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Empress Calista’s Tower

An erotic roleplaying game

About the game

Empress Calista's tower is a medium/light rules lewdgame about magical girls climbing a tower to stop the seductive Empress
Calista. On their way up they face the threat of being stripped, molested and corrupted by monsters, traps and even other
magical girls.

The curent rules are a heavily modified version of the Cthulu Dark ruleset.

The game takes place in a world that would seem familiar. A modern world with skyscrapers, smartphones and automation
sitting as a looming threat to the jobs of the masses. One important difference is that a lucky few people are given special gifts,
supernatural abilities that defy the typical rules of nature. Some are given the ability to manipulate physical elements, others
gain the ability to manipulate reality, or have their physical abilities enhanced, while some are given the ability to transform, in
an instant being given weapons and armor.

Only one person out of about 500 to 1,000 will be lucky enough to have such a gift. The source of them is a mystery. Humanity
has largely given up on understanding how these abilities come to be or any hope of creating, removing, or controlling such

Silver Valkyrie and Queen Misery

A recent major conflict that set the stage of the current setting was the battle between heroes led by the Silver Valkyrie and an
army of gifted villains led by Queen Misery. The conflict happened throughout Connection City, ending when the Queen and the
Valkyrie met. The girls were alone together when they met. Both of them felt trapped by their powers, and by using their abilities
in a way they didn’t fully understand, they we able to bury their memories of ever being gifted. Both of them went on to enjoy
ordinary lives for several years until an incident caused the Valkyrie’s powers and memories to return.

Connection City

Following the pact between the Silver Valkyrie and Queen Misery, the area around Connection City became known as a “calm
spot” where it seemed nobody gained magical gifts. This make it a relatively peaceful place that was able to dramatically grow
and flourish. It grew to a grand metropolis and national hub, having two existing highways wrap around its perimeter in a
massive roundabout with a third branching off from it. The Silver Valkyrie’s allies banded together to maintain peace within the
city in the absence of the valkyrie herself, further protecting the area from magic users from outside.

The magical girl academy

Officially named “The Valkyrie’s academy for gifted girls,” but often referred to as “the academy” or “the MGA,” This facility is
primarily a place for magical girls to learn to better hone their skills and use them responsibly. There are other related functions,
such as research related to magical abilities, as well as public relations and educations services.

The first floor of the facility contains a few offices behind a greeting desk, some counselling rooms for therapy and guidance of
inexperienced Magical Girls and those affected by magical incidents, and a few hallways of history and other educational
material relevant to enchanted persons. Above the first floor are dorms, generally assigned to girls with special circumstances
such as those who became famous and for whom living in a normal home would be dangerous, or girls who are being
rehabilitated and closely watched.
Hidden underground are a few secure prison cells, as well as large reinforced rooms for training, practicing and experimenting
with magical abilities. Further down is a small laboratory for the study of rare magical materials that persist without the aid of a
magic user.
The outsiders
The massive roundabout that circles the city it generally known as “the outer ring” and is generally treated as the border of the
city proper. The area just outside of it tends to be the battlefield where heroes guard the city from villains who try to storm their
way in. The prosperity and peace drops sharply for those who live outside. There are a few organized groups that camp outside
the city and plot to prove their power by striking their way in, but none have had much success so far.

Game Plot
A mansion on the outskirts of Connection city had been infested by familiars. Thinking it was merely a collection of assorted
abandoned creatures, Silver Valkyrie took a small group of her students to exterminate them before they become dangerous left
unguided by a magic user. The group was surprised to learn that the source of the familiars was Goldenrod Guardian, A magical
girl from Silver Valkyrie’s generation who had fallen under the spell of someone else, and was being used create a trap to
capture more gifted women.

The person behind the incident was tracked outside the city, where the trail ended, leaving the Valkyrie and her students with no
further leads. It was assumed the culprit had met the outsiders, a collection of villainous magic users banished from Connection

Months later, a tower sprung up in the city’s core, exuding the same intoxicating energy found in the mansion incident. Having
already seen what had happened to Goldenrod Guardian, The Silver Valkyrie and any students she could convince to aid her
have charged in to stop this dangerous enemy.

Alchemist’s Briefing
Joining the game
If the game is already underway and a player disappears or quits, there will be a chance for a different player to join the game.
Ideally you should submit your character as below if you plan on joining, as characters that have already been introduced will
have priority over those that haven’t.

If a player is absent for four turns, the slot will be claimable by another player. After the third inactive turn the player will be
declared “idle” as both a warning to the current player and an announcement to potential replacements. If the current player
takes action before the fourth idle turn, they will retain their slot. If not, another player will be allowed to join in the idle player’s
place. If multiple players want to take the slot, rejoining players will be given top priority, followed by players who have submitted
a character in advance, and then fully new players with no existing character.

If a new player isn’t ready to take the place of an idle player, the character may act as an NPC to support other players before
being removed from play.

Your Character
As a new player, the first step is to come up with a character. The theme is “magical girls,” but your character doesn’t need to
exactly fit that description. However all characters will have to play by the same rules, which are built around this theme. Come
up with a concept for your character, as well as deciding the following important gameplay details:

Your character’s symbol: A simple image that will be used to not your character’s position on the map. Choose something that
can be recognized in the form of a single-color 24x24 sprite.

Your character’s specialties: Your character will have three specific abilities or traits that can be used to help them accomplish
goals. Two of them should be magical abilities, while the third is a more mundane trait that your character possesses even
without the use of magic.
Examples of magic abilities include the ability to breathe fire, conjure a sword, or super strength. Examples of mundane traits
include being a kendo club member, a gymnast, or petite.

Post in the OOC thread, briefly describing your character’s appearance, abilities and personality, ideally attaching an
appropriate image.

Example Characters
Sugar Diva
A flashy magical girl with a magical microphone and a wardrobe overflowing with fluff and frills. She's a stubborn optimist that
always finds something to hope for as she encourages her teammates.

Magic Microphone: This scepter allows her to amplify, focus and alter the sound of her voice in seemingly any way.
At times it even seems able to speak into a person's heart.
Costume Change: While typically in a a fluffy and frilly pink dress, her attire can change to other kinds of clothing. It
seems to be limited in palette and style however.
Gymnast: Athletic training on her daily life leaves her agile and flexible.

Crimson Axe
A magical girl whose power is fueled by anger and takes the form of a burning axe. She stands tall and has a toned athletic
body. She has a dark history, having originally been part of a team. One fateful battle led to the loss of her closest friends,
leaving her the sole survivor. After a period of wandering solo, she finds herself willing to open her heart to strong new friends.

Burning axe: Lit by her anger, this flaming weapon can ignite what it touches or even whip licks of flame at a distance.
Explosive agility: Her leaps are augmented with a burst of extra force.
Prideless: A case of survivor's guilt has eroded her self-worth, making tasks that would be embarrassing or humiliating
for most people easy for her.
Character Status

Primary status
In game, the state of your character will be measured by two numbers. Indecency and Corruption. These values start at 1, and
rise as your character’s condition becomes worse. If one of these statuses is tested, the player must check against the status by
rolling the corresponding die. If the result is higher than the current value, then the check fails and the status raises by one

Indecency represents the state of your character magical clothing, which protects them from corruptive influence. It will rise as
your character is attacked or expends too much of their magical energy.
1, Pristine: Your magical outfit is in it's ideal, undamaged state.
2, Frayed: Your outfit has started to take some damage. It may have various small tears or breaks, or have one big rip.
3, Worn: Your outfit has started to lose some significant portion of its structure and is starting to come loose.
4, Shredded: Much or most of the outfit is missing or damaged. At this point it's unlikely that what’s left fully preserves modesty.
5, Scraps: Whatever you have left at least stays on unassisted. Some intimate area is definitely exposed by now.
6, Stripped: Your magical outfit has taken enough damage to dematerialize, or is too damaged to actually be worn.

Corruption represents the level of corruptive magic currently influencing your character. The number will rise as more infective
energy seeps into them.
1, Untouched: The Empress's influence is either nil or negligible.
2, Loosened: The character's behavior is slightly nudged towards the impulsive, though subtly enough that it would take
familiarity and careful observation to notice.
3, Pulled: The character starts to enjoy a high as their inhibitions and sense of fear start to weaken.
4, Gripped: The character continues to feel less tied to their responsibilities, and starts to be noticeably affected by the increase
in sex drive.
5, Teetering: By now, the character is well aware that they face a battle of wills. Likely beginning to question their opposition to
the empress, but grounded enough not to be fully swayed yet.
6, Fallen: The empress's seductive charms have taken enough hold to cause the character to change sides. All loyalties or
values that would have them oppose the empress are dulled so far that they can't compete with the desire to be fully
corrupted and enjoy freedom from worries or fears.

Complications are varying penalties placed on your character, typically exposing them to extra risk or restricting how dice can
be used or what actions can be performed. Most complications are unique, and so far don’t really fall into any categories. Some
complications have a set duration, after which they will be removed. Others will stay in place until removed by a character

Your Dice
Your character has four core action dice:

Normal: A general purpose die for tasks that don’t take any special skills or experience. Usable in most cases, though anything
explicitly impossible without the use of magical abilities or specific skills cannot use this die.

Competency: If any of your character’s specialties is applicable to an action, you may roll the competency die. Multiple
specialties do not allow multiple competency dice, but multiple abilities can be used when writing the action’s narration.

Indecency: This is a risk die tied to the indecency stat. It can be added to most actions, but poses the risk of raising indecency.

Corruption: This is a risk die ties to the corruption stat. It can be added to most actions, but poses risk of raising corruption and
is also mandatory when taking several special actions.
Risk Dice
The indecency and Corruption dice are risk dice. If a risk die rolls higher than all other action dice, than a check must be rolled
against the matching status. If both risk dice are rolled and tie over all other action dice, both stats must be checked.

Other Dice

Tool Dice
Certain items your character finds during their aventure may be used to add an additional action die.

Assist dice
Assist dice represent helpful NPCs that can be called on to aid with a player action. Assist dice do not count against risk dice
when deciding if your action roll demands a status check.

Taking Action
Once in the game, you’ll be roleplaying as your character as they venture through the tower and attempt to reach the top. The
empress and her servants have created traps and monsters to halt invaders and convert them into pawns of the empress. Most
turns, your characters will progress by performing actions. Players are limited to taking one significant action per turn. Anything
that would take a nontrivial amount of skill, luck, or effort counts as an action that requires a roll. As a simple example, pulling a
lever shouldn’t require a roll. However if the lever is across a pit from the character, they would need to consume an action to
cross the pit and reach it. Any simple actions such as talking between characters and handing over objects held can be
performed at any time before a rolled action, or after a result has been narrated by the DM.

To take action, summarize your character’s intended actions and roll any dice you intend to use for the action. Any dice invalid
for a particualr action will be ignored when the game is updated.

When taking a rolled action, the intended action must be declared when dice are rolled. Any dice rolled before a clear summary
of the character’s attempted action will be considered a misroll and must be rolled again.

A character may attempt to do multiple things within a single action. Each specific thing the character attempts is called a task.
Tasks must be related or otherwise make sense as a sequence of events. A valid example is snatching a crystal ball from an
enemy and then smashing it, or passing an obstacle to attack something at the other side. An invalid example would be
attacking an enemy while attempting to persuade an NPC, or examining a room while trying to remove a complication.

Based on the intended difficulty of a task and any opposition dice, the quality of a roll declines for each task performed. For
example, passing a weak obstacle with a 6 will lower the effective roll for the next task to 5, while a more complex or difficult
obstacle will lower it by more.

You may take an action targeting all enemies in a room, but special rules apply to this:
Roll d4’s for all dice used. The result is the highest die plus one. Based on the action and intended effect, the roll may either
determine the strength of the effect or the roll needed to avoid it.

If your action included one of your risk dice and you are unsatisfied with the result, you may reroll the action you can use a
different set of dice for your action, and There is no limit to the number of rerolls, however:
1. You can only reroll if your previous roll included at least one risk die.
2. Any checks against your character’s indecency or corruption (as a result of your own dice) accumulate instead of being
3. The previous roll now demands a check if any risk dice tied for highest with other action dice.
Special Actions
While much of the game can be played creatively, there are a few game actions that work a specific way. Most of these involve
character stats; Indecency and Corruption.

Regenerate Magical Outfit

Normally, a magical girl’s outfit is difficult to damage and repairs itself over time drawing ambient energy from the air. However
the tower is full of corrupt energy, magical girls of more pure alignment have trouble maintaining and regenerating their magical
vestments as their own auras try to avoid infection.

Action Roll: If a character has a relevant corruption-fighting specialty, they may roll competency and corruption. If the character
lacks an appropriate specialty, this roll can be skipped because there is no other die to roll against corruption.

Results: If corruption rolls higher or there was no relevant specialty to allow rolling competency, the character must take a
corruption check. In either case the character can roll a reverse-indecency check. This action may target an ally, allowing the
reverse-check to be rolled for another character.

Special Conditions: When using this action in a pure barrier or with a dark energy crystal, indecency will automatically lower to
addiction without needing a reverse-check.

Reactivate Transformation
If indecency has reached 6, magical girl’s transformation has been disrupted too far to allow them their usual magical abilities.
Some level of corruption is guaranteed unless they are somewhere less contaminated with the empress’s influence.

Action Roll: None

Results: The character will take one point of corruption in order to roll a reverse-indecency check. A different character cannot
take the result or cost.

Special Conditions: As above, a dark energy crystal or safe barrier can lower indecency to addiction without the need to roll a

Purify Target
The most important enemies in the tower are corrupted magical girls. Unlike the familiars prowling the halls, these targets must
be purified in order to nullified. Also, the magical girls fighting through the tower will slowly become corrupted over time,
eventually turning if the process is left unchecked.

Starting steps: To purify an enemy, the target must have at least one hold placed on it. If purifying an ally, choose one to three
points of corruption to attempt to purify.

Action roll: Roll corruption, and competency if your character has a relevant specialty. Your highest die must be higher than your
character’s current corruption to succeed. If the roll fails you must take a corruption check worth the number of points you
attempted to purify.

Results: As always, if corruption rolls higher than competency or a specialty did not apply, a normal corruption check must be
taken. If the roll succeeds, it’s one success toward purifying a corrupted magical girl. If it’s an ally, roll a reverse-check against
the target’s corruption worth the number of points chosen.

Purge corruption
As a magical girl feels corruption clawing at her mind, she may choose to find a way to expel the influence. However the
infective energy needs to go somewhere. In the process a familiar will be created.

Starting Steps: Choose one to three points to attempt to purge. Optionally, write an erotic post involving one of your character’s
specialties. The post should be at least a short scene, and not simply an explanation of how the specialty is used.

Action Roll: None

Results: A monster with opposition dice matching the number of points the action attempts to purge will be created. The player
may then roll a reverse-check using the corruption die, and also the competency die if the requirement above is met.
A special reverse-check may be rolled that includes competency in addition to the corruption die if the post contains erotic
content related to the specialty chosen. If the reverse-check is successful, corruption will lower by the number of points chosen.

Playing as a corrupt girl

As a magical girl’s corruption reaches 6, the intoxicating magic overtakes her will and sense of responsibility. Fears and
responsibility fall away and she gains an insatiable sex drive.

Altered personality
A corrupted character should retain aspects of her personality, and be unique in how the carefree high is expressed. In
particular, she should indulge in the temptations she most refuses herself and feel particularly free to act contrary to her
strongest inhibitions.

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