BP - Application & Checklist

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Form of Application for Development Permission under M R & T P Act, 1966

The Associate Planner MSRDC
Special planning Authority expressway Smart city Project –I
Office No -204. Building No- 2 Sector 1,
Millennium business park, Mahape,
Navi Mumbai 400710


I intend to carry out development in the site/plot of land to erect, to re-erect/to make
material alteration in the building ___________________________________________on/ in
Plot No. _______________________ S. No. / C.T.S. No ___________________________of
_________________Division/ village/ Town Planning Scheme No _______________situated
at Road/ Street _____________________________________ward ____________________
and in accordance with section 44, 58, 69 of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning
Act, 1966 in MSRDC- Special planning Authority expressway Smart city Project –I

I enclose the necessary plans and documents signed by me and (Name in block letters)
________________________________________________the licensed Architect/Engineer,
License No ____________________, who has prepared the plans and designs on my behalf
and copies of other statements/ documents as required.

I request that the proposal of development permission may please be approved and
Permission accorded to me to execute the work.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of Owner)
Name of Owner: ________________________________________________________
(In block letters)

Address of Owner: _________________________________________________________


Date: ________________

1. Owners’ Signature & Date.

2. Architects’ Signature & Date.

A. List of Documents to be submitted for Development Permission

Sr. Document Submitted Remarks/

No. (YES Reason for non-
/No/NA) submission
1 Letter of Appointment of
Architect/Engineer with acceptance and supervision
2 Letter of appointment of Structural Engineer with
acceptance and supervision memo.
3 Detailed RCC design and Earthquake
stability report from the Structural Engineer.
4 Detailed Engineering report stating road edge levels,
existing features, site RLs, drainage system etc.
5 Letter of appointment and of Licensed Plumber,
with acceptance and supervision memo.
6 In case of leased property;
Conveyance Deed.
Supplementary Lease deed.
Lease Agreement.
Extracts from Property Register (P.R.)Cards
Original 7/12 (latest, not more than 3Months)
showing N.A. status alone with Adjoining 7/12
8 Registered Power of Attorney from the non applicant
land owners in the name of applicant.
9 CTS Plan/ Measurement Plan certified by
TILR/DILR (latest, not more than 6 months).
10 D.P. Remarks/Zone Certificate
11 N.A. Order
12 Affidavit/ undertaking by Owner in the format of
13 Indemnity Bond by the Owner in the
Format of Annexure 2
14 NOC/Clearance from PWD/Highway
Authority/Z.P. Authority/ Railway Authority/Any
relevant Authority as applicable for deriving access
and reservations.
15 NOC from appropriate Authority of
Electric Supply
16 All required plans for scrutiny, in
Hard and soft copies
17 Certificate of GSDA regarding availability of
potable water with sufficient quantity or assurance
regarding water supply from Authority concerned.
18 Receipt of payment made to MSRDC towards
various charges including development charges, fire
service fees, labour cess etc.
19. Gross built up area statement from Architect/Engineer
20 M.E.P Report.
21 No. of Existing Trees of height 2m And Above

Case Specific Documents

1 NOC from Airport Authority of India, wherever
2 NOC from Chief Fire Officer, if applicable.
3 CRZ Clearance, in case of CRZ affected plots.
4 EIA Clearance, as per Notification
dated14.09.2006,if applicable
5 NOC/ clearance from Department
Of Explosives, if applicable.
6 In case of industrial development, clearance from
Director of Industries, Pollution Control Board and
other Authorities concerned
7 NOC from MMRDA, if applicable.
8 NOC / clearance from Forest
Department, if applicable.
9 NOC from Maharashtra Tourism
Dept., if applicable
10 NOC/Clearance from Heritage
Conservation Committee, if applicable.
11 Any other NOC as may be required.

B. Documents to be submitted with the application for Plinth Completion Certificate


Sr. Document Date Remarks/

no. Reasonfornon-
1 Plinth Completion Certificate (PCC)
From the Architect/Engineer
2 Structural stability Certificate for
Plinth Constructed
3 Letter stating Compliance of the
conditions mentioned in CC up to plinth
D. Documents to be submitted with the application for Occupancy Certificate (OC):

Sr. Document Date Remarks/

no. Reason for non-
1 Building Completion Certificate and
Development Completion certificate from the
2 List of deviations from the approved
Plans along with justification
3 As built Plans for all floor sin case of
4 Completion Certificate for Structural Stability and
Seismic Stability by Structural Engineer/RCC specialist

5 Clearance from Chief Fire Officer

6 Drainage Completion Certificate
From Licensed Plumber
7 Lift completion Certificate (License
Of work),if applicable
8 In case of part Occupancy,
Indemnity Bond for part Occupancy Certificate,
in the format of Annexure3
9 Compliance of the conditions
mentioned in the commencement certificate

10 Receipts of final payment made

towards development charges and other charges

11 Assurance / compliance from

electricity company and water supply department
for permanent connections after grant of
Occupancy Certificate

12 Any other documents, as may be

Necessary for the particular case

NB: Owner shall certify all the above documents

1. Owners ’Signature & Date

2. Architects ’Signature & Date

Annexure 1
(On one hundred rupees stamp paper)
I /WE __________________________________________, the residing at / having office at -------
--------------, Indian Inhabitant / registered Company under the Companies Act 1956,/ Partnership Firm
Registered Under Indian Partnership Act, having my residence/office at
________________________________________ solemnly affirm and state as under:

Whereas, I am the absolute Owner / Power of Attorney holder / Authorized Person/Lessee and in
physical and lawful possession of the property bearing C. T. S. /S.No. _____________ of Village :
______________ Taluka : ____________, District__________ (hereinafter referred to as "the Said
As per the Development Agreement dated _________________ I am / We are entitled to develop
the Said Property.
Whereas, I intend to develop the Said Property by constructing a building as per the plans
submitted to SPA-MSRDC along with my application dated ________________.
Whereas, I have carried out survey of the said property through my appointed licensed Architect/


1. As per the survey carried out by my appointed licensed Architect/ Engineer/Surveyor, based on the
boundaries of the property shown by me, the said area works out to___________Sq. Mtrs. (In words
____________________________________), and for the purpose of calculating Floor Space Index,
minimum of the areas derived from map of Superintendent of Land Records, mentioned in 7/12 extracts,
and actual area measured through survey, is considered.

2. No legal proceedings / disputes are pending in respect of the said property in any Court of Law, Quasi-
judicial Authorities. In case any legal proceedings regarding the title of aforesaid plot arise in future, I
undertake to inform the court proceedings to the Officer concerned of SPA-MSRDC.

3. I shall not misuse any of the portions of the built up area which is taken free of FSI under the provisions
of development control regulations or by paying premium.

4. I will abide by all conditions mentioned in Commencement Certificate (CC), being issued by you, and in
case of default of my compliance with any of the conditions of the said C.C, the decision of SPA-MSRDC
shall be binding on me.

5. The terraces and stilts (meant only for car parking) as shown in the plan, will not be misused and shall
remain open as per approved plan.

6. This undertaking shall be binding on us, our heirs, successors, legal representatives, assigns, agents etc.
and who so ever derives the title through us.

SOLEMNLY AFFIRMED at _______________ on this __________ day of _____________ 20____

BEFORE ME (Notary)

1. _________________

2. _________________
Annexure 2
(on two hundred rupees stamp paper)
This Indemnity Bond is executed at _________ on this __________ day of __________20_____
by Shri / Shrimati / Kumari /M/s ____________________ Son/Daughter of ______________________
resident of __________________ hereinafter called the Executants.
The expression of Executants shall mean and include their heirs, successors, legal representatives,
administrators, nominees, assigns etc, and whoever deriving the title through or under them.
WHEREAS THE Executants are the sole / absolute Owners/ Power of Attorney holders/Lessees
and in physical and lawful possession of the property bearing, Survey
Numbers______________,Village___________, Taluka__________, District___________, (hereinafter
referred to as "the Said Property").
And Whereas, MSRDC is appointed as the Special Planning Authority for the area in which the
Said Property is falling.
And whereas, the executants intend to develop the Said Property and have submitted a proposal
for development permission along with layout/building plans of the Said Property through his
Architect/Licensed Engineer ________________________.
And whereas, the executants have given an Undertaking / Affidavit that, No legal matter / dispute
is pending in respect of the Said Property in any Court of Law or before any Quasi Judicial Authority.
That the Executants hereby undertakes to indemnify and keep harmless at all the time, MSRDC
and its officers/employees against any dispute, litigation arising in future regarding the ownership of the
land and towards the cost that will be incurred for the same by MSRDC or its Representatives.
That in pursuance of the documents submitted to MSRDC by the Executants and/or by his or their
representative, if any development permission is granted by MSRDC, based on the information and
documents furnished, the Executants further undertake, to accept the responsibility for settling any third
party claims, damages to property, life etc. arising out of or related to the development or commencement
of construction of subject property or dealing with any claim for damages etc. in any court of Law
anywhere in India or abroad and to keep MSRDC and its officers/ employees indemnified at all the time
against any of such claims/ mishaps/ law suits etc.
That, the Executants further undertake to keep indemnified at all the time, MSRDC and its
officers/ employees against non-compliance by him of requirements under the provisions of any and all
Laws, Acts, Regulations of State and Central Government as applicable, and all other conditions laid down
while granting development permission.
The executants further pledge to confirm that in case the above information turns out not to be
true, he/they will be held personally responsible and be liable for punishment under the provisions of
applicable Acts.
SOLEMNLY AFFIRMED at _________ on this __________ day of __________ 20____

Yours Faithfully,

(Name, signature and address of the owner)

BEFORE ME (Notary)
1._______________ 2.________________
(Signature and name in block letters)
Annexure 3
(On two hundred rupees stamp paper)
This Indemnity Bond is executed at _________ on this __________ day of __________20_____
by Shri/Shrimati/Kumari/M/s __________ __________ Son/Daughter of ______________________
resident of __________________ hereinafter called the Executant/s.
The expression of Executant/s shall mean and include their heirs, successors, legal representatives,
administrators, nominees, assigns etc, and whoever deriving the title through or under them.
WHEREAS The Executants are the sole / absolute Owners/ Power of Attorney holders/Lessees
and in physical and lawful possession of the property bearing, Survey Numbers______________,
Village___________, Taluka__________, District___________, (hereinafter referred to as "the Said
And Whereas, MSRDC is appointed as the Special Planning Authority for the area in which the
Said Property is falling.
And whereas, the Executants have been granted Development permission on the Said Property by
the Competent Authority.*(MSRDC/District Collector, Thane/Raigad).
And whereas, the Executants have constructed buildings within the Said property as per the
permissions granted, and applied for grant of Occupancy Certificate for the buildings/ some part of the
building out of entire approved project, which have been completed, while the work of the remaining
building/s is in progress.
And whereas, as per the procedure of MSRDC, it is necessary to submit an Indemnity Bond for
seeking Occupancy Certificate for part of the project/buildings to ensure safety and security of the
residents in case occupancy for part of the building/(s) is granted.
That, the Executants shall take necessary precautions to avoid any damage out of any cause to the
occupant of the building for which occupancy for part of it is sought.
That, the Executants shall also take necessary precautions for the safety of the workers, provided
under relevant Acts and Rules.
That the Executants shall take all necessary measures such as staking / storing of all building
material required for completing the remaining project work, away from the building for which occupancy
is sought, and shall also provide necessary barricades around the completed building/s to ensure safety and
security of the residents.
That, the Executants hereby indemnify MSRDC and its officers, employees against any risk,
damages, third party claims and in case of any mishap or accidents or dispute that may occur due to the
construction activity being carried out in respect of the said property and also undertake to take necessary
safety measures in respect of the occupants and users of the part / portion of the building, in respect of
which the application for occupancy certificate is made.

SOLEMNLY AFFIRMED at _________ on this __________ day of __________ 20____

Yours Faithfully,

(Name, signature and address of the owner)

BEFORE ME (Notary)
(Signature and name in block letters)
* Strike out the field which are not applicable

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