target PIC Actual Indicator Max Score

1 Jumlah Pekerja 40 HSE 8%

2 Jumlah Jam Kerja HSE > 1 case overtime --- 0% 8%

No case of overtime ----- 8%

3 Fatality 0 HSE > = 1 case fatality ------ 0% 12 %

No case fatality ------- 10%

4 NOA 0 HSE > = 1 case NOA ------ 0% 8%

(Number of No case NOA ------- 8%

5 P3K 0 HSE > = 1 case P3K ------ 0% 8%

No case P3K ------- 8%

6 Near Miss 28 (2 HSE > = 28 case Near Miss ------ 0% 8%

from each No case Near Miss ------- 8%
of 14
7 Tool Box Meeting 1x a day HSE > = 1 held ToolBox meeting --- 10 %
No ToolBox meeting ------ 0%

8 HSE Meeting 1x a HSE > = 1 held HSE Meeting ------ 10% 10 %

month No HSE meeting ------ 0%

9 Management Visit 1x a year HSE > = 1 x Management visit ----- 8%

No Management visit ---- 0 %

10 Inspeksi APD 1x a day HSE > = 1 held Inspeksi APD ------ 8% 10 %

No ToolBox Inspeksi APD ------ 0%

11 Inspeksi HSE 1x a day HSE > = 1 held Inspeksi HSE ------ 8% 10 %

No Inspeksi HSE ------ 0%

TARGET 100 %

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