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The 10 Algorithms Machine Learning Engineers Need to Know

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Simon Tavasoli
Last updated February 6, 2018

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In a world where nearly all manual tasks are being automated, the definition of manual is changing. Machine Learning
algorithms can help computers play chess, perform surgeries, and get smarter and more personal.

We are living in an era of constant technological progress, and looking at how computing has advanced over the years,
we can predict what’s to come in the days ahead.

One of the main features of this revolutions that stands out is how computing tools and techniques have been
democratized. In the past five years, data scientists have built sophisticated data-crunching machines by seamlessly
executing advanced techniques. The results have been astounding.
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How learning these vital algorithms can enhance your skills in Machine Learning
If you're a data scientist, or a machine learning enthusiast, you can use these techniques to create functional Machine
Learning projects:

There are 3 types of Machine Learning techniques:

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All 3 techniques are used in this list of 10 common Machine Learning Algorithms:
1. Linear Regression

To understand the working functionality of this algorithm, imagine how you would arrange random logs of wood in
increasing order of their weight. There is a catch, however – you cannot actually weigh each log. You have to guess its
weight just by looking at the height and girth of the log (visual analysis), and arrange them using a combination of these
visible parameters. This is what linear regression is like.

In this process, a relationship is established between independent and dependent variables by fitting them to a line. This
line is known as regression line and represented by a linear equation Y= a *X + b.

In this equation:

Y – Dependent Variable

a – Slope

X – Independent variable

b – Intercept

The coefficients a & b are derived by minimizing the sum of the squared difference of distance between data points and
the regression line.

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2. Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression is used to estimate discrete values (usually binary values like 0/1) from a set of independent
variables. It helps predict the probability of an event by fitting data to a logit function. It is
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These methods listed below are often used to help improve logistic regression models:

include interaction terms

eliminate features

regularize techniques

Use a non-linear model

3. Decision Tree

One of the most popular machine learning algorithms in use today, this is a supervised learning algorithm that is used for
classifying problems. It works well classifying for both categorical and continuous dependent variables. In this algorithm,
we split the population into two or more homogeneous sets based on the most significant attributes/ independent

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4. SVM (3.Support Vector Machine)

SVM is a method of classification in which you plot raw data as points in an n-dimensional space (where n is the number
of features you have). The value of each feature is then tied to a particular coordinate, making it easy to classify the
data. Lines called classifiers can be used to split the data and plot them on a graph.

5. Naive Bayes

A Naive Bayes classifier assumes that the presence of a particular feature in a class is unrelated to the presence of any
other feature.

Even if these features are related to each other, a Naive Bayes classifier wouldAre
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these properties
independently when calculating the probability of a particular outcome. Science with R Language
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A Naive Bayesian model is easy to build and useful for massive datasets. It's simple, and is known to outperform even
highly sophisticated classification methods
6. KNN (K- Nearest Neighbors)

This algorithm can be applied to both classification and regression problems. Apparently, within the Data Science
industry, it's more widely used to solve classification problems. It’s a simple algorithm that stores all available cases and
classifies any new cases by taking a majority vote of its k neighbors. The case is then assigned to the class with which it
has the most in common. A distance function performs this measurement.

KNN can be easily understood by comparing it to real life. For example, if you want information about a person, it makes
sense talk to his or her friends and colleagues!

Things to consider before selecting KNN:

KNN is computationally expensive

Variables should be normalized, or else higher range variables can bias the algorithm

Data still needs to be pre-processed.

7. K-Means

This is an unsupervised algorithm which solves clustering problems. Data sets are classified into a particular number of
clusters (let's call that number K) in such a way that all the data points within a cluster are homogenous, and
heterogeneous from the data in other clusters.

How K-means forms clusters:

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The K-means algorithm picks k number of points, called centroids, for each cluster
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Each data point forms a cluster with the closest centroids i.e. k clusters. certification?

It now creates new centroids, based on the existing cluster members.

With these new centroids, the closest distance for each data point is determined. This process is repeated until the
centroids do not change.

8. Random Forest

A collective of decision trees is called a Random Forest. To classify a new object based on its attributes, each tree is
classified, and the tree “votes” for that class. The forest chooses the classification having the most votes (over all the
trees in the forest).

Each tree is planted & grown as follows:

If the number of cases in the training set is N, then a sample of N cases is taken at random. This sample will be the
training set for growing the tree.

If there are M input variables, a number m<

Each tree is grown to the largest extent possible. There is no pruning.

9. Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms

In today's world, vast amounts of data are being stored and analyzed by corporates, government agencies and research
organizations. As a data scientist, you know that this raw data contains a lot of information - the challenge is in
identifying significant patterns and variables.

Dimensionality reduction algorithms like Decision Tree, Factor Analysis, Missing Value Ratio, and Random Forest can help
you find relevant details.
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10. Gradient Boosting & AdaBoost Science with R Language
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These are boosting algorithms used when massive loads of data have to be certification?
handled in order to make predictions with
high accuracy. Boosting is an ensemble learning algorithm that combines the predictive power of several base estimators
to improve robustness.
In short, it combines multiple weak or average predictors to a build strong predictor. These boosting algorithms always
work well in data science competitions like Kaggle, AV Hackathon, CrowdAnalytix. These are the most preferred machine
learning algorithms today. Use them along with Python and R Codes to achieve accurate outcomes.


If you want to build a career in machine learning, start right away. The field is growing quickly, and the sooner you
understand the scope of machine learning tools, the sooner you'll be able to provide solutions to complex work

Check out our course on Machine Learning Introduction

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Machine Learning Introduction | Machine Learning Tutorial | Simplilearn

About the Author

Simon Tavasoli is a Business Analytics Lead with more than 12 years of hands-on and leadership experience in various
industries. He has led the development of many analytic projects that drive product and marketing initiatives. He has
more than 10 years of experience teaching Data Science, Data Visualization, Predictive Analytics, and Statistics.


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What Is Artificial Intelligence and Why Gain a Certification in This Domain

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Jeevan Mathew Sajan
Published on Jan 24, 2018
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently the hottest buzzword in tech. And with good reason—the last few years have seen
a number of techniques that have previously been in the realm of science fiction slowly transform into reality. Experts
look at artificial intelligence as a factor of production which has the potential to introduce new sources of growth and
change the way work is done across industries. According to the report How AI Boosts Industry Profits and Innovations,
AI is predicted to increase economic growth by an average of 1.7 percent across 16 industries by 2035. The report goes
on to say that, by 2035, AI technologies could increase labor productivity by 40 percent or more, there by doubling
economic growth in 12 developed nations that continue to draw talented and experienced professionals to work in this

This article provides an overview on AI, its most popular industry applications, potential career paths and how a
certification can help you jumpstart your career in this fast-growing domain.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is a method of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot or a software think intelligently in a
manner similar to the human mind. AI is accomplished by studying the patterns of the human brain and by analyzing the
cognitive process. The outcome of these studies develops intelligent softwares and systems. Researchers extend the
goals of AI to the following:

1. Logical Reasoning: AI programs enable computers to perform sophisticated tasks. On February 10, 1996, a
computer called Deep Blue, designed by IBM, won a game of chess against the former world champion, Garry

2. Knowledge Representation: Smalltalk is an object-oriented, dynamically typed, reflective programming language

that was created as the language to underpin the “new world” of computing exemplified by “human-computer
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3. Planning and Navigation: The process enabling a computer to get from point A with
Science to point B. A prime example of this
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is Google’s self-driving Toyota Prius. Certification Training 1

4. Natural Language Processing: Set up computers that can understand and process language.
5. Perception: Use computers to interact with the world through sight, hearing, touch, and smell.

6. Emergent Intelligence: That is, intelligence that is not explicitly programmed, but emerges from the rest of the
explicit AI features. The vision for this goal is to have machines exhibit emotional intelligence, moral reasoning and

Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Machines and computers affect the way we live and work. Top companies are constantly rolling out revolutionary
changes to how we interact with machine-learning technology.

DeepMind Technologies, a British artificial intelligence company, was acquired by Google in 2014. The company created a
Neural Turing Machine, allowing computers to mimic the short-term memory of the human brain.

Google’s driverless cars and Tesla’s Autopilot features are the introductions of AI into the automotive sector. Elon Musk,
the founder, and CEO of Tesla Motors has suggested via Twitter that future Teslas will have the ability to predict the
destination that their owners are wanting to go to via learning their pattern of behavior using AI.

Furthermore, Watson a question-answering computer system developed by IBM is designed for use in the medical field.
Watson suggests various kinds of treatment for patients based on their medical history and has proven to be very

Most people, however, utilize more common applications of AI, such as virtual personal assistants in our smartphones.
Siri, Cortana, and Google Assistant are some very commonly used digital assistants that are found in iOS, Windows and
Android phones. These applications collect information, interpret what is being asked and then supply the answer via
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fetched data and each one gradually improves based on user preferences.
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Reasons to Gain Artificial Intelligence Certification certification?

Here are the top reasons why you should gain a certification in AI if you’re looking to join this field full of potential:

1. Demand for Certified AI Professionals will Continue to Grow

One in five companies will be using AI to make decisions in 2018. It will help companies offer customized solutions
and instructions to employees in real-time. Therefore, a sharp increase in demand for professionals with skills in
emerging technologies like AI will only grow.

2. New and Unconventional Career Paths

AI is expected to create 2.3 million jobs by 2020 according to a recent report from Gartner. The Capgemini report
found that 83 percent of companies using AI say that the technology is leading to the creation of new jobs. Because
of AI, new skill sets are required in the workforce, leading to new job opportunities. Some of the top AI roles

AI/machine learning researcher: Research and identify improvements to machine learning algorithms.

AI software development, program management, and testing: Develop systems and infrastructure that can apply
machine learning to an input data set.

Data mining and analysis: Investigate large data sources, often creating and training systems to recognize

Machine learning applications: Apply machine learning or AI framework to a specific problem in a different
domain. For example, applying machine learning to gesture recognition, ad analysis or fraud detection.

3. Improve Your Earning Potential

The average Artificial Intelligence engineer can earn $135,000 per year. According to an article in Fortune, many of
the top tech enterprises are investing in hiring talent with AI knowledge. A certification in AI is a step in the right
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direction to enhance your earning potential and make you more marketable.
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4. Higher Chances of an Interview
If you are looking to penetrate the AI industry, a certification like Simplilearn’s Artificial Intelligence Engineer will
help you reach the interview stage because you’ll possess skills that many people in the market do not. Certification
will help convince prospective employers that you have the right skills and expertise for a job and make you a
valuable candidate.

Artificial Intelligence is emerging as the next big thing in the technology field. Organizations are adopting AI and
budgeting for certified professionals in the field, thus the demand for trained and certified professionals in AI is
increasing. As this new field continues to grow, it will have an impact on everyday life and lead to considerable
implications for many industries.

About the Author

Jeevan is a content marketer with close to two years of experience in content writing and copy editing. He is a musician
and a writer who enjoys playing around with words.


Data Science vs. Big Data vs. Data Analytics

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Avantika Monnappa
Published on Apr 5, 2016
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Data is everywhere. In fact, the amount of digital data that exists is growing at a rapid rate, doubling every two years,
and changing the way we live. According to IBM, 2.5 billion gigabytes (GB) of data was generated every day in 2012.

An article by Forbes states that Data is growing faster than ever before and by the year 2020, about 1.7 megabytes of
new information will be created every second for every human being on the planet.

Which makes it extremely important to at least know the basics of the field. After all, here is where our future lies.

In this article, we will differentiate between the Data Science, Big Data, and Data Analytics, based on what it is, where it
is used, the skills you need to become a professional in the field, and the salary prospects in each field.

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Let’s first start off with understanding what these concepts are.

What They Are

Data Science: Dealing with unstructured and structured data, Data Science is a field that comprises of everything that
related to data cleansing, preparation, and analysis.

Data Science is the combination of statistics, mathematics, programming, problem-solving, capturing data in ingenious
ways, the ability to look at things differently, and the activity of cleansing, preparing and aligning the data.

In simple terms, it is the umbrella of techniques used when trying to extract insights and information from data.

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Big Data: Big Data refers to humongous volumes of data that cannot be Science with R Language
processed effectively with the traditional
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applications that exist. The processing of Big Data begins with the raw data that isn’t aggregated and is most often
impossible to store in the memory of a single computer.
A buzzword that is used to describe immense volumes of data, both unstructured and structured, Big Data inundates a
business on a day-to-day basis. Big Data is something that can be used to analyze insights which can lead to better
decisions and strategic business moves.

The definition of Big Data, given by Gartner is, “Big data is high-volume, and high-velocity and/or high-variety
information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing that enable enhanced insight,
decision making, and process automation”.

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Data Analytics: Data Analytics the science of examining raw data with the purpose of drawing conclusions about that

Data Analytics involves applying an algorithmic or mechanical process to derive insights. For example, running through a
number of data sets to look for meaningful correlations between each other.

It is used in a number of industries to allow the organizations and companies to make better decisions as well as verify
and disprove existing theories or models.

The focus of Data Analytics lies in inference, which is the process of deriving conclusions that are solely based on what
the researcher already knows.

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The Applications of Each Field Science with R Language
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Applications of Data Science: certification?

Internet search: Search engines make use of data science algorithms to deliver best results for search queries in a
fraction of seconds.

Digital Advertisements: The entire digital marketing spectrum uses the data science algorithms - from display banners
to digital billboards. This is the mean reason for digital ads getting higher CTR than traditional advertisements.

Recommender systems: The recommender systems not only make it easy to find relevant products from billions of
products available but also adds a lot to user-experience. A lot of companies use this system to promote their
products and suggestions in accordance with the user’s demands and relevance of information. The recommendations
are based on the user’s previous search results.

Applications of Big Data:

Big Data for financial services: Credit card companies, retail banks, private wealth management advisories, insurance
firms, venture funds, and institutional investment banks use big data for their financial services. The common problem
among them all is the massive amounts of multi-structured data living in multiple disparate systems which can be
solved by big data. Thus big data is used in a number of ways like:

Customer analytics

Compliance analytics
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Operational analytics certification?

Big Data in communications: Gaining new subscribers, retaining customers, and expanding within current subscriber
bases are top priorities for telecommunication service providers. The solutions to these challenges lie in the ability to
combine and analyze the masses of customer-generated data and machine-generated data that is being created every

Big Data for Retail: Brick and Mortar or an online e-tailer, the answer to staying the game and being competitive is
understanding the customer better to serve them. This requires the ability to analyze all the disparate data sources
that companies deal with every day, including the weblogs, customer transaction data, social media, store-branded
credit card data, and loyalty program data.

Applications of Data Analysis:

Healthcare: The main challenge for hospitals with cost pressures tightens is to treat as many patients as they can
efficiently, keeping in mind the improvement of the quality of care. Instrument and machine data is being used
increasingly to track as well as optimize patient flow, treatment, and equipment used in the hospitals. It is estimated
that there will be a 1% efficiency gain that could yield more than $63 billion in the global healthcare savings.

Travel: Data analytics is able to optimize the buying experience through the mobile/ weblog and the social media data
analysis. Travel sights can gain insights into the customer’s desires and preferences. Products can be up-sold by
correlating the current sales to the subsequent browsing increase browse-to-buy conversions via customized
packages and offers. Personalized travel recommendations can also be delivered by data analytics based on social
media data.
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Gaming: Data Analytics helps in collecting data to optimize and spend within as well as across games. Game
companies gain insight into the dislikes, the relationships, and the likes of the users.
Energy Management: Most firms are using data analytics for energy management, including smart-grid management,
energy optimization, energy distribution, and building automation in utility companies. The application here is
centered on the controlling and monitoring of network devices, dispatch crews, and manage service outages. Utilities
are given the ability to integrate millions of data points in the network performance and lets the engineers use the
analytics to monitor the network.

The Skills you Require

To become a Data Scientist:

Education: 88% have a Master’s Degree and 46% have PhDs

In-depth knowledge of SAS and/or R: For Data Science, R is generally preferred.

Python coding: Python is the most common coding language that is used in data science along with Java, Perl, C/C++.

Hadoop platform: Although not always a requirement, knowing the Hadoop platform is still preferred for the field.
Having a bit of experience in Hive or Pig is also a huge selling point.

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SQL database/coding: Though NoSQL and Hadoop have become a major Certification
part of the Training
Data Science background, it is
still preferred if you can write and execute complex queries in SQL. certification?
Working with unstructured data: It is most important that a Data Scientist is able to work with unstructured data be it
on social media, video feeds, or audio.

To become a Big Data professional:

Analytical skills: The ability to be able to make sense of the piles of data that you get. With analytical abilities, you will
be able to determine which data is relevant to your solution, more like problem-solving.

Creativity: You need to have the ability to create new methods to gather, interpret, and analyze a data strategy. This is
an extremely suitable skill to possess.

Mathematics and statistical skills: Good, old-fashioned “number crunching”. This is extremely necessary, be it in data
science, data analytics, or big data.

Computer science: Computers are the workhorses behind every data strategy. Programmers will have a constant need
to come up with algorithms to process data into insights.

Business skills: Big Data professionals will need to have an understanding of the business objectives that are in place,
as well as the underlying processes that drive the growth of the business asHiwell
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its profit.
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To become a Data Analyst:
Programming skills: Knowing programming languages are R and Python are extremely important for any data analyst.

Statistical skills and mathematics: Descriptive and inferential statistics and experimental designs are a must for data

Machine learning skills

Data wrangling skills: The ability to map raw data and convert it into another format that allows for a more convenient
consumption of the data.

Communication and Data Visualization skills

Data Intuition: it is extremely important for professional to be able to think like a data analyst.

Now let’s talk about salaries!

Though in the same domain, each of these professionals, data scientists, big data specialists, and data analysts, earn
varied salaries. Hi there! Are you looking for Data
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The average a data scientist earns today, according to is $123,000 a year. According to Glassdoor, the
average salary for a Data Scientist is $113,436 per year.
The average salary of a Big Data specialist according to Glassdoor is $62,066 per year.

The average salary for a data analyst according to Glassdoor is $60,476 per year.

Now that you know the differences, which one do you think is most suited for you – Data Science? Big Data? Or Data

You can check the Course Preview of our Data Science Training with R here.

Simplilearn has dozens of data science, big data, and data analytics courses online, including our Integrated Program in
Big Data and Data Science. If you’d like to become an expert in Data Science or Big Data – check out our Masters
Program certification training courses: the Data Scientist Masters Program and the Big Data Architect Masters Program.

Watch this video on Data Science vs Big Data vs Data Analytics

Data Science vs Big Data vs Data Analytics | Simplilearn

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With industry recommended learning paths, exclusive access to experts in the industry, hands-on project experience, and
a Masters certificate on completion, these packages will give you need to excel in the fields and become an expert.
So what are you waiting for? Get out there, and get certified, today!

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About the Author

A project management and digital marketing knowledge manager, Avantika’s area of interest is project design and
analysis for digital marketing, data science, and analytics companies. With a degree in journalism, she also covers the
latest trends in the industry, and is a passionate writer.


20 Most Popular Data Science Interview Questions

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R Bhargav
Published on Jul 29, 2016
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Harvard Business Review referred to it as “The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century.” Glassdoor placed it in the first position
on the 25 Best Jobs in America list. According to IBM, demand for this role will soar 28% by 2020.

It should come as no surprise that in the new era of Big Data and machine learning, data scientists are becoming rock
stars. Companies that are able to leverage massive amounts of data to improve the way they serve customers, build
products and run their operations will be positioned to thrive in this economy.

Why Data Scientist is The Best Job Of 2017 | Simplilearn

It’s simply impossible to ignore the importance of data, and our capacity to analyze, consolidate, and contextualize it.
Data scientists are relied upon to fill this need, but there is a serious dearth of qualified candidates worldwide.

If you’re moving down the path to be a data scientist, you need to be prepared to impress prospective employers with
your knowledge. In addition to explaining why data science is so important Hi there!
(and whyAreyou
looking forfascinating),
it so Data you’ll
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need to be technically proficient with big data concepts, frameworks and applications.
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Following is some guidance on 20 of the most popular questions you can expect in an interview and how to frame your
1. What are feature vectors?


A feature vector is an n-dimensional vector of numerical features that represent some object. In machine learning,
feature vectors are used to represent numeric or symbolic characteristics, called features, of an object in a mathematical,
easily analyzable way.

2. Explain the steps in making a decision tree.


1. Take the entire data set as input.

2. Look for a split that maximizes the separation of the classes. A split is any test that divides the data in two sets.

3. Apply the split to the input data (divide step).

4. Re-apply steps 1 to 2 to the divided data.

5. Stop when you meet some stopping criteria.

6. This step is called pruning. Clean up the tree if you went too far doing splits.

3. What is root cause analysis?

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Root cause analysis was initially developed to analyze industrial accidents, but is now widely used in other areas. It is a
problem solving technique used for isolating the root causes of faults or problems. A factor is called a root cause if its
deduction from the problem-fault-sequence averts the final undesirable event from reoccurring.

4. What is logistic regression?


Logistic Regression is also referred as the logit model. It is a technique to forecast the binary outcome from a linear
combination of predictor variables.

5. What are Recommender Systems?

Big Data And Analytics


Recommender systems are a subclass of information filtering systems that are meant to predict the preferences or
ratings that a user would give to a product.

6. Explain cross-validation.


It is a model validation technique for evaluating how the outcomes of a statistical analysis will generalize to an
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independent data set. It is mainly used in backgrounds where the objective is forecast and one wants to estimate how
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accurately a model will accomplish in practice. The goal of cross-validation is to term a data set to test the model in the
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training phase (i.e. validation data set) in order to limit problems like overfitting, and gain insight on how the model will
generalize to an independent data set.
7. What is Collaborative Filtering?


The process of filtering used by most recommender systems to find patterns and information by collaborating
perspectives, numerous data sources and several agents.

8. Do gradient descent methods at all times converge to a similar point?


No, they do not because in some cases they reach a local minima or a local optima point. You would not reach the global
optima point. This is governed by the data and the starting conditions.

9. What is the goal of A/B Testing?


This is a statistical hypothesis testing for randomized experiment with two variables A and B. The objective of A/B
testing is to detect any changes to a web page to maximize or increase the outcome of a strategy.

10. What are the drawbacks of the linear model?

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Some drawbacks of the linear model are:
The assumption of linearity of the errors.

It can’t be used for count outcomes or binary outcomes

There are overfitting problems that it can’t solve

Nervous about your interview? Enroll in our Data Science course and walk into your next interview with confidence.

11. What is the Law of Large Numbers?


It is a theorem that describes the result of performing the same experiment a large number of times. This theorem forms
the basis of frequency-style thinking. It says that the sample mean, the sample variance and the sample standard
deviation converge to what they are trying to estimate.

12. What are confounding variables?


These are extraneous variables in a statistical model that correlate directly or inversely with both the dependent and the
independent variable. The estimate fails to account for the confounding factor.

13. Explain star schema.

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It is a traditional database schema with a central table. Satellite tables map IDs to physical names or descriptions and
can be connected to the central fact table using the ID fields; these tables are known as lookup tables and are principally
useful in real-time applications, as they save a lot of memory. Sometimes star schemas involve several layers of
summarization to recover information faster.

14. How regularly must an algorithm be updated?


You will want to update an algorithm when:

You want the model to evolve as data streams through infrastructure

The underlying data source is changing

There is a case of non-stationarity

15. What are Eigenvalue and Eigenvector?


Eigenvectors are for understanding linear transformations. In data analysis, we usually calculate the eigenvectors for a
correlation or covariance matrix. Eigenvalues are the directions along which a particular linear transformation acts by
flipping, compressing or stretching.
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16. Why is resampling done? Certification Training 1


Resampling is done in any of these cases:

Estimating the accuracy of sample statistics by using subsets of accessible data or drawing randomly with
replacement from a set of data points

Substituting labels on data points when performing significance tests

Validating models by using random subsets (bootstrapping, cross validation)

17. Explain selective bias.


Selection bias, in general, is a problematic situation in which error is introduced due to a non-random population sample.

18. What are the types of biases that can occur during sampling?


Selection bias

Under coverage bias

Survivorship bias
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19. Explain survivorship bias.

It is the logical error of focusing aspects that support surviving some process and casually overlooking those that did
not because of their lack of prominence. This can lead to wrong conclusions in numerous different means.

20. How do you work towards a random forest?


The underlying principle of this technique is that several weak learners combined to provide a strong learner. The steps
involved are

Build several decision trees on bootstrapped training samples of data

On each tree, each time a split is considered, a random sample of mm predictors is chosen as split candidates, out of
all pp predictors

Rule of thumb: at each split m=p√m=p

Predictions: at the majority rule

For data scientists, the work isn’t easy, but it’s rewarding and there are plenty of available positions out there. Be sure to
prepare yourself for the rigors of interviewing and stay sharp with the nuts-and-bolts of data science.

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About the Author 1
Certification Training
An experienced process analyst at Simplilearn, the author specializes in adapting current quality management best
practices to the needs of fast-paced digital businesses. An MS in MechEng with over eight years of professional
experience in various domains, Bhargav was previously associated with Paradox Interactive, The Creative Assembly, and
Mott MacDonald LLC.


Free eBook: 21 Resources to Find the Data You Need

Published on Jul 19, 2016


About the Ebook

If you’re a data science geek, you will know how difficult it is to find high-quality raw data for all your
needs. We’ve compiled a handy list of free resources that provide accurate and comprehensive data sets
on everything from land-use patterns to code documentation. So if you’re looking for specific data to
build an application or create a data visualization, this eBook is all you will need. Find inside: 1. 9
categories of online data resources, including government portals, university libraries, and more. 2. Guidelines on
scraping the data yourself – or using APIs to find the data you need. 3. Do’s and don’ts when collecting data. Go ahead
and download your copy today!
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