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Name: Sample Report

DOB: 01/01/1980
Contact No: 1234567890
Address: Pune

City: Pune

Multiple Intelligence Theory

There are eight vital kinds of Intelligences by which one person differs from another. Though we have eight
intelligences but each one is developed in a particular way that makes us unique and different from each other.
Multiple intelligence theory asserts that individuals with a high level of aptitude in a particular type of intelligence do
not necessarily have a similar aptitude in any other type of intelligence. In 1983, Harvard University (USA) professor
Howard Gardner started writing his book Frames of Mind: the Theory of Multiple Intelligences with some simple but
very powerful questions, viz., Are talented chess players, violinists, and athletes 'intelligent' in their respective
disciplines? Why these and other abilities are not accounted for on traditional IQ tests? Why is the term intelligence
limited to such a narrow range of human endeavors of Mathematical, Logical & Linguistic talents? So, According to
this theory human intelligences can be broadly divided into eight (8) categories.

Intelligence type Scores Percent Rank

Logical-Mathematical 20 10.20 8
Musical 25 12.76 4
Naturalist 29 14.80 1
Verbal Linguistic 24 12.24 5
Interpersonal 22 11.22 6
Bodily-Kinesthetic 27 13.78 3
Spatial-Visual 21 10.71 7
Intrapersonal 28 14.29 2

High Dominant Dominant Less Dominant Need Attention

Above 13% 9% - 12.99% 7% - 8.99% Below 7%
Mckenzie's Theory

Walter Mckenzie (Multiple Intelligence Survey: 1999 - 2013) breaks down the eight intelligences suggested by
Dr. Howard Gardner and categorises them into three domains that serve as an organiser for understanding the
fluid relationship of the intelligences and how the intelligences work in combination with one another.

Logical + Musical + Naturalist

Visual + Intrapersonal



11.22 12.24

Verbal + Interpersonal + Kinesthetic

The Analytical domain consists of the logical, musical and naturalist intelligence. These are the
intelligences that promote the processes of analysing and incorporating data in accumulating

The interactive domain consists of the verbal, interpersonal and kinesthetic intelligence. These
are the intelligences that learners typically employ to express themselves and explore their


The introspective domain consists of the intrapersonal and visual intelligences. These are the
intelligences that promote learning through own experiences and beliefs.
Gardner's MI
Descriptions, Preferences, Personal potential, Related tasks and tests

Intelligence Preferred learning Typical roles, preferences, Related tasks, activities

Intelligence type
description style potential or tests
words and language, words and language writers, lawyers, journalists, write a set of instructions;
written and spoken; speakers, trainers, copy-writers, speak on a subject; edit a
retention, English teachers, poets, editors, written piece or work; write a
interpretation and linguists, translators, PR speech; commentate on an
explanation of ideas consultants, media consultants, TV event; apply positive or
and information via and radio presenters, voice-over negative 'spin' to a story
language, artistes
Linguistic understands
relationship between
communication and

logical thinking, numbers and logic scientists, engineers, computer perform a mental arithmetic
detecting patterns, experts, accountants, statisticians, calculation; create a process to
scientific reasoning researchers, analysts, traders, measure something difficult;
and deduction; bankers bookmakers, insurance analyse how a machine works;
analyse problems, brokers, negotiators, deal-makers, create a process; devise a
perform trouble-shooters, directors strategy to achieve an aim;
mathematical assess the value of a business or
Logical - calculations, a proposition
mathmatical understands
relationship between
cause and effect
towards a tangible
outcome or result

musical ability, music, sounds, rhythm musicians, singers, composers, perform a musical piece; sing a
awareness, DJ's, music producers, piano song; review a musical work;
appreciation and use tuners, acoustic engineers, coach someone to play a
of sound; recognition entertainers, party-planners, musical instrument; specify
of tonal and rhythmic environment and noise advisors, mood music for telephone
patterns, voice coaches systems and receptions
Musical understands
relationship between
sound and feeling
Gardner's MI

body movement physical experience dancers, demonstrators, actors, juggle; demonstrate a sports
control, manual and movement, touch athletes, divers, sports-people, technique; flip a beer-mat;
dexterity, physical and feel soldiers, fire-fighters, PTI's, create a mime to explain
agility and balance; performance artistes; something; toss a pancake; fly a
Bodily - eye and body ergonomists, osteopaths, kite; coach workplace posture,
Kinesthetic coordination fishermen, drivers, crafts-people; assess work-station ergonomics
gardeners, chefs, acupuncturists,
healers, adventurers

visual and spatial pictures, shapes, artists, designers, cartoonists, design a costume; interpret a
perception; images, 3D space story-boarders, architects, painting; create a room layout;
interpretation and photographers, sculptors, town- create a corporate logo; design
creation of visual planners, visionaries, inventors, a building; pack a suitcase or
images; pictorial engineers, cosmetics and beauty the boot of a car
imagination and consultants
Spatial - Visual
relationship between
images and
meanings, and
between space and

perception of other human contact, therapists, HR professionals, interpret moods from facial
people's feelings; communications, mediators, leaders, counsellors, expressions; demonstrate
ability to relate to cooperation, politicians, educators, sales- feelings through body language;
others; interpretation teamwork people, clergy, psychologists, affect the feelings of others in a
of behaviour and teachers, doctors, healers, planned way; coach or counsel
communications; organisers, carers, advertising another person
Interpersonal understands the professionals, coaches and
relationships mentors; (there is clear
between people and association between this type of
their situations, intelligence and what is now
including other termed 'Emotional Intelligence' or
people EQ)
Gardner's MI

self-awareness, self-reflection, self- arguably anyone who is self-aware consider and decide one's own
personal cognisance, discovery and involved in the process of aims and personal changes
personal objectivity, changing personal thoughts, required to achieve them (not
the capability to beliefs and behaviour in relation to necessarily reveal this to
understand oneself, their situation, other people, their others); consider one's own
one's relationship to purpose and aims - in this respect 'Johari Window', and decide
others and the world, there is a similarity to Maslow's options for development;
Intrapersonal and one's own need Self-Actualisation level, and again consider and decide one's own
for, and reaction to there is clear association between position in relation to the
change this type of intelligence and what Emotional Intelligence model
is now termed 'Emotional
Intelligence' or EQ

Exploring nature, Smell, taste, Veterinary Animal Scholar,

making collections of gardening, plantation, Archaeologist, Plants Scholar,
objects, studying observing closely Chef, Courtyard Designer,
them, and grouping natural Weather Researcher,
them. have been changes,animal Documentary Producer,
sensory skill-sight, behaviour Environment Researcher, Animals
sound, smell, taste Protection Activist, Forest
and touch, makes Rangers, Nature Guides,
keen observations Landscape Designers, Animal
Naturalistic about natural Trainers, Zoo Keepers,
changes, Horticulturists, Botanists, Florists,
interconnections and Scientists Investigating the
patterns. Biological and Physical worlds, Bird
Researchers, Veterinarians,
Farmers, Outdoor Activities
Instructor Planner, Meteorologists
and Conservationists.
R.I.A.S.E.C Theory

Holland Codes represent a set of personality types described in a theory of careers and vocational choice formulated by
psychologist John L. Holland. Holland’s Theory argued that ‘the choice of a vocation is an expression of personality’ and that
the six factor typology he articulated could be used to describe both persons and work environments. His typology provides
an interpretative structure for a number of different vocational interest surveys, including the two measures he developed:
The Vocational Preference Inventory and the Self Directed Search. His model has been adopted by the U.S. Department of
Labor for categorizing jobs relative to interests.

The six personality and work environment types described by Holland are usually referred to by their first letters, taken
together – RIASEC: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional. The six dimensions of this RIASEC
model are actually derived from evaluation of the following 12 factors. Recognising your main interests should enable you
to better understand your aspirations and professional potential

Score/ 10
Physical and outdoor activities
Hands-on, Tool oriented knowledge

Reasearch, Intellectual curiosity &
Learning 6.00
Science and Technology

6.00 7.00
Aesthetic sense & expression,
Feeling, Passion 6.50
Creativity & Design
E 5.75
SOCIAL: S 6.00
Conveying, Understanding others
Personal relationships

6.38 6.50
Taking action, Undertaking projects
Leading, Managing

Planning, Structuring
Processing data & figures
R.I.A.S.E.C Theory

However, it isyour main that
possible interests
your should
currentenable younot
job does to give
youunderstand your aspirations
the opportunity to take fulland professional
advantage potential.
of these potentialities.
Therefore, you should not hesitate to use this analysis to help you target activities (of leisure or other social activities) that

REALISTIC: Hands-on knowledge, Building, Physical activity, Outdoors 7.00 DOMINANT

Personality: “Realistic” types tend to be tough, genuine, natural and practical. They love action.

Values: Common sense, pragmatism and effort.

Potential aptitudes: Dexterity, comfortable with technical tasks, mechanical intelligence and physical stamina.

Learning style: Learn through a concrete and practical approach by applying examples.

Environment: Realistic types are most comfortable in environments which allow them to obtain concrete results, to use
technical equipment or to work onsite. They tend to dislike being confined to an office.

INVESTIGATIVE: Research, Learning, Science, Technology 6.00 DOMINANT

Personality: “Investigative” types tend to be curious about everything: they are constantly seeking to learn about and
understand their environment. They are precise, intellectual and have a scientific mindset.

Values: Intellectual curiosity, critical thinking and logic.

Potential aptitudes: Research, logical reasoning, learning and analytical capabilities.

Learning style: Learn by theory and systematic research.

Environment: Investigative types are most comfortable in changing and thought-orientated environments that favor
expertise over productivity.

ARTISTIC: Feeling, Passion, Design, Creation 6.50 DOMINANT

Personality: “Artistic” types tend to be intuitive, creative, idealistic and independent. They are attuned to art and aesthetics.

Values: Beauty, originality, imagination and freedom.

Potential aptitudes: Creativity, artistic expression and intuition.

Learning style:Learn by intuition and experiment action.

Environment: Artistic types are comfortable in nonconformist environments that favor

informal communication and require creativity and innovation.
R.I.A.S.E.C Theory

SOCIAL: Conveying, Understanding others, Communicating, Relationships 6.38 DOMINANT

Personality: “Social” types are generally patient, understanding and attentive to others. They also tend to be kind, warm
and welcoming.

Values: Altruism, cooperation and generosity.

Potential aptitudes: Empathy, listening and communication.

Learning style: Learn by sharing with others, by working as a team.

Environment: Social types are comfortable in social environments which encourage personal contact, collaboration and

ENTERPRISING: Taking action, Undertaking projects, Leading, Managing 5.75

Personality: "Enterprising” types tend to be open, dynamic, assertive and entrepreneurial.

Values: Risk taking, status and competition.

Potential aptitudes: Initiative, ability to lead and motivate others.

Learning style: Learn by doing and by putting themselves in the action.

Environment: Enterprising types are comfortable in competitive environments where they can take risks and move up

CONVENTIONAL: Planning, Structuring, Processing data, figures 6.00 DOMINANT

Personality: “Conventional” types tend to be meticulous, perfectionist, conformist and rather introverted.

Values: Accuracy, stability and efficiency.

Potential aptitudes: Data analysis, attention to detail and ability to work with numbers.

Learning style: Learn by following the rules, instructions and established procedures.

Environment: Conventional types feel at home in structured and hierarchical environments where rules and procedures are
clearly defined.
Career Suggestions
Based on MI
Singing 60.66 Composing 59.43
Playing Instrument 65.40 Dancing 63.13

General Physician 59.29 Surgeon 62.20
Veterinary Doctor 60.54 Nurse 56.87

IT 53.30 Non-IT 56.29
Architect 60.02

Graphics 59.61 Fashion Designer 61.92
Sculpture, Jwellery, Interior Decorator 55.54
Furniture, Shoe etc 65.54

HR & Admin. 62.38 Operation 60.37
Finance 54.02 Marketing 62.64
Hotel Management 58.30

Accountant, Auditor etc.

Teacher/ Corporate Counsellor 61.64
Trainer 59.20

Player - Team Game 61.37
Player - Individual game 61.94 Coach 62.53
Sports Management 61.21


Journalist 60.41 News Anchor/ Tv
Radio Anouncer 60.15 Anchor 56.64

Stage/ Film Actor 61.11

Best 3 prefferred careers is highlighted with colour code

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