Microsoft Power Point - Managing Stress

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Managing Stress

Stephen Terichow Parrott

Issues in Health

Stress Define

• Internal vs External Stressors

• External Stressors
– The demands of every day living
– Expectations/demands
• Internal Stressors
– Physiological and Mental Responses to
External Stressors


– The wear and tear on our bodies caused

by the physical and mental responses to

– Disease of Prolonged Arousal

Stress is neither positive or negative

• It is your response to the stress

which has positive or negative

Eustress Vs Distress

Eustress: stress that presents

opportunities for personal growth

Distress: stress that can have a

negative effect on health

Eustress v Distress
• Eustress • Distress
– Positive changes – Results in
leading to personal debilitative stress
growth or strain
– Marriage – Illness
– Graduation – in the family
– New career – Financial problems

General Adaptation Syndrome
• Hans Selye 1936
• Alarm Stage
• Fight or Flight Response
• Resistance Stage
• Repair/Adaptation
• Exhaustive Stage
• Physiological breakdown ( disease/injury)

Adaptation Energy Stores

• Deep Energy Stores

– Are required for the basics of life

– When depleted - death results

Adaptation Energy Stores

• Superficial Energy Stores

– Allows energy to cope with the daily

– Spares the depletion of deep energy
– Rest, holidays, alternate distractions

Types of Stress

• Psychosocial stress
– Change
– Pressures
– Inconsistent Goals and Behaviours
– Conflict
– Overload
– Burnout

Environmental Stress

• Noise
• Air
• Water
• Chemical
• Floods
• Earthquakes
• “Mosquitoes”

Self Imposed Stress

• Defined by our self concept

• Risk taker
• Shy
• Competent

Personality Types

• Type A vs Type B
• Situationally determined for each
• Type A behaviours may leave you
more prone to illness and premature

Stress Management

• Perception
–What can and can not be changed

–What is and is not significant

Pre stress planning

• Anticipate the stress

• Assess the stress
• Plan your response

Post stress Management

• Rest and recovery

• Adapted responses

Stress Management

Alter your circumstances to reduce your stress

Examine your self talk

Take appropriate self care

Humour and Stress Management

• Learn to laugh at yourself

• People will laugh with you and not at you

Deal with the challenges in
small bites

Learn effective time management

Strive for balance and control in your:

• Life
• Work
• Play
• Spiritual

Never let it affect your sense of

self worth



• “God grant me the Serenity to accept

the things I cannot change, the
Courage to change the things I can,
and the Wisdom to know the

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