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The incorporation of the Basic Competences allows the educational

administrations and educators to put the emphasis on those learnings that are
essential and basic. These essential learning refer to the knowledge, skills,
procedures and attitudes that any student should have acquired at the end of
the Compulsory Secondary Education stage as means of being able to fully
integrate and develop his citizenship and carry out life-long-learning. Along this
didactic unit, we are going to work on different Key Competences as they are
really important for the teaching-learning process of our students. However, we
are going to focus on the most relevant ones. In the first place, we should
mention the Mathematical Competence with the calculations of the CPI, Index
numbers, the variation rates, among many others. Moreover, along the unit, and
especially in the section of “Reflection Topics” and debates, our students learn
to develop the critical thinking towards the most unfair aspects in the economic
reality. We also help our students to develop the Learning to Learn
Competence, encouraging the autonomous search of information and
interpretation of different dates for its assimilation and later application of this
knowledge to real economic problems such as the inflation. Last but not least,
the Linguistic Competence will be also present in our Didactic Unit as we are
going to encourage our students to use the English language to communicate
not only with the teacher and classmates but also with people outside the
school. In that way, they will value the power of the language.

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