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Four alternatives are given for the following questions choose the correct answers
1 x 10 = 10

1.The physical state of water for 100 C

a] Solid b} Liquid c] Gas d] Plasma

2. One of the following is pure substance .

a] iron b} Milk c] Ice cream d] Air

3. Symbol of Sodium is

a] Na b} S c] Su d] K

4. The crops grown in winter season

a] kharif crof b} Rabi crop c] Cereals d] Vegetables

5. Cell organelle present only in plant cell

a] Mitochondria b} Vacuoles c] Endoplasmic reticulum d] plastids

6. Tissue which help in growth

a] zylem b} phloem c] Meristem d] Epidermis

7. Crocodile is an example for

a] pisces b} Amphibia c] Reptilia d] Aves

8. An object travels 16m in 4 seconds and 16m 2 seconds what is the average speed
of the object.

a] 4.33m/s b} 5.33m/s c] 6.33m/s d] 3.33m/s

9. The S.I. Unit of force is

a] kg m/s. b] Newton. C] Dyne. D] None of these

10. Sound whose frequency is more than 2000 Hz is called

a] ultrasonic sound b] infrasonic sound c] Sonar d] all of these

II. Fill in the blanks: 1x4=4

1. --------------- is the force of attraction between two objects in the Universe.

2 . The energy possessed by a body due to its motion is ----------------------------

3. Sound cannot travel in --------------------------------

4. Bee keeping is done to get ----------------------- and ------------------------

III. Answer the following: 1x7=7

1. Convert the following temperature to the Celsius scale [1] 293k [2] 470 k

2. Which separation techniques will you apply for the separation of the
following. A]. butter from curd b].Tea leaves from tea

3. What is a valency?

4. What is Osmosis ?

5. What is Inertia ?

6. State the universal law of gravitation .

7. What is wave length ?

IV. Answer in two or three sentences. 2x16=32

1. Draw a neat labeled diagram of plant cell.

2. Differentiate between infectious and non-infectious disease with example.

3. List out the causes of Air pollution .

4. Why are manure and fertilizers used in fields.

5. Explain Isotopes and Isobars

6. what is homogenous mixture and give example.

7. How many types of elements together make up the xylem tissue ? Name

8. Write the characters of Mammalia.

9. state Archeimedes principle

10. What is potential energy give example.

11. State Newton’s first Laws of motion.

12. what are the draw backs of rutherford’s experiment.

what is tyndall effect give example.

13. List the difference between metals and non metals.

14. Distinguish between longitudinal and transverse waves. Give one example each.
write a note on RBC(erythrocytes).

15. write the difference between monocotyledons and dicotyledons.

16. A body of mass 25 g has a momentum of 0.40 kgm/s. Find its kinetic energy.
Define work and write its units.

V. Answer the Following: 3x5=15

1. Explain the means of spreading the infection ?any 3

What is solution. Explain the components in solution.

2. Write schematic representation of carbon cycle.

3. Explain conservation of momentum with example.

4. What is buoyancy and buoyant force? Upon what

factors do they depend?
Explain the process of sublimation with neat labeled

5. Explain the structure of mitochondria with a labeled diagram

VI. Answer the following : 4x3=12

1.Draw a neat diagram to show water cycle.

2. a) What is retardation? How does it affect the speed?

b) What is the difference between speed & velocity?
c) Differentiate scalar & vector quantity?

3. Explain Bell jar experiment showing sound cannot

travel in the vacuum with diagram.
Write two characteristics of the following with
examples. A] Arthropoda [B] Mollusca [c] Annelida.

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