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Gerard Giménez Adsuar

Calendar TFG-Economic growth in Venezuela

I have already performed econometric calculations for estimating the returns to education
(proxy of human capital) with the Mincer equation, and the increase in inequality measured by
the Gini Index (with the calculation of the Lorenz curve) and the Generalized Entropy Index of
degree 0, or Mean Log Deviation, and of degree 1, or Theil Index for the period 1971-2001.
The Mean Log Deviation and Theil Index are an interesting way of measuring income inequality
since they allow for an additive decomposition, so that, for example, I can measure how much
of the income inequality is due to differences in the years of schooling of the population.

Taking this into account, I propose the following calendar:

23/3: Presentation of the INDEX and the results from these calculations.
5/4: Presentation of an early stage of the whole project
20/4: Corrected version of the project, with your recommendations implemented.
28/5: Final version of the project

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