18.6.13 Mai Thanh

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10: review old vocab – write vocab

10’: fill in the blank with the word

1. Before 1945, Vietnam was a __________ to France colony

2. Renaissance was a golden _________ for arts.
3. The marchants and businessmen found a ___________ from Vietnam to Indonesia.
4. We must use our natural ___________ effectively but not exploit it.
5. Vietnam is a country that makes a living based on ___________.
6. Yellow fever, cholera (kiết lị) are one of the most serious _________.
7. My school was ____________ in 1952.
8. The land finally ___________________ of new owners.
9. The prisoner ran away to escape her ____________.
10. The Vietnamese and Chinese have lots of ____________ though they have a lot of things in
11. Vietnam’s population developed from 80 million to 90 million in just 15 years. This is a
remarkable ______________ growth.
12. The mass _______________ of Asian to America in 18th and 19th century made the population of
America grew impressively!

Colony era sea route resources agriculture

Disease established came into hands persecution conflict
Growth emigration

5’: Go find the word

5’: Listening

10’: reading: 10’ + answer the question

10’: write a summary/ mind map

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