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1. World Gastronomy Award in Sweden

In an exciting ceremony
held in Stockholm, Gastón
Acurio received the World
Gastronomy Award from
the hands of Prince Carlos
Felipe of Sweden, awarded
by the prestigious White
Guide. "This award
represents a lot for
Peruvian cuisine, b ecause it is the opportunity to reach the Nordic countries with our
culture, our products, our different cuisines.

We are carrying a recognition that is for all Peruvians, "said the renowned chef. In the
event, Acurio was accompanied by his kitchen team, composed of Mitsuharu Tsumura,
Diego Muñoz, Victoriano López and Emilio Macías. It should be mentioned that Muñoz
is the head chef of his emblematic restaurant; Astrid & Gastón, while Tsumura
commands Maido. This coveted prize has been previously awarded to chefs such as
Ferran Adrià and Rene Redzepi, considered among the best in the world.

Acurio received the award for "having developed a rich local cuisine with a vision of
the future, known as Novoandina food", according to White Guide, through its website,
at the end of January.
Awards and distinctions:

• Astrid & Gastón Restaurant chosen best restaurant in Peru (2000)

• Elected "Entrepreneur of Latin America" (2006, América Economía magazine).
• Elected "Entrepreneur of the Year" (2006, IPAE).
• Award from the Dutch foundation, Prince Claus (2009).
• Chosen one of the 20 most influential chefs in the world (2011, Feria Madrid
• Astrid & Gastón Restaurant, position 35 (2012), 14 (2013), 18 (2014), 14 (2015), 30
(2016) and 33 (2017) in the list of the best restaurants in the world (World's 50 Best
Restaurants) .
• Astrid & Gastón Restaurant, position 1 (2013), 2 (2014), 7 (2015), 7 (2016 and
2017) in the list of the best restaurants in Latin America (Latin America's 50 Best
• Global Gastronomy Award 2013
• Antica Corte Pallavicina Award (2013).
• Lifetime Achievement of Latin America's 50 Best Restaurants (2014).
• Recognition of Le Cordon Bleu Paris and the Representation of Peru before Unesco
for their "contribution to the worldwide diffusion of Peruvian gastronomy".
• Dinners Club Lifetime Achievement Award 2018, from The World's 50 Best
• Eckart Innovation Prize, organized by the BMW Group, delivered to Gastón and
Astrid Gutsche.

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