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Grade Level: 3rd Lesson Subject: VAPA/ Visual Arts

Name: Delaney Mahoney Date: 5/31/18

Learning Focus
Central Focus Statement: What is the big idea or focus question of the lesson?
Students will describe how art plays a role in reflecting life, through creating self portrait drawings and
pondering on their future success and goals through the lenses of their lives by composing a narrative sequence
which details their dreams and goals for their futures.

Supporting Literacy Development through VAPA Language – Plan ahead!

Essential Literacy Strategy: The students will compose an organizer that highlights the areas of their lives they plan for success,
look forward to and can set goals for. The students will write a brief composition reflecting their portraits about what about their
future is bright and what they are excited for.

Language Function Statement:

What main communication language function do students need to use to communicate their understanding of this content?

● How does student use language (see Toolkit samples for use of language)
o Describe: The students will use sequence ordering to write a narrative sequence about the brightness of their future and
what they are looking forward to achieving.

● Identify a key learning task in your lesson plan that provides opportunities for students to practice the identified language
o The students will create a narrative piece using strategic reasoning and application of ideas to create a detailed narrative
about their future dreams.

Language Supports: Describe instructional supports during and prior to your learning task that help your students understand and
successfully use the language function, vocabulary and discourse demands. Be specific and link to standards and students.
● The students will brainstorm their futures using a bubble brainstorming chart to come up with words that paint the picture of
the future they dream of. The will collaborate with their peers as well as work independently to come up with words that
define their goals and dreams for their lives. The chart will help get the students thinking, activate prior knowledge and guide
their visual art project. The teacher will provide a model sample for the students to help them with thinking and prepare them
to write their narrative.

Additional Language Demands in vocabulary, syntax and discourse:

Academic vocabulary/symbols: List vocabulary and explain how it will be used and learned
● Portrait: a painting, drawing, or photograph of a person that usually only includes the person’s head and shoulders
● Narrative: a story that is told or written
● Goal: something that you are trying to do or achieve
● Dream: something that you have wanted very much to do, be, or have, for a long time.
● Future: a period of time that will come after the present time.

Syntax: (Use language frames in Language of … section in Toolkit):

● Students will learn to speak about their future and the plans they have for themselves. It will be a time sequential focused
lesson where they are looking ahead and using appropriate language to express their future goals.

Discourse: (Use Graphic Organizers in Toolkit to help students learn to speak and write language for this content)
● The students will use sentence frames to help them talk about future oriented thinking and reflect on their portraits.
● “Following this event…”
● “In my future I will…”
● “This goal is important to me because…”
Materials Planned Supports: Research Based Learning
● Blank paper with sunglasses The teacher will provide the Strategies:
shades drawn on students with a piece of paper that 1. Importance of teaching
● Colored pencils has frames already draw on it. The students to set goals and
● #2 pencils students will be able to create their how this can help them.
● Graphic organizer word own face shape and can ask for https://www.whatihavelearn
chart (blank) assistance if needed. This helps
● Narrative sequence template eliminate the stress of them wanting goal-setting-in-elementary/
to be perfect. The teacher will 2. “ Now students are
provide a model projected through beginning to evaluate their
the smart board for the students to own work as they analyze
look at. In order to help the children what they intended to paint
brainstorm goals and dreams, the and how well they
teacher will have everyone fill out a succeeded.” -Art
bubble chart and surround it with Framework, 3rd grade
their goals. The students will be able visual arts
to work on their projects quietly in

Pre-Assessment: Motivation Strategy: Personal/Cultural/Community

When introducing the topic, the The teacher will start the lesson by Assets:
teacher will go over goals, dreams, reminding the students how far they The students really need to think
plans for the future, and thinking have come. She will talk to them about what is important to them.
about themselves. The teacher will about how proud and excited they They need to use their thoughts and
have a grand discussion with the are that they are almost in 4th grade! feelings to guide how they want to
class to make sure they understand She will talk to the students about reflect their future on their self
the terminology and what is goals they have as they go into the portrait. Because the standard is
expected of them. The teacher will 4th grade and throughout their lives. related to art reflecting real life, we
gauge how much the students She will ask the students questions want the goals and portraits to be as
understand about self-portraits, about what their goals are and what accurate and detailed as possible.
futures, and goals. they see in their future for The students should have a
themselves. Once she gets the kids personal connection when they
Misconceptions: talking about their goals, she will look at their pictures. Their goals
The teacher will address introduce the students to the activity might include personal, academic,
misconceptions about the students’ and what they are going to do with familial, and worldly goals they
goals. The goals should be taken their goals. She will tell them that would one day like to achieve.
seriously, having the students the goals will be part of a portrait of Whatever their goals are, the
reflecting deeply on their lives and themselves and their art will come to students should see them as real life
what is important to them so that reflect their real life hopes and aspirations being reflected in their
their portrait and writing reflects dreams while including a pictures of artwork.
their hopes and dreams. themselves.

List/explain lesson steps/strategies clearly so a substitute teacher could teach your lesson.
Learning Learning Strategies and Activities
Lesson Activate and build on background knowledge -Strategies/steps
Introduction: ● Objective: “Students today we are going to be exploring a neat way art can reflect real life. We
are going to do this by creating a portrait that highlights some of our future goals and plans. The
Teaching -
portrait will act as a mirror for you future, reflecting how bright it is. Along with some writing
Setting the and explanations we will see just how important goal setting is for planning a bright future.”
stage. ● “Boys and girls, today we are going to be talking about such an important and meaningful topic.
Can we first talk about how exciting it is that in a few short weeks you will be moving on to the
4th grade? It took so much effort for you guys to make it this far. Effort in our adventures often
requires us to set big goals. Do you know what a goal is? Sometimes they are referred to as
dreams. You know what a dream is right? What about your future? Are you familiar with that
term? What do you see in your future? So tell me, what are some of your goals, we’d love to
hear them.”
(Waits for the class to raise their hands and share about their future goals. Encourage the
students to think about academic, personal, physical, emotional, familial, specific goals.
● “Wow, you guys are so ambitious. I love it. I know you have the skills to get to where you want
to be in the future. So we are going to take these goals and make a huge self-portrait like this one
(shows the students the portrait on the smart board projector). In order to really think about our
goals thoughtfully and thoroughly we are going to be filling out a world bubble chart. Then after
we do our portraits we will write a narrative about our future and all that it will include. A
narrative is like a story, and this one is going to be about you! It’s going to be a lot of fun and we
will be working in small groups. In order to successfully get everything done, we need to be
respectful with our noise volume and remember others around us are trying to think hard about
what is important to them.
Lesson Body: Explain Strategies/Lesson steps:
● “Okay boys and girls, now that we all know what steps we are going to take throughout the
During/activ activity I am going to begin passing out your word bubble chart. Once you receive it, you can
e engagement
in learning
begin working on it in your groups quietly. I want you to brainstorm with your neighbors but
please keep your voices low. I will put my own example on the board in case you need some
help and ideas. My example includes buy a house, stay in California, live in the mountains,
finish school. You can elaborate on some of the ideas we were talking about earlier in class. On
this bubble chart, you can also sketch out some ideas to represent your goals. This would be
good practice before you add it to your portrait.”
● “Once you have completed your word bubble chart, raise your hand. I will come over to your
table and review it with you. If it looks sufficient, I will give you your portrait paper where you
can begin turning your goals into pictures and putting them into the glass lenses. Use pencil
lightly first so we can color over it with colored pencils. After you have drawn your goals you
can then move to your portrait by adding a face, neck, and shoulders. Let me know if you need
any help with this step. Raise your hand and I will come over. Keep in mind, we want our goals
and our portraits to reflect our real life. We want our portrait to be accurate and thoughtful. Our
goals should reflect a future we can see and dream for ourselves. I will put my own example on
the smartboard. Remember to come up with your own ideas, but this will help give you an idea if
you get lost. When you finish your work in pencil, call me over and I will check it over once
more. You will then be given the green light to start using colored pencils or make corrections.
● “Now that we have finished all of our beautiful portraits, and they are so well done, we will be
moving to the writing portion. During this portion you will simply be taking your visual goals
and turning them into a narrative about your bright future. We all know how bright and bold
your future will be so we want to write down all of those beautiful dreams and hopes. I will be
passing out a piece of lined paper to write your draft on. This part of the assignment needs to be
done independently. You will start your narrative with the phrase, ‘My future's so bright
because…’ and then you will talk about all of your goals that will make your future so bright.
Elaborate and tell the story of you future, what will happen, who will you become, what will you
accomplish. When your draft is complete, you will bring it to me so I can edit it.”
● “Your homework will be to rewrite your draft onto a nice lined paper, free of errors, in the best
handwriting you can do. It will be due the following day in class. You will turn it into the
complete file at your group’s table first thing in the morning.”
● Students will be given models to use as reference via technology.
● They will be grouped in ways that will maximize performance and learning. The students can
use their peers for help.
● The teacher will be available as needed to assist the students and give them feedback.

Closure/Afte Strategy for restating key points, extend ideas, check for understanding/other
r Teaching Explain:
Lesson ● The students will wrap up their activities. They will put their drawing, word bubbles in the cubby
for safekeeping. They will put their drafts in their folders to take home for the final draft, which
is homework.
● The teacher will gather the students’ attention. The teacher will remind the students, “This
project is so valuable. Planning our future and goals really helps us take steps to make them
happen. Here, we used art and portraits to draw our goals. We are able to see how art can reflect
real life. In our case, our very real bright futures.”
● The teacher will open the class up for conversation. “What was your favorite part of planning
your future? What was your favorite goal? How does your portrait and goals reflect real life?”
The students will take turn raising their hands and sharing.
● Once the projects are completed, it will be graded for accuracy based on a rubric. The teacher
will hang them on the walls for Open House.

Monitoring Student Learning - Review and Monitoring Student Learning - Student Voice: How
Assessment: What specific assessment tools are being will you provide for student voice during instruction on
used for at least two types of assessment? their learning (strategies, skills, knowledge) relative to
learning target?
Informal: The teacher will provide verbal feedback to
the students as they are completing their work. The students start the lesson off by sharing their ideas,
Throughout the class the teacher will provide assistance expressing understanding about concepts. They are a
before the students move on to the next steps. prompted to answer questions about what they are clear
and unclear about. Then the students are talking about
Formal: The teacher will provide written feedback to goals, the teacher offers direction and guidance. The
the students on the first drafts of their narratives. The students work in groups while filling in their bubble
teacher will grade the students complete projects using a charts with words about their goals. They are constantly
rubric provided below. receiving feedback and direction to reach the standard.
The portrait will reflect their real life goals and the
students will get there collectively with interaction and
Feedback: The students will receive feedback in the feedback.
form of a rubric. The teacher will use the rubric to grade
the students’ projects within 24 hours of turning them
in. The projects will them be posted on the wall for
Open House.

Evidence and Formative Assessment of Student Learning: How will you know whether students are making progress toward your learning goal(s)
and/or how will you assess the extent to which they have met your goal(s)? Use the chart below to describe and justify at least 2 formal or informal
assessment strategies that occur in your detailed plan above.
Assessment Strategy #1: VAPA Alignment with Objectives:
Objective The student will demonstrate understanding of the objective by
correctly completing the task by reflecting their future in the
The student will demonstrate glasses and drawing the self-portrait.
understanding that art can represent real
life by successfully creating an Evidence of Student Understanding:
image/portrait projecting themselves and The student will demonstrate understanding of art reflecting real
their futures. life by drawing realistic but goal oriented pictures. The student
didn’t draw fictional pictures of unrealistic tales, but rather
depictions of real life plans.

Student Feedback:
The teacher will provide feedback via a rubric that the student met
the necessary learning goals for the assignment. The rubric will be
attached to the back of the students work.
Assessment Strategy #2: ELD Language Alignment with Objectives:
Objective The teacher will assess whether or not the students writing
independently was developed and was completed with effort.
Students writing will be assessed
according to the ELD standards. When the Evidence of Student Understanding:
students turn in their first drafts, the The student is able to receive feedback on their writing, which they
teacher will give written and oral can adjust and alter for their final draft. It gives the student
feedback to all students, but especially practice with writing while meeting ELD standards and also aligns
ELD students on their writing skills. with the ELA standards as the students work on their narratives.

Student Feedback:
Students will receive feedback via the corrections made on the first
draft of their narrative. This will give them feedback and direction
for their final draft as well as highlight their strengths with writing.
Note: Add more assessment strategy boxes here if needed. Also, add rubric or assessment tool.

Below Expectations - 5 Met Expectations - 10 Exceeds Expectations -

points points 15 points

Visual Art/ Portrait Student demonstrates poor Student demonstrates Student demonstrates
understanding of the task. some understanding of the exceptional knowledge of
The drawings are not goal task. The drawings are the task. The drawings are
oriented or a reflection of mostly goal oriented and goal oriented and reflect
real life.. attempt to reflect real life. real life.

Word Bubble & Student did not participate Student somewhat Student participated in
Brainstorm in word bubble of attempted to brainstorm brainstorming segment
brainstorming with and work on the word and completed the word
partners. The chart is bubble but was often off bubble accurately and
mostly blank. task. The char is completely.
somewhat completed.

Narrative piece Student fails to write Student attempts to write Student successfully
narrative with goals. The narrative sequencing writes a narrative using
student takes their goals events using technique sequencing of events,
and directly writes and details but fails to technique and detail.
statements about their completely capture the
goals. concept.
Utilizing Knowledge about Students to Plan and Implement Effective Instruction
Building on Personal/Cultural/Community Assets:
Explain how your plans linked student’s prior academic learning and personal/cultural/community assets to new learning
Students are prompted to think about all they have accomplished as 3rd graders, and what goals they have as
they move to the upper levels of elementary school and on through life. The wonderful thing about this activity
is that the students have a lot of freedom when thinking about their goals and their future. It is a very personal
reflection of what they value and where they would like to see their life take them, either in the next few years or
into their adult life.
Grouping Strategies:
Describe how and why students will be divided into groups, if applicable (random, ability, interest, social purposes, etc.).
The students will be in groups that will strategically benefit them as individuals that would promote learning and
create an atmosphere that facilitates learning. The students will be grouped at desks that are clustered in fours.
EL learners will be paired with students who will make them comfortable and attempt to engage them in
conversation. Struggling students will be paired with others who will help them along the way without doing
their work and advanced students will be placed in a group where they have an opportunity to be challenged.
Every group will have a strategic setup aimed to promote a healthy learning environment.

Planned Supports:
Describe the instructional supports during your lesson that address diverse learning needs in order for all students to successfully meet lesson
objectives. This can include possible accommodations and differentiation strategies.
The teacher will provide models and clear instruction each step along the activity. The teacher will provide
feedback at each step along the way guiding the students and correcting mistakes. The teacher will use
technology such as the interactive smart board to demonstrate models and provide guidance to the students.
Having conversations, checking for understanding, and giving oral immediate feedback will guide the students
throughout the lesson.

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