Chapter 3: Application of OD Interventions

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Chapter 3: Application of OD interventions

The chapter involves;

1. Introduction
2. Process o f application o f OD interventions
3. A pplication o f OD interventions: Global scraari^T Indian scenario, and in

selected com pressor m anufacturing compaiiies in Pune region

4. V arious m odels o f application o f OD interventions : Individual ,Team

,Intergroup, System wide, appropriate model.

5. Elem ents o f successful im plem entation o f OD interventions
6. Institutionalization o f OD interventions

3.1: Introduction :

OD interventions have gained interest o f m any organizations in recent years. It

believes that change can^m fect everyone and everything. As OD interventions

focuses on w hole system , structure, team s and individual so it has gained im portance.
OD interventions can be applied appropriately as per the need o f an organization.
Every organization is unique and has its own reason for change. OD practitioner

need to understand client’s need for change and has to apply interventions best suited
for it. The global challenge o f sustainability is the m ain reason for im plem enting OD
interventions. The dem ands o f the ever changing environm ent has lead to keep
confidence on OD interventions as it is based on the value system and these values
help an organization to face the challenge.

3.2 A pplication o f OD interventions:

OD intervention strategy is designed o n l y ^ e r scientific research and diagnosis o f a

problem . This action research helps to understand current system o f an organization.
OD interventions are designed based on participation & involvem ent of

organizational members. This em powerm ent helps OD practitioner to im plem ent OD

interventions successfully. Survey based feedback also gives valuable inputs to OD

practioner in applying OD interventions.

The OD intervention strategy can be sum m arized as below: -

1. Diagnosis: - The search for perform ance gaps is called as diagnosis. These gaps
help to know w here client’s perform ance is less than desired. For accurate diagnosis
o f the current scenario, there should be a trustw orthy relationship betw een the
consultant and client^^This relationship helps in collaboration to find out real need o f
the change. For su<5cessful diagnosis it is necessary to link perform ance im provem ent
strategies to achieve business goals. U nderlying causes for this perform ance gap are
analyzed. Causes can be categorized into internal or external. Internal causes m ay
lead to adoption o f new strategy or setting new goals. External causes m ay lead to
designing new actions in regards to actions o f com petitors or by regulatory or social

related changes.

2. D esigning an OD intervention strategy: - D iagnosis leads to designing an OD

intervention strategy that is problem based. O bjectives o f OD intervention strategy

are developed to have a direct link with business goals. D esigning an OD

intervention strategy represents the best solution , outlines specific outcomes, and
role o f each com ponent in the entire process. D esigning also gives specific points to

keep w atch on for evaluation o f the process.

3. D evelopm ent o f OD intervention s tr a te ^ : - Design is a blueprint o f developing

an OD strategy. The OD intervention strategy is designed and developed with the
evaluation objectives. The developm ent o f OD intervention strategy is crucial step as

it is directly related to desired outcomes.

4. Im plem entation o f OD intervention strategy: - Action takes place and progress

is evaluated, organizational m em bers can be engaged at this stage. The deploym ent
needs high level o f energy and creativity o f participants. Participants need to have

clear picture o f change and their role at each step. Accountability with meaningful
feedback is reinforced for process to be effective. Evaluation can be conducted by
constructing pilot studies and data collection

5. Evaluation: - h can be studied by understanding im pact after im plem enting OD

strategy. It can be done be checking im m ediate feedback or learning gained through

the process, or by evaluating performance. This is continuous process.

D iagn osis

Evaluation of OD Designing OD
intervention strategy in terven tio n strategy

(Fig.3 .1 : Application o f OD intervention strategy)

3.3 G lobal application o f OD interventions:

T he m ajority o f the work related to OD interventions is done in USA, UK, Japan and

som e developing countries in Asia. The foundation o f OD was laid by K urt Lewin
and his colleagues w ith various experim ents and labs. The National Training

Laboratory was also found for m ore research and training through labs and various

sessions. The N TL still plays an im portant role in the field o f OD. The US com panies

have successfully used the expertise o f various change agents and has developed the
organization through thick and thin. The Tavistock institute also plays an im portant
role in evolution o f OD. M any countries in UK also practice various OD
interventions in corporate as well as non-corporate world. Japanese m anagem ent is

one o f the m ost effective techniques used for enhancing quality and productivity.
V arious initiatives from Japanese m anagem ent are also considered as OD
interventions as they are based on sim ilar foundation and aim for organizational
change with enhanced effectiveness. The OD netw ork is form ed in various countries
internationally and regionally. These netw orks provide training and update the OD

com m unity w ith recent trends. The resources are also developed in above m entioned

countries w ith the help o f w hich an organization m anages the organizational change

OD and application o f OD interventions has progressed from a limited conceptual

and practice base into a com prehensive, global approach to organizational
im provem ent (Glassm an & Cum m ings, 1991). A ccording to Blair, Sorensen and

Y aeger (2002), OD interventions play im portant roles in dealing w ith changing

world. Am erican and W estern European consultants developed OD. Therefore, the
values and assum ptions o f western, industrialized cultures influence its practices and
techniques. Industrial econom ies (like those o f France, Japan, the USA and the UK)
favor OD interventions that suit environm ents, w ith advanced technological
developm ents, highly skilled w orkforces, inform ation and know ledge m anagem ent,
custom er-driven service delivery and open and adaptable national and organizational
system. These econom ies, w hich are m oving tow ard w ealth that is m ore
concentrated, globalization and ecological concerns, will influence OD interventions
in the future (W orley & Feyerherm, 2003). Countries that have subsistence
econom ies (like A fghanistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria) favor OD interventions that

focus on global social change and on creating conditions for sustainable social and
econom ic progress (Cum m ings & W orley, 2001). Industrializing econom ies favor

OD interventions that em phasize strategic, structural and w ork design aspects. These
interventions focus on assisting organizations to identify national and global m arkets,

to engage in clear and suitable goal setting, to structure them selves to becom e
efficient and effective and to increase their m arket share. Indian econom y is m oving

in the sam e direction. Lau et al. (2005) found that H ong K ong firm s spend m ore tim e
on hum an process interventions and strategic planning activities but less tim e on

techno structural and system -w ide interventions. On the other hand, firms in the USA
spend m ore tim e on hum an process and systen>)jfide interventions. Furtherm ore,
organizations m ay have to adapt som e OD interventions to fit the cultural values o f

particular countries. OD practitioners tilm k that they w ork in accordance with their
values instead o f prescribing their interventions (G olem biew ski, 1993).

The current trends o f OD interventions in global scenario are used for following

a. M inim izing cultural barriers.

b. B uilding effective and high perform ance teams

c. Enhanced em ployee engagem ent
d. D evelopm ent o f individual personally an ^ ^ o fe ssio n a lly .
e. Strategic decision m aking for sustainability,

f M ore participation and em powerm ent

g. Enhanced productivity and quality.
h. Im provised structure
i. Building authentic and fast com m unication pattern
j. Organizational transform ation

3,4.1 Few exam ples o f OD interventions applied globally:

1) Yahoo! A US based IT com pany saw a m ajor change when Carol Bartz took over
as a CEO in February 2009 carried out m ajor restructuring as an OD intervention.

2) M icrosoft relied on OD interventions aim ed aJ/Whavioral changes and operational


3) Cisco initiated change through substantial structural interventions, statistical
evaluation interventions and process interventions. It also focuses on C SR initiatives.

4) Dell focused on six sigm a as an OD intervention for zero defects.

5) N issan M otors, A Japanese com pany under the leadership o f CEO Carlos Ghosn
introduced perform ance and productivity enhancem ent initiatives. A lso m assive

restructuring and talent m anagem ent OD interventions helped the com pany to


6) Canon introduced perform ance based com pensation, skill inventories and career
planning as interventions.

7) Kodak focused on diversification and reorganisation as OD interventions.

8) Ford concentrated on cultural change,<<^reer planning, im proving com m unication

pattern and survey feedback as OD interventions.

9) C hrysler M otor Com pany focused on Participation and involvem ent as OD


10) Dell im plem ented force field analysis and various innovative training practices as
learning OD interventions. It also focused the em ployee em pow erm ent and
participative m anagem ent.

11) X erox focused on learning organiz^iti6n w hich provided am ple learning

opportunities for em ployees along witl>m entorship programme.

12) The com panies like Samsung, LG electronics focused on w orkforce diversity and

flexible resource management.

13) The com panies like Hyundai and Toyota f o c u s j^ f cultural interventions and

quality m anagem ent systems.

3.5 A pplication o f OD interventions in Indian scenario:

Indian scenario in application o f OD interventions can be term ed under the phrase

“still developing.” The Indian corporate w orld view OD as organizational renew al.
T he organization developm ent involves top m anagem ent for initiating change and it

also gives the scope to other organizational m em bers to be a part o f the process. The

credit for dev elo p in g O D in India goes to the experts in the field, Dr. T V R ao and

Uday Pareekh. T hey have co n trib u ted th ro u g h various books, articles as well as
training program m es. The exam ples o f OD interventions in Indian organizations are
as follows:

3.5.1 Few exam ples o f application o f OD interventions in Indian scenario:

1) Larsen and Toubro introduced OD as a separate/function and departm ent for

effective im plem entation o f OD interventions.

2) W ipro adopted for internal organizational restructuring to m eet custom er specific


3) ONGC relies on succession planning, em ployee participation, training,

organizational rem odeling and clim ate surveys as OD interventions.

4) TCS has extensive OD interventions in the form o f goal alignm ent, balanced

scorecard and culture building intervention.

5) Bharti A irtel focuses on coaching, m entoring and career planning as OD


6) Aditya Birla group im plem ents OD interventio/is like rotational jo b assignments,

career planning, leadership development.

7) Infosys has a broad base o f OD interventions like Leadership developm ent

program m e, personal developm ent initiatives, cross functional assignm ents, 360

degree feedback ,psychom etric testing (M BTI) for individual personality assessm ent.

8) Tata M otors reorganized the organization through restructuring, training was

extensively used and flexible com m unication pattern was introduced.

9) Sail introduced new m odified perform ance m anagem ent system as a part o f

change initiative.

10) Bank O f Baroda im plem ented reorganization at all regional and zonal levels.

The application o f OD interventions m entioned above is a representative data and

there are m any such initiatives taken by Indian organizations for individual, team and

organizational effectiveness.

3.6 A pplication o f OD interventions in selected com pressor m anufacturing
com panies : ( Based on inform ation by H R ,secondary data and prim ary data)

3.7. A pplication o f OD interventions^in:' selected com pressor m anufacturing

com panies :

3.7.1 N am e o f the C om pany : Burkhardht C om pression India Pvt. Ltd

3.7.1 Salient features o f OD Interventions and C hange m anagem ent process

applied at Burkhardht C om pression India Pvt. Ltd.:

Follow ing param eters guide for the selection o f appropriate OD intervention :

1.Vision o f the com pany.

2.G rowth plans.

3.Feedback received from the employi

4.Identified area o f change.

The follow ing OD interventions are applied

A )Individual Interventions :

Sr. N am e o f the individual Details

No. intervention
1 Coaching On the jo b by the superior

2 Goal setting In the form o f individual K R A ’s

3 W ork life balance Particularly for fem ale em ployees

4 C om m unication pattern In the form o f technological up o;adation in
com m unication systems
5 Behavioral training In the form o f role p lays^and sim ulation

B) Team building Interventions:

Sr. N am e o f the Team Details

No. building intervention
I Training In the form o f workshops and assessm ent
2 Team building In the form o f team building w orkshops ,
conferences /
3 Role analysis In the f o n p ^ f job description card

C )O rganization wide Interventions :

Sr N am e o f the organisational
.N intervention
0. /
1 Reform ation o f strategy ^ In the form o f w orking culture, M BO
2 Enhanced perform ance In the form o f K R A ’s and leading to
m anagem ent system career planning o f em ployees
3 New recruitm ent and selection In the form o f online portals
4 Job Design and redesign In the form o f m odification in job
5 Q uality im provem ent system s In the form o f TQ M and quality circles
6 Training m ethodology Based on individual needs and team
7 Process consultation By appointing an consultant for
8 Productivity enhancem ent By im proving productivity processes
and sub processes
9 Technological Upgradation By installing new technology and
training associated w ith it.
10 Continuous im provem ent In the form o f suggestion schemes ,
initiatives interaction and quality circles.

The im plem entation o f these initiatives has been very effective in term s of:

1.Enhanced quality.

2.Im proved com m unication pattern.

3.Better custom er satisfaction through technological up gradation and
com m unication pattern.

4.U nderstanding individual training needs.

5.Im provem ent in productivity through TQM.
6.H elps in em ployee career planning.

3.7.2 N am e o f the C om pany : Kaeser K om pressoren India Pvt. Ltd.

Salient features o f OD Interventions and C hange m anagem ent process applied

in K aeser K om pressoren India Pvt. Ltd.:

Follow ing param eters guide for the selection o f appropriate OD intervention :

1.Vision o f the parent com pany located in G erm any .

2.G row th plans as directed by the head quarters.

3.O bjectives o f the com pany based on past results.
4 .Identified area o f change.

OD interventions :

The follow ing OD interventions are applied :

A )ln d ivid u al Interventions :

Sr. No. Nam e o f the individual intervention Details

1 W ork life balance Particularly for female

em ployees
2 Stress M anagem ent In the form o f w orkshops

3 Behavioral training In the form o f role plays

and sim ulation exercises

B)Team building Interventions:

Sr. No. Nam e o f the individual intervention Details

1 Training In the form o f w orkshops and

assessm ent centers

2 R ole analysis In the form of job

description card

C )O rganization wide Interventions :

Sr.No. Nam e o f the individual intervention Details

1 Enhanced perform ance m anagem ent In the form o f superior

system subordinate appraisal process

2 Com petitive com pensation structure In the form o f variable pay

3 Job Design and redesign In the form o f m odification in
jo b description
4 Q uality im provem ent system s In the form o f TQM
5 Training m etho(M ogy Based on individual needs and
team needs
6 P ro d u ctiv it^ n h an cem en t By im proving productivity
processes and sub processes
7 Technological Upgradation By installing new technology
and training associated w ith

T he im plem entation o f these initiatives has been very effective in term s of:

1.Enhanced quality.

2 .U nderstanding individual training needs.

3.Im provem ent in productivity through TQM.

4.H elps in em ployee career planning.

3.7.3 N am e o f the C om pany : Bauer C om pressoren India Pvt. Ltd.

Salient features o f OD Interventions and C hange m anagem ent process applied

Bauer C om pressoren India Pvt. Ltd.:

Follow ing param eters guide for the selection o f appropriate OD intervention:

1. O bjectives o f parent com pany located^iif^Germany and guided objectives o f

Pune unit.
2. Identified area o f change
3. The overall process and results achieved by it.

OD interventions:

The follow ing OD interventions are applied :

A )Individual Interventions :

Sr. Nam e o f the individuaj/ "Ibetails

No. intervention
1 Coaching In the form o f On the Job
2 Goal setting In the form o f K R A ’s
3 Behavioural training In the form o f identified training
needs and training based on it.

B)Team building Interventions:

Sr. N am e o f the team building Details

No. intervention
I Training In the form o f On the jo b training

2 Team building Through external training

program m e
3 Role analysis In the form o f Job description

C) O rganization w ide Interventions :

Sr.No. N am e o f the organisational J > ^ ils

1 Enhanced perform ance m anagem ent In the form o f Perform ance
system bonus schem e for top
m anagem ent and superior
subordinate perfoiinance
m anagem ent scheme
2 Com petitive com pensation structure In the form o f variable pay and
executive com pensation
3 N ew recruitm ent and selection In the form o f online portals
4 Q uality im provem ent systems In the form o f ISO
5 Technological up gradation Im plem entation o f ERP system.

The im plem entation o f these initiatives has been very effective in term s of:

1.Enhanced perform ance o f employees.

2.C larity in the responsibility through K R A ’s.

3.Im provem ent in efficiency in system s through ISO.
4.H elps in em ployee career planning through perform ance m anagem ent system.

3.7.4 N am e o f the C om pany : Em erson C lim ate Technologies India Pvt


Salient features o f OD Interventions and C hange m anagem ent process applied

at Em erson Clim ate Technologies India Pvt, Ltd.:

Follow ing param eters guide for the selection o f appropriate OD intervention :

1.The vision and m ission o f the company.

2.The grow th plans o f the company.
3.The objectives o f the change.
4.The process and participants in the process.

OD interventions :

The following OD interventions are applied

A) Individual Interventions :

Sr. Nam e of the Details

No. individual
1 Goal setting In the form o f K R A ’s
2 C om m unication pattern In the form o f technological up
gradation in com m unication systems
3 Behavioural training In the form o f identified training
needs and training based on it
particularly role plays, sim ulation

B) Team building Interventions

Sr. No. N am e o f the team building intervention Details

1 Training In the form o f On the

jo b training /
A ssessm ent centers
2 Team building Through Team building
3 Role analysis In the form o f Job

C) Inter group OD interventions :

Sr. No. Nam e o f the Inter group intervention Details

1 C onflict resolution In the form of

interpersonal training
/ prog~amme------ -------*

D) O rganization wide Interventions :

Sr.No. Nam e of the D e ta ils ^ ^

1 Reform ation o f In the form o f new systems after
s tra te g y ,vision , values form ation of Em erson Clim ate

2 Enhanced perform ance In the form o f K R A ’s and M BO

m anagem ent system
3 C om petitive In the form o f broad banding
com pensation structure
4 N ew recruitm ent and In the form o f online portals
selection process
5 Restructuring In ^ i^ J d h n o f horizontal structure

6 Job redesign ^ n the form o f m odified jo b description

7 Training m ethodology In the form o f new types o f training

program m es like ethics training,
com m unication training , team building

8 Process consultation A ppointm ent o f an consultant for

9 Q uality im provem ent In the form o f ISO
10 Six sigma In process
11 Talent m anagem ent Talent m anagem ent program m e
12 Knowledge In form o f training
m anagem ent
13 Productivity Installation o f new technology.
14 Technological up Installation o f new technology.
15 Continuous Continuous m idterm feedback
im provem ent

The im plem entation o f these initiativ)re has been very effective in term s of:

1. Enhanced perform ance of^m ployees.

2. Clarity in the responsibility through K R A ’s.
3. Im provem ent in efficiency in systems through productivity and technological
up gradation.

4. H elps in em ployee career planning through perform ance m anagem ent system.
5. M idterm feedback helps in m odification o f the systems.

3.7.5 N am e o f the C om pany : H owden T h ^ m a s e n C om pressors India Pvt.

Salient features o f OD Interventions and C hange m anagem ent process

applied at H owden Thom m asen C om pressors India Pvt. Ltd.:

Follow ing param eters guide for the selection o f appropriate OD

intervention :

1.O bjectives o f parent com pany guides the objectives o f change process.
2.The process and intervention is also decided by parent company.
3.The benefits and effectiveness achieved through-the intervention.

OD interventions :

The following OD interventions are applied

A) Individual Interventions :

Sr.No Nam e of the Details

1 Coaching In the form o f On the Job
2 Goal setting In the form o f perform ance
m anagem ent system

Behavioural training In the form o f identified training

3 needs and training based on it.

B)Team building Interventions:

Sr. No. Nam e o f the team building Details

1 Training In the form o f On the jo b
2 Team building Through external training
program m e
3 Role analysis In the form o f Job description

C) O rganization wide Interventions

Sr.No. N am e of the organisational Details

1 Enhanced perform ance m anagem ent In the form o f superior
system subordinate perform ance
m anagem ent schem e
2 C om petitive com pensation structure In the form o f variable
3 N ew recruitm ent and selection process In the form o f online

The im plem entation o f these initiatives has been very effective in term s of:

1. Enhanced perform ance o f employees.

2. Clarity in the responsibility through personal discussion and
3. Helps in em ployee career planning through perform ance
m anagem ent system.
4. Enhanced perform ance through com petitive com pensation

3.7.6 N am e o f the C om pany: Transw orld com presso technologies Pvt. Ltd.
’v" -
Salient features o f OD Interventions and C hange m anagem ent process applied

at T ransw orld com pressor technologies Pvt. Ltd.:

Follow ing param eters guide for the selection o f appropriate OD intervention :

1.The identified change area. ^ —

T '
2.O bjectives o f the change process.

3.The process and targets o f the change process.

OD interventions :

The follow ing OD interventions are applied

A) Individual Interventions:

Sr. Nam e of the Details

No. individual
1 Coaching In the form o f On the Job training
2 Goal setting In the form o f perform ance m anagem ent
3 Behavioural training In the form o f specialized identified
training needs and training based on it.

B) Team building Interventions:

Sr. Nam e o f the team Details

No. building
1 Training In the form o f On the jo b training
and planning for proper training
2 Team building Through external training
program m e
3 Role analysis In the form o f Job description

C) O rganization w ide Interventions :

Sr.No. Nam e of the organisational D e t a ils ,/^


1 Enhanced performance management Iformance index

system performance
management scheme
2 Competitive compensation structure Linked with the
outcomes of
perfonnance index
3 New recruitment and selection process In the form o f online
4 Process consultation In the form of
contractual hiring o f the
consultants for expertise.

5 Productivity enhancement ^ so linked with

perfonnance index
scheme and
technological support.
6 Continuous improvernent^Mitiatives In the form o f open
house forums.

T he im plem entation o f these initiatives has been very effective in term s of:

1. Enhanced performance o f employees through performance index

2. Open communication through open house forum.
3. Helps in employee career planning through performance index scheme.
4. Enhanced performance through competitive compensation structure.

3.7.8 N am e o f the C om pany : K irloskar pneum atic com pany Ltd.

Salient features o f OD Interventions and C hange m anagem ent process applied

at K irloskar pneum atic com pany Ltd.:

Follow ing param eters guide for thc/^^election o f appropriate OD intervention

1 .The vision and mission o f the company.

2.The growth plans o f the c o ^ a n y .
3. The objectives and effectiveness o f the selected OD intervention.

4.The time and implementation process.

A )O D interventions : A )Individual Interventions

Sr. Nam e of the individual Details

No. intervention
1 Coaching In the form o f On the Job training
2 Goal setting In the form o f performance
management system
3 Behavioral training In the form o f identified training
needs and training based on it.

B)Team building Interventions:

Sr. Nam e o f the team building intervention Details

1 Training In the form o f prescribed
training process.
2 Team building Through workshops
3 Role analysis In the form o f Job

C )Inter group OD interventions :

Sr. Nam e o f the Inter groJti[Mntervention Details

1 Conflict resolution In the form o f interpersonal
training programme

D) O rganization w ide Interventions :

Sr.No. Nam e of the organisational Details

1 Enhanced performance management In the form o f MBO and
system KRA’s
2 Competitive compensation structure Linked with the outcomes
of performance
management scheme
3 N ew recruitment and selection process In the form o f online portals
4 Restructuring In the form o f hierarchical
and processual changes
5 Quality improvement initiatives In the form o f TQM and 5 S

Business process reengineering In the process
Six sigma In process
Talent management Talent management
Knowledge management In form o f training
10 Training methodology In the form o f prescribed
training process____________
11 Process consultation In the form o f hiring o f the
consultants for expertise.
12 Productivity enhancement Through technological
support and TQM__________
13 Continuous improvement initiatives In the form o f suggestion
schemes , assessments and

The im plem entation o f these initiatives has been very effective in term s of:

1.Enhanced productivity through the impkmentation o f quality improvement


2.Continuous improvement through assessments.

3.Helps in employee career planning through performance management scheme.

4.Enhanced performance through continuous training programmes.

3.7.8 Nam e o f the C om pany : Atlas Copco c o m p a i^ ^ J ^

Salient features o f OD Interventions and C hange m anagem ent process applied

at Atlas Copco com pany Ltd.:

Follow ing param eters guide for the selection o f appropriate OD intervention :

1.The vision and mission o f the company.

2.The growth plans o f the company.
3.The objectives and effectiveness o f the selected OD intervention.

4.The time and implementation process.

5.Feedback received from various agencies.

OD interventions :

The following OD interventions are applied :

A )Individual Interventions :

Sr. Nam e of the individual Details

No. intervention

1. Life and career planning Through performance

management scheme and
personal discussion

2 Coaching In the form o f On the Job

3 Goal setting ^ In the form o f performance
management system

4 Communication pattern In the form o f personal

5 Behavioural training In the form o f identified
training needs and training
based on it.

B)T eam building Interventions:

Sr. N am e o f the teaHf^ building Details

No. intervention
1 Training In the form o f prescribed
training process.

2 Team building Through workshops

3 Role analysis In the form of Job

C )Inter group OD interventions :

Sr. N am e of the Inter group Details

No. intervention
1 Conflict reso lu tio n ^ ^ In the form of
interpersonal training

D )O rganization w ide Interventions :

Sr.No. N am e o f the organisational Details

1 Enhanced performance In the form o f MBO and
management system KRA’s
2 New recruitment and selection In the form o f online
process portals

3 Restructuring ^ In the form o f hierrachial
and processual changes

4 Quality improvement initiatives In the form o f TQM and 5

5 Business process reengineering In the form o f process
benchmarking and

6 Training methodology In the form o f prescribed

training process

7 Process consultation^/^ In the form o f hiring o f

the consultants for
8 Six sigma ^ In process
9 Talent management Talent management
10 Knowledge management In form o f training
11 Productivity enhancement Through technological
support and TQM

12 Continuous improvement initiatives In the form o f suggestion

schemes , assessments and

T he im plem entation o f these in itia tiv ^ h a s been very effective in term s of:

1.Enhanced productivity through the implementation o f quality improvement

initiatives and process benchmarking.
2.Enhanced performance through MBO and KRA’s.
3.Helps in employee career planning through performance management scheme.
4 .Enhanced performance through continuous training programmes.

3.8M odels o f OD interventions : Based on the secondary research researcher has

conceptualized following model for application o f OD interventions Individual

intervention model:

tn Iti ati rtg jjrg a nisatio'^ ’

Organisational change demands individual
related change in :
Beliefs,values,attitude,perception,comm unicatio
n pattern, inter personal relatlons,individual
developm ent
fpre-requisites for individual change
Leads to : 1 .Personal grow th factors!?
I Cope up w ith
"" 2: Professional development factors-
1 resistance to

[00 : 1. Diagnosis 2. Designing OD

intervention 3. Im plem entation o f appropriate OD
evaluation of

( 3.2 :Individual intervention model based on secondary research)

Model for individual interventions consists of:

1) Initiating organizational change: The organizational change demands in
individual behavior o f an employee. The areas o f change in behavior may include :
Beliefs, values, attitude, perception, communication pattern, inter personal relations,
individual development . This could be organizational response in situation like

cultural changes, processual changes or human behavioral changes for enhanced


The link between the first stage and the second is the role o f action research fo r
effective diagnosis and role o f involvement and participation o f employees fo r better
clarity and less resistance to change.
2) Pre-requisites for individual change : The organizational change involving

individual employee requires consideration in two areas :

1.Personal grow th factors; are related to individual growth in personal life or can

be also considered as some alteration or modificjititJirin behavior can also enhance

the capacity o f an individual which could b ^ ^ n eficia l for growth o f an individual.

2.Professional developm ent factors:^ re related to professional capacities o f an

individual for better work performance.

The link between the second and third stage is the role o f survey feedback
about organizational change and to cope up with resistance to change with effective
organizational strategies.

3) OD process ; as discussed earlier th ^ ^ D process proceeds. The importance

aspect in the process is the selectio fio f appropriate OD intervention. The individual

focused OD interventions can be applied as per the need.

The link between the third and fourth stage is role evaluation o f OD interventions.
The evaluation o f individual can be assessed through the enhanced performance ,
learning and application.

4) The achievem ents o f objectives ; The main objective o f an individual in the

process o f organizational change make^ individual more adaptive and responsive.

The evaluation will prove if the ^application o f individual OD interventions are


3.8.2 Team intervention model

Team building
Role Clarity
Organisation Responsibility alignm ent
al Change: conflict resolution
team related ' High Performance
Action research, involvement and

• Individual performance

• Team performance

Survey feedback and cope up with

resistance to change
• Designing team building OD
• Im plem entation o f OD

Acheivement 1 • Team effectiveness

-of objectives I • Enhanced Team

k J Performance

▼ -------------------------------------------- ^
{fig.3.3 : Team intervention model based on secondary research)

M odel for team interventions

1)Initiating organizational chang^: The teams play very important role in today’s
corporate world. The organizational change demands alteration in team functioning.
The areas o f change in teams may include : team building, role clarity, responsibility
assignment, conflict resolution and high performance. This could be the result o f
organizational change in processual or technological up dation.

The link between the first stage and the second is the role o f action research for
effective diagnosis and role o f involvement and participation o f employees fo r better
clarity and less resistance to change.
2)Pre-reqiiisites : The organizational charjg€ involving teams requires consideration
in two areas ;

1.Individual perform ance .^_aper^related to individual factors as team is formed o f

individuals. These are behavioral aspects like communication issues, attitude,
perception towards others.
2.Team perform ance: are team related factors such as interpersonal factors,
communication pattern, role ambiguity, responsibility assignment and conflict. These

factors play important role in the performance o f the team.

The link between the second and third stage is the role o f survey feedback about
organizational change and to cope up with resistance to change with effective
organizational strategies.

3 .0 D process : as discussed earlier the OD process proceeds. The important aspect

in the process is the selection o f appropriate OD intervention. The team focused OD

interventions can be applied as per the need. There are range o f OD interventions and

exercises to enhance team performance.

The link between the third and fourth stage is evaluation o f OD interventions. The
evaluation o f individual can be assessed through the enhanced performance ,
learning and application.

4.T he achievem ents o f o b j^ tiv es : The main objective o f team in the process o f
organizational change/fnake an effective and high performance team . The
performance o f the team can be evaluated and the objectives can be achieved.

3.8.3 Inter group intervention model

Action research and diagnosis

OD process : 1. Diagnosis

Designing inter group OD intervention’

Implementation o f OD intervention

Evaluation of OD

Achievement of objectives

Enhanced inter group relations and high

(Fig 3 4 : Intergroup intervention model based on secondary research)

Various departments and different teams together form an effective organization so

there is a need to address the issues between these teams or groups The inter group
interventions are related to role clarity, conflict resolution and improved inter personal

relations. Interventions aim at confrontation, negotiation for enhanced inter group

3.8.4 System w ide intervention model

Team Intergroup Stru(:ture ,


OD process and

implementation of appropriate



(fig.3.5 : System wide intervention model based on secondary research)

The system wide interventions focus on the large scale organizational change. The
external factors like competition, globalization or high rate o f technological

innovation demand the organizational change. Th^/organization strives for

sustainability in this kind o f environment. These changes lead to alteration or

modification in mission, strategy, process, philosophy, structure or technology o f an

organization. The OD offers range o f OD interventions that are considered as system

wide interventions. These interventions are inclusive o f individual, team, structure.

These interventions are designed as per the need o f the organization. The

organizational effectiveness is evaluated with the help o f various parameters like :

1. Enhanced performance o f an organization.

2. Increased quality and production
3. Lower conflicts
4. High performance teams
5. Better work life balance o f an in d iv i^ a l

6. Continuous learning
7. Improved inter personal relations

8. Effective communication
9. Responsive organizational structure and more role clarity

And most importantly

10. Increase commitment towards organization and responsive and

adaptive nature for sustainability.

3.8.5 The appropriate model:

: Learning

,open system

• Focus on
developm en
t,w ell being,
perform ance
, career

( Fig. 3.6 : Appropriate OD intervention model based on secondary research)

The appropriate model is basically about an organization which is an open system

and which believes in continuous learning for sustainability. The continuous nature

o f change enables an organization to decide on appropriate interventions focusing on
an individual , team , inter group and system together. N o intervention can work in

isolation if as all systems are interdependent in an organization. The appropriate

model aims at individual, team and organizational effectiveness as illustrated in the

above figure.

3.9 Elements of successful application of OD intervention programme: -

There are three elements that can determine success o f application o f OD

intervention programme: -

1 ) A c c u r a te d ia g n o s is o f a n o r g a n iz a tio n a n d th e c h a n g e e v e n t, -

Diagnosis can help to analyze the current situation o f an organization and its
effectiveness. Diagnosis also helps enhance organization’s existing functioning.
Diagnosis in OD is development oriented. It is a collaborative process between

organization members and consultant to collect required information, analyze it and

draw conclusions for action planning & interventions.

2 ) D e s ig n in g a p p r o p r ia te a n d e ffe c tiv e O D in te r v e n tio n : -

Diagnosis helps to identify specific problems and based on that, OD interventions

are designed. OD interventions are thus customized or tailor made based on specific
problem. OD interventions are deliberate actior^ which attempt to change an
organization in a more effective way. E|¥^ctive interventions fulfill following

criteria: -

1) The need o f an organization.

2) The knowledge o f intended outcomes.

3) The change management capability o f organizational members.

Effective interventions are based on valid information about the organization’s

functioning. Effective interventions help organizational members to create
commitment towards the change effort. InterventiojJS that are designed effectively
help to take responsibility by organizational/members by creating ownership
towards change effort. Interventions also involve knowledge o f outcomes. Valid

information o f outcome is prerequisite because interventions are based on specific
problem which is diagnosed eadier.

3 ) E v a lu a tio n a n d I n s titu tio n a liz a tio n o f O D in te r v e n tio n s .

Evaluation is about conveying feedback to organization members about progress

and impact o f intervention is successful. The successful change then becomes a

permanent part o f an organization which is referred as institutionalization. Though

evaluating is generally carried out at the end o f any cycle, in OD, if results are to be

made more correct, then evaluation should be carried out at every step so that
evaluation choices can help to take more accurate intervention decisions. The
evaluation o f OD intervention can be done in two key areas: -

1) During the implementation o f OD interventions.

2) Overall impact o f OD interventions.

3.10 Institutionalizing OD interventions: -

Following are indicators o f institutionalization.

1.Knowledge: - It refers to extent o f knowledge o f new behavior for effective

implementation o f OD intervention.
2.Performance: - It refers to incorporating new behaviors to improve performance,
which can be judged through various parameters set by organizations.
3.Consensus: - This refers to the extent to which people agree about

appropriateness o f the organizational changes.

4.Value penetration: - More the change & OD intervention related to value system
o f beliefs o f organizational members, better would be institutionalization o f OD


Thus, all factors explain developmental view o f institutionalization o f OD

interventions. When all these factors ^ e present then OD interventions are
automatically institutionalized in an organization. Though OD interventions are
based on particular situation o f a ^ rg a n iza tio n , OD interventions can be applied
continuously or any time when organization is ready and wants to make planned

improvements using OD values & beliefs and OD interventions.


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