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Ang: 687-8

DnwsrI mhlw 1 CMq

Dhanaasree mehlaa 1 chhant
Dhanaasaree, First Mehl, Chhant:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

ik-o kaar satgur parsaad.

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

qIriQ nwvx jwau qIrQu nwmu hY ]

tirath naavan jaa-o tirath naam hai.
Why should I bathe at sacred shrines of pilgrimage? The Naam, the Name of the
Lord, is the sacred shrine of pilgrimage.

qIrQu sbd bIcwru AMqir igAwnu hY ]

tirath sabad beechaar antar gi-aan hai.
My sacred shrine of pilgrimage is spiritual wisdom within, and contemplation on the
Word of the Shabad.

gur igAwnu swcw Qwnu qIrQu ds purb sdw dswhrw ]

gur gi-aan saachaa thaan tirath das purab sadaa dasaahraa.
The spiritual wisdom given by the Guru is the True sacred shrine of pilgrimage,
where the ten festivals are always observed.

hau nwmu hir kw sdw jwcau dyhu pRB DrxIDrw ]

ha-o naam har kaa sadaa jaacha-o dayh parabh DharneeDharaa.
I constantly beg for the Name of the Lord; grant it to me, O God, Sustainer of the

sMswru rogI nwmu dwrU mYlu lwgY sc ibnw ]

sansaar rogee naam daaroo mail laagai sach binaa.
The world is sick, and the Naam is the medicine to cure it; without the True Lord,
filth sticks to it.

gur vwku inrmlu sdw cwnxu inq swcu qIrQu mjnw ]1]
gur vaak nirmal sadaa chaanan nit saach tirath majnaa. ||1||
The Guru's Word is immaculate and pure; it radiates a steady Light. Constantly
bathe in such a true shrine of pilgrimage. ||1||

swic n lwgY mYlu ikAw mlu DoeIAY ]

saach na laagai mail ki-aa mal Dho-ee-ai.
Filth does not stick to the true ones; what filth do they have to wash off?
guxih hwru proie iks kau roeIAY ]
guneh haar paro-ay kis ka-o ro-ee-ai.
If one strings a garland of virtues for oneself, what is there to cry for?

vIcwir mwrY qrY qwrY aulit join n Awvey ]

veechaar maarai tarai taarai ulat jon na aav-ay.
One who conquers his own self through contemplation is saved, and saves others as
well; he does not come to be born again.

Awip pwrsu prm iDAwnI swcu swcy Bwvey ]

aap paaras param Dhi-aanee saach saachay bhaav-ay.
The supreme meditator is Himself the philosopher's stone, which transforms lead
into gold. The true man is pleasing to the True Lord.

Awn du Anidnu hrKu swcw dUK iklivK prhry ]

aanand an-din harakh saachaa dookh kilvikh parharay.
He is in ecstasy, truly happy, night and day; his sorrows and sins are taken away.

scu nwmu pwieAw guir idKwieAw mYlu nwhI sc mny ]2]

sach naam paa-i-aa gur dikhaa-i-aa mail naahee sach manay. ||2||
He finds the True Name, and beholds the Guru; with the True Name in his mind, no
filth sticks to him. ||2||

sMgiq mIq imlwpu pUrw nwvxo ]

sangat meet milaap pooraa naavno.
O friend, association with the Holy is the perfect cleansing bath.

gwvY gwvxhwru sbid suhwvxo ]

gaavai gaavanhaar sabad suhaavano.
The singer who sings the Lord's Praises is adorned with the Word of the Shabad.

swlwih swcy mMin siqguru puMn dwn dieAw mqy ]

saalaahi saachay man satgur punn daan da-i-aa matay.
Worship the True Lord, and believe in the True Guru; this brings the merit of making
donations to charity, kindness and compassion.

ipr sMig BwvY shij nwvY byxI q sMgmu sq sqy ]

pir sang bhaavai sahj naavai baynee ta sangam sat satay.
The soul-bride who loves to be with her Husband Lord bathes at the Triveni, the
sacred place where the Ganges, Jamuna and Saraswaati Rivers converge, the Truest
of the True.

AwrwiD eykMkwru swcw inq dyie cVY svwieAw ]

aaraaDh aykankaar saachaa nit day-ay charhai savaa-i-aa.
Worship and adore the One Creator, the True Lord, who constantly gives, whose
gifts continually increase.
giq sMig mIqw sMqsMgiq kir ndir myil imlwieAw ]3]
gat sang meetaa santsangat kar nadar mayl milaa-i-aa. ||3||
Salvation is attained by associating with the Society of the Saints, O friend; granting
His Grace, God unites us in His Union. ||3||

khxu khY sBu koie kyvfu AwKIAY ]

kahan kahai sabh ko-ay kayvad aakhee-ai.
Everyone speaks and talks; how great should I say He is?

hau mUrKu nIcu Ajwxu smJw swKIAY ]

ha-o moorakh neech ajaan samjhaa saakhee-ai.
I am foolish, lowly and ignorant; it is only through the Guru's Teachings that I

scu gur kI swKI AMimRq BwKI iqqu mnu mwinAw myrw ]

sach gur kee saakhee amrit bhaakhee tit man maani-aa mayraa.
True are the Teachings of the Guru. His Words are Ambrosial Nectar; my mind is
pleased and appeased by them.

kUcu krih Awvih ibKu lwdy sbid scY guru myrw ]

kooch karahi aavahi bikh laaday sabad sachai gur mayraa.
Loaded down with corruption and sin, people depart, and then come back again; the
True Shabad is found through my Guru.

AwKix qoit n Bgiq BMfwrI Birpuir rihAw soeI ]

aakhan tot na bhagat bhandaaree bharipur rahi-aa so-ee.
There is no end to the treasure of devotion; the Lord is pervading everywhere.

nwnk swcu khY byn qI mnu mWjY scu soeI ]4]1]

naanak saach kahai baynantee man maa jai sach so-ee. ||4||1||

Nanak utters this true prayer; one who purifies his mind is True. ||4||1||

Ang: 653-4

sloku mÚ 3 ]
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

ey mn hir jI iDAwie qU iek min iek iciq Bwie ]

ay man har jee Dhi-aa-ay too ik man ik chit bhaa-ay.
O mind, meditate on the Dear Lord, with single-minded conscious concentration.
hir kIAw sdw sdw vifAweIAw dyie n pCoqwie ]
har kee-aa sadaa sadaa vadi-aa-ee-aa day-ay na pachhotaa-ay.
The glorious greatness of the Lord shall last forever and ever; He never regrets what
He gives.

hau hir kY sd bilhwrxY ijqu syivAY suKu pwie ]

ha-o har kai sad balihaarnai jit sayvi-ai sukh paa-ay.
I am forever a sacrifice to the Lord; serving Him, peace is obtained.

nwnk gurmuiK imil rhY haumY sbid jlwie ]1]

naanak gurmukh mil rahai ha-umai sabad jalaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh remains merged with the Lord; he burns away his ego
through the Word of the Shabad. ||1||

mÚ 3 ]
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

Awpy syvw lwieAnu Awpy bKs kryie ]

aapay sayvaa laa-i-an aapay bakhas karay-i.
He Himself enjoins us to serve Him, and He Himself blesses us with forgiveness.

sBnw kw mw ipau Awip hY Awpy swr kryie ]

sabhnaa kaa maa pi-o aap hai aapay saar karay-i.
He Himself is the father and mother of all; He Himself cares for us.

nwnk nwmu iDAwiein iqn inj Gir vwsu hY jugu jugu soBw hoie ]2]
naanak naam Dhi-aa-in tin nij ghar vaas hai jug jug sobhaa ho-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, those who meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, abide in the
home of their inner being; they are honored throughout the ages. ||2||

pauVI ] =

qU krx kwrx smrQu hih krqy mY quJ ibnu Avru n koeI ]

too karan kaaran samrath heh kartay mai tujh bin avar na ko-ee.
You are the Creator, all-powerful, able to do anything. Without You, there is no
other at all.

quDu Awpy issit isrjIAw Awpy Puin goeI ]

tuDh aapay sisat sirjee-aa aapay fun go-ee.
You Yourself created the world, and You Yourself shall destroy it in the end.

sBu ieko sbdu vrqdw jo kry su hoeI ]

sabh iko sabad varatdaa jo karay so ho-ee.
The Word of Your Shabad alone is pervading everywhere; whatever You do, comes
to pass.

vifAweI gurmuiK dyie pRBu hir pwvY soeI ]

vadi-aa-ee gurmukh day-ay parabh har paavai so-ee.
God blesses the Gurmukh with glorious greatness, and then, he finds the Lord.

gurmuiK nwnk AwrwiDAw siB AwKhu DMnu DMnu DMnu guru soeI ]29]1] suDu
gurmukh naanak aaraaDhi-aa sabh aakhahu Dhan Dhan Dhan gur so-ee. ||29||1||
As Gurmukh, Nanak worships and adores the Lord; let everyone proclaim, "Blessed,
blessed, blessed is He, the Guru!"||29||1||Sudh||

Ang: 663-4
DnwsrI mhlw 3 Gru 2 caupdy
Dhanaasree mehlaa 3 ghar 2 cha-upday
Dhanaasaree, Third Mehl, Second House, Chau-Padas:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

iehu Dnu AKutu n inKutY n jwie ]

ih Dhan akhut na nikhutai na jaa-ay.
This wealth is inexhaustible. It shall never be exhausted, and it shall never be lost.

pUrY siqguir dIAw idKwie ]

poorai satgur dee-aa dikhaa-ay.
The Perfect True Guru has revealed it to me.

Apuny siqgur kau sd bil jweI ]

apunay satgur ka-o sad bal jaa-ee.
I am forever a sacrifice to my True Guru.

gur ikrpw qy hir mMin vsweI ]1]

gur kirpaa tay har man vasaa-ee. ||1||
By Guru's Grace, I have enshrined the Lord within my mind. ||1||

sy DnvMq hir nwim ilv lwie ]

say Dhanvant har naam liv laa-ay.
They alone are wealthy, who lovingly attune themselves to the Lord's Name.
guir pUrY hir Dnu prgwisAw hir ikrpw qy vsY min Awie ] rhwau ]
gur poorai har Dhan pargaasi-aa har kirpaa tay vasai man aa-ay. rahaa-o.
The Perfect Guru has revealed to me the Lord's treasure; by the Lord's Grace, it has
come to abide in my mind. ||Pause||

Avgux kwit gux irdY smwie ]

avgun kaat gun ridai samaa-ay.
He is rid of his demerits, and his heart is permeated with merit and virtue.

pUry gur kY shij suBwie ]

pooray gur kai sahj subhaa-ay.
By Guru's Grace, he naturally dwells in celestial peace.

pUry gur kI swcI bwxI ]

pooray gur kee saachee banee.
True is the Word of the Perfect Guru's Bani.

suK mn AMqir shij smwxI ]2]

sukh man antar sahj samaanee. ||2||
They bring peace to the mind, and celestial peace is absorbed within. ||2||

eyku Acrju jn dyKhu BweI ]

ayk achraj jan daykhhu bhaa-ee.
O my humble Siblings of Destiny, behold this strange and wonderful thing:

duibDw mwir hir mMin vsweI ]

dubiDhaa maar har man vasaa-ee.
duality is overcome, and the Lord dwells within his mind.

nwmu Amolku n pwieAw jwie ]

naam amolak na paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is priceless; it cannot be taken.

gur prswid vsY min Awie ]3]

gur parsaad vasai man aa-ay. ||3||
By Guru's Grace, it comes to abide in the mind. ||3||

sB mih vsY pRBu eyko soie ]

sabh meh vasai parabh ayko so-ay.
He is the One God, abiding within all.

gurmqI Git prgtu hoie ]

gurmatee ghat pargat ho-ay.
Through the Guru's Teachings, He is revealed in the heart.
shjy ijin pRBu jwix pCwixAw ]
sehjay jin parabh jaan pachhaani-aa.
One who intuitively knows and realizes God,

nwnk nwmu imlY mnu mwinAw ]4]1]

naanak naam milai man maani-aa. ||4||1||
O Nanak, obtains the Naam; his mind is pleased and appeased. ||4||1||

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