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Anoixi Junior High school

Our English Mag

March 2013 – Issue N. 4

and beetles- they Indonesia and the

Strange Flowers
love this ... rot! smell is absolutely
the worst!
Most flowers have a pleasant 2.Eastern skunk cabbage
fragrance to attract . 4. Hydnora Africana
pollinators for fertilization.
However, there are flowers
which emit a terrible stench,
able to drive anyone out of
their reach. To know what
you would choose for your
worst enemy, the following
list is enlightening! It resembles in
It smells like ... carrion
1. Titan Arum, the appearance the
and thrives in the wetland
flower-corpse. female genitals ...
soils of North America.
The flies are its main and the smell ...
pollinators. reminds of …. stool!

3.Rafflesia arnoldii (by Stavros Tzikas.)

The nickname given

to it says it all, as it It develops the
has the worst smell largest flower in the
in the world! It world, while sharing
smells like a dead the same nickname
body in the process as the first flower on
of decay and not this list, ie is this a ...
without reason as ENJOY THIS YEAR’S
flower-corpse! It is a
pollinators are flies trade-mark of CARNIVAL!!!!
EUROVISION.... gets 19/20 points over twenty feet high.
for me!!! When anthropologists
But all my friends began to consider the
can't help thinking history and culture of
back to May 2005 Easter Island early in the
when gorgeous
twentieth century they
Elena Paparizou
won the Eurovision agreed on one thing. The
I never miss the contest for Greece! primitive people living in
Eurovision Song There have been such poverty-stricken and
Contest! Some of so many times that backward conditions when
my friends make Greece has sent in the Europeans first visited
fun of me and say a song and I have the island could not have
that thought to myself been responsible for such a
I am almost "This is it! There's socially advanced and
obsessed with it, no way we will lose
but in my opinion,
technologically complex
with this song! task as carving,
the Eurovision Well I hope you like our
song contest brings transporting and erecting
the peoples of Good Luck the statues. Easter Island
Europe together Greece…. therefore became a
and unifies them. I  'mystery' and a wide
love to listen to all variety of theories were
newspaper and I hope that
of the songs. They you enjoyed my article!!! advanced to explain its
are, shall we say, history. Some of the more
different? That is (by Mikaela imaginative ideas
the whole point! In
Polizogopoulou) involved visits by
spite of our
different languages
spacemen or lost
and cultures, the civilizations on continents
countries of Europe Easter Island.. that had sunk into the
can still get Pacific leaving Easter
together and listen Island as a remnant.
and respect each Easter Island is one of the
most remote, inhabited
Isn't the real aim of
the Eurovision?
places on earth. Only some
Moreover, as more 150 square miles in area, it
and more countries lies in the Pacific Ocean,
want to take part, 2.000 miles off the west
the contest has coast of South America.
actually become The Dutch Admiral
bigger; that must Roggeveen was the first
be a sign of how European who visited the
successful the island on Easter Sunday
whole event (by Catherine
1722. Across the island Xrousala)
actually is. The
were over 600 massive
Eurovision song
contest definitely
stone statues, on average
of Shia Islam And now how
Azerbaijan's about…music?
exports are mainly petrol,
but they make wine,
produce green vegetables THERION
and grow cotton. Also a Therion are a
large part of their economy swedish band, who play
Azerbaijan is tourism. People from all symphonic metal. They
Azerbaijan is located in over the world come to see were founded by christofer
Eastern Europe and their wonderful sights. johnsson in 1987 and
borders with Armenia, Some of these continue up to today.
Georgia, Russia and Iran. spectacular attractions are The name
Its capital is Baku and its the Mausoleum of Nizami therion is
size is 86,600m2. Ganjavi, the palace of actually a
Azerbaijan also has Sheki Khan and the bridge greek word
9,165,000 residents, who meaning beast,
all speak the language of
This country, as a
currency, uses the manat. It
has the coins 1, 3, 5, 10,
20, 50 qəpik and notes 1,
5, 10, 20, 50, 100 manat.

on Terter River. coming from the book of

So now we see that revelations.
Azerbaijan is truly a Therion's lyrics
wonderful place and we come from ancient
Their president is ought to go there. I think mythologies, such as the
Iham Aliyeu. that the Eurovision song Norse mythology, having
He was born on 24 contest ought to have been to do with the nine worlds
December in 1961 in the held there the next year as and the tree of life. All the
city of Baku. He is married well.
to Mehriban Pashayeva

lyrics are written by

and believes in the religion Thomas Kalrlsson.
They have recorded She was born on the
fourteen albums altogether, the 24 of December in fourth
of which some are ''secret Hartford Connecticut. She book,
of the runes'', ''lemuria'', is married to Christian Breaking
''sirius b'', ''gothic Meyer and has three Dawn,
kabbalah'', ''theli'' and children Gabe, Seth and Bella and
''sitra ahra''. Eli. As mentioned before Edward get married and
Over the years she is a vampire fiction Bella becomes a vampire
author, but she doesn't by giving birth to their
write only that. Other types daughter, Reneesme.
of her writing are: So from this we
learn more about the
Young adult fiction and author Stephenie Meyer
science fiction. and about her books.
As said previously Meyer has done many
many therion members the best known series of other books, but I believe
have been added and have her writing is The Twilight that these are the best and
departed. But the main Saga. It consists of four
members of this band are books: Twilight-New
christofer johnsson, Nalle Moon-Eclipse-Breaking
Påhlsson, christian vidal, Dawn. The main characters
Johan Koleberg, THOMAS of this series are Bella
VIKSTRöM AND LORI Swan, Edward Cullen and
LEWIS. Jacob Black.
The plot of
Twilight is that she moves
to her father's little town,
Forks, and hates it, until that you ought to read
she meets Edward which them.
makes all the difference. (last three articles
The only problem is that written by Lucy
So therion are a very
he's a vampire. Kotsiopouplou)
interesting band with
interesting music. I think In New Moon he
that every person ought to leaves her, thinking that it That’s all for
have at least one album of is best and safer for her to now….have fun
theirs in their home. go on with her life without wherever you
him. But in the end Bella spend the Carnival!
Stephenie Meyer goes and finds him with
the intention of saving him
Stephenie Meyer is from his suicide mission.
an American writer and The third book is a
producer. She mainly battle between bad See you all next
writes romantic vampire vampires and good month!!!!
fiction, her most famous vampires.
novel being the series of Finally in

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