Reviewing FCE and CAE: Bulletin 3, February 2006

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Reviewing FCE and CAE

Bulletin 3, February 2006

The review of the FCE and CAE examinations is advancing well. There has so far been excellent
collaboration with a variety of stakeholders, which is much appreciated as Cambridge ESOL places a great
deal of value on the views and feedback that emerge from the consultation process. Once each round of
consultation is complete, results are analysed and compiled. Naturally, part of this analysis is the
reconciliation of contrasting views.

The period of consultation continues with an invitational meeting in Cambridge in April 2006 for
representatives of ELT organisations such as publishers, the British Council, English UK, Local Secretaries
from various exam centres, and Senior Team Leaders who represent Cambridge ESOL Oral Examiners.

More trialling of new and modified FCE and CAE tasks at centres around the world is scheduled for this year,
in order to test out thoroughly any possible additions or amendments to the examinations.

As part of the extensive consultation process a series of seminars will be held throughout the world to obtain
teachers’ and other stakeholders’ views on suggested changes to these two examinations. The seminars will
take place in February and March 2006 with meetings in Italy (Rome and Milan), Germany (Cologne),
Switzerland (Bern), Spain (Madrid and Barcelona), Poland (Wroclaw and Krakow), Romania (Bucharest),
Argentina (Buenos Aries) and the UK (London and Brighton). For information on how to apply for an
invitation, please visit

Summary of changes under consideration

On the basis of the consultation and the detailed research into new and amended task types by Cambridge
ESOL’s Research and Validation Group, a number of changes to the different parts of the examinations have
been considered, some of which were identified in Bulletin 2.

Other changes under consideration and currently in the process of being trialled are:

• The addition of short themed texts to CAE Reading

These have been very successful in CPE and would add a wider range of testing focus and text
types to the paper.

• Introducing multiple-choice lexical cloze questions to CAE Reading

This follows the CPE Reading Part 1 model, in order to test lexical knowledge.

• A modified multiple matching task for CAE Listening

A task with fewer possible answers to choose from and therefore a reduced processing load.

• Modified task instructions for Part 3 of FCE and CAE Speaking

Rather than being given a single set of instructions at the start of Part 3, candidates would first be
asked to evaluate each of the options presented, and then, at the end of their discussion, asked to
negotiate and reach a decision. Research is continuing into whether this results in improved output
from the candidates.

Over the page is an example of a proposed new task for CAE Writing, as mentioned in Bulletin 2.

Example of proposed new task
Below is an example of a CAE Writing Part 1 task type under consideration, as detailed in Bulletin
2. The task has a reduced amount of reading input material and candidates are asked to write
fewer words than currently.

CAE Paper 2 – Writing

Part 1
You must answer this question.

1 You are studying at an international college. Ms Johnson, the Principal, has asked you to
write a proposal on library facilities at the college.

Read Ms Johnson’s email below. Then, using the information appropriately, write a
proposal to her, outlining how the facilities could be improved.


Subject: Library facilities

Please write a proposal detailing what you think we need to do to improve the library. Could
you please comment on areas such as opening hours, work space, books, videos, IT, other
resources and anything else you think is important?

Money is limited so you’ll have to explain why improvements are necessary.


Now write your proposal for Ms Johnson as outlined above. Write between 180 and 220
words. You should use your own words as far as possible.

We would welcome any comments on the proposed changes to FCE and CAE: please send your comments to -

FCE/CAE Consultation email :

University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations
1 Hills Road, Cambridge CB1 2EU, United Kingdom

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