Tat1 Task 2 8

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Unit: ____Volume of Sphere, Cone, and Cylinder 8.

3 Day 5 Discovery

Today’s Outcome/Essential Question(s): How can I find the volume of a sphere?

Material(s): pencil, RPJ, scissors, ruler, masking tape, rice

Objective: Students will find the volume of a sphere 8 out of 10 times effectively when asked.

Students will be able to…

CONNECT to previous In this chapter:

work • Students have found the area of a circle
• Students have found the volume of a cylinder
• Students have found the volume of a cone
• Discovered how base of a circle, volume of cylinder and volume of relate

TEACH • Concept quiz to be given at the start of class (Appendix G)

• Partner work day in RPJ Pg 175-177 (Appendix H)
Teaching point/ question • Go over the essential question
and what teacher will • Give brief description of activity as this is a student discovery day not teacher led
say, do, model • Explain there will be frustration on Pg 176 with discovering the 4/3 and r^3

ACTIVE Students will engage in partner work while building nets and filling with rice. Circulate for
ENGAGEMENT vocab rich conversation. Ask guiding questions as students struggle. Allow them to help each
other persevere.
Student practice of
teaching point with • Grade the concept quiz
teacher support • Hand back for corrections
• Assign IXL or Khan academy based on the student preference (both sites have work
to help misunderstanding

INDEPENDENT • While students are working you confer with students not achieving 8 out of 10 on
PRACTICE concept quiz
• Find their misconceptions and assign work appropriately
Send students off to
independent work

CLOSING/SHARE • As a class what did students learn today?

• What is the formula for volume of a sphere
Review teaching point to • How is this different than Day 3 when they watched the YouTube video?
reinforce learning and
assess understanding

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