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Disposition of earnings

The following profits in the parent company are at the disposal of The proposed record date for the right to receive dividends is Mon-
the AGM: day 19 May 2016. The Board of Directors’ proposed dividend is
based on Chapter 18, § 4 of the Companies Act on the basis of the
Disposition of earnings Amounts in SEK parent company’s and the group’s need to strengthen its Balance
At the disposal of the AGM: Sheet, liquidity, financial position otherwise and the ability to
Retained earnings 6,498,702,681 meet its obligations in the long term.
Net loss for the year –27,335,543 The group’s equity/assets ratio is 45 percent and net cash and
cash equivalents is SEK 782 m. The Board of Directors has also
Total 6,471,367,138
considered the parent company’s profit/loss and financial position,
Appropriated as follows: and the group’s financial position otherwise. In this context, the
Distributed to shareholders SEK 0.54 per share 86,400,000
Board has considered known circumstances that may be of signifi-
cance to the parent company’s and group companies’ financial
Carried forward 6,384,967,138
position. The proposed dividend does not restrict the company’s
Total 6,471,367,138 investment ability or access needs for liquidity, and the Board
considers that the proposed dividend payment is carefully consi-
dered in terms of the nature, scope and risk of operations as well
as the parent company’s and group’s capital requirement, and
business plans and financial performance in coming years. The
group’s and parent company’s Income Statement and Balance
Sheet will be subject to adoption by the AGM on 17 May 2016.


The Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer hereby certify that the Consolidated Accounts have been prepared in accordance
with International Financial Reporting Standards, IFRS as endorsed by the EU, and that they give a true and fair view of the group’s
financial position and results of operations. The Annual Accounts have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles and give a true and fair view of the parent company’s financial position and results of operations. The Administration Report
of the group and parent company give a true and fair view of the progress of the group’s and parent company’s operations, financial
position and results of operations, and states significant risks and uncertainty factors facing the parent company and group companies.

Danderyd, Sweden, 11 April 2016

Erik Lautmann Henrik Borelius

Chairman CEO and Board member

Mona Boström Jan Frykhammar Ulf Lundahl Christopher Masek

Board member Board member Board member Board member

Arja Pohjamäki Anssi Soila Christoffer Zilliacus

Board member Board member Board member
Employee representative

Our Audit Report was submitted on 11 April 2016

PricewaterhouseCoopers AB

Patrik Adolfson
Authorized Public Accountant
Auditor in Charge


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