Report Vibration Engg

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Free Vibration of an Undamped Torsional Systems ME 510 Vibration Engineering Objectives, Scope and Outcome » To understand the concept of free vibration under torsional or rotational undamped systems * To familiarize the formulas needed in solving free and undamped torsional problems * Single Degree of Freedom + Ability to analyze and develop a concrete solution in solving problems related to this topic Recap e Free Vibration occurs when a system oscillates only under an initial disturbance with no external forces acting after the initial disturbance ¢« Undamped vibrations result when amplitude of motion remains constant with time (e.g. in a vacuum) ¢ Damped vibrations occur when the amplitude of free vibration diminishes gradually overtime, due to resistance offered by the surrounding medium (e.g. in air) Torsional Vibration + If a rigid body rotationally oscillate about a specific reference axis, the resulting motion is called forsional vibration -The displacement of the body is measured in terms of an angular coordinate +The restoring moment may be due to the torsion of an elastic member or to the unbalanced moment of a force or couple JG Mt) M=— T° ¢ 2£M=Ia (a) _1e -16 M(s) Z 6+M(t)=10 sa) L . JG 10+ —0= M(t) (b) L Assuming constant inertia, constant torsional stiffness and negligible shaft inertia (to simplify): . . ké 1@=ké@ or @-=-=0 @ = Acosw,t + Bsinw,t From the theory of torsion of circular shafts, we have the relation: Shaft Torque: a IsG | T= 8 L bhe=- o 4 ( 2) ), T - Torque -* oi )- J - Polar Moment of Inertia _ — — G - Shear Modulus @® , ® @.- Angle of Torsion I - Shaft length Polar Moment of Inertia: 1 =—p* J 32 Torsional Spring Constant: T JG nGD* =-S— = T=K,6 Ke 5-7 = Sor c 6 = Acosw,t + Bsina,t From Equation of Motion: J6+K,0=0 Natural Circular Frequency: 2) ho K; On, = | J Period and Frequency of Vibration (cycles/second): I 1 {k, T, = 20 K. fh =a 7 t k @Qm Note: If the cross section of the shaft supporting the disc is not circular, an appropriate torsional spring constant is to be used. Polar Moment of Inertia of a Disc: _ mphD* — WD* Jo =~ = 8g p - Mass Density ht - Thickness W - Weight disc Jp - Polar Moment of Inertia of Disc From General Equation of a Simple Harmonic Motion: At) = A, cosa,t+A,sna,f Boundary Conditions: . d@ . Ot = 0) = 6, and AC = 0) = ae = 0) = 8, Solving for the constants: A, =, A, = 6, /, Example 1 Find the equation of motion of the uniform rigid bar OA of length ‘l’ and mass ‘m’ shown in the figure. Also find its natural frequency. Torsional Linear spring ! spring Solution 1 J.0=-k,0—(k,a0)a—(k,10 2 where J, = mt +n 5) ab ne 12 2 3 wnt +(k, +k,a? +k )0=0 1 { +khav +k | Qa, = mi? Example 2 The figure shows a spacecraft with four solar panel. Each panel has the dimension of 5 ft. x 3 ft. x 1 ft. with a density of 0.1 Ib/in?, and is connected to the body by aluminum rods of length 12 in. and diameter 1 in. Determine the natural frequency of vibration each panel about the axis of the connecting rod. Solution 2 m = mass of a panel = (5x 1ayaxrn( 2288 2) =1.5820 J, = mass momentof inertia of the panel about thex - axis = +b?) = 15820 (22, 362)=170.98 12 I, = polar momentof inertia of rod= Fa" =" = 0.098175 in* _ Gl, _ (3.8(10*)f0.098175) 5 D =3.1089(10*) ib —in/ rad k 1 o, =) 8) =13.4841 rad /sec Jo n Example 3 A wheel is mounted on a steel shaft (G = 83 GPa) of length 1.5 m and radius 0.80 cm. The wheel is rotated 5 degrees and released. The period of oscillation is observed as 2.3 seconds. Determine the mass moment of inertia of the wheel. Solution 3 . 4G 16+ —a=0 +7 i) a 20 Or = nN ww T @, = 2.73 rad/s 5 (0.008)*(83x10°) ~"(T5) (2.734) 1 = 47.7 kg m?

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