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com CAESAR II Example One Video Nine

Click the Maximum DX button.

The system will display where the maximum displacement in X

In order to see it better,

Click the Translucent Objects button.
We can see the writing come through.
That's going to be where the Maximum Displacement in X
occurs. The Maximum Displacement in Y occurs at node

5. The toolbar to the right of that is going to display the maximum


Click on the Maximum FX button.

Pan down and we can see that's going to occur at node 10.

If you press <Enter>, the system will display the next

highest value (this works for the following commands as

Click on the Maximum FY.

We can see that's occurring at node 20.
Forces in Z won't come into play in this example.

6. Click on the Max MZ button.

We can see that occurs at node 50.

So we see this gives us is a way to display graphically some of
these forces, moments and displacements.


Copyright© 2014 All Rights Reserved CAD Training Technologies, LLC CAESAR II Example One Video Nine

7. This next toolbar can be used to display stresses in a line. And

it can display these graphically using colors and text.
When we talk about stresses in a line, we should be taking a
look at it in terms of the expansion load case or the sustained
load case.

8. Click on Expansion Load Case 6.

Click on the Overstress button.

The system says there are no overstressed points in this line.

Click it again to turn that off.

9. Click on the Max Stress button.

The system shows that occurring at

node 39.
Click it again to turn this off.

10. Click on the Stress Colors by Value button.

Click the Translucent Objects button to turn that display mode

off. The system now shows these stresses distributed in the

And we can see that the higher the stresses get, the redder the
color is going to get. So along nodes 30, and around to 40 are
going to be where these maximum stresses occur.

Click the button again to turn these off.


Copyright© 2014 All Rights Reserved CAD Training Technologies, LLC CAESAR II Example One Video Nine

11. Click the Stress Colors by Percent button.

The system shows the higher stress levels are occurring
around the elbows. This is displaying the calculated stress (the
Code Stress) by percent of the allowable. In this line we're
somewhere over 40% but less than 60% of the allowable

So this is a great way to see how the stresses are distributed

and how close they are getting to the maximum allowed stress.

Click the button again to close it.

12. Now we'll take a look at the selection options toolbar.

Click on the Zoom to selection button (the magnifying glass).

Click an object, click one of the components (click the

vertical line in this model).

The system will zoom in to that area and it will show a split
screen. We'll see what's called an Element Viewer screen
down toward the bottom.


Copyright© 2014 All Rights Reserved CAD Training Technologies, LLC CAESAR II Example One Video Nine

13. We can select from the different load cases listed on the left.

The system displays the different results that have been

calculated based on these load cases. So if we look at element
30 to 38 we can see some information on it.

CAESAR II would have a node 40 on the corner when it was

originally modeled, but when we put a bend there and analyze
it, the system shifts node 40 over to this point on the far end of
the elbow when it shows its results. The midpoint of the elbow
becomes node 39 and the beginning point of the elbow is now
node 38. So that's why this element we selected is shown as
going from node 30 to 38.

14. Click another object along the way.

The system will display results on that. What's nice about using
this viewer is that you can get the graphics combined with the
output results and it just gives you a really nice way to get an
overall view of the model.


Copyright© 2014 All Rights Reserved CAD Training Technologies, LLC CAESAR II Example One Video Nine

You can click on different parts of the model, use different load
cases, view the different reports within those load cases, and
see exactly how this is all working out.

15. Close the Element Viewer.

16. Click Options

Click View Animation.

The system will open another screen.

On this screen, we also have the different load cases to select


Select Operating Load Case 1.

17. Click the Motion button.

The system will switch into a single line display mode.

It will show the animation of the line expanding as it changes,
based on this load case.
You can see how ends of the line are fixed, since those are


Copyright© 2014 All Rights Reserved CAD Training Technologies, LLC CAESAR II Example One Video Nine

Click the Volume Motion button next to it.

This is a little bit easier to see on the screen.
We have some other options we can do. We can display node
numbers, and we can print this out.

Click File.
Click Print Motion.

The system will actually assign it to your printer, and it will also
show how the line looks as it expands through its full range of

So this is the animation.

This is the Reset Plot button.

It will reset the plot back to the way it displayed it initially.

This screen also has options for viewing the plot different
directions and rotating it.

To exit this animation screen, you'll just click the x up in the

corner, and it'll take you back to the screen where all the
reports are.

Now you go through this video and your notes, and do each
one of these steps and practice this and get familiar with it.
And then, as we go on in the later examples, this will be easy
for you to use as needed.


Copyright© 2014 All Rights Reserved CAD Training Technologies, LLC

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