Human Rights Essay

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Javier delgado

Have you ever thought your human rights are being violated that's what a lot of people
are thinking if there human rights are being violated because in Eleanor roosevelt speech she
talks about how the un should adopt the universal declaration of human rights so that everybody
can have human rights and not just one state and she states
“everyone has the right to equal access to the public service in his country”
Which means that everyone should have this ability to have equal access to public
service and not just people who can and she uses logos because she uses other documents to
help her with fighting for the universal human rights so that it can be harder for the people going
against her and she also says “it is not just any other document but the UDHR and that it isn’t a
treaty it is a declaration of basic principles of human rights and freedom, to be stamped with the
approval of general assembly by former votes of its members” so what she is saying is that it is
the members have to vote

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