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Lessons from the "Burning Period" we can

learn in the current prophetic wave.

As a country, during the hyper inflationary period, we experienced a phenomenon previously unheard of.
There was the emergency of a new class of people in society.

We had a new class people. These rich, mostly young people were the new wealth creators. It was like all they
touched turned to Gold. While all was looking gloomy in the country, these were luminaries, doing extremely
well and were wealthy indeed.

This society was not real or right. It resembles to some extent the current prophetic wave in our country.
There is a lot we can learn.

As such, I will challenge us to remember this time and learn lessons from it.

The following are few lessons we can learn. There are deeper, more significant lessons; but those can be
brought forth by the more mature in the Lord.

1. An unfavorable exchange rate by the reserve bank was a very fundamental trigger to the
"Burning Phenomenon".
 When there is issues which are not made clear by fathers in the kingdom; there develops people
who start creating disparities in the doctrines in the church.
 Some churches are conservative on issues to do with the Holy Spirit and the supernatural. From
this conservative position, there was a direct disapproval of this position with regards to the
 When the amount of the supernatural and the Word is not in proper proportion it triggers a wave
of people trying to get a better deal in the supernatural or prophetic.
 There were reasons why the Reserve bank maintained a specific exchange rate. In the same
manner spiritual fathers may have allowed, or promoted a certain amount of supernatural or
 Unfortunately the reason and purpose was never achieved. This is because people were hungry
for the supernatural and these were smuggled unlawful into the church.
 Like the burning phenomenon, the authorities were not in support of this activity. In the same
manner spiritual fathers were not happy also.

2. Physical money became more valuable that money in the bank.

 This happened as physical cash was hard to find. As such those with physical cash even though it
was a small figure, were more valuable than money in the bank no matter how much.
 In the faith, a tangible miracle or prophetic word of special description became more valuable
than knowledge of the Word.
 In those days, people with lots of money in the bank were not honoured at all. They were
nothing. The forex rate was such that money in the bank was less valuable. In the same manner
believers who study the Word seek knowledge of divine things were despised. Even today,
believers with scriptural knowledge and doctrinal balance are called puffed up and not practical
and not relevant.
 The prophetic wave is making study of doctrine look like a waste of time. It is making those who
teach the Word look like nothing, because miracles and the meeting of needs are emphasized.
3. Money in the bank lost value faster than money in the hand.
 Because of the rate at which cash was moving, inflation was hitting banked money very hard. As
such money in the bank would lose value before being accessed.
4. Inflation was so fast money had to be spent today and not tomorrow. There was no
perception for the future.
 In those days people were on a spending spree. Also people spent money on luxuries. Few people
thought of the future. Those who thought they did think about the future were doing so while
going deep into the vice of burning money.
 Even in the church today, people are becoming current and spoilt. They concentrate of current
needs and situations. As such people want healing, breakthrough today. People want marriages,
deliverance today.
 As such in the faith today, people want results and results now. They want answers and answers
5. All transactions became instant transactions. Transfers were instant. Cheques banked had
24 hour value or even less.
 As pressure was placed on the bank all transactions became instant. Cheques banked converted
to money there and there.
 Transfers also were fast and transfers were done many times a day. Even the stock exchange had 2
trading sessions.
 Today all things in the church are becoming instant. Healings, marriages, babies, etc are becoming
6. Those who became wealthy were exploiting the variations from forex rates, physical Zim
notes and bank values.
 Even today, ministers who study and analyse the current positions of people on the prophets and
the supernatural; these exploit that knowledge and seemingly do well.
 Today people are being shifted from churches where they are taught and enticed to churches
where they are given instant results and meeting of their present needs.
 Some preachers are saying things and doing things
7. Money sowed or investment invested in produced instant results.
 We see a similar trend with the current wave; everything is now being made instant. Instant
miracle birth, miracle money.
 Those that wait upon GOD and wait for the natural and the divine processes to take their course
are said to be less or not anointed.
8. Physical cash was in short supply while bank balances grew phenomenally.
 The bulk of the cash which was available was converted to forex.
 People had bank balances which were ballooning. This means there is lots of information which is
floating around.
 People are being filled with data, with knowledge which is perverted. People are having a lot of
things to think about on the supernatural which are inflated and wrong.
 Almost everyone has an opinion on the supernatural. Everyone who has handled forex can
automatically have a huge bank balance. This means people who have tasted the foreign
anointing become puffed up and think they know a lot also.
9. There was the emergency of a forex dealer called “change money”
 Change moneys collected forex and exchanged it for cheques or cash.
 Change monies had access to cash and bank notes through complicated channels.
 These men were well connected and for you to be part of them you needed to be in their circle.
Also for you to access cash from the cash barons you were of a certain rank and relation.
 Today we have many prophetic churches sprouting all over and doing the same thing everywhere.
 Change monies were young guys who were willing to risk being arrested. Even today most of the
prophets are young people who willing to defy fathers and peddle in foreign and strange
 Today we have a new type of minister. He is flamboyant, like change monies. Because he has cash,
many people seek him and gather around him.
 Same in the church too, these young prophets have signs and people are running after them big
10. Those who became rich were not the most educated, high position etc, but those who had
connections with people who could release cash and forex to them.
 Forex dealers weren’t very educated people. Also they weren’t the cream of society. It was the
money hungry youths willing to run around with cash and take all the risks.
 Even today, old ministers refuse to skid into the muddy waters of strange anointing. Yet young
ministers not experienced to judge well; and also not well educated to discern well are the ones
jumping into the prophetic wave.
 As such, there comes in a serious despising of the spiritually educated. There comes in a
shamefying of the spiritually experienced.
11. A small amount of forex could be converted to a lot of Zim dollars, in cash and even higher
in the bank.
 almost everyone wanted to be associated with forex, suddenly any salary in Zim seemed not give
anyone a true value or measure of their wages or earnings
 people believed in forex , rated themselves from it
 seemingly the scales have changed with this current wave
 the definition of being anointed is no longer being limited to the systems and limits set by the
spiritual fathers in our nation
 we now carry a foreign spirit, a foreign definition, we now reference ourselves with West Africa
 We now borrow these foreign anointing and many seek them more than they seek the anointing
specific for Zimbabwe.
 We seek then to naturalize these anointing and make them co-exist with what we have and are
accustomed to.
 So much forex had to co-exist with the Zim dollar; we are seeing people trying to force strange
anointing to co-exist with a relevant anointing.
 One small miracle is doing wonders for some preachers than years of teaching, grounding, and
doctrinal teaching by apostolic fathers.
12. All crucial transactions of the country were still being performed in Zim dollars. These
became extremely cheap as they were overtaken by inflation.
 The Zim dollar still called the shots. This means even with your forex and your good money, you
still had to handle the Zim dollar for all things with the Govt.
 It was still the standard, though people would leap over it with forex, they still had no choice but
to engage it.
 Despite this wave, there is still a generation that believes in the relevance of the old anointing
taught by the fathers.
 It may look cheap today, it may look useless and boring, but it still works.
 people might embrace these foreign anointing, but there is a generation that still sees the need to
engage the old anointing and they still believe it works
 it might have hassles with it, like not bringing instant miracles, but they believe in it
 God still operated using His simple methods which He still runs things by. These new methods of
the devil do not perturb God.
13. In the beginning cars were almost imported for free at the border because of exchange
rates. Meaning riches were obtained on a technicality.
 The current wave has led to many feeling they are now very anointed because things are
happening instantly.
 Most of these churches have sponsors, donors and they don’t necessarily need to believe GOD for
 They have the means to run mega conferences, build mega churches technically because they
have the instant resources.
 Most colorful posters are from these churches. They exploit technicalities to smuggle in strange
doctrines and teachings.
14. Companies which tried to abide by the law closed down. Those which adjusted to the
burning phenomenon lived longer.
 It seems as if at this stage a church that doesn’t embrace the current wave is likely to lose people
 The churches will lose venues,
 Churches which try to be proper lose the command in the media.
 Today all the actions of prophetic churches make headlines while good actions of proper churches
go unmentioned
 Many churches today are trying to compete and also seek after the supernatural. As such, some
preachers who have done so have managed to gain numbers. These adjusting ministries are
seemingly doing well but are also getting into error.
15. Manufacturing fell down and the economy because a spending and purchasing economy.
There was much concentration on luxuries.
 The current wave has affected the "manufacturing" churches.
 These are Churches that prepare and train leaders; which invest in the people and teach them the
 There is little emphasis, on training and discipleship, but there is more emphasis on meeting
needs and challenges
 There is more emphasis on the anointing, the prophetic, but little to do with building character
and holiness. As such supernatural activity is more important than integrity, substance and
 There are luxuries of the spirit. It is sad that we fancy things of the spirit which are not
fundamental. The presentation of a prophecy, the way a miracle is done; all these fascinate
 Money, wealth, feeling good, living large but no emphasis on reading the solid word foundations,
on the GOSPEL.
 As a result people are attracted by these luxurious things they sing, no longer attracted by the
message of the GOSPEL
16. People began to price forex and value it higher than Zim dollars.
 It was common for people to make jokes of the Zim dollar.
 In the same way, the foreign anointing and miracles are being valued higher than the Word of
 The basic foundation of the Zimbabwean nation was being ridiculed. In the same was the
Word is being ridiculed also. You have preachers who call the preaching of the Word theory.
 You have preachers who say those who each are useless, they prefer people who
 As we speak, miracles, money, blessings are more valuable than a firm grounding in the Word.
17. Services and professions became useless as means of generating money but selling money
itself became a lifestyle.
 Teachers of the word are now useless.
 Books are now useless.
 Bible schools are now useless
 Evangelists who speak to people and may not perform miracles are considered useless
 Apostles are useless. Their fathering functions are useless
 Pastors are also useless. Visiting people, burying people, attending weddings is seen as useless as
those with answers and solutions are the so called prophets. This explains why the most
prominent title is now prophet.
 Without education or justifiable system, some are Major Prophets, Minor Prophets, forensic
prophets etc.
18. People dropped from school and stopped education because it was no longer necessary.
Those who made money were not using education and most were illiterate.
 The current wave has forced many people to drop the faith and abandon the patterns their
fathers taught them.
 some of them they feel as if they have been sitting at the same position or whatever they were
taught it’s not working and therefore if they embrace the current wave it will accelerate them
 Therefore they drop from the schools, the systems their fathers introduced them to and embrace
the new things where there is no proper education but results happen.

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