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“E-mail Encryption”
‘Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics’
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement
For the award of degree

SESSION (2007-2011)





It is my pleasure to be indebted to various people, who directly or indirectly

contributed in the development of this work and who influenced my thinking, behaviour,
and acts during the course of study.

I am thankful to Mr S. RAJA, scientist ‘D’ for his support, cooperation, and

motivation provided to me during the training for constant inspiration, presence and

I also extend my sincere appreciation to Ms. Lalitha M, who provided her

valuable suggestions, precious time and resources in accomplishing my project report.

Lastly, I would like to thank the almighty and my parents for their moral
support and my friends with whom I shared my day-to-day experience and received lots
of suggestions that improved my quality of work.


I, Ishant Kathuria, student of B.E VIth Semester, USN 1NT07CS042, studying at NMT, Bangalore,
hereby declare that the summer training report on “E-mail Encryption” submitted to HOD, Dept of
computer science and Engineering, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore in partial
fulfillment of Degree of Bachelor of Engineering is the original work conducted by me.

The information and data given in the report is authentic to the best of my knowledge.

This summer training report is not being submitted to any other University for award of any other
Degree, Diploma and Fellowship.


Communication is the backbone of any enterprise. Communication, without exchange of data, is

unimaginable. In the context of communication between enterprise level applications, the amount of
data would be huge. So using traditional approaches in electronic data interchange wouldn't suffice.
For our project we have introduced and incorporated the theoretical ideas of cryptography directly into
the sending and receiving of e-mails through yahoo mail. We use Caesar encryption system
It makes use of Caesar cryptographic system along with the required text for the mail from user. A
button is added adjacent to notepad link on the compose page of yahoomail, which when clicked shifts
each letter by a value of 4,say if ‘a’ is written in the text box, on pressing the button, it will turn into ‘e’
and so on. The shift value can be changed. This level of security would definitely give the hackers some
chase before coming close to knowing the message content.

Page No.

1.1 (Background, History, vision, mission,

Organization structure, Products, achievements)










The Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR) is a laboratory of the Defence Research &
Development organization (DRDO), Located in Bangalore, Karnataka, involved in the Research &
Development of high quality secure communication, command and control, and Intelligent
Systems.CAIR is the primary laboratory for R&D in different areas of Defence Information and
Communication Technology.

1.1 Historical Background

Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR) was established in Oct 1986. Its research focus
was initially in the areas of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, and Control systems. In November
2000, R & D groups working in the areas of Command Control Communication and Intelligence (C3I)
systems, Communication and Networking, and Communication Secrecy in Electronics and Radar
Development Establishment (LRDE) were merged with CAIR. With this, CAIR has become the premier
laboratory for R&D in different areas in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as
applicable to Defence. Today, CAIR boasts of an organizational strength of over 300 personnel
including over 150 well qualified scientists

CAIR, which was operating from different campuses across Bangalore until 2006 is now located in a
sprawling 15 acre campus.


The Vision of CAIR is to provide technological superiority to our Defence Services through
development of advanced Secure Communication, Information and Intelligent Systems by nurturing
excellence in Information Technologies.

The Mission of CAIR is to design, develop high quality Secure Communication, Command and Control,
and Intelligent Systems, through synergic interactions with academic institutions and industry.


CAIR has developed and provided a number of technological solutions/ products for the civilian sector.
Some of these are:

 CAIR_ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition) system for the automatic processing of

handwritten application forms.
 Intelligent wheel chair for the physically challenged persons
 SCARA Robots for educational institutions
 Laparoscopic surgery trainer
 Robots for non-destructive testing


Over the years, CAIR has developed and delivered to its users, a number of Information Systems,
Communication Systems and Security Solutions. While doing this, CAIR has also done high quality
R&D work in Intelligent Systems technologies.

Today’s battlefield is characterized by fast tempo and high degree of movement of men and material
on a wide front. This demands rapid acquisition, dissemination, collation and fusion of information
amongst field commanders involved in tactical planning and battlefield operations. In this scenario,
decision making is a time-sensitive and complex operation due to the need for processing multiple
streams of high rate data (which could be representing any combination of text, audio and video)
originating from various geographically separated sources. This scenario exists even during peacetime
operations also, perhaps with less stringent requirements. 

Command Control Communication (C3I) System consisting of networked computers in the tactical
battle area facilitates comprehensive situation awareness by the commanders and timely and optimum
CAIR is the developing a series of C3I systems for the different branches of Indian Army

CAIR is engaged in developing technologies needed for futuristic tactical communication network for
the Indian Army. The lab is assisting the user in specifying the system architecture and the subsystem
specifications for their futuristic Tactical Communication System (TCS). Preliminary R&D activity has
been launched in anticipation of the Government of India sanction of a major program for the
development of TCS.
Some of the recent Communication Networking products designed and developed by CAIR include

 Wireless Message Transfer Unit (WMTU) that enables transmission of IP packets over wired
and wireless media using Mil Std 188-220 A protocol. It provides connectivity to mobile clients
for accessing network resources.
 Programmable Communication Interface Unit (PCIU) that provides interconnectivity between a
formation HQ LAN and a battlefield-wide WAN. It provides facilities for interfacing to Fibre
optic modems, HDSL modems and Synchronous/Asynchronous modems.


Information security aims at securing confidentiality and integrity of the data stored in computers and
communicated over networks.
CAIR has been working on the following areas in this field:

 Secure Communication
 Authentication (including speech biometrics)
 Network access control
 Traffic analysis and intrusion detection systems.

CAIR has brought out a number of specific products/ solutions in the above areas and has successfully
delivered to the different user communities. These include High speed traffic analysis software, Secure
e-mail, Information security gateway, IP security, Network and Host Intrusion Detection Systems, On-
line disk encryption (Secure Storage), Smart card based authentication, Multi-layer network Firewall,
Personal (host) firewall, etc.


Communication Security products developed by CAIR include devices for link encryption, subscriber
end voice encryption, and voice scrambler for HF radio. Recent developments include WAN encryptors,
Satellite link encryptors, Wire line encryptors, and Voice/Fax/Data encryption devices for voice band
circuits. Proprietary algorithms have been developed for IP security and file/message encryption. All
these devices are implemented on trusted platforms developed in-house and built using reconfigurable
hardware. All associated device drivers and firmware have been developed in-house.


Intelligent Systems technologies development at CAIR is primarily helps it in keeping abreast of

technological advances in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Neural Networks (NN), Computer
Vision (CV), Signal Processing, Robotics, and Virtual Reality.


CAIR is currently developing a number of Data Mining tools using Artificial Intelligence & Neural
Networks and is building software libraries to create a Data miners toolbox. Semantic Web is a new
paradigm proposed to make the World Wide Web (WWW) more machine tractable so as to establish a
foundation for Agent based technologies. The large amount of information contained in languages used
by humans necessitate development of technologies to process the information automatically. Human
language processing technologies are being implemented using commercial off- the- shelf (COTS)
computers with huge memories and high processing speeds. CAIR has so far been developing
technologies for processing human language inputs namely, information extraction, shallow Natural
Language Processing (NLP), Semantic Web tools and techniques, and Semantic Web as a knowledge
representation structure for human languages.Decision Support System Shell architecture named
AADARSHA that makes use of Object Oriented concepts has been developed by CAIR. It meets several
objectives such as lean and thin shell for easy maintenance, universal interface, easy incorporation of
new algorithms into inference engine etc.


In the area of computer vision, CAIR has developed some prototype products for specific problem
solving. Work is ongoing in the area of image registration using 2D, 1D and point features, progressive
transmission and compression of images, content based image retrieval and multi-sensor image fusion.
Research focus of CAIR in this area has been in registration of multi-sensor images, super-resolution
image generation from low resolution images, automatic characterization of image quality, and
characterization of shapes in grey scale and colour images.Another important application that is being
looked into is the build a mosaic of images taken from various angles. This is for the generation of
panoramic and large scale image piecing together many small images seamlessly.


CAIR has developed a variety of controllers and manipulators for Gantry, SCARA and other types of
robots. These were supplied to Public Sector Units such as HAL and sister DRDO labs. CAIR has gone
on to develop a prototype Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) with the aim of attaining autonomous
capability. This involved in-house construction of mobile robot platforms, integration of infrared sensors
with the vehicle, and the development and integration of path planning software. An useful offshoot of
this work was the development of an intelligent wheelchair that would help physically challenged people
both in hospitals and homes. One version of the wheelchair could be operated using human voice
commands. Another was equipped with a camera system to get information about the surrounding space
for its path planning.
Other robots developed by CAIR are for Non-destructive testing, Ammunition loading, and Hot slug
manipulation. Both wheeled and legged miniature mobile robots have been developed.


Virtual Reality (VR) is an emerging technology with wide applications in product design, operator
training, design review etc. The objective of VR is to provide the user with the sensory experience of
being in an environment that is not physically present. CAIR has acquired considerable expertise and
infrastructure in VR, which could be utilized to develop advanced virtual reality applications.

CAIR has competence in the development of drivers for VR accessories (like flock-of-birds position
tracking system, cyber glove, serial ports and stereo drivers for IRIS Performer) expertise in Multigen
and Paradigm Vega for modeling and simulating 3D virtual environments, expertise in OpenGL, VRML
programming, development of terrain visualization and flythrough system.

The research on advanced virtual reality applications requires good knowledge in virtual reality
modelling and simulation software and programming skill in VR toolkits like OpenGL, IRIS Performer,
VRML etc. which have been sufficiently acquired and developed by the scientists of CAIR

A virtual reality theatre consisting of stereo projectors, high-end workstation, 3D glasses and a head
mounted display device and other accessories has been installed. Using this facility and other tools such
as MultiGen modelling software, a system for simulating terrain flythrough has been developed.


Signal processing is an important activity at CAIR, with emphasis on speech and image processing. In
the area of speech coding, a Linear Predictive Coder (LPC) based voice coder that encodes 4 kHz band
limited telephone quality analogue speech into a 2.4 kbps digital stream has been developed.In the area
of speech recognition, speaker independent speech recognition and language independent speaker
identification are active areas of work.


Practical Training is an important constituent of any curriculum and the B.E. course is no Exception to
this general rule. A practical training helps a student in getting acquainted with the manner in which his
knowledge in being practically used outside his institute and this is normally different from what he
has learnt from books. Hence, when one switches from the process of learning to that of implementing
his knowledge he finds an abrupt change. This is exactly why Practical Training session during the B.E.
curriculum becomes all the more important.
This report describes in detail my training, after the 3rd year B.E. session, which I completed at CAIR,
Bangalore. The training was in designing of a real world application, which will run in Back-end and
modify the web page on the fly. The technique used is client-side scripting.

Emails has been a very essential communication tool in this age of technology, and with the
growing number of businesses doing transactions online, the email is indeed a great tool in managing
your business.Even for personal use or organizational use, it has become a part of our everyday lives -
from communicating with friends to closing a deal, to applying for a new job or for almost any other
transaction we do online. In fact, most services on the internet, even social networking sites, would ask
you your email address before you could use their services. Indeed, the importance of email is

As email is now fully embedded as a business tool and is being used to transfer critical, sensitive data, it
is becoming increasingly important to provide a secure, robust and manageable encryption service for
email users. The project is basically aimed at sending an encrypted mail, over a public mail client,
designed specifically for yahoo mail although can be modified to work on gmail also by doing certain

After analysing about the requirements of application, I found that the application can be conveniently
developed for Mozilla firefox. Mozilla provides various add-ons for its browser. These add-ons include
extensions, themes, dictionaries, search bar "search engines," and plugins. Because of its domain name, the site is informally also known as AMO.
In contrast to which provides free hosting for Mozilla-related projects, Mozilla Add-ons is
targeted to end-users, not just software developers. Many Mozilla applications contain direct links to the
website, and contain settings to poll for updates to the extensions and the application itself. Firefox 3
includes features for retrieving and displaying content from the website in the add-on manager.
The add-on which we have used is called greasemonkey. It is a Mozilla Firefox extension that allows
users to install scripts that make on-the-fly changes to HTML web page content on the
DOMContentLoaded event, which happens immediately after it is loaded in the browser (also known
as augmented browsing).
As Greasemonkey scripts are persistent, the changes made to the web pages are executed every time the
page is opened, making them effectively permanent for the user running the script.
Greasemonkey can be used for adding new functions to web pages (for example, embedding price
comparisons within shopping sites), fixing rendering bugs, combining data from multiple WebPages and
numerous other purposes.
Greasemonkey user scripts are written in JavaScript and manipulate the contents of a web page using
the Document Object Model interface. Scripts are site-specific and written by
hand. maintains a database of Greasemonkey scripts, and for each, lists the URLs of web
pages to which the script pertains. When the user visits a matching website, Greasemonkey invokes the
relevant scripts, which can modify a webpage in any way JavaScript could. Greasemonkey scripts can
also poll external HTTP resources via a non-domain-restricted XMLHTTPrequest. Scripts are
named somename.user.js, and Greasemonkey offers to install any such script when a URL ending in that
suffix is requested. Greasemonkey scripts contain optional metadata, which specifies the name of the
script, a description, relevant resources to the script, a namespace URL used to differentiate identically
named scripts, and URL patterns for which the script is intended to be invoked or not.

Writing a Greasemonkey script is similar to writing JavaScript for a web page, with some additional
allowances such as cross-site XMLHttpRequests. Compared to writing a full-fledged Firefox extension,
user scripting is a very modest step up in complexity from basic web programming. However,
Greasemonkey scripts are limited due to security restrictions imposed by Mozilla's
XPCNativeWrappers. For example, Greasemonkey scripts do not have access to many of Firefox's
components, such as the download manager, I/O processes or its main toolbars. Additionally,
Greasemonkey scripts run per instance of a matching webpage. Because of this, managing lists of items
globally is difficult. However, script writers have been using cookies and Greasemonkey even offers
APIs such as GM_getValue and GM_setValue to overcome this.
How to write bibliography?

For Example:


1. Gupta, S.L.,”Financial Derivatives”, Ed. 2005, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

2. Arak, M. and Goodman, Treasury Bond Futures: Valuing the delivery options, The Journal of
Futures Market’Vol. 7, pp 269-286, June, 1987.

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