Bo Tai Lieu Ôn Thi Vao Lop 10-Hay

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Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10


1. Caùch thaønh laäp :
a. Khaúng ñònh:
S (I,We, You, They, danh töø soá nhieàu) + VINFINITIVE (Ñoäng töø
nguyeân maãu)
S (He,She,It, danh töø soá ít) + VS/ES (Ñoäng töø theâm”S” hoaëc “ES”
EX: I always go to school early.
He stays up late every night.
She does her homework every day.
Löu yù:
 Ñoái vôùi ñoäng töø taän cuøng baèng caùc chöõ: O, X, S, SH, CH ta phaûi
do does ; fix fixes ; miss misses ; wash washes ; watch watches

EX: My mother washes the clothes every day.
He often goes to work by car.
 Ñoái vôùi ñoäng töø taän cuøng baèng chöõ “Y” maø tröôùc noù laø moät
hoaëc 2 phuï aâm, ta phaûi ñoåi chöõ “Y”thaønh chöõ”I” roài theâm”ES”
study studies ; carry carries; worry ; worries ; marry  marries ;
cry cries…
EX: This baby often cries when his mother is out.
Lan sometimes worries about her tests.
 Ñoái vôùi nhöõng ñoäng töø coøn laïi chæ theâm “S” maø thoâi
play  plays, make  makes; clean cleans….
EX: Nam ussually plays soccer in the afternoon.
This boy drinks milk every day.
b. Phuû ñònh:
S (I,We, You, They, danh töø soá nhieàu) + don,t + VINFINITIVE (Ñoäng töø
nguyeân maãu)
S (He,She,It, danh töø soá ít) + doesn,t + VINFINITIVE
EX: I don,t drink coffee.
He doesn,t like films
c. Nghi vaán:
Do + S (I,We, You, They, danh töø soá nhieàu) + VINFINITIVE ? (Ñoäng töø
nguyeân maãu)
Does + S (He,She,It, danh töø soá ít) + VINFINITIVE ?
EX: Do you know this student ?
Does she like music ?
2. Caùch söû duïng:
 Duøng ñeå dieãn ñaït moät haønh ñoäng söï vieäc thöôøng hay xaõy ra (laëp ñi
laëp laïi nhieàu laàn) hay moät thoùi quen ôû hieän taïi. (Trong caâu thöôøng
coù caùc traïng töø chæ söï thöôøng xuyeân nhö: always, frequently,
constantly, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never, every…
three aweek / a month / a year…
four times
EX: We eat rice every day.
He oftens get up early.
 Dieãn ñaït moät söï thaät hieån nhieân, moät chaân lyù
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 1
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
EX The Moon goes around the Earth.
Fish live in the water.
1. Caùch thaønh laäp
a. Khaúng ñònh:
am EX : I am writing a letter now
S+ is +VING He is sleeping at present
Are They are playing in the school-yard at
this time

b. Phuû ñònh : Theâm “ not” sau am / is / are

am EX : I am not writing a letter now
S+ is + not +VING He isn,t sleeping at present
Are They aren,t playing in the school-
yard at this time
c. Nghi vaán : Ñaûo am / is / are ra tröôùc chuû ngöõ
Am EX : Are you doing the homework ?
Is + S +VING ? Is she watching TV now ?
Are Are the students learning English at
the moment ?
2. caùch söû duïng:
-Dieãn ñaït moät haønh ñoäng, söï vieäc ñang dieãn ra ôû hieän taïi (Ngay luùc
ñang noùi). (Trong caâu thöôøng coù caùc traïng töø: still, now, at present, at
the moment, at this time, today, tinight, this week… sau caùc töø taïo söï
chuù yù nhö : Look !, Look at him/her/them…, Pay attention! , Be
careful !... )
EX: The students are doing the exercises now.
He is reading a newspaper at present.
Look! The bus is coming here.
-Dieãn ñaït moät döï ñònh, moät haønh ñoäng, söï vieäc ñaõ ñöôïc saép xeáp laøm
(xaõy ra) trong töông lai gaàn (Töông ñöông vôùi (am / is /are going to ))
EX: I am going to Binh Chau tomorrow.
He is returning home next Sunday.
-Duøng vôùi always ñeå dieãn ñaït moät söï phaøn naøn veà moät haønh ñoäng hay
söï vieäc khoâng toát thöôøng hay xaõy ra hay moät thoùi quen xaáu ôû hieän taïi
Ex: He is always watching TV very late.
They are always making noise in class.
 Ñoái vôùi ñoäng töø taän cuøng baèng chöõ “E” caâm, ta phaûi boû noù ñi
EX write  writing , practise  practising , raise  raising , ride 
riding, drive  driving…
 Ñoái vôùi ñoäng töø 1 vaàn taän cuøng baèng 1 phuï aâm maø tröôùc noù laø
1 nguyeân aâm ta phaûi nhaân ñoâi phuï aâm cuoái ñoù. ( Nguyeân aâm
goàm: a, e, I, o , u)
EX:cut  cutting , stop stopping , run  running, sit  sitting, get
 getting, rub  rubbing…
 Ñoái vôùi ñoäng töø 2 vaàn , coù aâm nhaán (Troïng aâm) ôû vaàn cuoái,
taän cuøng baèng 1 phuï aâm maø tröôùc noù laø 1 nguyeân aâm ta phaûi
nhaân ñoâi phuï aâm cuoái ñoù
EX: begin  beginning, prefer  preferring, occur  occurring, admit 

Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 2

Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
 Ñoái vôùi ñoäng töø taän cuøng baèng 2 chöõ ”ie” thì phaûi ñoåi thaønh chöõ
EX: tie tying ,lie  lying …
 Ñoái vôùi ñoäng töø taän cuøng baèng chöõ “L” maø tröôùc noù laø 1
nguyeân aâm, phaûi nhaâ ñoâi chöõ “L”
EX: Travel travelling, control  controlling, signal  signalling…
1. Caùch thaønh laäp
a. Khaúng ñònh: v3 EX: We have
learnt these lessons
VPP = vED He has finshed
S +
his work.
have / has
b. +V
Phuûppñònh: Theâm “not” sau have /has
EX: They haven,t done their
, ,
S + haven
homework yet. t / hasn t
+Vpp Mr Long hasn,t seen that film

c. Nghi vaán: Ñaûo have/ has ra tröôùc chuû ngöõ

EX: Have you ever eaten durian ?
Have / Has +S Has he met his friend yet ?
+Vpp ?
2. Caùch söû duïng:
 Dieãn ñaït moät haønh ñoäng, söï vieäc ñaõ xaõy ra trong quaù khöù nhöng
khoâng xaùc ñònh roõ thôøi gian (Trong caâu thöôøng coù caùc traïng töø:
already, before, many times, several times…)
I have already gone to Dalat.
He has seen this film before.
 Dieãn ñaït moät haønh ñoäng, söï vieäc vöøa môùi dieãn ra. (Trong caâu
thöôøng coù caùc traïng töø:just, lately, recently…)
EX: He has just got married.
They have built a house recently.
 Dieãn ñaït moät haønh ñoäng, söï vieäc ñaõ xaõy ra trong quaù khöù, keùo daøi
ñeán hieän taïi vaãn coøn vaø coù theå coøn tieáp dieãn ôû töông lai(Trong caâu
thöôøng coù caùc traïng töø: since, for, up to now, so far…)
EX: We have learnt English for 4 years.
Mr Baker has lived in London since 1992.
 Duøng vôùi NEVER ñeå dieãn ñaït moät haønh ñoäng, söï vieäc chöa bao giôø
xaõy ra tính tôùi thôøi ñieåm hieän taïi.
EX: I have never travelled by air /plane.
 Duøng vôùi YET trong caâu phuû ñònh ñeå dieãn ñaït moät haønh ñoäng söï
vieäc chöa xaõy ra vaø trong caâu nghi vaán ñeå hoûi xem moät haønh ñoäng,
söï vieäc ñaõ xaõy ra hay chöa. (Haønh ñoäng naøy vaãn thöôøng hay xaõy ra
nhöng ôû thôøi ñieåm hieän taïi noù chöa xaõy ra hoaëc ñaõ xaõy ra hay chöa)
EX: I haven,t had breakfast yet.
Have you emt him yet ?
 Duøng vôùi EVER ñeå hoûi xem moät haønh ñoäng, söï vieäc ñaõ bao giôø xaûy
ra hay chöa.
EX: Have you ever travelled by train ?
Have you ever driven a car ?
 Duøng sau caùc caáu truùc:
+It /This / That is the first/ second/ third …time…
+It / This /That is the only… (/You are/ she is, He is….)
+It /This / That is + so saùnh nhaát …(/You are/ she is, He is….)
EX: This is the first time I have ridden a motorcycle.
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 3
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
This is the only pen I have here.
You are the only girl I have loved.
She is the most beautiful girl I have seen.
 Ñoái vôùi ñoäng töø taän cuøng baèng chöõ “E” caâm, ta chæ theâm chöõ
“D” maø thoâi
EX: like  liked , practise  practised, raise raised, agree 
 Ñoái vôùi ñoäng töø 1 vaàn taän cuøng baèng 1 phuï aâm maø tröôùc noù laø
1 nguyeân aâm ta phaûi nhaân ñoâi phuï aâm cuoái ñoù. ( Nguyeân aâm
goàm: a, e, I, o , u)
EX:stop stopped, rub  rubbed, …
 Ñoái vôùi ñoäng töø 2 vaàn , coù aâm nhaán (Troïng aâm) ôû vaàn cuoái,
taän cuøng baèng 1 phuï aâm maø tröôùc noù laø 1 nguyeân aâm ta phaûi
nhaân ñoâi phuï aâm cuoái ñoù
EX: prefer  preferred, occur  occurred, admit  admitted…
 Ñoái vôùi ñoäng töø taän cuøng baèng chöõ ”y” maø tröôùc noù laø 1 hoaëc
2 phuï aâm thì phaûi ñoåi thaønh chöõ “i” roài theâm”ED”
EX: Carry carried, cry  cried study  studied…
 Ñoái vôùi ñoäng töø taän cuøng baèng chöõ “L” maø tröôùc noù laø 1
nguyeân aâm, phaûi nhaâ ñoâi chöõ “L”
EX: Travel travelled, control  controlled, signal  signalled…
1. Caùch thaønh laäp:
a. Khaúng ñònh:
S + have /has +been EX: We have been studying
English since 7 o,clock.
+VING He has been working for
three hours.
b. Phuû ñònh: Theâm “Not” sau have /has
EX:She hasn,t been working all
day.S + have / has + not +been
+VING I haven,t been watching TV
since he came
c. Nghi vaán: Ñaûo have / has ra tröôùc chuû ngöõ
Ex: Has he been seeing a film ?
Have / Has + S +been Have they been playing soccer
since three
ING ? o clock?

2. Caùch söû duïng:

-Dieãn ñaït moät haønh ñoäng, söï vieäc ñaõ xaõy ra trong quaù khöù, keùo daøi
ñeán hieän taïi vaãn coøn vaø coù theå coøn tieáp dieãn ôû töông lai.(Trong caâu
thöôøng coù caùc traïng töø: since, for…) (Gioáng thì Hieän taïi hoaøn thaønh
nhöng nhaán maïnh tính lieân tuïc)
I have been tying for three hours.
We have been learning since seven o,clock.
1. Caùch thaønh laäp :
a. Khaúng ñònh:
EX: He went to Hanoi last week.
S + V2/ VED… She cleaned the floor yesterday.
b. Phuû dònh:
EX: He didn,t go to Hanoi last week.
S + didn,t + They didn,t play volleyball yesterday.
c. Nghi
INF … vaán:

Did +S + Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 4

Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
Ex: Did you meet him last night ?
Did the students do the test last
Monday ?
2. Caùch söû duïng:
-Dieãn ñaït moät haønh ñoäng, söï vieäc ñaõ xaõy ra taïi moät thôøi ñieåm xaùc
ñònh trong quaù khöù. (Trong caâu thöôøng coù caùc traïng töø: yesterday, last,
I went to Vung Tau two weeks ago.
He watched that film last night.
* So saùnh vôùi thì Hieän taïi hoaøn thaønh:
I have gone to Dalat. I went to Dalat last year.
He has already met her. He met her yesterday.
1. Caùch thaønh laäp:
a. Khaúng ñònh:
EX: We were watching TV at 8
S +were /was
o,clock last night.
She was cooking at that time.
b. Phuû ñònh: Theâm “not” sau were/ was
EX: We weren,t watching TV at 8
,S +were /was + not +
o clock last night
She wasn,t cooking at that
c. Nghi vaán: Ñaûo were /was ra tröôùc chuû ngöõ.
Were /Was + S + EX: Were you watching TV at 8
clock last night?
Was she cooking at that
time ?
2. Caùch söû duïng:
 Dieãn ñaït moät haønh ñoäng, söï vieäc ñang dieãn ra taïi moät thôøi ñieåm
trong quaù khöù. (Trong caâu thöôøng coù caùc traïng töø: at that time, at
this time + yesterday/ last… , at one/two/ three… o,clock +yesterday/
EX: The children were sleeping at that time.
I was playing the Piano at this time yesterday.
 Dieãn ñaït moät haønh ñoäng, söï vieäc ñang dieãn ra taïi moät thôøi ñieåm
trong quaù khöù thì moät haønh ñoäng söï vieäc khaùc dieãn ra caét ngang
haønh ñoäng ñoù.(Keát hôïp vôùi thì Quaù Khöù Ñôn)
Ex: I was taking a bath when the telephone rang.
They were watching TV when I came.
1. Caùch thaønh laäp:
a. Khaúng ñònh
S + had +VPP EX: I had graduated from the colege
before I taught here.
They had bought a house before
they got married.
b. Phuû ñònh: Theâm “not” sau had
S + hadn,t EX: He hadn,t finished his work before
he +Vwent to the cinema. We hadn,t done our
homework yet.
c. Nghi vaán: Ñaûo had ra tröôùc chuû ngöõ :
Had +S EX: Had you reviewed the lessons before
you+Vtook the exam ? Had she learnt
PP ?
English before she went to the USA ?
2. Caùch söû duïng:
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 5
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
-Dieãn ñaït moät haønh ñoäng, söï vieäc ñaõ xaõy ra tröôùc moät thôøi ñieåm trong
quaù khöù ( Trong caâu thöôøng coù: before yesterday/ last…)
They had built a house before last Tet holidays.
We had finished our work before yesterday.
-Dieãn ñaït moät haønh ñoäng, söï vieäc ñaõ xaõy ra tröôùc moät haønh ñoäng, söï
vieäc khaùc cuõng xaõy ra trong quaù khöù (Keát hôïp vôùi thì Quaù Khöa Ñôn)
I had done the homework before I went to bed last night.
She went to school after she had had breakfast.


1. Caùch thaønh laäp:
a.Khaúng ñònh:

s +Had + Been + V-ing

b. Phuû ñònh:

s +Hadn,t + Been + V-ing

c.Nghi vaán:

Had +S + Been + V-ing ?

2. Caùch duøng:
 Dùng giống hệt như Past Perfect duy có điều hoạt động diễn ra liên tục cho đến tận Simple Past. Nó
thường kết hợp với Simple Past thông qua phó từ Before. Trong câu thường xuyên có since, for +
Lưu ý: Thời này ngày nay ít dùng, người ta thay thế nó bằng Past Perfect và chỉ dùng khi nào cần
điễn đạt tính chính xác của hành động.
1. Caùch thaønh laäp:
a. Khaúng ñònh:
EX: I shall visit you next week.
S +Will / Shall +
The students will stay at
home tomorrow.
b. Phuû ñònh : Theâm “not” sau will /shall
will not = won,t ; shall not = shan,t
S +Will / Shall +not
t go to class late I promise.
We shan,t have Math tomorrow.

c. Nghi vaán : Ñaûo will / shall ra tröôùc chuû ngöõ :

Will / Shall + S + EX: Will you go with me

VINF ? ?
Shall we have meat for
lunch ?
2. Caùch söû duïng:
 Dieãn ñaït moät haønh ñoäng, söï vieäc seõ xaõy ra trong töông lai. (Trong caâu
thöôøng coù caùc traïng töø : tomorrow, next, in the future…)
EX: We will have an exam next month.
Lan will go to HCM City tomorrow.
 Dieãn ñaït moät lôøi ñeà nghò lòch söï ( Ñeà nghò ngöôøi khaùc cuøng vôùi
mình laøm moät vieäc gì, ñeà nghò ngöôøi khaùc giuùp mình) , moät lôøi ngoû
yù giuùp ñôõ, moät lôøi höùa…
EX: Shall we play soccer ?= Let,s play soccer.
Will you please give me a hand ?
Shall I help you ?
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 6
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
I promise I will learn harder.

X. THÌ TÖÔNG LAI TIEÁP DIEÃN (Future Progressive:)

1. Caùch thaønh laäp:
a. Khaúng ñònh:

S +will/shall + be + verb_ing
b. Phuû ñònh:

S +will/shall + not + be + verb_ing

Will not =won,t ; shall not = shan,t
c. Nghi vaán:

Will/Shall + S + be + verb_ing ?
2. Caùch söû duïng:
 Diễn đạt một điều sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai ở vào một thời điểm nhất định
Ex: At 8:00 am tomorrow morning we will be attending the lecture.
Ex: Good luck with the exam! We will be thinking of you.
 Dùng kết hợp với present progressive khác để diễn đạt hai hành động đang song song xảy ra. Một ở hiện
tại, còn một ở tương lai.
Ex: Now we are learning English here, but by the time tomorrow we will be attending the

meeting at the office.

 Được dùng để đề cập đến các sự kiện tương lai đã được xác định hoặc quyết định (không mang ý nghĩa tiếp
Ex: Professor Baxter will be giving another lecture on Roman glass - making at the same time next week.
 Hoặc những sự kiện được mong đợi là sẽ xảy ra theo một tiến trình thường lệ (nhưng không diễn đạt ý định
của cá nhân người nói).
Ex: You will be hearing from my solicitor.
Ex: I will be seeing you one of these days, I expect.
 Dự đoán cho tương lai:
Ex: Don't phone now, they will be having dinner.
 Diễn đạt lời đề nghị nhã nhặn muốn biết về kế hoạch của người khác
Ex: You will be staying in this evening.
(ông có dự định ở lại đây tối nay chứ ạ)


1. Caùch thaønh laäp:
a. Khaúng ñònh:

S+ Will/ Shall + Have +VP P

b. Phuû ñònh:

S+ Won,t/ Shan,t + Have +VP P

c. Nghi vaán:

Will/ Shall + S +Have +VPP ?

2. Caùch söû duïng:
 Chỉ một hành động sẽ phải được hoàn tất ở vào một thời điểm nhất định trong tương lai. Nó thường được
dùng với phó tử chỉ thời gian dưới dạng:
By the end of....., By the time + sentence
Ex: We will have accomplished the TOEFL test taking skills by the end of next year.

Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 7

Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
By the time Halley's Comet comes racing across the night sky again, most of the people alive today will
have passed away.
1. He always ……………………………………………….………………….to school on time.
2. The children …………………………………....…………………………at this time
yesterday (swim)
3. We ………………………………………………….………..……………… that film (already/
4. She …………………………………………………..…………………. this shirt yesterday.
5. Look! The students …………………….……………………………………….in the rain.
6. I ……………………………………………………….…… at home tomorrow. (stay)
7. Hoai …………………………………………………….. English every day. (study)
8. Mr Tien …………………………………………………..a document now. (type)
9. The Pikes …………………………………………………in New York for 20 years. (live)
10. He …………………………………………………….. a letter last week. (send)
11. She ……………………………………………………….the clothes four times a week.
12. We always ………………………………………………………after dinner. (watch)
13.They ……………………………………………………..their work yet. ( not finish)
14. They …………………………………………………..a car before they got married. (buy)
15. The students …………………………………………………English at present (learn)
16. She …………………………………………………….. the meal at that time. (cook)
17. ………………………….you ever………………………turkey ? (eat) (turkey: gaø Taây)
18. He …………………………………………..her last week.(not visit)
19. She ………………………………………………the floor every day. (clean)
20. We ………………………………………………………since 7 o,clock. (learn).
21. Nam …………………………………………………….a letter from his penpal. (just/
22. This is the most interesting film I ………………………………………………. (see)
23. That boy …………………………………………… at the moment. (sleep)
24. Miss Hoa ……………………………………………………to Phan Thiet two days ago.
25. We ……………………………………………………..our homework every day. (do)
26. They ………………………………………………….their house before last Tet holiday.
27. We ………………………………………………each other since last year. ( not see)
28. Mr Long ………………………………………….a house recently. (build)
29. It …………………………………………….. now. ( still/ rain).
30. I ………………………………………………a doctor in the future. (become)
31. They …………………………………………………….soccer at this time. ( play)
32. It is the first time I………………………………..a motorbike. (ride)
-Ñeà caäp ñeán soá löôïng -Ñeà caäp ñeán thôøi gian
EX: She has written three letters EX: She has been writing all the
How many cigerettes have you smoked a morning
day ? How long have you been staying in
-Ñeà caäp ñeán keát quaû cuûa haønh Dalat ?
ñoäng.( Haønh ñoäng ñaõû keát thuùc vaø -Khoâng ñeà caäp ñeán keát quaû cuûa
coù keát quaû roõ raøng) haønh ñoäng maø ñeà caäp ñeán söï
EX: The room was yellow. It is blue now. He aûnh höôûng cuûa haønh ñoäng ñoù
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 8
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
has painted the room. gaây ra cho chuû ngöõ. (Haønh ñoäng
ñoù coù theå keát thuùc hoaëc chöa
keát thuùc)
-Ñeà caäp ñeán khoaûng thôøi gian lôùn, His clothes are covered with paint. He
thôøi ñieåm xa hieän taïi. has been painting the ceiling.
EX: They have lived in Tan Thang for 15 -Ñeà caäp ñeán khoaûng thôøi gian
years. nhoû, thôøi ñieåm gaàn hieän taïi.
He has worked for this company since 1992. EX: They have been playing soccer for
an hour
We have been learning since 7 o,clock
Chia ñoäng töø ôû thì Hieän taïi hoaøn thaønh hoaëc thì Hieän taïi hoaøn
thaønh Tieáp Dieãn:
1. I …………………………………………………ten exercises today. (do)
2. She …………………………………………….TV all day. (watch)
3. The room was very dirty.It is very clean now. Lan
…………………………………………….the room.(sweep)
4. They …………………………………………………. at this school for 4 years . (teach)
5. We ………………………………………………….for two hours. (learn)
6. The children,s clothes are very dirty. They
……………………………………………………… (play)
7. How many lessons …………………you …………………………… ? (study)
8 How long ……………………………………………you ………………………….. in Hue ?
Thì Hieän Taïi Tieáp Dieãn +When /While +Thì Hieän Taïi Tieáp Dieãn
EX: He is reading a book while I am watching TV.
Thì Töông Lai Ñôn + When / Until +Thì Hieän Taïi Ñôn
EX: I will give it to you when I visit you next week.
Thì Quaù Khöù Ñôn +When + Thì Quaù Khöù Tieáp Dieãn
Thì Quaù Khöù Tieáp Dieãn +When + Thì Quaù Khöù Ñôn
EX: The milkman came when The Le family was having breakfast.
We were doing our homework when he arrived.
Thì Quaù Khöù Hoaøn Thaønh (already) +When +Thì Quaù Khöù Ñôn
EX:The play had already begun when we came the theatre.
Thì Quaù Khöù Ñôn + While +Thì Quaù Khöù Tieáp Dieãn
Thì Quaù Khöù Tieáp Dieãn +While + Thì Quaù Khöù Tieáp Dieãn
EX: The telephone rang while I was cooking the meal
My parents were watching TV while I was learning my lessons.
Thì Quaù Khöù Ñôn +as soon as/ by the time + Thì Quaù Khöù
Hoaøn Thaønh
EX: He went out as soon as he had eaten dinner.
Thì Hieän Taïi Hoaøn Thaønh + since + Thì Quaù
Khöù Ñôn
Thì Hieän Taïi Hoaøn Thaønh Tieáp Dieãn
EX: They have lived in that house since they got married.
We have been working since we came here.
Thì Quaù Khöù Ñôn + after + Thì Quaù Khöù Hoaøn Thaønh
Thì Quaù Khöù Hoaøn Thaønh + before +Thì Quaù Khöù Ñôn
EX: Nam went to bed after he has done his homework .
Nam has done his homework before he went to bed.
1. He …………………………….English every day (study)
2. They …………………………….. their grandparents last Sunday. (visit)
3. I …………………………to Hanoi next week. (go)
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 9
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
4. This boy ………………………………..his teeth three times a day. (brush)
5. She often ………………………………….the clothes in the morning. (wash)
6. We ………………………………………Music at that time.(practise)
7. The children ………………………………… at this time. (play)
8. Lan always ……………………………..up early and goes to school on time. (get)
9. Mr Long ………………………………………back from his farm. (just / come)
10 Pham Duy ……………………………..over one thousand songs up to now. (compose)
11. They …………………………………….their house beautifully before last Christmas. (decorate)
12. Look ! The train ……………………………………….here. (come)
13. The students ……………………………………..the lesson now. (write)
14. She ……………………………………..that film before. (see)
15. My mother …………………………………..this shirt yesterday.(buy)
16. Ba …………………………………….ten exercises since he came here. (do)
17. We ……………………………………swimming twice a week . (go)
18. They ………………………………their work. (already / finish )
19. The students …………………………….in the school-yard at the moment. (run)
20. I ……………………………… 10 o,clock last night. (sleep)
21. I promise I …………………………………… harder. (learn)
22. The baby,s eyes are red and wet. She ………………………… (cry) .
23. My father sometimes…………………………….TV in the evening.(watch)
24. My younger sister ………………………………….milk every day.(drink)
25. He ……………………………..her a letter four days ago.(send)
26. Nam and Ba……………………………..a bath yet. (not take)
27. They ……………………………………….a new house recently. (build)
28. We …………………….Math and Literature tomorrow. (have)
29. I ……………………………him when he was riding to school. (see)
30. I will pay it back to you when I ……………………………….tomorrow. (come)
31. My father …………………………………… a magazine while my brothers were watching TV (read)
32. Mr Peter ………………………………..for this company since he moved to London. (work)
33. The match ……………………………when we arrived the stadium. (already/ begin)
34. They ………………………………… dinner after they had taken a bath. (eat)
35. Miss Lan ……………………………………..before she travelled to New York. (study)
36. He has drunk three cup of tea since he ………………………………….here. (sit)
37. They …………………………………while I am learning my lessons( play)
38. Nam …………………………… soon as he had came home. (eat)
39.My Tam always sings Vietnamese songs but tonight she ……………….......... an English song. (sing)
40. The students …………………………………….me while I was talking to Mr Tien. (greet)
41.After I …………………………….my lessons, I …………………………….the exam. (review-take)
42. Before he ……………………… work, he …………………………………breakfast. (go- have)
43. …………………………….you ……………………………………… that work yet ?(finish)
44…………………he …………………..a letter yesterday ? ( receive)
45.I……………………Rock music. (not like)
46…………………… ever……………… plane ? (travel)
47. This is the most interesting book I ……………………..(read)
48. It ……………………….now. (still/ rain)


 Ñoäng töø BE vaø caùc ñoäng töø tri giaùc nhö: see (thaáy, gaëp), meet
(gaëp) ,greet (chaøo) , smell( ngöûi), taste(neám), look (troâng coù veû),
sound(nghe coù veû), understand(hieåu), know(bieát), show(chæ,
baûo),come(ñeán) ,….
 Ñoäng töø chæ sôû thích , yù muoán: love(yeâu), like(thích), hate(gheùt),
dislike(khoâng thích), want(caàn, muoán)=need, prefer (thích hôn),…...

Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 10

Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
 Ñoäng töû chæ söï sôû höõu :have(coù), own(sôû höõu),=possess, belong to
(thuoäc veà), content(chöùa ñöïng)…
* Neáu trong caâu coù caùc töø nhaän bieát ñeå chia ôû caùc thì tieáp dieãn maø
coù caùc ñoäng töø treân thì ta chuyeån sang caùc thì Ñôn töông ñöông (Hieän taïi
Tieáp DieãnHieän Taïi Ñôn, Quaù Khöù Tieáp Dieãn Quaù Khöù Ñôn…)
EX: Now, I…………………………………… (understand) (Chöõ “Now” laø daáu
hieäu nhaän bieát cuûa thì Hieän TaïiTieáp Dieãn nhöng ñoäng töø “understand”
khoâng chia ñöôïc ôû caùc thì tieáp dieãn neân ta chuyeån sang thì Hieän Taïi Ñôn)
 Now, I understand you.
1. Sau caùc Modal verbs: Can, could, will, shall, would, should, ought to, have to,
must, may , might, had better, would rather, used to….
Ex: He can swim.
You should learn harder for your exam.
2. Sau ñoäng töø DARE (daùm) NEED(caàn) (DAREN ,T,NEEDN,T)
EX: He dare jump off the tree.
I daren,t go out alone at nights.
She need buy two kilograms power (boät ngoït)
Löu yù: NEED coù theå duøng nhö moät Modal Verb hoaëc nhö moät Ñoäng Töø
Thöôøng do ñoù caâu treân ta coù theå noùi theo caùch khaùc laø: She need to
buy two kilograms of power.
3. Sau CAN BUT, CANNOT BUT (Chæ coù theå), DO YOU MIND IF I…..?
EX:I can but do my best.= I can only do my best
I cannot but think that you want to deceive me (löøa doái) = I must think that
you want to deceive me
(Toâi baét buoäc phaûi nghó raèng anh muoán löøa doái toâi)
Do yiu mind if I turn on the TV?
4. Sau caùc ñoäng töø chæ giaùc quan (Verb of Perception):
perceive(nhaän thaáy), feel(caûm thaáy), notice(quan saùt, thaáy, ñeå yù), =mark,
observe( nhìn ra, thaáy ), see=watch (thaáy), hear(nghe), behold(troâng thaáy),
hask at (laéng nghe) =listen to, look at(nhìn), smell(ngöûi)….
EX: We saw that boy steal the money.
Did you notice anyone come in ?
5. Sau moät soá ñoäng töø : bid (baûo), help(giuùp ñôõ), let(ñeå), make (laøm),
know(bieát) chæ duøng ñöôïc ôû caùc thì ñôn vaø caùc thì hoaøn thaønh}…(bid-
EX: He bade me sit down.
What makes you laugh ?
6. Duøng trong theå nhôø vaû vôùi ñoäng töø HAVE (Causative form)
I usually have my mother wash the clothes.
She had a workman repair her bike.
I have never known him behave so badly before
7.Duøng trong caâu caàu khieán:
EX: Stand up, please
-Please, come in.
1. Sau caùc ñoäng töø : Duøng trong caáu truùc: S + V +TO INFINITIVE )
atempt(coá gaéng, thöû);begin =start (baét ñaàu); cease(chaám döùt);come
on=continue(tieáp tuïc); dare(daùm); decide= purpose
(quyeát ñònh); learn(hoïc); like(thích); dislike(khoâng thích); hate(gheùt);
love(yeâu,yeâu thích); promise(höùa); propose=intend(döï ñònh, ñeà
nghò);refuse(töø choái); regret(laáy laøm tieác);remember(nhôù); pretend(giaû
boä,giaû vôø); awear(theà); try(thöû,coá gaéng); undertake(ñònh laøm); want(caàn,
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 11
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
muoán); wish(mong,mong muoán ); deserve(xöùng ñaùng); mean(coù yù); plan(döï
ñònh); hope(hy voïng); forget=neglect(queân,phôùt lôø);arrange(saép xeáp, thu
xeáp); prepare(chuaån bò); agree=cosent(ñoàng yù); fail(khoâng ñöôïc,tröôït);
determine(quyeát taâm); manage(xoay xôû, thu xeáp); hesitate(ngaàn ngaïi);
offer(tình nguyeän); …
EX: I want to stay at home tonight.
They agree to help me.
We hope to see him soon.
The students started to learn at seven.
2. Sau caùc ñoäng töø: (Duøng trong caáu truùc : S+ VERB + O + TO
advise(khuyeân); cause(laøm cho,buoäcphaûi); command=instruct(ra leänh);
encourage(ñoäng vieân,khuyeán khích); force(cöôõng eùp,baét buoäc); get(baûo,
nhôø); invite(môøi); oblige(baét buoäc); persuate(thuyeát phuïc); teach(daïy);
tell(baûo); urge(thuùc duïc); ask(yeâu caàu); permit= allow(cho pheùp); beg(van
xin); entreat(van naøi); chalenge(thaùch, thaùch thöùc); implore(thænh caàu);
presse(thuùc duïc); request(yeâu caàu);tempt(duï doã); trouble(laøm phieàn);
expect(hy voïng, troâng ñôïi); warn(caûnh caùo)…
EX: The doctor advised me to drink milk every day.
Our parents want us to get high mark on high-school entrance exam.
He teaches them to play the piano.
* Löu yù: Moät soá ñoäng töø duøng ñöôïc cho caû 2 caáu truùc treân: ask, beg,
expect, promise want, wish, help….
EX: I want to learn French.( S + V +TO INFINITIVE )
I want you to go with me. ( S+ VERB + O + TO INFINITIVE)
3. Sau haàu heát caùc tính töø:
a. Sau caùc tính töø:Duøng trong caáu truùc: S+BE+ ADJECTIVE+ TO
anxious(lo laéng); afraid(e sôï, e ngaïi);eager(haùo höùc); worry(lo laéng),
nervous(hoài hoäp);hard(khoù); bold= brave(baïo daïn, can ñaûm);careful(caån
thaän); careless(baát caån);clever(thoâng minh,kheùo leùo);happy(sung
söôùng,haïnh phuùc); unhappy(baát haïnh);glad(vui veû); sad(buoàn);
considerate(aân caàn,töû teá);inconsiderate(khoâng töû teá); cruel(hung döõ, baïo
löïc); foolish = silly = stupid(ngu ngoác); good(toát); grateful(coù loøng bieát ôn);
ungrateful(vong ôn, boäi nghóa); honest(chaân thöïc,thaät thaø); dishonest(gian
traù); kind(töû teá, toát buïng); unkind(xaáu buïng,khoâng töû teá); naughty(ngoã
nghòch); nice (töû teá,deã thöông);polite(lòch söï, leã pheùp); impolite(voâ leã);
right(ñuùng, coù lyù); wrong(sai,voâ lyù); thoughtful(aân caàn, töû teá, hay nghó
veà ngöôøi khaùc); thoughtless(voâ taâm, khoâng bieát nghó ñeán ngöôøi khaùc);
wicked(taøn nhaãn, ñoäc aùc); wise(khoân ngoan);unwise = ill-advised(khoâng
khoân ngoan); absurb(voâ lyù, phi lyù); civil(coù giaùo duïc, coù ñaïo ñöùc);
decent(ñoan trang, trang nhaõ); ill-treated =il-tempered(thoâ loã,coäc caèn); ill-
bred(khoâng coù giaùo duïc, maát daïy); ill-timed(khoâng ñuùng luùc, khoâng hôïp
luùc); well-bred( coù giaùo duïc); well-behaved(cö xöû ñuùng möïc); well-
timed(ñuùng luùc, hôïp luùc); rish(lieàu lónh,daïi doät); rude(thoâ loã,daõ man);
saucy(voâ leã,xaác xöôïc)… Caùc tính töø xuaát phaùt töø QUAÙ KHÖÙ PHAÂN
TÖØ: amazed=surprised(ngaïc nhieân); amused(buoàn cöôøi); delighted(vui
söôùng); pleased(vöøa loøng, haøi loøng) =gratified ; grieved(buoàn baõ);
disappointed(thaát voïng); shocked(töùc giaän), horrified(gheâ sôï); thrilled(hoài
hoâp); excited(haøo höùng, phaán khôûi); interested(thích, quan taâm);
mortified(só nhuïc)…
Ex: Everybody was anxious to kow what had happened.
I am afraid to go out alone at night.
We are glad to meet you again.
I shall be happy to accept your invitation.
b. Trong caáu truùc: IT +BE+ADJECTIVE +TO INFINITIVE :
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 12
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
easy(deã); difficult(khoù); hard(khoù,cöùng); possible(coù theå); impossible(khoâng
theå); pleasant(vui veõ); painful(ñau loøng)…
EX: It is difficult to learn English.
It is pleasant to talk to/with you
c.Trong caáu truùc: IT + BE+ ADJECTIVE +OF + O + TO INFINITIVE:
kind ; foolidh; wise; unwise; naughty; clever; right; wrong; careful; careless; brave;
polite; impolite; nice…
EX: It is very kind of you to help me.
It is very nice of him to say so.
It was very stupid of her to make such a mistake.
d. Duøng trong caáu truùc: HOW + ADJECTIVE +OF + O +TO INFINITIVE
EX: How kind of you to say so !
How stupid of her to do that !
e. Duøng trong caáu truùc: S+ BE + ADJECTIVE +FOR + O +TO INFINITIVE
anxious(lo laéng,noùng loøng);eager(haùo höùc, noùng loøng); impatient(soát
ruoät); keen(haêng haùi); willing(saün loøng,muoán)….
EX: Everybody is anxious for you to accept the position.
Susan was eager for her parents to meet the young man who had asked
to marry her.
f. Trong caùc caáu truùc:
EX: The exercises are easy for us to do.
He is strong enough to carry this bag.
She has enough money to build a villa.
It takes me three hours to do my homework every day
g. Sau cuïm töø : …IN ORDER…= …SO AS …. Ñeå chæ muïc ñích.
EX: In order to borrow books , you must have a library card.
You have to learn hard so as to pass your exam
h. Sau caùc PERCEPTION VERB ôû hình thöùc bò ñoäng:
EX: He was seen to steal the money.
They were noticed to run away.
They are heard to quarrel
i. Duøng trong tröôøng hôïp ñoäng töø laøm chuû ngöõ:
EX: To do these exercises is easy.
To make that cake is difficultõ
1. Sau taát caû caùc giôùi töø :in , on, at, of, for, about, with, without, to…
EX: She is tired of learning.
You are late in coming.
We are fond of reading
2. Sau caùc ñoäng töø: begin=start (baét ñaàu) ; stop(döøng, döøng laïi;
resume(baét ñaàu laïi); continue(tieáp tuïc); finish(hoaøn thaønh); avoid (traùnh);
deny(töø choái); detest(gheùt); enjoy(thích, thöôûng thöùc);keep on=go on(tieáp
tuïc); object to (phaûn ñoái); consider(xem xeùt, cöùu xeùt); give up = quit (boû,
töø boû); miss(boû lôõ, boû soùt); imagine(töôûng töôïng);appreciate(coi troïng,
ñaùnh giaù cao); admit(coâng nhaän, thöøa nhaän); practise(luyeän taäp);
resist(choáng laïi, cöôõng laïi); suggest(ñeà nghò); escape(thoaùt khoûi,traùnh
khoûi); delay=put off (hoaõn laïi); mind(laøm phieàn); would you mind…?(xin vui
loøng); leave off(döùt, xong); prefer(thích hôn); excuse = forgive =pardon(tha
thöù); mention(ñeà caäp tôùi) like; dis like …
EX: I missed seeing that film last night.
We enjoy playing soccer.
They put of doing that work.
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 13
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
3. Sau caùc tính töø : worth(ñaùng,ñaùng ñöôïc); busy(baän ).
EX This book is worth reading.
I am busy doing the exercises.
4. Sau caùc ñoäng töø tri giaùc(perception verb): see; watch; observe; notice;
perceive; feel; hear; listen to; smell; mark; behold; look at…
EX: We saw him going out of the house.
I heard them quarrelling last night.
5. Sau caùc thaønh ngöõ : cannot bear(khoâng chòu ñöôïc); cannot help(traùnh,
ngöøa, ngaên caûn); have difficuty = have trouble (gaëp khoù khaên, gaëp raéc
roái); spend time/money (laõng phí thôøi gian/tieàn); it is no use(khoâng ñaùng
ñeå); have good time(vui veõ) to be used to =to be /get accustomed to(quen ); to
be opposed to(choáng ñoái vôùi); to look forward to (troâng ñôïi, mong); decide
against (quyeát ñònh choáng laïi)…
EX: I am used to getting up early.
We have difficuties in learning English.
6. Duøng trong tröôøng hôïp ñoäng töø laøm chuû ngöõ:
EX: Learning English is difficult.
Watching TV is interesting.
1. Duøng trong caùc thì hoaøn thaønh :Hieän Taïi Hoaøn Thaønh, Quaù Khöù
Hoaøn Thaønh, Töông Lai Hoaøn Thaønh
EX: I have gone to Dalat.
They had finished their work before they played.
2. Trong caâu bò ñoäng :
EX: This cake is made by my mother.
He was punished by the teacher.
3. Sau “tobe” vaø caùc ñoäng töø hình thaùi(Linking Verb): seem(coù veû,
döôøng nhö); look(troâng coù veû); appear(döôøng nhö); become =get(trôû neân,
trôû thaønh); turn(trôû, chuyeån sang); come(ñeán)…
EX: The chair is broken
He seemed surprised
*LÖU YÙ: - Sau caùc ñoäng töø tri giaùc(Perception verb) coù 2 hình thöùc laø:
Ex: I saw him run out of the house hoaëc I saw him running out of the house.
-Sau caùc ñoäng töø : start= begin; like; dislike; love; hate coù 2 hình thöùc laø:TO
EX: I love to watch TV hoaëc I love watching TV.
- Sau help coù 2 hình thöùc la:øBARE INFINITIVE vaø TO INFINITIVE
EX: He helped me do the homework hoaëc He helped me to do the homework.
-Sau need ta co theå duøng:
EX: This shirt needs washing hoaëc This shirt needs to be washed.
She needs buy rice and fish hoaëc She needs to buy rice and fish.
1.We are interested in …………………………………….films (watch)
2. The police let the thief………………………………………..away. (go) (thief(n): teân
3. I am used to …………………………………….up late.(stay)
4. …………………………………..English is important. (learn)
5. I heard the neighbours ………………………………….last night. (cry)
6. This novel was ……………………………………by Mr Anh (write)
7. He often has his wife ………………………….. meals (prepare)
8.The students are fond of ……………………………..books(read)
9. These boys like …………………………………………soccer. (play)
10 . Mr Nam is always busy …………………………………………on the farm.(work)
11. I sometimes make my parents ………………………………….sad. (feel)

Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 14

Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
12. This room is very dirty. It needs ……………………………………….(clean)
13. He seemed ………………………… hear that new. (amaze)
14. This film is worth …………………………… It is very interesting (watch)
15.The students are eager…………………………………..their marks. (know)
16. We are glad …………………………………you again here.(meet)
17 . It is very difficult ………………………………..English.(study)
18. Mrs Lien has finished……………………………………….that work. (do)
19. Our parents want us ……………………………………….learn well. (learn)
20. I am looking forward to …………………………………….your letter. (receive)
I.Chia ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc cho ñuùng (Thì hoaëc hình thöùc)
1.He ………………………..this shirt yesterday. (buy)
2. The crowd were cheering when Nam ……………………………………… the race.
3. Ba is keen on …………………………………………(paint)
4. Before he ………………………………….England, he
…………………………………….English for two years. (travel-study)
5. We are happy …………………………………good marks. (get)
6.The boys ………………………………………….volleyball at this time. (play)
7. The teacher let the students……………………………. their books when they did the
test (open)
8.They ………………………………… London since they ………………………………
married. (move-get)
9. The children …………………………………….in the river at this time last Sunday.
10. I am very tired. I ……………………………….hard all day. (work)
11. My son ……………………………………a doctor in the future. (become)
12. His father stopped ………………………………………cigerette two years ago.
13. Lan is practising …................................English at the moment. (speak)
14. She …………………………………………….Halong Bay before. (already/ visit)
15. I ………………………………fishing twice a week. (go)
16. After they ……………………………………..dinner, they
………………………………………………..TV. (have-watch)
17.Last night, I saw a thief…………………………………..the neighbour,s bike. (steal)
18. These clothes need …………………………………….(wash). They are very dirty.
19. I …………………………………….my homework while my brother and sister
20. Look at them! They ……………………………………….on the trees. (climb)
21. Would you mind …………………………………….the door ? .It is very hot. (open)
22.I suggest……………………………….a shower instead of a bath to save water.
23. Miss Hoa …………………………………..a new motorcycle. (just/ buy)
24. Long …………………………………….his girl friend a letter yesterday. (send)
25. The soccer match ……………………………………when we arrived the stadium.
(already /begin)
26.It is no use ………………………………that novel. It is boring. (read)
27. My father …………………………… that time. (sleep)
28. It is the first time I ………………………………………..a motorcycle. (ride)
29. I …………………………………..him yesterday ( not see)
30. The Pikes …………………………………………in Liverpool since 1990. (live)
31. We …………………………………a bath yet. ( not take)
32 The students …………………………………..the lessons now. (write)
33. You had better…………………………….harder on your exam (learn)
34. The room is very dirty. It needs ……………………………. (clean)

Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 15

Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
35.It took him an hour …………………………..these exercises yesterday. (do)
36. I suggest…………………………… school or to work by bikes to save energy.
37. Before they ……………………………………, they ………………………………………a
38. I am used to……………………………………up early every morning.
II. Rewrite the sentences that do not change the meaning(Viết lại các câu sau mà ý nghĩa không đổi
so với câu thứ nhất)
1. He started to learn English four years ago
 He has…………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. It took him two hours to review that lesson
 He spent………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. We spent a day preparing for the trip
 It took…………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. I last met him two weeks ago
 I haven,t………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. He hasn,t seen her since last week.
 He last …………………………………………………………………………………………………..


1. Thì hieän taïi ñôn: T T
Active: S + VINF /VS/VES + O I ME (VPP
Passive: S +am /is/ are + VPP + (by+O) IT IT
EX1: A: He eats rice every day. THEY (eat-
ate-eaten) YOU YOU
P: Rice is eaten (by him) every day WE US
EX2: A: We often play soccer in the afternoon
P: Soccer is often played (by us ) in the afternoon.
EX3: A: The teacher sometimes beats me. (beat-beat –beaten )
P: I am sometimes beaten (by the teacher) / Sometimes, I am beaten ( by the
2. Thì quaù khöù ñôn:
Active: S + V2 /VED + O (We, you, they, dtöø soá
nhieàu were)
( I, he, she, it,dtöø soá ít
 was)
Passive: S + were /was + VPP +(by +O )
EX1: A : I made this cake yesterday. (make-made-made)
P: This cake was made (by me ) yesterday.
EX2:A: They planted the trees in the garden.
P: The trees were planted in the garden.
3. Thì töông lai ñôn:
Active: S + will / shall + VINF + O

Passive: S + will/shall+ be + VPP +(by +O )

EX1: A: I shall see her tomorrow. (see-saw-seen)
P: She will be seen (by me) tomorrow.
EX2:A: The students will do the test next week. (do-did-done)
P: The test will be done (by the students) next week.
4. Thì hieän taïi tieáp dieãn :
Active: S + am /is /are + VING + O ( I  am)

Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 16

Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
(He, she, it
dtöø soá ít is)
Passive: S + am/is/are+ being + VPP +(by +O ) (we, you,
they are)
EX1:A: She is writing a letter now. (write-wrote-written)
P:A letter is being wtitten (by her) now
EX2: A: The children are cleaning the room at present.
P: The room is being cleaned (by the children ) at present.
5. Thì quaù khöù tieáp dieãn:
Active: S + were/was + VING + O (We, you, they,
dtöø soá nhieàu were)
( I, he, she, it,dtöø
soá ít  was)
Passive: S + were/was+ being + VPP +(by +O )
EX1: A: He was doing the exercises at that time.
P: The exercises were being done (by him) at that time.
EX2: A: We werewatching a film on TV.
P: A film on TV was being watched (by us)
6. Thì hieän taïi hoaøn thaønh:
Active: S + have / has + VPP + O (I,we,you, they,
dtöø soá nhieàuhave)
(He she, it dtöø
doá íthas)
Passive: S + have/ has+ been + VPP +(by +O )
EX1: A:We have finished our homework.
P: Our homework has been finished.
EX2: A: Lan has washed the clothes.
P: The clothes have been washed (by Lan)
7. Thì Quaù khöù hoaøn thaønh:
Active: S + had + VPP + O

Passive: S + had+ been + VPP +(by +O )

EX1:A: They had built the house before last new year.(build-built-built)
P: The house had been built before last new year.
8. Modal verbs: (can, could, may , might, must, dhould, ought to, have/has to ,
Active: S + modal verb + VINF + O

Passive: S +modal verb + be + VPP +(by +O )

EX1:A: I can do this exercise.
P: This exercise can be done (by me)
EX2: A:You must learn these lessons. (learn-learnt-learnt)
P: These lessons must be leanrt (by you).
9. Causative form( Theå nhôø vaû)
Active: S +have/has + O (Vaät)
(Ngöôøi) + VINF + O / (S+ get +O +Vto Inf

Passive: S +have/has
(Vaät) + O + V PP + (By +O)

EX1:A: I have my mother wash the clothes.

P: I have the clothes washed (by my mother)
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 17
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
EX2:A: He has his wife cook the meals
P: He has the meals cooked (by his wife)
Löu yù: -By+O ñöùng tröôùc traïng töø chæ thôøi gian nhöng sau traïng töø chæ
nôi choán.
EX: The trees were planted in the garden by us yesterday.
-Caâu chuû ñoäng coù 2 taân ngöõ (O) thì coù 2 caâu bò ñoäng.
Ex1: A: He sent her a letter yesterday.
P: 1. She was sent a letter (by him) yesterday.
2. A letter was sent to her (by him) yesterday.
Ex2:A: She bought him a shirt yesterday.
P:1. He was bought a shirt by her yesterday.
2. A shirt was bought for him yesterday.
+ Caùc ñoäng töø duøng giôùi töø “for” : do, make, buy…
+ Caùc ñoäng töø duøng giôùi töø “to” :send, lend, give, teach, tell, show…
1. She bought this shirt yesterday. 11. We eat rice every day.
2. This baby drinks milk every day. 12.They were watching a film at that
3. The students have cleaned the room. time.
4. I can do these exercises. 13.The children are singing a song now.
5. The students are writing the lessons 14. We have learnt this unit.
now. 15.He sent him a letter yesterday.
6 We shall visit him tomorrow. 16. They planted the trees in the garden.
7. He has his wife wash the clothes. 17. He drank all the water in the bottle.
8.The students have done the test. 18.I will do that work for her.
9. She is writing the letter now. 19. We have our mother wash the
10. He had decorated the house before clothes.
last Tet. 20. Lan has seen that film before.
1. Öôùc 1 ñieàu ôû hieän taïi:
Ex: I wish I were at home now.
S +wish(es) + S + Ved /V2 (Thì Quaù khöù Ñôn nhöng neáu coù “to be” thì duøng
He wishes he had a computer.
Were cho moïi chuû ngöõ)
They wish they learnt / could learn English well.
Could + V
2. Öôùc 1 ñieàu ôû töông lai: Inf
Ex: His father wishes he would become a
S +wish(es)
doctor +S+
in the future
would +VInf I wish she would visit me tomorrow.

3. Öôùc 1 ñieàu ôû quaù khöù :

S +wish(es) + S + Had+Vpp(Thì quaù
khöù hoaøn thaønh)
Could +have + Vpp
Ex: I wished he had gone camping with us but he didn,t go.
I wish they had passed the exam.
Vieát laïi caùc caâu döôùi ñaây theo töø gôïi yù:
1. I don,t have a computer
 I wish ………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. They learn English badly.
 I wish
3. He didn,t go with us yesterday.
 I wish……………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. It is very hot now.
 We wish
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 18
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
5. She will leave tomorrow.
 I wish……………………………………………………………………………………………………
6.They failed in their exam.
I wished
7. They won,t visit us next Sunday.
 We
8. She doesn,t draw well.
 She
9. She doesn,t understand the lessons.
 She wishes……………………………………………………………………………………………
Chia ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc cho ñuùng:
1. I wish I …………………………… home now. (stay)
2. She studies badly . I wish she ……………………………………….better. (study)
3. They wish they …………………………………..a test tomorrow. (not have)
4. He wishes he …………………………….a teacher at present. (be)
5. Our English is not good. We wish we ………………………………….English well.
6. We failed the exam . We wish we………………………………the exam. (pass)
7. Nam wishes he ……………………………at school yesterday.
8. Lan wishes her friend …………………………..her some day. (visit)
9. I wish I ……………………………….that film again.(see) .It is very interesting.
10. Iwish I…………………………this film again. It is the most excellent film I have
seen. (see)
-Thì hieän taïi ñôn -Thì töông lai ñôn -Dieãn ñaït 1 ñieàu
(S +VInf /Vs/Ves) -Caâu caàu khieán kieän coù theå xaõy ra
-Modal verb +VInf ôû hieän taïi hoaëc
If you get up early, you will be healthy töông lai
If you see him, please give him my
-Thì quaù khöù ñôn Would -Dieãn ñaït 1 ñieàu
(S+Ved/V2) Could kieän khoâng theå
(Neáu coù “to be” thì Should +VInf xaõy ra ôû hieän taïi
duøng Were cho moïi May hoaëc töông lai (Chæ
chuû ngöõ) Might laø 1 giaû thieát ñaët
I would build a villa ra(giaû söû))
If I had a lot of money, I would help the poors
If I were rich,
-Thì quaù khöù hoaøn Would -Dieãn ñaït 1 ñieàu
thaønh Could kieän khoâng xaõy ra
(S +had +Vpp) Should + have + Vpp ôû quaù khöù (Chæ
III May laø 1 giaû thieát ñaët
Might ra(giaû söû))
We would have had a lot of
If he had gone with us, funs
Chia ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc cho ñuùng:
1. If I ………………………, I would do differently. (be)
2. He will learn better if he …………………………………..his homework every day. (do)

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Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
3. If we ……………………………………the lessons carefully, we would have done the
test well. (review)
4. She ………………………………….a new car if she had enough money. (buy)
5. Please send him the letter if you ………………………………him.(meet)
6. If I had learnt harder, I …………………………………..better. (learn)
7. If we keep on littering, our environment ……………………………..seriously polluted.
8. The vegetables will be poisonous and inedible if we ………………………….much
pesticide . (use)
9. If she …………………………milk every day, she will become stronger. (drink)
10. If they …………………………….at home, they wouldn,t know what happened.
11. We would help him if he ……………………………..for help. (ask)
12. If today ………………………………….Suday, we would stay at home. (be)
13. If we plant more trees along the streets, we …………………………….more shade
and fresh air(have)
14. We will live happier and healthier life if we…………………………….our
environment clean. (keep)
15. If he ………………………..the new, he will let us know. (get)
Löu yù: Unless …. = If…not….
Vieát laïi caùc caâu sau theo töø gôïi yù maø yù nghóa khoâng ñoåi:
1.I am not hungry, so I don,t eat anything.
 If I ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. She learns badly because she never does her homework.
 If she
3. He is not thirsty,so he does not drink the water.
 If he
4. We didn,t do the test well because we didn,t review the lesson carefully.
 If we……………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. If he doesn,t invite me, I will not come.
 Unless…………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. He would pass the exam if he didn,t spend much time playing video games.
 Unless…………………………………………………………………………………………………
Ex: He is strong enough to
carry this bag +enough +(for+O)+to Ad To Inf
1. Infinitive j
… ñu û… (cho ai) ñeå … This shirt is large enough
for him to wear Ad For+ To Inf
j O
…too + Adj/Adv +(for+O)+to Ex: He is too old to walk
alone Ad To Inf
2. j
… quaù û …ñeán noåi (ai) The water is too hot for us
to drink Ad For+ To Inf
3 j O
…so +Adj/Adv + that Ex: This book is so interesting that I read it
all day+Clause
…qua ù… ñeán noãi… He is so tired that he can,t
continue to learn
…such +(a/an ) +(Adj ) +noun +
that +Clause
Ex: This ù… ñeán
is such noãi…
an interesting film that I have seen it many times it many times
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 20
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
They are such lazy students that they never do their homework.
I) Noái caùc caëp caâu söû duïng “enough”
Ex: The boy is tall. He can reach the light
The boy is tall enough to reach the light
The exercises are easy. We can do them
The exercises are easy enough for us to do
1. This student is intelligent. She can answer this question.
2. The test was short. They could finish it on time.
3. He is strong. He can lift this stone.
4. The water is cool. You can drink it.
5. The film is interesting. They can see it.
6. We came early. We could buy tickets for the movie.
II) Noái caùc caëp caâu söû duïng “too”
Ex: This man is very poor. He can,t buy a motorbike
This man is too poor to buy a motorbike
The weather was very hot. We couldn,t sleep well
The weather was too hot for us to sleep well
1. The girl is very weak. She can,t carry 4. The shoes are very small. I can,t wear
this bag. them.
2. The film was boring. We didn,t watch 5.The test was very difficult. She couldn,t
it. do it
3. He ran slowly. He couldn,t catch the 6.The lesson was so long. They couldn,t
train. learn it in one period.
III)Noái caùc caëp caâu söû duïng “so…that”
Ex: She is very nice. Everybody likes her
 She is so nice that everybody like her
1.The film was very interesting. We wanted to see it again
2. He spoke very quickly. Nobody could hear what he said
3.The room was very dark. I could see nothing
IV)Noái caùc caëp caâu söû duïng “such…that”
Ex:They are bad students .They can,t do any exercises
They are such bad students that they can,t do any exercises
1. He is a rich man. He has many villas.
2.The girl is very beautiful. Many boys follow her
3. It was a difficult lesson. They didn,t understand it.
Vieát laïi caùc caâu sau theo töø gôïi yù maø yù nghóa khoâng ñoåi:
1. The shirt is too small for me to wear.
 The shirt is
 The shirt is so
 It is such
2. The exercises are so difficult that we can,t do them.
 The exercises are
 The exercises are not
 They are
3. It was such hot water that he couldn,t drink it.
 The water was
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 21
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
 The water was
 The water was
4. He is not strong enough to carry this table.
 He is too ………………………………………………………………………………………………
 He is so ………………………………………………………………………………………………
 He is such ……………………………………………………………………………………………
5.She is too foolish to understand the lessons
 She is not
 She is so
 She is such
6. She is such an impolite girl that no one likes her.
 She is
 She is not
 She is
small >< big /large ; easy >< difficult ; hot >< cold (cool) ; strong>< weak ;
foolish >< clever /smart/ intelligent ; polite >< impolite
* Tính töø ngaén: Laø tính töø 1 vaàn vaø tính töø 2 vaàn taän cuøng baèng caùc
chöõ : “er” ; “le” ; “ow” vaø “y”.
Ex: clever, simple, narrow; pretty…
* Tính töø daøi :Laø tính töø 2 vaàn khoâng taän cuøng baèng caùc chöõ treân
vaø 3 vaàn trôû leân.
Ex: handsome; homesick, beautiful, important, independent…
* Traïng töø ngaén: Laø traïng töø 1 vaàn.
Ex: fast, hard…
*Traïng töø daøi: Laø traïng töø 2 vaàn trôû leân.
Ex: quickly, slowly, beautifully…
* Tính töø –Traïng töø baát quy taéc:

Infinitive adjective /adv Comparative (2) Supperlative (3)

Good / well Better The best
Bad / badly Worse The worst
Much / many More The most
Little Less The least
Far Farther /further The farthest /the furthest
1. 1.So saùnh baèng (comparision)
Ex: Nam is as tall as Ba
…as + adj / adv He runs as fast as his friends do.
1.2. So saùnh khoâng baèng:
Ex: Lan is not so big as Hoa
…not as / so + adj / Nam is not as strong as Ba
2. Soadv +as hôn: (Comparative)
2.1. Tính töø ngaén, traïng töø ngaén:
Ex: Ha is taller than Hong
…adj / adv + er + Song is bigger than An
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 22
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
* Löu yù:
 Ñoái vôùi tính töø , traïng töø taän cuøng baèng chöõ “e” thì ta chæ theâm chöõ
“r” maø thoâi.
Ex: large larger
 Ñoái vôùi tính töø , traïng töø 1 vaàn maø taän cuøng baèng 1 phuï aâm vaø
tröôùc noù laø 1 nguyeân aâm thì ta phaûi nhaân ñoâi phuï aâm cuoái.
EX: thinthinner, bigbigger
 Ñoái vôùi tính töø, traïng töø taän cuøng baèng chöõ “Y” phaûi ñoåi thaønh chöõ
“I” roài theâm “er”
Ex: Pretty prettier, busybusier
2.2. Tính töø daøi, traïng töø daøi:
Ex: This lesson is more important than that
…more +adj / adv +
She is more intelligent than her
2.3. Tính tö baát quy taécø, traïng töø baát quy taéc:
Ex: Mai learns better than Hai
… +adj 2 / adv2 +
Hanoi is farther than HCM City
3. So saùnh nhaát (Supperative)
3. 1 Tính töø ngaén, traïng töø ngaén:
Ex: Long is the tallest boy in our class
…the + adj / adv +
Tra is the biggest student of us
* Löu yù:
 Ñoái vôùi tính töø , traïng töø taän cuøng baèng chöõ “e” thì ta chæ theâm chöõ
“st” maø thoâi.
Ex: large largest
 Ñoái vôùi tính töø , traïng töø 1 vaàn maø taän cuøng baèng 1 phuï aâm vaø
tröôùc noù laø 1 nguyeân aâm thì ta phaûi nhaân ñoâi phuï aâm cuoái.
 Ñoái vôùi tính töø, traïng töø taän cuøng baèng chöõ “Y” phaûi ñoåi thaønh chöõ
“I” roài theâm “est”
Ex: Pretty prettiest, busybusiest
EX: thinthinnest, bigbiggest
3.2. Tính töø daøi, traïng töø daøi:
…the + most + adj / Ex: Bao Hoan is the most intelligent
advin ...our school.
She is the most beautiful girl of
3.3 Tính töø baát quy taéc, traïng töø baát quy taéc:
Ex: An is the best student in our class
… the + adj 3 / Camau is the farthest area in
adv 3…
Vietnam from Hanoi.
Cho hình thöùc ñuùng cuûa tính töø trong ngoaëc:
Ex: Ba is …………………………………….as Nam.(strong)
Ba is as strong as Nam
1. Lan is ………………………………….as her sister (tall)
2. This exercise is ……………………………………...than that one. (simple)
3. Hoan is the …………………………………….student in our school.(intelligent)
4. An learns English …………………………….than Nhu (well)
5. John is the ……………………………….boy of them (bad)
6.This lesson is …………………………………………as that one.(important)
7. Thao is ………………………………….than Nhi(big)
8. My room is ………………………………………than hers. (large)
9. She is the …………………………………..girl in her class. (pretty)
10 . This picture is ………………………………….than that one. (beautiful)
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 23
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
@ So saùnh baèng danh töø: Ngoaøi so saùnh tính töø, traïng töø ta coøn so
saùnh danh tö nhöng tröôùc heát phaûi xem danh töø ñoù ñeám ñöôïc hay khoâng
ñeám ñöôïcø :
* Ñeám ñöôïc:
…as many / few+noun +as + noun /
Lan has as many books as Hoa has.
I do as many exercises as he does.
*Khoâng ñeám ñöôïc:
…as much / little+noun +as + noun /
He earns as much money as his father.
She has as much free time as her friends.
@@. So saùnh hôn danh töø:
* Ñeám ñöôïc:
…more / fewer+noun +than + noun /
Frebruary has fewer days tha March
*Khoâng ñeám ñöôïc:
…more / less+noun +than + noun /
Ex: pronoun…
Their jobs allow them less freedom than ours does
@@. So saùnh gioáng nhau: Danh töø cuõng coù theå ñöôïc so saùnh trong
tröôøng hôïp naøy,nhöng neân nhôù tröôùc khi so saùnh phaûi caàn nhôù
ñeán caùc danh töø ñoù coù tính töø töông ñöông:
Adjectives Noun
heavy,light weight
wide, narrow with
deep, shallow depth
long, short length
big, small size
tall/ high, short height
old age

… the same + (noun) + as +noun

Ex: My pen is the same as your pen
Lan,s school-bad is the same colour as Hoa,s
My house is the same height as his.
You are the same age as me= You and I are the same age=I am as old as you
@@@ So saùnh khaùc nhau:
Ex: My book is different from his book.
… different This ruler is different from that one.
Vieát laïi caâu sau theo töø gôïi yù nhöng yù nghóa khoâng ñoài so vôùi
caâu thöù nhaát:
1. Tom is not as tall as Peter.
 Peter is…………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. My school-bag is different from his school-bag
 My schol-bag is not
3. Lan is bigger than Hoa , but Mai is bigger than Lan.

Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 24

Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
 Mai is
4. An learns better than Nhu.
 Nhu
5. Mary is as heavy as Susan.
 Mary is the
6. Nam has ten notebooks. Ba has ten notebooks.
 Nam has
7. I am as old as you
 You and I are
8. She is not as beautiful as her sister.
Her sister is
9. My pen is not the same colour as yours
 My pen is
10.Lan is bigger than Hoa. Hoa is bigger than Hong.
Hong is
11. No one in our class is taller than Nam
12. None of us is as intelligent as her.

13. You and I are the same age
 I am as……………………………………………………………
14. He is as tall as her.
 He and she are……………………………………………………
I)Khaùi nieäm: Meänh ñeà quan heä laø meänh ñeà baét ñaàu baèng caùc
ñaïi töø quan heä: who, whom, which, that, whose vaø caùc traïng töø quan
heä: where, when , ñöùng ngay sau danh töø ñeå boã nghóa cho danh töø
ñoù ñöôïc roõ raøng hôn
Ex: Mr Hung is very handsome (Chuùng ta khoâng bieát oâng Huøng naøo )
Mr Hung who teaches us Literature is very handsome (Chuùng ta bieát ñoù
N Hung daïy
laø thaày ADJ clause
vaên )

(Nhö vaäy meänh ñeà tính töø :” who teaches us Literature” boã nghóa cho
danh töø”Mr Hung” ñöôïc roõ raøng hôn, chuùng bieát roõ laø oâng Hung naøo )
II) Caùc ñaïi töø quan heä vaø caùctraïng töø quan heä (Relative
pronouns and Relative adverbs)
1) Ñaïi töø quan heä who: Duøng ñeå chæ ngöôøi vaø laøm chuû ngöõ trong
meänh ñeà.
Ex: The man is my form teacher  The man who is sitting at that desk is my
form teacher N ADJ clause
He is sitting at that desk

Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 25

Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
( Ñaïi töø who thay theá cho ñaïi töø chuû ngöõ He laøm chuû ngöõ trong meänh
ñeà tính töø “who is sitting at that desk“) S V
2) Ñaïi töø quan heä whom: Duøng ñeå chæ ngöoøi vaø laøm taân ngöõ (tuùc
töø ) trong meänh ñeà.
Ex: The girl is beautiful  The girl whom we met at school
yesterday is beautiful N ADJ clause
We met her at school yesterday
( Ñaïi töø whom thay theá cho ñaïi töø taân ngöõ her laøm taân ngöõ trong meänh
ñeà tính töø “whom we met at school yesterday” O S V
3) Ñaïi töø quan heä which : Duøng ñeå chæ con vaät, ñoà vaät, söï vieäc, coù
theå laøm chuû ngöõ hoaëc taân ngöõ (tuùc töø)
Ex: a) Laøm chuû ngöõ :
The shirt is beautiful. The shirt which was made by Miss Thu
last week is beautiful N ADJ clause
It was made by Miss Thu last week
( Ñaïi töø which thay theá cho ñaïi töø chuû ngöõ It vaø laøm chuû ngöõ trong
meänh ñeà tính töø “ which was made by Miss Thu last week” ) S V
b) Laøm taân ngöõ :
Ex: The book is interesting  The book which you gave to me last
week is interesting N ADJ clause
You gave it to me last week
(Ñaïi töø “which” thay theá cho ñaïi töø taân ngöõ it trong meänh ñeà tính töø “
Which you gave to me last week”

4) Ñaïi töø quan heä “That” :Duøng ñeå chæ ngöôøi hoaëc con vaät , ñoà
vaät;coù theå laøm chuû ngöõ hoaëc taân ngöõ (Noù coù theå thay theá cho “who”,
“whom” hoaëc “which” )
a.1) Chæ ngöôøi vaø laøm chuû ngöõ :(coù theå thay theá cho “Who” )
Ex: Do you know the boy ?  Do you know the boy that /who helped me
yesterday ?
He helped me yesterday.
a.2) Chæ ngöôøi vaø laøm taân ngöõ : (coù theå thay theá cho “whom” )
Ex: The girl is very nice  The girl that/whom my brother loves is very
My brother loves her
b.1) Chæ con vaät, ñoà vaät vaø laøm chuû ngöõ ; (coù theå thay theá cho
“which” )
Ex: The dog is very fierce  The dog that /which was brought from
Japan is very fierce
It was brought from Japan
b.2) Chæ con vaät, ñoà vaät vaø laøm taân ngöõ : (coù theå thay theá cho
“which” )

Ex: The hotel is very modern and splended.The hotel that/which they built
last year is very They built it last year .
modern and splended
Löu yù:
* Khoâng ñöôïc duøng “ that” ngay sau giôùi töø(on,in,of,with,about..)
Ex: The girl to (that) whom you talked last night is my friend
* Khoâng ñöôïc duøng “ that” trong mệnh đề không xác định
Ex: Ba, who (that) likes playing soccer, is my friend
* Baét buoäc duøng “that” trong caùc tröôøng hôïp sau:
-Sau 1 hoãn hôïp töø vöøa chæ ngöôøi vöøa chæ con vaät:
Ex: The man and two dogs that (who/which) passed my house yesterday made
much noise
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 26
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
-Sau caùc töø : all, some, any, a few, much, many, little,only,who,what,so saùnh
nhaát, soá thöù töï…
Ex: She is the only girl that(whom) I love
5) Ñaïi töø quan heä “Whose” : Duøng ñeå chæ söï sôû höõu, coù theå laøm
chuû ngöõ hoaëc taân ngöõ
a) Laøm chuû ngöõ :
Ex: That is the woman  That is the woman whose house is
burnt last week S V
Her house was burnt last week
( ñaïi töø quan heä “whose” thay theá cho ñaïi töø sôû höõu “her” vaø laøm
“whose house” laøm chuû ngöõ trong meänh ñeà “ whose house is burnt last
week “)
b) Laøm taân ngöõ :
Ex: The student writes very well  The student whose composition I have
read writes very well
I have read his composition
( Ñaïi töø quan heä “whose “ thay theá cho ñaïi töø sôû höõu “his” vaø laøm taân
ngöõ trong meänh ñeà “whose composition I have read”)
Löu yù :
Coù theå duøng “of which ñeå thay theá cho “ whose”
Ex: The writer whose/of which novels I am reading is Nguyen Nhat Anh.
6) Traïng töø quan heä “when” : Duøng ñeå chæ thôøi gian (noù thay theá cho
caùc traïng töø chæ thôøi gian)
Ex: The day was fine and warm  The day when we went on a pinic was
fine and warm
We went on a pinic on that day
( Traïng töø quan heä “when” thay theá cho cuïm traïng töø thôøi gian “on that
day” )
7) ) Traïng töø quan heä “where” : Duøng ñeå chæ thôøi gian (noù thay theá
cho caùc traïng töø chæ nôi choán)
Ex: Do you know the place ?  Do you know the place where they are
staying ?
They are staying there
( Traïng töø quan heä “where” thay theá cho traïng töø “there” )
Löu yù :
Coù theå duøng at which; on which; in which thay theá cho when vaø where
The day on which we went on a pinic was fine
Do you know the place in which they are staying ?
The seaside at which we went camping is very beautiful
Noái caùc caëp caâu, söû duïng who, whom ,which, whose, when, where
1) The woman is my aunt. She is sitting at that desk.
2) That is the girl. I like her very much.
3) The clothes are old. She is wearing them.
4) The student is very kind. I borrowed his bike yesterday.
5) I like the story. You gave it to me last week.
6) The film is very interesting. It is being showed on TV now.
7) Seven o,clock is the time. We start to learn at that time.
8) The house is old and small. We are living in that house.
9) The house is old and small. It was bought two months ago.
10) The man is very strict. His boy is my friend.
11) Do you know the name of the boy? He has just received the prize.
12) The man is very rich. His house was burnt last week.
13) The woman is beautiful. We met her at school yesterday.
14) The day was fine and warm. We went on a picnic then.

Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 27

Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
15) That is a student. I want to meet him.
Choïn 1 töø thích hôïp ñieàn vaøo choã troáng:
1. The woman ……………………………………daughter is my friend is very kind.
2. The girl……………………………….I love is very pretty.
3. The book …………………………….I am reading is very interesting.
4. The hotel ………………………………we were staying is very modern and splendid.
5. This is the most interesting film …………………………………I have seen.
6. The person of ……………………………….I always think is my father.
7. The room ……………………………..was built last month is new.
8. The man …………………………….is standing at the gate is my brother.
9. The girl with two cats……………………………………are at that bench look tired.
10.The boy …………………………….we talked to three days ago is a student.
11. Winter is the time ……………………………….it is often cold.
12. The house ………………………….he sold last year is very old.
13. The teacher ………………………………I like best is Mr Truyen.
14.He has read all the book ………………………………….I lent him last month.
15. The actor to ………………………….they are talking is very famous.
Vieát laïi caâu sau theo töø gôïi yù maø yù nghóa khoâng ñoåi so vôùi caâu thöù
1. She is wearing a beautiful shirt.
2. We are living in a pretty house.
 The
3. They have just bought a new house.
 The house……………………………………………………………………………………………
4. He is talking to an old woman.
 The
5. He is driving an expensive car.
 The car……………………………………………………………………………………………….


I. Ñònh nghóa: Meänh ñeà traïng ngöõ chæ nguyeân nhaân(MÑTNCNNLD) , lyù do
laø meänh ñeà baét ñaàu baèng caùc töø :”because”, “since” ø vaø “as” duøng
ñeå giaûi thích nguyeân nhaân, lyù do cho haønh ñoäng, söï vieäc xaõy ra ôû
meänh ñeà chính.
+ Meänh ñeà baét ñaàu baèng”because” coù theå ñöùng ñaàu caâu hoaëc cuoái
EX:Because he was sick, he stayed at home yesterday. Hoaëc : He stayed at home
yesterday because he was sick.
+Meänh ñeà baèng “since” vaø “as” chæ ñöôïc ôû ñaàu caâu maø thoâi.
EX : Since /As it is raining, I can,t go to school. Ta khoâng vieát ñöôïc: I can,t go to
scgool since /as it is raining.
Löu yù: Khi laøm baøi taäp noái caùc caëp caâu söû duïng MÑTNCNNLD, ta phaûi
ñaûm baûo danh töø luoân luoân ñöùng tröôùc ñaïi töø.

Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 28

Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
EX: We don,t help Nam.
We don,t like him.
As we don,t like Nam, we don,t help him. (danh töø “ Nam” ñöùng tröôùc ñaïi töø
Because + Clause = Because of + Noun phrase / Due to + Noun
Ex: Because she was ill, she didn,t go to class = Because of her illness, she
didn,t go to class
I.Noái caùc caëp caâu, söû duïng “because” ,” as” hoaëc “since”
EX: I didn,t see the film. It was very boring.
 I didn,t see the film because it was very boring.
Hoaëc: Because / As / Since the film was very boring, I didn,t see it .
1. I can,t help you. I am very busy now.
2. He stayed at home last Friday. It rained heavily.
3.It is very hot. We turn on all the fans.
4. The students learn English badly. It is very difficult.
5. Miss Dung is very kind. Many people like her.
6. We can do the exercises quickly. They are very easy.
7. They didn,t review the lessons carefully. They didn,t do the test well.
8. They are in a hurry. They can,t wait for you.
9. Nam didn,t go to school on time. He got up late.
10. Her clothes are old. She has to buy some new ones.
11. Your shoes are very dirty. You should put them in the corner of the room.
12. We went to the seaside for the weekend. The air in the city was not fresh.
13. These pupils often get bad marks. They are very lazy.
14. The play was very long. We went home before the end.
II. Rewrite the following sentences that do not change the meaning(Viết lại các câu sau mà ý nghĩa
không đổi)
1. Because he was lazy, he failed in the exam
 Because of …………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Because it rained heavily, we couldn,t go on a pinic.
 Because of ……………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Because she is weak, she can,t go alone
 Because of……………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Because of the bad weather, we didn,t go to school.
 Because the weather…………………………………………………………………………………
5. Because of his sickness, he didn,t prepare the well.
 Because he …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Ñònh nghóa: Meänh ñeà traïng ngöõ chæ söï nhöôïng boä (MÑTNCSNB) laø meänh
ñeà baét ñaàu baèng caùc töø: “ though”, although” vaø” even though” (maëc
duø, maëc daàu) duøng ñeå chæ söï töông phaûn, traùi ngöôïc vôùi meänh ñeà
EX: They lost the match though / although /even though they played beautifully.
Löu yù: Although / Even though / Though + clause = Despite / In
spite of + Noun phrase
Ex: Although they are poor, they live happily= Despite their poverty, they live
I.Noái caùc caëp caâu söû duïng “although”
1. Peter sat at the table for lunch. He was not hungry.
2. We all felt tired. We were very happy.
3. They live happily. They are very poor.
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 29
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
4. Nam did not pass the exam. He learnt very hard.
5. It begins to rain. The students do not stop playing soccer.
6. He was very thirdty. He did not drink anything.
7. I help Lan . I don,t like her.
8. No one did the test well. It was very easy.
9. Trang is thin. She is very strong.
10. The film was interesting. There were few people came to see it.
11.An is very intelligent and learns well. She is very modest(modest(adj): khieâm
12.She did the test very well. It was very difficult.
13. The lesson was long. We could learn it in one period.
14.Lan was sick yesterday. She tried to go to school.
II. Rewrite the following sentences that do not change the meaning(Viết lại các câu sau mà ý nghĩa
không đổi)
1. Although the test was long, he finished the test on time
 Despite the …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Although they are friendly, I don,t like them
 In spite of …………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. Although she was careful, she did the exercise with mistakes
 Despite……………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. Despite the heaviness of the suitcase, he could carry it
 Although the suitcase……………………………………………………………………………..
5. In spite of the difficulty of the question, she could answer it right.
 Although the question ……………………………………………………………………………..
Caâu tröïc tieáp laø caâu goàm nhöõng töø do chính ngöôøi noùi duøng.Khi caâu
noùi naøy ñöôïc thuaät laïi ch ngöôøi khaùc nghe thì ta goïi caâu noùi ñoù laø caâu
noùi giaùn tieáp. Khi ñoåi caâu tröïc tieáp sang caâu giaùn tieáp ta phaûi daáu hai
chaám(:) vaø daáu ngoaëc keùp (“”)maø thay baèng töø lieân töø THAT
-Neáu ñoäng töø töôøng thuaät (Reporting verbs): say (noùi);tell(baûo); ask(hoûi);
inquire(hoøi); ask (yeâu caàu); beg(caàu khaån); request(yeâu caàu);
declare(tuyeân boá); affirm(xaùc nhaän); inform(thoâng baùo); complain(than
phieàn); warn(caûnh caùo); report(töôøng thuaät, baùo caùo)… ôû thì HIEÄN TAÏI
ÑÔN thì ta khoâng ñoåi ñoäng töø maø chæ ñoåi NGOÂI
1.Ta khoâng thay ñoåi ñoäng töø maø chæ thay ñoåi ñaïi töø NGOÂI THÖÙ
Personal pronoun Possesssive Reflexive Pronoun
Subject Object Adjective Pronoun
I He, Me Him, my His;he min his; myself himself;herse
She her r e hers lf
we They us them Ou Their our thiers ourselve themselves
r s
EX1: Direct: He says: “ I have not found my keys”
Indirect: He says that he has not found his keys
Ex2: Direct: She says: “I shall go with my father tomorrow”
Indirect: She says that she will go with her father tomorrow.
2.Ñoåiø NGOÂI THÖÙ NHÌ (II) ra moät ngoâi naøo ñoù ñeå cuøng moät
ngoâi vôùi ñaïi töø taân ngöõ trong meänh ñeà chính .
EX1:Direct: She says to me: “ You are late today”
Indirect: She tells me that I am late today.
EX2:Direct: He says to her: “ I want to go with you”
Indirect: He tells her that he wanted to go with her.

Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 30

Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
Löu yù: -Neáu caâu tröïc tieáp duøng “say to” thì caâu giaùn tieáp ñoåi
3. Ngoâi thöù ba khoâng ñoåi :
Ex: Direct: She says: “He is lazy”
Indirect: She says that he is lazy.
Neáu ñoäng töø töôøng thuaät ôû thì Quaù Khöù Ñôn thì ta phaûi thay
ñoåi 3 yeáu toá laø NGOÂI,ÑOÄNG TÖØ vaø TRAÏNG TÖØ
1. Ñoåi NGOÂI : (Gioáng phaàn A)
Hieän Taïi Ñôn Quaù Khöù Ñôn Hieän Taïi Hoaøn Quaù Khöù Hoaøn
Thaønh Thaønh
Hieän Taïi Tieáp Quaù Khöù Tieáp Quaù Khöù Tieáp Had been +VING
Dieãn Dieãn Dieãn
Quaù Khöù Ñôn Quaù Khöù Hoaøn Töông Lai Ñôn  Should +VINF
Thaønh would
* - Should / would + VINF  Should /Would have +VPP
-Musthad to
EX1: Direct: He said: “I drink milk every day”
Indirect: He said that he drank milk every day.
EX2: Direct: She said:”I have met him”
Indirect: She said that she had met him.
3. Ñoåi TRAÏNG TÖØ: (Traïng töø nôi choán vaø thôøi gian)
Today That day Tomorrow The following night
Tonight That night Next week The following week
Yesterday The day before/the Next year The following year
previous day
Last night The night before Now Then
Last week The week before Here There
Last The month before From here From there
Last year The year before This That
Tomorrow The following day/ The These Those
next day
Ago Before … …
-Muoán ñoåi caâu moät caâuâ hoûi tröïc tieáp sang giaùn tieáp ,ta cuõng thay ñoåi
3 yeáu toá veà: NGOÂI,ÑOÄNG TÖØ vaø TRAÏNG TÖØ .Ngoaøi ra ta phaûi aùp duïng
coâng thöùc sau:
1. Caâu hoûi phaûi khoâng (Yes/No-Question):
(A noun)
Ex1: Direct: She asked me:”Do you like him?”
Indirect: She asked me if / whether I liked him
Ex2: Direct: He said to her: “ Did you go out last night ?”
Indirect: He asked her if /whether she had gone out the night before.
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 31
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
2. Caâu hoûi duøng vaán töø (Wh-Question)


She INQUIRED (Who,Whom,Which,
They + WANTED TO KNOW + Where,When,How, +
We WONDERED What,Why…)
(A noun)
EX1: Direct: The techer asked us:”What are you doing now ?”
Indirect: The teacher asked us what we were doing then.
EX2: Direct: He asked him: “When will you go?”
Indirect: He asked him when he would go.
khaùc giuùp mình) SANG GIAÙN TIEÁP:
-Muoán ñoåi caâu moät caâuâ caàu khieán(Imperative) tröïc tieáp sang giaùn
tieáp ,ta cuõng thay ñoåi 3 yeáu toá veà: NGOÂI,ÑOÄNG TÖØ vaø TRAÏNG TÖØ
.Ngoaøi ra ta phaûi aùp duïng coâng thöùc sau:
They + TOLD + OBJECT +
Youyù: -Told ôû trong
BEGGEDtröôøng hôïp naøy coù nghóa laø baûo, asked trong tröôøng
hôïp naøy
(A noun) coù nghóa laø
ORDERED yeâu caàu
EX1: Direct: The teacher said to us:” Stand up”
Indirect: The teacher asked us to stand up.
EX2: Direct: He asked us: “ Don,t make noise in class”
Indirect: He asked us not to make noise in class.
EX3: Direct: She said to me: “Can you lend me your pen ?”
Indirect: She asked me to lend her my pen.
-Muoán ñoåi moät caâu khuyeân nhuû ra giaùn tieáp ta coù 2 caùch, xem ví duï
döôùi ñaây ñeå hieåu:
EX1: Direct: My mother said to me: “You should learn harder on your exam”
Indirect: a. My mother said that I (should learn )/ should have learnt harder
on my exam.
b.My mother told me that I should have learnt harder in my exam.
c. My mother advised me to learn harder on my exam.
Ex2: Direct: The doctor said to him:”You shouldn,t stay up late”
Indirect: a. The doctor said that he (shouldn,t stay )/ shouldn,t have stayed up
b.The doctor told him that he shouldn,t have stayed up late
c.The doctor advised him not to stay up late.
-Khi ñoåi caâu caûm thaùn(exclaimation) ra caâu giaùn tieáp ta thöôøng duøng
caùc ñoäng töø töôøng thuaät sau: greet(chaøo); cry out( thet leân); sigh(thôû
daøi); complain(than phieàn); remark(nhaän xeùt); exclaim(thet leân vì ñau ñôùn,
giaän döõ, ngaïc nhieân)… Ta xem caùc ví duï döôùi ñaây:
EX1: Direct: She said:” What a lovely house!”
Indirect: She exclaimed that the house was lovely.
Ex2: Direct: He said to me: “Hello!. How is work?”
Indirect: He greeted me and asked me how work was.
Ex3: Direct: The little boy cried out: “Help me! Help me!”
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 32
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
Indirect: The little boy cried out for help.
Ex4: Direct: She said: “ My toothache is getting worse!”
Indirect: She complained that her toothache was getting worse.
Chuyeån caùc caâu döôùi ñaây sang caâu noùi giaùn tieáp:
1. He said:”I am going to town with my sister” 20. He says: “ I have gone to
2. They said: “We are students in this school” 21 . “ I love you” Hai said to
3. She said: “We have finished our work”
4. She said to me: “ I want to speak with you”
5. He said: “ I like my uncle”
6. Lan asked Nam” Where do you live?”
7. The teacher asked us: “ What are you doing now?”
8. He said to me: “I shall be here with you tomorrow”
9. I asked her” Do you drink coffee ?”
10. Ba said to his friends:”When will we go fishing?”
11. The plumber said to Mrs Thu: “ You must pay me ten thousand dong”
12. Marry said: “Do you feel well, John ?”
13. “ Would you please lend me your pen? , Trang asked Nam.
14. My mother said to me:”You should do your homework every day”
15. The teacher asked us: “ Sit down, please”
16. The doctor said to him : “Don,t smoke cigarrette here”
17. He said to her: “ How beautiful your shirt is !”
18. She asked them” Did you go to school yesterday ?”
19. She said to her: “ I want you to go with me next week”
I) Tính töø: (Adjective ) 4.
1. Noun +al  Adj
Noun + ful  Adj nation national
tradition traditional
use  useful condition conditional
help helpful commercecommercial
care careful industryindustrial
colour colourful optionoptional
beauty beautiful 5.
Noun + able  Adj
harm harmful
healthhealthful enjoy enjoyable
hopehopeful comfort comfortale
2. remove removable
Noun + less  Adj
6. Verb/noun + ive 
use useless
help helpless expense expensive
care careless effect effective
colour colourless collect collective
shape shapeless affect affective
hopehopeless attract attractive
cloudcloudess 7.
3. Verb + ed  Adj
Noun + ous  Adj amaze  amazed
danger dangerous amuse  amused
humor humorous surprise surprised
consider considerous interest  interested
nerve nervous excite  excited

Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 33

Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
thrill  thrilled prepare  preperation
bore  bored celebrate  celebrate
delight  delighted cooperate  cooperation
8. decorate  decoration
Verb + ing  Adj
decide  decision
amaze  amazing combine  combination
amuse  amusing invite  invitation
surprise  surprising introduce  introduction
interest  interesting invent  invention
excite  exciting demonstrate  demonstration
thrill  thrilled separate  seperation
bore  boring educate  education
delight  delighting collect  collection
9. instruct  instruction
Noun + ly  Adj
organize  organization
day  daily produce  production
week  weekly decribe  decription
month  monthly 2.
year  yearly Verb + ment 
leisure  leisurely move noun
 movement
friend  friendly treat  treatment
10. Un / im / in / ir/ non + Adj  punish  punishment
Adj develope  development
happy  unhappy eqip  eqipment
clear  unclear 3. Adj + ness 
successful  unsuccessful
modest  unmodest careful  carefulness
certain  uncertain careless  carelessness
sure  unsure colourless  colourlessness
important  unimportant useful  usefulness
suitable unsuitable useless  uselessness
polite  impolite sick  sickness
posible imposible happy  happiness
edible  inedible busy  business
dependent  independent heavy  heaviness
expensive  inexpensive friendly  friendliness
covenientinconvenient 4.
regular  irregular Adj 
existent non-existent ant/e
Noun ance/ence
definited non-definited nt  importance
11. distant  distance
Verb =adj instant  intance
clean (lau, chuøi)clean (saïch seõ) dependent  dependence
close (ñoùng) close(gaàn, thaân) silient  silience
like(thích) like(giống) 5. Verb 
II) DANH TÖØ se/ve
Noun ce
1. practise  practice
Verb + ion  advise  advice

Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 34

Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
liciense  licience bad  badly
expense  expence beautiful  beautifully
serve  service careful  carefully
6. careless  carelessly
Verb + ant  Noun normal  normally
serve  servant difficult  difficultly
participate  participant different  differently
7. lucky  luckily
Verb +er/or noun
correct  correctly
a. Chæ ngöôøi: exact  exactly
readreader soft  softly
write writer quiet  quietly
learnlearner worried  worriedly
teachteacher healthy  healthily
performperformer excited  excitedly
singsinger meaningful  meaningfully
workworker economical  economically
runrunner safe  safely
winwinner fluent  fluently
beginbeginner deep  deeply
playplayer (extreme extremely)
examineexaminer directdirectly
visitvisitor correctcorrectly
swimswimmer widewidely
exploreexplorer regularregularly
actactor easyeasily
buildbuilder sadsadly
keepkeeper(goal keeper,park keeper) silient  siliently
b.Chæ ñoà vaät: loud  loudly
cookcooker clear  clearly
cleancleaner late  (lately)
paintpainter recent  (recently)
erase eraser usual  (usually)
8. noun + ship  happy happily
Noun busy  busily
friend  friendship
hurried  hurriedly
scholar  scholarship
* goodwell
sportsman sportsmanship
Noun=verb 1
Noun +
experimentexperiment izeVerb
useuse modern modernize
reportreport appologyappologize
transporttransport criticcriticize
studystudy emphasisemphasize
replayreplay 2
III) TRAÏNG TÖØ Re + verb Verb
1 (lại)
Adj + ly  Adv
slow  slowly turnreturn
quick  quickly formre-form
swist  swistly replacereplace
Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 35
Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10
developre-develop joinrejion
enterre-enter playreplay
educatere-educate marryremarry
doredo moveremove
examinere-examine namerename
exportre-export payrepay
fillrefill producereproduce

Giaùo vieân: Hoà Ngoïc Huøng 36

-Care(n) söï chaêm soùctake care(v) chaêm soùc careful(adj) caån thaän
carefully (adv) 1 caùch caån thaäncarefulness (n) söï caån thaän careless
(adj) khoâng caån thaän, baát caån carelessly(adv) 1 caùch baát caån
carelessness(n) söï baát caån.
-happy(adj) sung söôùng, haïnh phuùcunhappy (adj) baát haïnh happily(adv) 1
caùch sung söôùng unhappily (adv)1 caùch baát haïnh happiness (n) söï sung
-colour(n) maøu colourful(adj) nhieàu maøu, saëc sôû colourless(adj) khoâng
-success (n) söï thaønh coâng succeed (n) thaønh coâng successful(adj) thaønh
coâng  unsuccessful(adj) khoâng thaønh coâng, thaát baïi successfully(adv) 1
caùch thaønh coâng unsuccessfully(adv) 1 caùch thaát baïi.
-heavy(adj) naëng heavily (adv) 1 caùch naëng nhoïc  heaviness (n) söï naëng
-beauty (n) veû ñeïp beautiful(adj) ñeïp beautifully (adv) 1 caùch hay ho , 1
caùch ñeïp ñeõ.
-cloud(n) maây cloudy(adj) coù maây cloudless(adj) khoâng coù maây
-perform(v) bieåu dieãn performance(n) chöông trình bieåu dieãn performer (n)
ngöôøi bieåu dieãn.
-poem (n) baøi thô  poet(n) nhaø thô poetry(n) thô ca  poetric(adj) thô moäng
-sleep(v) nguû sleepy(adj) buoàn nguû fall asleep (v) nguû gaät
-appear(v) xuaát hieän disappear (v) bieán maát appearance(n) söï xuaát hieän
-good(adj) toát, ñeïp well (adv) 1 caùch hay, 1 caùch toát ñeïp
-friend(n)baïn friendly(adj) thaân thieän friendliness(n) söï thaân thieän
friendship (n) tình baïn, tình höõu nghò
-know(v) bieát knowledge (n) kieán thöùc acknowledge(v) coâng nhaän, thöøa
-Use(v)duøng, söû duïnguse(n) caùch duøngusage(n) coâng duïnguseful(adj)
coù íchuseless(adj) voâ ích  used(adj)cuõ, ñaõ
duøngusefully(adv)uselessly(adv)usefulness (n)uselessness (n)user(n)
ngöôøi söû duïng
-interest(v) thích, quan taâminterest(n) sôû thích, söï quan taâm interesting(adj)
hay, haáp daãn interested(adj) thích, quan taâm.
-excite(v) phaán khôûi, bò kích thích exciting (adj) haøo höùng (excited(adj)
haøo höùng, phaán khôûi excitement(n) söï haøo höùng, söï phaán khôûi
-amze(n) ngaïc nhieân  amazing(adj)kyø laï, ñaùng ngaïc nhieân amazed(adj)
ngaïc nhieân  amazement(n) söï ngaïc nhieân
-act(v) haønh ñoâïng, hoaït ñoäng action(n) haønh ñoâng activity(n) hoaït
ñoäng active(adj) naêng ñoäng,sinh ñoäng activist(n) nhaø hoaït ñoäng
actor(n) nam dieãn vieân actress(n) nöõ dieãn vieân
-employ(v) thueâ laøm vieäc  employer (n) oâng chuû employee(n) nhaân
coâng employment(n) vieäc laøm
-music(n) aâm nhaïc  musical(adj) thuoäc aâm nhaïc musician (n) nhaïc só
-produce (v) saûn xuaát, thaûi ra product (n) saûn phaåm  production(n) söï
saûn xuaát producer (n) nhaø saûn xuaát
-important (adj) quan troïng importance (n) söï quan troïng
-different(adj) khaùc  difference (n) söï khaùc nhau
-depend (on) (V) leä thuoäc, phuï thuoäc dependent(adj) leä thuoäc
independent (adj) töï do , khoâng leä thuoäc dependence(n) söï leä thuoäc 
independence(n) söï töï do
-clean (v) lau , chuøi clean(adj) saïch seõ.
-close(v) ñoùng  close(adj) gaàn, thaân
-tradition(n) truyeàn thoáng  traditional(adj) thuoäc truyeàn thoáng
-prepare (v) chuaån bò  preparation (n) söï chuaån bò
-respond (v) ñaùp laïi, traû lôøi response(n) söï traû lôøi
-build(v) xaây building(n) toaø nhaø builder(n) thôï xaây rebuild (v) xaây
döïng laïi, phuïc cheá
-compete(V) tranh ñua, thi ñaáu competition(n)cuoäc thi ñaáu copetitor (n)
ngöôøi thi ñaáu competitive(adj) coù tính caïnh tranh
Cho hình thöùc ñuùng cuûa ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc:
1. The ……………………………………………..……….of people prefer TV to radio (major)
2. Lucy got ……………………………………………….quickly and went for work (dress)
3. Some young people today want to have a strange………………….………..
…………….. (appear).
4. Do you want to go to the ………………………………………..areas to know more
about the region ? (near)
5. That……………………………………….…………….has composed a lot of beautiful
songs. (music)
6. If the industry doesn,t ……………………………………………………., it will not survive.
7. This house is very lovely and very ……………………………………………..(fashion)
8. Mathematics and Literature are……………………………………………………..for
children in this country. (compel)
9.She was the only visitor ………………………………………………..into the sick room.
10. His health was seriously affected and he suffered from constant
……………………….……………………. (sleep)
11. She disvorced him because of his ………………………………………………………..
…….to the children. (kind)
12. He has few friends because he is so
13. In ………………………………………………..…… doing the cleaning, I make the
coffee (add)
14. Can we meet that …………………………..…………………………….. at the party?
15. Please……………………………………………..…………….our letter of the 10th. We
have not had a reply. (know)
16. Weare waiting for…………………………………………..…………………of his plane.
17. It was a complete………………………………………………….due to poor planning.
18. People who live in the cities spend their lives in an atmosphere
of………………………………………………noise. (continue)
19. Atnight we close our windows only to be kept …………………………….by our
neighbour,s radio or television. (wake)
20. Doctors and…………………………………….have reported on how we are all
affected by the noise around us. (science)
21. Do you need a …………………………………………………………………..English class ?
22. We all looked ………………………………………………………..……..after the summer
holiday. (health)
23. Young children think that animals are . …………………………………..
24. Mary gets lots of flowers because of her good…………………………….
25. The children are more…………………………………………….……………….in cartoon.
26. …………………………………………………………activities should be promoted widely
in our country. (culture)
27. To my……………………………………..……………………., he passed the exam easily.
28. …………………………………………..………., the weather was so bad that we
couldn,t go out. (fortune)
29.The hotel we used to stay has now beeen
30. We like this car because it is very……………………………………………………………
31. She said: “Good morning” in a
32. Each athlete take part in the Olympic Games in the true spirit of
33. They work hard in order to …..………………………………………………….
……………….good crops from poor soil.( product)
34. They caught him by the wrist and led him away; he went without ………………….
35. I,m afraid you aren,t suitably…………………………………………….………………….for
this job.(qualification)
36. I hope there won,t be too much …………………………………………………………….in
getting a work permit.(difficult)
37. In parts of the country, the………………………………………………………. situation
is terrible. As many as 20% of working population is without a job. (employ)
38. Thousands of people are living in ………………………….…………………………after
the earthquake. (miserable)
39. He felt very……………………………………………………………….when he saw he has
failed the exam again. (courage)
40. He owes his …………………………………………………………….largely to his sense
of humour. (popular)
41. There has been a……………………………….of 10% in the amount of money
available for buying neaw books(reduce)
42. I was kept ……………………………………………..……………. last night by the noise
from the party in the flat above. (wake)
43. I think it is not easy to find out the
………………………………………………………………….to this problem.(solve)
44. His sudden…………………………………………………..…………….must be a shock to
her and her family(die)
45. The cost of ……………………………………………..……………….must be paid by the
46. We would have a lot of………………………….……………………………….if we went
there. (funny)
47. I had a marvelous holiday and our trip to Dalat was………………………….
48. Unfortunately, you,ll be at a………………………….…………………………if you can,t
drive. (advantage).
49. The ………………………….…………………………of water will be tested. (pure)
50. Please………………………….…………………………our letter of the 10th. We have
not had a reply. (know)
51. Jack,s ………………………….…………………………has turned him into confident
person. (successful)
52. Some people claim to be able to ………………………….…………………………the
53. Although Alice was not…………………… about helping with the washing up, she
did so all the time.(enthusiasm)
54. It is said that Hue is a ………………………….…………………………city. (peace)
55. The manager handed in his ………………………….………………………… after being
accued of dishonesty.(resign)
56. We can,t depend on him, he is a very………………………….…………………………
person. (rely)
57. You,d better………………………….…………………………this letter because you
wrote it too quickly and carelessly.(write)
58. I have informed about the ………………………….…………………………of new guest
of my company. (arrive)
59. She understands ………………………….…………………………what you are saying.
60. He is always………………………….…………………………of his rich family.(pride)
61. ………………………….…………………………Vietnam is often affected by droughts.
62. Nowadays, people can,t live without ………………………….…………………………
equipments. (modernization)
63. He smile at me in a………………………….…………………………way.(friendship)
64. She felt a sense of ………………………….…………………………when his friends
went to live abroad.(lose)
65. Sorry about he mistakes, I………………………….………………………… the
instructions you gave me. (understand)
1) major (adj): lôùn, quan troïng major (v) : chuyeân veà major (n): ñieäu tröôûng
(reâ tröôûng, la tröôûng…), moân hoïc chính  major (n): só quan luïc quaân.
majority (n) ña soá
2) dress (v) = get dressed : maëc quaàn aùo  dress (n): quaàn aùo, chieác aùo
ñaàm dressing (n): vieäc maëc quaàn aùo dressy(adj) thích aên dieän
3) appear (v) : xuaát hieän  disappear (v) bieán maát  appearance (n): söï xuaát
4) near (adj): gaàn  near (v): xích laïi gaàn  nearness (n): söï gaàn guõi
5) music (n): aâm nhaïc musical(adj): (thuoäc) aâm nhaïc, eâm tai musical (n) haøi
nhaïc kòch musically (adv):moät caùch du döông, thaùnh thoùt musician (n): nhaïc
só musicianship (n): taøi naêng aâm nhaïcmusicology (n) aâm nhaïc hoïc
6) +29 + 62) modern (adj): hieän ñaïi modern (n): ngöôøi soáng ôû thôøi hieän ñaïi 
modernity (n): caùi hieän ñaïi modernism (n) chuû nghóa hieän ñaïi moderanist
(n) : ngöôøi uûng hoä chuû nghóa hieän ñaïi moderanize/moderanise (v): hieän ñaïi
7) fashion (n): thôøi trangfashionable (adj): hôïp thôøi trang, ñuùng moát
fashionably (adv) moät caùch hôïp thôøi trang fashion (v)naën, raäp khuoân.
8) compel (v): baét buoäc, cöôõng eùp compulsory (adj): baét buoäc, eùp buoäc,
cöôõng böùc compulsion (n): söï baét buoäc, söï eùp buoäc
9) admit (v): thöøanhaän, chaáp nhaän admited (adj): töï nhaän, töï cho laø
admissible (adj): coù theå chaáp nhaän ñöôïc, duøng ñöôïc admission (n) söï thöøa
nhaän ,söï chaáp nhaän admittance (n): vieäc cho ai vaøo, ñöôïc pheùp vaøo
10) sleep-slept-slept (v): nguû sleep (n): giaác nguû sleepy (adj): buoàn nguû 
sleepless (adj): khoâng buoàn nguû sleepily (adv): moät caùch ngaùi nguû
sleepiness (n) söï buoàn nguû sleeplessness (n) söï khoâng buoàn nguû
11) kind (adj): töû teá, toát buïng unkinf (adj): khoâng toát buïng, khoâng töû teá 
kind (n) loaïi  kindly(adv) moät caùch aân caàn, moät caùch thaân aùi, vui loøng
kindman/kindmen (n) ngöôøi coù loøng toát
12) social(adj): xaõ hoäi  society (n): xaõ hoäi sociable (adj):deã chan hoaø, deã
gaàn guõi unsocible (adj): khoù gaàn, cuïc mòch socialite (n): ngöôøi coù vai veá
trong xaõ hoäi socialism (n): chuû nghóa xaõ hoäi  socialize (v): xaõ hoäi hoaù
13) add (v): theâm vaøo, coäng  addition (n) pheùp tính coäng, söï theâm vaøo
additional (adj): theâm, coäng theâm, phuï theâm  additionally (adv) coäng theâm,
phuï theâm…
14) magic (adj): kì dieäu, tuyeät vôøi  magic (n) ma thuaät, pheùp phuø thuyû
magical (adj)say loøng, coù ma löïc, pheùp thaàn thoâng  magically (adv) moät
caùch coù ma löïc, thaàn thoâng  magician (n) aûo thuaät gia
15) + 50 ) know-knew-known (v): bieát, naém ñöôïc, nhaän ra, quen bieát know (n):
söï thaïo tin knowing (adj): hieåu bieát, thaïo , raønh maïch  knowingly (adv): coù
duïng yù, coù chuû yùknowledge (n):kieán thöùc, söï am hieåu  knowledgeable
(adj) am hieåu, thoâng thaïo  acknowledge (v): chaáp nhaän, thöøa nhaän
16 ) +58) arrive (v): ñeán, tôùi  arrival (n) söï ñeán, ngöôøi / vaät ñeán
17) fail (v): thaát baïi, ñaùnh tröôït, hoûng  fail (n): söï hoûng thi, söï tröôït thi
failsafe (adj): ñöôïc thieát keá töï ñoäng  failing (n): nhöôïc ñieåm  failure (n): söï
thaát baïi
18) continue (v): tieáp tuïc, tieáp tuïc toàn taïi, dieãn ra continued (adj) tieáp tuïc 
continuity (n): söï lieân tuïc continuous (adj) lieân tuïc, tieáp dieãn khoâng döøng laïi
continuously (adv)  continuum (n): chuoãi lieân tuïc continual (adj): cöù tieáp
tuïc, khoâng ngöøng continually (adv) continuance (n) söï tieáp tuïc toàn taïi
continuation (n) söï tieáp tuïc tieán haønh
19) + 42) wake-woke-woken (v): tænh giaác, tænh daäy wakeful (adj): thao thöùc
wakefully(adv) wakefulness (n): söï thao thöùc waken (v): thöùc, laøm cho ai
tænh giaác  awake (adj): tænh, thöùc awaken (v): laøm thöùc giaác
20) science (n): khoa hoïc scientist (n): nhaø khoa hoïc scientific (adj) (veà ) khoa
hoïc, coù kó thuaät scientifically (adv) moät caùch coù kó thuaät
21) compete (v): caïnh tranh, ghanh ñua, ñua tranh competence (n) khaû naêng
competent (adj) thaïo, gioûi competitive ( adj): (thuoäc ) caïnh tranh competitor
(n) ngöôøi caïnh tranh, ngöôøi döï thi competition (n): cuoäc thi, voøng thi
22) health (n) söùc khoeû  healthy (adj)khoeû maïnh healthily (adv)healthful (adj)
laønh maïnh, coù lôïi cho söùc khoeû
unhealthy(adj ) khoâng khoeû maïnh  unhealful (adj ) khoâng coù lôïi cho söùc
khoeû , khoâng laønh maïnh  unhealthily (adv)
23) fascinate (v) laøm meâ, meâ hoaëc fascinating(adj): coù söùc haáp daãn, quyeán
ruõ fascinatingly  fascinated (adj);meâ, say meâ, bò quyeán ruõ fascination (n)
söï haáp daãn.
24) perform (v) bieåu dieãn, trình dieãn performer (n) ngöôøi bieåu dieãn
performance (n) chöông trình bieåu dieãn, söï bieåu dieãn
25) interest (v) thích, quan taâm interest (n) söï quan taâm, söï thích interesting
(adj) haáp daãn, thuù vò, hay interestingly (adv) interested (adj) thích, quan taâm
uninterested (adj) laõnh ñaïm
26) culture (n) vaên hoaù cultural (adj) (thuoäc) vaên hoaù cultured(adj) coù vaên
27) amaze (v) ngaïc nhieân  amazing (adj) laøm ngaïc nhieân amazed(adj) ngaïc
nhieân amazement(n) söï ngaïc nhieân
28) fortune (n)vaän may fortunate (adj) may maén unfortunate (adj) khoâng may
maén  fortunately(adv) unfortunately(adv)
30) economy (n)tieát kieäm economic (adj) (thuoäc) kinh teá economist (n) nhaø
kinh teá hoïc economical (adj) tieát kieäm economically (adv)  economize (v)
tieát kieäm
31) + 63) friend (n) baïn  friendly (adj) thaân thieän unfriendly (adj) friendliness
(n)  unfriendliness (n) friedship 9n) tình baïn, tình höõu nghò
32) sport (n) theå thao sport (v) chöng dieän, giaûi trí, vui ñuøa sporty (adj) dieän
 sportily (adv)  sportness (n)  sportcast /sportcaster (n) ngöôøi bình luaän theå
thao sportman/ sportmen / sportwoman / sportwomen (n) ngöôøi ñaøng hoaøng,
quang minh chính ñaïi, ngöôøi coù tinh thaàn theå thao sportmanship (n) tinh thaàn
theå thao, thöôïng voõ
33) produce (v) saûn xuaát, thaûi ra  producer (n) nhaø saûn xuaát, chuû nhieäm 
product (n) saûn phaåm  production (n) söï saûn xuaát productive (adj) naêng
suaát, söï saûn xuaát nhieàu productively (adv) productivity (n) hieäu suaát, naêng
34 resist (v)khaùng cöï , cöôõng laïi  resistant (adj) coù söùc khaùng cöï, chòu ñöïng
 resistance (n) söï khaùng cöï
35) qualify (v) ñuû tö caùch, ñuû khaû naêng, ñuû ñieàu kieän  qualified (adj) ñuû tö
caùch, ñuû khaû naêng, ñuû ñieàu kieän
qualification (n) phaåm chaát, naêng löïc, khaû naêng chuyeân moân  quality (n)
chaát löôïng qualitative (adj) (thuoäc) tính chaát, chaát löôïng
36) dificult (n) khoù khaên, gay go , khoù difficulty (n) söï khoù khaên
37) employ 9v) thueâ laøm, duøng, söû duïng employ (n) söï laøm thueâ
employable (adj) coù theå thueâ ñöôïc unemployable  employee (n) nhaân coâng
 employer (n) oâng chuû employment (n) coâng vieäc, vieäc laøm unemployment
(n) söï thaát nghieäp
38) misery (n) söï khoán khoå  miserable (adj) khoán khoå, thaûm haïi, khoå sôû
miserably (adv0
39 ) courage(n) khaû naêng, söï can ñaûm  courageous (adj) duõng caûm, bình tónh ,
khoâng sôï  discourageous (adj) khoâng bình tónh
40) popular (adj) ñöôïc öa thích, chuoäng ,bình daân popularly (adv) popularity (n)
tính quaàn chuùng popularize (v) phoå caäp
41) reduce (v) giaûm, laøm giaûm reduction (n) söï giaûm redundant (adj)
khoângöa2redundancy(n) söï thöøa
43) solve (v) giaûi, giaûi quyeát, laøm saùng toû solver (n) ngöôøi giaû quyeát
solvable(adj) coù theå giaûi quyeát ñöôïc  solution (n) giaûi phaùp
44) die (v) cheát dead (adj)  dead(n) ngöôøi cheát deadly(adj) heát söùc, kieät
söùc death (n) caùi cheát, söï cheát
45) carry (v) mang, vaùc, khuaân  carrier (n) ngöôøi chôû haøng, coâng nhaân vaän
chuyeån, caùi ñeå chôû haøng  carriage (n) xe ngöïa, cöôùc chôû haøng  carry (n)
haønh ñoäng mang ,vaùc, khuaân,; taàm suùng
46) fun (n) söï vui thích, söï thích thuù, troø vui  funny (adj) thích thuù, vui, kyø laï,
buoàn cöôøi funnily (adv) funniness(n) söï buoàn cöôøi, söï kyø laï
47) forget-forgot- forgotten (v):queân forgetful (adj) deã queân, coù theå queân
forgetfully (adv) forgetfulness(n)
48) advance (n) söï tieán leân, söï tieán boä, tieàn vay, tieàn taïm öùng advance (v)
thuùc ñaåy  advanced(adj) tieán boä  advancement (n) söï tieán boä  advantage
(n) lôïi theá, lôïi ích  disadvantage (n) baát lôïi, baát tieänadvantageous (adj) coù
lôïi, sinh lôøi laõi advantageously(adv)
49) pure (adj) nguyeân chaát, trong laønh, tinh khieát , trong traéng, thuaàn khieát
purely (adv) hoaøn toaøn pureness (n) = purity (n) söï trong laønh , söï tinh khieát,
söï trong traéng
51) succeed (v) thaønh coâng  success (n) söï thaønh coâng successful (adj) thaønh
coâng unsuccessful(adj)
 successfully(adv) unsuccessfully(adv)
52) tell-told-told (v) noùi, keå , baûo teller(n) ngöôøi noùi, ngöôøi keå telling (adj)
gaây aán töôïng  tellingly(adv)
foretell(v) tieân ñoaùn
53) enthusiasm(n) nhieät tình enthusiast(n) ngöôøi nhieät tình, ngöôøi ñaày loøng
say meâ enthusiatic(adj) traøn ñaày loøng nhieät tình unenthusiatic (adj)
enthusiatically (adv)  unenthusiatically(adv)
54) peace (n) thanh bình, hoaø bình, yeân tónh  peaceful (adj) hoaø bình, thanh bình,
thanh thaûn peacefully(adv) peaceable(adj) yeâu chuoäng hoaø bình, thích yeân
tónh  peaceably(adv)
55)resign (v) töø chöùc resignation(n) söï töø chöùc, ñôn töø chöùc, söï nhaãn nhuïc
56) rely (v) troâng mong, troâng ñôïi , tin töôûng reliable(adj) coù theå tin ñöôïc,
chaéc chaén  reliably(adv) reliability(n) tình hình ñaùng tin caäy reliance (n) söï
tin caäy
57) write-wrote-written (v) vieát  rewrite (v) vieát laïi writer (n) taùc giaû, nhaø
59) perfect (adj) hoaøn toaøn, ñaày ñuû, hoaøn chænh perfectible(adj) coù theå
hoaøn thieän, coù theå hoaøn thaønh ñöôïc perfectibility(n) söï hoaøn thaønh, söï
hoaøn thieän perfetion (n) söï tuyeät haûo, söï tuyeät myõ perfectionist (n) ngöôøi
caàu toaøn perfect(v) hoaøn thieän, hoaøn thaønh
60) pride (n) söï haõnh dieän, söï töï haøo  pride (v) töï haøo , haõnh dieän 
proud(adj) töï haøo, haõnh dieän proudly(adv)
61) centre (n) trung taâm central(adj)(thuoäc) trung taâm centralism(n) nguyeân
taéc tpaä trung centralize(v) taäp trung centralization(n) söï taäp trung
64) lose-lost-lost(v) maát, laïc, thua,, baïi lost (adj) ñaõ maát, bò laïc loss (n) söï
maát maùt, söï toån thaát
65) understand-understood –understood (v) hieåu misunderstand (v) hieåu nhaàm 
understanding(adj) thoâng caûm understanding(n) söï hieåu bieát, söï am hieåu
understandable(adj) coù theå hieåu ñöôïc understandably(adv)


1. Hai tieáng khaùc nhau ôû hai gioáng:


-boy (trai) -girl (gaùi)
-man (ñaøn oâng) -woman (ñaøn baø)
-husband (choàng) -wife (vôï)
-son (con trai cuûa …) -daughter (con gaùi cuûa…)
-brother (anh, em trai…) -sister (chò, em gaùi…)
-uncle (baùc,chuù, caäu, döôïng…) -aunt (coâ, dì, thím, môï…)
-nephew (chaùu trai keâu baèng -niece (chaùu gaùi keâu baèng baùc,
baùc, chuù, caäu,döôïng, coâ, dì , chuù, caäu,döôïng, coâ, dì , môï,
môï, thím….) thím….)
-king (vua) -queen (hoaøng haäu)
-groom /bridegroom (chuù reå ) -bride (coâ daâu)

2. Theâm hay ñoåi thaønh “ESS”:


-lion (sö töû ) -lioness (sö töû caùi)
-prince (hoaøng töû ) -princess (coâng chuùa )
-actor (nam dieãn vieân ) -actress (nöõ dieãn vieân)
-emperor (hoaøng ñeá ) -empress (nöõ hoaøng )
-tiger (con coïp) -tigress (coïp caùi )
-waitor (nam boài baøn /phuïc vuï) -waitress (nöõ boài baøn /phuïc vuï)

3.Theâm “INE” hoaëc “ETTE”


-hero (nam anh huøng) -heroine (nöõ anh huøng)
-usher (ngöôøi daãn chæ choå ngoài -usherette(ngöôøi chæ choå ngoài
trong raïp nam) trong raïp nöõ)
4. Theâm caùc cuïm :”MAN , MAID (Vaøo phía sau), MALE ,FEMALE, BOY,
GIRL,LADY, GENTLEMAN, HE, SHE(Vaøo phía tröôùc) …”


-milkman (anh baùn söõa) -milkmaid (coâ baùn söõa)
-Brides (bridesgroom) (Chuù reå) -bridesmaid (phuø daâu)
-male nurse (nam y taù ) -female relation (hoï haøng phaùi nöõ
-boy friend (baïn trai ) )
-gentleman farmer (oâng chuû trang -girl friend (baïn gaùi )
traïi) -lady novelist (nöõ tieåu thuyeát gia)
-he-goat (deâ ñöïc) -she-goat (deâ caùi)
-turkey-cock (gaø taây troáng) -turkey-hen (gaø taây maùi)


1. a Caùc danh töø taän cuøng baèng 1 phuï aâm + “O”  theâm
“ES” vaø ñöôïc ñoïc laø “/z/”
-tomato  tomatoes /z/ (caø chua) -potato potatoes /z/ (khoai taây)
* Ngoaïi leä: ( Chæ theâm”S” vaø ñoïc laø “/z/” )
-photo photos /z/ (aûnh) -piano pianos /z/ (döông caàm)
-kilo kilos /z/ (caân/ kíloâ) -dyamo dyamos (boä phaän phaùt ñieän )
1b.Caùc danh töø taän cuøng baèng 1 nguyeân aâm + “O”  theâm “S”
vaø ñöôïc ñoïc laø “/z/”
-cuckoo  cuckoos /z/ (chim cuùc cu) -coo coos /z/ (tieáng boà caâu
-moo moos /z/ (tieáng boø roáng) -studio studios /z/ (xöôûng
phim )
-radio radios /z/ (maùy thu thanh)
2. Caùc danh töø taän cuøng baèng caùc chöõ :”S”, “X”,”Z” “CH”, “SH”
Theâm “ES” vaø ñöôïc ñoïc laø “/iz/”
- a class  classes (lôùp) - a box  boxes (hoäp)
-a dish dishes (dóa) -a watch watches (ñoàng hoà ñeo tay)
-a waltz  waltzes (ñieäu nhaûy)
*Ngoaïi leä: a monarch monarch (quoác vöông) / 'mɔnək/ (vì chöõ “ch”
cuoái ñoïc laø “/ k /” )
3. Caùc danh töø taän cuøng baèng caùc chöõ “CE”, “SE”, “GE”
theâm “S” va“ES”cuoái ñoïc laø“/ iz /”
-a piece pieces / 'pi:siz/ (mieáng) -an exercise exercises (baøi taäp)
-a house  houses (nhaø) -an orange oranges (cam)
4.a.Caùc danh töø taän cuøng baèng 1 phuï aâm +”Y” thì phaûi ñoåi
“Y” thaønh “I” roài theâm “ES” vaø chöõ “S” cuoái ñoïc laø “/ z /”
-a family families (gia ñình) -a secretary  secretaies (thö
-an activity  activities (hoaït ñoäng)
4b. Caùc danh töø taän cuøng baèng 1 nguyeân aâm +”Y” thì chæ
theâm “S” vaø chöõ “S” cuoái ñoïc laø“/ z /”
- a boyboys (con trai) -a play plays (vôû kòch)
5. Caùc danh töø taän cuøng baèng caùc chöõ “F” vaø “FE” (Chöõ
“E” caâm) thì phaûi ñoåi thaønh “VES” vaø ñoïc laø “/vz/”
- a leaf  leaves (laù) -a loaf  loaves (oå, maåu)
-a knife knives (con dao) -a calf calves (con beâ)
-a scarf scarves (khaên quaøng)
* Ngoaïi leä: (chæ theâm “S” vaø ñoïc ”/ fs /”)
-a chief chiefs (giaùm ñoác) -a handkerchief  handkerchiefs
(khaên tay)
-a roof roofs (maùi nhaø) -a proof proofs (baèng
6. Caùc danh töø taän cuøng baèng caùc chöõ “P”, “T”, “K”, “GH”
(ñöôïc ñoïc “/ f /”) thì ta theâm “S” vaø ñoïc laø “/ s /”
- a map maps (baûn ñoà) -a light  lights (ñeøn)
-a book  books (saùch) -a date  dates (ngaøy)
-laugh laughs / la:f / (tieáng cöôøi)
7. Caùc danh töø taän cuøng baèng caùc chöõ coøn laïi (khaùc vôùi
taát caû caùc chöõ vöøa neâu töø 1 ñeán 6)thì ta theâm “S” vaø ñoïc
laø “/ z /”
- a banana bananas (chuoái) -a key  keys (chìa khoaù )
-a yard  yards (saân) -a table  tables (baøn)
1. Plural forms:
1.1. Adding “s” to almost count-nouns:
singular plural singular plural
a table tables an apple apples
a student students an umbrellas
a house houses an egg eggs
a cat cats an eel eels
a dog dogs an orange oranges
3.2. Adding “es” to the count-nouns that end in “ s, ss, sh, ch,
o, x ” with /iz/ sound:
singular plural singular plural
a bus buses a class classes
a dish dishes a wish wishes
a watch watches a torch torches
a potato potatoes a tomato tomatoes
a box boxes
3.3. Adding “ies” to the count-nouns that end in “y” with its
preceding consonants:
3.4. singular plural singular plural
a lorry lorries a lady ladies
a story stories

Adding “ves” to the count-nouns that end in “f, fe”:

singular plural singular plural
a wife wives a leaf leaves
a knife knives a loaf loaves
3.5. Irregular changes:
singular plural singular plural
a man men a woman women
a child children an ox oxen
a tooth teeth a goose geese
a louse lice a mouse mice
a medium media a phenomen
phenomeni ia
3.6. Collective noun: crew, family, group, team,…(either
singular or plural form, either singular or plural verb)
3.7. Always plural form-nouns:
clothes police breeche pants pyjamas
trouser scissors pliers binocula glasses
s (k×m) rs
scales shears (kÐo arms damage earnings
c¾t cá) s
goods greens outskirt savings pains (trouble,
(vegetable) s effort)
spirits surroundings stairs valuable athletics
ethics mathematics physics politics
3.8. Unchange the names of creatures: deer, sheep,carf, cod,
pike, plaice, salmon, squid, trout, turbot (these nouns
can take either singular or plural verbs)
3.9. Plural form but singular verb-noun: news, mumps (bÖnh sng
quai hµm), billiards, bowls
4. Uncount-nouns:
4.1. Substances:
bread beer Cloth coffee cream
dust gin Glass gold ice
jam oil paper tea sand
soap stone water wine wood
4.2. Abstract nouns:
advice beauty courage death experienc
fear help Hope horror informati
knowled mercy Pity relief suspicion
4.3. Others:
baggage camping damage furniture luggage
parking shopping Work weather


Trong Tieáng Anh coù caùc loaïi ñaïi töø nhaân xöng döôùi ñaây:

Đứng trước một danh từ bắt đầu bằng “uni” phải dùng “a”(a university/ a
uniform/ a union…)
I ME MY (Cuûa toâi…) MINE MYSELF (Chính toâi...)
baïn…) baïn…)
HE HIM HIS (Cuûa oâng HIS HIMSELF(Chính oâng
aáy…) aáy…)
SHE HER HER (Cuûa baø HERS HERSELF(Chính baø
aáy…) aáy…)
IT IT ITS (Cuûa noù…) ITS ITSELF(Chính noù…)
toâi, cuûa chuùng chuùng toâi…)


I (Toâi,em, chaùu, YOU(baïn, em, HE(oâng aáy, anh aáy, caäu aáy,baïn
con, coâ, chuù, con, chaùu, anh, aáy…)Duøng ñeå chæ 1 ngöôøi ñaøn
anh, chò…) em,coâ, chuù, oâng/nam,khoâng tröïc noùi chuyeän vôùi
Duøng ñeå chæ baø…)Duøng mình maø mình noùi veà ngöôøi ñoù.
ngöôøi noùi. ñeå chæ ngöôøi SHE(baø aáy, coâ aáy, chò aáy, baïn
nghe. aáy…) Duøng ñeå chæ 1 ngöôøi phöï
nöõ /nöõ,khoâng tröïc noùi chuyeän vôùi
mình maø mình noùi veà ngöôøi ñoù.
IT(noù,trôøi…)…) Duøng ñeå chæ 1 con
vaät hoaëc ñoà vaät.
WE (Chuùng toâi, YOU(caùc THEY(hoï, chuùng noù…) …) Duøng ñeå
chuùng ta, chuùng baïn,caùc em, chæ 2 ngöôøi trôû leân khoâng tröïc tieáp
con, chuùng chaùu, caùc con, caùc noùi chuyeän vôùi mình maø mình noùi veà
caùc anh, caùc chò chaùu, caùc hoï hoaëc 2 con vaät, ñoà vaät trôû leân.
…)Duøng ñeå anh,caùc ( They duøng cho caû ngöôøi, con vaät, ñoà
chæ nhöõng ngöôøi em…)Duøng vaät)
noùi hoaëc nhöõng ñeå chæ nhöõng
ngöôøi noùi vaø ngöôøi nghe.
nghe(Chuùng ta)
 Thöôøng ñöùng ñaàu caâu vaø tröôùc ñoäng töø trong caâu ñeå laøm chuû ngö
Ex: I am a teacher.
She wants to buy some cakes.
 Chæ ngöôøi nhaän haønh ñoäng, ñöùng ngay sau ñoäng töø ñeå laøm taân ngöõ
cho ñoäng töø.
Ex: He talked to me last night.
 Thöôøng coù 1 danh töø keøm theo, coù theå ñöùng ñaàu caâu vaø tröôùc
ñoäng töø ñeå laøm chuû ngöõ hoaëc coù theå ñöùng sau ñoäng töø ñeå laøm taân
ngöõ (TÍNH TÖØ SÔÛ HÖÕU + Danh töø)
Ex:My books are new
She gave me her pen
 Duøng ñeå thay theá cho TÍNH TÖØ SÔÛ HÖÕU + Danh töø trong tröôøng hôïp
danh töø ñoù ñaõ ñöôïc nhaéc tôùi tröôùc, coù theå ñöùng tröôùc ñoäng töø ñeå
laøm chuû ngöõ trong 1 meänh ñeà hoaëc ñöùng sau ñoäng töø ñeå laøm taân
Ex: Your pen is new but mine is old. (Mine =my pen)
This is my notebook and that is hers
 Duøng ñeå chæ chính ai laøm vieäc gì, thöôøng ñöùng sau danh töø laøm taân
ngöõ trong caâu hoaëc ngay sau ñaïi töø chuû ngöõ neáu muoán nhaán maïnh.
Ex: I did this exercise myself (I myself did this exercise)
Choïn töø ñuùng trong ngoaëc:
1. What is your name ?-………………………………… name is Lan. (Your, My, Yours,
2. How old are …………………………….? – I am eleven years old. (I, My, You, They)
3. Where does his sister live?_ ...........................lives in Hanoi. (His, He, She,It)
4. He……………………………….drew that picture. (him, his,himself,her)
5. His books are older than ………………………..( her, your, his, ours)
6. What does her father do?_ …………………………….is a doctor. (Her, She, He,
7. When will the children do the test ?_ ……………… will do it next Tuesday. (He, She,
They, We)
8. What do you think about the test ?_ I think ………………….is long and difficult.
(he, she, it, its)
9. What is his mother,s name? is Nam. (Her, His, My, Hers)
10. What did she give her son yesterday ?_ She gave…………….. a dictionary. (her,
him, me,you)
11. She is wearing a beautiful dress. She made it …………………………. (her, hers,
herself, itself)
12. Let………………………………play soccer, shall we? (us, them, you, me)
1.During = trong suốt (hoạt động diễn ra liên tục)

1. From = từ >< to = đến

 From ... to ...= từ ... đến... (dùng cho thời gian và nơi chốn)
 From time to time = đôi khi, thỉnh thoảng
3. Between …and : vào khoảng giữa

4.Out of=ra khỏi><into=vào trong

 Out of + noun = hết, không còn
 Out of town = đi vắng
 Out of date=cũ, lạc hậu >< up to date = mới, cập nhật
 Out of work = thất nghiệp, mất việc
 Out of the question = không thể
 Out of order = hỏng, không hoạt động

 động từ chỉ chuyển động + by = đi ngang qua (walk by the library)
 động từ tĩnh + by = ở gần (your books are by the window)
 by + thời gian cụ thể = trước lúc, cho đến lúc (hành động cho đến lúc đó phải xảy ra)
 by + phương tiện giao thông = đi bằng
 by then = cho đến lúc đó (dùng cho cả QK và TL)
 by way of= theo đường... = via
 by the way = một cách tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên
 by the way = by the by = nhân đây, nhân tiện
 by far + so sánh (thường là so sánh bậc nhất)=>dùng để nhấn mạnh
 by accident = by mistake = tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên >< on purose

6.In = bên trong

 In + month /season / year
 In time for = In good time for = Đúng giờ (thường kịp làm gì, hơi sớm hơn giờ đã định một
 In the street = dưới lòng đường
 In the morning / afternoon/ evening
 In the past/future = trước kia, trong quá khứ/ trong tương lai
 In future = from now on = từ nay trở đi
 In the begining/ end = at first/ last = thoạt đầu/ rốt cuộc
 In the way = đỗ ngang lối, chắn lối
 Once in a while = đôi khi, thỉnh thoảng
 In no time at all = trong nháy mắt, một thoáng
 In the mean time = meanwhile = cùng lúc
 In the middle of (địa điểm)= ở giữa
 In the army/ airforce/ navy
 In + the + STT + row = hàng thứ...
 In the event that = trong trường hợp mà
 In case = để phòng khi, ngộ nhỡ
 Get/ be in touch/ contact with Sb = liên lạc, tiếp xúc với ai

7.On = trên bề mặt:

 On + thứ trong tuần/ ngày trong tháng
 On the farm : tại nông trại
 On + a/the + phương tiện giao thông = trên chuyến/ đã lên chuyến...
 On + phố = địa chỉ... (như B.E : in + phố)
 On the + STT + floor = ở tầng thứ...
 On time = vừa đúng giờ (bất chấp điều kiện bên ngoài, nghĩa mạnh hơn in time)
 On the corner of = ở góc phố (giữa hai phố)
 Chú ý:
 In the corner = ở góc trong
 At the corner = ở góc ngoài/ tại góc phố
 On the sidewalk = pavement = trên vỉa hè
 Chú ý:
 On the pavement (A.E.)= trên mặt đường nhựa (Don’t brake quickly on the
pavement or you can slice into another car)
 On the way to: trên đường đến >< on the way back to: trên đường trở về
 On the right/left
 On T.V./ on the radio
 On the phone/ telephone = gọi điện thoại, nói chuyện điện thoại
 On the phone = nhà có mắc điện thoại (Are you on the phone?)
 On the whole= nói chung, về đại thể
 On the other hand = tuy nhiên= however
 Chú ý:
 On the one hand = một mặt thì => on the other hand = mặt khác thì (On
the one hand, we must learn the basic grammar, and on the other hand,
we must combine it with listening comprehension)
 on sale = for sale = có bán, để bán
 on sale (A.E.)= bán hạ giá = at a discount (B.E)
 on foot = đi bộ

8.At = ở tại
 At + số nhà
 At + thời gian cụ thể
 At home/ school/ work
 At night/noon (A.E : at noon = at twelve = giữa trưa (she was invited to the party at noon,
but she was 15 minutes late))
 At least = chí ít, tối thiểu >< at most = tối đa
 At once =ngay lập tức
 At present/ the moment = now
 Chú ý: 2 thành ngữ trên tương đương với presently nhưng presently se khác nhau về nghĩa
nếu nó đứng ở các vị trí khác nhau trong câu:
 Sentence + presently (= soon): ngay tức thì ( She will be here presently/soon)
 Presently + sentence (= Afterward/ and then) : ngay sau đó (Presently, I heard
her leave the room)
 S + to be + presently + Ving = at present/ at the moment ( He is presently
working toward his Ph.D. degree)
 At times = đôi khi, thỉnh thoảng
 At first = thoạt đầu >< at last = cuối cùng
 At the beginning of / at the end of... = ở đầu/ ở cuối (dùng cho thời gian và địa điểm).
 At + tên các ngày lễ : at Christmas, at Thanks Giving...
Nhưng on + tên các ngày lễ + day = on Christmas day ...
Trong dạng informal E., on trước các thứ trong tuần đôi khi bị lược bỏ: She is going to see
her boss (on) Sunday morning.
At/in/on thường được không dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ thời gian khi có mặt: next, last, this,
that, one, any, each, every, some, all
 At + địa điểm : at the center of the building
 At + những địa điểm lớn (khi xem nó như một nơi trung chuyển hoặc gặp gỡ): The plane
stopped 1 hour at Washington D.C. before continuing on to Atlanta.
 At + tên các toà nhà lớn (khi xem như 1 hành động sẽ xảy ra ở đó chứ không đề cập đến
toà nhà) : There is a good movie at the Center Theater.
 At + tên riêng các tổ chức: She works at Legal & General Insurence.
 At + tên riêng nơi các trường sở hoặc khu vực đại học: She is studying at the London
school of Economics.
 At + tên các hoạt động qui tụ thành nhóm: at a party/ lecture...

9.Một số các thành ngữ dùng với giới từ

 On the beach: trên bờ biển
 Along the beach: dọc theo bờ biển
 In place of = Instead of: thay cho, thay vì.
 For the most part: chính là, chủ yếu là = mainly.
 In hope of + V-ing = Hoping to + V = Hoping that + sentence = với hi vọng là.
 off and on: dai dẳng, tái hồi
 all of a sudden= suddenly = bỗng nhiên
 for good = forever: vĩnh viễn, mãi mãi.
Cho giới từ đúng vào chổ trống:
1. He will have a meeting …………………..8 o,clock tomorrow.
2. We always go to school …………………..the morning.
3. Her birthday is ……………………May 25th.
4. There were a football match on TV ………………9pm to 10: 45 pm last night.
5. Last month, I visited my uncle and I was staying ………………….the farm for a month.
6. We always go to class …………….time.
7. Children often receive lucky money from their parents and relative ……………Tet holidays.
8. Mr Baker often watches TV ……………..the evenings.
9. He wishes he will become a doctor ……………..the future.
10. ……………Christmas, good children often receive presents from the Santa Claus.
11. I am afraid to go out alone ……………night.
12. He was born ………………….1994.
13. I will go to the market. …………………….., I will buy you some candies.
14. We heard that news ……………………TV last night.
15. There was a bussiness meeting …………………..7am and 11am last Friday.
16. I always finish the tests …………time.
17. we brought along a raincoat just …………….case it rained.
18.He is …………of work now and he is looking for another job.
19.This shirt is ………….of date. I have to buy another.
20.The people shouted “rubber! rubber!” and the police came…………..once.
21…………first we didn,t know who he was but after that we knew he was a famous singer.
22.I saw him ……………the way to the movies .
23. I am going to the market . ………………the way, I will buy you some candies.
24.They heard that news ………… the radio last night.
Đó là những động từ kết hợp với 1, 2 hoặc đôi khi 3 giới từ, khi kết hợp ở dạng như vậy ngữ
nghĩa của chúng thay đổi hẳn so với nghĩa ban đầu.
 To break off: chấm dứt, cắt đứt, đoạn tuyệt.
 To bring up: nêu ra, đưa lên một vấn đề
 To call on: yêu cầu / đến thăm
 To care for: thích / trông nom, săn sóc (look after)
 To check out (of/from) a library: mượn sách ở thư viện về
 To check out: điều tra, xem xét.
 To check out (of): làm thủ tục để ra (khách sạn, sân bay) <> check in.
 To check (up) on: điều tra, xem xét.
 To close in (on): tiến lại gần, chạy lại gần
 To come along with: đi cùng với
 To count on = depend on = rely on
 To come down with: mắc phải một căn bệnh
 Do away with = get rid of: tống khứ, loại bỏ, trừ khử
 To daw up = to draft: soạn thảo (một kế hoạch, một hợp đồng)
 To drop out of = to withdraw from: bỏ (đặc biệt là bỏ học giữa chừng)
 To figure out: Hình dung ra được, hiểu được.
 To find out: khám phá ra, phát hiện ra.
 To get by: Lần hồi qua ngày, sống sót qua được
 To get through with: kết thúc
 To get through to: thông tin được cho ai, gọi được cho (điện thoại), tìm cách làm cho hiểu
 To get up: dậy/ tổ chức.
 To give up: bỏ, từ bỏ
 To go along with: đồng ý với
 To hold on to: vẫn giữ vững, duy trì
 To hold up: cướp / vẫn giữ vững, vẫn duy trì, vẫn sống bình thường, vẫn dùng được (bất
chấp sức ép bên ngoài hoặc sử dụng lâu)
 To keep on doing smt=To go on doing smt: vẫn tiếp tục không ngừng làm gì
 To look at: nhìn
 To look up: tra, nhiên cứu
 To look for= find: tìm kiếm
 To look after: trông nom, săn sóc
 To look into: điều tra, xem xét
 To pass out = to faint: ngất (nội động từ, không dùng bị động)
 To pick out: chọn ra, lựa ra, nhặt ra
 To point out: chỉ ra, vạch ra
 To put off: trì hoãn, đình hoãn
 To run across: khám phá, phát hiện ra (tình cờ)
 To run into sb: gặp ai bất ngờ
 To see about to: lo lắng, săn sóc, chạy vạy
 To think of /about: nghĩ về
 To take off: cất cánh <> to land
 To take over for: thay thế cho
 To take part in: tham gia vào
 To take a bath/ a shower : tắm
 To take a photo: chụp ảnh
 To take some medicine/ apirins: uống thuốc
 To take somebody to somewhere : dẫn ai đi đâu
 To take care of somebody= to look after: chăm sóc, săn sóc ai
 To talk over: bàn soạn, thảo luận về
 To try out: thử nghiệm, dùng thử (sản phẩm)
 to try out for: thử vai, thử giọng (1 vở kịch, buổi biểu diễn)
 To turn in: giao nộp, đệ trình / đi ngủ
 To watch out for: cảnh giác, để mắt, trông chừng (cả nghĩa đen lẫn nghĩa bóng)
 Apply (to somebody ) for something: Xin (ai) việc gì
Do you think I should apply for that job ?
 Believe in somebody/ something: Tin tưởng vào người nào đó/ việc gì
Do you believe in God /
I think you should believe in his story
 Belong to somebody: Thuộc về người nào đó
Does this book belong to him ?
Who does this expensive motorbike belong to ?
 Care about something: Lo lắng , quan tâm điều gì
The youth should care about the future of the country.
She doesn,t care much about her social life.
 Care for , look after / take care of somebody: Chăm lo, săn sóc người nào đó
Who will care for the sick ?
She always takes great care of her cgildren.
She can,t come because she has look after her mother.
 Complain to somebody about something: Kêu ca, phàn nàn với người nào về việc gì
He complained to the hotel manager about the service.
Anncoplained to the chef about the meal
 Concentrate / focus on something: Tập trung vào việc gì
You should concentrate in your lesson.
I,m too tired to focus on these problems.
 Crash into simething: Va đụng vào vật gì
Unfortunately, the plane crashed into the mountain.
I saw a car crash into the supermarket.
 Depend on something / somebody: Tuỳ thuộc vào việc gì/ ai
Agriculture usually depends on weather.
To go or not depends on my parents
 Laugh at somebody/ something: Cười nhạo ai /việc gì
All of the children laughed at the clown.
Why did you laugh at Tom when he said he believed in God ?
 Listen to somebody / something: Lắng nghe người nào đó/ cái gì
Are you listen to me ?
He often listen to the news on the radio.
 Rely on / upon somebody / something: Trông mong vào người nào đó / cái gì
Don,t worry. You can rely on me.
Do you think that we rely much on computers ?
 Search for somebody / something : Lục soát, tìm kiếm người nào đó/ vật gì đó
The police are searching for two escaped prisoners.
She has been searching for her driving licence for an hour.
 Shout at somebody: La mắng, quát tháo người nào đó
It was rude of you to shout at that old man.
Don,t shout at the child.
 Speak / talk to /with somebody about somebody / something: Nói với người nào đó về ai / việc

I spoke to my friends about the film last night.
Are they talking to the teacher about the examination ?
 Wait for somebody / something: Chờ đợi người nào đó /việc gì
How long have you waiting for me ?
We are waiting for the rain to stop .
1.Don,t worry so much, my friend ! You should care ……………….your health.
2. He never stops complaining to his boss …………….the working conditions at the factory.
3. If you want to pass the examination successfully, you should concentrate more …………these
grammar lessons.
4. Do you think that our plan will depend much……………….the weather?
5. I have just seen a terrible accident. A car crashed ……………… motorbike right at the corner
of the street.
6. Have you read the newspaper ? The police are searching …………….the driver who caused
the accident.
7. Don,t shout ……………me like that. Am I doing comething wrong ?
8. Let,s go ! We have waited……………Tom for an hour.
9. One of the good ways to practise English is to listen …………the programme “ News in
English” on the radio.
10. Who will take care ………your grandparents when you have to go to Italy on bussiness?
Accuse , suspect somebody of (doing) something: Buộc tội, nghi ngờ người nào đó về việc gì
The police have acused that young man of theft.
The police suspected him of the crime
Did they suspect that woman of being a spy ?
Blame something on somebody, blame somebody for something: Đổ lỗi việc gì cho người nào
đó, khiển trách người nào đó về việc gì
They blamed the failure of the bussiness on the director
Don,t blame the result of the match on the referee
They blamed the director for the failure of the bussiness
Don,t blame the referee for the result of the match.
Borrow something from somebody: Mượn vật gì từ người nào.
She borrowed the umbrella from her friend
Could I borrow a dictionary from the librarian ?
Explain something to somebody: Giải thích điều gì cho người nào
He explained the rules of the game to the children.
Can you explain the lesson to us again ?
Forgive somebody for(doing) something: Tha thứ cho người nào đó về việc gì
Please forgive me for interrupting you.
Prevent, stop somebody from doing something: Ngăn chặn, ngăn cản người nào đó làm việc

Nobody can prevent us from taking part in the competition.
The police stopped everyone from getting in the building.
Remind somebody of something: Làm người nào nhớ về việc gì
This place reminds me of my hometown.
This poem reminds me of the wonderful time in Hanoi.
Tell somebody about somebody/something:Nói,kể với người nào đó về người nào/việc gì
Did he tell you about his journey ?
She told us about her teachers.
1. Was the man accused ………………..stealing three million dollars from the bank?.
2.Do not blame me ………….the failure of the whole team. We are all responsible for it.
3. I forgot my grammar book . Can I borrow one …………….the library ?
4. Will you explain it …….Nam again?I think that he doesn,t know exactly what you mean.
5. She sings so beautifully ,and her songs remind me …………… friends.
6. He wanted to establish his own company, but his parents stopped him ………doing that.
7. Will the boss forgive his secretary ……………..not sending the document on time ?
8. Do you tell the manager …………my lateness thí morning ?
9. The police are trying to prevent the panic-stricken people ……….jumping out their flats.
10. They arrested the man because they suspected him …………..causing the explosion .
 Interested in something: thích, quan tâm tới việc gì
 Nice; kind ; polite ; rude ;stupid of somebody: Người nào đó ân cần, tử tế; tử tế, tốt bụng; lịch
sự ; thô lỗ; ngớ ngẩn.
 Angry ; annoyed ; nervous; worried about something: Tức giận; khó chịu; sợ hãi; lo lắng về
việc gì
 Good ; bad at something: Giỏi; không giỏi về việc gì
 Amazed; astonished; shocked; surprised at/by something: lấy làm lạ; ngạc nhiên; sửng sốt;
kinh ngạcvề / bởi việc gì
 Famous / well-know; responsible for something:nổi tiếng ;chịu trách nhiệm về việc gì
 Afraid ; ashamed; aware; capable;fond; jealous; proud; surpicious, tired of something: sợ hãi;
xấu hổ về;có ý thức về; có năng lực để làm; rất thích; đố kỵ với; tự hào; nghi ngờ; nhàm
chán về/với việc gì
 Keen on something: say mê việc gì
 Engaged; married to somebody: đính hôn; kết hôn với ai
 Similar to something: tương tự, giống cái gì
 Nice; kind; polite; rude to somebody: ân cần, tử tế; tử tế; lịch sự thô lổ với người nào
 Pleased; bored; disappointed; happy with something/ somebody: hài lòng; chán nản; thất
vọng; hạnh phúc về việc gì/ người nào
1.They were angry ……………the delay.
2. I think France is best famous ………… its wine.
3. He is interested …………collecting stamps.
4. Let,s go home. I,m really bored………….this film.
5.That bussinesman got married …………..a famous singer.
6. L ook ! Her handbag is similar ……… mine.
7.She is really keen …………
8.The shop assistant shouldn,t be so rude ………..the customers.
9.Do you feel nervous ……………the examination?
10. She really nervous …………..her son,s schoolwork.
11. Are you responsible ……………this project ?
12. She felt ashamed ………………her behaviour at the meeting.
13. We are fond …………..reading picture books.
14. Tom is afraid……………staying alone at night.
15. She was disappointed ………….the result of the examination.
16.These children have been taught to be proud ………..their national history.
17.That famous singer has just been engaged …………one of the richest men in the world.
18.She is worried …………h er daught ers bec ause theyb haven,t come home yet.
19. Jack is not good ………….history although h is father teaches history at university.
20. Don,t you know that Dalat is famous ………..these waterfalls ?
21. He was surprised……………..your failure in the final examination in English.
22.The police are looking for the man who is responsible ……….the safety of the products.
23.Those little girls seem to be afraid ……………darkness.
24. It was so nice ………him to send these greeting cards at Christmas.
25. The manager told me to find a person who was capable …………
 Different from A and B: Sự khác nhau giữa A và B.
 Relationship between A and B / Relationship of A to/ with B: Mối quan hệ giữa A và B.
 Demand, need for something: Sự đòi hỏi về việc gì, nhu cầu về việc gì.
 Reson for something: lí do về việc gì
 Increase/ Rise ><decrease, fall in something :Sự gia tăng >< sự sụt giảm trong việc gì.
 Difficulty in doing comething; dificulty with something: Khó khăn trong khi làm việc gì; khó
khăn với việc gì.
 Example; cause; picture; photograph of something: Ví dụ về; nguyên nhân của; bức tranh vẽ;
bức ảnh chụp cái gì.
 Answer; reply; solution reaction to something: Câu trả lời cho; hành động đáp lại; giải pháp
cho; phản ứng lại việc gì.
 Attitude to / towards something: Thái độ, quan điểm về việc gì.
1. There is only one difference ……………… my watch and yours.
2. The relationship……… company and his is very good.
3. Tell me the reason……………..leaving this company .
4. We have difficulty ………..learning English.
5. What is the cause ……………the accident ?
6. I asked him a question, but he made no reply ……………it.
7. What is her attitude ……………his proposal ?
8. There is a great need ……………….new books in this library.
9. There has been a decrease …………….the prices of motorbikes.
10. She got an answer to her application for the job.
11. Anna is really kind; she has a good relationship ………….her employees.
12. The secretary is typing the reply ………….his letter.
13. There is a need………….more trees in our city.
14. He can,t find the solution ………..the problem.
15. Did the secretary give you the answer ……………my question ?
16. He had much difficulty ………….his bussiness.
17. Do you think that smoking is one of the main cause …………….heart disease ?
18. The report says that there has been an increase…………..unemployment during the last four
19. You shouldn,t have such a negative attitude…………the project.
20. The newcomers are often have much difficulty …………making friends.
21. Our teacher gave us some good examples ………………the modern technology.
22. Nobody knows the reason …………..her return to our company.
 By accident; chance; mistake : Do tình cờ; ngẫu nhiên; sơ suất
 (To pay) by cheque; credict card ; in cash: trả bằng séc; bằng thẻ tín dụng, bằng tiền mặt
 A book; film; play; painting…by somebody: Một cuốn sách; bộ phim; vở kịch; bức tranh do
người nào đó viết, dựng; vẽ
 (To go) for a drink; meal; walk; swim: (Đi )uống; ăn; dạo; bơi
 (To have something) for breakfast; lunch; dinner: (Dùng món gì) cho bữa ăn sáng; trưa; tối
 For example: (Lấy) ví dụ (như)
 In somebody,s opinion: Theo ý kiến người nào đó
 (To go) on bussiness; holiday: (Đi) công tác; nghỉ mát
 On television; the radio: Trên truyền hình; đài phát thanh(radio)
1. He found the solution ……………accident.
2. I met that famous singer once …………chance.
3. Is there anything interesting ………..television tonight ?
4. Most students have bread …………..breakfast.
5. He has to travel a lot ……………bussiness.
6. It is so hot. I wish I could go …………..a swim.
7.I broke the vase ……………..mistake.
8. Have you ever seen any paintings ……………..Van Gogh ?
9. We ưatched “Hamlet” ……………..Shakespeare last month.
10. Do you want to pay …………..cheque or ………….credict card ?
11. …………………my opinion, you should appologize him.
12. I would like to go somewhere interesting tonight, ……….example a cinema or a theatre.
13. Did you know that Tonny has gone to California twice …………bussiness ?
14. You say that they have already had rice ………..dinner, don,t you?
15. I know that they are …………… next week.
16. Did you say that you had read “The old man and the sea” ………..Ernest Hemingway ?
17. There is an interesting football match ………….. television tonight.
18. When I left the party, I took my brother,s expensive coat…………….mistake.
19. My teacher said that some of these things were found ……………chance.
20. Last night he asked us to go out …………..a meal in Italian restaurant.
21. I used to think that only rich people can pay ………..cheque, but I was wrong.
22. ………….my opinion, learers of English should avoid translating word by word when
practising English.
 Dùng "an" trước một danh từ bắt đầu bằng:
-4 nguyên âm A, E, I, O.
- Bán nguyên âm U: (uncle, unnatural, umbrella)
 Những danh từ bắt đầu bằng "h" câm (an heir/ hour/ herbal (Adj: thảo mộc)/ honor)
 Những từ mở đầu bằng một chữ viết tắt (an S.O.S/ an M.P)
Lưu ý: Đứng trước một danh từ mở đầu bằng "uni..." phải dùng "a" (a university/ a uniform/
universal/ union) (Europe, eulogy (lời ca ngợi), euphemism (lối nói trại), eucalyptus (cây khuynh
diệp) )
 Dùng "a" trước danh từ bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm.
 Được dùng trước một danh từ không xác định về mặt vị trí/ tính chất/ đặc điểm hoặc được
nhắc đến lần đầu tiên trong câu.
 Dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ số lượng nhất định như: a lot of/a great deal of/a couple/a
 Dùng trước những số đếm nhất định thường là hàng ngàn, hàng trăm như a/one hundred -
a/one thousand.
 Dùng trước "half" (một nửa) khi nó theo sau một đơn vị nguyên vẹn: a kilo and a half, hay khi
nó đi ghép với một danh từ khác để chỉ nửa phần (khi viết có dấu gạch nối): a half - share, a
half - holiday (ngày lễ chỉ nghỉ nửa ngày).
 Dùng với các đơn vị phân số như 1/3 a/one third - 1/5 a /one fifth.
 Dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ giá cả, tốc độ, tỉ lệ: $5 a kilo, 60 kilometers an hour, 4 times a
 Dùng trước các danh từ số ít đếm được. trong các thán từ what a nice day/ such a long life.
A + Mr/ Mrs/ Ms + family name = một ông/ bà/ cô nào đó (không quen biết)


 Dùng trước một danh từ đã được xác định cụ thể về mặt tính chất, đặc điểm, vị trí hoặc được
nhắc đến lần thứ hai trong câu.
 The + danh từ + giới từ + danh từ
Ex: The girl in blue, the Gulf of Mexico.
 Dùng trước những tính từ so sánh bậc nhất hoặc only.
Ex: The only way, the best day.
 Dùng cho những khoảng thời gian xác định (thập niên): In the 1990s
 The + danh từ + đại từ quan hệ + mệnh đề phụ
Ex: The man /to whom you have just spoken /is the chairman
 Trước một danh từ ngụ ý chỉ một vật riêng biệt
Ex: She is in the (= her) garden
 The + danh từ số ít tượng trưng cho một nhóm thú vật hoặc đồ vật
Ex: The whale = whales (loài cá voi), the deep-freeze (thức ăn đông lạnh)
Lưu ý: Nhưng đối với man khi mang nghĩa "loài người" tuyệt đối không được dùng the.
Ex: Since man lived on the earth (kể từ khi loài người sinh sống trên trái đất này)
 Dùng trước một danh từ số ít để chỉ một nhóm, một hạng người nhất định trong xã hội.
Ex: The small shopkeeper: Giới chủ tiệm nhỏ/ The top offcial: Giới quan chức cao cấp
 The + adj: Tượng trưng cho một nhóm người, chúng không bao giờ được phép ở số nhiều
nhưng được xem là các danh từ số nhiều. Do vậy động từ và đại từ đi cùng với chúng phải ở
ngôi thứ 3 số nhiều.
Ex: The old = The old people/ The unemployed/ The disabled are often very hard in their
 The + tên các vùng/ khu vực đã nổi tiếng về mặt địa lý hoặc lịch sử
Ex: The Sahara (desert)/ The Siberia (tundra)/ The Normandic
 The + East/ West/ South/ North + Danh từ

used as adjective
Ex: The North/ South Pole (Bắc/ Nam Cực), The East End of London (Khu đông Lôn Đôn)
Lưu ý: Nhưng không được dùng THE trước các từ này nếu nó đi liền với tên châu lục hoặc
quốc gia: West Germany, North America...
 The + tên gọi các đội hợp xướng/ dàn nhạc cổ điển/ ban nhạc phổ thông
Ex: The Back Choir/ The Philharmonique Philadelphia Orchestra/ The Beatles.
 The + tên gọi các tờ báo (không tạp chí)/ tàu biển/ các khinh khí cầu.
Ex: The Times/ The Titanic/ The Hindenberg
 The + họ một gia đình ở số nhiều = gia đình nhà
Ex: The Smiths = Mr/ Mrs Smith and children
Ex: Dùng trước tên họ của một người để xác định người đó trong số những người trùng tên.
 Không được dùng "the" trước các danh từ chỉ bữa ăn trong ngày trừ các trường hợp đặc biệt.
Ex: We ate breakfast at 8 am this morning
Ex: The dinner that you invited me last week were delecious.

 Không được dùng "the" trước một số danh từ như home, bed, church, court, jail, prison,
hospital, school, class, college, univercity v.v... khi nó đi với các động từ và giới từ chỉ
chuyển động chỉ đi đến đó là mục đích chính hoặc ra khỏi đó cũng vì mục đích chính.
Ex: Students go to school everyday.
Ex: The patient was released from hospital.
 Nhưng nếu đến đó hoặc ra khỏi đó không vì mục đích chính bắt buộc phải dùng "the".
Ex: Students go to the school for a class party.
Ex: The doctor left the hospital afterwork
Lưu ý: Trong American English, “Hospital” và “University” bắt buộc phải dùng với the
Ex: He was in the hospital (in hospital as a patient)
Ex: She was unhappy at the University (At University as a student)
*Một số trường hợp đặc biệt:
 Go to work = Go to the office.
 To be at work
 To be hard at work (làm việc chăm chỉ)
 To be in office (đương nhiệm) <> To be out of office (Đã mãn nhiệm)
 Go to sea = đi biển (như những thủy thủ)
 Go to the sea = ra biển, thường để nghỉ
 To be at the sea: ở gần biển
 To be at sea (ở trên biển) trong một chuyến hải hành.
 go to town: Đi vào trung tâm/ Đi phố - To be in town (ở trung tâm) khi town là của
người nói.

Bảng sử dụng "the" và không sử dụng "the" trong một số trường hợp điển hình

Có "The" Không "The"

 Dùng trước tên các đại dương, sông ngòi,  Trước tên một hồ
biển, vịnh và các hồ (ở số nhiều) Lake Geneva
The Red Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Persian
Gufl, the Great Lakes
 Trước tên các dãy núi  Trước tên một ngọn núi
The Rocky Mountains Mount Vesuvius
 Trước tên những vật thể duy nhất trong  Trước tên các hành tinh hoặc các
vũ trụ hoặc trên thế giới chòm sao
The earth, the moon Venus, Mars
 The schools, colleges, universities + of +  Trước tên các trường này nếu trước
danh từ riêng nó là một tên riêng
The University of Florida Stetson University
 the + số thứ tự + danh từ  Trước các danh từ đi cùng với một số
The third chapter. đếm
 Trước tên các cuộc chiến tranh khu vực Chapter three
với điều kiện tên khu vực đó phải được
tính từ hoá
The Korean War (=> The Vietnamese
 Trước tên các nước mở đầu bằng New,
 Trước tên các nước có hai từ trở lên một tính từ chỉ hướng hoặc chỉ có một
(ngoại trừ Great Britain) từ
The United States New Zealand, North Korean, France
 Trước tên các nước được coi là một quần  Trước tên các lục địa, tỉnh, tiểu bang,
đảo hoặc một quần đảo thành phố, quận, huyện
The Philipines, The Virgin Islands, The Hawaii Europe, Florida
 Trước tên các tài liệu hoặc sự kiện lịch  Trước tên bất kì môn thể thao nào
sử baseball, basketball
The Constitution, The Magna Carta
 Trước các danh từ trừu tượng (trừ
 Trước tên các nhóm dân tộc thiểu số một số trường hợp đặc biệt)
the Indians freedom, happiness
 Trước tên các môn học cụ thể
The Solid matter Physics
 Trước tên các môn học nói chung
 Trước tên các nhạc cụ khi đề cập đến các
nhạc cụ đó nói chung hoặc chơi các nhạc
cụ đó.  Trước tên các ngày lễ, tết
The violin is difficult to play Christmas, Thanksgiving
Who is that on the piano  Trước tên các loại hình nhạc cụ trong
các hình thức âm nhạc cụ thể (Jazz,
Rock, classical music..)
To perform jazz on trumpet and piano
1. Long is ………………university students. He is………………first university
student in my village.
2. How fast does your car do? ~ It does eighty kilometers ………..hour.
3. What…………nice radio!
4. She is ……………..interesting woman.
5. These two shirts are………………same.
6. I can’t speak louder because I’m having ……………sore throat.
7. She is……………….selfish girl so she has…………little friends.
8. …………..Mr. Smith called you this morning. He said he is ………
9. ………… is not good for children.
10. ………….coffee in my cup is too weak.
11. ………….man in a new suit is Mr. Dinh.
12. ………….black sea is very deep.
13. Which car do you like?~ I like……………red one. But I prefer……………
black because it is cheaper.
14. She will collect you at ……………………station.
15. How far is it from here to …………………park?
16. There is ………………park near my school.
17. We all realize ……………..usefulness of ………………
18. I want to buy ………………one-way ticket.
19. ……………….France is ……………European country.
20. Look! There’s …………..SOS signal on the screen.
21. Listen to English programs on the radio is……………..useful method of
learning English.
22. Don’t forget to buy me ……………newspaper on your way home.
Is ……………Times ok? ~ Yes, I read it and……………News every day.
23. He is ………….one-eyed man.
24. I have…………….two cars. …………..white one was made in Japan and
…………….black one is………………American car.
25. …………… next to mine is Mrs. Smith’s.
26. …………… sitting under this tree tomorrow will show you what to
do next.
27. …………….teacher that will give lectures tomorrow is Mrs. Ann.
28. …………….book which you gave me on my 22 rd birthday is really
29. It’s so hot here. Please switch on………………..air-conditioner, Mai.
30. Do you think that there is life on………………moon.
31. We wish there were no war anymore on……………….earth.
32. Look! There is……………..strange object on …………….sky.
33. Oh! ………………..object looks like…………………egg.
34. ……………….hot weather makes all of us tired.
35. Last Sunday our class went on a picnic to……………..countryside.
36. He usually watches………………. TV and listen to………………radio in the
37. Yesterday I bought…………….radio for my father.
38. Would you like to go to ……………….movies with me tonight? ~
But I prefer to go to ………………concert.
39. Can you play……………….piano? ~ Yes, and I can also
play…………….flute. I think that I will buy……………..guitar next week.
40. There is……………..river near my house.
41. ………….Thames River is……………..very clean one.
42. She is…………..good student. She is…………… student in my class.
43. This is …………..most difficult exercise I’ve ever met.
44. Mrs. Mai is …………….poor woman.
45. I think that the government should help ……………….poor to improve
their living condition.
46. ………………Red river flows into the East sea.
47. ………………Truong son mountain is in Vietnam.
48. ………………older he gets, ……………stronger he becomes.
49. He lives in ……………United States of America.
50. ……………Philippines is located in Southeast Asia.
51. Have you ever heard about………………Beatles? ~
52. Oh, yes it is one of ………….most famous music groups in the world.
53. ……………..farmer is ………….person who works in ………
54. These students are from……………….South of Vietnam.
55. Yesterday there was …………….accident at………… gate .
…………..injured were sent to…………….hospital immediately in
…………….taxi. …………… is now at …………… over there.
56. Where is your mother, John? ~ She is not at…………… home. She is at
…………… She often goes to ……………….church on Sunday.
57. We often take our children to …………….church to play in the afternoon.
58. Whenever he leaves…………….university, he buys something for his
59. After leaving …………….university, he will apply for a job in Hanoi.
60. Mrs. Van is a doctor at…………… Bach Mai Hospital. She often goes to
…………hospital on weekdays.
61. Lan goes to ……………….school six days a week. Yesterday her father
went to……………school to meet her form teacher.
62. Xuan went to …………….prison to visit her brother. He was sent
to…………….prison for murdering his neighbor with a hammer.
63. Let’s ask him for help. I think only him can help us now because he is in
64. Where is your father, Nam? ~ I think he is in …………….office.
Mot so bai tap ve mao tu trong de thi tuyen sinh dai hoc
Dai hoc Ngoai Thuong nam 2000-2001
65. He is ……………….honest person.
66. My father went to………………..sea when he was 14.
67. When do you hope to go to………………………university.
68. There’s a strike at……………….hospital.
69. He is ………………one-eyed man.
70. There’s ………………….onion left in the fridge.
71. This is ……………………useful method of learning English.
72. I’ve got …………………..uncle.
73. Your shoes are under ……………bed.
74. There’s a…………………splendid view of…………………..Lake Geneva
from his hotel.
Dai hoc Ngoai Thuong nam 2001- 2002
75. I have ……………………. big supper, I can’t sleep at………………………
76. Summer is ………………..warmest season but ……………………summer of
1971 was unusual cool.
77. Love of money is …………………root of evil.
78. ……………Statute of Liberty was a gift of friendship from France
to………………United States.
79. …………….big book on ……………….table are for my history class.
80. Tung’s father bought him …………………….bicycle that he had wanted
for his birthday.
Hoc Vien Ngan Hang 2001-2002
81. I have just received (1)…………………letter from my old school informing
me that my former headmaster, Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung will be retiring
(2)………………….next week. Pupils of (3)………………school, old and
new, will be sending him (4)…………….present to mark (5)
…………….occasion. All those have contributed toward (6)
………………….gift will sign their names in (7)……………..large album
which will be sent to (8)…………….former headmaster’s home. We shall
remember Mr. Hung for his patience and understanding and for (9)
………………….kindly encouragement he gave us when we went
unwillingly to (10)………………school.
Dai hoc An Giang 2001- 2002
82. Let’s go by…………………underground.
83. My aunt Millie was well-known all over ……………….town.
84. He is in……………… and his condition is reported as being
85. Outside ……………….church we met several neighbors.
86. Next day I saw………………….Smith off at ……………..airport.
Hai từ này tuy giống nhau về mặt nghĩa nhưng khác nhau về mặt ngữ pháp.

Dùng với danh từ đếm được Dùng với danh từ không đếm được
 another + danh từ đếm được số ít =
một cái nữa, một cái khác, một
người nữa, một người khác.
 the other + danh từ đếm được số ít =
cái còn lại (của một bộ), người còn
lại (của một nhóm).
 another + danh từ đếm được số  another + danh từ không đếm được = một
nhiều = mấy cái nữa, mấy cái khác, chút nữa.
mấy người nữa, mấy người khác.
 The other + danh từ đếm được số  The other + danh từ không đếm được =
nhiều = những cái còn lại (của một chỗ còn sót lại.
bộ), những người còn lại (của một

I don't want this book. Please give me another.

(another = any other book - not specific)
I don't want this book. Please give me the other.
(the other = the other book, specific)
 Another và other là không xác định trong khi The other là xác định, nếu chủ ngữ hoặc danh
từ đã được nhắc đến ở trên thì ở dưới chỉ cần dùng Another hoặc other như một đại từ là đủ.
 Nếu danh từ được thay thế bằng số nhiều: Other à Others. Không bao giờ được dùng Others
+ danh từ số nhiều. Chỉ được dùng một trong hai.
Trong một số trường hợp người ta dùng đại từ thay thế one hoặc ones đằng sau another hoặc
Lưu ý: This hoặc that có thể dùng với one nhưng these và those không được dùng với ones.


 Little + danh từ không đếm được: rất ít, không đủ để (có khuynh hướng phủ định)
I have little money, not enough to buy groceries.
 A little + danh từ không đếm được: có một chút, đủ để
I have a little money, enough to buy groceries
 Few + danh từ đếm được số nhiều: có rất ít, không đủ để (có khuynh hướng phủ định)
I have few books, not enough for reference reading
 A few + danh từ đếm được số nhiều: có một chút, đủ để
I have a few records, enough for listening.
 Trong một số trường hợp khi danh từ ở trên đã được nhắc đến thì ở phía dưới chỉ cần
dùng little hoặc few như một đại từ là đủ.
Are you ready in money. Yes, a little.
 Quite a few (đếm được) = Quite a bit (không đếm được) = Quite a lot (cả hai) = rất


Caâu hoûi ñuoâi laø daïng caâu hoûi duøng ñeå xaùc nhaän thoâng tin ñuùng
hay sai(caâu traû lôøi baèngYes/No). Caâu hoûi ñuoâi thöôøng coù 2 phaàn:
phaàn caâu traàn thuaät vaø phaàn hoûi ñuoâi
 Neáu phaàn caâu traàn thuaät ôû theå khaúng ñònh thì phaàn hoûi
ñuoâi ôû theå phuû ñònh.
 Neáu phaàn caâu traàn thuaät ôû theå phuû ñònh thì phaàn hoûi ñuoâi
ôû theå khaúng ñònh.
Ex: You are a student, aren,t you?
He doesn,t drink coffee, does he ?
 Neáu phaàn caâu traàn thuaät söû duïng caùc ñoäng töø ñaëc bieät nhö
“To Be” ; “Modal Verb” (can, could, may, might, will, would, shall,should,
must, ought to…), “To Have” (coù)thì phaàn hoûi ñuoâi söû duïng laïi nhöõng
ñoäng töø naøy.
Ex: She can swim, can,t she?
They aren,t students of our school, are they ?
You have a sister, haven,t you?
 Neáu phaàn caâu traàn thuaät söû duïng caùc ñoäng töø thöôøng thì
phaàn hoûi ñuoâi söû duïng caùc trôï ñoäng töø cuûa caùc thì trong tieáng
Anh (do, does,don,t, doesn,t, did, didn,t….)
Ex: You know this boy, don,t you ?
They didn,t play soccer yesterday, did they ?
Lan has done the exercises, hasn,t she?
The children aren,t learning, are they ?
 Baét buoäc phaûi duøng ñaïi töø ôû phaàn hoûi ñuoâi.(Khoâng ñöôïc
duøng danh töø)
Ex: The children were playing in the garden at that time, weren,t they?(weren,t the children?)
Nam studies English well, doesn,t he? (doesn,t Nam ?)
 Baét buoäc phaûi duøng daïng vieát taét cuûa ñoäng töø, trôï ñoäng töø
phuû ñònh ôû phaàn hoûi ñuoâi.
Ex: You like music, don,t you? ( do not you?)
He went to Dalat last summer, didn,t he? (did not he?)
He is a teacher, isn,t he? (is not he? )
 Vì “am not “ khoâng coù daïng vieát taét neân ta phaûi duøng “aren,t I?” ôû phaàn hoûi
Ex: I am right, aren,t I ? (Khoâng duøng ñöôïc “am not I?” vì baét buoäc phaûi
duøng daïng vieát taét cuûa ñoäng töø, trôï ñoäng töø phuû ñònh ôû phaàn
hoûi ñuoâi)
Löu yù:
 Neáu ta ñaõ bieát roõ thoâng tin maø chæ caàn xaùc ñònh laïi cho chaéc
chaén hôn laàn nöõa thì ta xuoáng gioïng ôû phaàn hoûi ñuoâi.
Neáu ta chöa bieát thoâng tin gì caû maø caàn hoûi ñeå bieát thì ta leân
gioïng ôû phaàn hoûi ñuoâi.
 Caâu traû lôøi döïa vaøo thöïc teá chöù chöù khoâng dòch nghóa caâu hoûi
ñuoâi ñeå traû lôøi:
Ví duï: Neáu baïn laø 1 hoïc sinh thì khi coù ngöôøi hoûi: “ You are a student,
aren,t you?” hoaëc “You aren,t a student, are you?” baïn ñeàu phaûi traû lôøi
laø :”Yes, I am”. Neáu baïn khoâng uoáng caø pheâ thì khi coù ngöôøi hoûi:
You drink coffee, don,t you?” hoaëc” You don,t drink coffee, do you?” baïn
ñeàu phaûi traû lôøi laø: “No, I don,t”.
 “Let,s …” là câu đề nghị lịch sự tương đương với”Shall we…” nên phần hỏi đuôi là “shall we?
EX; Let,s play soccer, shall we ?
 Câu cầu khiến khẳng định và phủ định, phần hỏi đuôi luôn luôn là “ Will
Ex: Do the homework, will you ?
Don,t talk in class, will you?

Ñieàn vaøo choã troáng phaàn hoûi ñuoâi cho ñuùng:
1. She is watching TV, ………………..………………..?
2.This boy doesn,t like milk, ……………………..…………….?
3. Mr Baker and Mr Brown are workers, ……………..……………..?
4. You can speak French, ……………………..…………….?
5. I am wrong, …………………..………….?
6. We won,t go to school tomorrow, ……………………….…………..?
7.They have leanrt that lesson, ………………………………....……?
8. Hoa was cooking dinner at that time, ……………………………………..?
9. I must do that work, ……………………………..?
10. The students didn,t play soccer yesterday, …………………………………..?
11. Let,s go swimming, ...........................?
12. Don,t make noise in class, …………………?
1. If only = Wish :
Ex: If only Nam were here now = I wish Nam were here now
If only the Sun were shining at the moment = I wish the sun were shining
at the moment.
1.1a Ta thöôøng duøng Past simple tense hoaëc Could + V Inf cho Present
1.1b. Ta coù theå duøng Past continuous tense in Present wish:
Ex: If only he were helping us now = I wish he were helping us now.
1.2a Ta thöôøng duøng Past perfect hoaëc Coul + have + V PP ôû Past wish:
Ex: If only he had been there yesterday =I wished he had been there
1.2b. Ta coøn coù theå duøng Past perfect continuous ôû Past wish:
Ex: If only we had been travelling yesterday when the weather was fine.
= We wish we had been travelling yesterday when the weather was fine.
1.3. Ta thöôøng duøng Woul +VInf hoaëc Could +VInf ôû Future Wish:
Ex: If only you would be quiet = I wish you would be quiet
* Khoâng ñöôïc duøng Would sau I vaø We
Ex I wish we could visit you some day ( Khoâng duøng I wish we would visit
you some day)
- Ta coù theå duøng ñeå dieãn ñaït 1 lôøi ñeà nghò lòch söï, trong tröôøng
hôïp naøy ta duøng Wish chöù khoâng duøng If only:
Ex: I wish you wouldn,t make much noise (Lòch söï hôn: “Don,t make much
noise, please”)
 Vò trí cuûa Only sau If :
Ex: -Ngay sau If : If only he were here now
-Sau to be: If he were only here now
- Tröôùc Quaù khöù phaân töø: If I had only known him.
-Sau Modal Verb: If you would only try harder !
2. It is time… vaø It is about time …ñeå ñeà caäp ñeán hieän taïi
hoaëc töông lai:
- Ta duøng Past simple tense nhöng neáu coù “to be” thì duøng “were” cho
moïi chuû ngöõ
Ex:It,s time he were taught a lesson
It,s time she went to school
- Khoâng duøng ñöôïc theå phuû ñònh sau “It ,s time…” vaø “It is about
-So saùnh vôùi “It,s time (for me/us/him/her/you/them) + To Infinitive
Ex:We have enjoyed the evening , but it,s time for us to go (Ñaõ ñeán giôø
cho chuùng toâi ñi)
We have enjoyed the evening , but it,s time we went (Chuùng toâi ñaùng
leõ phaûi ñi töø tröôùc)
2. Caâu bò ñoäng vôùi daïng noùi “It is said that…” ngöôøi ta ñoàn
Active: People said that he is a thief.
Passive: It was said that he is a thief.
hoaëc He was said to be a thief.
3.Unless = If…not
EX: I won,t come unless he invite me = I won,t come if he doesn,t invite me.
4. Because of + Noun phrase (Ngữ danh từ) =Because + Clause
EX: Because of the rain, we couldn,t go to school = Because it rained, we
couldn,t go to school.
5. In spite of / Despite + Noun phrase = Although / Even though /
Though + clause
EX :Mr. Clark bought a new car although we advised him against it
= Despite of our advice against it, Mr. Clark bought a new car.
6. It take / took + O + a period of time + to Infinitive
= S + spend(s) / spent + a period of time +VING
EX: It took me two hour to do this exsercise = I spent two hours doing this exercise.
It takes her an hour to go to school every day = She spends an hour going to school every day


1. when the police arrived, their car (go)……………………….
2. They (send)…………………………..the money before they leave.
3. I wish my family(be)…………………at the seaside last summer holidays.
4. What you (do) ……………….if I hadn,t lent you money ?
5. someone (make)………………… when I walked into the kitchen.
6. A football match (devide)…………………into two equal part of forty-five
minutes each.
7. If only I (have) …………………money, I (lend)……………………you some.
8. Although we (be)………………….in this village for a year so far, we (not
know)……………...........many people yet, but my next door neighbours (be)
………………..very helpful when we first (move)……………………
9. I,m sorry, I forgot (post)………………….your letter. It is still here, in my
10. He is going to have his house (rebuild)……………………
11. Lan (visit) ……………..Sai Gon Water Park if she (live)…………….in Ho Chi
Minh City.
12. A: Your new dress (look)…………………very nice.
B: Thank you. The trouble is it (not fit)……….properly. I (not know)…..why
I bought it really.
13. When Miss Brown (look)…………… out, she (see) ……….the children (play)
…………..near the pool.
14. If you (not smoke)……………………so much, you wouldn,t have such a bad
15. A lot of people (kill)……….by AIDS recently. And I wish nobody (die)
…………any more.
16. Mary wishes she (not punish)…………………..yesterday.
17. They (listen)………………….to some music since 7.30.
18. It (take)…………… thirty minutes (walk)………………to school every
day last year.
19. Yesterday he (go)…………… the cinema after he (finish)……..………his
20.It (be)…………….such a difficult question that they (not answer)
…………… yesterday.
21. I (not come)…………………….to this school if I had known what it was like.
22. What you (do)………………….if you found a burglar in your house ?
23. Mrs Baker always (talk)………………….to her children as if they (be)
24. He wishes he (live)………………….nearer the school.
25. I didn,t feel like (talk)…………………to him after what (happen)
26. I (never hear)…………………… talking like this about him.
27. By the time you (finish)…………….….work, I (be)…………….… the
cinema for hours.
28. This is one of the city churches that (destroy)………………… bombing
during the war.
29. He (have)……………………an English test tomorrow from 9 to 11 am.
30. Some of the movie about the creatures from outer space (be)……………
surprisingly funny.
31.I enjoy (go)……………to the park on summer evenings.
32. I might have enough time tonight . If I (have)………………….enough time, I
(write)……………….a letter to my parents.
33. She (visit)……………you in the hospital if she (know)……………you were
there last night.
34. He (break)………………….his leg, so he cannot play football.
35. This house (finish)……………… next Christmas.
36. Mona Lisa (paint)………………… Leonardo da Vinci.
37. If you (not leave)……………………me alone, I (call)…………………the police.
38. I (not know)…………………….the man who (talk)…………………to Mary.
39. Smoking (not allow)……………………in here.
40. The government (not change)…………………….that regulation yet.
41. I didn,t know you were asleep. Otherwise, I (not make)……… much
noise when I came.
42. If he (fail)……….……….the final examination, he (not able) …….……………
to graduate.
43. I really miss (play)…………..…… like I used to.
44. Hardly I (finish)…………………speaking when the door (open)
45. If she wins the prize, it (be)……………………because she (write)
………………..very well
46. he now (study)………..………in the USA as an exchange student.
47. Energy (can collect)……………………by solar pannels on cloudy days.
48. You needn,t (write)………………… them because I sent them a
49. He (return)………………….to his hometown since he left in 2000.
50. Let me (introduce)……………………our company,s latest fashion for the
51.I (not sleep)……………………very well lately because of the noisy traffic.
52. She (tell)…………………you about it if she (be) …………………
53. I (realize )…………….that I (overwork)…………….so I decided to take two
days off work.
54. Mariana (clean)……………..the flat tomorrow. She always (do)………………
it on Sundays.
55. The last time I (go) …………………….to London, I (not have)
…………………..time to visit some places I (want)…………………to see.
56. When Tom (arrive)……………… the party, Paul (go)
57. You look very thoughtful. What you (think)…………………..about ?
58. Please don,t make so much noise. We (discuss)………………… an
important matter.
59. When we came, the film (show)………………………….for 20 minutes.
60. Now she (sit)…………………in class and (learn)………………….English. This
time tomorrow she (sit)…………………and (learn)…………………… English, too.
61. After (leave) …………………school, John (find)……………… very difficult
to get a job.
62. Do you feel like (go)…………… a film or would you rather (stay)
…………… home ?
63. It,s really difficult. Each of them (understand)………………the question in a
different way.
64. They had had the school gate (paint)………………….before the new school
year began.
65. She asked me (not sit)…………………..near the window.
66. Are they going to have that tree (cut)………………..down?
67. Some boys are used to (have)………………..breakfast very early.
68. Before she graduated last May, Susan (already /offer)……………a position
with a law firm.
69. When you (arrive)……………….at the airport tomorrow, you (meet)
………………by a friend of mine. He (wear)………………a red shirt and blue
jeans. He (be)……………fairly tall and (have)……………….dark hair. He (stand)
……………near the main entrance. I,m sure you,ll be able to find him.
70. It,s essential that he (arrive)…………………….before seven.
71. When we (take)………………our exam, we (have)………………a holiday.
72. I don,t think he (change)……………………in the thirty years I (know)
73. My uncle (fight)……………….for four years in the last war.
74. I (take)…………… daughter out tonight. She (not have)……………fun
for a long time.
75.On arrival at home I (find)………………that she just (leave)……………..a few
minutes ago.
76. What you (do)……………….if you (be)……………….in my situation ?
77. He never fails (arrive)……………… time to help me.
78. After the guest (leave)………………….she (go)………………….back into the
living-room and (switch)………………… the lights.
79. I (give)…………………. Lan your letter when I (see)……………………her
80. We (not see)…………………….him since last Sunday.
81. He (sleep)………………….so he didn,t understand what you said.
82. Will you wait a minute while I (look)…………………..through the text ?
Tom was very tired because he (run)………………….for an hour.
83. Where you(be)…………………all this morning ? It,s nearly midday now.
84. Hoa, it,s time you (go)………………… bed or you (be)…………………
85. My friend suggest (go)……………….to the movie tonight, but I can ,t go
because I (be)……………busy (work)…………..on the homework (give)
………… my maths teacher.
86. Several languages (speak)…………………
87. We would rather (not go)……………………to that club again.
88. The boy had his bike (repair)…………………..yesterday.
89. I used to (walk)………………… school everyday.
90. Stop (talk)……………..about our chance of (deceive)…………… I trust
them completely.
91. These workers were made (work)………………..eight hours a day.
92. that English course (end)………………… the end of 2004.
93. It was essential that the union(moderate)…………….its demand for a
shorter working week.
94.were I (know)…………………..the answer, I would tell you right away.
95. I visit a new country every year. By the time I am sixty, I(visit)
…………………all the most interesting countries.
96. I think his book will become a best seller when it (publish)………………….
97.we will meet Alice at the corner of the road, She( wait)………………… when
we arrive.
98. Several languages (speak)………………….here.
99. We would (not go)………………….to that club again.
100. The boy has his bike (repair)……………… yesterday.
101.I get used to (walk)………………… school every day.
102. The principal (talk) ……………….to us when our teacher arrived.
103. what would the teacher do if a student (catch)…………………cheating in
the exam room ?
104. Stop (talk)……………about our chance of (deceive)……………… I trust
them completely.
105. I am not interested in Jazz, nor I (enjoy)………………….listening to Rock &
106. The monotor suggests (go)…………………to the movies today, but I
cannot go because I,m busy (work)………………… on my assignment (give)
………………… Professor Smith.
107. I (walk)………………in the garden when a bird (perch)……………on my
108. It is advisable that Sue (apply)……………….for that national scholarship
to study abroad.
109. I remember (play)…………hide and seek with my playmates when I (be)
…………..a child.
110.Don,t risk (cross)…………………the street alone or you may (crash)
111. Hurry up! I, afraid by the time we (get) ………….to the airport, the plane
112. There were a robbery near my school yesterday.The police (come)
………………immediately, it was too late. The robbers (go)……………….. They
(shoot) a man and (take)…………………..his motorbike. Curious people (stand)
there to look. The police (call)……………….an ambulance and (take)
……………..the man to the hospital. The police then (ask)
………………….people who (stand) around there up to then to find those who
(withness)…………………the robbery.
113. Tonny intends (open)……………….his own bussiness next year.
114. I wish I (can)………………help you.
115. Her father is said (be)………………..very good at cooking.
116.I would buy these books if they (be)…………………cheaper.
117. Jane is trying to avoid (meet)…………………him.
118.This work used to (do)……………….. by hand.
119.I once (stay)……………… for two weeks.
120. What have you done since we last (meet)…………………..?
121. I regret (not come)…………………..with you yesterday.
122. She is not used to (take )………………..of by other people.
123. You will get the book if you (come)…………………..back tomorrow.
124. he keep on (ask)………………me the same personal question.
125. I wouldn,t come even if he (invite)………………me.
1 It s a pity we don t have today off.
, ,

2. I can’t join in your trip as I promised because I have to finish my report on
If ............................................................................................................................
3. They have held a big march to promote the spirit of the working class.
A big march............................................................................................................
4. The first May Day meeting was held in America.
America is the country...........................................................................................
5. You won’t find any accommodation if you don’t book it in advance.
6. I don’t think you should go to work today.
You’d better............................................................................................................
7. I have decided yet whether to move or not.
I haven’t made.......................................................................................................
8. Mandy is excited about going to Greece on holiday.
Mandy is looking....................................................................................................
9. Do you want me to invite Marie ?
Shall I ....................................................................................................................
10. England has many old towns and villages.
There .....................................................................................................................
11. I can’t go climbing and hiking this weekend.
I wish .....................................................................................................................
12. When I was a child, I lived in Bristol.
We used .................................................................................................................
13. We felt bored because of his long speech.
His long speech......................................................................................................
14. The architect has drawn plans for an extension to the house.
15. You will catch a cold if you don’t keep your feet dry.
16. The book is quite worth reading. You lent me the book last week.
The book which......................................................................................................
17. He is over weight becase he eats so much chocolate.
If he........................................................................................................................
18. I’d like him to cut his hair but I don’t suppose he will.
I wish......................................................................................................................
19. He doesn’t go out every night any more.
He used..................................................................................................................
20. Whe I was ten, I used go to school with my best frien.
At the age of ten, I always.....................................................................................
21. I don’t normally eat at restaurants.
I’m not used ..........................................................................................................
22. Our team has scored more than ten goals in this season.
More than ten goals...............................................................................................
23. My friend and I are the same height.
I am........................................................................................................................
24. They are building a new stadium here.
A new stadium.......................................................................................................
25. I’m sorry I can’t swim.
I wish......................................................................................................................
26. The Liverpool forward took a pass from one of his fellow players, then he
shot over the Manchester goalkeeper and scored the first goal for Liverpool.
After the Liverpool forward.....................................................................................
27. Manchester players succeeded in their last attack towards the Liverpool
Manchester players were.......................................................................................
28. I spendhalf an hour trvelling to work by motorbike everyday.
29. I missed thebus this morning so i was late for class.
30. Can they control the city traffic ?
Can the city traffic..................................................................................................
31. We couldn’t drive fast because the traffic was heavy.
32. I’m really sorry I didn’t invite her to the party.
I really wish ...........................................................................................................
33. The town was nearer than we thought.
The town wasn’t as................................................................................................
34. They won’t be able to come on Sunday.
It will be..................................................................................................................
35. We spent five hours gettingto London.
36. my brother can’t run as fast as he used to.
My brother used to.................................................................................................
37. I don’t come by car because I can’t park near my office.
38. Jane can’t cook very well.
Jane isn’t................................................................................................................
39. If you want to keep fit, you must play sports.
40. My family own a holiday flat and that’s why we always go to the same
41. I don’t answer the phone because I didn’t know it was you.
I would....................................................................................................................
42. Jenny was always on time untill she started going out with Adrian.
Jenny never used....................................................................................................
43. The dentist will have to take out the infected tooth.
The infected tooth..................................................................................................
44. Chocolate causes some people come out in spots.
Chocolate makes....................................................................................................
45. It’s a shame you didn’t tell me earlier.
I wish......................................................................................................................
46. They’ve been living here for six years now.
They moved...........................................................................................................
47.”You shouldn’t spend your weekend in the city”
She advised me......................................................................................................
48. “ Can you give me a ride to school”
He asked his friend.................................................................................................
49. Do you have a postman deliver the newspaper every day ?
Do you have the newspaper..................................................................................
50. I felt tired after a long trip, so I went to bed early.
Feeling tired...........................................................................................................
51. You are hungry now because you didn’t have breakfast.
52. They made him sign a paper admitting his guilt.
He was....................................................................................................................
53. They use a lot of wood pulp. Many trees are cut down.
The more................................................................................................................
54. Spring draws nearer. People feel happy.
The nearer..............................................................................................................
55. You watch TV a lot. You know much about the world.
The more................................................................................................................
56. He works hard. He earns a lot of money.
The harder..............................................................................................................
57. She and her mother are both beautiful.
She is as.................................................................................................................
58. I’m sixteen years old and my brother is eighteen.
My brother is..........................................................................................................
59. He and his friends are both good at English.
He learns English....................................................................................................
60. I’ve never met a more intelligent man than him.
He is.......................................................................................................................
61. Toshiko had her car repaired by a mechanic.
Toshiko had.............................................................................................................
62. If you worry, you will find it difficult to get to sleep.
The more................................................................................................................
63. It is so cold that we can’t bathe.
It is too...................................................................................................................
64. When you arrive at the airport please go straight to the check-in desk.
65. There’s usually plenty of sunshine in southern countries.
It’s usually..............................................................................................................
66. That can cost a lot of money.
That can be............................................................................................................
67. She doesn’t usually stay up so late.
Sh’s not used..........................................................................................................
68. We really ought to go home now.
69. The town was nearer than we thought it would be.
The town wasn’t.....................................................................................................
70. I can’t cook very well.
I’m not....................................................................................................................
71. We can’t sit on the grass because it is too wet.
The grass isn’t........................................................................................................
72. The builder’s going to mend my roof tomorrow.
73. We can’t have breakfast in the garden because it is very cold.
It is so.....................................................................................................................
74. If you work had, you will find it easy to get good marks.
The harder..............................................................................................................
75. “You’d better not get up late” my mother said.
My mother advised.................................................................................................
76. No explanation is necessary.
It is.........................................................................................................................
77. Karl Marx left Germany, then he spent the rest of his life in London.
After Karl Marx.......................................................................................................
78. Inspite of his age, Mr Benson runs seven miles before breakfast.
79. It is six-hour drive from London to Edinburgh.
It takes...................................................................................................................
80. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years.
81 Turn off all the switches before leaving the workshop.
All the switches......................................................................................................
82. It is said that he is one hundred years old.
He is said................................................................................................................
83. Although she had an injured ankle, Esther still won the tennis match.
84. Chris failed his driving test because he didn’t have enough lessons.
If Chris....................................................................................................................
85. It was such a long journey that they were all asleep by the time they
The jourey..............................................................................................................
86. Louisa has taught her children how to prepare their own meals.
Louisa’s children.....................................................................................................
87. The girl’s mother used to work with mine.
That’s the girl.........................................................................................................
88. I’m really sorry Andrew isn’t coming to my party at the weekend.
I wish......................................................................................................................
89. Unfortunately, Nick was too short to be a good basketball player.
Unfortunatelt, Nick wasn’t......................................................................................
90. They think the burglar got in through the bathroom window.
The burglar.............................................................................................................
91. Their baby is six months old.
They have a............................................................................................................
92. The exam question was so easy that all the students got it right.
It was such.............................................................................................................
93. My brother stopped smoking now.
My brother used.....................................................................................................
94. I don’t like living in such a small house.
I really wish............................................................................................................
95. Without your help, I shouldn’t have been to find my way.
If you......................................................................................................................
96. My shoes are being polished at the moment.
97. He grows up more. He is more intelligent.
The more................................................................................................................
98. Most students can work very hard when they feel like it.
Most students are capable.....................................................................................
99. Dring their meal, they discussed what to do at the weekend.
100. Tom doesn’t play football any more.
Tom used................................................................................................................
101. My mother bought me a nice blouse.
A nice blouse..........................................................................................................
102. They say that the company is in difficulty.
The company..........................................................................................................
103. You can get suntan by sunbathing.
104. “Would you mind waiting for a few minutes ?”
We were asked to...................................................................................................
105. “Where’s the best place to buy souvenirs ?”
I asked her..............................................................................................................
106. You won’t lose weight if you don’t stop eating much.
107. To know English is necessary.
It is.........................................................................................................................
108. may Day is considered to be the day of the working class.
Everyone considers................................................................................................
109. In Straford upon – Avon we saw Shakespeare’s birthplace.
We saw the house..................................................................................................
110. There are far more heavy lorries on the road than there used to be.
There didn’t............................................................................................................
111. I regret spending so much money.
I wish......................................................................................................................
112. What’s the height of the mountain ?
113. I don’t feel as tired after a train journey as I do after a car journey.
I feel more..............................................................................................................
114. Cars are faster than buses.
Buses aren’t...........................................................................................................
115. He turned off the light, then he went out.
116. Theatre programmes usaully have lots of information.
117. He has been collecting stamps for five years.
He started..............................................................................................................
118. More newspapers are being sold in this city.
119. They were giving their son some presents when we came.
Their son................................................................................................................
120. He spends two hours a week sorting out stamps
Sorting out his stamps...........................................................................................
121. The garage is servicing my car on Monday.
I am........................................................................................................................
122. Sunny weather can always be depended on in southern countries.
People can always..................................................................................................
123. Remember to chech your flight number.
124. Football attracts people as much and so does tennis.
Football attracts people as.....................................................................................
125. Apples are usually cheaper than oranges.
Apples are not........................................................................................................
126. She knows a lot more about it than I do.
I don’t know...........................................................................................................
127. The people who were at the meeting will say nothing to the press.
Nobody who...........................................................................................................
128. How long is it since you saw Mary ?
129. Robert is sory now tht he didn’t accept the job.
Robert now wishes.................................................................................................
130. Belinda felt very tired but she still went to the party.
131. He didn’t pass the exam because he didn’t work hard.
If he........................................................................................................................
132. Sally’s parents gave her a bicycle for her birthday.
133. Peter said he wasn’t feeling well.
Peter said, “............................................................................................................
134. The flight to Moscow lasted three and a half hours.
It took.....................................................................................................................
135. It is difficult to train dogs.
136. She showed me one that was too small.
The one..................................................................................................................
137. The red blouse was more expensive than the blue one.
The blue blouse......................................................................................................
138. Tax free goods can be bought before you get on the plane.
139. Did they build the garage at the same time as the house ?
140. Let’s go abroad for our holiday this year.
141. Mackenzie wrote four best – ellers before he was twenty.
By the age of twenty..............................................................................................
142. How long is it since they moved here ?
143. Knowing English is useful.
144. It took us two hours to water the flowers.
We spent................................................................................................................
145. He is extremely rich but he is not happy.
In spite ..................................................................................................................
146. It is expected that he will come on time.
147. What should one do in such cases.?
What should...........................................................................................................
148. Her mother wouldn’t let her ride the motorbike
She wouldn’t..........................................................................................................
149. What we saw astonished us.
We were.................................................................................................................
150. He drives very carefully.
He is.......................................................................................................................
151. “Turn down the radio, Tom”
Tom’s mother told..................................................................................................
152. My father usually has me clean his bicycle.
My father usually has.............................................................................................
153. Someone saw them dumb rubbish.
154. My mother gets up very early.
My mother is..........................................................................................................
155. “You shouldn’t go to school late” The teacher said.
The teacher advised...............................................................................................
156. We couldn’t answer those two difficult questions.
Those two questions..............................................................................................
157. Mark is too young to see that horror film.
Mark isn’t...............................................................................................................
158. People in many countries are watching this football match on T.V
This football match.................................................................................................
159. We couldn’t drive because of the fog.
The fog prevented..................................................................................................
160. I stopped. I bought a newspaper.
I stopped................................................................................................................
161. We watch them leave. I will never forget it.
I will........................................................................................................................
162. I haven’t eaten a pizza for a year.
Tha last time..........................................................................................................
163. This fruit is a new experience.
It’s the first.............................................................................................................
164. You don’t need to cook dinner today.
It isn’t.....................................................................................................................
165. They understand more than we do.
We don’t.................................................................................................................
166. Bob finds his new contact lenses uncomfortable.
Bob isn’t.................................................................................................................
167. “ What time does the delegation come ?”
The mannager wante.............................................................................................
168. Originally, tennis was an indoor game.
Tennis used.............................................................................................................
169. He speaks too quickly for me to understand.
He doaesn’t speak..................................................................................................
170. I started to learn English three uears ago.
It is.........................................................................................................................
171. Micheal learned how to sing when he was small.
Micheal has............................................................................................................
172. The cassette is still broken.
The cassette hasn’t................................................................................................
173. His computer is still for sale.
174. The novel has twelve chapters.
It is a......................................................................................................................
175. We haven’t seen this quiz show for two months.
It is.........................................................................................................................
176. she speaks with such a strong accent that some people can’t
understand her.
Her accent..............................................................................................................
177. He didn’t wear gloves, so the police caught him.
If he........................................................................................................................
178. Paul said he was going to visit China the following year.
Paul: “ I am.............................................................................................................
179. “It is the first time I have eaten pizza”
he said that............................................................................................................
180. She had never been so unhappy before.
She was unhappier

*ON : tröôùc : thöù, taàng nhaø, thaùng +beân phaûi –traùi
+ ngaøy, buoåi (k coù “the”),
*IN : +tröôùc : thaùng, buoåi (coù -Look after : chaêm soùc, troâng
“the”), naêm, phoøng, baùo chí, thaønh noâm
phoá, nöôùc -Look over : xem xeùt
*AT : +tröôùc : giôø, tröôøng, nôi choán -Look up : tra cöùu
xaùc ñònh … -Made of : laøm baèng (khoâng
*SINCE : tröôùc ñieåm thôøi ñoåi chaát )
gian -Made from : laøm baèng ( bieán
*For : tröôùc khoaûng thôøi ñoåi chaát )
gian -Made in : laøm töø
cho -Afraid of : sôï
* WITH: vôùi -Grow up : phaùt trieån, taêng
*OF: cuûa tröôûng
*TO = UPTO: ñeán -Go up : ñi leân
*TILL = UNTILL: ñeán khi -Go to + nôi choán : ñi ñeán nôi naøo
-Agree with : ñoàng yù vôùi ai -Nice to : töû teá vôùi ai
-Agree about : thoáng nhaát veà -Pay for : traû tieàn
moät vaán ñeà -Please with : haøi loøng vôùi
tranh luaän -Please with/about/at haøi loøng veà
-Agree on : thoûa thuaän veà ñieàu gì
moät vaán ñeà -Shout at : la maéng
ñeå ñi ñeán keát -Shout to : goïi lôùn
luaän - Smile at : cöôøi mæm vôùi
-Anxiuos about : lo laéng veà -Sorry about : hoái tieác veà
- Anxiuos for : mong moõi coù ñöôïc -Sorry for : thöông tieác cho
-Apologise to : xin loãi ai vì ñaõ laøm -Speak to : noùi vôùi ai
gì -Suffer from : chòu, maéc beänh
-Arrive at/in : ñeán taïi -Surprised at/by : ngaïc nhieân bôûi
-Bad at : keùm, teä veà -Take part in : tham gia vaøo
-Belive in : tin vaøo ñieàu thieâng -Think of/about : nghó veà
lieâng -Translate into : dòch sang
-Disapointed with : thaát voïng veà -Write to : vieát cho ai
ai -Wait for : chôø ai
-Discussion about : cuoäc thaûo -Fond of : thích
luaän veà ñieàu gì -Familiar with : quen vôùi
-Dress(ed) in : maëc vaøo -At home/the
-Explain to s.o : giaûi thích vôùi ai cinema/theatre/party/station/busstop/
-Frightened of/by : sôï vì concert/meeting/corner
-Get in/into : leo vaøo xe oâ toâ, -By car/bus/train/plane/bicycle/boat
maùy bay … -In the kitchen/living
-Get out of : ra khoûi xe oâ toâ, room/bedroom/bathroom/
maùy bay … dinning room/classroom
-Get on : leân taøu löûa, xe -In the car : trong xe hôi
buyùt, ngöïa.. -On the bus : trong xe buyùt
-Get off : xuoáng taøu löûa, xe -At the beginning : ñaàu tieân
buyùt… -At the end : cuoái cuøng (coù
-Good at : gioûi veà thôøi gian)
-Impressed with : aán töôïng bôûi -On radio/TV : treân radio/TV
-Interested in : thích, say meâ -On time/In time : ñuùng giôø (chính
-Kind of : ai ñoù töû teá xaùc )
-Kind to : töû teá vôùi ai -Worry about : lo laéng veà
-Laugh at : cöôøi ñuøa, choïc -Talk to : noùi vôùi ai
-Listen to : laéng nghe -Play with : chôi vôùi
-Hear about : nghe veà -Sure of : chaéc veà
-Look at : nhìn vaøo -Amazed to/at : ngaïc nhieân, söûng
-Look for : tìm kieám soát
-Delighted at : vui thích vôùi
-Amused at : thích thuù -Help S.O with giuùp ai laøm gì
-Excited about : höùng thuù veà -Belong to: thuoäc veà
-Bored with : chaùn veà -Take care of: chaêm soùc
-In the street : treân ñöôøng ( loøng -Take part in = join in = participate in:
ñöôøng ) tham gia
-On the street : treân ñöôøng (vóa heø -Put on : maëc vaøo
) -Turn on/off : môû / taét
-At the moment : ngay laäp töùc -Switch on/off : môû / taét
- At present : ngay luùc naøy -Turn around : ñaûo loän
-At/On the top : treân ñænh -Turn over : laät, giôû
-At/On the bottom : döôùi ñaùy -On the wall : treân töôøng
-Join in : tham gia -Go to work : ñi laøm vieäc
-Climb up : leo leân -Belong to : thuoäc veà
-Pick up : nhaët, haùi -Take care of : chaêm soùc
-Pick out : choïn löïa -Clever at : gioûi veà
-Take off : caát caùnh ( maùy -Depend on : leä thuoäc vaøo
bay ) -Die of/from : cheát vì
-Take away : mang ñi -Different from : khaùc vôùi
-Pay attention to : chuù yù ñeán -Check up : ñaêng kí
-Check in : ñaêng kí -Take notice of : quan taâm ñeán
-Give up : töø boû -Borrow from : möôïn töø
-Break down : hö hoûng -Devide into : phaân chia
-Go for a walk : ñi daïo -Call for help : caàu cöùu
-Between : giöõa (2 ngöôøi/vaät) -Put away : caát ñi
-Among : giöõa (nhieàu -Above : beân treân
ngöôøi/vaät) -Famous for = known as : noåi tieáng
-Behide : phía sau -Excited abuot: lo laéng veà
-In front of : phía tröôùc -Proud of: töï haøo veà
-In the front : -Delighted at: vui thích vôùi
-Keep in touch: giöõ lieân laïc -Familiar with: quen vôùi
-Get in touch: -Amazed at: ngaïc nhieân vì
-Consist of: bao goàm -Angry with: giaän vì
-Far from: xa töø -Equip with: trang bò vôùi
-Prepare for: chuaån bò cho -Necessary for: caàn thieát cho
-Crow with: ñoâng ñuùc -Equal in: coâng baèng
-At present: luùc naøy -Fed up with: theo kòp
-Marry to S.O: laäp gia ñình vôùi ai -Tired of: meät vì
-Get married with: laäp gia ñình -Wrong with: coù vaán ñeà vôùi
vôùi ai -Bring along: mang theo
-Keen on: say meâ -Add to theâm vaøo
-Late for: treã cho -Enroll for+ V-ing: ñaêng kí laøm gì
1. I have not seen Kate for a few days. I last saw her ______ Tuesday.
2. The price of electricity is going up _____ October.
3. I’ve been invited to a wedding ______ 14 February.
4. Jenny’s brother is an engineer but he’s out of work _____ the moment.
5. I hope the weather will be nice _____ the weekend.
6. The course begins _____ 7 January and ends sometimes ____ April.
7. I looked ____ the list of name. My name was ____ the bottom of the list.
8. George is coming _____ train. I’m going to meet him ____ the station.
9. I read about the accident ____ the newspaper.
10. Helen is studying law ____ University.
11. I might not be at home ____ Tuesday morning but I’ll probably be there
____ the afternoon.
12. If you walk to the end of the street, you see a small shop ____ the
13. I didn’t see you _____ the party ____Sunday. Where were you ?
14. Columbus made his first voyage from Europe to America ____ 1492.
15. I walk to work but I came home _____the bus.
16. Paula didn’t go ____ work yesterday.
17. There is a mirror ____ the wall _____ the living-room.
18. When I’m a passenger in a car, I prefer to sit ____ the front.
19. My office is ____the first floor. It’s ____the left as you come out of the lift.
20. I wouldn’t like an office job. I couldn’t spend the whole day sitting ____
a desk.
21. I’m not interested _____ sport.
22. I’ll be moving to a new address ____the end of September.
23. There was a big table ____ the middle of the room.
24. Thank you very much ____ your help.
25. Can I speak ____ Mr David, please?
26. At first Helen didn’t want to go the theatre but she came with us ____
the end.
27. There were a lot of people waiting _____the bus-stop.
28. Next year we hope to go _____ Canada to visit some friends.
29. I couldn’t decide what to buy Mary for her birthday. I didn’t buy her
anything ____ the end.
30. I’m not going out this afternoon. I’m staying ______home.
31. John was talking but nobody was listening _____ what he was saying .
32. We waited _____ Karen until 2 o’clock but she didn’t come.
33. Barry is looking ____ a job. He want to work in a hotel.
34. I looked _____ the newspaper but I didn’t read it carefully.
35. Excuse me, I’m looking_____ Hill Street. Can you tell me where it is ?
36. I’m going to take a photograph ____ you. Please look ____ the camera
and smile.
37. When you are ill, you need somebody to look_____ you.
38. I’ll see you _____ nine o’clock _____ the morning.
39. Our family usually has bread, milk and bacon _____ breakfast.
40. My father works ____ 7:00 am ____ 4:30 pm everyday.
41. Football seems to be the most popular game _____ England.
42. Children are often fond ____ performing animals such as elephants,
tigers, monkeys and dogs.
43. My brother lives _____ a small village ____ the South-West of England.
44. It can be dangerous when children play _____ the street.
45. Would you like to come _____ the opera with us next Friday ?
46. We went _____ Miami _____ May last year.
47. I usually stay _____ home _____ the weekend.
48. ______ Saturdays we usually go_____ a restaurant.
49. The performance starts _____ eight o’clock ____ Sunday_____ the Palace
50. I’d like to go _____ the Science Museum_____ London____ the weekend.
51. They arrive _____ three o’clock _____ the afternoon.
52. I listened_____ the news ____the radio.
53. She always goes ____ a walk with her dog _____ Sunday mornings.
54. We got struck in a traffic jam on our way _____the airport.
55. Last summer, I was ____ a holiday ______China.
56. We had lunch _____ the airport while we were waiting ____ our plane.
57. She is afraid _____ living on her own in a big city.
58. We usually go to school _____ bus.
59. Important football matches often take place _____ weekend.
60. I usually read the newspaper while I’m waiting ______ the bus.
61. It isn’t easy to start looking _____ a job at her age.
62. We left our luggage ____ the station and went to find something to eat.
63. I must go _____the bank today to change some money.
64. Carol was born ____ Chicago but his family moved _____New York when
he was three. He still lives ____ New York.
65. I had lost my key but I managed to climb ____the house through a
66. There was an interesting programme_____ the radio this morning.
67. When I was 14, I went _____a trip to France organized by my school.
68. We had a good meal ____ a restaurant and then we went back ____ the
69. We traveled overnight to Paris and arrived ____5 o’clock ____the
70. I don’t know where my umbrella is. Perhaps I left it_____ the bus.
71. The exhibition _____ the Museum of Modern Art finishes ____ Saturday.
72. Tom is ill. He wasn’t ____work today. He was ____ home ____ bed.
73. Paul lives _____ London. He’s a student _____ London university.
74. Charles Dickens was born ____ a poor clerk family ____Portsmouth,
____south coast of England,____ February 17 th , 1812.
75. The children are delighted _____ the TV programme _____the evening.
76. _______ the football season, thousands of football fans crowd ______ the
stadium to watch their favorite teams.
77. Life _____ a big city is always busy.
78. Have you ever work ______ a farm ?
79. We’re helping our parents ____ potato – planting .
80. I prefer films _____to plays.
81. What kinds ____ film do you like to see best ?
82. The weather _____ the South is different _____the weather ____the north.
83. _____ one of these occasions, they had a chance to spend their holidays
___ the mountains.
84. Have you said “Goodbye” _____your teacher yet ?
85. Let’s go ____ ride if you don’t mind.
Fill in each blank with one suitable word to complete the following
1.Jack London, the famous American writer, was (1)…………… San
Francisco in 1876. When he was young, he (2)……………….to sell newspaper,
work at a hotel and on ship (3)………… He was a student at a
university for only a year. He had to leave it (4)…………….he was too poor to
pay for the university. In (5)………………years 1905 to 1909 Jack London (6)
………………his best stories and novels. These books were about working
people (7)……………….came to find gold in Alaska, a cold country in the
North. (8)……………his books, we can learn that Jack London loved people,
and he was sure that man is stronger (9)……………anything in the world . His
life was short, he (10)……………in 1916.
2.New year is one of the four important traditional (1)……………… the
United states. On New Year,s Eve, most people go to parties. At twelve o ,clock
(2)…………….night, everyone says” Happy New Year!” and they (3)
……………….their friends and relatives good luck. New Year ,s parties usually
(4)…………long time. Some people don,t go home (5)…………morning.
Another holiday is Halloween , is mainly for children. On this holiday, children
dress (6)…………...witches, ghosts or others. Most of the children go (7)
…………….house to house and say “Trick or Treat”. (8)………………the people
at the house do not give them candy, the children will (9)……………..a trick
on them. But this (10)……………ever happens. Almost people give them
candy of fruit.
There seem to be different views on this topic, and these (1)……………on a
number of factors. For (2)…………, people who enjoy walking in the forests
would like to prevent people (3)…………cutting down trees. Also, we need
trees for our oxygen and (4)………….to conservationists, if we continue to cut
them down, we (5)…………certainly destroy our planet.
On the other hand, people who (6)……………….a living out of timber think
they have a right to cut down trees. I think this is fine provided that they (7)
………………new trees to replace the one they cut down. Unfortunately, a lot
of illegal logging also takes place and these (8)…………….not replaced.
As far as I am concerned, the (9)…………….approach would be to manage
our forests more carefully so that we only cut down trees when its helps (10)
………………trees survive and remain healthy, or as part of a replanting
4.In July 1994 Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, was struck (1)
………….21 pieces of a comet. When the fragment landed in the southern
hemisphere of the giant planet, the explosions (2)………………watched by
astronomers here on Earth. But what if our own planet was hit by a comet ?
The year is 2094. It has (3)……………….. announced that a comet is heading
towards the earth. Most of it will miss our planet, but two fragments (4)
……………..probably hit the southern hemisphere. On 17 tth July, a fragment
four kilometres (5)……………enters the Earth,s atmosphere (6)……………….a
massive explosion. About half of the fragment is destroyed and pieces are
scattered through the atmosphere. But the core survives and hits the South
atlantic at 200 times the (7)…………….of sound. The sea boils and a huge
hole is made in the sea bed. An enormous tidal (8)……………… created and
spreads outwards from the hole. The wall of water, a kilometre high , rushes
towards southern Africa at 800 klometres (9)……………hour. Cities on African
coast are totally destroyed (10)…………………and millions people are downed.
The wave moves into the Indian Ocean and heads toward Asia.
In 1846 an Irish immigrant in New York named Alexander Stewart opened a
business called the Marble Dry-Goods Palace. By (0) doing so, he gave the
world something completely new-the department store. Before this, no-one
(1)……………….tried to bring together such a wide range of goods (2)
………………a single roof. The business did very (3)……………… It expanded
rapidly and soon had (4)………………..staff of two thousand. For Stewart even
that was not enough, (5)……………… In 1862 he moved to an eight-storey
building nearby, (6)…………..he
named A.T Stewart,s Cast-Iron Palace. It was, (7)………………for many years
world remain, the largest shop in the world.
Others followed Stewart,s example and soon there were stores (8)
……………….his many major cities in the United States. We don ,t (9)……………
when people started calling them department stores. The expression wasn ,t
used in print (10)……………….1893, when it appeared in Happer ,s magazine,
but the way that it is used there (11)………………it clear that it was already
widely understood.
(12)……………is certain is that department stores completely changed the
shopping experience for millions of people. They offered not only an
enormous range of goods, (13)……………also levels of comfort, luxury and
excitement previously unknown to customers. Almost from the start they had
restaurants, toilets and many (14)………………..facilities, so (15)
………………..was no need to go elsewhere for anything.
6. Glasgow (1)……………the third largest city in Great Britain. It lies (2)
…………….the river Clyde in Scotland. Glasgow is a very old (3)………….. The
university (4)……………Glasgow was founded (5)…………1450. The famous
English writer Daniel Defoem (6)………..that Glasgow was the cleanest and
(7)………..beautiful city of Great Britain. James Watt (8)…………at Glasgow
University. He became a (9) …….engineer (10) …………..constructed a steam
(11)………….Scotland (12)…………rich in coal an aron , so Glasgow (13)
…………into a large city . There are big textile plants and engineering
factories (14)………
7. People who are deprived (1)……………sleep lose (2)…………..and become
quick tempered (3)…………..two days without sleep a person finds that (4)
………………concentration becomes difficult. He can force himself to (5)
………….tasks well for short periods, but he is easily (6)…………….. He makes
many mistakes, (7)…………….at routine tasks, and his attention slips (8)
…………times every “sleepless” person experiences periods in which he (9)
…………off for a few seconds or more. He (10)……………completely asleep
unless he is kept active continuously.
People (11)………………go without sleep for more than three days have
great (12)……………thinking, seeing, and hearing clearly. They have periods
of hallucinations (13)……………..which they can see things that do not really
exist. They also confuse daydreams with (14)………… and (15)
……………..track of their thoughts in the middle of a sentence.
8. China said today that there was heavy loss (0) life in the earthquake
which struck Tangshan City yesterday. Survisors said that Tangshan, an
industrial city of one million people, 160 kilometres east of Beijing, was
completely (1)……………
Observers living in Beijing said it appeared that only a small of the one
million inhabitants escaped (2)……………..or injury.
Many of the men Tangshan were working in the (3)…………….deep under the
earth,s surface when the (4)…………….occured. Unfortunately, few of these
miners have (5)……………….
A lot of people were also working in the city ,s (6)……………… Regretably,
most were (7)……………under falling concrete when the buildings (8)
The Chinese authorities have not yet given any information about the actual
(9)……….….of casualties, but it is thought that tens of thousands of people
have been killed. Hardly a (10)…………has been left standing.
9. Dear Mom and Dad,
Well, you will be pleased to hear that I got through my midterms again (1)
………….any real problems. I was worried about Chemistry. You know that it
has always been (2)…………for me.
When I was in high school, I had to work very (3) ……………….to get good
grades in Math and Science. It is a lot different to study Science here in
college. The (4)……………..expect much more of us. They don ,t push up us
really hard, or get mad at us when we don , hand (5)…………..our assignments
on time. We must be (6) ……………..for our own actions. There is a tutorial
center (7)……………we can all go to get help, and the teachers are all (8)
to help us but sometimes I am embarassed to ask for help.
I still love school and I know that I will have to push myself a lot in all of my
classes. Sometimes I get (9)……………lonely, and I think about all of you and
how much I miss you. Please write back to me and tell everyone else to write.
I love to get (10)…………….
Give me my love and tell them that I miss them.
I,ll write again soon.
10. Among the festivals celebrated (1)…………..some of Asian peoples is the
Moon Cake Festival, (2)…………known (3)…………the Mid August Festival.
Large (4)…………of small round moon cakes (5)………….eaten (6)……………
this day, and children (7)……………carrying colourful (8)………………lanterns
which come in all (9)…………..the more popular (10)………………..are shaped
(11)………………, rabbits and butterflies. To them the moon (12)
………………….the brightest on the (13)……………of the Moon Cake festival As
the moon (14)……………….tables (15)…………….placed outside the house and
women offer fruit and moon cakes to the Moon Godness.
11. Yesterday a friend and I went to a Chinese teahouse (1)………….lunch.
We got there at about 10 minutes past twelve. (2)…………..teahouse wasn ,t
very crowded (3)……………so we didn,t have (4)…………….trouble getting a
As soon as we sat down, a waiter came over to our (5)………..and asked us
what (6)………….of tea we wanted. A minute (7)…………..he came back with a
pot of jasmine tea.He also brought us a (8)…………so that we could choose
(9)…………..dishes for our lunch.
After thinking for a (10)……………..we (11)……………..fried rice, rice and
beaf with vegetables, noodles with prawn and fried noodle (12)
……………….pork. the dishes were really big (13)………………we were able to
finish everything. The (14)……………..problem was that we were so full when
we finished that we could (15)……………..walk.
12. I have recently taken up cooking as a hobby. A lot (1)……………my
friends find this very amusing as I am not very (2)……………at it yet. It ,s
much (3)…………difficult (4)…………..I thought it was. There are so (5)
……………things to remember to do and it ,s very easy to (6)………….mistakes.
Last week I invited several people round so I could try out a new (7)……………
Everything was really in the kitchen, so I relaxed with my guests and we (8)
…………..a drink. But I,m not (9)………… to giving dinner parties and I
suddenly remembered that the chicken was in the freezer. We had to wait
two hours (10) …………dinner!
13. John was involved in a road (1)……………..recently. it happened at a road
(2)……………John,s car had (3) ……………..down, and as he couldn ,t (4)
…………….to start it again, he had left it in the middle of the road. He wanted
to find someone to help him (5)…………….it to the garage. Just then, a car
came round the corner. John (6)…………….at the driver but the car was going
too (7)…………… stop. It (8)………………..and (9)……………….John ,s car.
Luckily nobody was (10)………………, but the police decided that John was to
(11)……………… They said that he shouldn ,t have (12)……………the car in the
middle of the road. He told them that he had (13)………………on his warning
lights and he thought that other cars would be (14)……………….to stop in (15)
…………….. Even so, he had to appear in (16)……………… He (17)………………
that it was his (18)…………….because he had (19)……………….to the other
driver. But he had to pay a (20)……………of $ 150.
14. Miss Darby was one of those people who never threw anything away.
“You never know when you might need it” was (1)……………of her favourite
sayings. She lived (2)………….herself in largeVictorian house across the road
from us. Although I never went to her house, I knew it was full (3)……………
antique furniture, Persian carpets and so on. In every room, there were
dozens of paintings, so that her house was (4)…………… art gallery. I
remember my father (5)…………..that she was a “ Straffordshrine Darby” but
I had (6)………….idea what he meant
.I (7)……………out years later that the Darby family had made their money
from coalmining in Straffordshrine. We used to make up stories (8)………..her.
My sister Alice, (9)…………..was a romantic girl, told us that Miss Darby once
had a lover, but he walked out one day and she (10)……………saw him again.
Louis Armstrong , who (1)……………born in 1890 and (2)……………in 1971,
was a very famous jazz musician. He used to be known as “Satchmo” and
this nickname stayed with him all his (3)………………. As a child in New
Orleans, he learnt to (4)……………the trumpet while he was living in a special
house for children who (5) ……………got into trouble with the police. When he
had finished his stay in the home, he (6)……………various bands and then he
formed his own. Between 1925 (7)…………..1928 he made about 60 records.
These records made him one (8) ……………the first solo stars in the history of
pop (9)……………. . When he died, he had (10)……………making records and
he hed been touring all over the (11)……………for more than forty years, and
he (12)……………just as popular (13)……………he had been before. He even
(14)……………a number one pop record-What A Wonderful World-(15)
………….the 1960s.
16. Nowadays, informatics is one of the compulsory (1)…………….in many
large schools in our city. My school is (2)…………..those that have been
equipped with a rather modern computer system. This system (3)
……………..of 30 machines linked to the Internet and (4)…………….by Window
XP. All the students in my school (5)………….doing this new object because
(6)……………..has helped us very much in learning other ones, (7) ……………
English . By using effective (8)………………on the Internet like Google, we can
easily find necessary data in (9)…………… do a better (10)……………
our study.
17. Most people know that smoking cigerette is harmful to their (1)
………….Scientics research shows that it can (2)……………many kind of
diseases. In fact, many people (3)…………..smoke get lung cancer. Doctors
believe that it may also cause lung cancer in people who (4)……………not
smoke. Nonsmokersoften breathe in the smoke from (5)……………people ,s
cigerettes. This is secondhand smoking. People are becoming very aware (6)
……………the danger of secondhand smoke. As a result, they (7)……………
passed laws that prohibit people from smoking in many public places.
Besides, many goverments tend to (8)……………..taxes on cigerettes so as to
discourage people from smoking. With al the concerned efforts (9)
…………… the authority and no-smokers. We can look forward to a world
(10)…………… smoking
Fil in the gaps with the most suitable prepositions to complete the
18. Dear Mr Markham,
Thank you very much for your letter (1)……………….14 th March. Naturally I
am delighted, and very excited at the prospect of my holiday (2)………………
I would like to take my holiday (3)………………15 th June (4)……………5th July,
which I believe is the time (5)…………..the Wimbledon tennis championships,
and I would be very grateful if you could arrange (6)……………me to see
some of the matches. I would also like to see some test cricket. There will be
no football then, but perhaps I could spend a day (7)…………..the races at
Ascot, too.
The places I would like to visit are the university towns (8)……………. Oxford
and Cambridge, where I would like to see one of Shakespeare ,s plays, and if
possible I would really love to visit an old village (9)…………..a typical country
I am very grateful to you and the company (10)………….giving me this
opportunity of a lifetime.
Your sincerely,
Joseph Degama

Find out the word whoseunderlinede part is pronouced differently from those of the others
1. A. aunt B. far C. party D. want
2. A. complain B. lake C. save D. sample
3. A. gemstone B. measure C. television D. pleasure
4. A. weather B. anything C. that D. other
5. A. exposition B. zoo C. miss D. visit
6. A. position B. oasis C. desert D. resort
7. A. stone B. zone C. phone D. none
8. A. give B. five C. hive D. dive
9. A. switch B. stomach C. match D. catch
10. A. study B. ready C. puppy D. occupy
11. A. looked B. stopped C. raised D. laughed
12. A. hear B. beer C. pear D. fear
13. A.national B. nature C. permission D. machine
14. A. stop B. pocket C. on D. won
15. A . say B. decay C. clay D. day
Find out the word whoseunderlinede part is pronouced differently from those of the others
1. A. share B. fare C. declare D. aren,t
2. A. thank B. that C. this D. then
3. A. leaf B. meat C. seat D. sweat
4. A. punctual B. rubbish C. frustrated D. furious
5. A. theatre B. therefore C. throughout D. thunder
6. A. influenced B. accompanied C. terrified D. averaged
7. A. hello B. lose C. only D. whole
8. A. strikes B.cigerettes C. crops D. fertilizers
9. A. although B. thought C. theme D. month
10. A. major B. waste C. stacks D. irrigation
11. A. shall B. call C. ball D. tall
12. A. bound B. sound C. count D. country
13. A. can B. cell C. call D. cold
14. A. most B. cost C. coast D. host
15. A. hear B. near C. here D. hair
Find out the word whoseunderlinede part is pronouced differently from those of the others
1. A. five B. physics C. effort D. psychology
2. A. measure B. please C. his D. disease
3. A. chin B. Christ C. child D. champion
4. A. bush B. brush C.cup D. bus
5. A. boat B. broad C. coast D. lonely
6. A. large B. vegetable C. angry D. gem
7. A.. more B. north C. lost D. water
8. A. distribute B. tribe C. triangle D. trial
9. A.alone B. froze C. women D. open
10. A.manage B.sat C. add D. black
11. A. burn B. turn C. curl D. during
12. A.bed B.get C. decide D. setting
13. A.heat B. beam C. dead D. gleam
14. A. bout B. shout C. foul D. mouring
15. A. most B. motel C. coal D. hostile
Find out the word whoseunderlinede part is pronouced differently from those of the others
1. A. leisure B. editor C. marry D. breath
2. A. field B. peace C. receive D. risen
3. A. machine B. itch C. English D. film
4. A. loose B. raise C. rising D. advise
5. A. fussy B. advice C. was D. once
6. A. singer B. tongue C. bang D.sinner
7. A. with B. breathing C. cloth D. clothes
8. A. south B. thumb C. mouths D. worth
9. A. worthy B. though C. theme D. leather
10. A. double B. daughter C. knowledge D. sausage
11. A. bought B. quantity C. warm D. stalk
12. A. what B. watch C.cot D. cord
13. A. gas B. cease C. science D. delicious
14. A. parachute B. championship C. champagne D. sugar
15. A.machinery B. choose C. which D. ditches
Find out the word whoseunderlinede part is pronouced differently from those of the others
1. A.veil B. break C. plane D. plan
2. A.fierce B. weird C. tearing D. weary
3. A. ressetle B. hitting C. orange D. delicate
4. A. subtlety B. climber C. bombard D. bombing
5. A. rehabilitation B. exhibition C. dishonorable D. heir
6. A. quick B. quay C. keep D. queue
7. A. sword B. switch C. listen D. muscle
8. A. cocaine B. pint C.high D. neither
9. A. resound B. castle C. insist
10. A. polceman B. spaceman C. fireman D. gentlemen
11. A. education B. congestion C. suggestion D. permission
12. A. silhouette B. behind C. forehead D. dishonest
13. A. house B. breeze C. recent D. paparazzi
14. A. sleigh B. greatcoat C.signature D. outbreak
15. A. ragged B. learned C. breathed D. wicked
Find out the word whoseunderlinede part is pronouced differently from those of the others
1. A. machine B. suggestion C. shouting D. emotion
2. A. lost B. what C. not D. growth
3. A. complete B. service C. ready D. women
4. A. three B.through C. months D. than
5. A. broadened B. used C. cried D. smiled
6. A. champagne B. sugar C. fashion D. such
7. A. respond B. cotton C. cross D. novel
8. A. unique B. Christmas C. quarter D. occasion
9. A. viable B.river C. widely D. dynamite
10. A. Iceland B. aisle C. listen D. muscle
11. A. hello B. lose C. only D. whole
12. A. mouths B. cigarettes C.crops D. staffs
13. A. although B. thought C. throughout D. month
14. A. sugar B. champion C.ship D. decision
15. A. honest B. hourglass C. home D. honorable

Find out the word whoseunderlinede part is pronouced differently from those of the others
1. A. Tamil B. baggy C. casual D. article
2. A. mausoleum B. tunic C. Buddhism D. Sue
3. A. correspond B. disappointed C. notice D. mosque
4. A. ghost B. logical C. cotton D. comic
5. A. Islam B. ring C. tropical D. equal
6. A. champagne B. sure C. shout D. choice
7. A. cross B. occasion C. vision D. measure
8. A. encourage B. subject C. humburger D. bridge
9. A. commercial B. bottle C. social D. casual
10. A. purpose B. surf C. compulsory D. hamburger
11. A. documentary B. interactive C. again D. control
12. A. control B. remote C. show D. now
13. A. route B. now C. house D. account
14. A. access B. many C. man D. land
15. A. edition B. reputation C. pleasure D. commercial
Find out the word whoseunderlinede part is pronouced differently from those of the others
1. A. poll B. cold C. frown D. socialist
2. A. ragged B. learned C. breathed D. belowed
3. A. breakfast B. steak C. greatcoat D. sleigh
4. A. scene B. heating C. filming D. field
5. A. suitable B. building C. supervise D. lieu
6. A. pleasant B. says C. many D. ratification
7. A. cuisine B. quay C. queue-jump D. culture
8. A. muscle B. cancellation C. violoncelist D. sciatica
9. A. dutiable B. education C. generation D. edgy
10. A. hourglass B. dishonorable C. haute couture D. hen
11. A. experience B.tears C. experiment D. glacier
12. A. divisible B. design C. disease D. excursion
13. A. weath B. with C. cloth D. both
14. A. genuine B. geneticist C. guarantee D. generate
15. A. puzzle B. skull C. currency D. pursue
Find out the word whoseunderlinede part is pronouced differently from those of the others
1. A. stop B. pocket C. on D.won
2. A. says B. decay C. clay D. day
3. A. teach B. weak C. dreadful D. beat
4. A. pity B. tiny C. hidden D. forbid
5. A. share B. fare C. declare D. aren,t
6. A. leisure B. editor C. starry D. breath
7. A. without B. breathing C. cloth D. clothes
8. A. parachute B. character C. champagne D. chaise
9. A. what B. watch C. cot D. cord
10. A. chaos B.matriarchy C. chapel
11. A. decay B. era C. celebrity D. decipher
12. A. statue B. question C. actually D. patio
13. A. meadow B. feather C. learnt D. glean
14. A. garden B. margarine C. gibberish D. generation
15. A. subtlely B. debtor C. combing D. superb
Find out the word whoseunderlinede part is pronouced differently from those of the others
1. A. advised B. praised C. practiced D. closed
2. A. stereo B. certain C. emergent D. permanent
3. A. award B. farmer C. smart D. participate
4. A. round B. wound C. mountain D. cloudy
5. A. with B. northern C. both D. smooth
6. A. lost B. nose C. only D. hole
7. A. youths B. cigarettes C. maps D. ghosts
8. A.inversion B. parachute C. ship D. decision
9. A. although B. without C. throughout D. mouths
10. A. honest B. home C. heiress D. honorable
11. A. machinery B. motion C. shouting D. question
12. A. cost B. jogging C. not D. growth
13. A. succeed B. service C. biggest D. women
14. A. three B. through C. months D. than
15. A. cause B. pause C. gaudy D. aunt
Find out the word whoseunderlinede part is pronouced differently from those of the others
1. A.already B. friend C. great D. pleasure
2. A. speeches B. these C. big D. mean
3. A. shopping B. wish C. machine D. reaching
4. A. wonder B. none C. stone D. understand
5. A. maps B. youths C. pilots D. breaths
6. A. feather B. measles C.measure D. wealth
7. A. changed B. directed C. wicked D. cursed
8. A. stronger B.singer C. finger D. younger
9. A. pine B. mile C. cry D. pain
10. A. rain B. plane C. plan D. paint
11. A. various B. marry C. carry D. many
12. A. intimate B. high C. time D. kind
13. A.coal B. role C. roll D. shout
14. A. carts B. boys C. wagons D. steamers
15. A. change B. stay C. cake D.
Find out the word whoseunderlinede part is pronouced differently from those of the others
1. A. image B. village C. garage D. luggage
2. A. accompany B. come C. comb D. company
3. A.envy B. try C. milky D. happy
4. A. hour B. pour C. ourselves D. our
5. A.feather B. feat C. heat D. beat
6. A. smoke B. sugar C. swim D. swing
7. A. created B.raised C. played D. arrived
8. A. wake B. ache C. message D. page
9. A. round B. shout C. about D. brought
10. A. major B. waste C. stacks D. irration
11. A .most B. cost C. coast D. host
12. A. hear B. near C. here
13. A. bus B.bury C. up D. nut
14. A. hid B.heat D. need
15.A. pleasure B. please C. pleasant D. houses
Pick out the word whose main stress is different from those of others
1. A. commercial B.television C. reputation D. European
2. A. translator B. happening C. (new) record D. beginner
3. A. nationality B. arithmetic C. educational D.
4. A. vegetable B. comfortable C. generation D.
5. A. examination B. environmentalist C. deforestation D. industrialize
6. A. carefully B. another C. garbage D. plastic
7. A. provide B. disappoint C. careful D. under
8. A. company B. animal C. heavy D. reduce
9. A. environment B. invention C. convenient D. information
10. A. remote B. control C. favourite D. increasing
11. A. enormous B. reduce C. recently D. account
12. A. economic B. innovation C. efficiently D. European
13. A. festival B. decorate C. special D. important
14. A. chocolate B. receive C. colour D. entrance
15. A. along B. experience C. raincoat D. among
Pick out the word whose main stress is different from those of others
1. A. Chinese B. Malaysia C. although D. currency
2. A. enjoy B. religion C. Hinduism D. around
3. A. design B. mention C. poetry D. modern
4. A. fashion B. tunic C. novel D. survice
5. A. relax B. together C. mountain D. arrive
6. A. evidence B. tidal C. highlands D. suggest
7. A. unpolluted B. disappointment C.infrastructure D. entertain
8. A. economic B. mathematics C. arithmetic D. electricity
9. A. grocery B. withdrawal C. rivalry D. interesting
10. A. linguistics B. ordinarily C.teenager D. graduating
11. A. champion B. satellites C. explosive D. maybe
12. A. illustrate B. gravity C. himseft D. universe
13. A. explanation B. experiment C. environment D. discover
14. A. photography B. matematical C. policeman D. collecting
15. A. scientist B. blacksmith C. industry D. result
Pick out the word whose main stress is different from those of others
1. A. army B. afraid C. money D. people
2. A. chemistry B. history C. biology D. mystery
3. A. cancer B. humor C. treatment D. disease
4. A. power B. energy C. realize D. begin
5. A. afternoon B. referee C. environment D. occupation
6. A. yesterday B. applicant C. employment D. interesting
7. A. river B. enter C. divide D. letter
8. A. apply B. reduce C. result D.happen
9. A. people B. everything C. restaurant D. umbrella
10. A. unit B. unite C. unique D. device
11. A. carry B. living C. forget D. offer
12. A. novel B. farmer C. experience D. interesting
13. A. engineer B. particular C. kitchen D. money
14. A. machine B. revise C. many D. provide
15.A. arrive B. especial C. European D. particular
Pick out the word whose main stress is different from those of others
1. A. finish B. pastime C. forget D. summer
2. A. charity B. harmful C. holiday D. entertain
3. A. interest B.increase C. industry D. dancer
4. A. dangerous B. popular C. environment D. beautiful
5. A. career B. redial C. beautiful D. Combodia
6. A. purpose B. entrance C. music D. depend
7. A. although B. remove C. together D.poison
8. A. generation B. maintain C. manage D. author
9. A. politics B. statement C. generally D. effectively
10. A. member B. suggest C. advise D. enough
11. A. wedding B. marry C. completely D. poetry
12. A. because B. spoken C. whether D. dinner
13. A. litle B. knowledge C. recently D. expensive
14. A. information B. happen C. open D. industry
Pick out the word whose main stress is different from those of others
1. A. popular B. business C. beautiful D. efficient
2. A. paper B. ivory C. simple D. promote
3. A. material B. discover C. abandon D. capital
4. A. American B. conclusion C. ethnic D. alive
5. A. emotion B. natural C. similar D. comfortable
6. A. necessary B. necessity C. activity D. environment
7. A. alcohol B. equator C. chemical D. comfortable
8. A. comment B. provide C. delay D. recently
9. A. explanation B. experiment C. experience D. equipment
10. A. factory B. theory C. produce D. logical
11. A. Malaysia B. pen pal C. impress D. enjoy
12. A. busy B. people C. correspond D. beautiful
13. A. over B. visit C. open D. forget
14. A. vacation B. peaceful C. anyway D. summer
15. A. difficult B. dependent C. abroad D. impress
Pick out the word whose main stress is different from those of others
1 A. region B. Malaysia C. separate D. tropical
2. A. enjoy B. together C. consist D. currency
3. A. capital B. population C. national D. chemistry
4. A.addition B. religion C. capital D. Malaysian
5. A. river B. flower C. shopping D. computer
6. A. number B. swimming C. badly D. begin
7. A. century B. musician C. tradition D. convenient
8. A. traditional B. frequently C. especially D. material
9. A. occasion B. tradition C. prefer D. different
10. A. because B. modern C. tunic D. woman
11. A. fashion B. design C. modern D. village
12. A. minority B. majority C. traditional D. inspiration
13. A. addition B. visited C. continue D. designer
14. A. describe B. poetry C. village D. fashion
15. A. modernize B. alternative C. women D. ehtnic
Find the underlined word that is wrong and then correct it
1. The landlady says that this house comprises of a bedroom, a bathroom
and a kitchen
2. Are you sure that this amount of money include service as well ?
3. Tet is a majority event in Vietnam because it is our traditional holiday
4. Do you think Buddhism is a religious or phylosophy ?
5. As students you must be instructive in road safely. Listen to the teacher,s
6. This animal look monstrous. My brother believes it is a monster.
7. You know, it is difficult to me to make him understand what I mean.
8. I really don,t know how many parts the area is devided in , so I can tell you
9. Look at the two dictionarys and you will see they are the same in some
10. Could you bring me the book you lend me last week on your way to
school ?
11. I would like to inform you that the representatives have been arrived
this morning and
are all very happy.
12. I think I will be improved my English pronunciation because my
pronunciation is still
13. The city is modernized for the last two decades, so you will see it is much
different from
what you saw last time.
14. What does produce in this factory ? –Chocolate, biscuits and cakes.
15. This is one of the best designed I have ever seen and I wonder if you like
16. Your encourage to me is esential for my success because I like being
encouraged by my
friends and family.
17. I wonder where you got your insprise of these patterns from because I
have tried to find
them but failed.
18. Although the problem is touch , we need solving it together.
19. What is impressed you most at the meeting you went last night ?
20. I have to admit that my first impressive of the lady is very good.
21. My dear friends, I wish you will visit us someday this summer.
22. The American left Saigon for New York in a beautiful morning.
23. My father has started teaching in a small town by the sea ten years
24. Will you come and join us in a trip to London next month ?
25. I will come and stay with you and your family on March.
26. He used to working full time , but now he is a part-time worker.
27. Let,s gathering somewhere for a coffee after this wonderful meeting.
28. I wish you can help me solve this mathematical problem.
29. The collect of stamps made him become famous in the country.
30. We are quite free tonight so shall we to out together ?
31. On seeing us preparing for the trip, papa said that he was willing to help
us with the trip
32. She told her mother that she still was very poor and couldn,t affort to buy
the car she really
33. They said that they would come there that day to attend the wedding.
34. Jim said that he was playing the piano in the hall now.
35. We have to learn by hearts all the new words and phrases the teacher
has provided us
36. Mary said that she didn,t want to buy these books because she didn,t
have money enough
with her.
37. Ancient people thought that the earth is square but actually it is round.
38. Let,s practise listening to English programs in the radio.
39. You study English very hard and I wonder how you will use it through the
40. I look forward to hear from my mother in Singapore.
41.What about play tennis instead of going to the cinema ?
42. Staying in bed all day is not good for our health, isn,t it ?
43. You know, the room is so dirty that it needs clean without delay.
44. Many of my students enjoy to surf the web in their free time.
45. After finish their home work, they took a long bath and went to bed.
46. We are not allowed of making personal phone calls in the office.
47. With modern eqipment, people are capable to communicate over long
48.She is fed up about living in remote areas without electricity.
49.Tel me what is wrong for doing this job.
50. Both teenagers and adults feel like help poor people , don,t they ?
51. You can see that the room has been beautiful decorated for Christmas.
52. Every day the local people take garbages to the garbage dump.
53. The boss seems nicely but there was something cruel underneath.
54. It is obvious that parents always protective their children from dangers.
55. When our parents are sick, we took turn to look after them carefully.
56. They were swimming in the occean when the storm occurs.
57. I discovered something interestingly in the store so I got in to buy it.
58. It is our duty to preserve natural resources. Without this preserve, we will
have to face
natural damage in the future.
59. The sawage has polluted the water. The local people are very angry about
the pollution.
They think drinking water must not be unpolluted.
60.Drinking alcohol is prohibited at school. There is a prohibit against selling
alcohol for
people under the age of 18 .
61. Who will look for your bussiness affairs while you are away ?
62. Don,t turn on the TV, please. I,m so tired to watch it.
63.She keeps for making noise although her parents asked her not to do it.
64. Would you mind turn on the light, please ?I can,t sleep with a light.
65.The patient is looked at by the doctor in the hospital because she doesn,t
have any
66. We can,t turned on with our plan if the weather is rainy.
67. She is out of work now and therefore she is looking after any jobs in the
68. They turn in the radio to listen to some news.
69. He couldn,t sleep, so he turned off the TV to watch some programs.
70.I can,t help you looking in your sick mother while you are on holidays.
71. Nam is one of my friends whom tried hard to succeed in his school age.
72. Quoc Hoc is the High School where gate is painted pink.
73. I bought a computer which screen was not very good.
74. I saw a stranger which was walking in the street in front of my house at
mid night.
75. This is the best place which I can think of for our holiday.
76. The twentieth century was the time when there was a lot of important
77. Does slavery still exist in the world nowadays ? I don,t think it is fairy for
men to treat
men as slaves.
78. We are going to take role in school activities for the summer.
79. If you like working for people, you should join us to do these work.
80. A dictionary is something which I have wished to have for years.
81. How many rice do you need to buy now ?
82. There were much guests at the wedding party which I went last week.
83. I would like a milk to drink now.
84. He does not drink beer and neither I do.
85. These children are too strong to carry this table.
86. I have a little picture books and a lot of detective novels.
87. It took him three hours doing that work last week.
88. My father is used to get up early every day these days.
89. Because of he was sick, he didn,t go to school yesterday.
90. English is one of my favourite subject at school.

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