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Fuzzy-Logic Tools

O n Tap for IC Wafers

Up-and-coming technique emerges as a clear choice
for quality control checks in wafer manufacturing

by Hua Li and Yuandong Ji

uzzy logic, introduced in 1965 with each element x of U a membership in ables as control signals and the signals for
[ I ] . was originally developed as a the interval [O,l]; and (2) the support o f t h e measuring the system performance; (2) de-
method for implementing deci- fuzzy set, which is a set of element .Y. The riving inference rules: (3) designing fuzzy
sion-making functions with $- value of the membership function PA(.\-) rep- membership functions for each variable; (4)
rlien rules. Now, it is becoming more widely resents the grade of x in A. A larger mem- performing fuzzy inference based on the
recognized as a practical tool for dealing b e r s h i p v a l u e of x indicates a closer inference rules; (5) obtaining a control sig-
with the topic of uncertainty and systems belonging. For example, let A be a set of nal, performing “defuzzification” to derive
that are poorly understood from the mathe- young engineers, where 1-1 = 25 and 12 = 35 an actual control action.
matical standpoint. During the past several are the ages of two such engineers, and
years, the interests in applying fuzzy logic where the membership function ~ A ( x I ) =
to control, signal processing, and manufac- F u u y Reasoning
0.8, p ~ ( s 2=) 0.6 indicate that the first engi-
turing has been experiencing rapid growth. neer fits much closer into the group of young Fuzzy reasoning is based on the composi-
Examples include aircraft flight control 121. engineers. tional rules of inference. There is more than
accessing equipment reliability 13J , control- A fuzzy set can be represented as fol- one way of generating fuzzy reasoning
ling chemical reactors and processes [4], lows: rules. Generally, their design requires sig-
tracking 2D motion [5], and controlling nificant insight and understanding of the
typically nonlinear systems, such as backing problem. Very often, the rules can be de-
up a truck and trailer [ 6 ] . rived heuristically rather than from closed-
Working with the semiconductor indus- form mathematical formulae. Hence, it is
try, we have recently developed techniques difficult to automate the design process.
based on fuzzy logic for automated visual where the integral stands for the union. Nevertheless, the rules should be derived ( I )
inspection and control applications. In this Some most widely adopted basic opera- to reflect a human expert’s experience and
article, we will briefly introduce the concept tions on fuzzy sets include the min-max knowledge; ( 2 ) to have sound analytical
of fuzzy logic, then describe how fuzzy logic model [ I ] : background; and (3) to exhibit some leam-
can be used to detect dimple defects on ing and generalization capability. Consider
polished wafer surfaces. Finally, we will the following example:
discuss our in-house built demonstration Rule 1: I f x i is Ail andx2 isA12 theny is
system. Bi
Rule 2: If xi is A21 and x2 is A22 then y is
Fuzzy Set Theory A UB = Jma(pA(x), Pdx))/ x B2
U (3) The truth values of the premises are
Basic Coiic,ept.c where both A and B are fuzzy sets. given by W I = min ( p ~ i(d,
i ~ ~ (x2)), 1 wi2
A fuzzy set. A, of a universe, U, consists of The process of designing fuzzy logic = min ( ~ ~ (xi),
2 1 ~ ~ (x2)).
2 2
two critical components: ( I ) a membership application usually involves five steps: ( I ) The actual control signal as the inference
functions : U + [O,l]. which associates formulating the problem and selecting vari- result is calculated by

30 8755-3Y96/93/$4.000 IYO41EEE Circuits & Devices

rrgzrlar boundaries and co-exist with other Preproi,iJ.s.\iirg
image features. The boundary between cir- Given a wafer image /(x, y), its edge map
I= I cular shape and non-circular shape is grad- E(.\., y) is defined by two-dimensional con-
volution as E(.v,y ) = /(.\-. y) 0 s(.~.
- 2 ual. Humans are able to classify distorted y ) , where
S(.Y. y) is a nonlinear edge detector. E(.\-. y j
objects based on partial information. For
is further binarized to obtain B(s. y) by s i n -
I= I example, the notion of an object that “well
ple thresholding. Let h,(.\-. y), i= I ,2,....1 1 ,
belongs to,” or “somewhat belongs to” a represent individual binary pattern. Thus.
where . v i = ~ B I - II )(, ~and
~ .v2 = C I B ~ - I ( M ~ ) given
. class are used in daily life to describe the binary image El(.\-, y) i s a collection of
This process i s illustrated in Fig. I, the degree of “fitness.” However, it is diffi- binary patterns, El(.\, y) = {bi(.v, J). i =
cult to use conventional mathematics to de- 1.2.... ) . A y ) is a potential defect if its
scribe this notion.
The semiconductor industry addresses
size falls in the range of [ T I . T?].

the problem by using computcr vision.

Dcfi‘iiiirsqD c f i ~ t . )
These include the inspection of printed cir-
It i s well observed that a simple equation
cuit boards (81.Many different techniques
have been developed. but an algorithm that
possesses a c/istor.tioii-irri~ur.icrrirproperty
has yet to be found. Our objective was to cannot be directly utiliLed to characterize a
develop an algorithm to detect dimple de- digital circle for a finite resolution o f a digi-
fects regardless of their sizes, positions. ori- tal display device. To cope with this. we
entations. and shape distortions. Our goal employ Bresenh~uii‘salgorithm, which is
was to find a means by which we could ( I ) based on the concept of a digital circle.
Close examination of two different size
efficiently characterize the dimples: ( 2 )
Bresenham circles (Fig. 2a) reveals that
make the identification process not only
the finite resolution of a circle alters i t \
scale-. position- and orientation-invariant. appearance. I n the extreme case. a small
but also distortion-invariant. Our system circle degrades to a symmetric pattern that
consists of two major processing stages: pre- may be perceived as a diamond-shape ob-
procesing and identification. ject (Fig. 2b). In addition, dimples are not

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Y 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 l 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1. Fuzzy inference anda defuzzification proc- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ess. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Dimple Defect Detection

As mentioned previously. we have applied
fuzzy logic to automated visual inspection 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
of polished wafer surfaces, in particular, the 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 l 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
detection of dimple detects. The inspection 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 l 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
of polished-wafer surfaces has traditionally 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
been done by human operators. The accu- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
o o o o ~ o o o o ~ o o o o o
racy of human inspection declines with dull, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
endlessly routine jobs and no human opera-
tor has achieved better than 87 Dercent ef-
fectiveness on a shift basis 171. 04 (4 1
L -~
Dimples are common surface defects of 2. Two of6resenham’s digitalcircles (a). Note how the finite resolution affects the appearance
polished wafers. They appear as circular- of the circle. (b) The display of five Bresenham circles. Note that the finite resolution of the
shaped bright spots. which usually vary in display device degrades the smallest circle to a diamond-shape symmetric pattern. (c) A
size and location. They rnay also have ir- dimple defect taken from a real image.

Circuits & Devices 31

perfectdigitalcircles. It may have irregular Curve Fitting of Euclidean Distance

boundaries. Figure 2c shows a dimple defect Distance Measurement for Circles Model: Y-[A/(X+B)]+C
taken from actual experimental data. 25 ,Euclidean distance (1E-4) 00, ,Euclidean distance (Yaxis)
Using a fuzzy membership function. we

20t :
can describe the pattern’s closeness to a
circle. Our algorithm involves three stages.
First, we reject all badly-asymmetric pat-
terns. Then, among the remaining patterns,
0 005

0 004
we use fuzzy membership to define the “ac-
0 003
ceptance” of distorted circular-shaped dim-
ples. Finally, decision-making based on the 0 002
membership of “acceptance” is performed
0 001
to identify dimple defects.
0 20 40 60 80
0 05 1 15 2 25 3 35 4 45 5
SelectinCqSymmetr’ic und Ci~~cular~ Pattwns Area of pattern (X-axis)
Radius of circle
Discriminating badly-asymmetric patterns
from symmetric or slightly-asymmetric pat-
- Circles +Squares -a+ Average

terns is achieved in two steps. In the first (b)

step, a symmetric pattern is selected by util- 4. The experimental data (a) illustrate the set of A DCP (acceptable distorted circular patterns),
izing moment functions, denoted by x“. The critical measurement is obtained from this experiment to generate
decision-making function. (b) A non-linear fitting is performed to generate the decision-making
function. Below the function is the region that accepts a pattern known as a Vimple.” A
membership function can be generated to move the function up and down to cope with
symmetric distortion and asymmetric distortion.

of order p + 4. Now, mpq = 0 when xPjqis

For an ideal circle regardless of its size which define the “acceptability” as that for
odd andf(.\-, y) is symmetric. This property
and position, we should have a cluster (n/4, which ( I ) slightly asymmetric patterns are
can be extended to central moments pi and
n/4. I , 4n) in the (a.0, y, 6) space. allowed. ( 2 )different positions and sizes are
moment invariants [9]. + posjible.
We further identify circular patterns Generally speaking, small size symmet-
Handling Distortions
from the symmetric patterns by defining
The distortion of digital circlej mainly ric patterns can be treated as ADCPs due to
four parameters. a, p, y. and 6. where a = the limitation of the display device’s finite
comes from two sources: the limitations of
AP/ Aw, 0 < a < I , and where A, is the size resolution. However. as the size of a non--
finite resolution of a digital circle when its
(area) of the pattern and Aw is the size of the circular symmetric pattern grows. the ”ac-
size is too small; and the random variations
window, which circumscribes the given pat- ceptability” ofthc pattern degrades. There is
of its boundaries.
tern (Fig. 3). In addition, p = P,/P,. 0 < p 5 In the first regard, a method can be de- a threshold beyond which symmetric pat-
I , where P, is the perimeter of the pattern veloped to handle the effect of siLe distor- terns are no longcr acceptable. Experiments
and Pa is the perimeter of the window. Also,
tion. That is, to use measures in the (a.p, y, arc performed to generate two sets of func-
y= ( y n i : i ~ - y i i i i i i J l ( ~ l n i l-Xx m i n } . y > O , where
6) space to characterize distortion. We have tions to separate “acceptable” from “non-ac-
(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymx) are the upper left ceptable“ patterns for both symmetric and
previously determined that the distorted pat-
comer and lower right comer of the given a\ymmetric classes (Fig. 4). Using nonlinear
terns have their parameters defined in the
pakem. Finally, 8 = Pz /A,, FA. following range, 112 s a S I . 1/2”.’ s p s I . interpolation. two functions.,fi(hi(.\-.J)) and
y = 1, and 6 = 16. When it comes to consid- ,f?(hi(.\,J)). we obtained.
Xmin, Yrnin I ering distortion from random variations of Each of thcsc functions partitions the
the dimple boundaries, a more sophisticated pattern space into two subspaces. When
algorithm is needed. /,(hi(.\, Ji) 5 0. j = I . 2. the patterns are
acceptable. By ns\igning different offsets to
D i ~ t o ~ t i o / ~ - l0tp~~~r ~ t~0~1 i. ~ / ~ t /.,(/I,(.\. J)). we change the threshold of ac-

The development of distortion-invariant op- ceptability. Using fuzzy membership, we

erator includes defining the “degree“ of ac- can control the thre4iold whose fuzzy ineni-
ceptable distortion and designing a bership function. p0(y).describes the close-
decision-making algorithm that will dis- ness of a pattern to a “perfect” dimple. The
criminate any “acceptable” distorted circu- membership function ranges from I for a
lar patterns (ADCP\) from others. ADCPs ”perfect”dimple to a threshold T a f o r barely
3. A given pattern h(x,y), and the window may be obtained by adding or deleting some “acceptablc“ dimples. The value in between
circumscribing it. portion or portions of circular patterns indicates the acceptable detection result.

32 Circuits & Devices

The control objective i s to balance the rules for reasoning; and (c) computes the
beam and bring a ping-pong ball to the cen- control action.
ter of a beam (Fig. 6). The control algorithm In fuzzification. the three inputs selected
i s based on the knowledge of the system are displacement. (/(ti).(position ofthe ball):
parameters as given in the vector form V = 21 beam angle, ai. :lll<i thc velocity of the hall. /in).
( J , M ,g , r ) , where J i s the moment of inertia Here,I(ti)= { t/(t,)-tl(t,)/t,andtisaunittime
of the ball, I' is the radius of the ball, m i s the interval. The control action, C is a set of
mass of the ball, and g i s the gravity coii- control sequence C ( t , )for i = 0, 1 ....,1 1 .
stant. The mathematical formulation of the
We first quantize each of these parame-
control objective and control algorithm can
ters into six levels and use linguistic vari-
be formidable in the case where the system
ables. positive ( o r negative) large d .
parameters are unknown or changing as
5. The process result: (a) is the original im- po.\itii,c(or ~ r c ~ ~ q unirdion
t i i ~ ~ ) iM.aridposi-
functions of time, or high random distur-
age, (b) is the convolution result by using t i i (or
~ tiegutiiv)snitill iS,to dcscrihe eud1
bances exist. In order to cope with these
Sobel operator, (c) is the binarized image of H e t r c . MY> hii\.c
factors for real-time control, we developed
(b), and (d) is the image after removing all
a fuzzy logic controller.
noise and non-potential candidates. The
fuzzy decision-making algorithm assigns
markers around the detected dimples. Methotlology
D = 1 D+-L . D+-w , D+-s 1
The controller performs three major func-
The decision-making algorithm based on the tions. It (a) determines the types of sensory a = { a+-!-. CI+-,M . a+-s1
membership value is developed a\: data and performs the "fuzzification" of I = { I+-/. . I+-,w . I t s 1
these inputs; (b) selects fuzzy inference c= I C'+-L . C'+-cl . c+-s1

K es I I Its
E.Y/XVi/?/('I 1trr I
Thc algorithms were implemented on a 386
machine. Test pattern images werc used to
verify the algorithms. Then an %bit wafer
image with 256 x 240 resolution was used
as input data. Resolution reduction of the
input image was first performed before the
preprocessing. Fuzzy membership func-
tions wcrc evaluated according to the algo-
rithm given in the previou\ secrion. Fuzzy
decision-making was performed by using a
properly choscn threshold Ta. The experi-
mental results confirm our design. Figure 5
shows a processed wafer image. As one can
see, the dimples are detected.

Ream-Balancing System
In the \emiconductor manuiacturing indus-
try. many systems are highly dynamic. non-
l i n e a r , a n d c o n s t a n t l y under r a n d o m
disturbances. These includes gas distribu-
tion sy\tems, furnace\. and so on. Closed--
loop control, adaptive and model-based
control techniques have been used quite suc-
cessfully for controlling certain processes,
but not that effective for dealing with the
processes having high nonlinearity and ran-
dom disturbances. We recently developed a
fuzzy control demonstration system, called
a beam-balancing system I IO], to demon-
strate fuzzy control. 6. In-house beam balancing system and its block diagram

Circuits .8 Devices 33
-- - ~- ~

~~~ - ~ Control Rules for the Beam BalancingSystem

If angle IS +SMALL __


I - -_______- ~~ .
If angle I S +MEDIUM


-- - LARGE
-~ - -- ~ -
If angle IS +LARGE --
~ -
_c MEDIUM- -
c -~

,,+SMALL -~ SMALL-- -____ MEDIUM -


Then fur7y membership functions for A'i for fuzzy inference rules. we perform each control action for each inference rule is
each linguistic variable are defined. Mem- x U x / t o cover :ill the possible colnbina- dcterniined by the mi,/operation, as p c + =~
bership functions ~ D + I . .p o + anti
~ ~ D + Silrc tions of the inputs. Using the compositional iiiiii (,UD+L. po+L. pI+L f o r rule I . etc
,iloun tor .D+L, D+M.and D+s. respec-
F ~7 ~ rule of inference [ 1 1 1 and a connective Computing the control signal is done
tively. The membership functions for the "AND" operation, we have derived 216 in- through linguistic variables for each set of
negative part are the mirror images of these ference rules. The list of some rules are input signal from U x U x 1. Then defuzzifi-
functions. given in Table I . The membership value for cation is perlbrmed by the following center
of gravity algorithm:
SPEED Membership Functions I

POSITION Membership Funcl~on

where bt., i \ the corresponding membership


A2 -82 ~ D D1
' 82 A2
ANGLE Membership Function
The prototyping system was built in-house.
It consist\ of ii host microprocessor Intel
80486. a joystick that allows human inter-
vention so that thc comparison between h u -
man control and fuzzy control can be made.
and a fuzzy logic control program stored in
7. Membership funcbons for D+L.D+M,and D+s, respectively the host computer. The algorithm for fuzzi-

34 Circuits & Devices

H i m Li i h an assistant professor in the
Positionvs Time Angle vs Time Computer Science Department, College of
Engineering, Texas Tech University. His
current research interests include vision
15 computing, neural networks, and their im-
10 plementation in VLSI. Yuundoyq Ji is a
-100 visiting assistant professor at the Depan-
-1 50 ment of Systems Engineering at Case West-
e m Reserve University.
Speed vs. Time
1. L. A. Zadeh, “FLIZLYSets.” It$)rniutiori C o w
20 pp, 338-353. 1965.
tl-ol. 8,
10 2. S. Chiu. S. Chand. D. Moore and A. Chaudhury.
“Furry Logic for Control of Row and Moment for
-20 1 a Flexible Wiring Aircraft.” IEEE Control SW
trms Ma,qa:inc. June 1991, pp. 42-48.
Same Time Scale (in milliseconds) 3 . T. Onisawa, “Fuzzy Reliability Assessment
Considering the Influence of Many Factors on
8. Response of the beam-balancing system. Note that the position and angle are converging,
Reliability,” International J . ofApproximatr Rru-
which essentially ensures the system is stable. soning. 5, pp. 265-280, 1991.
4. M. Galluzzo, V. Cappellani, and U. Garofalo,
fication, fuzzy reasoning, and computation ances a beam in real-time without an explicit “Fuzzy Control of pH Using NAL,”Intrr./latioilul
of the control signal were written in C, and closed-form mathematical formulation. J . of Approsimatr Rrasoning. 5, pp. 505-5 19,
the driver program that directly controls the This in-house prototype can be operated 1991.
Intel’s 8255 1/0 chip was written in Mi- automatically through the execution of a 5 . L. J . Huang and M. Tomizuka, “A Self-paced
crosoft Assembly Language. fuzzy control algorithm. Unlike most of the Fuzzy Tracking Controller for Two-Dimensional
Our prototyping system can be operated conventional and optimal control algo- Motion Control,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man,
in two different modes, human operator con- rithms, this controller requires no system and Cybernetics, 20(5), pp. I1 15-1 124, Sept.
dynamics, and it is characterized by its sim- 1990.
trol mode via a joystick, or fuzzy logic con-
trol mode through the host microprocessor. plicity and easy implementation. It is a con- 6. S. G. Kong, B. Kosko, “Adaptive Fuzzy Sys-
The human control takes quite practice es- venient tool f o r automating o p e r a t o r tems for Backing up a Truck-and-Trailer,” JEEE
Tran,y. ( > / I NCIWU/NctM’ork,y. 3(2), pp. 21 1-223,
pecially when the angle is beyond I Odegree. controlled processes, although theoretical
March 1992.
The average player takes quite a few trials results concerning the system’s stability and
7. K. L. Harris. P. Sandland. and R. Singleton,
before being able to balance the system and robustness are still not available and cannot
“Wafer Inspection Automation: Current and Fu-
bring the hall to the center of the beam. The he easily obtained.
ture Needs,” Solid Stutr Technology,Aug. 1983,
computer control mode works under a 50 pp. 199-204.
MHz 486 machine. It calculates each control Acknowledgment 8. C. A. Harlow, et al., “Automated Inspection of
action, which includes fuzzification, reason- The authors would like to thank the review- Electronic a\\eniblies.“ lEEE Conzputrr. April.
ing, and defuzzification. The beam is hal- ers for their comments. In particular. we pp. 36-45. 1975.
anced faster with less number of control thank graduate students Jen-Chung Lin. 9. M. K. Hu. ”Vi\ual Pattern Recognition by
actions and less overshoot (Fig. 8). who assisted the wafer inspection prqject: Moment Invariants.” IRE T/-urls.011 Irforniutiori
and Nowell Godfrey, for his work in proto- Theor.?. Feb. 1962. pp. 179-187.
Conclusion typing the beam-balancing system. We are IO. K. J. Astroni and J. Wittenmark, C o m p ~ ~ t r r
In this tutorial article, we briefly described also grateful to William Marcy for his exper- Coiirrolletl S v s r r i i i r . Prentice-Hall, 1984.
the concept of fuzzy logic, and developed a tise. A special thanks also goes to FSI Inter- I I, L. A. Zadeh. ”Outline of a new approach to
technique for detecting dimple defects for national for their support to the fuzzy logic analysk of complex \ystems and decision proc-
automatic visual inspection of polished wa- controller project. CD e\s.” IEEE T w r i s . or 1 Sutrnis. Muri. urd C . h r -
fer surfaces. Our fuzzy logic controller bal- iirtic,.s. SMC-3. No. I . pp. 28-44, Jan., 1973.

Circuits & Devices 35

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