Course Outline - First Year PDF

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First Year Curriculum

Course Outline

1. Gross Anatomy / Histology

Given a clinical scenario, the physician can

1. Explain the terms used for describing structures and functions of different areas of the human
2. Identify anatomic landmarks used in physical examination
3. Identify the structure/s involved;
4. Recognize errors of development, defects and/or disorders of any human structure when
given a laboratory specimen;
5. identify the structure involved when given a laboratory/radiographic examination finding;
6. Explain the mechanism / pathogenesis of the disease

2. Physiology
Given a clinical scenario, the physician can
1. Explain the physiologic mechanisms / concepts / principles that is/are involved;
2. Explain the physiologic process that is impaired;
3. Correlate diagnostic and/or laboratory results with the clinical manifestation of the disease,
and other findings on physical examination;
4. Discuss the physiological basis of management of the disease.

3. Biochemistry
Given a clinical scenario, the physician can
1. Trace biochemical pathways or processes that are involved.
2. Analyze the biochemical concepts and principles that will help explain the development of the
3. Correlate the biochemical or molecular basis with the clinical manifestation of the disease, the
findings on physical examination of the patient and laboratory results.
4. Explain the biochemical basis for the management of the disease

4. Neuro-Anatomy
Given a clinical scenario, the physician can
1. Describe the gross and microscopic anatomy and physiology of a given structure of the nervous
2. Develop a three-dimensional picture of a given structure of the nervous system.
3. Know the position/ location / pathway of a given structure and its relationship to the other
structures of the human body.
4. Assess the signs and symptoms presented by a patient and identify the exact location of a
structural lesion.

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