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Answer the following questions briefly:

1. How can you say that the two boys (Two Gentlemen of Verona) were willing workers?

2. Although Nicola and Jacopo are young boys, the author refers to them as gentlemen. Why
does he do so?

3. How did Luigi behave on seeing the two boys?

4. What errands did Nicola and Jacopo do to earn their living?

5. What was the thing about the two boys that struck the author the most?/ Describe the
‘remarkable demeanor’ of the boys?

6. Why did the boys hate the Germans? What made the boys take part in resistance movement?

7. Why was Nicola annoyed when Jacopo asked the author for a favour? /Why did Nicola glare
at his brother in vexation ?

8. Write a character sketch of the two boys-Nicola and Jacopo.(120 words)

9. Why were the narrator and Luigi surprised to see the boys in the public square?

10. Why did Nicola smile uncomfortably when the narrator asked them about their future

11. Why was the author touched deeply? Why does he think that their ‘selfless action’ gives a
promise of ‘a great hope for human society’?

12. Describe and justify the title: “Two Gentlemen of Verona”.

13. How was the life of the boys before the war?/ How did the war change their life?

14. The two boys, though very young in age, were very mature in their deeds. Comment.

15.How were the boys useful to the author ?

16..What did the narrator see when he looked through the glass partition ?
17.Describe Lucia’s illness and her progress in the hospital.
18.Why did Nicola and Jacopo wake up for the last bus ?

1.Who was Miss Mebbin ? Was she really devoted to Mrs. Packletide ?
2.How did Miss Mebbin manage to get her week-end cottage ? What did Louisa Mebbin plant in
her garden?
3.Describe the role of the villagers in providing a safe and convenient shooting to Mrs.
Packletide ?
4.What did Louisa Mebbin discover and how did Mrs. Packletide feel at the discovery ?
5.Why was Mrs. Packletide forced to buy week-end cottage for Louisa Mebbin ?
6.Describe the use of humour by Saki in the story ‘Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger.’
7.Why did Mrs. Packletide give up big-game shooting ?/ Why doesn’t Mrs. Packletide indulge in
big game of hunting anymore?

8. The author says that this world is swayed mainly by two feelings – hunger and love. How was
Mrs Packletide swayed and why?/ The pettiness of characters and their hunger for publicity
evokes laughter. Comment.

9. Describe three main traits of Mrs Packletide’s character.

10. “The incidental expenses are so heavy.” Why did a rich woman like Mrs Packletide worry
such “incidental expenses”?

11.Is Saki’s ‘Mrs Packletide’s Tiger’ a satire? Give your view highlighting its main features.

12. How did the villager’s react to Tiger’s death?

13.Louisa Mebbin had a protective elder sister attitude towards money in general. How?

14. The pettiness of characters and their hunger for publicity evokes laughter. Comment. /What
were the humorous elements in the story ‘Mrs. Packletide’s tiger.’/

15. Why did Loona Bimberton refuse to look at the illustrated weekly for many days.

16.How did the circumstances for tiger shooting prove favourable?

17. Though Mrs. Packletide shot a tiger but the hunt went off without a hitch of real adventure.
Why? /How could Mrs. Packletide face the cameras with a light heart, though she had not killed
the tiger?

18. What causes the tiger’s death?

19. Many characters in Saki’s stories are vulnerable to blackmail. Which character in the story
‘Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger’ was blackmailed and why?

20. What was Mrs. Packletide’s plan after killing the tiger?


1.Read the extract and answer the following questions.

(a ) Other creatures loathed his voice,

But,alas,they had no choice.
And the crass cacophony
Blared out from the sumac tree
At whose foot the frog each night
Minstrelled on till morning night.

(i) Whose voice was loathed by other creatures of the bog?

(ii)What was it that blared out from the sumac tree?
(iii)What do you mean by ‘minstrelled’?
(iv)Which poetic device has been used in the third line?

(b) Now the frog puffed up with rage.

“Brainless bird- you’re on the stage-

Use your wits and follow fashion.

Puff your lungs out with your passion.

(i)Name the poem and poet of the above lines.

(ii)Why was the frog puffed up with rage?

(iii)Give the opposite of ‘Brainless’.

(iv)What happened when the nightingale puffed up her lungs?

2.How did the creatures of the Bingle bog react to the nightingale’s singing ?
3. Why is the frog’s joy both sweet and bitter?
4.How did the cunning frog exploit the magical voice of the nightingale to his own advantage ?/
Describe how the witty frog takes the innocent and unsuspecting nightingale in his strong grip
and makes her a tool of earning more out of his greed.

5.Do you think the nightingale was responsible for her own tragic end ? How ?/ To some extent
the nightingale was herself responsible for her downfall and death. Explain.

6. What made the nightingale a huge sensation?

7. Why does the Nightingale call the frog a ‘Mozart in disguise’?

8. Why did the ticket office gross crash?

9. What message does the poet Vikram Seth try to convey through the poem, “The Frog and the

10. How does the frog bring death and disaster to the nightingale?

11. Give two examples to prove that the nightingale lacked confidence and was quite oblivious
of her ability and strength.

12. What is the irony in the statement of the frog when he says “that your song must be your

13. Why were the audience tired of the song of the nightingale?

14. How did the frog become the unrivalled king of the bog again?

15. Why has the frog been called ‘heartless’?

16. How does the poem throw light on the various traits of human beings?

1.Read the extract and answer the following questions:

(a) “Not marble, Nor the gilded monuments

Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme.”

(i)Why do princes get monuments made?

(ii)What do you mean by ‘gilded’?

(iii)Why won’ the monuments outlive this Rhyme?

(iv)What is the message conveyed through these lines?

(b)When wasteful war shall statues overturn

And broils root out of the work of masonry,

Nor Mars his sword nor war’s quick fire shall burn

The living record of your memory.

(i)Name the poetic device used in line 1.

(ii)What does the word ‘broils’ mean here ?
(iii)What does the phrase ‘the work of masonry’ imply ?
(iv)What will the wasteful war do?

(v)What does the line ‘The living record of memory’ mean?

2.What comparison does the poet make between the poetry and monuments ?
3.Describe how poetry survives all wars and destruction.
4.What judgement does the poet talk about in the ending couplet of this poem ?
5.What is being called ‘sluttish’ in this poem and why ?
6.What do the princes and rulers do and why ?
7.What will outlive all these monuments and memorials and how ?
8.How will the poet’s friend find a permanent place in the eyes of coming generations ?
9.What is the message that the sonnet intends to give to the readers ?
10.What is a ‘sonnet’ ? Describe the features of sonnet with reference of ‘Not Marble, Nor The
Gilded Monuments’.
11. Discuss the theme of the poem ‘Not Marble, Nor The Gilded Monuments’.

12.In what way is the poet stronger than powerful rulers?

13.Describe how the monuments and statues bear the ravages of time.

14.What does the poet mean by ‘ending doom’.

15. In the line ‘So, till the judgment that yourself arise’, Which judgment is being talked about

16. Why do you think the rich and powerful people get their statues and monuments erected in
their memory?

17. The materialistic things do not last forever. What lasts is our good behavior and the values
we possess. Elaborate.

18. In what ways are the wars wasteful?

19. In what context does the poet mention “Death” and “Oblivious” enmity?

20.The poet says that neither forces of nature nor war can destroy this poetry. What quality of the
poet is revealed through these lines.

1. You are Elizabeth, of Rye International School, 31, West Avenue, New York. Write a
letter to the editor of a national daily highlighting the harmful effects of using plastic
bags and the need to create awareness about this issue in not more than 120 words

2. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily on the health hazards caused by junk food
in about 120 words. You are Karan / Kirti , 10 Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi.

3. You are Amrit\Amrita. You happened to take part in a medical camp organized by your
club in a remote village in Bihar. You are surprised to find that most of the people there
have no awareness of basic health or hygiene. As a concerned citizen you decide to take
up their cause and organize camps where the villagers can be told about the importance
of hygiene. Taking ideas from Unit 1 of MCB & along with your own ideas, write a letter
to the editor of a newspaper in about 150 words highlighting such problems and
encouraging youngsters to join you in the campaign.

4. You are Rohit\Ritik. You genuinely feel that despite the ban on tobacco-related
advertisements and the law against smoking in public places, the consumption of tobacco
and its products is on the rise in India. You are of the opinion that banning such advts.
will not serve the purpose. The government should come out with a blanket ban on the
use of tobacco & the closure of tobacco industry. Only such drastic measures will
eliminate this evil. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily in about 150 words
expressing your views and suggestions.

5. You are Amit/ Amita. You happened to take part in a medical camp organized by Health
Club of your schoolin a remote village near Delhi. You are surprised to find that most of
the people there have no awareness of basic health and hygiene. As a concerned citizen
you decide to take up their cause and organize camps to make the villagers aware of the
importance of hygiene. Taking ideas from the unit ‘Health and Medicine’ alongwith your
own ideas, write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper expressing your concern and
encouraging youngsters to take part in such camps.

6. You are Raman/Rama. You heard some news about children falling ill due to
consumption of contaminated food. You decide to write a letter to the Editor to spread
awareness against having contaminated food. Taking ideas from MCB unit Health and
Medicine and your own ideas, write a letter.

1. The following passage has not been edited. One word has been found to be missing in
each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and after it in
your answer sheets against the correct blank number.

(i) Before Missing After

A cool breeze began blow. began to blow

Birds came of their warm nests (a)____ _____ _____
and began to soar to and in the (b)____ _____ _____
sky. They the atmosphere with (c)____ _____ _____
their sweet notes. There bustle (d)____ _____ _____
and activity. The housewife busy (e)____ _____ _____
in the kitchen. Winter gone. (f)____ _____ _____
Birds, beast men heaved a sigh of (g)____ _____ _____
relief at the approach spring. (h)____ _____ _____

(ii) Diwali is celebrated great fanfare celebrated with great

throughout India. This is most (a)____ _____ _____
celebrated festival Hindus. It (b)____ _____ _____
symbolises victory of good evil. (c)____ _____ _____
People light ‘diyas’ i.e clay lamps (d)____ _____ _____
inviting inner joy peace. (e)____ _____ _____
Diwali usually occurs late October. (f)____ _____ _____

(iii)One evening I walking along the main eg. I was walking

road of Florence. I saw old woman (a) ____ ____ ____
crossing road. She seemed to be partially (b) ____ _____ ____
blind and very feeble .There heavy traffic. (c) ____ ____ ____
I rushed to help her. To surprise, she (d) ____ ____ ____
had been robbed. Someone snatched her purse. (e) ____ ____ ____
Suddenly idea struck me. I decided (f) ____ ____ ____
to her to the nearest police station. We (g) ____ ____ ____
filed an FIR the police station. (h) _____ ____ ____

(iv) It is made two Sanskrit words eg. made of two

which means that I bow you. (a) ____ ____ ____
The palms joined and the (b) ____ _____ ____
head slightly bowed. (c) ____ ____ ____
This is not just polite greeting. (d) ____ ____ ____
People believe it be a way (e) ____ ____ ____
of happy and prosperous. (f) ____ ____ ____
Great respect shown when (g) ____ ____ ____
we use word ‘Namaste.’ (h) _____ ____ ____

(v) A reporter interviewing a witness about eg. reporter was interviewing

an accident. She him if he had seen (a) ____ ____ ____
the accident taking. If he could tell (b) ____ _____ ____
her what he seen. The witness replied (c) ____ ____ ____
that had seen a car coming at a (d) ____ ____ ____
very speed and hitting the scooter. (e) ____ ____ ____
The reporter asked him the scooterist (f) ____ ____ ____
was driving his lane. The witness (g) ____ ____ ____
said that he was not fault. (h) _____ ____ ____

(vi)The concept of peace an important eg. peace is an

one across all cultures the world. (a) ____ ____ ____
Shaking or holding hands greet (b) ____ ____ ____
shows that either the person (c) ____ ____ ____
is not carrying weapons i.e.,they come peace. (d) ____ ____ ____
The dove has a symbol of peace (e) ____ ____ ____
for thousands years. Rainbow (f) ____ ____ ____
symbolising the connection the gods and (g) ____ ____ ____
earth is also peace symbol. (h) _____ ____ ____

2.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the
incorrect word and the correction against the correct question number.


Children are fond to coconut. It is the biggest (a) _____ _________

of all the nuts, and are indeed a wonderful fruit. (b) ______ _________

It grows on a tall palm tree and is find (c) _______ _________

in tropical countries round a seashore. The name (d) _______ _________

was giving to it by the Portuguese because, (e) _______ _________

with the three marks and eye-spots at the end, (f) _______ _________

it looks something like a monkey’s face, and ‘coco’ (g) _______ _________

are a Portuguese word for a bugbear or a distorted marks. (h) ______ ________


The Egyptians were the first for make paper (a)________ __________

from a plant calling papyrus. It grew in the (b) _______ __________

delta of River Nila in Africa. For the long time, (c) _______ _________

papyrus continues to be used as writing material. (d)________ _________

Then the Chinese further perfected (e) ________ _________

an art for making paper. The demand (f)_________ _________

for paper increased while (g)________ _________

books begin to be printed. (h)________ _________


Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi go to England (a)_________ ________

to higher studies at the age of 19. (b)________ ______

His mother is apprehensive about young men (c)________ ______

go astray in western society. But her fears (d)________ ______

were allayed that Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi (e)_______ ______

swore not for touch meat, (f)_______ ______

wine and woman. He faces (g)______ ______

a lot with difficulties due to his vegetarianism. (h)______ ______


Folk tales offer lots of advice.

Much of them deliver the message (a) ________ __________

quite clear. There is a story about (b) ________ __________

Birbal not being allowed to attending (c) ________ __________

the King’s free lunch. The reasons was (d) ________ __________

which he was not dressed properly. (e) ________ __________

This happened in spite of the high (f) _________ __________

intellectual abilities.

The advice thus conveyed was: (g) ________ __________

“Don’t judge the book by its cover.” (h) ________ __________


Penguins spent no more time on (a) ________ ___________

land then is necessary for (b) _________ __________

sleeping and to rearing their (c) _________ __________

young. There food consists of (d) _________ _________

a small creatures of the sea (e) _________ ________

when they catch by driving (f) _________ _________

often into great depths. They (g) ________ _________

don’t use their foot as paddles. (h) ________ _________

3. Re-arrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences:

i) Ideal citizen\the nation\an\to\an asset\is

ii) Makes\he\a valuable contribution\nation building\to\activities
iii) He\his\knows\and\rights\responsibilities.
iv) His country\of\he abides\the\by\laws
i) Dedicated\poorest of the poor\entire life\she\to\her\the\service\of
ii) She\apostle\was\of\unwanted\the\an
iii) MotherTeresa\Calcutta\foreigner\and\home\settled\though\in\made\a\it\her
iv) Mother\was\anointed\saint\a\as\Pope\by\in 2016\Teresa
i) In\disturbs\the\cycle\rise\temperature\rain\the
ii) Vegetation\adversely\it\agriculture\and\affects
iii) Have\frequent\face\and\floods\we\droughts\to
iv) Should\we\cautious\be\the\regarding\changes\climatic
i) In\India\there\tourist\destination\various\are
ii) Lofty\favorite\Himalayas\destination\still\the\a\are
iii) Are\of\religious\a\historical\places\of\there\number\or\importance
iv) Delhi\Agra\and\two\are\destinations\great\tourists\are

i) At\software\it\peak\India\is\in\revolution
ii) Television\have\the\even\computers\replaced
iii) a\every\commodity\computers\in\home\common\are
iv) we\can’t\think\this\of\world\computers\without
कार्य प्रपत्र- 1
विषर् –व िं दी
कक्षा – 10
बड़े भाई सा ब
प्रश्न -1 विम्न विखित प्रश्ननिं के उत्तर 20-30 शब्निं में दीविर्े ------------
-1 बड़े भाई सा ब का स्वभाि कैसा था?
-2 िेिक बड़े भाई सा ब के सामिे मौि क्निं र िाता था?
-3 िेि कर िापस आिे पर छनटे भाई की क्ा प्रवतविर्ा नती थी?
–4 िेिक भाई सा ब से ििर बचाकर किकौर्े क्निं उडाता था ?
प्रश्न -2 विम्नविखित प्रश्नन के उत्तर 100 शब्निं में दीविर्े-
1.बड़ा भाई छनटे भाई पर शासि करिे के विए कौि कौि सी र्ुखिर्ााँ अपिाता ै?
2.बड़े भाई सा ब की स्वभािगत विशे षताएाँ क्ा थी ?उिमे से छनटे भाई कन वकससे स ार्ता वमिी?
3 ‘बड़े भाई सा ब ‘ पाठ में समूची वशक्षा प्रणािी के वकि-वकि तौर तरीकनिं पर व्यिंग्य
वकर्ा गर्ा ै ?आपके विचारनिं से इसका क्ा समाधाि न सकता ै ?तकयपूणय उत्तर दीविर्े |
प्रश्न 3-विम्नविखित िाक्न कन शुद्ध कीविए;-
1.एक गरम वगिास दू ध पीकर सन िाओ।
2.तािा चनर िे तनड़ डािा।
3.मातािी बािार गए ैं |
4.तुमिे र् क्ा करा वछ!।
5.रनगी कन काट कर सेब खििाओ ।
6.ि गुि-गुिे गरम पािी से ि ाता ै ।
7.म ात्मा गािं धी का दे श सदा आभारी र े गा ।
8.अपराधी कन मृ त्युदण्ड की सिा वमििी चाव ए ।
प्रश्न 4-अपिे बेंक प्रबन्धक कन पत्र वििकर अपिे आधार काडय कन बेंक िाते से िनड़िे का अिुरनध
कीविर्े |
कार्य प्रपत्र-2
कक्षा – x
विषर्- व िं दी
कबीर के दन े
प्रश्न -1 विम्न विखित प्रश्ननिं के उत्तर दीविर्े -----

1.कबीर के अिुसार ईश्वर का वििास क ााँ ै?

2.सािी का क्ा अथय ै?

3.कबीर िे वििंदक कन पास रििे के विए क्न क ा?

4.कस्तूरी मृग के उदा रण द्वारा कबीर िे क्ा स्पष्ट वकर्ा ै?

5 – कबीर के अिुसार कौि सुिी और कौि दु िी ै ?

6 –कबीर के अिुसार ईश्वर की प्राखि वकस प्रकार सिंभि ै ?

7- दीपक वदिाई दे िे पर अाँवधर्ारा कैसे वमट िाता ै ?

प्रश्न-2 निम्न निखित समस्त-पद का निग्रह करिए तथा समास का िाम भी बताइए

ििविवध पिंचिटी घुडसिार र्थासमर् पथभ्रष्ट

रािदू त ध्यािमग्न म ात्मा िीिगगि रे िािं वकत
-रा िचय -वगररधर स्तविखित आपबीती रािीििनचि
प्रश्न-3 निम्न निखित निग्रहो के समस्त पद बिाइये ----------------------
क रािा का पुत्र ि म ाि ै िन िीर ग सौ िषो का समू
घ ग्राम कन गर्ा हुआ ड़ -पूिा का घर- च स्वगय मे िास-
छ -मुि रूपी चन्द्र – ि दू सरनिं का उपकार- झ-िर्ा ै गीत िन-
ट- चुिाि के विए आर्नग- ठ -िि का आिं दनिि ड - िीिा ै िन कमि

कार्य प्रपत्र -3
कक्षा X –
विषर् व िं दी -
डार्री का एक पन्ना
प्रश्न-1 .विम्नविखित प्रश्नन के उत्तर दीविर्े-
1)26 िििरी कन ी स्वतन्त्रता वदिस क्न मिार्ा गर्ा?
2)िु िूस और प्रदशय ि रनकिे के विए पुविस का क्ा प्रबिंध था ?
3)सुभाष बाबू िे कब और कैसे िु िूस विकािा ?
4)आिादी के सिंदभय मे विद्यावथय र्निं की क्ा भू वमका थी?
5)ओपि िड़ाई वकसे क ा गर्ा ै?
6) ? ै गर्ा वदर्ा सेे श क्ा में पाठ ’पन्ना एक का डार्री‘
प्रश्न -2 विम्न विखित विबिंधात्मक प्रश्ननिं के उत्तर दीविर्े ---------------
प्र 1-वकि बातनिं से पता चिता ै वक पाठ में िवणयत वदि अपिे विरािा और अपूिय में आप-
I था
प्र 2-वकि वकि विशेष िनगनिं िे इस िि आेनिि में विशेष भूवमका विभाई?
प्रश्न-3 विम्न विखित ररि स्थािनिं की पूवतय मु ािरनिं द्वारा कीविर्े ----------------
क वमत्र आिकि तन तुम
I न गर्े न.............................................
ि तुम्हारी पड़...............................................
गर्े ै I
ग भगिि श्री राम के अर्नध्या िौटिे पर प्रिा िे
घ अपिा काम करन क्निं में मामिन के दू सरन,
I न.................................................
ङ म तन आि सुब से आपकी
I ै .....................................................
च अन्यार् के विरुद्ध ---------------------------------------- मारा कतयव्य ै।
छ राम और शाम मे ---------------------------------- ै ।
ि परीक्षा मे असफि् निे पर वपता िे अपिी पुत्री कन-------------------।
झ मव मा तन------------------- ै , वदि रात पढ़ती र ती ै।
ट पुत्र कन बचािे के विए वपता िे --------------------------------।
प्रश्न-4-- विम्न विखित मु ािरनिं का िाक्निं में प्रर्नग कररए -----------------------
आपा िनिा सुध-बुध िनिा रा ि सूझिा फरार निा काम तमाम
करिा आपा िनिा अिंधे की िकड़ी बदि मे आग िगिा मौत वसर पर
निा चे रा मु रझािा
कार्य प्रपत्र-4
विषर्व िं दी -
मीरा के पद
1.विम्न विखित प्रश्नन के उत्तर दीविर्े-

1)भगिाि अपिे भिनिं की रक्षा करते ै –सनदा रण वसद्ध कीविर्े ।

2)मीरा कृष्ण कन अपिा वप्रर्तम मािती ै । उिकी भखि मे प्रेम का पूट अवधक ै कीविए वसद्ध -
।3)भाि भखि कन िागीर क्निं क ा गर्ा ै ?

4)I कीविर्े स्पष्ट आशर् का ’सरसी बातााँ तीिूिं ‘

5)मीरा की भाषा शैिी पर प्रकाश डाविए I

6)भगिाि के िर रर रूप के विषर् में विखिए I

7)मीरा का ह्रदर् क्निं अधीर ै ?

8)मीरा िे कृष्ण से वकस प्रकार की भखि की ै ?

प्रश्न –2 विम्न विखित विबिंधात्मक प्रश्ननिं के उत्तर दीविर्े -----------------------

I. अपिे आराध्य श्रीकृष्ण के दशयि पािे के विए मीरा क्ा-क्ा उपार् करती ै ?
II. मीरा की भखि – भाििा पर प्रकाश डाविए -------------
प्रश्न-3 निम्न निखित िाक्ोों का भेद बताइए ----------------------
क- िब शीिा बािार गर्ी तन पुस्तक िरीद िार्ी
ख- सभा समाि हुर्ी और सब िनग घर चिे गर्े
ग- क्नवक ि आिसी था इसविए विफि हुआ
घ- िब तक वशक्षक र ता ै तब तक छात्र शािं त र ्ते ै
ङ- सन्यासी िे आशीिाय द वदर्ा और िापता न गर्ा
च- ि आर्ा तन था परन्तु उसिे कुछ ि ीिं क ा

प्रश्न-4 निम्न निखित िाक्ोों को निदे शािुसाि बदनिए --------------------

क बादि वघर आर्े और िषाय निे िगी I (वमश्र िाक्
ि ज्यन ी मातािी िे कम समाि वकर्ा ,त्यनिं ी मे माि आगर्े I (सिंर्ुि )

ग िब प्रधािाचार्य ाि में आर्े तब सब विद्याथी शािं त न गर्े I (सिंर्ुि )

घ मन ि कि आर्ा और राम से बात करके चिा गर्ा I(वमश्र (

ड़ ततारा कन दे िते ी िामीरन फूट-फूट कर रनिे िगी |( वमश्र)

च ततारा की व्याकुि आाँ िें िामीरनिं कन ढूाँढिे में व्यस्त थीिं |( सिंर्ुि)

ि िापाि में चार् पीिे की एक विवध ै विसे ‘चा –िन-र्ू ‘क ते ैं |सरि

कार्य प्रपत्र – 5
वबषर् – व िं दी
कक्षा – x
रर र काका
प्रश्न 1 विम्नविखित प्रश्नन के उत्तर दीविर्े -
1) रर र काका क ािी समाि के वकस कटु सत्य कन उिागर करती ै?
2)ठाकुर बारी का गााँ ि मे मुख्य कार्य क्ा था?
3) रर र काका अपिी वििंदगी के शेष वदि कैसे काट र े थे ?
4) गााँ ि के िेतािी िे रर र काका की िमीि के विए क्ा प्रस्ताि वदर्ा?
5)कथा िाचक और रर र काका की दनस्ती केसे हुई ?स्पष्ट कीविर्े ----
प्रश्न –2 विम्न विखित विबिंधात्मक प्रश्ननिं के उत्तर दीविर्े ------------------
I. समाि में ररश्निं की क्ा अ वमर्त ै ? इस विषर् पर अपिे विचार प्रकट
कीविर्े |
II. गााँ ि की अपेक्षा ठाकुरबारी का अवधक विकास कैसे हुआ ?इस पर अपिे
विचार व्यि कीविर्े |
III. ‘ रर र काका’क ािी के आधार पर बताइर्े वक एक म िं त से समाि की क्ा
अपेक्षा नती ै |उि क ािी में म िं तनिं की भूवमका पर वटप्पणी कीविर्े |
IV. रर र काका का चररत्र वचत्रण पाठ के आधार पर कीविर्े |
प्रश्न-3-शब् पद कब बि िाता ै ?उदा रण दे कर तकय सिंगत उत्तर दीविर्े |


Very short question answers:

Q1. Name the layer in the stomach which protects it from the harmful action of HCl?

Q2. Name the products formed by yeast during fermentation.

Q3. Name the functional unit of human kidney.

Q4. The xylem and phloem in plants are responsible for what kind of function?

Q5. Mention the 3 kinds of cells present in the blood.

Short question answers:

Q6. Define transpiration.

Q7. Write the important functions of blood.

Q8. What is the action of saliva on food?

Q9. Define residual volume.

Q10. What is dialysis?

Q11. Give reason why our muscles pain severely after a strenuous exercise?

Long question answers:

Q12. What happens to glucose that enters the nephron along with the filtrate?

Q13. Distinguish between arteries and veins

Q14. What is the basic difference between photosynthesis and respiration?

Q15. How do unicellular organisms excrete?

Q16. State the reason for the presence of fine hair and mucus present in the nasal passage.

Q17. List the functions of juice released by the liver.

Q18. Differentiate between holozoic and saprophytic nutrition.

Q19.What is double circulation? How is it useful in mammals?

ASSIGNMENT ; CLASS X ( chemistry )



Q1. Name the metal which burns with dazzling white flame , give equation to show the

Products formed during the reactions ?

Q2. Why should a chemical equation be balanced ?

Q3. What happens when silver bromide and silver chloride are exposed to light ?

Q4. Give an equation to show neutralization reaction ?

Q5.In the refining of silver ,the recovery of silver from silver nitrate solution involved

displacement by copper metal . Write down the equation involved ?


Q6. When do we say that chemical reaction have taken place ?

Q7. Differentiate between chemical and physical change with examples ?

Q8. Balance the following chemical equations ?

(i) Iron and water gives ferric oxide and hydrogen gas .

(ii) Methane burns in presence of oxygen to give carbon dioxide and water .

(III) Lead nitrate reacts with potassium iodide to give lead iodide and potassium nitrate .

(iv) Nitric acid reacts with calcium hydroxide to give calcium nitrate and water .

Q9. Give example of combination exothermic reaction , what is its application in daily life ?

Q10. Give any three equations to show thermal decomposition reaction ?

Q11. Why sulphuric acid is added during decomposition of water . Name the products obtained

Anode and cathode with their volume ratio .

Q12.What is rancidity , how can it be prevented ?

Q13. Give an example of important decomposition reaction used in various industries ?S

Q14. A shiny brown substance x , on heating in air forms a black substance y, which on

Treating with hydrogen gas in presence of heat again forms x , identify x and y ?

Give equations and write what type of equations are they ?

Q15. Name the substance oxidized , substance reduced , oxidizing agent and reducing agent

In the given equation ?

MnO2 + 4 HCl MnCl2 + 2 H2O + Cl2


Q16. What do you mean by ion exchange reactions , give balanced equations ?

Q17. What are redox reactions , give equation and indicate the substance oxidized , substance

reduced, oxidizing agent and reducing agent ?

Q18.What do you mean by corrosion , give its preventive measure ?

Q19. What do you mean by precipitation reaction , give equations showing formation of

y yellow and white precipitate ?

Q20.Differentiate between endothermic and exothermic reaction giving equations ?




Very short answer questions

Q1. Define Principal focus of spherical lens and spherical mirror.

Q2. Draw the ray diagram to show the image formed by concave lens and convex mirror, when
object is placed in front of it.

Q3. Where object should be placed in front of concave mirror to get the virtual and magnified
image? Draw the diagram for the same.

Q4. Where object should be placed in front of convex lens to get the virtual and magnified
image? Draw the diagram for the same.
Q5. Why do we prefer a convex mirror as a rear view mirror in vehicles?

Short answer question

Q6. (i) If m=-1,Name the type of mirror

(ii) If m=1,Name the type of mirror

(iii) If m=-1,Name the type of lens(If possible)

Q7.With respect to air, the refractive index of ice is 1.31 and that of salt is 1.54.calculate the
refractive index of rock salt with respect to ice.

Q8. The power of combination of two lenses XY is 5D if the focal length of X is 15cm.State the
nature and focal length of lens Y.
Q9. Three mirrors, one plane, one concave and one convex are lying on the table. How can a
person identify them without touching them or using any other apparatus or device?

Q10. In what S.I unit is the power of lens stated? A convex lens has a focal length of 50 cm.
calculate its power?

Q11. The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is 20 cm. what is its focal length?

Long answer question

Q12. An object is placed at a distance of 30cm from a convex mirror ,the magnification produced
is 1/2.
Where should the object be placed to get the magnification of 1/3?

Q13. An object is kept at a distance of 18cm,20cm,22cm and 42cm respectively from a lens of
power +5D.

(i) In which case or cases would you get a magnified image?

(ii) Which of the magnified image can be got on the screen?

Q14. You are provided with two lenses of focal lengths 10cm and 20cm.Which of the two lens
you suggest to obtained greater convergence of refracted light ?Justify your choice.

Q15. A concave mirror produces three times magnified (enlarged) real image of an object10 cm
in front of it. Where is the image located?

Q16. A doctor has prescribed a corrective lens of power 1.5 D. Find the focal length of this lens.
Is the prescribed lens diverging or converging.

Q17. Find the position, nature and size of the image formed by a convex lens of focal length 12
cm of an object 5 cm high placed at a distance 20 cm from it.
MATHS WORK SHEET-1 (2018-19)
1. Use Euclid’s division lemma to find the HCF of 441, 567 and 693.
2. If the HCF 210 and 55 is expressible in the form 210 x 5 + 55y.Find Y.
3. Find the largest number that will divide 398,436 and 542 leaving remainders 7, 11 and15
4. Prove that the square of any positive integer is of the form 4q or 4q+1 for some integer q.
5. rove that√3, √2 and √5 are irrational numbers.
6. Prove that 5 - √3, √2+√5 and 3+2√5 are irrational numbers.
7. Check whether 6n can end with the digit zero for any natural number n.
8. Write down the decimal expansion of the following rational numbers without using the
actual division.
3 13 7 14588 129
(i) (ii) (iii)80 (iv) (v) .
8 125 625 25

9. Find the smallest number which leaves the remainder 8 and 12 when divided by 28 and
32 respectively.
10. Prove that the square of an odd positive integer can be of the form 6q + 1 or 6q +3 for
some integer q.
11. Two tankers contain 850 liters and 680 liters of petrol respectively. Find the maximum
capacity of a container which can measure the petrol of either tanker in the exact
number of times.
12. Prove that the product of any three consecutive positive integers is divisible by 6.
13. Show that (√3 +√5)2 is an irrational number.
14. If HCF of 144 and 180 is expressed in the form 13m-3 find the value of m.
15. Determine the values of p and q so that the prime factorization of 2520 is expressible,
as 23 x 3p x q x 7.
16. Show that reciprocal of 3+2√2 is an irrational number.
17. Find HCF of 378, 180 and 420 by the prime factorization method. Is HCF x LCM of
three numbers equal to the product of three numbers.
18. ind HCF of 65 and 117 and find a pair of integral values of m and n such thatHCF =
19. Using Euclid's division algorithm, find whether the pair of numbers 847,2160 are co-
primes or not.
20. The LCM of two numbers is 14 times their HCF.The sum of LCM and HCF is 600.If
one number is 280, then find the other number.
21. Apply Euclid’s division algorithms to find HCF of number 4052 and 420.
22. If HCF of 144 and 180 is expressed in the form 13m-3, find the value of m.
23. Show that 9n cannot end with digit 0 for any natural number n.
24. Show that any positive odd integer is of the form 4m+1or 4m+3, where m is some
25. Prove that 15+17√3 is an irrational number.
26. Write whether the rational number 1500 will have terminating or non-terminating decimal
27. The LCM of two numbers is 14 times their HCF.The sum of LCM and HCF is 600.If one
number is 280 then find the other number.
28. Explain whether the number 3× 5 × 13 × 46+23 is a prime number or a composite
29. Two tankers contain 850 liters and 680 liters of petrol respectively. Find the maximum
capacity of a container which can measure the petrol of either tanker in exact number of
30. Prove that the product of any three consecutive positive integers is divisible by 6.
MATHS WORK SHEET-2 (2018-19)
1. If the zeroes of the polynomial f(x) = 2x3 – 15x2 + 37x – 30 are in A.P, find them.
2. Find the zeroes of the polynomial x3 – 5x2 – 2x + 24, if it is given that the product of
its two zeroes is 12.
3. If 𝛼 and 𝛽 are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 4x2 – 5x – 1, find the value of
𝛼 𝛽
𝛽 𝛼
4. Find the zeroes of the polynomial x2 + 6x – 2, and verify the relation between the
coefficients and zeros of the polynomial.
5. Find the values of a and b so that x4 + x3 +8x2 + ax + b is divisible by x2 + 1.
6. Obtain all zeros of the polynomial x4 – 3x3 – x2 + 9x – 6, If two of its zeros are -
√3𝑎𝑛𝑑 √3.
7. Find all the zeroes of the polynomial 2x4 + 7x3 – 19x2 -14x + 30, if two of its zeros
are √2 and - √2.
8. If the polynomial 6x4 + 8x3 + 17x2 +21x + 7 is divided by the another polynomial 3x2
+4x + 1, the remainder comes out to be ax + b, find a and b.
9. If 𝛼 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝛽 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑧𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑎𝑙 x2 – 2x + 3, find a
polynomial whose zeroes are 𝛼 + 2 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝛽 + 2.
10. If 𝛼 and 𝛽 are the zeros of the polynomial x2 – 6x + a. Find the value of a, if 3𝛼 + 2𝛽
11. Find the zeros and verify the relationship between the zeros and their coefficients. (i)
6x2-3-7x (ii) √3x2+ 10x + 7√3 (iii) x2+ 4√3x-15.
12. If 𝛼 and 𝛽 are the zeroes of f(x) = kx2+ 4x + 4 such that 𝛼 2+𝛽 2=24, find the values of
13. Find the zeroes of the polynomial f(x) = x3- 5x2-16x + 80,if its two zeroes are equal in
magnitude but opposite in sign.
14. If 𝛼 and 𝛽 are the zeros of the quadratic polynomial p(x) = 4x2 – 5x – 1, Find the
1 1
value of 𝛼 + 𝛽 .
15. Obtain all the zeroes of the polynomial 3x4 + 6x3- 2x2 – 10x – 5, if two of its zeroes
𝟓 𝟓
are √𝟑 and - √𝟑
16. If the polynomial 6x4 + 8x3 + 17x2 +21x + 7 is divided by the another polynomial 3x2
+4x + 1, the remainder comes out to be ax + b, find a and b.
17. Find the quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are 2+√3 and 2-√3.
18. 𝐼𝑓𝛼 and 𝛽are the zeroes of the x2-5x + k such that 𝛼 - 𝛽= 1 find the value of k.
19. For what value of k, (-4) is a zero of the polynomial x2-x-(2k+2)?
20. If 1 is a zero of polynomial P(x)=ax2-3(a-1)-1,then find the value of a𝛼
21. If 𝛼 and 𝛽 are the zeros of polynomial f(x) = x2-5x+k such that 𝛼 − 𝛽 =1,find the
value of k.
9 3
22. Write the polynomial the product and sum of whose zeros are − 2 and − 2
23. If the polynomial 6x2+8x3+17x2+21x+7 is divided by another polynomial 3x2+4x+1
the remainder comes out to be (ax+b) find a and b
24. Find the all the zeros of the polynomial x3+3x2-2x-6 if two of its zeros are − √2 and
25. If the polynomial 6x4+8x3+17x2+21x+7 is divided by another polynomial 3x2+4x+1
then what will be the quotient and remainder?
26. Find other zeros of the polynomial x4-7x2+12. If it is given that two of its zeros are
√3 and -√3
27. If 𝛼 and 𝛽 are the zeros of the quadratic polynomial f(x)=ax2+bx+c,then evaluate:
𝛼 𝛽
(i) 𝛼 2+𝛽 2 (ii)𝛽 + 𝛼 (iii)𝛼 3+𝛽 3
28. If 𝛼 and 𝛽 are the zeros of polynomial f(x )= x2-5x+k such that 𝛼 − 𝛽 =1,find the
value of k.
MATHS WORK SHEET-3 (2018-19)

1. Solve the following equations by graphically:-

2x + 3y + 5 =0
3x – 2y – 12 =0
2. Solve the following equations by elimination:-
7(y + 3) – 2(x + 2) = 14
4(y – 2) + 3(x – 3) = 2
3. Solve the following equations by the method of cross-multiplication:-
ax + by = a - b
bx – ay =a + b
4. Solve the following system of equations:-
5 2
- 𝑥−𝑦 = -1
15 7
+ 𝑥−𝑦 = 10
5. Solve the following equations:-
x – 2y – 2z = 9
2x + y + 3z = 1
6. Find the value of k for which the following system of linear equations has infinite
x + (k + 1)y = 5
(k + 1)x + 9y = 8k - 1
7. The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 8 and the difference between the number
and that formed by reversing the digits is 18. Find the number.
8. A fraction becomes 4/5, if 1 is added to both the numerator and denominator. If 5 is
subtracted from both the numerator and denominator, the fraction becomes 1/2. What is
the fraction?
9. A motorboat can travel 30 km upstream and 28 km downstream in 7 hours. It can travel
21 km upstream and return in 5 hours. Find the speed of the boat in still water and the
speed of the stream.
10. 8 men and 12 boys can finish a piece of work in 10 days while 6men and 8 boys can
finish it in 14 days. Find the time taken by one man alone and that by one boy alone to
finish the work.
5 1 6 3
11. Solve for x and y : + =2 and 𝑥−1 -𝑦−2 = 1.
𝑥−1 𝑦−2
12. Solve for x and y : 6(ax + by) = 3a + 2b ; 6( b x -ay) = 3b - 2a.
13. Find those integral values of m for which the x co-ordinate of the point of intersection of
lines represented by y = m x +1 and 3x + 4y = 9 is an integer.
14. Solve the following system of linear equations graphically. 3x +y - 12 = 0 ;
x -3y+ 6 = 0. Shade the region bounded by the lines and x-axis. Also find the area of
shaded region.
15. At certain time in a zoo, the number of heads and the number of legs of tiger and
peacocks were counted and it was found that there were 47 heads and 152 legs. Find the
number of tigers and peacocks in the zoo.
16. For what values of p and q will the following pair of linear equations has infinitely many
solutions? 4x + 5y = 2 ; (2p + 7q )x + (p + 8q)y = 2q - p + 1
17. The age of the father is twice the sum of the ages of his two children. After 20 years his
age will be equal to the sum of the ages of his children. Find the age of the father.
18. For what value of k will the pair of equations have no solution
3x + y = 1 ; (2k - 1)x + (k - 1)y = 2k + 1
19. The sum of numerator and the denominator of a fraction is 4 more than twice the
numerator. If is added to each of the numerator and denominator, their ratio becomes
2:3. Find the fraction.
20. Solve the following pair of equations
10 2 15 5
+ 𝑥−𝑦 = 4; 𝑥+𝑦 - 𝑥−𝑦 = - 2

21. Solve the following pair of linear equations: y-4x=1 and 6x-5y=9
22. Solve using cross multiply-cation method x+y= 7 and 2x-3y=11.
23. Find the value of k for which the pair of linear equations kx+3y=k-2 and 12x+ky=k has
no solution.
24. Solve: 99x+101y = 499 and 101x+99y=501 .
25. Find the value of a so that the point (3,a) lies on the line represented by 2x-3y=5.
26. Find the value of m for which the pair of linear equations 2x+3y-7=0 and (m-
1)x+(m+1)y=(3m-1) has infinitely many solutions.
27. A number consists of two digits .When the number is divided by sum of its digits, the
quotients is 7. If 27 is subtracted from the number, the digits interchange their places,
find the number.
28. A man travels 600 km partly by train and partly by car. It takes 8 hours and 40 minutes, if
he travels 320 km by train and the rest by car. It would take 30 minutes more, if he
travels 200 km by train and the rest by car. Find the speed of the train and the car
MATHS WORK SHEET-4 (2018-19)
1. Find the values of k for which the roots of the quadratic equation (k-4)x2 + 2(k-4) x + 2 =
0 are equal.
2. Using quadratic formula solve the following quadratic equation:
13x2 + 9(x + 1) – (2x + 3) (x +2) = 6
3. If the ratio of the roots of the equation lx2 + nx +n = 0 is p:q. Prove that
𝑝 𝑞 𝑛
√𝑞 + √𝑝 + √ 𝑙 = 0
𝑥−2 𝑥−4 10
4. Solve for x: + = , x≠ 3,5
𝑥−3 𝑥−5 3
5. A takes 6days less than the time taken by B to finish a piece of work. If both A and B
together can finish it in 4 days, Find the time taken by B to finish the work.
1 1 1 1
6. Solve for x: = 𝑎 + 𝑏 + 𝑥 , a+b ≠ 0
7. Find the values of p for which the equation (2p + 1)x2 - (7p + 2)x + (7p-3) = 0 has equal
8. Solve the quadratic equation by factorization method:
4x2 – 4a2x + a4 – b4 = 0
9. A motor boat whose speed is 18 km/h in still water takes 1hour more to go 24km
upstream than to return to the same spot. Find the speed of the stream.
10. The sum of two numbers is 15. If the sum of their reciprocals is 3/10, find the numbers.
11. Solve for x :√6𝑥 + 7 - (2x - 7) = 0.
𝑥+1 𝑥−2 2𝑥+3
12. Solve for x: 𝑥−1 +𝑥+2 = 4 - ; x≠1, -2, 2
13. If the roots of the quadratic equation (a - b)x2 + (b -c)x + (c -a) = 0 are equal, prove that
2a = b + c.
14. Three consecutive natural numbers are such that the square of the middle number exceeds
the difference of the squares of other two by 60. Find the numbers.
15. Solve the given quadratic equation for x: 9x2- 9(a+ b)x +(2a2+ab+2b2) = 0.
16. The time taken by a person to cover 150 km was 22 hrs more than the time taken in return
journey. If he returned at the speed of 10km/hour more than the speed while going, find
the speed per hour in each direction.
17. If roots of the quadratic equation x2 + 2px + mn = 0 are real and equal, show that the
roots of the quadratic equation x2 - 2(m +n)x + (m2 + n2 + 2p2) = 0 are also equal.
18. The denominator of fraction is one more than twice its numerator. If the sum of the
fraction and its reciprocal is 221 , find the fraction.
19. Find that non-zero value of k, for which the quadratic equation kx2 + 1- 2(k - 1) x + x2 =
0 has equal roots. Hence, find the roots of equation.
20. Find the value of k for which the Q.E (k+4) x2+(k+1)x+1=0 has equal roots.
21. Find the value of k for which the equation x2-4x+k=0 has distinct real roots
22. If (-5) is a root of Q.E 2x2+px-15=0 and the Q.E p(x2+x) + k=0 has equal roots find the
value of k.
23. One-fourth of a herd of a camel was seen in the forest. Twice the square root of the herd
had gone to mountains and the remaining 15 camels were seen on the bank of a river
.Find the total number of camels.
24. Three consecutive natural numbers are such that the square of the middle number exceeds
the difference of the squares of the other two by 60.Find the number.
25. Two water taps together can fill a tank in 9 hours 36 minutes. The tap of larger diameter
takes 8 hours less than the smaller one to fill the tank separately. Find the time in which
each tap can separately fill the tank.
26. A motor boat whose speed is 24 km/h in still water takes 1 hour more to go 32 km
upstream than to return downstream to the same spot. Find the speed of the stream.

27. Solve the following quadratic equations by factorization method

(i). 4x2-4a2x + (a4-b4) = 0 (ii). 4x2- 4ax + (a2-b2 ) = 0



1. Define national income.
2. What is the UNDP criterion for classifying countries into high and low income countries?
3. What is BMI?
4. Why do Kerela has low infant mortality rate?
5. Define sustainable development.
6. Explain life expectancy at birth.
7. What are public facilities? Give examples.
8. What is a National development?
9. What is average Income or per capita Income?
10. What is India’s rank according to HDI?
11. What is sustainable development?
12. What is Development?
13. What is Net attendance ratio?
14. What is Literacy Rate?


1. Explain the criterion given by World Bank to classify countries as high, middle and low
income countries.
2. Why do different people have different development goals? Explain with the help of an
3. Give examples to prove that there are other criteria besides income that determine the
development goals
4. Describe any three features of developed countries?
5. “What may be development for one may not be development for the other” explain by
giving examples?
6. What are the limitations of per capita income criteria of development?
7. Mention any three characteristics of development.
8. What is the significance of human Development Index.


1. ‘National development of a country depends on the availability of public facilities’

2. ‘Money in your pocket cannot buy all the goods and services that one needs to live well’
justify by giving examples
3. ‘Exhaustion of natural resources is a threat to sustainable development’ Discuss
4. Compare the criteria used by World bank and UNDP to classyifying different countries?
5. How is BMI used to determine the undernourishment of a person? Explain.


1. Classify resources on the basis of origin.
2. What are potential resources? Give an example
3. In which state has mining caused severe land degradation?
4. What is the major cause of land degradation in Western UP and Punjab?
5. Which is the most widely spread and important soil in India?
6. What are Ravines?
7. What is the effect of decreasing pasture lands on agricultural lands?
8. What is gully erosion?
9. Give two characteristics of black soil.
10. What percentage of land is under forest in India?
11. What is net sown area?
12. Suggest any two ways to check land degradation?
13. Which soil is ideal for growing cotton?
14. How much forest area is desired from total geographical area of country according to
National Forest Policy 1952?
15. What is a Resource ? Give examples.
16. How can the resources be divided on the basis of exhaustibility?
17. How can the alluvial soil be classified according to their age?
18. What is wind erosion?
19. Write two disadvantage of the red soil.


1. “Indiscriminate use of resources has lead to numerous problems” Justify the statement.
2. Explain any three human activities responsible for land degradation in India.
3. Mention some farming techniques which can be helpful in conservation of soil?
4. Explain any three methods of soil conservation to Indian conditions?
5. What is the importance of natural resources? Why is it necessary to conserve them?
6. Differniate between stock resources and reserve resources?
7. “India has enormous diversity in the availability of resources”. Explain.
8. Explain the classification of resources on the basis of ownership.


1. What is resource Planning ? Why is it important to have resource planning in a country like
2. What are the factors responsible for soil erosion and how can it be prevented?
3. What are the ways to classify resources? Explain
4. Name the soil type which is widely found in Western Rajasthan. Explain two important
characteristics of this type which make it unsuitable for cultivation.


1. What is Zollverein?
2. Who hosted the Congress of Vienna in 1815?
3. Name the two underground societies formed by G. Mazzini.
4. Who was Ottovon Bismarck?
5. Who was proclaimed the king of united Italy in 1861?
6. Name any five Balkan countries.
7. Who formed the secret society “Young Italy” and “Young Europe”?
8. Name the provinces under the Habsburg Empire.
9. What was the main aim of the Treaty of Vienna of 1815?
10. What is meant by “Das volk”?
11. Who were referred as “Junkers” in Purussia?
12. Who were the Slavs?
13. Who was Frederic Sorrieu?
14. What is a nation-state?
15. What was the Act of Union?
16. Name the Treaty of 1832 that recognized Greece as an independent nation.
1. Give a brief description of the revolt led by the weavers in Silesia in 1845.
2. The 1830s were years of great economic hardships in Europe. Explain.
3. Who were Marianne and Germania? What was the importance of the way in which
they were portrayed?
4. Explain the provisions of the Civil Code of 1804.
5. Explain any three ways in which nationalist feelings were kept alive in Poland in the
18th and 19th centuries?
6. Describe the steps taken by the French Revolutionaries to create a sense of collective
identity among the French people?
7. “ Like Germany , Italy too had a long history of political fragmentation”. Justify
8. Explain any three provisions of the Treaty of Vienna of 1815.
9. Who was Giuseppe Mazzini? Explain his role in the unification of Italy?


1. “Napolean had, no doubt destroyed democracy in France, but in the administrative
field he had incorporated revolutionary principles” Explain.
2. Explain what is meant by the 1848 revolution of the Liberals. What were the
political, social and economic ideas supported by the liberals?
3. “The idealistic liberal- democratic sentiments of nationalism became a narrow creed
with limited ends.” Support the statement in the context of Balkan nationalism in the
early 19th century?
4. How was the Habsburg Empire a patchwork of many different regions and people in
5. How did the Balkan issue became the reason for First World War?
6. Explain the role of Romantic imagination in national feeling.
7. How were different nations visualized by the artists in the 18th and the 19th centuries?
Explain by giving examples.
1. What is a federal system of government?
2. Give two examples of holding together federation.
3. What is a gram panchayat?
4. Who are the members of the Gram Sabha?
5. Which is the highest institution of Panchayati raj in rural areas?
6. Who is the political head of Municipality and Municipal Corporation?
7. What is coming together federation?
8. Which subjects are included in the Union list?
9. What are Residuary powers?
10. What is decentralisation?
11. Which level of government in India can make laws on the subjects included in the
Concurrent List?
12. Which local body looks after the basic civic amenities in big cities?
13. Which state in India enjoys a special status under the Indian constitution?
14. What is Gram Panchayat?
15. What is a Concurrent List?


1. What makes India a federal country?

2. How are local government bodies organised in urban areas?
3. Compare the Federations of “Coming together type and Holding together type”?
4. What is decentralization? What is the need for decentralization?
5. Explain the composition of local self government of rural area.
6. ‘All States in the Indian Union do not have identical powers. Justify.
7. What is Panchayati Raj ? What is its importance?
8. Distinguish between the Coming Together Federation and the Holding Together
9. Write characteristics of language policy of India॰
1. Differentiate between unitary and federal form of government.
2. What is the importance or need for decentralisation?
3. Explain five changes towards decentralization brought in the constitution after the
amendments made in 1992.
4. Explain the features of the federal form of government?
5. Examine the language policy of India as an important aspect of our Constitution.


1. What is majoritarianism?
2. What is the concept of ‘Community government’ of Belgium?
3. Why is horizontal power sharing also called a ‘system of checks and balances’?
4. What is the ethnic composition of ethnic composition of capital city Brussels?
5. What led to Civil war in Sri Lanka?
6. Name the ethnic group of Sri Lanka which were involved in a civil war.
7. What is the language spoken by the people residing in the Wallonia region of
8. What is the ethnic composition of Belgium?
9. What do you mean by the word “Ethnic”?
10. Which are the most important social groups of Sri Lanka?
11. What is the system of checks and balances in power sharing?
12. What is Vertical Division of Power?
13. What languages are spoken in Belgium?


1. Explain the two main reasons why power sharing is important in a democracy.
2. What were the majoritarian measures taken in Sri Lanka to establish Sinhala
3. What arrangements were worked out by the Belgian leaders in order to
accommodate regional differences and cultural diversities?
4. What were the three demands raised by Tamils in Sri lanka?
5. Mention the steps which were taken by the Sri Lankan government to achieve
6. “Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy” justify the statement with three
suitable examples?
7. Why is power sharing necessary?
8. “Both Belgium and Sri Lanka are democracies but they follow different system of
power-sharing “.Support the statement by giving them points of difference.
1. Both Belgium and Sri Lanka are democracies but the follow different systems of
power sharing. Support the statement by giving three points of difference.
2. Explain the different forms of power sharing in modern democracies with an
example of each.
3. Explain the major forms of power sharing in modern democracies?
4. What are the basic elements of the Belgium model of power sharing?
5. Describe the tension that existed between the Dutch and the French speaking
people in Belgium.

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