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Iraqi Bloggers Central

An American Looks at Iraq and the Iraqi Bloggers

IBC Crew
Saturday, July 01, 2006 Jeffrey, CMAR II, Mister
Ghost, and RhusLancia
The In T View: What Does Canada Stand For?
MG's In T Views
Happy Canada or Dominion Day! Today we are all Canadians. Read All of the Interviews

What does Canada Stand For?

Iraqi Bloggers (Active)
It's a question that came to my mind after reading Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch comments Omar and Mohammed (ITM)
about the recent arrest of the Canadian terrorist plotters. Spencer contended, "the miasma of Salam Pax (Twitter)
Canadian anything-goes multiculturalism..." makes homegrown Jihadism in Canada possible now Salam Pax (blog)
and in the future, because "Canada stands for nothing and can mount resistance to no Zeyad (Healing Iraq)
ideology." Morbido (Twitter)
If you asked many Americans, What does Canada stand for, they would probably draw a blank Iraq Pundit
for a moment, shrug their shoulders, and most likely reel off the well-known characteristics of Iraqi Mojo
the country. It's cold, they have great hockey players, the famous Canadian beers, pretty Abbas (Catharsis)
Canadian women, nice hunting, and so forth. To most Americans, Canada is just there to the Abbas (Twitter)
north, quiet and peaceful, and that's the way they like it. Touta
Eye Raki
But, to the Canadians themselves, What Does Canada Stand For is a far more important Sami (Skies)
question. It's a possible way of defining a National Identity or a Core Belief System. As an Marshmallow 26
American, I tend to believe our national identity, our set of beliefs that define us as who we Baghdad Treasure
are, is much more readily apparent and stronger than those of Canadians. But, I could be Ambassador Fayrouz
wrong. So, I thought it was an interesting quesiton to query Canadian Bloggers and Writers on, Nibras (Talisman Gate)
to see what they had to say, learn how they felt, and present their responses. Shaggy (Baghdad Bacon &
Caesar of Pentra
Krista Boryskavich addressed the issue of What Does Canada Stand For? in her June 29 Winnipeg Kassakhoon
Sun column: Moonlight
What does Canada stand for? It was a question raised to me in an e-mail from an American Attawie
blogger, who wrote: "The reason I ask is I read ... comments about the recent arrest of the Hiwa
Canadian terrorist plotters (Robert Spencer at Spencer contends 'the Violet
miasma of Canadian anything-goes multiculturalism' makes homegrown jihadism in Canada M.H.Z. (I Love You Iraq)
possible now and in the future, because 'Canada stands for nothing and can mount resistance Mohammed (Last of Iraqis)
to no ideology.' "If you ask me as an American what the United States stands for, the word that Najma (A Star from Mosul)
comes to mind is opportunity. But for you as a Canadian, what does Canada stand for?" Ask Sunshine
many non-Canadians what they think of Canada and it's likely they'll list some of the Mama (Sunshine's Mom)
better-known icons, events and personalities that have come to symbolize our nation -- Tim Baghdadentist
Hortons, hockey, Wayne Gretzky, the beaver, the moose, the maple leaf, the CBC, the CN Sandybelle
Tower, Pamela Anderson, the seal hunt, the Calgary Stampede, Celine Dion, and a cold bottle A&E Iraqi
of good old Labatt's Blue. Bookish
But the question of what Canada stands for goes much deeper than mere symbolism. It involves Neurotic Iraqi Wife
a set of shared values that all Canadians can embrace. Mix Max
So if the United States stands for opportunity, as our American friend suggests, what is the one Layla Anwar
word that best describes what Canada stands for? Ladybird
Tolerance? Compromise? Equality? Diversity? Multiculturalism? Bilingualism? Faiza
If you think we're a tolerant society, try sitting in a school playground for half an hour, or Raed
reading some of the e-mail I receive from readers. It might change your mind. Iraq Blog Count
If you think we're an equal society, I'd suggest you reread my recent column on the different Iraqi Blog Updates
treatment accorded urban and rural folk when it comes to the provision of health-care
services. {...}
Perhaps more importantly, is it even possible to narrow the values of a vast, diverse nation to Iraqi Bloggers (Inactive)
a single word? With the threat of Quebec separation in recent decades, and increasing talk of Where is Raed? (Salam Pax:
western alienation in recent years, can we really say that Albertans share the same values as 2002-04)
Ontarians, or that Quebecers share the same values as Manitobans? Shut Up You Fat Whiner
When I asked readers of my blog ( what their Canada stood for, one (Salam Pax: 2004-06)
anonymous poster responded with: "the right to do what you want -- as long as you don't bring G. in Baghdad (Ghaith
harm to others." {...} Abdul-Ahad: 2003)
On the right side of the political spectrum, many Canadians value safety and security, Zainab (copy of first post,
prosperity, and individual choice. June 27, 2003)
And on the left side of the political spectrum, many Canadians value the environment, Nawar (Ishtar Talking)
compassion for those less fortunate, and community. Kurdo
Combine the best of both worlds, and we just might have a set of shared Canadian values -- AYS (Iraq at a Glance)
perhaps the one word that best describes what Canada stands for is compromise after all. Ali, Free Iraqi
In reality, though, it's not that simple to narrow the values of a nation into a single word.
Try though I might, I certainly can't do it. Hassan, Average Iraqi
Can you? Akba, Iraq Rising
What does your Canada stand for? Riverbend
Krista Boryskavich is a columnist for the Winnipeg Sun, a co-author of The Auto Pact: Sooni
Investment, Labour and the Wto, and a blogger at Morbid Smile
Krista Rants. Morbid Smile's Photos
Sarmad (Road of a Nation)
Hello Mr. G., Kurdistan Bloggers Union
What does Canada stand for? Sami
The official answer is: peace, order and good government. Nancy (Beth Nahrain)
Not as dramatic, to be sure, as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, or France's liberte, Sheko Meko
egalite, fraternite, but a recipe for a quiet and contented society. Into the Sun
If the U.S. in one word is "opportunity," Canada would be "equality." Iraqi Roulette
Whoever the jerk Spencer is and thinks, we do not have anything-goes multiculturalism. But Raghda
we've probably erred in the past on the "tolerance of differences" aspect. Suspect we'll start to Ibn Al Rafidain
see a Canada-first drive in the (very) near future.) We'll all have mixed feelings about that: Sara (No Pain No Gain)
good in principle -- but American-style jingoism would be counter to the Canadian nature. Ihath
Hopes this helps. Iraqi Lord
Lynda Hurst Husayn
Abu Khaleel
As a columnist and feature writer for the Toronto Star, Lynda Hurst has written on Shaqawa
everything from Sharia Law to Adolph Hitler to the Pentagon's use of insects for military Iraqi Atheist
purposes. Her subject material includes national and provincial issues, the War on Terror, Ali (24 Steps to Liberty 2)
history, politics, Islam, Iraq, the U.S. Military, and Canadian culture. Great Baghdad
Blog Iraqi
Hi, Miraj (Baghdad Chronicles)
As with Americans, it depends on which Canadian you're asking. Zappy (Where Date Palms
Cheers, Grow)
Rachel Alaa, the Mesopotamian
Rachel Marsden is a Canadian Media Personality, a Political Pundit, and a Columnist who has Khalid
appeared on the O'Reilly Factor, the Dennis Miller program, Fox News, and hosted her own Majid
radio show. She has written for the New York Post, the National Post, the Toronto Sun, Dr. Truth Teller
Front Page Magazine, Newsmax , and many others. Her official site is here. Liminal
Baghdad Artist
Good question, and one we ask ourselves constantly. You happen to have hit upon one of the Sam (Interps Life)
few neo-cons in Canada, so be advised that I am obviously a bit cynical. I think Canada stands Vahal (Iraqi For John
for anti-Americanism first and foremost. That is not what Canadians will say: They will say McCain)
they stand for Progressivism, Tolerance, Multi-culturalism,Equality, Peacekeeping rather than Omar (24 Steps to Liberty)
War-fighting, and (drum roll please) Medicare!!! But what really binds us as a nation is that we Anarki-13 (THEN SOME!)
are not America. What that means in practice is fighting tooth and nail against any HNK (Najma's sister)
presumption of religious groups having any say at all in a public discussion and a show of open gilgamesh X
contempt for Christianity in the public square, the sanctification of gays and people of colour Still Alive (Letters to
and those who wear cover, a pathological distaste for military adventures (even though America)
peacekeeping is a non-starter these days)and an inability to take open pride in our heroes, but Nabil
tons of compassion goes to victims. We are a victim-obsessed society and reluctant to show Dr. Shareef (Neurosurgery
open admiration for those of high accomplishment. We cut down tall poppies with relish.We In Iraq)
have no first amendment and tend to shut down debate when it becomes "offensive". We have Iraqi Translator
a child-like dependence on the government to run our lives. We like that. We are rather Iraqi Blogodrome
infantile politically, passive until things go so bad there is no other choice but to change the Salam Adil (Asterism)
government, which recently happened, but it took a scandal of corruption so widespread it
couldn't be ignored to do that. We had been drifting with a bad gov't for years, but the
complacency level is so high, it is hard to make a dent in the public consciousness. We think we Milbloggers
are safe because our country is so big. We have not yet gotten it about terrorism, even though Iraq Now/Countercolumn
a huge plot was just uncovered here. It will take a while to sink in though, because we can't (Jason Van Steenwyk)
bear the idea of profiling since it is so un-politically correct. That being said, I would rather Boots on the Ground (Kevin)
live in Canada than in the US, much as I admire America. Canada is in the fortunate position of (Inactive)
being able to cherry-pick the qualities and opportunities America offers and to ignore the stuff Armor Geddon (Neil
that is not so palatable - the obsessive consumerism, the obesity, the cultural ignorance of the Prakash)
masses, etc. Canada is still a safer place, in many ways a more civil place, and as for (Inactive)
Medicare, it is not perfect and we need the competition of the private sphere (it already exists My War (Colby Buzzell)
unofficially), but it brings security to all at a basic level and it means we needn't be obsessed Letters from Iraq (Jeremy
with health insurance as Americans are. I could not feel right about having access to good Botter)
medical care knowing there are so many poor people who get second class treatment. Hope PDF
this helps, Barbara Mudville Gazette
Barbara Kay is a well respected columnist for the National Post, serves as "the editor in Christopher Missick
chief of FIRSTFRUITS, an annual anthology of creative writing published by the Jewish Blackfive
Public Library," has written for Front Page magazine, is a longtime book reviewer, and Stryker Brigade News
taught "Literature and Composition at Concordia University, Mariannopolis College, Dawson Defense Link Blogger's
College, and Vanier College for many years." Roundtable

Mister Ghost, Canada has struggled with its own identity from even before it has been a
nation, but if I had to compress what I thought Canada stood for into one word, it would be Blogs of Interest
this: community. Canada throughout its history has been built up by groups of people who have Instapundit
come to this nation, supporting each other as they entered this rugged, somewhat hostile land. Michael J. Totten
From the French Canadians who were largely left to themselves after immigrating to New Althouse
France, to the United Empire Loyalists who fled American persecution in the wake of the Belmont Club
revolution, to Chinese immigrants who built our national transcontinental railway, to the
Ukrainians and other Eastern Europeans who opened up our West, and to many other groups Pajamas Media
too numerous to count, our history has been a patchwork quilt of immigrant stories (not to Michael Yon
forget the stories of the first nations who occupied the land before us), and by respecting each Jason's Countercolumn
other's identity, I think we've built up a country wherein we mostly respect each other. It has Little Green Footballs
not been a perfect arrangement. Groups have butted heads in the past and will likely do so United World (C.H.)
again in the future. But we've helped each other; we've pulled together, at Vimy Ridge, on Musings on Iraq
D-Day, in the Liberation of Holland, in Korea, in our peacekeeping efforts, and even in our NYTimes Baghdad Bureau
close and longstanding friendship with the United States of America. I think we've built a Blogs
beautiful country. I'm proud of my land and my Irish/English/Scottish/Chinese history that I Leila Fadel (Baghdad
can lay claim to. I strongly dispute Mr. Spencer's comments suggesting that Canadian Observer)
multiculturalism "makes homegrown Jihadism... possible now and in the future." Isn't it World Blog (Iraq)
interesting that, in the United Kingdom, which struggles with its influx of immigrants, can The Long War Journal
point to specific mosques and Imans responsible for the inciteful rhetoric that contributed to CSPAN Blogs Page
the London Underground bombings, and yet we can point to no mosque or Iman where similar Roger Simon's Fedora
rhetoric occurs here? I was not surprised to learn of the arrest of 17 individuals planning Powerline
attacks on Canadian soil (two of whom went to the United States to purchase weapons for use Confederate Yankee
in those attacks; one could ask who is threatening whom here ). I'd been expecting something Lt Nixon Rants
like this to happen sooner rather than later because the sad fact is that it has always been Norman Geras
possible for a few madmen to make things uncomfortable for the rest of us. But those 17 Oxblog
individuals do not, in any way, speak for the overwhelming majority of the 600,000 Muslim Asher Abrams
Canadians who are as decent and as law-abiding as I am. The RCMP is on the ball, and doesn't Kat's Middle Ground
have to deal with the complicated FBI/CIA/DoHS bureaucracy in dealing with our terrorist Steven Vincent's Red Zone
threats. Americans should take comfort in the fact that we are as ready to handle this sort of As'ad, the Angry Arab
attack as they are. But nobody -- American or Canadian -- should forget that these sick MadTom and J.Q. Public
individuals remain an aberration rather than the norm. And if Mr. Spencer truly thinks that Grabinski, New European
Canada's multiculturalism is the root of the problem, I simply point out that the United No Pasaran!
Kingdom and the United States faced down terrorist attacks first. Did the melting pot or Uninformed Opinion
assimilation protect them? Anyway, I hope you find this useful. Yours sincerely, James Bow Michelle Malkin
Abu Aadvark
Renaissance man James Bow is the author of Wizbang
The Unwritten Girl and other fiction, a Transit Geek, an Urban Planner, a Doctor Who fan, Patrick's Liberating Iraq
head of the Alliance of Non Partisan Bloggers in Canada, and blogs at Bow. James Bow. Bill Putnam -
Thanks for writing. My first comment is about Robert Spencer's claim vis-a-vis Canadian
multiculturalism. While our federal policy of multiculturalism, popular ideas about
multiculturalism or a more pervasive "ideology of multiculturalism" might be called into Neighbors
question I fail to see what it has to do with jihadi religious or political beliefs or their Lina (Jordan)
propensity for violence. India, East Timor, Israel, Bali in Indonesia, the UK, Russia, mainland Roba (Jordan)
China and the United States are a diverse group of countries with little in common except for
the fact they have all been and continue to be targeted by jihadis. Canada's particular Amarji (Syria)
political, social and economic make-up therefore seem dramatically less important to our own Mustapha (Lebanon)
home-grown jihadis than the ideology they share with their fellow-travellers around the world. Big Pharaoh (Egypt)
Sandmonkey (Egypt)
That said, I would say Canada stands for diversity, reasonableness and compromise. Saudi Jeans (KSA)
Filmsaz -- Life Goes On in
Yours, Tehran (Iran)
The Religious Policeman
Nicholas (KSA - inactive)

Nicholas Packwood is heralded in blogging circles and beyond for his captivating blog, Ghost
of a flea, where he recieves "love and hugs" Diaspora
from Kylie Minogue, functions as "Anthropologist to the Stars", and was voted the Best Nouri (Algeria)
Culture Blog in Canada in 2005. Niki Akhavan Jarrar (Iran)
Hoder (Iran)
Hello, and thank you for your question. Sheema Kalbasi (Iran)
What does Canada stand for? It’s not an easy question to answer. We too believe in
opportunity, although I don’t think that opportunity is what Canadians would say characterizes
them. In truth, as with any free society, it is impossible to point one’s finger on one or two Media in the Crosshairs
beliefs that all or most Canadians identify with. I’m not trying to dodge the question – just Rhetorica
asking in return if such a question is fair and really answerable. Antimedia
Having written this, I think that you have raised some important issues regarding Canada’s Davids Medienkritik (auf
overt policy of multiculturalism, although you may be surprised to learn that I do not agree Deutsch und Englisch)
with those who assert that such a policy leads to the balkanization of society. Quite the Tim Blair
opposite, enforced multiculturalism has resulted in a great conformity of ideas, though not Jeff Jarvis's Buzzmachine
practices. I refer you to a speech I delivered at Simon Fraser University that touches on this PressThink
subject Poynter Online
Accuracy in Media
Regarding Moslem extremists living in and operating out of Canada, this has been a problem Letters to Romenesko
that I have been intimately involved in for several years. I think that Canadians are naïve and Times Watch
self-righteous when it comes to the war on terror which leads, inevitably, to lax security. I Democratiya
don’t sense that the recent arrests were of sufficient magnitude to really change the minds of
the general public even if it did serve as a wake up call to some. In this, though, I’m not sure
that Canada and Canadians are much different that other much of western society including in Previous Posts
the United States. May I refer you to a few interesting op-ed pieces on this subject on our The In T View: What Does
website: Canada Stand For?, Archives May 2004
I don’t know if I’ve been of much help. Let me know if you want or need more... June 2004
Joseph C. Ben-Ami July 2004
August 2004
Joseph C. Ben-Ami is the Executive Director of the Institute for Canadian Values, and a December 2004
"Senior Fellow specializing in Religion, Law and Society as well as Human Rights and January 2005
Democratic Development." Ben-Ami is "the former Director of Government Relations and February 2005
Diplomatic Affairs for the Jewish human rights organization, B’nai Brith Canada." And also March 2005
serves as a member of the Advisory Board of the Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation. April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
Uh ....... that's a difficult question. Canadians have identity issues. July 2005
1. We are a country of many distinct regions. Quebcers are not Albertans are not August 2005
Newfoundlanders etc. September 2005
2. Then there's our multi-culti tradition. We are not so much a melting pot as an exotic stew October 2005
with many different tastes and textures. November 2005
3. Because we are next to the giant, with many of the same values, a common language, and December 2005
the spillover culture and media, many Canadians try to define themselves as not being January 2006
Americans. February 2006
4. But basically most of us stand for socialized medicine and the notion, fantastic or not, that March 2006
we are a kindler, gentler and just society. April 2006
May 2006
Antonia Zerbisias June 2006
Media Columnist/Bloggerista July 2006
The Toronto Star August 2006
September 2006
Born in Montreal, Antonia Zerbisias has had a long career as a Media Critic and Columnist for October 2006
the Toronto Star, as well as serving as a TV host and reporter for the CBC (Canadian November 2006
Broadcasting Corporation). In 1996, Antonia won the "National Newspaper Award for critical December 2006
writing for her columns about magazines." Zerbisas currently blogs at Azerbic. January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
Canada is politically correct, inoffensive and apathetic to the point of offending anyone with April 2007
half a brain and a healthy dose of conservatism. May 2007
Canada could be and should be a great nation - tolerant and fair without caving into the June 2007
ridiculous, proud and dignified without being arrogant, moderate and gentle without being July 2007
pussies. August 2007
-Lydia Lovric September 2007
October 2007
Lydia Lovric has been a political firebrand from an early age, writing for the Calgary Herald, November 2007
Montreal Gazette, Toronto Star, and Globe and Mail. Currently, she is a columnist at the December 2007
Winnipeg Sun, a contributor to the Vancouver Province, and is frequently heard and seen January 2008
on such programs as the John Oakley Show (MOJO 640), Adler On Line (CJOB - Winnipeg), February 2008
and the Michael Coren Show (CTS TV), as well as hosting her own show, the "Sunday Brunch" March 2008
on AM 900 CHML. Her website is here. April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
Hi Mister Ghost: July 2008
I'd say Canada stands for Decency and Civility, two qualities becoming increasingly rare in our August 2008
world. A lot of people might scorn at the idea of what Canada stands for, but I believe these September 2008
are worthy qualities once were prized by gentlemen above all. Now what do gentlemen stand October 2008
for these days? Regards, November 2008
Salim December 2008
January 2009
Salim Mansur, BA, MA, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University February 2009
of Western Ontario. A writer, his column appears at London Free Press alternate March 2009
Wednesdays, and the Toronto Sun on Thursdays... Salim is a member of the Board of April 2009
Directors for the Center for Islamic Pluralism based in Washington, D.C., a Senior Fellow May 2009
with the Canadian Coalition for Democracies, and an academic-consultant with the Center
for Security Policy in Washington, D.C...
...I'm almost sorry that you used the word "opportunity" to describe America as that is the word
that I would have used to describe Canada. The difference is that Canada is a land of
opportunity where diversity (at least for the time being) is not only tolerated, but accepted
and celebrated, it is what makes us what we are.... the difference between the melting pot
and multicultural concepts. We don't believe that everybody needs to conform to some ridgid
national identity criteria in order to be "Canadian". Unfortunately, in light of recent
developments, that concept may be in for a bit of a rough ride. Hopefully we will survive the
calls of those who are afraid of whatever boogy-man they think is hiding in the closet and
want people of other languages, cultures, or religions, to toe what they want to define as the
"Canadian National Line". Hope this is what you were looking for Marcel

Marcel Mason, married to an Aboriginal Inuk woman, is a father of four, a network

administrator for a Canadian National Aboriginal Administration, a member of the
Progressive Bloggers, and can be found at Stageleft: Life on the left side.

Well that is a question Canadians have been trying to answer for hundreds of years. In the
mid-twentieth century, “Canadian identity” became an obsession. Our writers and artists all
debated it, esp. after Margaret Atwood’s famous book, Survival. She maintained that Canada
had a “fortress” mentality, that we were haunted by the pioneer experience of Canada as
cold, dark and frightening.

The areas of Canada are very distinct, just as the different regions of the USA are. But here in
Toronto, the media and university elites as well as the politicians all hold to a very liberal,
1960s, 1970s view of Canada, mostly out of misplaced nostalgia. They believe everything
Pierre Trudeau told them: that the French and English in Canada were equally important; that
multiculturalism and socialism were the way of the future. If you dare challenge these views in
public, your career in any of these fields, or even your chances of getting invited to a party,
are greatly reduced...

More than anything else, Canadians define themselves in this way:

“We are not Americans.”

For all their pretend politeness and tolerance, most Canadians (except me and about 100
others!) hate Americans with a passion you cannot fathom. This predates George Bush — I was
born in 1964 and heard it all my life. Americans are patriotic? Then we will look down on
patriotism. Americans have a huge army; very well, we will reduce ours to a skeleton force.
Americans don’t have “free” “health” “care” and we do, so we are superior (no matter than a
Canadian has to wait almost two years for some routine operations that an American would get
in a week). Imagine: Americans are proud of their inventions and their triumphs on the
battlefield. We Canadians are most proud of a government entitlement that doesn’t even work

This smug bigotry is the only acceptable one in polite Canadian society. Americans are “fat,
stupid, greedy, violent and evil.” My fellow Canadians consider this a sophisticated stance.
Alas, they don’t realize how petty and jealous they appear. If America does indeed represent
“opportunity” -- and I agree with you that it does — that is exactly what Canadians hate about
it. They like their government run lives, no matter that our disposable income is 30% less than
an American’s and our taxes are higher. Success is not something most Canadians admire. “Just
keep your nose clean and one day you’ll win the lottery — or retire”. Very sad.

I would love to get out of here tomorrow, but alas, Green Cards are impossible to get :-)

Toronto's Kathy Shaidle is an award winning writer, author, and editor who has worked and
written for Media and Corporate clients such as the Dallas Morning News, the Toronto Star,
the Globe and Mail, the American Spectator, the Catholic Register (where she was a
Contributing Editor), the Shopping Channel, the United Way, the Book Promoters
Association of Canada, among others. In her blog, Relapsed Catholic, Kathy merges Pop
Culture, religion, politics, life experiences, and conservatism in a grand syncretismic tour of
her psyche.

Hi there,

This may be too late to respond to you, but I've been on vacation, so sorry about that.

Canada stands for "peace, order and good government" according to our constitution, which is
in remarkable contrast to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". We're far more corporate
that individualistic, and thus rely much more on the government to make our lives good than
on individual effort.

Part of this, of course, is that we never had to fight for anything (the World Wars
notwithstanding, when we were fighting for someone else, not ourselves). Even those who
settled in Canada did so deliberately to avoid becoming American and cling to the British
empire, or to actually flee the American Revolution. Tradition, peace, and order are a good
part of our history.

We tend to frown on any ostentatious display of wealth, just as the British do, and we tend to
view with suspicion anyone who has been too successful. The upper class in Canada is almost
all Liberal. While Americans, too, tend to be liberal among the upper classes, it is not nearly
as monolithic as in Canada.

To be Canadian is to believe in the Charter of Rights, the goodness of government, the evils of
individualism, and the need to be protected from whatever may happen. It is to downplay one's
own importance, to feel somehow not quite good enough, and at the same time to be angry
about this.

Ironically, we do have much to be proud of. We subdued a huge nation. We fought valiantly in
both World Wars. We had a navy and an air force that were amazing considering our small

Yet we forget these things and instead focus on Canada's perceived guilt in the world--our
treatment of the aboriginals, the interment of the Japanese in World War II, the Chinese head
tax. We feel guilty rather than proud. It's really quite sad.

That's about all I can say. Sorry if this is too late,

Sheila Wray Gregoire is a true Canadian Renaissance woman. She is the author of such books
as, How Big Is Your Umbrella? To Love, Honor And Vacuum; Honey, I Dont Have A Headache
Tonight, and Reality Check. She is also a Mom, a host of a radio show, Reality Check Radio,
has her own Blog, is a Lay Minister, and writes a column, Reality Check for the Intelligencer
and Southern Exposure newspapers.

Ha!! Mister Ghost. You have hit the nail on the head. We are a nation of the confused and
muddled and we seem to like it that way.

It has to do with our geography. We are separated by geographic featues that make us very
regional-centric. We also have huge disparities in population between the regions which makes
for unequal representation in our parliament and a constitution that doesn't adequately
address that disparity.

We've also got the French/English albatross keeping us embroiled in collective handwringing,
fretting and finger pointing. Some of us identify ourselves by juxtapostion with the US, which
expresses itself as: "The US is bad, therefore in order for us to be good, we have to bash
everything American."

We're basically very worried about being swallowed up by the US, which causes us to do a lot
of stupid things, like creating the CBC and the National Film Board which were originally
intended to unite Canadians and foster a common culture, but they've become little more than
propaganda tools for the left of centre view.

But when it comes right down to it, I think what defines us, or, to put it in your terms, what
we stand for, what unites us, is our hatred of Toronto. HAhhahahaahahaha.

Seriously, we don't go into patriotism in a big way, but I do think we like to be proud of what
we can do on the international stage, but we haven't done too well in that arena for quite a
while. We also take great pride in being self-effacing. Maybe the second gets in the way of the
first. I don't know.

Louise S. is a librarian in Western Canada, a frequent commenter on Iraqi Blogs, a strong

proponent of a democratized Middle East, and a Blogger at the highly thought-of SEARCH,
and Stubble Jumping Redneck.

# posted by Mister Ghost : 12:57 PM

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