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The social enterprise A crossroads between people and


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The digital change in which we are immersed not only a ects us as people (more connected, more
social), but it is also transforming the way in which companies face their day to day. We have been
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talking for a long time about the term Social Business or social enterprise, however we fall into the
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error of thinking that aligning business objectives with social strategy is synonymous with
social enterprise.

The social enterprise is neither created nor destroyed ... it is transformed . As Gonzalo Martín
points out , "Social Business describes scenarios in the way of the modification of the production mode" .
Neither to have a Twitter account, nor because in the corporate blog your employees write, or
because you respond to certain complaints through social media, it is a social enterprise ... but all this Categories
has to do with this process of transformation of the company, in which the social layer is
impregnated (at greater or lesser speed) all the processes, strategies and technologies of the
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We can talk about 6 stages in the transformation of the company as they point from Altimeter , or 3 or
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5 (each company will have a di erent maturity process). In the end, the transformation comes from
a (re) definition of the company's vision in which "the social" is an added value for both Mobile Analytics News
stakeholders (customers, employees, suppliers ...) and shareholders ( shareholders ) .
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From the point of view of the company, some Tag Management Testing &
changes must be made in the current traditional
organization in order to favor, push, promote ... the Voice of Customer Web Analytics
participation of all the public in the "social"
con guration of the company . We can see how
within said transformation there are di erentiated
two main actors: on the one hand people and on
the other technology .

How could it be otherwise, people are at the center of the organization . And those companies that
do not see it in this way can not advance within the di erent stages in their social transformation.
When people are talked about, they tend to be confused with customers and consumers, but the term
covers much more. Having people in the center, is having your employees, shareholders, suppliers ...
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that is, all the stakeholders of your company, because they all have something to contribute to the
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Thus, the ways in which the internal interest groups of the company share, collaborate and
innovate change.  It goes from the chains of emails that were lost in the mail tray to internal social
networks, from being another number in the company to which your personal brand is an added
value for her, or simply from a unidirectional communication with your clients to want to listen to your
last opinion to improve your products. In short, there is a change in behavior, favoring the

participation of employees and other stakeholders(Why not let a supplier participate with innovative
"The goal is to transform DATA
ideas for your company?) And not only being involved, but the old barriers of vertical organizations are
INFORMATION , and information
diluted and participation is encouraged between di erent levels with di erent responsibilities. DECISION-MAKING "

As for technology, it is perhaps the internal social media most talked about, but it is not the
only technology that uses (or will use) the social enterprise . We talk about monitoring tools, in
that eagerness to listen to what their di erent audiences say, digital measurement platforms and the
well-known (albeit somewhat hackneyed) Social CRM. This does not mean that we are going to
measure what is said on Twitter of our products to introduce improvements in them, no .... if not Most read articles
 through forums, Twitter, surveys on our website, opinions of employees in the internal network or 
comments from industry experts, we will  measure and analyze that quantitative and qualitative
information that we have scope to take into account in the future of the company . Not provided in Google Analytics: Free y

But how to connect people with technology? As WEB ANALYTICS / JULY 7, 2015

well David Armano points , for that are the

We need to learn From the day that a social network The prediction of the data: Arti cial Neu
of internal collaboration is implemented in a
company, we will not start to share and add value
from zero, but it requires learning from both
employees and "employers". Training processes,
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internal activities that favor participation, definition of work workflows , internal methodologies
... all these processes will help in the connection people-technologies .

As each company is a world, each organization, team ... should look for the best combination in
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which "being social", both internally and externally, helps in its business objectives . Analytics data and its application to the
Recognizing and adapting to changes will allow employees and clients to accompany them, and to WEB ANALYTICS / 4 FEBRUARY, 2016
accompany the company in social transformation.

Maybe idyllic ... but not impossible Facebook Custom Audiences: get more
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