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To express movement (from one place to another)

Go (to) Went Gone
Arrive (in/at) Arrived Arrived
Travel (to) Travelled Travelled
Come (to) Came Come
Leave Left Left
Physical Actions
Walk Walked Walked
Run Ran Run
Move Moved Moved
Leisure Time Activities/Skills
Read Read Read
Write Wrote Written
Listen (to) Listened Listened
Watch Watched Watched
See Saw Seen
Play (sports/instruments/games) Played Played
Dance Danced Danced
Sing Sang Sung
Draw Drew Drawn
Paint Painted Painted
Drive Drove Driven
Ride Rode Ridden
Multiple activities
Do (homework/research/sports) Did Done
Make (bed/etc.) Made Made
Take (a walk/photos/other elements) Took Taken
Have (breakfast/other elements) Had Had
Get (up/down/in/out) Got Got/Gotten
Mental-state verbs
Know Knew Known
Think Thought Thought
Learn Learnt/Learned Learnt/Learned
Understand Understood Understood
Wait Waited Waited
Hope Hoped Hoped
Expect Expected Expected
Remember Remembered Remembered
Forget Forgot Forgotten
Stative verbs
Be (is/are) Was/Were Been
Like Liked Liked
Prefer Preferred Preferred
Talk (to someone/general action) Talked Talked
Speak (to a group/a language) Spoke Spoken
Say (something to someone) Said Said
Tell (a secret/a story) Told Told
Meet Met Met
Everyday life
Eat Ate Eaten
Drink Drank Drunk
Wake up Woke up Woken up
Get up Got up Got up
Rest Rest Rest
Sleep Slept Slept

Buy Bought Bought

Sell Sold Sold
Pay Paid Paid
Spend Spent Spent
Wear Wore Worn
Start Started Started
Begin Began Begun
Pause Paused Paused
Continue Continued Continued
Stop Stopped Stopped
Finish Finished Finished
Quit Quit Quit
Other verbs
Win Won Won
Lose Lost Lost
Find Found Found
Live Lived Lived
Die Died Died
Build Built Built
Destroy Destroyed Destroyed
Fight Fought Fought
Kill Killed Killed
Steal Stole Stolen
Cut Cut Cut
Break Broken Broken
Hit Hit Hit
Show Showed Shown
Erase Erased Erased
Fly Flew Flown
Pass Passed Passed
Fail Failed Failed

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