Bikol Teachers' Guide Q1-Q4

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I. Objectives
1. Introduce oneself, family, friends and others using naming words and
pronouns in culturally appropriate manner
2. Recall important details in the story listened to
3. Use correctly the terms referring to conventions of print: book, front and
back cover, beginning, ending
4. Talk about pictures presented using appropriate local terminologies with
ease and confidence(animals, mechanical,objects, musical Instruments,
environment and alphabet)
5. Perceive/comprehend sounds heard locally (animals, mechanical,
objects, musical Instruments, environment and alphabet)
6. Develop and use vocabulary by listening to: sounds produce and heard
locally(animals, mechanical, objects, musical Instruments, environment
and alphabet)
7. Comprehend and produce sounds heard locally (animals, mechanical,
objects, musical instruments, environment and alphabet)
8. Use proper eye-hand movement skills in handwriting (left-right, top-
bottom, use beginning writing skills)
9. Trace and copy lines (straight, slanting, horizontal, curve, circular)
10. Write using comfortable and efficient pencil grip

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Introducing oneself with confidence
2. Recalling important details in the story listened to
3. Using correctly the terms referring to conventions of print: book, front
and back cover, beginning, ending
4. Talking about pictures presented using appropriate local terminologies
with ease and confidence(animals, mechanical,objects, musical
Instruments, environment and alphabet)
5. Perceiving/comprehending sounds heard locally (animals,
mechanical, objects, musical Instruments, environment and alphabet)
6. Developing and using vocabulary by listening to: sounds produce and
heard locally(animals, mechanical, objects, musical Instruments,
environment and alphabet)
7. Comprehending and producing sounds heard locally (animals,
mechanical, objects,musical instruments, environment and alphabet)
8. Using proper eye-hand movement skills in handwriting (left-right, top
bottom, use beginning writing skills)
9. Tracing and copying lines (straight, slanting, horizontal, curve,
10. Writing using comfortable and efficient pencil grip

B. Selection: An Mag-amigo
Sinurat ni: Claire B. Barcelona
C. References: K+12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Curriculum

D. Materials: songs (Kumusta Ka, Hain Si?), story, puppets, magic box,
pictures (different kinds of animals, musical, mechanical objects), realia,
recorded sounds, CD player/laptop
E. Theme: My Family and I (likes and dislikes; daily tasks/activities)
F. Value: Obedience

III. Procedure

Day 1 and Day 2

A. Motivation
Introduce a song. “Kumusta Ka?” (Tune: Hello, Hello, Hello)
Let pupils form a big circle and sing a song.
Kumusta Ka?
(Tune: Hello, Hello, Hello!)

Kumusta, kumusta, kumusta?

Kumusta kamo ngunyan?
Ako nauugma.
Kita magkairibahan.

B. Presentation
“Puppet Show”
Teacher uses puppets to present the lesson.
Marhay na aga man.
Marhay na aga po.
Ako po si Jose Castro.
Ako po si Rosa Santana.
Anom naman an edad
Anom na taon na ako.
Ako nasa inot na grado na.
Nasa inot na grado man

Teacher asks questions about the dialog:

 Who are talking in the dialog?
 What are they saying?
 How does Rosa introduce herself? How about Jose?
 What do they say about themselves?

C. Modeling
Teacher introduces herself to the class.

Example: Good morning

I am ___________________.

I am your teacher.
Can you introduce yourself?
Tell something about yourself.
Can you introduce yourself in front of the class?

D. Guided Practice
Ask a pupil to volunteer in introducing herself/himself in front of the class.
Let the pupils follow the pattern in introducing oneself.

Ako si ______________

_______na an edad ko.

Nasa ___________ na grado na ako.

Encourage all pupils to introduce herself/himself in front with confidence.

E. Independent Practice
1. Introduce another song: “Hain Si?”
2. Form a big circle and let the pupils sing the song.
3. When the name is called he/she will introduce himself/herself.

Hain Si?
(Tune: Where is Thumbman?)

Hain si (Miko)? Hain si (Ana)?

Uya/Huni ako. Uya/Huni kami.
Ako nangungumusta, ako
Marhay man, marhay man.

The pupil who is called will go to the center of the circle to introduce
herself/ himself.

F. Post Assessment/Evaluation
Game: “Going Bulilit Show”
1. Teacher creates scenario where pupils introduce themselves in a
Going Bulilit Show.
2. Pupils may imitate a model before he/she introduces himself/ herself.

Day 3

A. Pre-Reading Activities

1. Unlocking of difficult words (through pictures and context clues)

a. beterinaryo

* Beterinaryo an aki ni Ramil. Siya an nagbubulong kan mga
hayop na naghihilang.

b. zoo
*Kadakul na mga hayop an nahiling ni Joyce sa parke asin Wild
Life. Ini an zoo sa Albay.

c. knapsack

2. Motivation
Game: “I Sounded Like My Mom”
a. Teacher prepares masks representing faces of five (5) different
kinds of animals.
b. Teacher produces the sound of the animals and the pupils locate
their mother based on the sound produced by the teacher.
c. Pupils are grouped into five (5):

Group 1: pig Group 4: bird

Group 2: dog Group 5: cat
Group 3: duck

 Do you have pets at home?

 What is your favorite pet?
 Why do you like it as your pet?

3. Book Orientation
Introduce the book, the title and the author.

4. Motive Question
What is the favorite pet of Nardo?

B. During Reading
Listening story: Teacher reads the story “An Mag-amigo” by Claire B.
Barcelona. Pupils listen.
Interactive reading : Second reading of the story

An Mag-amigo
Sinurat ni: Claire B. Barcelona

“Yehey!” an kurahaw ni Nardo.

“Maduman kami sa Wildlife sa Sabado,” maugmang sabi ni Nardo.
Beterinaryo an ama ni Nardo. Siya an nagbubulong asin nag-
aataman kan mga hayop sa zoo.
Aki pa sana si Nardo, mahilig na siyang mag-ataman nin hayop.
Igwa siyang ataman na ukay na si Kukay, ikos na si Mingming asin ido
na si Dodong. Sa gabos si Dodong an paborito niya.
“Papa, puwede kong ipag-iba si Kukay, Mingming asin Dodong sa
Sabado?” seryosong hapot ni Nardo.
“Baka, mawara sinda Nardo. Kadakul pa naman nin tawo buda mga
hayop sa WildLife,”simbag kan ama.
Namundo si Nardo sa simbag kan ama, alagad nakaisip tulos siya
nin paagi kun pano maipag-iba an amigong si Dodong.
“Dodong, dai ka sana magparahiro ha? Ikakaag taka sa knapsack
ko. Pag-abot sa Wildlife, magbubukudan kita mantang nagbubulong si
Papa,” luway-luway na pakihuron ni Nardo kay Dodong.
“Aw-aw-aw,” pag-uyon na simbag kan amigong si Dodong.
Sa Wildlife, kadakol na nahiling na hayop si Nardo, yaon si Sisong
Sawa, na nakapurupot sa dakulang sanga. “Ssh,sssh,sssshhh, shhhh,”
an pagbati niya sa mga bisita.
Si Kardong Kanding, na nakikikawat kay Bebong Baka.
“Moo, mooo, mooo,mooo, yaon na ako Kardo,”sabi ni Bebong Baka.
“Mee,mee,mee,meee, bukod pa Bebong,” simbag ni Kardong
“Boot,boot,boot,” an huni ni Kuwagong Kulas. “Digdi ka sako, Nardo.
Hilinga an sakuyang bagong hawla,pinturado na,” pag-imbitar ni Kulas.
“Kwak, kwak, kwak, maugmang aldaw, Nardo,” pagbati ni Perlang
“Marhay na aldaw saindo, Kuwagong Kulas asin Perlang Pato.”
Hain si Tonyong Talapang? Dai ko nadadangog an tugtog niyang ‘Kokak,
kokak’ buda si Mandong Manok an saiyang kantang ‘Tuk-tura-ook, tuk-
turaok’,” hapot ni Nardo.
“Yaon sinda sa klinika, pigbubulong si Mandong Manok ta
nasubrahan ki kanta nawaran na nin boses. Si Tonyong Talapang,
makulog daa an halunan ta sobrang ribuk kan mauran,” paulok na
simbag ninda Kuwago buda Pato.
“Halat ka, Nardo, hain an amigo mong si Dodong?” ngalas na hapot
ni Perlang Pato.

Tulos na nagdalagan si Nardo. Dali-dali niyang hinanap an knapsack
sa laog kan awto. Dai na an bag ko. Hain na si Dodong. Natakot si Nardo
na dai na sa bag an paboritong si Dodong.
Hinanap ni Nardo an amigong si Dodong alagad dai niya ini
nakua. Tulos na nagduman sa klinika ni papa niya.
Sa lamesa nakahigda si Dodong, maluya pa. Tolos na kinugos ni
Nardo an amigong si Dodong.
“Aw,aw,aw,” mamundong batok ni Dodong.
“Patawad, Dodong, nalingawan takang iluwas sa knapsack ko,”
mamundong sabi ni Nardo.
“Nardo, sa masunod ngani sunudon mo an sabi ko. Kun dai ko
nalingawan an gamit ko sa pagbulong, puwedeng nagadan si Dodong ta
dai nakahangos sa knapsack mo,” pangadal ni ama.
“Patawad, Papa. Patawad, Dodong,” kinugos giraray ni Nardo an
amigong si Dodong.

C. Post Reading
1. Engagement Activities
a. Ano an paboritong ataman na hayop ni Nardo?
b. Nata kaya ta maugma si Nardo kan aldaw na ito?
c. Masain sinda Nardo asin an saiyang ama?
Grupo 1- Idrowing an pandok ni Nardo kan sinda maduman sa
d. Sain nagtatrabaho an ama ni Nardo?
e. Ano an trabaho kan saiyang ama?
f. Ano-ano an mga ataman na hayop ni Nardo?
g. Ano an gustong gibuhon ni Nardo sa saiyang mga ataman na
Grupo 2- Ihiras sa klase an mga ataman nindong hayop. Itaram
kun arin sa mga ini an paborito.
h. Nata ta dai niya puwede iiriba ang mga ataman na hayop sa zoo?
i. Ano kaya an puwedeng mangayari sa mga ataman niyang hayop
kun iiriba niya ini sa zoo?
j. Ano-ano an mga hayop na nahiling ni Nardo sa zoo?
Grupo 3- Gibuhon an mga hiro kan mga hayop na nahiling ni
Nardo sa zoo.
k. Ano an ginibo ni Dodong para maiiba niya an saiyang paboritong
ataman na hayop sa zoo?
l. Sain niya inilaag si Dodong?
m. Ano an nangyari ki Dodong? Ano an saiyang ginibo kan dai niya
ini nahiling?
n. Sain niya nahiling si Dodong?
o. Kun ika si Nardo ilalaog mo man an saimong ataman na hayop sa
laog kan saimong bag? Nata? Nata dai?
Grupo 4- Ipahiling kun pano mo pig-aataman an saimong
paboritong hayop.

p. Anong adal an saimong nakua/naguno sa istoryang nadangog?

Day 4

A. Skill Development
1. Modeling
a. Give emphasis on the sound produced by different animals in the
story listened to.
“Q and A at the Zoo”

b. Teacher produces the sound and pupils identify the animal.

 Which animal says ‘aw-aw’?
 Which animal says ‘meow, meow’?
 Which animal says ‘mee..meee’?
 Which animal says ‘moo…moo’?
 Which animal says ‘quack…quack’?
 Which animal says ‘kokak…kokak’?
 Which animal says ‘sshhh…sshhh’?

2. Guided Activity
a. Game: “I am Looking for My Mom”
Eight of the pupils will act as the mother pig, duck, dog, cat,
rooster, frog, cow and goat.
The mother will produce the sound of the animal it represents
while the pupils assigned for the identified animal shall produce
the sound to locate their mother.
Game ends when the class was able to form eight different groups
of animals.
b. Grouping: Group pupils into several groups and let each group
imitate/give the sound of the animals found in the story.

3. Independent Activity
Game:“Visit to the Farm”
a. Teacher post pictures of different kinds of animal on the wall.
b. Pupils are grouped into three (3) and they will take turns in visiting
a farm.

Farm 1:goat Farm 5: horse

Farm 2: cow Farm 6: snake
Farm 3: chicken Farm 7: bird
Farm 4: duck Farm 8: monkey

c. Pupils will produce the sound of the animals in the farm they will

B. Post Assessment
1. Teacher shows pictures of different animals listed inside the box and
pupils produce the sound.

2. Look at the animals on the right. Connect the animal to the sound its
produce on the left by tracing the dots.
Teacher produces the sound.

Day 5

A. Review
1. What animals did Nardo meet at the zoo?
2. Can you produce the sound of the animal?

B. Presentation
1. Game:“The Magic Box”
a. Teacher puts pictures of different objects that produce sound.
b. In a form of a riddle pupils guess what’s inside the box.

Ex. You can see me up in the sky.

I fly like a bird.
I give the sound ‘zoom…zoom’.
What am I?______

c. When the pupils guess the object, teacher reveals the correct

2. “Show Me a Picture”
a. After the pictures are revealed from “The Magic Box”, teacher tells
that not only animals produce sound. There are different objects
that produce sound.

a. What other things produce sound?

b. Pupil names the picture and gives the sound it produces.

3. Modeling
a. Teacher shows different real objects, musical instrument,
mechanical and other things that produce sound.
b. Teacher gives the sound of the object while pupils imitate.

C. Guided Activity
1. Trace the dots to form the object that produce sound.

2. Connect the object to the sound it produces.

Teacher produces the sound.

D. Independent Activity:
Game: “Parade of Sounds”
Teacher posts outside the classroom pictures of different objects that
produce sound. Pupils walk around and as they pass by the picture they
produce the sound.

E. Post Assessment:
Did I hear it right?
1. Teacher records different sounds. Pupils identify the different sounds
and group the sounds as animals, musical instruments, environment
and mechanical objects. Pupils put the picture on the specified

Animals Musical Environment Mechanical

Instruments Objects

2. Sequence of recorded sounds

1. tuk-tu-ra-ok-tuk-tu-ra-ok
2. broom-broom
3. splash, woosh,woosh
4. tip-tap-tap
5. boom-boom-boom
6. kokak-ko-kak-ko-kak
7. toot-toot-toot
8. aw-aw-aw-aw
9. kring-kring
10. mee-mee-mee


I. Objectives
1. Use correctly the terms referring to conventions of print: title, page,
author, illustrator
2. Track the text in the correct order: page by page, left to right, top to
3. Recall important details in a listening story
4. Predict what the story is about based on personal experience
5. Distinguish and produce sounds heard (volume-loud and soft; pitch-high
and low; pace-fast and slow; similar and different)
6. Manifest enjoyment in producing sounds heard locally from: animals,
mechanical, objects, musical instruments and environment
7. Identify names of persons, places and things

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Using correctly the terms referring to conventions of print
2. Tracking text in the correct order
3. Recalling important details in a listening story
4. Predicting what the story is about based on personal experience
5. Distinguishing and producing sounds heard according to volume;
pitch, pace, similarity and difference
6. Manifesting enjoyment in producing sounds heard locally from:
animals, mechanical, objects, musical instruments and environment
7. Indentifying names of person, place and thing

B. Selection: An Nadiskubre ni Attila

Sinurat ni: Claire B. Barcelona
C. Reference: K+12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: Story: An Nadiskubre ni Attila
realia - instruments: xylophone, drums, objects that produce soft/loud;
high/low; fast/slow; similar/different sounds, pictures; boxes ; recorded
E. Theme: My Family and I (Healthy Habits)
F. Value: Real essence of celebrating fiesta - Being thankful for God’s

III. Procedure:

Day 1
A. Pre-Reading
1. Recall: “May Tanog an Lambang Saro”
Teacher plays the recorded sounds.
Pupils identify the sounds heard.
1. Arin sa mga ini an tanog nin hayop?
2. Arin an tanog nin instrumento?

3. Arin man an tanog nin bagay?
4. Arin an tanong sa palibot?
5. Pare-pareho an tanog kan lambang saro? Nata?
6. Sain sinda nagkakapareho? Sain man nagkakaiba?

2. Unlocking of difficult words

Unlock difficult words through context and picture clues.
a. Bastunera
*Si Brigette an majorette kan eskuwelahan ninda. Siya an lider
kan mga bastunera.

b. Bisperas
*Sibot an mga tawo pag aldaw bago an kapiyestahan. Pag
bisperas, lambang saro nagtatarabang sa pagpreparar nin mga
pagkaon asin pagsamno sa plasa.

c. Drummer
* Matibayon an drummer na si Mark. Siya an may kapot kan drum
na pinakadakula asin may pinakamakusog na tanog.

d. cymbals

e. xylophone

3. Motivation
Complete the chart pertaining to the different activities you observe
during fiesta. Put the picture on the proper column.

Before Fiesta During Fiesta After Fiesta

a. What preparations do you observe in celebrating fiesta?

b. How do people prepare for it?

Expected pictures

1. People busy preparing food

2. Religious organization decorating the plaza and church
3. Parade around the town/barangay
4. Mass during fiesta
5. People cleaning the surrounding
6. Merry making and programs in the plaza

4. Motive Queston
What activity was held the day before fiesta?

B. During Reading
1. Listening story: An Nadiskubre ni Attila
2. Interactive Reading: Teacher reads the story while pupils interact by
predicting the next event to happen through questions.

An Nadiskubre ni Attila
Sinurat ni: Claire B. Barcelona

Makulor an selebrasyon sa kapiyestahan kan Patron ni Santa

Rosa de Lima. Taon-taon pighahandaan kan mga tawo an okasyon na
ini. Nagkakasararo an mga opisyal sa mga pakunsuwelo buda mga
aktibidad na nagpapaugma sa katawuhan.

“Tata, Tata, mahiling kita kan parada sa Sabado,” pakihuron ni


Nakaugalian na kan mga tawo na maghiling kan parada sa

bisperas kan kapiyestahan. Pigdadayo ini kan nga taga-ibong lalo na
kan mga kaakian.

*Nata kaya muya maghiling ni Attila kan parada?

“Nata man, Kuya, muya mong maghiling kan parada?” hapot ni Athena.
“Kadakul kayang tawo, mainit, buda maribok an tanog kan mga
bumbo,” dagdag pang sabi kan tugang na si Athena.

“Sabi kaya ni titser ko, madadangog mo an manlainlain na

tanog pag piyesta,” simbag ni Attila.

Sa aldaw nin parada, napano an plasa. Manlainlain na kulor an

nag-ingganyo sa mga bisita. Kaugmahan an mahihiling mo sa mga
pandok ninda.

* Anong mga tanog kaya nin instrumento an nadangog ninda?

‘Boom-boom,boom-boom-boom’ an makusog na tanog kan


‘Klang-klang-klang-klang-klang’ an tanog kan cymbals.

‘Toot-toot-to-to-tooot, tot-tot-to-totoot’ an sa trumpeta.

‘Ting-ting-ting-ting-ting-ting’ an maluway na tanog kan


*Ano kaya an nadiskubre ni Attila sa tanog kan lambang


“Tata, magayunon palan an tanog kan kada instrumento,” an

paghangang sabi ni Attila. “Manlainlain an kusog kan tanog. May
maluway, an iba man makusog. May halangkaw buda hibaba an
tanog,” dagdag pa ni Attila.

“Kuya, mas magayon pagnagkakasabay-sabay an tanog kan

pararehong instrumento. Nakakasabay sa kumpas an hiro kan nga
bastunera,” an simbag kan nguhod na si Athena.

*Sisay saindo an muya man maging drummer buda bastunera?

Sa paghuna nindo, muya man kaya ninda Attila buda Athena
maging drummer buda bastunera?

“Tata, pagdakula ko drummer man ako,” maugmang sabi ni

Attila. “An drum ko an pinakamakusog an tanog,” paulok na sabi ni

“Ako man, Tata, lider kan mga bastunera,” an sabi ni Athena.

“Iyo po, mga aki, kaya ngunyan pa sana pag-adalan na nindo

an tamang tanog kan kada instrumento. Danguga nindo an timbre kan
kada tanog. May makusog, may maluway, may halangkaw may
hababa. May parareho buda may manlainlain man.

*Ano pa kayang tanog an nadangog ninda?

“Anong tanog iyan?” hapot ni Tata. May kasabay na ibang parong.

Sarabay na nag-urulok an tulo mantang nagtahob sa dungo.

Answer the following questions:
1. Nata kaya muya maghiling ni Attila kan parada?
2. Anong mga tanog kaya nin instrument an nadangog ninda?
3. Ano kaya an nadiskubre ni Attila sa tanog kan lambang instrumento?
4. Sisay saindo an muya man maging drummer buda bastunera? Sa
paghuna nindo, muya man kaya ninda Attila buda Athena maging
drummer buda bastunera?
5. Ano pa kayang tanog an nadangog ninda?

C. Post Reading
1. Engagement

Group 1 - Who are involved in the preparation for the

Draw the scene were people are having a meeting
in preparation for the celebration.

Group 2 - How do people prepare for it?

Act out how people prepare for fiesta.

Group 3 - What did Attila see during the parade?

Name the things that Attila saw during the parade.

Group 4 - What musical instruments were used during the

Produce the sounds of the instruments.

a. What activity was held before fiesta?

b. Who are involved in the preparation of the celebration?
*Group 1 presents.
c. How did the people prepare for it?
*Group 2 presents.
d. Why was Attila excited to see the parade?
e. What did he see during the parade?
*Group 3 presents.
f. What did Attila discover about these musical instruments?
*Group 4 presents.
g. What did the kids want to be upon seeing the parade?
h. Would you like to be a drummer or a majorette too? Why? Why

1. What should you do in order to attain what you want to be?
2. What kind of food should you eat in order to become healthy
3. What nutritious food do people prepare during fiesta?

Value Focus:

*What should people remember during fiesta celebration more than
the merry making?

2. Skill Focus (Grammar Awareness)

Post picture about the scene when Attila, Athena and Tata are
watching the parade.

a. Who are they?

Sirisay sinda?
b. Who is Attila? Athena? Tata?
Sisay diyan si Attila? Athena? Tata?
c. Who else do you see in the picture?
Sisay pa an nahihiling nindo sa ritrato?
d. Tell the names of the characters in the story.
Itaram an mga pangaran kan mga karakter sa istorya.
Pangaran an apod sa mga ngaran nin tawo.

3. Guided Activity
State your name and the name of your classmates.
Sabihon an pangaran mo asin kan saimong bagong kaklase.
Halimbawa: Ako si Rosa. Kaklase ko si Jose.

4. Independent Practice
Activity: “Meeting New Friends”
Form 2 circles, one big circle and one inner circle. Everybody
sings Kumusta Ka? When the singing of the song stops, pupils
take turns in introducing oneself to his/her partner.
5. Evaluation
State 5 names of your new classmates.

D. Homework
Know the names of the members of the family.
Aramon an pangaran kan miyembro kan pamilya.

Day 2

A. Recall
1. What musical instruments were mentioned in the story?
2. What kinds of sound did each instrument produce?
3. Let pupils imitate the sound of each instrument.

B. Presentation
Use real objects to produce sounds. Let pupils identify the soft and loud

Game: Where do I belong?

Teacher prepares two boxes. Pupils identify which of these objects have
soft sounds and loud sounds.


C. Modeling
1. Teacher uses drum and xylophone. Pupils identify which of the two
instruments produce soft/loud sound.

2. Pupils play the instruments and distinguish which produces soft/loud


D. Guided Activity
Game: It’s All About Sounds
Utilize different objects that produce sounds. Let pupils manipulate the
objects and tell which has soft/loud sounds.

E. Independent Activity
Game: I Can Be
Teacher shows pictures of different objects, animals, forms of
transportation. Pupils imitate the sound it produces and identify which has
soft/loud sounds.
I can be a goat which sounds__________.
I can be a dog that says ______________.
I can be a thunder that sounds __________ .
I can be an airplane that sounds ___________.
Sounds are everywhere.
It could be soft or loud.

“Puwede Ako”

Puwede ako maging kanding na nagsasabing ‘mee-meee’.

Puwede akong maging ayam, na nagbabatok nin ‘aw-aw’.
Puwede akong maging dalugdog, na makusog an tanog.
Puwede man akong maging eroplano, ‘zoom-zoom’ makusog an
tanog ko.
An tanog yaon sa palibot.
May makusog asin maluya.

Day 3

A. Recall
Distinguish soft and loud sounds.
Using recorded sounds, pupils identify which objects produce soft/loud

B. Presentation
Use a xylophone. Let pupils listen to the sound of the xylophone with
high/low pitch.
1. What kind of sounds do you hear?
2. Do you hear the same sounds?

C. Modeling
Teacher models how to produce high and low pitch sounds.
Pupils imitate the teacher.

D. Guided Activity
Game: Little Drummers
1. Use cans and sticks to produce high and low pitch sounds.
Group pupils into 3.
2. Let each group imitate a drummer on parade using cans to produce
high and low sounds in unison.

E. Independent Activity
Activity: Like Frog Singing School
Pupils demonstrate producing high and low pitch by singing their favorite

Day 4

A. Recall
Distinguish high and low pitch of sounds.
Game: Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
1. Teacher plays recorded sounds. Pupils show thumbs up if the sound
has high pitch and thumbs down if low pitch.
2. The activity will be done by the whole class; group and individual.

B. Presentation
Teacher plays two songs with different rhythm. One has fast rhythm (rap
song) and the other with slow rhythm.
1. Which song did you like? Why?
2. What sounds did you hear?
3. Which song has fast rhythm? slow?

C. Modeling
Activity: Rain Clap
1. Teacher models how to produce fast and slow pace sounds.
2. Introduce rain clap.
3. Just like how the rain fell, its sound shows slow and fast pace.

D. Guided Activity
Activity: Follow Me
Teacher leads in performing the task by producing fast and slow pace

Group 1: clapping
Group2: tapping
Group 3: stomping

E. Independent Activity:
Activity: Battle of the Bands
Pupils form groups and prepare a presentation for a band concert by
clapping, tapping and stomping to produce fast and slow pace rhythm.

Day 5

A. Recall
Distinguish fast and slow pace of sounds.
Activity: Teacher creates scenario to show pacing of sounds. Pupils
produce the sound.
Ex. Stormy day vs windy day produce the sound of the wind.
Shshshshshhhhhhhh (fast)
Sssh-sssh-ssssh-sssh (slow)

Ano an tanog kan paros pag may makusog na bagyo?

Ano man an tanog kaini kun maduros?
Arin an makaskas an tanog? maluya?

B. Presentation
Game: Blind Fold
1. Teacher asks a pupil to be blindfolded. Pupil must be able to
distinguish similar and different sounds heard.
*Teacher may use real objects or recorded sounds.

2. What sounds of objects, instruments, and animals did you hear?
3. Which has similar sounds different?

C. Guided Activity
Game: Sa Pula sa Puti
Teacher shall play recorded sounds of animals, objects and instruments.
Pupils line up in red flag when they hear similar sounds and on white flag
if they hear different sounds.

D. Post Assessment
Using things found inside the room, have a mock up parade inside the
school campus. Produce different sounds according to volume, pitch,
pacing, similarities, and differences.


I. Objectives
1. Listen and respond to others
2. Express love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them and
asking to be read more stories
3. Use culturally appropriate courteous expressions in different situations
4. Identify names of persons, things and places
5. Give/Produce the beginning sounds of letters in a given word
6. Identify differences between letters
7. Give the letter that begins with the name of the given picture/object
8. Identify specific letters (n,i,o) in the alphabet both upper and lower
9. Write upper case and lower case letters (n,i,o) in print using proper
10. Give the sounds of the specific letters (n,i,o) in the alphabet
11. Match words with pictures and objects
12. Develop and use vocabulary words that begin with the sounds of letters
presented by listening to teachers producing the sounds

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Listening and responding to others
2. Expressing love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them
and asking to be read more stories
3. Using culturally appropriate courteous expressions in different
4. Identifying names of persons, things and places
5. Giving/producing the beginning sounds of letters in a given word
6. Identifying differences between letters
7. Giving the letter that begins with the name of the given picture/object
8. Identifying specific letters (n,i,o) in the alphabet both upper and lower
9. Writing upper case and lower case letters (n,i,o) in print using proper
10. Giving the sounds of the specific letters (n,i,o) in the alphabet
11. Matching words with pictures and objects
12. Developing and use vocabulary words that begin with the sounds of
letters presented by listening to teachers producing the sounds

B. Selection: An Ginikanan kan Naga

Sinurat ni: Meriam Z. Tandog
C. Reference: K+12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: Story- An Ginikanan kan Naga, pictures.
E. Theme: Things I Enjoy and People I Like (food, fruits, vegetables, local
delicacies, games, toys, friends)
F. Value: Caring for animals

III. Procedure:

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading
1. Unlocking of difficult words
Teacher unlocks the difficult words found in the story through context
a. Kaugmahan
*Masalinggaya an pandok kan gabos. Napano nin kaugmahan an
selebrasyon kan piyesta.

b. Hanapbuhay
*Kadakul na parasira sa samuyang lugar.
An hanapbuhay ninda an magdakop nin sira sa dagat.
2. Motivation
Present the book, talk about the cover.
a. What do you see on the cover of the book?
b. Describe the place in the picture.

2. Motive Question
What is the origin of Naga’s name?

B. During Reading
1. Reading Aloud of the Story “An Ginikanan kan Pangaran kan Naga”.
2. Teacher reads the story using the big book while pupils listen.

An Ginikanan kan Pangaran kan Naga

Sinurat ni: Meriam Z. Tandog

Duwang bersiyon an nagluluwas na ginikanan kan ngaran na Naga.

An sarong bersiyon iyo an iiistorya ko saindo.
Kaidtong inot na mga aldaw may sarong lugar na pano nin mga
kahoy na nara. Igwa ini nin dakulang salog, mga nauumahan saka mga
lugar na may harababang duot pero may dikit na tubig sa irarom. An
lugar na ini iyo an gustong pagparadumanan kan sarong klase nin mga
gamgam na an ngaran Na’ga. An mga gamgam na ini pirming yaraon
duman sa lugar na ito lalo na kun amay na aga saka pababa na an
saldang. Kadakul pirming mga Na’ga an nagduduruman.
Dikit pa sana an mga tawo na nag-iistar sa may lugar na ito.
Naisipan ninda na magdakop nin pira saka dinara ninda sa sarong
lugar na matawo. Dakul an nagbarakal kan mga gamgam. Iyo na ini an
naging hanapbuhay kan mga tawong harani sa lugar na idto.
Nahiling kan iba na maray an hanapbuhay kan mga tawong harani
sa lugar kun sain nakukua an mga gamgam sa Na’ga kaya an mga
tawo nagrilipat nin istaran tanganing magdarakop man sinda kan Na’ga.
Pag hinahapot an mga tawong nag-iistar duman kun sain hali an
mga gamgam, an simbag ninda duman sa lugar na dakul na Na’ga.

Iyo na ini an ginikanan kan ngaran na Naga.

C. Post Reading
Teacher asks questions about the story heard.
1. Interactive questions during reading
a. Nata/Tano ta inapod na Naga an siyudad/lugar?
b. Nata/Tano ta mayong nag-iistar digdi kan mga inot na panahon?
c. Ano an apud sa gamgam na dakul sa lugar na idto?
d. Pano nakatabang an mga Na’ga sa mga tawong nakaistar harani
e. Pano ninda ginibong hanapbuhay an Na’ga?

Value Infusion
*Kun ipapadagos an pagpabakal kan mga gamgam/bayong, ano
kaya an puwedeng mangyari sa mga ini?
*Pano mo maipapahiling an pangataman sa mga hayop?

 Nata/Tano ta sa pag-agi kan panahon nagdakul an mga nag-

iistar sa lugar na idto?

2. Questions after the reading

a. Ano an nakagawian o namuyahang gibuhon kan mga tawo sa
b. Kamo igwa man na nakahiligan na gibuhon? Ano an mga ini?
c. Anong pag-uugali kaidto sagkod ngunyan an dapat tang iurgulyo?

Day 2

A. Review
Recall details that happened in the story listened to by asking some
questions about it.

B. Literary Extender
Grouping: “Lights, Camera, Action!”
Teacher groups the pupils into 4. Give each group a scenario from the
story and let pupils perform the given task.

Group 1- Pantomime how birds move

Group 2- Give names of bird that they know (ex. owl, dove)
Group 3- Act out activities of vendors in the market
Group 4- Draw birds flying up in the sky

C. Skill Development
Situation: When the people migrated to the place where there were plenty
of birds called Na’ga, they met the natives in the place.

Listen as I read some courteous expressions they uttered in their

Kan an mga tawo nagrilipat sa lugar kun sain dakul an gamgam na Na’ga
nakipagmidbidan sinda sa mga dati ng nakaistar sa lugar.
Dangugon nindo an magagalang na tataramon sa saindang paghururon.

1. Diyos marhay na aga.

2. Diyos marhay na udto.
3. Diyos marhay na banggi.
4. Diyos mabalos po.
5. Kumusta ka?
6. Puwede tabi?
7. Makisuyo tabi.
8. Makiulay tabi./Makihuron tabi?

Anong magagalang na tataramon an ginamit ninda?

a. Ano an pigtataram pag may nakasabat ka pagka-aga? pagkaudto?
b. Ano an pigtataram pag ika mapasalamat?
c. Ano man an sasabihon mo kun ika may hahagadon na pabor?
d. Piggagamit nindo an mga magagalang na tatataramon na ini? Nata?

D. Modeling
1. Teacher models how each expression is used.
2. Situations are given to practice how these expressions are
appropriately used.

E. Guided Practice
Present comic strips. Teacher reads the situations and the pupils give the
correct greetings and courteous expressions.

F. Independent Activity
“On the Wall” Teacher posts pictures showing different time of the day
and situations that reflect actions that need courteous expressions. Pupils
walk by group and practice saying the correct expressions as they pass
by the area.

Wall 1: morning Diyos marhay na aga.

Wall 2: evening Diyos marhay na banggi.
Wall 3: noon time Diyos marhay na udto.
Wall 4: appreciation for the favor Diyos mabalos.

Day 3

A. Presentation:
1. Introduce names. These are the names found in the story.
(The words represent names of persons, objects and place).

Naga duot
saod gamgam

2. Teacher presents more pictures that refer to person, things and place.

B. Guided Activity
“Mystery Box”
1. Get a box and put pictures of persons, things and place.
2. Let each pupil pick one and identify each name. As the pupils name
the picture, teacher posts it on the board and puts a name below it.
3. Teacher says the picture name again.
Ask: What is in the picture?

C. Independent Activity
“Where Does It Belong?” Ask pupils to classify names into persons,
animals, or places. Tack the picture on the corresponding group.

Persons Things Place

D. Post Activity
“Post It” Three pupils are assigned to hold a card representing person,
thing and place. When the teacher shows picture of person, thing or
place, pupils choose from among the three. They line up on the specific
post designated.

Day 4
Introducing Letter Nn
A. Presentation
“What’s in a picture?”
Here are some pictures, can you name them?

nanay natong nigo

natad niyog nara

(Show pictures that begin with letter Nn.)

B. Review
Let the pupils identify names of person, things and places.
Arin kaini an ngaran nin tawo, bagay, lugar?

C. Modeling
1. Teacher says the picture name one at a time by producing the initial
sound of each. Say the word three times.

This is a picture of a /nnn/…natad

This is a picture of a /nnn/…nanay
This is a picture of a /nnn/…natong
This is a picture of a /nnn/…nigo
This is a picture of a /nnn/…nara
This is a picture of a /nnn/…niyog
2. What sound do you hear at the beginning of each picture?
3. Teacher produces the letter sound again as pupils follow.
4. Present sets of pictures on the board. Which among the pictures
begin with /n/? Listen as the teacher says the name of the picture.
Check the picture that begins with /n/.
5. Present flashcard with letter Nn as a symbol of the sound /n/. The
letter is made of sandpaper for the pupils to trace and feel it with their
6. Class this letter sounds like /nnn/ (Produce the sound 3x)
7. The letter name is Nn. This is Mama N and here is Baby n.
8. Can you point where Mama N and Baby n are?

D. Guided Practice
Tracing Letter
1. Trace the letter Nn made of sandpaper on the flashcard, feel the
roughness of the paper.

2. Can you write Mama and Baby Nn?
3. Write it using your finger on the air, on your palm, at the back of your
classmate, on your desk.

E. Independent Practice
Total Physical Response-Body
Present a chart with letters. Teacher points each letter and ask.
Is this letter n? If the answer is YES pupils clap their hands 3x.
If the answer is NO, pupils stomp their foot 3x.

N d n w r n m N
N N o v N n e y
q N N m m w U N

Day 5

A. Review
Present pictures of object that begins with the sound /n/. Name the
objects shown.

namok nigo nito nipa natong

B. Presentation
1. Teacher shows letter cards with N and n.
2. Produce the sound of Nn as /nnn…/

C. Modeling
“Say it again” Teacher shows letter cards with letter Nn and gives its
sound. Pupils repeat after the teacher.
(Encourage pupils to produce the /n/ sound one by one.)

D. Guided Practice:
“Trace me” Trace broken lines to form picture of object that begins with
Let pupils say something about the picture.

Gibuhon 1
Talaon an putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin ritrato na
nagpupuon sa letrang Nn.

Gibuhon 2
Talaon an mga putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin letrang Nn.

Gibuhon 3
Pagkabiton an mga tuldok tanganing makabilog nin letrang Nn.

E. Independent Practice
1. Write big and small letter Nn.
2. Write big and small letter Nn following the proper hand stroke.


Day 1
Introducing Letter Aa

A. Review
1. Show pictures that begin with letter Nn and name them.
2. Produce the sound of letter n.

B. Presentation
1. .Present new set of pictures.

abaniko abokado aldaw

apa aki aso

2. Teacher names the picture one by one.

(Give emphasis on the beginning sound of the picture.)

This is a picture of an /aaa/ …abaniko.

This is a picture of an /aaa/ … abokado.
C. Modeling
1. Recognizing the letter sound of Aa.
What sound do you hear at the beginning of the picture?
The teacher produces /a/ as the pupils listen.
Give the sound three times.

2. Recognizing letter name Aa

a. Show a flashcard with letter Aa made of sand paper.
b. These are Mama A and Baby a. It gives the sound /a/.
c. Produce the sound three times.

D. Guided Practice
1. Writing Letter Aa
a. This is how we write Mama A and Baby a.
(Teacher traces the letter in the flashcard using the finger.) Call
volunteer pupil/s to trace the sand paper with a finger as he/she
gives its sound.
b. Write Mama A and Baby a on the air, on the palm, on their
classmate’s back, and on the desk.
(Encourage pupils to count the number of strokes as they write
letter Aa.)

2. “Trace me” Trace broken lines to form picture of object that begins
with Aa.
Let pupils say something about the picture.

Gibuhon 1
Talaon an putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin ritrato na
nagpupuon sa letrang Aa.

Gibuhon 2
Talaon an mga putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin letrang

Gibuhon 3
Pagkabiton an mga tuldok tanganing makabilog nin letrang Aa.

Gibuhon 4
Isurat an dakula asin sadit na letrang Aa.

Day 2

A. Independent Practice
1. Letter Box: “Step Yes or No”
a. Teacher points each letter and asks: Is this Aa?
b. If the answer is YES pupil steps on Yes and if the answer is
NO, pupil steps on the No.

N a A b I H a A
B A S A A a n c
2. Connect the picture with letter Aa if its begin with the sound /a/.

B. Post Assessment
1. Look at the set of letters. Circle letter with /a/.

Day 3

Introducing Letter Ii
A. Review
Review of two learned letters (Nn and Aa). Ring the beginning letter of
the following picture. Listen as the teacher says the name of the

n, a n, a n, a n, a n, a

B. Presentation
1. Present new set of pictures that begin with Ii.
2. Here are some pictures, can you name them?

ikos ii ido ilaw ina itom

3. Can you name other objects that begin with letter Ii?

C. Modeling
1. Recognizing the letter sound of Ii
2. What sound do you hear at the beginning of the picture?
3. The teacher produces /i/. The pupils listen.
4. Produce the sound three times.

D. Guided Practice
1. Recognizing letter name Ii
a. Show a flashcard with letter Ii made of sand paper.
b. These are Mama I and Baby i.
c. It gives the sound /i/.
d. Produce the sound three times.

2. Writing Letter Ii.

a. This is how we write Mama I and Baby i.
b. Teacher traces the letter in the flashcard using the finger.
c. Call pupil-volunteer/s to trace the sandpaper with a finger as
he/she gives its sound.
d. Write Mama I and Baby i on the air, on the palm, on their
classmate’s back, and on the desk.
e. (Encourage pupils to count the number of stroke as they write
letter Ii.)

Day 4

A. Review
1. What’s the First Sound?
Introduce a song.

Ano an inot na tanog na nadadangog,

na nadadangog, na nadadangog?
Ano an inot na tanog na nadadangog,
na nadadangog sa ilaw?

/i/ an inot na tanog na nadadangog, na nadadangog, na nadadangog.

/i/ an inot na tanog na nadadangog sa tataramon na ilaw.

B. Modeling
“Up and Down”
Teacher shows pupils the proper way of writing big and small letter Ii.

C. Guided Practice
“Trace me” Trace broken lines to form picture of object that begins with
Let pupils say something about the picture.

Gibuhon 1
Talaon an putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin ritrato na
nagpupuon sa letrang Ii.

Gibuhon 2
Talaon an mga putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin letrang Ii.

Gibuhon 3
Pagkabiton an mga tuldok tanganing makabilog nin letrang Ii.

Gibuhon 4
Isurat an dakula asin sadit na letrang Ii.

D. Independent Practice
“Show Me”
Teacher instructs pupils to get their magic slate. On the slate, pupils write
big and small letter Ii correctly.

E. Post Assessment
Pair of pupils goes to the board and writes big and small letter Ii.

Day 5

Review of Learned Letters (n,a,i)

A. Review

Give the sound of the letter on a letter card.
Teacher shows the cards n, a, i, then the pupils produce each sound.
1. Write the letter n, a, i on the board.
2. Let the pupils name the picture and give the beginning sound.

apa natong ikos ayam nigo

ilaw abokado nito ikog aso

(Pictures begin with n, a, i)

B. Guided Practice
1. Connect the picture with its beginning sound.



2. “Big Box”
a. Teacher introduces the Big Box.
Ini an dakulang kahon.
b. Form syllables from the letters learned (n, a, i).
Magbilog nin mga silaba hali sa mga letrang n, a, i.
c. Teacher writes the generated syllable on a big box.
Isusurat kan paratukdo an nabilog na silaba hali sa dakulang
d. Teacher reads the syllables inside the big box.
Babasahon kan paratukdo an mga silaba sa laog kan
dakulang kahon.
e. Generate words from the syllables.
Magbilog nin mga tataramon hali sa nabilog ng silaba.
f. Teacher reads the generated words.
Babasahon kan paratukdo an mga nabilog na bagong

a an na

in ni I

Generated words:
Mga nabilog na tataramon:
an ani na
ina ini naani

C. Independent Practice
“Work Trays”
1. Teacher prepares several sets of trays with letter card of n, a, and i.
2. Place pictures that begin with the letters learned (at least 3 pictures).
3. Call pupils to work on a tray.
4. Encourage pupils to give the sound and place the pictures beside the
letter card.


niyog natong



ikos ilaw ido

D. Post Assessment:
1. Trace the generated word from the syllables.

2. Read with the teacher (ni, an, ina, ani, ini, naani)


I. Objectives
1. Participate actively during story reading by making comments and asking
2. Express love for reading by browsing the story books read to them and
asking to be read more stories
3. Give/ Produce the beginning sound of letter in a given word.
4. Orally segment a two to three syllable word into its syllabic part
5. Make one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken words
6. Give the letter that begins the name of a given object/picture
7. Identify specific letters in the alphabet
8. Blend specific letters (n,a,i,g,o) to form words
9. Understand that there is a correct way to spell words.
10. Write upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
11. Write syllables and words correctly
12. Use names of person, places and things appropriately in sentences
13. Develop and use vocabulary of words that begin with the target letters
(Gg and Oo)
14. Predict what the story is about on what one knows about character,
setting and events
15. Recall important details in stories, events, situation to personal

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Participating actively during story reading by making comments and
asking questions
2. Expressing love for reading by browsing the story books read to them
and asking to be read more stories
3. Giving/ producing the beginning sound of letter in a given word.
4. Segmenting orally a two to three syllable word into its syllabic part
5. Making one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken
6. Giving the letter that begins the name of a given object/picture
7. Identifying specific letters in the alphabet
8. Blending specific letters (n,a,i,g,o) to form words
9. Understanding that there is a correct way to spell words.
10. Writing upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
11. Writing syllables and words correctly
12. Using names of person, places and things appropriately in sentences
13. Developing and using vocabulary of words that begin with the target
letters (Gg and Oo)
14. Predicting what the story is about on what one knows about character,
setting and events
15. Recalling important details in stories, events, situation to personal

B. Selection: Experience Story
Si Oti
Sinurat ni: Merriam Z. Tanog
C. Reference: K+12 Curriculun, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: box, ball, pictures, letter cards, meta cards, story
E. Theme: My Favorite Animals and Plants
F. Value: Sportsmanship

III. Procedure

Day 1

A. Experience Story
1. Motivation:
a. “What am I?”
 Teacher presents a small box with a ball inside it.
“Can you guess what’s inside me?” said the box.
 Listen as I give you my clues.
“The one who can guess what’s inside will own me.”

Clues: I am round,
I roll around,
I can be big or small.
Kids love to play with me.
What am I?

2. After a pupil guesses what’s inside the box, teacher shows it to the
class and asks.
a. What do you usually do with a ball?
b. What game can we play with a ball?
c. Do you like to play with this ball?
B. Presentation
a. Do the experience together “Shoot That Ball”
 Teacher introduces a new game to the pupils.
 Group the pupils into four.
 Pupils in a group form line and each one shoots the ball into the
 The team/group with more balls shoots will be declared as winner.
 Teacher guides pupils in setting rules on how to play ball.

b. Ask the following questions:

 How did you find the game?
 Did you like the game we played today? Why or why not?

 Whose group won in the game?
 What did you feel when you won the game?
 How did you feel when your team lost in the game?

a. What attitude should winners show to the losers?
b. What attitude should losers show to the winners?
c. If you lost in the game, what should you do so that next time
you’ll win the game?

c. Talk about the experience.

 Teacher encourages the pupils to share their experiences during
the game.

d. Create a story.
 Teacher writes on the board the pupils’ experiences sentence by
 Teacher reads the experience then asks the pupil who told the
experience if he/she is sure about it.
 Ask pupils to check or rearrange the sentences in the story.

e. Give a title to the story.

 Teacher guides the pupils in giving appropriate title to the story

f. Read the whole story following the reading guide/plan.

 Teacher reads story.
 Teacher reads with the pupils.
 Call a pupil-volunteer to read the story. One, pair, group and entire
class read the story.

Day 2

A. Review
1. What game did we play yesterday?
2. Did you like the game?
3. Which group won in the game?

B. Presentation
1. What other objects begin with Gg?
2. Teacher presents picture with initial /g/.

ganso gapas gulay garapon

 What sound do you hear at the beginning of the word?
 What is the initial letter of the set of pictures?

C. Modeling:
Producing letter sound of Gg.
 Teacher shows letter card with Gg.
 Tell the pupils that it gives the sound /g/.
 Teacher produces the sound three times while pupils follow.
/g/… ganso
/g/… gapas
/g/… garapon
/g/… gulay

D. Primer Track Lesson (Key Letter Gg)

1. Present the Key Picture and Key Word: gana
Ipahiling an tampok na ritrato asin an tampok na tataramon.


a. What does the picture tell?

Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?

b. This is a picture of a_________.

Ini an ritrato kan____________.

c. Teacher points to the key word.

Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.

d. This is how we write the key word.

Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon.

e. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.
Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa laog
kan kahon sa baba kan tampok na ritrato.

f. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.

Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang
beses kasabay an mga aki.

2. Syllable Box
a. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.

Ini an tampok na tataramon. An pagbasa kaini gana.

b. Point to each syllable as teacher reads each syllable distinctly.

ga na

Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan tampok na tataramon.

Babasahon ko an kada silaba, ga na.

c. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do this
again and have the pupils clap with the teacher.
Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan
nindo ako sa pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada

3. Word Breaking
a. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable
box. Read it to and then with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read it to then with the pupils.
c. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and
reading it to and with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
e. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the pupils.




4. Word Making
a. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the-Word
column and reads the new letter with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the new
letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of the word
with the pupils.
c. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-Word
d. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight
column and read the word with the pupils.
e. Pupils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and make
the word together. Volunteers read alone.


Gana g

ga ga

g gana

5. Big Box

g n i ag

a ga gi nag

na ni an ig

a. Pupils read letters/syllables as

b. teacher points to each box.
c. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as pupils
d. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.
e. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
f. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.
g. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are committed.

6. Finding the words in the Big Box
a. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the Big
b. These may be words they previously learned or other words they
have not learned/introduced by the teacher.
c. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.
d. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the pupils.
If not, another pupil points to the correct letters.
e. Write each new word on the chalkboard.

Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.

na ga nag Ana

ni gi gana gaga

ini gaga Gigi Aga

ani ina Naga naaga

nag-agi nag-aga nag-aagi nagana

nagaani nagaagi
f. Teacher chooses from among the generated words a word that
he/she may use in a sentence.

7. Sentence Breaking


gana g

ga ga

g gana

g n I ag

a ga gi nag

na ni an ig


An gana nag-agi.

An gana


a. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (nag-agi). Points to

it and reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the word will
be used to make a sentence.
b. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on the
left side.
c. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she
reads it with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-
making words directly under the same word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.
Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
g. Teacher writes the sentence-making word directly under the
same words in the rows above and reads it with the pupils.

8. Sentence Making


gana g

ga ga

g gana

g n I ag

a ga gi nag

na ni an ig


An gana nag-agi. An

An gana An gana

An An gana nag-agi.

a. Teacher tells the pupils, “Now, we will make the sentence again.”
b. Teacher writes the sentence-making word under the Big Box on
the right side.
c. Teacher points to the word as he/she reads it with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the next biggest part of the sentence under the
sentence-making word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the part of the sentence with
the pupils.
f. Now, teacher writes the entire sentence so that the sentence-
making word is just under the same word above.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the sentence with the pupils.

E. Guided Practice
1. Pupils read the words, phrases and sentences from key word, syllable
box, word-breaking, word-making, big box, new word, sentence-
breaking and sentence-making.
2. Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to


gana g

ga ga

g gana

g n I ag

a ga gi nag

na ni an ig


An gana nag-agi. An

An gana An gana

An An gana nag-agi.

Day 3

A. Review:
Show letter card with Gg. Give the sound of the letter then associate it
with the pictures that begin with letter Gg.

B. Introducing Letter Gg.

1. Teacher shows letter cards with big and small Gg.
2. Gg represent the sound /g/.
3. These are Mama G and Baby g. They both sound /g/.

C. Modeling: Writing letter Gg.

1. Teacher shows the proper hand strokes in writing letter Gg.
2. Count the stroke while pupils follow.

3. Write letter Gg on the air, palm, back of the classmate, and on the
D. Guided Practice
1. “Time to Write” Trace broken lines to form picture of object that begins
with Gg.
2. Let pupils say something about the picture.

Gibuhon 1
Talaon an putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin ritrato na
nagpupuon sa letrang Gg.
Gibuhon 2
Talaon an mga putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin letrang Gg.
Gibuhon 3
Pagkabiton an mga tuldok tanganing makabilog nin letrang Gg.
Gibuhon 4
Isurat an dakula asin sadit na letrang Gg.

3. “Letter Box” Teacher points to the letter one at a time and asks pupils
if it gives the sound /g/. Say ‘Hep! Hep!’ if the letter sound is /g/ and
say ‘Hooray!’ if not.

N g G I a A G
G g O n I G g
4. Show the syllable box. Help pupils form new words from the given

g n I ag

a ga gi nag

na ni an ig

ga na

a ga

a gi

a. Do the same with the other generated words (nag, naaga,

nag-agi, nag-ani, naga)
b. Guide pupils in reading the generated words from the letters
learned (n, a,i,g)
c. Teacher gives the meaning of the new words.

E. Independent Practice
1. Teacher shows phrases and sentences from the generated word.
Teacher reads with the pupils then pupils read alone or in pair.

an ina nag-ani an ina

naaga an ina nag-agi an ina

An ina nag-agi.
Naaga an ina sa Naga.
Nag-ani an ina sa Naga.
Nag-agi an ina sa Naga.

2. Teacher asks the following questions:

a. Siisay an nag-agi?
b. Sain naaga an ina?
c. Nag-ano an ina sa Naga?
d. Sain nag- agi an ina?

F. Post Assessment
1. Teacher presents the story “Si Nana Ana”.

Si Nana Ana
Gana an ina ni Aga.
Nag-agi na an ina ni Aga.
Na-aga an agi ni Nana Ana na ina ni Aga.
Aga-aga nag-aagi an ina ni Aga ta nag-aani sa Naga.

Answer the following:

a. Siisay an nanggana?
b. Ano an ginibo kan ina ni Aga?
c. Kasuarin nag-aagi si Nana Ana na ina ni Aga?
d. Pasain si Nana Ana?
e. Nata aga-aga nag-aagi an ina ni Aga?

2. Spelling

a. agi
b. aga
c. gana
d. Naga
e. nag-ani

Day 4

A. Pre-Reading activities
1. Unlocking of Difficulties (through pictures and context clues)

a. bau-o b. bubon c. handal

*Nahandal siJudith kan nawara an saiyang pitaka.

Teacher prepares puzzle of turtle, rabbit and dragonfly.
a. What animals are formed? Tell something about the pictures.
b. Where can you see these animals?
c. Who among you experienced being lost in a strange place?
d. How did you feel?
e. How were you able to find your place?

2. Book Orientation
a. What is in the cover of the book?
b. Can you tell/predict what the story is about?
c. Pupils describe the cover, ask question about the story, and
predict what the story is all about.
d. Teacher introduces the writer and illustrator.

3. Motive Questions
What happened to Oti?

B. Reading the story

Read Aloud
Interactive Reading: Teacher reads the story “Si Oti” while pupils listen.
Teacher stops for a while then ask question. Pupils predict what will
happen next. Then, teacher continues reading the story.

Si Oti
Sinurat ni: Meriam Z. Tandog

Si Oti sarong sadit na bau-o. Nakaistar siya sa irarom kan

sarong dakulang gapo. Sarong aldaw, nagduman siya sa dagat para
magpasyar. Nakahiling si Oti nin sarong dakulang alibangbang.
Nagayunan si Oti digdi ta naiiba man an saiyang paglakaw.

“Maray pa siya, sa itaas naglalakaw,” sabi ni oti sa sadiri.

Pigsunod ni Oti an alibangbang sagkod makaabot siya sa harayong

“Dai niya nariparo na nawawara na palan siya. Dai niya aram

kun pano siya makakapuli. Handal na marhay si oti.

Naglakaw pa si Oti, may nasabat siyang duwang kuneho.

“Ako palan si Oro, ini an tugang kong si Ora,” an sabi kan

sarong kuneho.

“Tano ta naghihibi ka?” sabay na hapot ni Oro asin Ora.

“Dai ko kaya aram an dalan papuli samo. Puwede nindo akong

ihatod samo?” hapot ni Oti.

“An duwang kuneho nawawara man palan. “Dai mi nakukua an

dalan paluwas digdi,” an sabi kan duwang kuneho.

Sarabay na naglakaw an tulo. Kan madali na sinda makaabot

sa may kakahuyan, nahulog sindang tulo sa sarong hararom na bubon.

Pagmata ninda, sarong magayunon na lugar an saindang


Nakahiling sinda nin sadit na ulod. Hinapot sinda.

“Ako si Oma. Ini an samong lugar. An apod kaini, Oklan,” an

sabi ni Oma.

“Magayon an lugar nindo,” sabi kan tulo.

“Iyo, ta bawal mag-apon nin ati kun sain-sain sana. An mga

basura, inaapon mi sa tamang lugar,” an sabi ni Oma.

“Gabos kami digdi nagtatarabang sa pagtanom nin mga

masitas asin mga kahoy. Ginigibo mi an gabos para maging magayon
asin malinig an samong lugar,” sabi ni Oma.

Nangako an tulo na gigibuhon man ninda an mga bagay na

ginibo kan mga pag-iriba ni Oma.

Nin huli sa kapagalan, sindang tulo nangaturog. Pagmata ninda,

yaon na sinda sa saindang lugar.

Ginibo ni Oti, Oro, asin Ora na mapagayon asin mapalinig an

saindang lugar.

C. Post Reading
1. Interactive Questions (Questions asked during reading)
a. Ano an nangyari ki Oti kan siya nawara?
b. Ano si Oti?
c. Sain nagpasyar si Oti?
d. Ano an narisa niyang pagkakaiba ki alibangbang?
e. Ano an nangyari sa kasusunod niya ki alibangbang?
f. Siirisay an saiyang nasabat sa saiyang paglakaw kan siya
g. Ano an nangyari saindang tulo?
h. Ano an pangaran kan ulod?
i. Ano an nanudan ninda ki Oma?
j. Ano kaya an gigibuhon ninda pag nakabalik sinda sa sadiring

2. Post Reading Questions (Questions asked after reading)

a. Pano mo aatamanon an kapalibutan?
b. Ano an magigibo mo tanganing ipahiling an saimong pagmakulog
sa kapalibutan?
c. Anong adal an saimong napurot sa istoryang nadangog?

D. Literary Extender
“It’s Show Time” Group pupils into three. Teacher gives situation for
each group to act out in front of the class.

Group 1 Namamasyar si Oti sa may dagat kan mahiling niya si


Group 2 -Nahandal si Oti kan marisa niyang nawawara na siya

nin huli sa kasusunod ki Alibangbang.

Group 3 -Nabisto ni Oro, Ora asin Oti si Oma sa sarong

magayunon na lugar.

Day 5
A. Review
1. What are the names of the animals in the story?

Oti Oro Ora Oma

2. What is the beginning letter of the names in the story?

3. What other object/word begins with letter Oo. Teacher shows pictures
of object that begins with Oo.

okra omboy orasan

4. In what sound does the name of the pictures begin? /o/

B. Modeling
1. “Show Me” Teacher shows letter card with big and small Oo and
introduces its sound /o/.
2. Teacher produces the sound three times as pupils follow.
3. As teacher raises letter card, pupils produce the sound /o/.

C. PRIMER LESSON (Key Letter Oo)

1. Present the Key Picture and Key Word: Onin
Ipahiling an tampok na ritrato asin an tampok na tataramon.


a. What does the picture tell?

Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?
b. This is a picture of a_________.
Ini an ritrato kan aking si____________.
c. Teacher points to the key word.

Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.
d. This is how we write the key word.
Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon.
e. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.
Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa
laog kan kahon sa baba kan tampok na ritrato.
f. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.
Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang
beses kasabay an mga aki.

2. Syllable Box
a. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.


Ini an susing tataramon. An pagbasa kaini Onin.

b. Point to each syllable as teacher reads it distinctly.

O nin
Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan susing tataramon.
Babasahon ko an kada silaba. O nin.

c. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do this
again and have the pupils clap with the teacher.

Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan nindo ako sa

pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada silaba.

3. Word Breaking
a. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable
box. Read it to and then with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read it to then with the pupils.
c. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and
reading it to and with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
e. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the pupils.



4. Word Making
a. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the Word
column and reads the new letter with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the new
letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of the word
with the pupils.
c. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-Word
d. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight
column and read the word with the pupils.
e. Pupils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and make
the word together. Volunteers read alone.


Onin O

On On

O Onin

5. Big Box
a. Pupils read letters/syllables as teacher points to each box.

o no go og

nog ga gi nag

a g in no

b. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as pupils

c. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.
d. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
e. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.
f. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are committed.

6. Finding the words in the Big Box

a. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the Big
b. These may be words they previously learned or other words they
have not learned/introduced by the teacher.
c. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.
d. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the pupils.
If not, another pupil points to the correct letters.
e. Write each new word on the chalkboard.
f. Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.

Sample list of generated words

Naga igo gona

nagi nigo Nognog

g. Teacher chooses from among the generated words, a word that

he/she may use in a sentence.


7. Sentence Breaking


Onin O
On On
O Onin

o no go og

nog ga gi nag

a g in no


Ini an nigo ni Aga.

Ini an nigo ni
Ini an nigo
Ini an
a. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (nigo). Points to it
and reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the word will
be used to make a sentence.
b. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on the
left side.
c. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she
reads it with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-
making words directly under the same word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
h. Teacher writes the sentence-making word by itself so it is
directly under the same words in the rows above and reads it
with the pupils.

8. Sentence Making


Onin O
On On
O Onin
o no go og

nog ga gi nag

a g in no


Ini an nigo ni Aga. Ini

Ini an nigo ni Ini an
Ini an nigo Ini an nigo
Ini an Ini an nigo ni
Ini Ini an nigo ni Aga.

a. Teacher tells the pupils, “Now, we will make the sentence

b. Teacher writes the sentence-making word under the Big Box
on the right side.
c. Teacher points to the word as he/she reads it with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the next biggest part of the sentence under the
sentence-making word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Now, teacher writes the entire sentence so that the sentence-
making word is just under the same word above.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the sentence with the

9. Guided Practice
a. Pupils read the words, phrases and sentences from key word,
syllable box, word-breaking, word-making, big box, new word,
sentence-breaking and sentence-making.
b. Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to


Onin O
On On
O Onin

o no go og

nog ga gi nag

a g in no


Ini an nigo ni Aga. Ini

Ini an nigo ni Ini an

Ini an nigo Ini an nigo

Ini an Ini an nigo ni

Ini Ini an nigo ni Aga.


I. Objectives
1. Participate actively during story reading by making comments and asking
2. Express love for reading by browsing the story books read to them and
asking to be read more stories
3. Give/ Produce the beginning sound of letter in a given word.
4. Orally segment a two to three syllable word into its syllabic part
5. Make one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken words
6. Give the letter that begins the name of a given object/picture
7. Identify specific letters in the alphabet
8. Blend specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s) to form words
9. Understand that there is a correct way to spell words.
10. Write upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
11. Write syllables and words correctly
12. Use names of person, places and things appropriately in sentences
13. Develop and use vocabulary of words that begin with the target letter (Ss)
14. Predict what the story is about on what one knows about character,
setting and events
15. Recall important details in stories, events, situation to personal

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Participating actively during story reading by making comments and
asking questions
2. Expressing love for reading by browsing the story books read to them
and asking to be read more stories
3. Giving/ producing the beginning sound of letter in a given word.
4. Segmenting orally a two to three syllable word into its syllabic part
5. Making one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken
6. Giving the letter that begins the name of a given object/picture
7. Identifying specific letters in the alphabet
8. Blending specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s) to form words
9. Understanding that there is a correct way to spell words.
10. Writing upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
11. Writing syllables and words correctly
12. Using names of person, places and things appropriately in sentences
13. Developing and using vocabulary of words that begin with the target
letter (Ss)
14. Predicting what the story is about on what one knows about character,
setting and events
15. Recalling important details in stories, events, situation to personal

B. Selection: An Siwo na si Sisi
Sinurat ni: Nemia B. Cedo
C. Reference: K+12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: box, ball, pictures, letter cards, short stories using the letters
E. Theme: Things I Love to do (favorite activities, hobbies, sports)
F. Value:

III. Procedure

Day 1
A. Review:
Teacher shows letter cards with n, a, i, g and o. As the teacher flashes
the cards, pupils give its sound.

B. Presentation:
1. Teacher guides the pupils in forming syllables from the previously
learned letters. Write the syllable formed on a card.


na an in ni ig gi

ag ga no go og on
2. Present the big box and place the syllable card in each box.

na an in ni

ig gi ag ga

no go og on

a I o nag

a. Read the syllables in the Big Box horizontally then vertically.

b. Pupils point the two syllables which formed the key picture ani.

C. Modeling
1. “Word Building”
a. Teacher guides pupils to form words from the Big Box.
b. Possible words formed from the Big Box.

a ni
ni go nigo

ga na gana

a ga aga

go igo
a no ano

A na Ana

Nog Nog Nognog

a ni no anino

nag a gi nag-agi

2. Writing Letter Oo
a. Teacher shows the proper way of writing big and small Oo.
b. Practice writing Oo on the air, palm, desk and back of a classmate
using finger.

D. Guided Practice:
1. “Trace me” Trace broken lines to form picture of object that begins
with Oo.
2. Let pupils say something about the picture.

Gibuhon 1
Talaon an putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin ritrato na
nagpupuon sa letrang Oo.

Gibuhon 2
Talaon an mga putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin letrang

Gibuhon 3
Pagkabiton an mga tuldok tanganing makabilog nin letrang Oo.

Gibuhon 4
Isurat an dakula asin sadit na letrang Oo.

3. “Time to Write” Teacher posts template on the board with blue and
red lines to represent lines on the paper. Guide pupils to write letter
Oo correctly.

E. Independent Practice:
1. “Magic Writing” On a magic slate pupils practice writing big and small
letter Oo.
2. Copy the key word on the proper lines of the paper.
3. Write the missing letter of the name of the picture.

___kra ___mboy __rasan

F. Enrichment Activity
1. Reading phrases/sentences with words from previously learned letter.
ini an nigo igo an nigo
igo an gana nag-aga an ina
ina ni Ana ini an gana
naigo an ina nigo ni Nono

Ini an nigo ni Ana.

Naigo ni Ana an ina.
Ini an anino ni Gogo.
An ina na-aga sa Naga.
An ina ni Aga nasa Naga.

G. Post Assessment
“Time to Read” Pupils read the short story “Ani ni Gogo” and answer the
following questions orally.

Ani na Gogo

Ini an gogo na ani ni Nono.

Gogo an ani ni Nono na nanigo sa nigo.
Aga-aga nag-aani nin gogo si Nono.
Naugma an ina ni Nono sa ani ni Nono na gogo.

1. Siisay an nag-ani nin gogo?_______________.

2. Ano an naani ni Nono? _______________.
3. Hain an inani na gogo? _______________.
4. Siisay an naugma sa inani ni Nono? _______________.

Day 2

A. Pre-Reading Activities
Unlocking of difficulties through pictures
a. sili
b. siwo
c. sanga
d. sadit
1. Motivation
Napurbaran na nindo magkakan kan sili na pula? Ano an namit kaini?
2. Motive Question
Ano an rason kan pagparakurahaw ni Sisi?

B. During Reading
Read Aloud
Teacher reads the short story “An Siwo na si Sisi” while pupils listen.
Teacher uses cut-out pictures in telling the story.

An Siwo na si Sisi
Sinurat ni: Nemia B. Cedo

Si Sisi sarong sadit na siwo.

Sa irarom kan sadit na kahoy nin sampalok, siya pirming
Duman siya nagkakawat asin naghahanap nin ulod.
Sarong aldaw, nahiling niya an sadit na tinanom sa irarom kan sanga
nin kahoy na sampalok.
Dakul an bunga kaini na kulor pula.
Nilukso, tinuka, kinakan ini ni Sisi.
Nagparadalagan mantang nagkukurahaw si Sisi.
“Hay, dai na ako mautro magkakan kaini.
Subra palan an harang kan bunga na kulor pula.”

C. Post Reading Activity

1. Comprehension Check
a. Ano an rason kan pagparakurahaw ni Sisi?
b. Siisay si Sisi?
c. Sain sya pirming nagsisirong?
d. Ano an nahiling niya sa irarom kan kahoy na sampalok?
e. Ano an ginibo ni Sisi sa mga bunga kaini?
f. Ano an nangyari kan kinakan ni Sisi ang bunga na kulor pula?
g. Tano daw ta nagparakurahaw si Sisi? Ano kaya an namit kan
bunga na ini?
h. Anong bunga kaya an saiyang nakakan?
i. Kun ika si Sisi makakan ka man kan bunga na dai mo bistado kun
ano? Tano o tano ta dai?

j. Ano an adal na saimong napurot sa nadangog na istorya?

2. Enrichment Activity
“Time to Share”
a. Teacher tells pupils to look for a pair.
b. Pupils ask each other the following questions:
Ano an saimong paboritong gibuhon?

“Recall a Detail”
a. Teacher groups pupils into four.
b. Each group recalls details in the story by acting out part of the

Day 3
A. Review:
1. Teacher presents pictures of words found in the story.

sisi siwo sampalok sanga

2. What is the beginning letter of the words taken from the story?
3. What other objects/words begin with letter Ss.
4. Teacher shows pictures of objects that begin with Ss.

sira sabon siko sili

5. In what sound does the name of each picture begin?

B. Modeling
Producing /s/ Sound
“Show Me”
1. Teacher shows letter card with big and small Ss. Introduce to the
class that the letter gives the sound /s/. Teacher produces the sound
three times as pupils follow.
2. As teacher raises letter cards, pupils will produce the sound /s/.
3. Encourage pupils to give other objects or words that begin with letter

C. Primer Track Lesson (Key Letter Ss)
1. Present the Key Picture and Key Word: siga
Ipahiling an tampok na ritrato asin an tampok na tataramon.

a. What does the picture tell?
Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?
b. This is a picture of a_________.
Ini an ritrato kan____________.
c. Teacher points to the key word.
Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.
d. This is how we write the key word.
Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon.
e. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.
Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa laog kan
kahon sa baba kan tampok na ritrato.
f. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.
Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang beses
kasabay an mga aki.

2. Syllable Box
a. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.

Ini an tampok na tataramon. An pagbasa kaini sago.

b. Point to each syllable as teacher reads each syllable distinctly.

sa go

Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan tampok na tataramon.

Babasahon ko an kada silaba, sa go.

c. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do this
again and have the pupils clap with the teacher.
Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan nindo
ako sa pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada

3. Word Breaking
a. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable
box. Read it to and then with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read it to then with the pupils.

c. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and
reading it to and with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
e. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the pupils.

4. Word Making
a. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the-Word
column and reads the new letter with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the new
letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of the word
with the pupils.
c. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-Word
d. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight
column and read the word with the pupils.
e. upils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and make
the word together. Volunteers read alone.

sago s

sa sa

s sago

5. Big Box

si so sa ni

na go ga sin

gi sog nog nag

an sag a i

a. Pupils read letters/syllables as teacher points to each box.

b. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as pupils
c. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.

d. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
e. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.
f. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are committed.

6. Finding the words in the Big Box

a. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the Big
b. These may be words they previously learned or other words they
have not learned/introduced by the teacher.
c. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.
d. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the
pupils. If not, another pupil points to the correct letters.
e. Write each new word on the chalkboard.
f. Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.

Sample of generated words

gisa asin gasa gian

naga nag-aga siso sinag

g. Teacher chooses from among the generated words, a word that

he/she may use in a sentence.


7. Sentence Breaking

sago s
sa sa
s sago

si so sa ni

na go ga sin

gi sog nog nag

an sag a i

An gana naggisa.
An gana
a. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (gisa). Points to it and
reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the word will be used
to make a sentence.
b. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on the left
c. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she reads it
with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-making
words directly under the same word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
h. Teacher writes the sentence-making word directly under the same
words in the rows above and reads it with the pupils. \

8. Sentence Making

sago s

sa sa

s sago

si so sa ni

na go ga sin

gi sog nog nag

an sag a i


An gana naggisa. An
An gana An gana
An An gana naggisa.

a. Teacher tells the pupils, “Now, we will make the sentence again.”
b. Teacher writes the sentence-making word under the Big Box on
the right side.
c. Teacher points to the word as he/she reads it with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the next biggest part of the sentence under the
sentence-making word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the part of the sentence with
the pupils.
f. Now, teacher writes the entire sentence so that the sentence-
making word is just under the same word above.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the sentence with the pupils.

9. Guided Practice
a. Pupils read the words, phrases and sentences from key word,
syllable box, word-breaking, word-making, big box, new word,
sentence-breaking and sentence-making.
b. Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to

sago s

sa sa

s sago

si so sa ni

na go ga sin

gi sog nog nag

an sag a i


An gana naggisa An
An gana An gana
An An gana naggisa.

Day 4

A. Review:
1. Teacher asks: “What is the key word introduced yesterday? sago
2. What is the initial letter of the word sago?
3. “Can you give me some words that begin with /s/?”

B. Presentation
1. Using flashcard with big and small letter Ss made of sandpaper, the
pupils trace with their fingers.
2. Introduce the letter as big and small Ss.

C. Modeling
1. Using the flashcard, teacher guides pupils to trace the letter Ss. Then,
write letter Ss on the air, hand, back of classmate, and desk.
2. Using templates with blue and red lines teacher shows the proper
hand stroke in writing letter Ss.
3. Ask pupils to write the letter on the template.

D. Guided Practice
“Trace Me”
1. Trace broken lines to form picture of object that begins with Ss.
2. Let pupils say something about the picture.

Gibuhon 1
Talaon an putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin ritrato na
nagpupuon sa letrang Ss.

Gibuhon 2
Pagkabiton an mga tuldok tanganing makabilog nin letrang Ss.

E. Independent Practice
Gibuhon 1

Gibuhon 2

Gibuhon 3

F. Post Assessmen
“We Can Spell” Teacher dictates words to spell.
Isurat anmga ididikta kan maestra.
1. asin
2. siko
3. aso
4. gisa
5. sako

Day 5
A. Review
1. Teacher shows the picture of the key word sago.
2. Teacher reads the word with the pupils.
3. Teacher may clap his/her hands as she reads the word.

B. Modeling
“Point and Read”
1. Teacher guides pupils to point the syllables that make the key word
2. Then, pupils start building words from the syllables found in the big
3. As pupils create a new word, make sure that they can point the
syllables that make up the words.
4. Teacher may change the syllables inside the big box to increase
vocabulary by creating more words.

si so sa ni
na go ga sin
gi sog nog nag
an sag a i

Examples of generated words:

siga anis asin gasa

gisa sagi nasa agnas

saaga saga asa sa

sago ganso aso sino

siso isog sinag Isagani

5. Teacher reads the words with the pupils, then calls a volunteer, by
two’s or by group, to read.

C. Guided Practice
1. “Helping Each Other”
a. Group pupils into five (5).
b. Give each group set of syllables from the previously learned letters
c. Pupils form as many words they can from the given syllables.
d. The group with the most number of words formed wins.

2. “Time to Read”
Teacher reads phrases with the pupils.
an ganso an siga nag -agnas
naggisa nag-aga asin sa nigo
an sago sain an sago anis asin sago
anis sa nigo an siso saaga an ani

D. Independent Practice
Pupils look for the correct name of the given pictures by connecting dots.
Hanapon an tamang pangaran kan nasa ritrato asin ikabit ini.

E. Post Assessment
1. Read the simple sentences.
a. Ini an anis sa nigo.
b. An sago nasa nigo
c. An ganso nasa siso.

d. An siso sa Naga naigo
e. Sa aga an ani sa Naga.
f. Naigo nin sago an ganso.
g. Nasa nigo an anis ni Ana
h. An sinag sa aga nasa nigo.

2. Read the short story “An Sago sa Nigo” and answer the following
An Sago sa Nigo
Nasa Naga si Sisa asin si Inso.
Nasa Naga an sago sa nigo.
Naagihan ni Inso an sago sa nigo.
Nasagi ni Inso an sago sa nigo.
Sago, sago, nasagi an sago!

a. Siisay an nasa Naga?_____________

b. Hain an sago sa Naga?_____________________
c. Ano an naagihan ni Inso sa nigo?____________
d. Ano an nangyari sa sago na nasa nigo?______


I. Objectives
1. Participate actively during story reading by making comments and asking
2. Express love for reading by browsing the story books read to them and
asking to be read more stories
3. Give/ Produce the beginning sound of letter in a given word.
4. Orally segment a two to three syllable word into its syllabic part
5. Make one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken words
6. Give the letter that begins the name of a given object/picture
7. Identify specific letters in the alphabet
8. Blend specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s.k) to form words
9. Read words, phrases, and sentences with previously learned letters
10. Understand that there is a correct way to spell words.
11. Write upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
12. Write syllables and words correctly
13. Use names of person, places and things appropriately in sentences
14. Develop and use vocabulary of words that begin with the target letter (Kk)
15. Predict what the story is about on what one knows about character,
setting and events
16. Recall important details in stories, events, situation to personal

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Participating actively during story reading by making comments and
asking questions
2. Expressing love for reading by browsing the story books read to them
and asking to be read more stories
3. Giving/ producing the beginning sound of letter in a given word.
4. Segmenting orally a two to three syllable word into its syllabic part
5. Making one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken
6. Giving the letter that begins the name of a given object/picture
7. Identifying specific letters in the alphabet
8. Blending specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k) to form words
9. Read words, phrases, and sentences with previously learned letters
10. Understanding that there is a correct way to spell words.
11. Writing upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
12. Writing syllables and words correctly
13. Using names of person, places and things appropriately in sentences
14. Developing and using vocabulary of words that begin with the target
15. Predicting what the story is about on what one knows about character,
setting and events

16. Recalling important details in stories, events, situation to personal

B. Selection: An Karera sa Kabisera

Sinurat ni: Meriam Z. Tanog
C. Reference: K+12 Curriculun, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: box, short stories, pictures, letter cards
E. Theme: My Family (members and characteristics)
F. Value: Sportsmanship

III. Procedure

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading Activities
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Unlock difficult words found in the story through pictures and context
a. piyesta – (Show picture of fiesta celebration)

b. kabisera- (Context Clue: An Manila an kabisera kan Pilipinas.)

c. karera- (Nagkarera an kuneho asin bauo.
Nagpainutan sinda sa pagdalagan.)

d. pakawat- (Dakul an pakawat para sa mga aki kan aldaw nin

piyesta. May purukpukan nin kuron

e. asin palosebo.)
f. parauma- (Show picture of a farmer.)

2. Motivation
a. Have you joined a race?
Nakabali na kamo sa sarong karera?
b. Let pupils share story.

3. Motive Question
In the story, find out what race did Kulas join?
Sa istorya, aramon kun anong karera an binalihan ni Kulas?

B. During Reading
1. Introduce the Shared Reading Story
a. Teacher takes up the cover of the book.
b. Mention the title, author and illustrator.
c. Ask questions about the cover and encourage the pupils to think
and talk about the topic of the story.
d. Have pointer ready to move under the words while the teacher

2. Following the Reading Plan

a. Teacher reads the entire text to the pupils.
b. (Do this if the pupils cannot read the text themselves. But if they
can, skip the step.)
c. Teacher reads the text with all the pupils.
d. Teacher reads one part of the text with one or two pupil-
e. One or two pupil-volunteers read the part of the text by
f. Teacher reads the entire text again with all the pupils.

3. Read the story “An Karera sa Kabisera” using the reading plan.
a. Teacher reads the title of the story. Ask 1-2 pupils to tell about
their experiences related to the topic.
b. Teacher opens the first page of the story, points out the main
picture and reads the text on the page while moving the pointer
smoothly under the sentence.
c. Teacher does the same for each page, stopping 2 or 3 times to
d. “What do you think will happen next?”
e. When the teacher finish reading the story, he/she asks the pupils
some questions, for example:
 “What happened in the story?”
 “Why do you think that happened?”
 “What part of the story did you like best?
 “Why did you like that part best?”
f. Teacher reads the story following steps 2-5 of the reading plan.
g. Teacher moves the pointer smoothly under the words while
reading with the pupils.

An Karera sa Kabisera
Sinurat ni: Meriam Z. Tandog

Piyesta sa lugar na Kulas. Kadakul an mga pakawat.

May palusebo, may parasaan nin kuron, may karera sa sako
saka burutungan nin lubid.
Saro sa mga ini iyo an karera kan mga atol/buko.
Kadakul na dinakop na mga atol an mga tawo. Marhay ini ta
natatabangan ninda an mga parauma. An may sadiri kan
maganang atol tatawan nin premyo.
Si Kulas dakul na mga atol an nakua. Pinangaranan niya
ini nin Kimpo, Kapo, Kiro asin Kano. Saradit sana ang mga atol
na nakua ni Kulas.
Labi sa kuwarentang atol an nagbali sa karera. Kan
halion na si bagat/harang sa lamesa, nagpuon nang maglakaw
an mga atol. May tama sa agihan, may pabalik, may pawala,
may patoo. Gabos nagngingirisi dahil ang mga atol luway-luway
na naghihiriro.
“Abante, Kano! Dali, Kimpo! Kaskas, Kapo! Dali, Kiro,”
kurahaw ni Kulas. Gabos nagkukururahaw, gabos
nagsusurunod sa mga atol.

“Naiinot ka, Kimpo! Dali!” kurahaw ni Kulas. Garo

nadangog ni Kimpo an kurahaw ni Kulas ta garo nagrikas-rikas
ini. Sunod-sunod ni Kulas an saiyang atol.
Harani na si Kimpo sa katapusan kan linya kan bigla
ining nagbuwelta. “Balik, Kimpo, balik!” kurahaw ni Kulas pero si
Kimpo dagos-dagos na sa paglakaw pabalik.
Si Kapo, Kiro asin Kano, nagsunod man ki Kimpo.
Pinurot ni Kulas an apat na atol asin nagtukaw sa may puon nin
“Hay, huna ko magana ka na, Kimpo. Tano ta naisipan
mo pang magbalik?”

C. Post Reading Activity

1. Interactive Questions
a. Kiisay na lugar an may piyesta?
b. Ano-ano an mga pakawat sa piyestahan?
c. Sa irisay an kabali sa karera?
d. Siisay an nakakua nin kadakul na atol?
e. Ano an nangyari kan nagpuon na an karera kan mga atol?
f. Nata/Tano daw ta nagbuwelta an atol na si Kimpo?
g. Nata/Tano man daw ta nagsunod man sinda Kapo, Kiro, saka
h. Ano an ipinahiling na karakter o pag-uugali ni Kimpo asin an pag-
iriba niya?

i. Ano man an masasabi mo sa ugali na ipinahiling ni Kulas sa
j. Kun ika si Kimpo, mabalik ka man? Tano?
k. Ano an dapat mong gibuhon kun mabali ka sa mga pakontes?

2. Do the Matching Word Activity

a. Select the Matching Word Cards that the teacher prepared for the
Shared Reading Story.
b. Give the Matching Word Cards to volunteers (one card each). One
at a time, they put their cards under the words in the story which is
the same as the one written on the card.
c. Read the word with them and praise them.
d. Tell the volunteer to point to the matching words in the story.

3. Do the Hide-a-Word Activity

a. Find the first sentence you chose for the Hide-a-Word activity.
Read that sentence with the pupils.
b. Hold a small piece of paper over one of the important words in
that sentence.
c. Reread the sentence with the pupils, including the word that is
d. Ask the pupils, “What word in the sentence did I cover?”
e. If they say the correct word, uncover the word and praise them.
Then, read the sentence again.
f. If they say the wrong word, point to the word they said and show
them that it is NOT the word that is covered. Read the sentence
again, using the pointer to show the words being read. Let them
try saying the word again.
g. Do this with the other two “Hide-A-Word’ sentences.

Day 2

A. Review
“Act Out Yesterday’s Story” – Have pupils retell yesterday’s story.
Group pupils into four (4). Give each group task to perform and give them
few minutes to prepare. Teams take turns in doing their skits. When
everyone is finished, the class votes for the best group.

Group 1 - Ipahiling kun pano nagkarera an mga atol

Group 2 - Ipahiling kun pano nagkurahaw si Kulas para manggana an

saiyang mga atol.

Group 3 - Ipahiling/Isabi kun ano an saindong ipapayo ki Kulas

tanganing manggana siya sa sunod niyang pagbali sa karera.

Group 4 -Ipahiling an gusto nindong maging katapusan kan istorya kun
saindo ining babaguhon.

B. Modeling:
1. Teacher shows diagram.

An Karera sa Kabisera

Tauhan Pangyayari Lugar na


2. Can you name persons, places and things from the story?
3. As pupils give names, teacher shows the corresponding picture with
4. Call pupil-volunteers to post the picture on the proper box in the
5. Discuss that Naming Words are words that name persons, places,
animals, and things.

C. Guided Practice
“First, Next, Then” Teacher posts several pictures of events (2-3
pictures) that happened in the story heard. Call a pupil-volunteer to
arrange the pictures in correct sequence. Another pupil-volunteer will
retell the story using the words FIRST, NEXT and THEN. Pupils may
write numbers 1, 2, and 3 below the pictures.

Sige an kurahaw ni Piyesta sa lugar na Namundo si Kulas sa

Kulas para manggana Kulas, dakul an mga nagbaralikan na atol.
an mga atol sa karera. pakawat may palusebo Kaya dai siya nanggana
asin parasaan nin sa karera.

Day 3
A. Review
1. Teacher gives names of the character, place and event in the story

Kulas Kimpo Kapo Kiro

kino karera

2. What is the beginning sound of the following names? Teacher says

the names while pupils repeat after her.
3. What is the sound you hear at the beginning of the words?
4. What other words begin with Kk?

B. Modeling
1. Introducing Letter Kk and its sound /k/
a. Teacher presents pictures that begin with the sound /k/.
b. Here are some pictures with initial /k/.

kamot kahon kalunggay kabayo

kanding kasag kapote

c. Teacher produces the sound /k/ as she says the name and shows
of the picture.

This is a picture of ……./k/…./k/…/k/…kamot

d. Show letter card with letter Kk. This letter represents the sound /k/.
e. Teacher shows/raises the letter card as she gives the sound /k/
three times as in /k/, /k/, /k/. Pupils repeat after the teacher.
f. Introduce the big and small letter Kk.

2. Writing Letter Kk
a. Introduce the proper hand stroke in writing letter Kk.
b. Pupils practice writing by counting the strokes using fingers.
c. Write letter Kk in the air, hands, desk, etc.

C. Guided Practice
1. “Trace me” Trace broken lines to form picture of object that begins
with Kk.

Let pupils say something about the picture.

Gibuhon 1
Talaon an putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin ritrato na
nagpupuon sa letrang Kk.

Gibuhon 2

2. “Letter Box- Thumbs up or Down” Present a letter box with letter

printed on it.
Teacher points to each letter one at a time then asks, 'Is this /k/?”. If
the answer is YES, pupils show Thumbs Up, if the answer is NO,
Thumbs Down.

N s k o K I
a k k m k K
D. Independent Practic
Write big and small Kk five (5) times on your paper.

Day 4


A. Review
From the story read the other day, give the name of the snails that Kulas
joined in the race.

Kimpo Kiro Kano Kapo

B. Presentation
1. Present the Key Picture and Key Word: kino
Ipahiling an tampok na ritrato asin an tampok na tataramon

3. What does the picture tell?
Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?

4. This is a picture of a_________.

Ini an ritrato kan____________.
5. Teacher points to the key word.
Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.
6. This is how we write the key word.
Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon.
7. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.
Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa laog
kan kahon sa baba kan tampok na ritrato.
8. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.
Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang
beses kasabay an mga aki.

2. Syllable Box
a. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.

Ini an tampok na tataramon. An pagbasa kaini kino.

b. Point to each syllable as teacher reads it distinctly.

ki no

Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan tampok na tataramon.

Babasahon ko an kada silaba, ki no.

c. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do this
again and have the pupils clap with the teacher.

Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan nindo ako sa

pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada silaba.

3. Word Breaking
a. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable
box. Read it to and then with the pupils.

b. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read it to then with the pupils.
c. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and
reading it to and with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
e. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the pupils.


4. Word Making
a. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the-Word
column and reads the new letter with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the new
letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of the word
with the pupils.
c. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-Word
d. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight
column and read the word with the pupils.
e. Pupils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and make
the word together. Volunteers read alone.

kino k
ki ki
k kino

5. Big Box

k ko ka ki

sa si so go

ga gi nog a

o ag nag ig

a. Pupils read letters/syllables as teacher points to each box.

b. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as pupils
c. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.
d. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
e. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.
f. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are committed.

6. Finding the words in the Big Box

a. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the Big
b. These may be words they previously learned or other words they
have not learned/introduced by the teacher.
c. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.
d. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the
pupils. If not, another pupil points to the correct letters.
e. Write each new word on the chalkboard.
f. Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.

Sample of generated words

siso sako siko siga kaso saka
Naga asa sika kasa nagsaka

g. Teacher chooses from among the generated words a word that

he/she may use in a sentence.

7. Sentence Breaking


kino k
ki ki
k kino

k ko ka ki

sa si so go

ga gi nog a

o ag nag ig


An kino nasa sako.

An kino nasa
An kino

a. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (sako). Points to it and

reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the word will be used
to make a sentence.
b. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on the left
c. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she reads it
with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-making
words directly under the same word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
h. Teacher writes the sentence-making word directly under the same
words in the rows above and reads it with the pupils.

8. Sentence Making


kino k
ki ki
k kino

k ko ka ki

sa si so go

ga gi nog a

o ag nag ig


An kino nasa sako. An

An kino nasa An kino
An kino An kino nasa
An An kino nasa sako.

a. Teacher tells the pupils, “Now, we will make the sentence

b. Teacher writes the sentence-making word under the Big Box
on the right side.
c. Teacher points to the word as he/she reads it with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the next biggest part of the sentence under the
sentence-making word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Now, teacher writes the entire sentence so that the sentence-
making word is just under the same word above.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the sentence with the

C. Guided Practice
1. Pupils read the words, phrases and sentences from key word, syllable
box, word-breaking, word-making, big box, new word, sentence-
breaking and sentence-making.
2. Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to


kino k
ki ki
k kino

k ko ka ki

sa si so go

ga gi nog a

o ag nag ig


An kino nasa sako. An

An kino nasa An kino
An kino An kino nasa.
An An kino nasa sako.

D. Independent Practice
Let pupils read the Primer Lesson from key word to sentence making.

Day 5

A. Enrichment Activities
1. Review:
“Sound-a-Card” Teacher show cards with previously learned letters
(n, a, i, o, g,s) and the recently introduced letter k. As the teacher
shows the cards, pupils sound the letter.

2. Presentation
a. “Building Syllables” Teacher tacks on the board the letter cards
with letters learned.
b. Call pupils to join two or three letters to make a syllable. Write the
generated syllables on cards and place them on the Big Box.

3. Modeling
“Building Words” When the Big Box is complete with the generated
syllables, it’s time to build words by joining two or three syllables.
Encourage pupils to form as many words as they can.

k ko ka ki

sa si so go

ga gi nog a

o ag nag ig

B. Guided Practice:
1. Group Activity: Group pupils into 5. Give each group sets of syllables
from the learned letters. The group with the most number of
generated words wins.

2. Growing Words: Teacher reads with the pupils the lists of generated
words, phrases and sentences with previously learned letters.

kino saka ako kigkig
kagkag nagkaso kanos kaso
kano ika ikos siko
ako kaini kisa sako
kaag ikog Kiko Kaka


an kino si Kiko siko ni Kiko

ako saka si Kiko ikos saka kino ako saka ika
kino sa sako kaso ni Kiko ikog kan kino
kanos kan ikog an nagkaso kagkag sa sako

An kino nasa sako. Si kiko an nagsagi sa nigo
Ini an siko ni Kiko. Ako saka si Kiko an naggisa.
Ikos saka kino an nasa sako. Ini an sako ni Kiko.
Ini an ikog kan kino. An kagkag nasa sako..

C. Independent Practice
1. Teacher presents pictures and pupils connect the picture with the
corresponding phrase. Teacher reads the phrases as pupils listen.

2. Spelling
a. kino
b. ikos
c. sako
d. siko
e. ako

D. Post Assessment:
Teacher reads the short story with the pupils. Pupils answer the questions

An Kagkag ni Kiko
ni: Claire B. Barcelona

Ikinaag ni Kiko su kagkag sa sako.

Nasiko ni Kaka an kagkag na ikinaag ni Kiko sa sako.
Nakigkig su kino sa kagkag.
Nakigkig man su ikos sa kagkag.
"Ay, Kiko, an kagkag na ikinaag mo sa sako nasiko ni Kaka.
Nakigkig su kino buda ikos," an sabi ni Nana Gaga.

1. Ano an ikinaag ni Kiko sa sako?___________

2. Siisay an nakasiko kan kagkag?____________
3. Siisay an nakigkig sa kagkag?_____________
4. Sain nakakaag an kagkag na nasiko ni Kaka?___________
5. Nata natumba an kagkag? ______________


I. Objectives
1. Participate actively during story reading by making comments and asking
2. Express love for reading by browsing the story books read to them and
asking to be read more stories
3. Give/ Produce the beginning sound of letter in a given word.
4. Orally segment a two to three syllable word into its syllabic part
5. Make one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken words
6. Give the letter that begins the name of a given object/picture
7. Identify specific letters in the alphabet
8. Blend specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s.k,m,y) to form words
9. Read words, phrases, and sentences with previously learned letters
10. Understand that there is a correct way to spell words.
11. Write upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
12. Write syllables and words correctly
13. Use names of person, places and things appropriately in sentences
14. Develop and use vocabulary of words that begin with the target letters
15. Predict what the story is about on what one knows about character,
setting and events
16. Recall important details in stories, events, situation to personal

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Participating actively during story reading by making comments and
asking questions
2. Expressing love for reading by browsing the story books read to them
and asking to be read more stories
3. Giving/ producing the beginning sound of letter in a given word.
4. Segmenting orally a two to three syllable word into its syllabic part
5. Making one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken
6. Giving the letter that begins the name of a given object/picture
7. Identifying specific letters in the alphabet
8. Blending specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y) to form words
9. Read words, phrases, and sentences with previously learned letters
10. Understanding that there is a correct way to spell words.
11. Writing upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
12. Writing syllables and words correctly
13. Using names of person, places and things appropriately in sentences
14. Developing and using vocabulary of words that begin with the target
letters (Mm,Yy)

15. Predicting what the story is about on what one knows about character,
setting and events
16. Recalling important details in stories, events, situation to personal

B. Selection: Birhen de Peñafrancia

Sinurat ni: Meriam Z. Tanog
C. Reference: K+12 Curriculun, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: riddle, stories, pictures, letter cards
E. Theme: My Family and Our Roles (Helping the Family, Family Rules)
F. Value: Faith, Religiosity

III. Procedure

Day 1

A. Motivation
a. Have you visited a beautiful place here in Bicol? What was it?
Nakaduman ka na sa magayon na lugar digdi sa Bikol? Ano ini?
b. Can you name the place? Where is it located?
Kaya mong pangaranan ini? Sain ini mahihiling?

B. Presentation
1. “Jigsaw Puzzle” Teacher gives clue for every puzzle; pupils guess
what is in the picture.

It is famous around the world.
It is a land form.
It has a perfect cone shape.
It is known as the Daragang Magayon.
It is found in Albay.

a. What picture did you form?

Anong ritrato an nabilog nindo?

b. Teacher reveals the picture and names it as Mayon Volcano.

Ipapahiling kan maestra an nabilog na ritrato asin papangaran
ini na Bulkan Mayon.

2. “Picture Talk”: With the picture formed from the puzzle, pupils are
asked to say something about what they see in it. Teacher writes on
the board the sentences (at least 5 sentences). Pupils check if the
sentences are written correctly and arranged properly. Then, teacher
encourages them to give the title of the story created.

C. Modeling
1. Recognizing letter Mm and its sound /m/.
a. What is the name of the beautiful volcano in Bikol?
b. Teacher says the name and lets pupils repeat.
c. What is the sound you hear at the beginning of the word mayon?
It begins with ……/mmm/ mayon.
It begins with the sound /mmm/.
d. Teacher shows a card with letter Mm written on it.
e. This is big and small letter Mm. It gives the sound /mmm/.
Teacher produces the sound three times then pupils repeat after
f. Here are some pictures of objects that begin with the sound /m/.

manok mais mani mama

mata mangga mantel moro

g. Teacher gives the beginning sound of the picture as it is

introduced to the class.

2. Writing Letter Mm
Introduce proper hand strokes in writing big and small letter Mm.
Have hand drills by writing the letter in the air, palm, back of
seatmate, and desk using their finger.

D. Guided Practice
1. “Trace me” Trace broken lines to form picture of object that begins
with Mm.
2. Let pupils say something about the picture.

Gibuhon 1
Talaon an putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin ritrato na
nagpupuon sa letrang Mm.

Gibuhon 2

E. Independent Practice
“Work Trays” Put cut-out letter m and several pictures of objects that
begin with m on working trays. Pair pupils and let them take turns in
holding a tray. Let each pupil give the sound of the letter and name the
F. Post Assessment
a. Show set of pictures of mangoes with letters written on it.
b. Check the mango that has letter Mm.

Day 2

A. Review
Listen as the teacher names each picture. Ring the correct beginning


1. Presentation
Present the Key Picture and Key Word: mani
Ipahiling an tampok na ritrato asin an tampok na tataramon.


a. What does the picture tell?

Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?
b. This is a picture of a_________.
Ini an ritrato kan____________.
c. Teacher points to the key word.
Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.
d. This is how we write the key word.
Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon.
e. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.
Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa
laog kan kahon sa baba kan tampok na ritrato.
f. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.
Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang
beses kasabay an mga aki.

2. Syllable Box
a. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.
Ini an tampok na tataramon. An pagbasa kaini mani.

b. Point to each syllable as teacher reads it distinctly.

ma ni

Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan tampok na tataramon.

Babasahon ko an kada silaba, ma ni.

c. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do

this again and have the pupils clap with the teacher.
Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan
nindo ako sa pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada

3. Word Breaking
a. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable
box. Read it to and then with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter
above. Read it to then with the pupils.
c. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and
reading it to and with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter
above. Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
e. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the


ma ni


4. Word Making
a. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the-
Word column and reads the new letter with the pupils.

b. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the
new letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of
the word with the pupils.
c. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-
Word Activity.
d. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight
column and read the word with the pupils.
e. Pupils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and
make the word together. Volunteers read alone.


ma ni
mani m
ma ma
m mani

5. Big Box
m ma mo mi

nok ka ki sa

Si so ga gi

nag go na ni

a. Pupils read letters/syllables as teacher points to each box.

b. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as
pupils read.
c. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.
d. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
e. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.
f. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are

Finding the Words from the Big Box;

a. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the
Big Box.
b. These may be words they previously learned or other words
they have not learned/introduced by the teacher.

c. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.
d. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the
pupils. If not, another pupil points to the correct letters.
e. Write each new word on the chalkboard.
f. Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.

Sample of generated words

maso sama sako samo kamo saka

mana kama sika mani gisi manok

g. Teacher chooses from among the generated words a word

that he/she may use in a sentence.


Sentence Breaking


ma ni
mani m
ma ma
m mani

m ma mo mi

nok ka ki sa

si so ga gi

nag go na ni


An manok na gona/gonakan.

An manok na
An manok

h. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (manok). Points to

it and reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the word will
be used to make a sentence.
i. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on the
left side.
j. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she
reads it with the pupils.
k. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-
making words directly under the same word above.
l. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
m. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.
n. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
o. Teacher writes the sentence-making word directly under the
same words in the rows above and reads it with the pupils.

6. Sentence Making


ma ni
mani m

ma ma

m mani

m ma mo mi

nok ka ki sa

si so ga gi

nag go na ni


An manok na gona. An
An manok na An manok
An manok An manok na
An An manok na gona.

a. Teacher tells the pupils, “Now, we will make the

sentence again.”
b. Teacher writes the sentence-making word under the Big
Box on the right side.
c. Teacher points to the word as he/she reads it with the
d. Teacher writes the next biggest part of the sentence under
the sentence-making word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the part of the
sentence with the pupils.
f. Now, teacher writes the entire sentence so that the
sentence-making word is just under the same word above.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the sentence with the

C. Guided Practice
a. Pupils read the words, phrases and sentences from key word,
syllable box, word-breaking, word-making, big box, new word,
sentence-breaking and sentence-making.
b. Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to
Sentence Breaking


ma ni
mani m
ma ma
m mani

m ma mo mi

nok ka ki sa

si so ga gi

nag go na ni


An manok na gona. An
An manok na An manok
An manok An manok na
An An manok na gona.

Day 3
A. Review
1. Name each picture.
2. Check ( / ) the pictures that begin with the sound /m/.

B. Guided Practice
1. “Building Words” Teacher guides pupils to build words from the
syllables in the big box. As the pupil forms a word, he/she points it
on the syllable box and writes the generated word under the big
2. “Time to Read” Teacher guides pupils in reading words, phrases
and sentences with letters that are previously learned. (Follow the
Reading Plan.)

mani maso agom mana
mimi misa kamo manok
kama amo anom kami
mina kima mama mano
ama samno mami goma
masa sami mismo sima
mago gamagama samsam maasin

an mani an masa an ama
an maso an amo an misa
an mana an mami an goma
an mago maso ni ama kamo saka kami

An mani nasa nigo. Ano an nasa nigo?
An masa ikinaag sa nigo. Sain ikinaag an masa?
An ama may manok. Siisay an may manok?
An maso nasa siso. Ano an nasa siso?
An amo nagsamno. Ano an ginibo kana mo?
An goma kan ama nasa sako. Hain an goma kana ama?

C. Post Assessment
Read the short story and answer the following questions.

Mani, Mais asin Mami

ni: Claire B. Barcelona

Si Mimi nagkakakan ki mani.

"Mana, Mama, magkakan ki mani," an sabi ni Mimi.

Si Mama nagkakakan ki mais.

"Mana, Mimi, magkakan ki mais," an sabi ni Mama.

Si Mimi asin Mama nagkakakan ki mani buda mais.

"Mana , Ama, magkakan ki mani buda mais," an sabi ninda Mimi
asin Mama.

Si Ama nagkakakan ki mami.

"Mana, Mama asin Mimi, magkakan ki mami," an sabi ni Ama.

Nagkarakan ki mani, mais asin mami si Mama, Mimi asin Ama.

1. Siisay an nagkakan nin mani?___________

2. Ano an kinakan ni Mama?______________
3. Siisay an inalok ninda Mimi asin Mama na magkakan nin mani
asin mais?_______________
4. Ano an pigkakan kan ama?_____________
5. Sain sinda nagkakan nin mani, mais asin mami?__________

Day 4

Listening Story
A. Pre-Reading Activity
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
a. imahen - (show picture of Virgen of Peñafrancia)
b. debosyon - (show picture of a holy procession)

2. Motivation
a. Teacher shows picture of Peñafrancia Fiesta Celebration.
b. In what way do Bikolanos show their love and devotion to God?

3. Motive Question
How does Simon Vela show his willingness to serve God?

B. During Reading
Interactive Listening Story
(Teacher stops for a while to ask predicting questions. Pupils answer and
ask questions, too.)

Birhen de Peñafrancia
Sinurat ni: Meriam Z. Tanog

“Madya na kamo maistorya si Lola Ynyang,” alok ni Yeng sa mga

tugang na si Yra, Ysi saka si Yna.
“An istorya ko ngunyan iyo an manungod sa Birhen de
Peñafrancia,” an sabi no Lola Ynyang.
Tinalikdan ni Simon Vela an gabos na yaman huli sa kagustuhan
na makapagsirbi sa Diyos.
Dangan siya naglaog sa seminaryo.
Sarong banggi sa saiyang pagturog, nakadangog siya nin sarong
tingog sa saiyang pangaturugan.
“Simon, Simon, dai ka magturog. Hanapon mo an imahen kan
Birhen sa bukid kan Pena de Francia. Ini magiging sentro kan
pagkadaradarakulang debosyon kan mga tawo.”
Tulos pinunan ni Simon ang paghanap.
Alagad, gusto niya nang magsuko nin huli ta dai siya
nagtrayumpo sa laog nin limang taon.
Liwat na nadangog niya an tingog.
“Simon, Simon, dai ka magpundo. Dakulang biyaya ang
naghahalat sa saimong sakripisyo.”
Sa saudan sa Espanya, nadangog niya na duwang paratinda na
“Marhay an uring ko,” an sabi kan enot.
“Mas marhay an uring ko hale ini sa Bukid Pena de Francia.”
Sa nadangog, sinunod ni Simon an paratinda hanggang

makaabot siya sa baryo kan San Martin Castanar, sarong baryo sa
pamitisan kan Pena de Francia.
Bago siya nagsakat sa bukid, iiniba niya an limang kalalakihan
na anas may kamatian.
Nakalot ninda an imahen sa tangod kan sarong dakulang gapo.
Tulos narahay an mga hilang ninda.
Asin an birhen inapod nindang Birhen de Penafrancia.
“Lola, dai binulong si Simon alagad narahay an hilang niya kan
makalot ninda an imahen, pano man po ito?” hapot ni Yra.
“Iyan an saro sa mga milagrong ginibo ni Ina kan mga panahon,”
simbag ni Lola Ynyang.
“Ano po an sakripisyong ginibo ni Simon?” hapot ni Ysi.
“Binayaan niya an mga yaman ninda asin hinanap niya an
imahen ni Ina nin haloy na panahon.”
“Hain palan si Yna?” hapot ni Lola Ynyang.
“Ha, ha, ha! Uya po sa gilid, turog-turog na.”

C. Post Reading
1. Pano ipinahiling ni Simon Vela an saiyang kagustuhan na
makapagsirbi sa Diyos?
2. Ano an sinasabi kan tingog na nadangog niya sa saiyang
3. Sain siya nagpuon maghanap?
4. Tano ta kaipuhan niyang punduhan an paghahanap sa imahen
pagkatapos nin limang taon?
5. Tano ta ipinadagos niya man giraray an paghahanap sa ikaduwang
6. Pano niya nakua an pighahanap niyang lugar?
7. Ano ta kaipuhan niyang mag-agda nin limang kalalakihan sa pagkalot
kan imahen?
8. Ano an nangyari kan makalot na ninda an imahen?
9. Ano kayang klase nin tawo si Simon? Pano niya pinatunayan an
dakula niyang debosyon sa Birhen?
10. Ano sa paghuna mo an saimong mamamatian kun saro ka sa mga
kalalakihan na nakakua sa Birhen de Peñafrancia?(Manunungod sa
11. Ano an ginigibo kan saindong pamilya kun isiniselebrar an
kapiyestahan kan Birhen de Peñafrancia?
12. Pano kamo nagseselebrar kan kapiyestahan na ini?

D. Guided Practice
“Finding What’s Next” Teacher posts three (3) pictures of events that
happened in the story. Pupils retell the story by arranging the events in
proper sequence/order.

Day 5

A. Review
a. What are the names of persons, places and things in the story heard
b. Teacher writes the names on board.
c. Give the names of the children in the story
d. In what letter do the names of the children begin?
e. What other names or objects begin in Yy? Show pictures of objects
that begin with Yy.

yoyo yaya yelo yema yukyok

B. Modeling
1. Introducing Letter Yy and its sound /y/
a. Teacher shows card with letter Yy.
b. “This is letter Yy it gives the sound /y/.
c. Teacher produces the /y/ sound three times and pupils do the
same repeatedly.
d. Writing Letter Yy
 Introduce big and small Yy. Show the proper hand strokes in
writing the letter.
 Practice writing letter Yy in the air, palm, back of classmate,
and on the desk.

C. Guided Practice
1. “Trace Me” Trace broken lines to form picture of object that begins
with Yy.
2. Let pupils say something about the picture.

Gibuhon 1
Talaon an putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin ritrato na
nagpupuon sa letrang Yy.

Gibuhon 2
1. Talaon an mga putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin
letrang Yy.
2. Pagkabiton an mga tuldok tanganing makabilog nin letrang Yy.
3. Isurat an dakula asin sadit na letrang Yy.

3. Recognize Sound /y/ by saying Yes or No. Teacher shows cards

with different letters. Teacher raises the card one by one and
asks: “Is this /y/? Pupils may answer YES or NO and produce the

D. Independent Practice
1. Color the Yy you can find. Color them yellow.

2. Box the names that begin with the letter Yy. Listen as the teacher
reads the names.
Ana Yasmin Lito Ying Yoko

Karla Yeye Ding Yanna Baste

E. Post Assessment
1. Write big and small letter Yy correctly on the lines.


I. Objectives
1. Participate actively during story reading by making comments and asking
2. Express love for reading by browsing the story books read to them and
asking to be read more stories
3. Give the correct sequence of three events
4. Give/ Produce the beginning sound of letter in a given word.
5. Orally segment a two to three syllable word into its syllabic part
6. Make one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken words
7. Give the letter that begins the name of a given object/picture
8. Identify specific letters in the alphabet
9. Blend specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s.k,m,y,u) to form words
10. Read words, phrases, and sentences with previously learned letters
11. Understand that there is a correct way to spell words
12. Write upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
13. Write syllables and words correctly
14. Use names of person, places and things appropriately in sentences
15. Develop and use vocabulary of words that begin with the target letter (Uu)
16. Predict what the story is about on what one knows about character,
setting and events
17. Recall important details in stories, events, situation to personal

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Participating actively during story reading by making comments and
asking questions
2. Expressing love for reading by browsing the story books read to them
and asking to be read more stories
3. Giving the correct sequence of three events
4. Giving/ producing the beginning sound of letter in a given word.
5. Segmenting orally a two to three syllable word into its syllabic part
6. Making one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken
7. Giving the letter that begins the name of a given object/picture
8. Identifying specific letters in the alphabet
9. Blending specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y,u) to form words
10. Read words, phrases, and sentences with previously learned letters
11. Understanding that there is a correct way to spell words.
12. Writing upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
13. Writing syllables and words correctly
14. Using names of person, places and things appropriately in sentences
15. Developing and using vocabulary of words that begin with the target
letter (Uu)

16. Predicting what the story is about on what one knows about character,
setting and events
17. Recalling important details in stories, events, situation to personal

B. Selection: Tano ta Maitom an Uwak

Sinurat ni: Merriam Tandog
C. Reference: K+12 Curriculun, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: stories, pictures, letter cards, flashcard
E. Theme: My Family and Our Roles (helping family, family rules)
F. Value: Obedience

III. Procedure

Day 1


A. Review
1. Say the name of the pictures.
Sabihon an pangaran kan mga nasa ritrato.
2. In what letter does it begin?
Sa anong letra ini nagpupuon?
3. Produce the letter sound /y/.
Patanugon an tanog kan letrang /y/.

yoyo yaya yelo yema yukyok

B. Presentation
1. Present the Key Picture and Key Word: yoyo
Ipahiling an tampok na ritrato asin an tampok na tataramon.


2. What does the picture tell?

Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?
3. This is a picture of a_________.
Ini an ritrato kan____________.

4. Teacher points to the key word.
Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.
5. This is how we write the key word.
Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon.
6. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.
Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa laog kan kahon sa
baba kan tampok na ritrato.
7. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.
Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang beses kasabay
an mga aki.

C. Syllable Box
1. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.

Ini an tampok na tataramon. An pagbasa kaini yoyo.

2. Point to each syllable as teacher reads each syllable distinctly.

yo yo

Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan tampok na tataramon.

Babasahon ko an kada silaba, yo yo.

3. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do this
again and have the pupils clap with the teacher.
Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan nindo ako sa
pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada silaba.

D. Word Breaking
1. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable box.
Read it to and then with the pupils.
2. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read it to then with the pupils.
3. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and reading it
to and with the pupils.
4. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
5. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the pupils.



E. Word Making
1. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the-Word
column and reads the new letter with the pupils.
2. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the new
letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of the word with
the pupils.
3. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-Word
4. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight
column and read the word with the pupils.
5. Pupils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and make the
word together. Volunteers read alone.


yoyo y
yo yo
y yoyo

F. Big Box
yo ya yi ay

ma mi mo ki

ka ko sa si

So ga go gi
1. Pupils read letters/syllables as teacher points to each box.
2. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as pupils read.
3. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.
4. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
5. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.
6. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are committed.

G. Finding the words in the Big Box

1. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the Big Box.
2. These may be words they previously learned or other words they
have not learned/introduced by the teacher.

3. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.
4. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the pupils. If
not, another pupil points to the correct letters.
5. Write each new word on the chalkboard.
6. Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.

Sample of generated words

yoyo kaya sima sago gisi siko

mami siga gisa saka misa yaya

7. Teacher chooses from among the generated words a word that

he/she may use in a sentence.


H. Sentence Breaking


yoyo y

yo yo

y yoyo

yo ya yi ay

ma mi mo ki

ka ko sa si

So ga go gi


May saya an yaya.

May saya an

May saya

1. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (yaya). Points to it and

reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the word will be used
to make a sentence.
2. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on the left
3. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she reads it
with the pupils.
4. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-making
words directly under the same word above.
5. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
6. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.
7. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
8. Teacher writes the sentence-making word directly under the same
words in the rows above and reads it with the pupils.

I. Sentence Making


yoyo y
yo yo
y yoyo
yo ya yi ay

ma mi mo ki

ka ko sa si

si ga go gi


May saya an yaya. May

May saya an May saya
May saya May saya an
May May saya an yaya.

1. Teacher tells the pupils, “Now, we will make the sentence again.”
2. Teacher writes the sentence-making word under the Big Box on the
right side.
3. Teacher points to the word as he/she reads it with the pupils.
4. Teacher writes the next biggest part of the sentence under the
sentence-making word above.
5. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the part of the sentence with the
6. Now, teacher writes the entire sentence so that the sentence-making
word is just under the same word above.
7. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the sentence with the pupils.

J. Guided Practice
1. Pupils read the words, phrases and sentences from key word, syllable
box, word-breaking, word-making, big box, new word, sentence-
breaking and sentence-making.
2. Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to


yoyo y
yo yo
y yoyo

Yo ya yi ay

Ma mi mo ki

Ka ko sa si

Si ga go gi


May saya an yaya. May

May saya an May saya
May saya May saya an
May May saya an yaya.

Day 2

Enrichment Activities
A. Review:
1. Show the key picture and let the pupils name it again.” What was the
key word learned yesterday?”
2. What is the initial sound of the key picture? /y/
3. What letter represents the sound /y/?
4. Write big and small Yy on the board.

B. Guided Practice
1. Teacher shows the big box on the board with the syllables formed
from the letters previously learned.
2. Teacher guides pupils to point out the syllables that make up the key
3. From the big box, pupils form as many words as they can and write
the words below the box. Then again, they point the syllables in the
big box.
4. Teacher guides pupils in reading words, phrases and sentences
formed from the key letter y and the previously learned letters (n, a, i,
o, g, s, m, k).


yoyo ayam mayo yaya

iyan nakaya yaon kaya
saya amay makaya sakayan


an yoyo si Yoyoy an yaya

may yaya iyan an yoyo amay an yaya
kaya ni yaya mayo an ayam mayo an yaya
may sakayan nakaya ni Yoyoy an ayam kan yaya

Sentences (Teacher asks the following questions for comprehension


May yaya si Mimi. Siisay an may yaya?

An yaya may saya. Siisay an may saya?
Iyan an yoyo ni Yoyoy. Ano an kawatan ni Yoyoy?
Mayo an ayam sa siso. Ano an mayo sa siso?
Mayo an yaya sa Naga. Siisay an mayo sa Naga?
Nakaya ni Yoyoy an maso. Ano an nakaya ni Yoyoy?
Si Yoyoy an yaon sa kama. Siisay an yaon sa kama?

C. Independent Practice
1. Copy the words correctly on paper.
a. yaya
b. yoyo
c. mayo
d. ayam
e. iyan

2. Connect the word with the picture. Listen as teacher reads each word.

3. Copy the word correctly on the blocks.

D. Post Assessment:
Read the short story and answer the questions orally.

Si Yaya asin Yoyoy

ni: Claire B. Barcelona

An yaya ni Yoyoy may yoyo.

"Kisisay an yoyo na iyan?" hapot ni Manoy Yayo.

"Ki Yoyoy an yoyo na ini,” an sabi ni yaya.

"Mana, Yoyoy, saimo an yoyo na ini," sabi ni yaya.
"Saimo na man, Yaya, an yema na ini," sabi ni Yoyoy.
Si Yoyoy may yoyo na. Si Yaya may yema man.

1. Siisay an may yaya?________________

2. May ano an yaya ni Yoyoy?__________
3. Kisisay an yoyo?____________________
4. Kisisay itinao ni yaya an yoyo?_________
5. Ano man an itinao ni Yoyoy ki yaya?__________

Day 3

A. Pre-Reading Activity
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Give the meaning of the difficult words through pictures and context
a. gamgam (Show a picture of a bird. This is a bird. Describe a bird.)

b. uwak (Show picture of a crow. This is a bird called crow.)

c. barko (Show a picture of a ship.)

d. abaga (Through context clues) Pinasan niya an sako kan paroy sa

saiyang abaga. Itukdo an parti kan hawak.
e. nagtugdon (Through context clues) Nagtugdon an uwak sa sanga
kan kahoy.

2. Motivation
a. Name the birds that you know.
b. Where do you usually see a bird?
c. Can you imitate the sound it produces?

3. Motive Question:
Do you know why the crow is black?

B. Reading the Story

1. Interactive Listening
2. Teacher tells the story using cutout pictures of the characters in the
story. Pupils listen.
3. Teacher pauses once in awhile to ask question. Let pupils predict
what will happen next in the story.

Tano ta Maitom an Uwak

Sinurat ni Meriam Z. Tandog

Kan mga panahon an kulor kan uwak puti. Kun pa’no ini
naging itom dangugon mo an istoryang ini.
Si Noah sinabihan kan Diyos na maggibo nin dakulang barko
ta mauran nin haloy asin mabaha nin hararom.
Pagkaaga tulos ginibo ni Noah an barko. Pirang aldaw saka
banggi niyang ginibo ini. An saiyang pamilya katabang niya sa
paghaman kan barko. Nagpasalamat sinda kan matapos na an
dakulang barko.
Pagkaaga gabos sinda napangalas kan mahiling ninda an
dakul na hayop na nakapalibot, may sarong lalaki asin sarong
Binilang ninda. May duwang elepante, duwang tigre, duwang
liyon, duwang urig, duwang kabayo, duwang pato. Haros duwa-
duwa ang mga hayop na nag-arabot.
Nahiling ninda na haros gabos na hayop yaon duman. Kan
tiripon na sinda asin binuksan na ni Noah an pintuan kan barko
nagpuon nang magbulos an uran.
Pinaralaog ninda an mga hayop. Huri an pamilya ni Noah na
Kuwarentang aldaw asin banggi an uran. An barko naglataw-
lataw sa tubig. Baha-bahang maray. Mayong buhay na nahiling sa
Pagkatapos kan uran dikit-dikit ng naghahali an tubig.
Pakalihis nin pira pang simana binuksan na ni Noah an bintana kan
barko. Mayo siyang nahiling na may buhay sa luwas. Kuminua siya
nin sarong gamgam na puti. “Susuguon taka. Lumupad/Lumayog ka
asin hilingon mo kun may buhay na tanom sa luwas. Pagkatapos
magbuwelta ka sako,” sabi ni Noah sa puting gamgam.
Nagparahalat sa Noah sa gamgam. Nakaagi an pirang aldaw
dai pa ini nag-aabot.
Kuminua giraray si Noah nin saro pang puting gamgam.
Sinabihan niya liwat na hilingon kun may buhay na tanom sa luwas.
Luminupad an gamgam asin pakalihis nin duwang aldaw buminalik
ini na may kagat sa sanga kan sarong tanom. “Igwa na pong buhay
na mga tanom,” an sabi kan puting gamgam.

“Salamat, siguro puwede na kitang magbaraba sa barko.
Nahiling mo lamang an gamgam na inot kong sinugo?” hapot ni
“Iyo po, naagihan ko po na sige siyang kakan kan mga
nalalapang hayop asin tawo. Dai niya po ako sinunod pagsabi kong
magpuli na digdi,” simbag kan gamgam.
Pagkalihis pa nin tulong aldaw nagbalik na an inot na
gamgam na sinugo. Nagtugdon siya sa abaga ni Noah.
“Bako ka maray suguon. Puon ngunyan nin huli ta dai ka
nagsunod sa sugo ko aapudon ka na Uwak. An kulor mo gigibuhon
kong itom. Asin an isasabi mong pirmi ‘uwak! uwak! uwak!’.
Puon kaidto, an puting gamgam naging itom asin an apod na
saiya “Uwak”.

B. Post Reading Activity

(Some of the questions may be asked during the interactive listening of
the story.)
1. Nata/Tano ta naging itom an kulor kan uwak?
2. Ano an dating kulor kan uwak?
3. Siisay an sinabihan kan Diyos na maggibo nin dakulang barko?
4. Ano an ginibo ni Noah sa sugo kan Diyos?
5. Nata/Tano ta nagngalas si Noah kan pagkaagang matapos na an
6. Ano-anong mga hayop an nag-arabot?
7. Ano na an nangyari kan makalaog na an mga hayop sa barko ni
8. Pirang aldaw nagparauran?
9. Ano an nangyari sa kapalibutan?
10. Ano an kinua ni Noah na iyong mahiling kun may buhay nang tanom
sa luwas?
11. Ano an ginibo niya kan dai pa nagbalik an inot na sinugong gamgam?
12. Ano an saiyang dara kan siya magbalik?
13. Ano an sinabi niya ki Noah?
14. Puon kaidto, ano na an naging kulor kan uwak asin ano naman an
saiyang binubura?
15. Kun ika an sinugo, gigibuhon mo man an ginibo kan inot na gamgam?
Tano o tano ta dai?
16. Ano kaya an puwedeng mangyari kun kamo sinugo asin dai tulos
kamo nagtubod?

C. Guided Practice:
1. “Sequencing Events” Arrange the pictures as they happened in the
story. Write numbers 1-3 then retell the story to the class.

Day 4

A. Review
1. What was the story yesterday?
2. Who is the main character in the story? Give the exact name.
3. Noah is a proper name of a person. What other names of persons do
you know?

Name of your mother? ________________

Name of your father? ________________
Name of your brother? ________________
Name of your sister? ________________
Name of your teacher? ________________

B. Presentation
1. Aside from Noah, who are the other characters in the story?
2. What is the bird in the story? Uwak
3. In what letter does it begins? Uu
4. What other objects begin with letter Uu? (Teacher shows pictures.)

uran ubas ugat ukay ulod


ulunan uma upo usa

C. Modeling
1. Introducing letter Uu and its sound /u/
a. What is the beginning letter of the pictures? Uu
b. Show flashcard with big and small letter Uu.
c. Introduce letter Uu with the sound /u/.
d. Teacher produces the /u/ sound. Repeat several times and pupils
e. Let each pupil produce the sound.

2. Writing letter Uu

a. Show the proper hand strokes in writing letter Uu. Let pupils write
the letter in the air, palm, back of their classmate, and on the desk
using their finger.
b. “Show Me Board” Write Big and small Uu 5 times.

D. Guided Practice
“Trace Me” Trace broken lines to form picture of object that begins with

Let pupils say something about the picture.

Gibuhon 1
Talaon an putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin ritrato na
nagpupuon sa letrang Uu.

Gibuhon 2

Gibuhon 3

E. Independent Practice
1. “What’s the Sound” Listen as the teacher names the pictures. Write
the missing initial sound of the picture.

2. “Color the Raindrops” It is raining hard today, Come let’s catch the
raindrops. Color the raindrops with Uu. Color them with Blue.

Day 5

A. Review
1. What is the name of the bird in the story? Uwak
2. What other objects begin with /u/? (Show words that begin with Uu.)


B. Presentation
1. Present the Key Picture and Key Word: ukay
Ipahiling an tampok na ritrato asin an tampok na tataramon.


a. What does the picture tell?

Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?

b. This is a picture of a_________.

Ini an ritrato kan____________.

c. Teacher points to the key word.

Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.

d. This is how we write the key word.

Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon.

e. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.
Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa laog kan
kahon sa baba kan tampok na ritrato.

f. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.

Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang beses
kasabay an mga aki.

2. Syllable Box
a. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.

Ini an tampok na tataramon. An pagbasa kaini ukay.

b. Point to each syllable as teacher reads it distinctly.

u kay

Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan tampok na tataramon.

Babasahon ko an kada silaba, u kay.

c. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do this
again and have the pupils clap with the teacher.
Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan nindo
ako sa pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada silaba.

3. Word Breaking
a. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable
box. Read it to and then with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read it to then with the pupils.
c. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and
reading it to and with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
e. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the pupils.



4. Word Making
a. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the-Word
column and reads the new letter with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the new
letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of the word
with the pupils.
c. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-Word
d. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight
column and read the word with the pupils.
e. Pupils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and make
the word together. Volunteers read alone.


gana g
ga ga
g gana

5. Big Box
u yu mi mu

sa si su gu

gi ku ga ma

ya ka na nu

a. Pupils read letters/syllables as teacher points to each box.

b. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as pupils
c. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.
d. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
e. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.
f. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are committed.

6. Finding the words in the Big Box

a. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the Big
b. These may be words they previously learned or other words they
have not learned/introduced by the teacher.
c. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.
d. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the
pupils. If not, another pupil points to the correct letters.
e. Write each new word on the chalkboard.
f. Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.

Sample of generated words

saya gana kuya misa mana uya

gisa kusa sika magana makaya saya

g. Teacher chooses from among the generated words a word that
he/she may use in a sentence.


7. Sentence Breaking


ukay u

u ukay

u yu mi mu

sa si su gu

gi ku ga ma

ya ka na nu


Uya na an ukay.
Uya na an
Uya na

a. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (uya). Points to it and

reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the word will be used
to make a sentence.
b. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on the left
c. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she reads it
with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-making
words directly under the same word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.

g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
h. Teacher writes the sentence-making word directly under the same
words in the rows above and reads it with the pupils.

8. Sentence Making

ukay u

u ukay
u yu mi mu

sa si su gu

gi ku ga ma

ya ka na nu


Uya na an ukay. Uya

Uya na an Uya na
Uya na Uya na an
Uya Uya na an ukay.

a. Teacher tells the pupils, “Now, we will make the sentence

b. Teacher writes the sentence-making word under the Big Box on
the right side.
c. Teacher points to the word as he/she reads it with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the next biggest part of the sentence under the
sentence-making word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the part of the sentence with
the pupils.
f. Now, teacher writes the entire sentence so that the sentence-
making word is just under the same word above.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the sentence with the pupils.

C. Guided Practice
1. “Time to Read!” Pupils read the words, phrases and sentences from
key word, syllable box, word-breaking, word-making, big box, new
word, sentence-breaking and sentence-making.
2. Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to

ukay u

u ukay

u yu mi mu

sa si su gu

gi ku ga ma

ya ka na nu


Uya na an ukay. Uya

Uya na an Uya na
Uya na Uya na an
Uya Uya na an ukay.


I. Objectives
1. Participate actively during story reading by making comments and asking
2. Express love for reading by browsing the story books read to them and
asking to be read more stories
3. Give/ Produce the beginning sound of letter in a given word.
4. Orally segment a two to three syllable word into its syllabic part
5. Make one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken words
6. Give the letter that begins the name of a given object/picture
7. Identify specific letters in the alphabet
8. Blend specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y,u,t) to form words
9. Understand that there is a correct way to spell words.
10. Write upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
11. Write syllables and words correctly
12. Use names of person, places and things appropriately in sentences
13. Develop and use vocabulary of words that begin with the target letter (Tt)
14. Predict what the story is about on what one knows about character,
setting and events
15. Recall important details in stories, events, situation to personal

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Participating actively during story reading by making comments and
asking questions
2. Expressing love for reading by browsing the story books read to them
and asking to be read more stories
3. Giving/ producing the beginning sound of letter in a given word.
4. Segmenting orally a two to three syllable word into its syllabic part
5. Making one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken
6. Giving the letter that begins the name of a given object/picture
7. Identifying specific letters in the alphabet
8. Blending specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y,u,t) to form words
9. Understanding that there is a correct way to spell words.
10. Writing upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
11. Writing syllables and words correctly
12. Using names of person, places and things appropriately in sentences
13. Developing and using vocabulary of words that begin with the target
letter (Tt)
14. Predicting what the story is about on what one knows about character,
setting and events
15. Recalling important details in stories, events, situation to personal

B. Selection: An Takot na si Tino
Sinurat ni: Evelyn Pateño
C. Reference: K+12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: box, ball, pictures, letter cards, short stories using the letters
E. Theme: Our Family Traditions and Celebrations
F. Value: Bravery

III. Procedure

Day 1

A. Review
1. Show cards of previously learned letters (n,a,i,o,g,s,k,m,y,u). Produce
the sound of each letter.
2. Teacher shows the picture and names it. Pupils identify the beginning

m, s, a i, o, m i, a, y k, g, o

g, k, n m, a, k o, s, n k, a, g

B. Guided Practice
1. “Word Game” Group pupils into five. Give each group sets of syllables
from the letters previously learned. Pupils form as many words as
they can and write the words on the manila paper. Let the groups
present their output and count the number of words formed. The
group with the most number of words wins the game.

2. ”Guided Reading” Teacher guides pupils in reading the words,

phrases and sentences.

ukay usa luya uy!

uya uma suag uyan
uyam umay suso uno
uka suya sugok muya

an ukay uya an ukay usa sa uma
uka sa uma uyam an ukay uya an usa
sugok sa uma suag kan usa ukay sa uma

Sentences: (Answer questions for comprehension check)

An ukay nasa uma Ano an nasa uma?
Uya an ukay sa uma Hain an ukay?
May uka an uma May ano an uma?
Nauyam an ukay sa usa Kisisay nauyam ang ukay?
Uya na an ukay saka an usa Sain nagduman an ukay asin an
sa uma usa?

C. Independent Practice
1. Copy the key word ukay on your paper.
2. Listen as the teacher says the name of the picture. Connect the name
with the correct picture.

D. Post Assessment
1. “Time to Read!” Read the short story and answer the following

An Ukay asin an Usa

ni: Shielee B. Vega

Amigo kan ukay an usa. Kasuno kan ukay an usa.

Amay na aga, an usa uminagi na uka nin uka.
"Usa, Usa, ano ta ika nag-uuka?” an hapot ni Ukay.
“Muya mo magkaon nin suman?”
An usa nagsayuma, "Uyam asin umay na ako kaiyan."
"Uyan an sugok, iyo na sana an kakana."
Kinugos kan usa an ukay ta siya naugma.

1. Sisay an amigo kan ukay?
2. Nata nag-uka an usa?
3. Ano an itinangro ni Ukay ki Usa?
4. Nata hinabuan ni Usa an ipigtangro na kaunon?
5. Pano ipinahiling ni Usa an saiyang kaugmahan sa itinao ni Ukay?

Day 2

A. Pre-Reading Activities
1. Unlocking of Difficult Words
a. matatakuton – unlock through facial expression/context clues
b. kagat – through action
c. tago – through picture

d. kusina – through picture/context clues

2. Motivation
a. What are the things that frighten you?
b. What do you do when you are frightened?

3. Motive Question
Who is Tino and why does he always hide?

B. Reading the story

1. Teacher tells the story using the hand puppet.

An Takot na si Tino

Si Tino an matatakuton na kino.

Takot siya na kagaton kan ikos na si Tano.
Tago siya nin tago sa sako sa kusina.
Minsan sa itaas kan kaymito.
Minsan sa tasa na kaagan nin tsa.
Ugma na kuta si Tino na mayo si Tano.
Nag-agi-agi na siya sa may kusina kan

may magkagat sa ikog niya.
Si Tano yaon na!
Kaya an matatakuton na si Tino,
tago na naman nin tago.
2. Post-reading activities
Answer the following questions:
1. Nata/Tano ta tago nin tago si Tino?
2. Siisay si Tino?
3. Kisisay siya natatakot?
4. Ano si Tano?
5. Sain pirmi nagtatago si Tino?
6. Nata/Tano ta minsan nauugma si Tino?
7. Ano an saiyang ginibo kan dai siya natatakot?
8. Ano an nangyari kan minsan magduman si Tino sa kusina?
9. Ano an ginibo saiya ni Tano?
10. Ano na naman an saiyang ginibo kan mahiling niya si Tano?
11. Kun ika si Tino, matatakot ka daw ki Tano? Tano o tano ta dai?
12. Ano an dapat mong gibuhon para dai ka na matakot sa bagay na
kinatatakutan mo?

3. Literary Exteneder
“You’re a Star”- Group pupils into five. Role play the short story
heard. Perform in front of the class. The pupils choose the best group.

4. Skill Development
a. Identifying the Characters
 Who are the characters in the story? (Tino and Tano)
 What are they? (mouse and cat)
 Give the characteristics of each character. Teacher posts
picture of a cat and mouse on the board. Teacher reads the
character traits written on strips of cartolina one at a time. A
pupil-volunteer tacks it below the picture of the animal with
that trait.

Tino Tano

b. “Can You Draw?” Draw the characters in the story. Color your

Day 3

A. Review
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. Why is Tino afraid of Tano?

B. Presentation
1. What are the names of the characters in the story?

Teacher shows strips of papers with the names written on it.

2. What is the initial sound of the name of the characters in the story?
3. What other objects begins with the letter Tt?
4. Teacher presents picture of objects that begin with Tt.

talong tabo tasa tiko

tisa trapo tuka tulak

C. Modeling
1. Introducing letter Tt and its sound
a. What is the initial letter of the names of the picture?
b. What do you hear at the beginning of the names?
c. Show letter card with big and small letter Tt.
d. “This is letter Tt. It gives the sound /t/. Teacher repeats the sound
three times /t/ /t/ /t/.
e. Teacher gives the names of the following pictures: Pupils repeat
after the teacher.
This is a picture of………/t/ /t/ /t/ talong.
………/t/ /t/ /t/ tabo
………/t/ /t/ /t/ tasa
……../t/ /t/ /t/ tiko

……../t/ /t/ /t/ tisa
……./t/ /t/ /t/ trapo
……./t/ /t/ /t/ tuka
……../t/ /t/ /t/ tulak

f. Let each pupil produce the sound /t/.

2. Writing Letter Tt
a. Teacher shows the letter card with letter Tt made of cut-out
b. Teacher traces the cut-out letter with the finger while counting the
number of strokes.
c. Let all pupils trace the sandpaper letter and count the number of
d. Let the pupils practice writing big and small letter Tt on the air,
palm, back of classmate, and on the desk using the finger.

D. Guided Practice
1. “Trace me” Trace broken lines to form picture of object that begins
with Tt.
Let pupils say something about the picture.

Gibuhon 1
Talaon an putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin ritrato na
nagpupuon sa letrang Tt.

Gibuhon 2
1. Talaon an mga putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin
letrang Tt.
2. Pagkabiton an mga tuldok tanganing makabilog nin letrang Tt.
3. Isurat an dakula asin sadit na letrang Tt.

2. Color the cup with letter Tt. Color them with orange.

Day 4

Primer Track Lesson(Key Letter Tt)

A. Review
1. Show pictures that begins with letter Tt. Give the initial sound before
saying the name of the pictures.

2. Present the Key Picture and Key Word: tasa

Ipahiling an tampok na ritrato asin an tampok na tataramon.

a. What does the picture tell?
Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?
b. This is a picture of a_________.
Ini an ritrato kan____________.
c. Teacher points to the key word.
Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.
d. This is how we write the key word.
Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon.
e. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.

Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa laog kan
kahon sa baba kan tampok na ritrato.
f. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.
Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang beses
kasabay an mga aki.

3. Syllable Box
a. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.

Ini an tampok na tataramon. An pagbasa kaini tasa.

b. Point to each syllable as teacher reads it distinctly.

ta sa
Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan tampok na tataramon.
Babasahon ko an kada silaba, ta sa.

c. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do this
again and have the pupils clap with the teacher.
Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan nindo
ako sa pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada silaba.

4. Word Breaking
a. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable
box. Read it to and then with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read it to then with the pupils.
c. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and
reading it to and with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
e. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the pupils.



5. Word Making
a. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the-Word
column and reads the new letter with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the new
letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of the word
with the pupils.
c. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-Word
d. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight
column and read the word with the pupils.
 Pupils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and make
the word together. Volunteers read alone.

tasa t
ta ta
t tasa

6. Big Box
ta ti to ya

yi yo mi mo

an ma ka ki

ka ki si sa

a. Pupils read letters/syllables as teacher points to each box.

b. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as pupils
c. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.
d. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
e. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.
f. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are committed.

7. Finding the words in the Big Box

a. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the Big
b. These may be words they previously learned or other words they
have not learned/introduced by the teacher.
c. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.

d. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the pupils.
If not, another pupil points to the correct letters.
e. Write each new word on the chalkboard.
f. Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.
Sample of generated words

mama tama tiya sika toyo kama

tiko sima maan tiya yoyo taya

g. Teacher chooses from among the generated words a word that

he/she may use in a sentence.

8. Sentence Breaking


tasa t
ta ta
t tasa

ta ti to ya

yi yo mi mo

an ma ka ki

ka ki si sa


Si Tita an taya.
Si Tita an
Si Tita

a. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (taya). Points to it and
reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the word will be used
to make a sentence.
b. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on the left
c. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she reads it
with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-making
words directly under the same word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
h. Teacher writes the sentence-making word directly under the same
words in the rows above and reads it with the pupils.

9. Sentence Making


tasa t
ta ta
t tasa

ta ti to ya

yi yo mi mo

an ma ka ki

ka ki si sa


Si Tita an taya. Si
Si Tita an Si Tita
Si Tita Si Tita an
Si Si Tita an taya.

a. Teacher tells the pupils, “Now, we will make the sentence
b. Teacher writes the sentence-making word under the Big Box
on the right side.
c. Teacher points to the word as he/she reads it with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the next biggest part of the sentence under the
sentence-making word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Now, teacher writes the entire sentence so that the sentence-
making word is just under the same word above.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the sentence with the

B. Guided Practice
1. Pupils read the words, phrases and sentences from key word, syllable
box, word-breaking, word-making, big box, new word, sentence-
breaking and sentence-making.
2. Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to

tasa t
ta ta
t tasa

ta ti to ya

yi yo mi mo

an ma ka ki

ka ki si sa


Si Tita an taya. Si
Si Tita an Si Tita
Si Tita Si Tita an
Si Si Tita an taya.

Day 5

A. Review
1. Show cards of previously learned letters (n,a,i,o,g,s,k,m,y,u and t).
Give the sound of each.

talong tabo tasa tiko

tisa trapo tuka tulak

2. Teacher shows the pictures and names them. Pupils identify the
beginning sound. What is the beginning sound of the pictures? ( /t/ )
3. What was the key word learned yesterday? Teacher shows the key

B. Guided Practice
1. Using the letter card teacher guides pupils in forming syllables. Pupils
read the generated syllables.

2. Word Game” Group pupils into five. Give each group set of syllables
from the letters previously learned. Pupils form as many words as
they can and write the words on the manila paper. Let each group
present their output and count the number of words formed. The
group with the most number of words wins the game.
3. Guided Reading” Teacher guides pupils in reading the words, phrases
and sentences.

tasa taya tama tisa Toto tusok
tanos tuso tunok tugak takma tisoy
mata gatok taga tuka niyato kuta
unat tagas tiko sugot tuko tiyo

takyag tuyo kataid takot kanta tagiti
takig taison takuton tanog tanom ata
tinanom taon agat aniit aninipot sitsit

agat sa tasa tiko an tuka
gatok an mata tiko an takyag
tanog nin tagiti tanos na tunok
takot sa tuko an tinanom
takig sa takot tuso an tisoy

Sentences: (Answer questions for comprehension check)

An agat nasa tasa. Hain an agat?
Gatok an mata ni Totoy. May ano an mata ni Totoy?
Makusog an tanog kan tagiti. Arin an makusog an tanog?
Tiko an tuka kan pato. Ano an tuka kan pato?
Takot sa tuko an aki. Sa ano takot an aki?

C. Independent Practice
1. Copy the key word tasa on your paper.
2. Listen as the teacher says the name of the picture. Connect the name
with the correct picture:

D. Post Assessment
1. “Time to Read!” Read the short story.

An Tasa ni Tata
ni: Claire B. Barcelona

May tasa si Tata.

Tolo an tasa ni Tata.
Muya man ni Toto ki tasa.
Tinao ni Tata ki Tito an inot na tasa na napapatos pa.
Tinao pa ni Tata an tasa na itom ki Toto.
“Ay, sana samuya mo na sana tinao an tasa na ito,” sabay na sabi ni
Tita asin Toti.

1. Ano an ipinanao ni Tata?
2. Siirisay an tinawanan niya kaini?
3. Nata ta ipinanao niya an mga ini?
4. Nata ta nanhinayang sinda Tita asin Toti?
5. Pira na sanang tasa an natada ki Tata?


I. Objectives
1. Recite/Sing with ease and confidence rhymes, jingles, riddles, chants,
song, lullaby in culturally appropriate manner
2. Show love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and
making comments
3. Give/ Produce the beginning sound of letter in a given word
4. Orally segment a two or more syllable word into its syllabic part
5. Give the new spoken words when two or more syllables are joined to form
6. Make one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken words
7. Point out that spoken words are represented in written language by
specific sequence of letters
8. Give the letter that begins the name of a given object/picture
9. Identify specific letters in the alphabet, both upper and lower case
10. Show relationship between sounds and written symbols
11. Match words with pictures and objects
12. Give the sounds of the specific letters in the alphabet
13. Blend specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y,u,t,b) to form syllables, words,
phrases and sentences
14. Understand that there is a correct way to spell words
15. Spell and write words using phonemic awareness and letter knowledge
16. Write upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
17. Write words, phrases and sentences correctly
18. Observe some mechanics when copying/writing sentences; capitalization,
white space between words and correct punctuation marks
19. Draw on experiences to bring meanings to words in context
20. Develop and use vocabulary of words that begin with the target letter (Bb)

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Reciting/singing with ease and confidence rhymes, jingles, riddles,
chants, song, lullaby in culturally appropriate manner
2. Showing love for reading by listening attentively during story reading
and making comments
3. Giving/ Producing the beginning sound of letter in a given word
4. Orally segmenting a two to three syllable word into its syllabic part
5. Giving the new spoken words when two or more syllables are joined
to form words
6. Making one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken
7. Pointing out that spoken words are represented in written language by
specific sequence of letters
8. Giving the letter that begins the name of a given object/picture
9. Identifying specific letters in the alphabet, both upper and lower case
10. Showing relationship between sounds and written symbols
11. Matching words with pictures and objects

12. Giving the sounds of the specific letters in the alphabet
13. Blending specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y,u,t,b) to form syllables,
words, phrases and sentences
14. Understanding that there is a correct way to spell words
15. Spelling and writing words using phonemic awareness and letter
16. Writing upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
17. Writing words, phrases and sentences correctly
18. Observing some mechanics when copying/writing sentences;
capitalization, white space between words and correct punctuation
19. Drawing on experiences to bring meanings to words in context
20. Developing and using vocabulary of words that begin with the target
letter (Bb)

B. Selection: An Mahuri Taya

C. Reference: K+12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: box, ball, pictures, letter cards, short stories using the letters
E. Theme: Our Family Traditions (Customs)
F. Value: Bravery

III. Procedure

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading Activities
Unlocking of Difficulties
Unlock the following words through action, picture and context clues.
a. buwelo
b. bura
c. kapagalan
d. napagmata

Teacher asks the questions:
a. Anong oras ka naglalaog sa eskuwelahan?
b. Siisay saindo an nahuri na sa paglaog sa eskuwelahan?
c. Tano/Nata ta nahuri ka?
d. Ano an nangyari kan mahuri ka?

Motive Question
Sa tula aramon ta kun tano/nata ta naging taya si Biboy?

B. Reading Verses: “An Mahuri Taya”

Pupils listen as the teacher reads the verses.

An Mahuri Taya
Sinurat ni: Meriam Z. Tandog

1,2,3 malukso na ako

Madya na, madya na
Ta nag-uuran na!
Alagad si Biboy turugturog pa.

Sabay na nagrulukso
Mga talapang sa umahan.
Si Banoy, si Bebot,
Si Bitoy, saka si Bino.

Kokak! Kokak! Kokak!

Buwelo nindang bura.
Kokak! Kokak! Kokak!
An mahuri iyo an taya.

Lukso digdi, lukso duman.

An gibo kan mga talapang.
Nagkakarawat ta mauran.
Garo mayong mga kapagalan.

Napagmata si Biboy,
Naglukso man kuta.
Pero huri na siya,
Kaya siya na an taya.

C. Post Reading Activity:

1. Answer the following questions.
a. Tano/Nata ta naging taya si Biboy?
b. Ano an mga hayop na nasa tula?
c. Tano/Nata nagruluksuhan an mga talapang?
d. Ano an mga pangaran kan mga talapang?
e. Tano/Nata ta urugmahon sinda?
f. Ano ta garo dai sinda napapagal?
g. Pano ta naging taya si Biboy?
h. Kun ika si Biboy, aarugon mo siya?
i. Tano/Nata iyo o tano/nata ta dai?

Extender: Arog kan mga talapang, igwa man kitang mga kinauugalian
na kawat lalo na kun selebrasyon nin piyesta. Anong mga pakawat an
aram mo?
Ipahiling an mga kawat na ini.

Teacher shows pictures of different tradition games during fiesta.

D. Guided Practice
1. “Draw A Place” Group pupils into five.
1. Hain so mga talapang?
2. Naiimahinar nindo kun hain sinda?
 Let the pupils draw on a cartolina the place where the story
 Have them present their drawings to the class and retell the
 Teacher prepares caps or cut-outs of frog face with names
written on the cut-outs and puts one each on the pupil’s head.
Teacher chooses 5 pupils to wear the caps/cut-outs and role
play what the frogs in the story did.

2. Modeling
a. Sisay su mga talapang sa tula?
b. Ano an mga pangaran ninda?
c. Teacher introduces the frogs with their names.
d. Teacher names the frogs in the rhymes.
e. Sinda si Biboy, Banoy, Bebot, Bitoy, asin Bino.

 Teacher writes the names on the board using all small


biboy banoy bebot bitoy bino

f. Tama daw an pakasurat ko kan pangaran ninda?

g. Pano kita nagsusurat kan tunay na pangaran?

 Discuss the proper way of writing the proper name.

 This is how we write proper names.
Biboy Banoy Bebot Bitoy Bino

h. Ano an obserbasyon nindo?

i. Isurat an tunay na pangaran na nagpupuon sa dakulang letra.

3. Independent Practice
“Time to Write”
a. Kupyahon an pangaran kan mga talapang.
Biboy Banoy Bebot Bitoy Bino

b. Isurat an saindong pangaran sa papel.

Day 2
A. Review
1. Ano an mga pangaran kan talapang sa tula?

Biboy Banoy Bebot Bitoy Bino

2. Pano an pagsurat kan pangaran?

3. Ano an primerong letra kan mga pangaran kan talapang?
4. Ano pa an mga pangaran na nagpupuon sa B?

B. Presentation
1. Teacher presents pictures of things/objects that begin with letter Bb.

2. Teacher names the picture.

3. Ask:
a. Ano an kapinunan na tanog kan mga nasa ritrato?
b. Arin sa mga ritrato na nagpupuon sa /b/ an hayop? bagay?

C. Modeling
1. Introducing letter Bb and its sound /b/.

a. What is the initial letter of the names of the pictures?

Ano an inot na letra kan mga pangaran sa ritrato?
b. What sound do you hear at the beginning of the names?
Ano an tanog na nadadangog nindo sa kapinunan kan mga
c. Show a letter card with big and small letter Bb. “This is letter Bb. It
gives the sound /b/. Teacher repeats the sound three times /b/ /b/
Ini an letrang Bb. An tanog kaini /b/. Utruhon nin tulong beses an
/b/ /b/ /b/.
d. Teacher gives the names of the following pictures: Pupils repeat
after the teacher.
This is a picture of………/b/ /b/ /b/ baka
Ini an ritrato kan ………./b/ /b/ /b/ balde
…….…/b/ /b/ /b/ bado

…..…../b/ /b/ /b/ banig
…..…../b/ /b/ /b/ bawang
…...…./b/ /b/ /b/ baso
…...…./b/ /b/ /b/ bilog
…..…../b/ /b/ /b/ basket
e. Let each pupils produce the sound of /b/.

2. Writing Letter Bb
a. Teacher shows the letter card with letter Bb made of cut-out
b. Teacher traces the cut-out letter with the finger while counting the
number of strokes.
c. Let all pupils trace the sandpaper letter and count the number of
d. Let the pupils practice writing big and small letter Bb on the air,
palm, back of classmate, and on the desk using the finger.

D. Guided Practice:
1. Talaon an mga putol-putol na linya tanganing makagibo nin letrang

2. Kuluran nin berde an baso na may letrang Bb.

3. Tsekan an letrang Bb sa laog kan kahon.

4. Kuluran an bagay na nasa laog kan kahon na nagpupuon sa tanog

na /b/.

Day 3

Primer Track Lesson (Key Letter Bb)

A. Review
Show pictures that begin with letter Bb. Give the initial sound before
saying the name of each picture.

1. Present the Key Picture and Key Word: bintana

Ipahiling an tampok na ritrato asin an tampok na tataramon.

a. What does the picture tell?
Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?

b. This is a picture of a_________.

Ini an ritrato kan____________.

c. Teacher points to the key word.

Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.

d. This is how we write the key word.

Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon.

e. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.
Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa laog kan
kahon sa baba kan tampok na ritrato.

f. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.

Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang beses
kasabay an mga aki.

2. Syllable Box
a. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.’

Ini an tampok na tataramon. An pagbasa kaini gana.

b. Point to each syllable as teacher reads it distinctly.

bin ta na

Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan tampok na tataramon.

Babasahon ko an kada silaba, bin ta na.

c. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do this
again and have the pupils clap with the teacher.
Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan nindo
ako sa pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada silaba.

3. Word Breaking
a. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable
box. Read it to and then with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read it to then with the pupils.
c. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and
reading it to and with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
e. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the pupils.





4. Word Making
a. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the-Word
column and reads the new letter with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the new
letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of the word
with the pupils.
c. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-Word
d. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight
column and read the word with the pupils.
e. Pupils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and make
the word together. Volunteers read alone.


bintana b

binta bin

bin binta

b bintana

5. Big Box

a bu nig ba

gu ko tok bi

tag an bit ban

ka bot kag gay

a. Pupils read letters/syllables as teacher points to each box.

b. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as pupils
c. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.
d. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
e. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.
f. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are committed.

6. Finding the words in the Big Box

a. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the
Big Box.
b. These may be words they previously learned or other words
they have not learned/introduced by the teacher.
c. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.
d. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the
pupils. If not, another pupil points to the correct letters.
e. Write each new word on the chalkboard.
f. Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.

Sample of generated words

batag batok baka

kagkag kaban gubot

g. Teacher chooses from among the generated words a word

that he/she may use in a sentence.

7. Sentence Breaking


bintana b
binta bin
bin binta
b bintana
a bu nig ba

gu ko tok bi

tag an bit ban

ka bot kag gay


An batag nasa nigo.

An batag nasa
An batag

a. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (batag). Points to it

and reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the word will
be used to make a sentence.
b. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on the
left side.
c. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she
reads it with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-
making words directly under the same word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
h. Teacher writes the sentence-making word directly under the
same words in the rows above and reads it with the pupils.

8. Sentence Making

bintana b

binta bin

bin binta

b bintana

a bu nig ba
gu ko tok bi
tag an bit ban
ka bot kag gay


An batag nasa nigo. An

An batag nasa An batag

An batag An batag nasa

An An batag nasa nigo.

a. Teacher tells the pupils, “Now, we will make the sentence

b. Teacher writes the sentence-making word under the Big Box
on the right side.

c. Teacher points to the word as he/she reads it with the pupils.

d. Teacher writes the next biggest part of the sentence under the
sentence-making word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Now, teacher writes the entire sentence so that the sentence-
making word is just under the same word above.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the sentence with the

I. Guided Practice
1. Pupils read the words, phrases and sentences from key word, syllable
box, word-breaking, word-making, big box, new word, sentence-
breaking and sentence-making.
2. Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to


bintana b

binta bin

bin binta

b bintana

a bu nig ba

gu ko tok bi

tag an bit ban

ka bot kag gay


An batag nasa nigo. An

An batag nasa An batag

An batag An batag nasa

An An batag nasa nigo.

Day 4 - 5

A. Review:
1. Present the key picture and say its name as the key word.
2. Show letter cards with previously learned letters. Give the sound of
each letter.

B. Guided Practice:
1. “Jumbled Letters” Put the cards with previously learned letters on
the table. Let pupils form syllables. Teacher writes all the syllable
formed on the board and reads them.

2. “Big Box” Group pupils into 5. Give each group set of syllables on a
big box. Let them form as many words as they can from the syllables.
Have them write the words on a manila paper and post on the board.

3. “Guided Reading” Reading words, phrases and sentences with

letters previously learned

bintana bauo abo basa
bantog bagay bayaan biko
bos kabig kaban baak
bagsak nabasa bako bagas
bago baybay bani bisyo
bagsak bukayo baka banig
mabata maiba gibo kabo
sabi kabayo biyo kaiba
kaibahan bubon bugkos bunbon

baka maiba bago an bani
an bauo basa an banig
baho sa abo ibos sa nigo
sa bintana kaban nin abo

1. An bauo nasa banig.
Ano an nasa banig?__________
2. An batag nasa sako.
Hain an batag?______________
3. An ibos nasa nigo.
Hain an ibos?_______________
4. An ikos nasa bintana.
Ano an nasa bintana?________
5. Nabasa an baho sa abo.
Ano an nangyari sa baho sa abo?_________

C. Enrichment
“Phoneme Awareness”
1. Sa anong tanog nagpupuon an tataramon na baso? ______
2. Pira an tanog kan letra an madadangog sa baso?____
3. Ano an bagong tataramon na mabibilog kun hahalion an letrang b
sa baso?______
4. Anong bagong tataramon an mabibilog kun riribayan an letrang m
nin b sa tataramon na baso?______
5. Ano an tataramon na mabibilog kun sasararuon an mga letrang b,
a, k, a?_______
6. Magtao pa nin mga bagay na nagpupuon sa tanog na


I. Objectives
1. Use expressions appropriate to the grade level in classifying things,
animals, objects, etc.
2. Show love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and
making comments
3. Give/ Produce the beginning sound of letter/s in a given word
4. Orally segment a two or more syllable word into its syllabic parts
5. Give the new spoken words when two or more syllables are joined to form
6. Make one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken words
7. Point out that spoken words are represented in written language by
specific sequence of letters
8. Give the letter that begins with the name of a given object/picture
9. Identify specific letters in the alphabet, both upper and lower case
10. Show relationship between sounds and written symbols
11. Match words with pictures and objects
12. Give the sounds of the specific letters in the alphabet
13. Blend specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y,u,t,b,l) to form syllables, words,
phrases and sentences
14. Understand that there is a correct way to spell words
15. Spell and write words using phonemic awareness and letter knowledge
16. Write upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
17. Write words, phrases, sentences and paragraph correctly
18. Observe some mechanics when copying/writing sentences; capitalization,
white space between words and correct punctuation marks
19. Draw on experiences to bring meanings to words in context
20. Develop and use vocabulary of words that begin with the target letter (Ll)
21. Predict what the story, legend, community events, and community issues
22. Recall important details in community issues and events listened to
23. Give the possible ending of the story and legend listened to

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Using expressions appropriate to the grade level in classifying things,
animals, objects, etc.
2. Showing love for reading by listening attentively during story reading
and making comments
3. Giving/Producing the beginning sound of letter/s in a given word
4. Orally segmenting a two to three syllable word into its syllabic part
5. Giving the new spoken words when two or more syllables are joined
to form words
6. Making one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken
7. Pointing out that spoken words are represented in written language by
specific sequence of letters
8. Giving the letter that begins the name of a given object/picture

9. Identifying specific letters in the alphabet, both upper and lower case
10. Showing relationship between sounds and written symbols
11. Matching words with pictures and objects
12. Giving the sounds of the specific letters in the alphabet
13. Blending specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y,u,t,b,l) to form syllables,
words, phrases and sentences
14. Understanding that there is a correct way to spell words
15. Spelling and writing words using phonemic awareness and letter
16. Writing upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
17. Writing words, phrases, sentences and paragraph correctly
18. Observing some mechanics when copying/writing sentences;
capitalization, white space between words and correct punctuation
19. Drawing on experiences to bring meanings to words in context
20. Developing and using vocabulary of words that begin with the target
letter (Ll)
21. Predicting what the story, legend, community events, and community
22. Recalling important details in community issues and events listened to
23. Giving the possible ending of the story of the story and legend
listened to

B. Selection: An Makuapo ni Lola Lita

Sinurat ni: Sheilee Boras-Vega
C. Reference: K+12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: box, ball, pictures, letter cards, short stories using the letters
E. Theme: Taking care of each other (our home and surroundings, family)
F. Value: Thoughtfulness

III. Procedure

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading Activities
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Unlock difficult words found in the story through pictures and context
a. matali – through context clue:
(Si Lina sarong mataling aki. Nanggagana siya pirmi sa pakontes.)
 nagsulog – through action
 nagbaklay – through action
 nakigkig – through action

b. Motivation
Nakaeksperyensiya na kamo na suguon kan saindong ina na
magduman sa saindong lola?
Ano an ginibo nindo?

c. Motive Question
Ano an nangyari ki Lina mantang siya naglalakaw paduman sa
saiyang Lola Lita?

B. Reading the Story

Shared Reading
1. Introduce the Shared Reading Story
a. Teacher takes up the cover of the book.
b. Mention the title, author and illustrator.
c. Ask questions about the cover and encourage the pupils to think
and talk about the topic of the story.
d. Use a pointer in tracing the words.

2. Following the Reading Plan

a. Teacher reads the entire text to the pupils.
b. (If the pupils cannot read the text themselves yet, but if they can
already read it, skip the step.)
c. Teacher reads the text with all the pupils.
d. Teacher reads one part of the text with one or two pupil-
e. One or two pupil-volunteers read the part of the text by
f. Teacher reads the entire text again with all the pupils.

3. Read the story using the reading plan.

a. Teacher reads the title of the story and asks 1-2 pupils to tell
about their experiences related to the topic.
b. Teacher opens the first page of the story, points out the main
picture and then, reads the text for that page, moving the pointer
smoothly under the sentence.
c. Teacher does the same for each page, stopping 2 or 3 times and
 What do you think will happen next?
Ano sa paghuna mo an masunod na mangyayari?

d. After reading the story, the teacher asks the pupils some
questions. For example:
 What happened in the story?
Ano an nangyari sa istorya?
 Why do you think that happened?
Nata sa paghuna mo nangyari ito?
 What part of the story did you like best?
Arin na parti kan istorya an namuyahan mo?
 Why did you like that part best?
Nata ta namuyahan mo an parti na ito?
e. Then, the teacher together with the pupils read the story following
steps 2-5 of the reading plan, moving the pointer smoothly under
the words.

An Makuapo ni Lola Lita
Sinurat ni: Sheilee Boras-Vega

Si Lina an matali na aki ni Nana Liya.

Amayon na aga, sulog ni Lina an lila na blusa. An lila na
blusa ni Lina may laso sa laylayan.
Mabisita si Lina sa Lola Lita niya. Si Lola Lita yaon sa
may tulay kan Ligao.
Binitbit ni Lina an alat na may laog na lima na lata nin
gatas. Itatao ni Lina kay Lola Lita an lima na lata nin gatas.
Nagbabaklay si Lina bitbit an alat kan bigla na sana may
lukton na luminukso sa laso na nasa laylayan kan blusa niya.
Nakigkig si Lina kaya nabutasan sa tulay an alat na may laog na
lima na lata nin gatas.
Kinua ni Lina an luyos na laya asin lubi-lubi. Iyo na sana
ito an itinao niya kay Lola Lita katukal kan lima na lata nin

C. Post Reading
Answer the following questions:
1. Ano an nangyari ki Lina mantang siya naglalakaw paduman sa
saiyang Lola Lita?
2. Siisay si Lina?
3. Siisay an saiyang ina?
4. Kansuarin si Lina naghali?
5. Ano an sulog/sulot niya?
6. Masain si Lina? Kiisay siya maduman?
7. Ano an bitbit ni Lina?
8. Ano an luminukso sa laylayan kan blusa ni Lina?
9. Ano an nangyari ki Lina kan nahiling niya an lukton?
10. Ano an nangyari sa saiyang bitbit?
11. Ano an laog kan bitbit na bag ni Lina?
12. Ano na sana an itinao ni Lina sa saiyang Lola Lita?
13. Kun ika si Lina, ano an saimong gigibuhon? Tano?
14. Ano kaya an namatian ni Lina kan siya nakigkig?
15. Ano man kaya an namatian ni Lola Lita sa pag-abot ni Lina sa
saiyang harong?
16. Tano/Nata daw ta arog kaiyan an saiyang namatian?

Extender (Theme):
1. Igwa ka man nin lola? Pano mo inaataman an saimong lolo asin
2. Ano an ginigibo mo?
D. Modeling
1. Sa irisay an mga tauhan sa istorya?
2. Ano an pangaranan sinda?
3. Pano mo dapat isurat an eksaktong pangaran?

4. Isusurat kan maestro sa pisara an mga pangaran na nagpupuon sa
dakulang letra.
5. Ipapakopya man nin tama sa mga aki an mga pangaran.
6. Apuwera sa pangaran nin tawo na nagpupuon sa Ll, igwa pa daw na
mga tataramon na nabanggit sa istorya na nagpupuon sa Ll?
7. Arin digdi an pangaran nin tawo? bagay? hayop? pananom?
8. Magtao nin mga pangaran nin bagay, hayop, tawo na nagpupuon sa
letrang Ll.
9. Igrupo an mga ritrato kaini base sa itinaong katigorya.

E. Extender
Group pupils into four. Let each group draw the following:
1. si Lina
2. lila na blusa
3. an lukton
4. Lola Lita
5. lima na lata nin gatas

Day 2

A. Review
1. Who are the characters in the story?
Sisay an mga tawuhan sa istorya?
Lina Liya Lita
2. How do you write proper names?
Pano nindo isinusurat an tunay na pangaran nin tawo?
3. What is the beginning letter of the names?
Ano an kapinunan na letra kan mga pangaran?
4. What other names begin with L? Give other names that begin with
letter Ll?
Anong mga pangaran an nagpupuon sa letrang L?
Magtao nin halimbawa.

B. Presentation
1. Teacher presents pictures of things/objects that begin with letter Ll.

2. Teacher names the pictures.
Ask: What is the beginning sound of the pictures?
Ano an kapinunan na letra kan mga ritrato?

C. Modeling
1. Introducing letter Ll and its sound /l/.
a. What is the initial letter of the names of the pictures?
b. What do you hear at the beginning of the names?
c. Show letter card with Big and small letter Ll. “This is letter Ll. It
gives the sound /l/. Teacher repeats the sound three times /l/ /l/ /l/.
d. Teacher gives the names of the following pictures. Pupils repeat
after the teacher.
e. This is a picture of………/l/ /l/ /l/ lapis
Ini ritrato nin ………/l/ /l/ /l/ lagadi
………/l/ /l/ /l/ lalaki
….…../l/ /l/ /l/ laso
….…../l/ /l/ /l/lukton
…..…./l/ /l/ /l/ laya
…..…./l/ /l/ /l/ liog
…….../l/ /l/ /l/ lata
f. Let each pupils produce the sound /l/.

2. Writing Letter Ll
a. Teacher shows the letter card with letter Ll made of cut-out
b. Teacher traces the cut-out letter with the finger while counting the
number of strokes.
c. Let all pupils trace the sandpaper letter and count the number of
d. Let them practice writing big and small letter Ll on the air, palm,
back of classmate, and on the desk using their finger.

D. Guided Practice
1. Talaon an mga putol-putol na linya tanganing makagibo nin letrang Ll.

2. Color the ribbon with letter Ll. Color them with violet.
Kuluran nin lila an ribbon na igwang letrang Ll.

E. Independent Practice
1. Check the letter Ll inside the box.
Tsekan an letrang Ll sa laog kan kahon.

2. Color the object inside the box that begins with the sound /l/. Listen as
the teacher says the names.
Kuluran an mga bagay sa laog kan kahon na nagpupuon sa tanog
na /l/. Magdangog sa paratukdo mantang pigbabasa an mga
pangaran kaini.

Day 3

Primer Track Lesson (Key Letter Ll)

A. Review
Show pictures that begin with letter Ll. Give the initial sound before saying
the name of each picture.

1. Present the Key Picture and Key Word: lima

Ipahiling an tampok na ritrato asin an tampok na tataramon

a. What does the picture tell?
Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?

b. This is a picture of a_________.

Ini an ritrato kan____________.

c. Teacher points to the key word.

Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.

d. This is how we write the key word.

Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon.

e. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.
Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa laog kan
kahon sa baba kan tampok na ritrato.

f. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.

Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang beses
kasabay an mga aki.

2. Syllable Box
a. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.

Ini an tampok na tataramon. An pagbasa kaini gana.

b. Point to each syllable as teacher reads it distinctly.

li ma

Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan tampok na tataramon.

Babasahon ko an kada silaba, li ma.

c. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do this
again and have the pupils clap with the teacher.
Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan nindo
ako sa pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada silaba.

3. Word Breaking
a. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable
box. Read it to and then with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read it to then with the pupils.
c. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and
reading it to and with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
e. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the pupils.



4. Word Making
a. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the-Word
column and reads the new letter with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the new
letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of the word
with the pupils.
c. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-Word
d. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight
column and read the word with the pupils.
e. Pupils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and make
the word together. Volunteers read alone.

lima l

li li

l lima

5. Big Box

la li lo ba

bi bo ta ti

to ya ma na

sa yi yo ka

a. Pupils read letters/syllables as teacher points to each box.

b. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as pupils
c. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.
d. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
e. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.
f. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are committed.
6. Finding the words in the Big Box
a. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the Big
b. These may be words they previously learned or other words they
have not learned/introduced by the teacher.

c. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.
d. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the pupils.
If not, another pupil points to the correct letters.
e. Write each new word on the chalkboard.
f. Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.

Sample of generated words

yoyo mana lata

lila saya tama

g. Teacher chooses from among the generated words a word that

he/she may use in a sentence.

7. Sentence Breaking


lima l
li li
l lima

la li lo ba

bi bo ta ti

to ya ma na

sa yi yo ka


Lila an tasa ni Tita.

Lila an tasa ni
Lila an tasa
Lila an

a. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (lila). Points to it and
reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the word will be used
to make a sentence.
b. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on the left
c. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she reads it
with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-making
words directly under the same word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
h. Teacher writes the sentence-making word directly under the same
words in the rows above and reads it with the pupils.

8. Sentence Making


lima l
li li
l lima

la li lo ba

bi bo ta ti

to ya ma na

sa yi yo ka


Lila an tasa ni Tita. Lila

Lila an tasa ni Lila an
Lila an tasa Lila an tasa
Lila an Lila an tasa ni
Lila Lila an tasa ni Tita.

a. Teacher tells the pupils, “Now, we will make the sentence
b. Teacher writes the sentence-making word under the Big
Box on the right side.
c. Teacher points to the word as he/she reads it with the
d. Teacher writes the next biggest part of the sentence under
the sentence-making word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Now, teacher writes the entire sentence so that the
sentence-making word is just under the same word above.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the sentence with the

9. Guided Practice
a. Pupils read the words, phrases and sentences from key word,
syllable box, word-breaking, word-making, big box, new word,
sentence-breaking and sentence-making.
b. Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to


lima l
li li
l lima

la li lo ba

bi bo ta ti

to ya ma na

sa yi yo ka


Lila an tasa ni Tita. Lila

Lila an tasa ni Lila an

Lila an tasa Lila an tasa

Lila an Lila an tasa ni

Lila Lila an tasa ni Tita.

Day 4

A. Review
1. Present the key picture and say its name as the key word.
2. Show letter cards with previously learned letters. Give the sound of
each letter.

B. Guided Practice
1. “Jumbled Letters” Put the cards with previously learned letters on the
table. Let pupils form syllables. Teacher writes all the syllable formed
on the board and reads them.
2. “Big Box” Group pupils into five. Give each group set of syllables on a
big box. Let the pupils form as many words as they can from the
syllables. Have them write the words on a manila paper and post on
the board.
3. “Guided Reading” Guide the pupils in reading the words, phrases and
sentences with letters previously learned.

lima laog basulon latub laba
alyas salak lila alsom lanub
lima malaba atol saliot alamag
asalon lubag linta tabla salog
sulog alikboy alyas lukton laso
ligot sala tabili balo bagol
balukag linog kalyo salag salagan

lima an lukton ligot an laso
linta sa kalyo an linta sa lanub
an balukag lanub na tabla
alikboy kan balo alamag sa asalan

Lima an lukton sa lanub. Pira an lukton sa banig?___________
Lima an lila na laso. Ano an kulor lila?____________________
An balukag kulor lila. Ano an kulor kan balukag?____________
May alamag an asalan Arin an may alamag?_____________
An linta nasa tabla. Ano an nasa tabla?__________

Day 5

A. Guided Practice

1. Reading Syllables: Teacher blends 2 letters together to form a

syllable. He/She writes the syllables on the letter card. Pupils read.

la li lo lu

al il ol ul

2. Fill in the Missing Syllable” Teacher shows pictures with missing

syllable on its name. Pupil chooses card with the correct syllable to
complete the name.

Isurat an nawawarang silaba sa pangaran kan nasa ritrato.\

3. Phoneme Awareness
a. Sa anong tanog nagpupuon an tataramon na laso? ______
b. Pira an tanog kan letra na madadangog sa laso?____
c. Ano an bagong tataramon an mabibilog kun hahalion an letrang l
sa laso? ______
d. Anong bagong tataramon an mabibilog kun riribayan an letrang l
nin b sa tataramon na laso? ______
e. Ano an tataramon na mabibilog kun sasararuon an mga letrang l,
i, l, a? _______
f. Magtao pa nin mga bagay na nagpupuon sa tanog na /l/?

B. Independent Practice
1. Isurat an nawawarang letra sa pangaran kan nasa ritrato.

2. Ispeling: Isurat an mga tataramon na ididikta kan paratukdo.
a. lima
b. laso
c. lata
d. lila
e. laya

C. Post Assessment:
Read the short story and answer the questions below.
Basahon an tongue twister asin simbagan an mga hapot?

Lima an linsa asin laya na nasa lata ni Lita.

Lila an lata ni Lita na may lima na linsa asin laya. May
luma na laso an lata na lila ni Lita na may lima na
linsa asin laya. Laso. lila, luma, lata, lima, linsa, asin
laya an nasambit na sana ni Lita! (cbberialc)

1. Pira an linsa sa lata ni Lita?______________

2. Hain an limang linsa ni Lita?
3. Ano an kulor kan lata ni Lita na may limang linsa?
4. May ano an lata ni Lita?
5. Ano-ano an tataramon na nasambit ni Lita?____________
6. Ano an enot na tanog na madadangog sa mga tataramon na
nasambit ni Lita?__________


I. Objectives
1. Use expressions appropriate to the grade level in predicting
2. Express love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them and
asking to be read more stories
3. Give/ Produce the beginning sound of letter/s in a given word
4. Orally segment a two or more syllable word into its syllabic parts
5. Give the new spoken words when two or more syllables are joined to form
6. Make one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken words
7. Point out that spoken words are represented in written language by
specific sequence of letters
8. Recognize correct spelling of words
9. Give the letter that begins with the name of a given object/picture
10. Identify specific letters in the alphabet, both upper and lower case
11. Show relationship between sounds and written symbols
12. Match words with pictures and objects
13. Give the sounds of the specific letters in the alphabet
14. Blend specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y,u,t,b,l,r) to form syllables, words,
phrases and sentences and short paragraph
15. Understand that there is a correct way to spell words
16. Spell and write words using phonemic awareness and letter knowledge
17. Write upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
18. Write words, phrases, sentences and paragraph correctly
19. Observe some mechanics when copying/writing sentences; capitalization,
white space between words and correct punctuation marks
20. Discuss meanings and develop vocabulary through meaningful and
concrete experiences
21. Develop and use vocabulary of words that begin with the target letter (Rr)
22. Relate events in the story to include events/celebration/radio
broadcast/local news listened to
23. Make inferences on the character’s feelings and traits based on the story,
events, and celebration listened to

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Using expressions appropriate to the grade level in predicting
2. Expressing love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them
and asking to be read more stories
3. Giving/ Producing the beginning sound of letter/s in a given word
4. Orally segmenting a two to three syllable word into its syllabic parts
5. Giving the new spoken words when two or more syllables are joined
to form words
6. Making one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken

7. Pointing out that spoken words are represented in written language by
specific sequence of letters
8. Recognizing correct spelling of words
9. Giving the letter that begins with the name of a given object/picture
10. Identifying specific letters in the alphabet, both upper and lower case
11. Showing relationship between sounds and written symbols
12. Matching words with pictures and objects
13. Giving the sounds of the specific letters in the alphabet
14. Blending specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y,u,t,b,l,r) to form syllables,
words, phrases and sentences and short paragraph
15. Understanding that there is a correct way to spell words
16. Spelling and writing words using phonemic awareness and letter
17. Writing upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
18. Writing words, phrases, sentences and paragraph correctly
19. Observing some mechanics when copying/writing sentences;
capitalization, white space between words and correct punctuation
20. Discussing meanings and developing vocabulary through meaningful
and concrete experiences
21. Developing and using vocabulary of words that begin with the target
letter (Rr)
22. Relating events in the story to include events/celebration/ radio
broadcast/local news listened to
23. Making inferences on the character’s feelings and traits based on the
story, events, and celebration listened to

B. Selection: Regatta
Sinurat ni: Meriam Z. Tandog
C. Reference: K+12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: box, ball, pictures, letter cards, short stories using the letters
E. Theme: Personal Hygiene and sanitation
F. Value: Giving value to local events/celebrations in own locality

III. Procedure

Day 1
Interactive Reading
A. Pre-Reading Activity
1. Unlocking of Difficulties: through action, picture and context clues.
a. regatta - picture and context clue: An regatta iyo an karera kan
mga baruto sa salog.
b. karera - picture of a race; action: Call 2 pupils to race.
c. baruto - picture of a boat
d. salog - picture of a river

2. Motivation:
a. Teacher shows a boat made from folded paper.
 What is this?
Ano ini?
 Let’s sing a song about boat.
Makanta kita manungod sa baruto.

An Baruto
(Tune: Row Row Row Your Boat)

Sagwan, sagwan, sagwan

Sa sadit na baruto.
Madya na, madya na, madya na kamo.
Maugmang magsagwan.

Manungod sa ano an kanta?

Nakahiling na kamo nin nagkakarerang baroto?
Sain nindo ini nahiling?

3. Motive Question:
Sa istoryang saindong madadangog aaramon ta kun anong kawat an
ginibo sa salog?

B. Reading the story

1. Interactive Listening Story
Teacher reads the story then pauses for awhile to ask questions.
Pupils guess what will happen next. Then the teacher continues
reading the story.

Sinurat ni: Meriam Z. Tandog

“Dali Berto, mahuhuri kita!” kurahaw ni Nitoy.

“Madali lang mapaaram pa ako ki Nanay,” sabi ni Berto.
“Ika nagpaaram ka na?”
“Kasubanggi pa,” simbag ni Nitoy.
“Ano ta sibot-sibot kamo?” hapot ni Estong, kakawat ni
“Madalan kami ni Nitoy nin karera kan mga baruto sa
salog,” sabi ni Berto.
“Gusto mong mag-iba? Diyan lang sa libod na Lolo Tasyo”,
sabi ni Nitoy. “Iyo, paduman na ngani ako,” simbag ni Estong.
Dali-dali sindang nagduman sa libod na Lolo Tasyo. Madali
na magpuon an karera. Nahiling ninda na kadakul na baruto an
nag-iiritok-itok sa salog. Ba’go ining pinta asin an mga sakay pare-

pareho an kulor kan saindang T-shirt.
“Prrrt” ini an nadangog ninda. “Mapuon na po kita kan
regatta ngunyan na taon,” sabi kan namamahala kan karera. “An
inot po iyo an karera na saro an sakay kan baruto.”
“Ano po an gustong sabihon kan regatta?” hapot ni Estong
ki Lolo Tasyo.
“An regatta iyo an apod sa karera o parariya kan mga
baruto, may iba-ibang kategorya an karera. Igwang saro sana an
lunad, duwa, lima, abot sa sampulong lunad. Maparariya sinda.
Kun siisay an matibay magsagwan asin makaabot tulos sa
kasagkuran, iyo an magana. Dakulang premyo ang itatao sainda.
Ini ginigibo sana pag Peñafrancia.
“Mga taga-digdi po sa Naga gabos?” padagos na hapot ni
“An mga parasagwan hali sa iba-ibang lugar kan Bikol. May
mga dayo hali sa Libmanan, Magarao, Sabang, Camarines Norte,
Albay. Dawa isay puwedeng magbali.
“Dali, Pula, dali!” kurahaw kan mga tawong nasa gilid kan
Nahiling na Estong, Nitoy asin Berto na naiinot na sa linya
an pulang barutong may sakay na sarong tawo. Pero an berdeng
baruto naglalamag. “Dali, Berde, dali, yaon na an yelong baruto,
aabutan ka na!” kurahaw ni Estong. Gabos na kabali sa regatta
igot na marhay magsagwan asin talagang gusto nindang
manggana sa karera.
“Pula! Pula! Pula!” kurahaw kan mga tawo. Nahiling ninda
na inot ng maray an barutong pula. Matibay magsagwan an lunad
kaini. Nahiling na naman nindang naglilinya na giraray an iba pang
baruto, ngunyan may lunad na ining duwa. Saro sa inutan, saro sa
hurihan. May pula, berde, yellow, brown, orange na mga baruto.
“Bang!” Pagputok kan badil paitaas, sabay-sabay na
nagsagwan an mga nagkakarera. Marikas na naghiro an saindang
mga kamot. Pakaabot duman sa saindang lilibutan, naglibot asin
balik giraray. Grabe na an pagkururahaw. Ginaganahan man pati
an mga parasagwan na kaskasan an saindang pagsagwan.
“Dali, Blue, dali! kurahaw ni Lolo Tasyo. Ugma sindang
magparahiling sa mga nagkakarera. Matitibay talaga sinda.
Tinapos ninda an paghiling kan regatta.
“Mapuli na kita, gutom na ako,” sabi ni Berto.
“Iyo. Maugma palan an regatta. Sa utro taon kitang tulo
madalan giraray kaini sa libod ni Lolo Tasyo.”
“Maduman na po kami, Lo. Salamat na maray po.”
“Sige, ingat kamo pagpuli, ta kadakul an awto sa dalan,”
sabi ni Lolo Tasyo.

2. Creative Activity
Maggibo nin bangkang papel. Magkarera sa palanggana.

Day 2
A. Review
1. Ano an apod sa kawat na karera kan mga baruto?
2. Sain ini ginigibo?
3. Sa anong letra nagpupuon an apod na Regatta?
4. Anong mga pangaran an nagpupuon sa letrang Rr?

B. Presentation
1. Teacher presents pictures of things/objects that begin with letter Rr.

2. Teacher names the pictures. Ask: What is the beginning sound of the
objects in the pictures?

C. Modeling
1. Introducing letter Rr and its sound /r/.
a. What is the initial letter of the names of the pictures?
Ano an kapinunan na letra kan mga pangaran kan nasa ritrato?
b. What sound do you hear at the beginning of the names?
Ano an nadangog nindo na tanog kan kapinunan kan pangaran
kan mga ritrato?
c. Show letter card with big and small letter Rr. “This is letter Rr. It
gives the sound /r/. Teacher repeats the sound three times /r/ /r/
d. Teacher gives the names of the following pictures. Pupils repeat
after the teacher.
e. This is a picture of………/r/ /r/ /r/ relo
Ritrato ini nin ………/r/ /r/ /r/ regalo
………/r/ /r/ /r/ rosas
….…../r/ /r/ /r/ repolyo
….…../r/ /r/ /r/ radyo
…..…./r/ /r/ /r/ rosa
…….../r/ /r/ /r/ rosaryo

f. Let each pupils produce the sound /r/.

2. Writing Letter Rr
a. Teacher shows the letter card with letter Rr made of cut-out
b. Teacher traces the cut-out letter with the finger while counting the
number of strokes.
c. Let all pupils trace the sandpaper letter and count the number of
d. Let them practice writing big and small letter Rr on the air, palm,
back of classmate, and on the desk using their finger.

D. Guided Practice
1. Trace the broken lines to make letter Rr.
Talaon an mga putol-putol na linya tanganing makagibo nin
letrang Rr.

2. Tsekan an kahon na kapareho kan letra sa inot na kahon.

3. Color the gift with letter Rr. Color them with pink.
Kuluran nin rosa an regalo na igwang letrang Rr.

E. Independent Practice
1. Check the letter Rr inside the box.
Tsekan an Rr sa laog kan kahon.

2. Color the object inside the box that begins with the sound /Rr/. Listen
as the teacher says its name.
Magdangog sa paratukdo. Kuluran an bagay na nasa laog kan kahon
na nagpupon sa tanog na /r/.

3. Color the objects that have partner letters. Make all Rr Pink.
Kuluran nin rosa an mga bagay na may mga kaparehong letra.

Day 3

Primer Track Lesson (Key Letter Rr)

A. Review
Show pictures that begins with letter Rr. Give the initial sound before
saying the name of the pictures.
1. Present the Key Picture and Key Word: rosas
Ipahiling an tampok na ritrato asin an tampok na tataramon.

a. What does the picture tell?
Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?

b. This is a picture of a_________.

Ini an ritrato kan____________.

c. Teacher points to the key word.

Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.

d. This is how we write the key word.

Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon.

e. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.
Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa laog kan
kahon sa baba kan tampok na ritrato.

f. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.

Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang beses
kasabay an mga aki.

2. Syllable Box
a. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.

Ini an tampok na tataramon. An pagbasa kaini rosas.

b. Point to each syllable as teacher reads it distinctly.

ro sas

Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan tampok na tataramon.

Babasahon ko an kada silaba, ro sas.

c. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do this
again and have the pupils clap with the teacher.
Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan nindo
ako sa pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada silaba.

3. Word Breaking
a. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable
box. Read it to and then with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read it to then with the pupils.
c. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and
reading it to and with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
e. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the pupils.



4. Word Making
a. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the-Word
column and reads the new letter with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the new
letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of the word
with the pupils.
c. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-Word
d. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight
column and read the word with the pupils.
e. Pupils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and make
the word together. Volunteers read alone.


rosas r
ro ro
r rosas

5. Big Box

ra ro ri la

li lo ba bi

to yo ma mi

ka sa na ki

a. Pupils read letters/syllables as teacher points to each box.

b. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as pupils
c. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.
d. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
e. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.
f. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are committed.

6. Finding the words in the Big Box

a. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the Big
b. These may be words they previously learned or other words they
have not learned/introduced by the teacher.

c. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.
d. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the pupils.
If not, another pupil points to the correct letters.
e. Write each new word on the chalkboard.
f. Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.

Sample of generated words

mami kama biko

mayo rosa barato

g. Teacher chooses from among the generated words a word that

he/she may use in a sentence.

7. Sentence Breaking


rosas r

ro ro

r rosas

ra ro ri la

li lo ba bi

to yo ma mi

ka sa na ki


Rosa an rosas ni Rosa.

Rosa an rosas ni
Rosa an rosas
Rosa an
a. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (rosa). Points to it
and reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the word will
be used to make a sentence.
b. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on the
left side.
c. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she
reads it with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-
making words directly under the same word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
h. Teacher writes the sentence-making word directly under the
same words in the rows above and reads it with the pupils.

8. Sentence Making


rosas r
ro ro
r rosas

ra ro ri la

li lo ba bi

to yo ma mi

ka sa na ki


Rosa an rosas ni Rosa. Rosa

Rosa an rosas ni Rosa an
Rosa an rosas Rosa an rosas
Rosa an Rosa an rosas ni
Rosa Rosa an rosas ni Rosa.

a. Teacher tells the pupils, “Now, we will make the sentence

b. Teacher writes the sentence-making word under the Big
Box on the right side.
c. Teacher points to the word as he/she reads it with the
d. Teacher writes the next biggest part of the sentence under
the sentence-making word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Now, teacher writes the entire sentence so that the
sentence-making word is just under the same word above.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the sentence with the

B. Guided Practice
1. Pupils read the words, phrases and sentences from key word, syllable
box, word-breaking, word-making, big box, new word, sentence-
breaking and sentence-making.
2. Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to


rosas r
ro ro
r rosas

ra ro ri la

li lo ba bi

to yo ma mi

ka sa na ki


Rosa an rosas ni Rosa. Rosa

Rosa an rosas ni Rosa an
Rosa an rosas Rosa an rosas
Rosa an Rosa an rosas ni
Rosa Rosa an rosas ni Rosa.

Day 4
A. Review
1. Present the key picture and say its name as the key word.
2. Show letter cards with previously learned letters. Give the sound of
each letter.

B. Guided Practice

1. “Jumbled Letters” Put the cards with previously learned letters on

the table. Let pupils form syllables. Teacher writes all the syllables
formed on the board and reads them.
2. “Big Box” Group pupils into 5. Give each group set of syllables on a
big box. Let them form as many words as they can from the syllables.
Have them write the words on a manila paper and post on the board.
3. “Guided Reading” Guide the pupils in reading the words, phrases
and sentences with letters previously learned.

rosas rosa raso
karo saray kuro
muro saro sira
arko mara ara
sara arak bari
barato arin armas
arugan arugon asukar
birik burak libro

an rosas rosa na rosas
saro an muro barato an sira
arugon sa libro mara na muro
saro na burak bari na muro

1. An rosas kulor rosa.

Ano an kulor rosa?__________
2. An burak nasa libro.
Hain an burak?_____________
3. Bari an burak na rosas.
Arin an nabari?_____________
4. Mara an muro ni Rosa.
Siisay an may marang muro?_________
5. Barato an sira sa Naga.
Ano an barato sa Naga?______________

Day 5

A. Enrichment
1. Reading Syllables: Teacher blends 2 letters together to form a
syllable. Write the syllables on letter cards. Pupils read.

ra ri ro ru
ar ir or ur

2. “Fill in the Missing Syllable” Teacher shows pictures with missing

syllable on its name. Pupil chooses card with the correct syllable to
complete the word.

3. Phoneme Awareness
a. Sa anong tanog nagpupuon an tataramon na rosa? ______
b. Pira an tanog kan letra an madadangog sa rosa?______
c. Ano an bagong tataramon an mabibilog kun dadagdagan ta nin
letrang s sa hurihan kan rosa? ______
d. Anong bagong tataramon an mabibilog kun riribayan/sasalidahan
an letrang o nin i sa tataramon na rosa?______
e. Ano an tataramon na mabibilog kun sasararuon an mga letrang s,
a, r, o? ______
f. 6. Magtao pa nin mga bagay na nagpupuon sa tanog na /r/?

B. Independent Practice
1. Isurat an nawawarang letra sa pangaran kan nasa ritrato.

2. Isurat sa kahon an mga pangaran kan nasa ritrato.

3. Draw a ring around the word that you make when you slide down the
hill. Say the word.
Bilugan an tataramon na mabibilog kun ika marusdos sa sadya na
bulod. Sabihon in.

4. Ispeling: Isurat an mga tataramon na ididikta kan paratukdo.
1. rosas
2. rosa
3. raso
4. saro
5. muro

C. Post Assessment: Read the short story and answer the questions.
Basahon an istorya asin simbagan an mga hapot.

An Rosaryo
Sinurat ni: Claire Barcelona

May rosaryo si Rosa. Kulor rosa an rosaryo ni Rosa

“Kisay mo itatao an rosaryo na rosa?" hapot ni Manay Rita.
“Sa amiga ko na si Rona, Manay Rita,” simbag ni Rosa
"Ako may rosas man na itatao sa saiya, Rosa," an sabi ni Manay
"Sana magpaugma ta si Rona, Manay Rita, sa itatao ta na rosaryo
asin rosas," an sabi ni Rosa.

1. Siisay an may rosaryo?________

2. Ano an kulor kan rosaryo ni Rosa?__________
3. Para kiisay an rosaryo?___________
4. Ano man an itatao ni Manay Rita ki Rona?_____________
5. Ano kaya an mamatian ni Rona sa itatao saiyang rosaryo asin rosas
ninda Rosa asin Manay Rita?______________


I. Objectives
1. Talk about the story/legend, events, community issues by recalling
important details
2. Express love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them and
asking to be read more stories
3. Relate events in the story to include events, celebrations, radio
broadcast, local news listened to
4. Give/ Produce the beginning sound of letter/s in a given word
5. Orally segment a two or more syllable word into its syllabic parts
6. Give the new spoken words when two or more syllables are joined to form
7. Make one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken words
8. Point out that spoken words are represented in written language by
specific sequence of letters
9. Recognize correct spelling of words
10. Give the letter that begins with the name of a given object/picture
11. Identify specific letters in the alphabet, both upper and lower case
12. Show relationship between sounds and written symbols
13. Match words with pictures and objects
14. Give the sounds of the specific letters in the alphabet
15. Blend specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y,u,t,b,l,r,p) to form syllables,
words, phrases and sentences and short paragraph
16. Understand that there is a correct way to spell words
17. Spell and write words using phonemic awareness and letter knowledge
18. Write upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
19. Write words, phrases, sentences and paragraph correctly
20. Observe some mechanics when copying/writing sentences; capitalization,
white space between words and correct punctuation marks
21. Discuss meanings and develop vocabulary through meaningful and
concrete experiences
22. Develop and use vocabulary of words that begin with the target letter (Pp)

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Talking about the story/legend, events, community issues by recalling
important details
2. Expressing love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them
and asking to be read more stories
3. Relating events in the story to include events, celebrations, radio
broadcast, local news listened to
4. Giving/ Producing the beginning sound of letter/s in a given word
5. Orally segmenting a two or more syllable word into its syllabic parts
6. Giving the new spoken words when two or more syllables are joined
to form words

7. Making one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken
8. Pointing out that spoken words are represented in written language by
specific sequence of letters
9. Recognizing correct spelling of words
10. Giving the letter that begins with the name of a given object/picture
11. Identifying specific letters in the alphabet, both upper and lower case
12. Showing relationship between sounds and written symbols
13. Match words with pictures and objects
14. Giving the sounds of the specific letters in the alphabet
15. Blending specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y,u,t,b,l,r,p) to form syllables,
words, phrases and sentences and short paragraph
16. Understand that there is a correct way to spell words
17. Spelling and writing words using phonemic awareness and letter
18. Writing upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
19. Writing words, phrases, sentences and paragraph correctly
20. Observing some mechanics when copying/writing sentences;
capitalization, white space between words and correct punctuation
21. Discussing meanings and developing vocabulary through meaningful
and concrete experiences
22. Developing and using vocabulary of words that begin with the target
letter (Pp)

B. Selection: Pamana
Sinurat ni: Claire B. Barcelona
C. Reference: K+12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: box, ball, pictures, letter cards, short stories using the letters
E. Theme: History of Our Community
F. Value:Taking care of the animals

III. Procedure

Day 1

Experience Story through Picture

A. Motivation
1. “Magic Box” Let the pupils guess what is inside the magic box through
a riddle.
Clues: I can be big or small.
I have two wings and fluffy feet.
I waddle when I walk.
I can swim but I cannot fly.
Can you guess what am I? _______

2. After guessing what is inside the magic box, teacher reveals the
3. How does a duck move? walk? and flap it wings?
4. Pano naghihiro an pato? naglalakaw? nagkakampay kan pakpak?
5. Introduce a new song. Teacher teaches the song to the pupils.

An Pato Ko
(Ni: Nemia B. Cedo)

An pato ko nag-ikid-ikid.

Kwak! Kwak! Nag-ikid-ikid.

Kwak! Kwak! Nagtuka-tuka.
Kwak! Kwak! Nagkampay-kampay.

(Introduce the action of the song.)

B. Presentation
1. Perform the activity together.
a. Let the pupils perform the activity or experience. Teacher shows a
picture of a duck in the farm.
b. Look at the picture. Where can you usually see ducks? Tickle
pupil’s imagination by asking more questions about it.
c. When they finish, encourage the pupils to talk about the picture.
d. Students make up a story about their experiences.
e. Once the pupils have talked about the picture, tell them, “Now you
can create your own story about this picture”.
Ngunyan magibo kita nin istorya manungod sa ritrato.

2. Teacher writes the story as the pupils dictate the sentences.

a. Give the pupils few minutes to talk together about what they want
to put into their story.
b. Ask them to think about what they want to say first.
c. When one of the pupils gives a sentence, repeat the sentence and
ask the class: “Is that what you want to say?”. If they agree,
then write the sentence just as dictated.
d. After writing the sentence, read it to the pupils. Ask: “Is that what
you want to say?”. (If they want to change the sentence, let them
do the necessary changes.)
e. Then ask: “What do you like to say next?”. Again, write just
what the exact sentence given. Write the entire story as dictated
by the pupils.


An pato mataba asin dakula.

Mayumok an balukag kaini.
An pato nasa libod/natad kan harong ni Lolo.
Maugma ining paghiling-hilingon.
Naglalakaw ini nin paikid-ikid.
Madya sato ining atamanon.
Dakul an tabang kaini na itinatao sa sato.

3. Read the story to the pupils.

Read the entire story to the pupils. Ask them if they still want to make
any changes in their story. Write the changes they want to make.
Then, read it again to the pupils.

4. Pupils give their story a title.

Ask: “What title do you want to give to your story?”
Let them discuss on this. Write the title just as they say it.
Write the selected title of the class.

5. Read the entire story using Steps 2-5 of the Reading Plan.

C. Extenders
Trace the broken lines to reveal what is in the picture. (duck) Color the

Nata ta dapat tang pangatamanon an mga hayop arog kan pato?

An pangaran nin sarong lugar nakukua sa simpleng istorya arog kan
ginibo nindong istorya asin mga pangyayari kan nakaaging panahon.
Aram daw nindo kun nata iyo an pangaran ka saindong baranggay o

D. Homework
Aramon an istorya kan pinunan kan pangaran kan saindong lugar.

Day 2

A. Review
1. Manungod sa anong hayop an istoryang napag-adalan nindo kan
suhapon? Kun kamo may ataman na pato, ano kaya an mamamatian
nindo kun ini magkahilang o magadan?
2. Igwa ako digdi na bareta manungod sa pagkagadan kan ribong mga
gamgam asin manok sa Tsina.
3. Magdangog kamo mantang pigbabasa ko an bareta.

Teacher reads news articles about bird flu.

Sa baretang pangkinaban:

China: Kinumpirma kan mga otoridad sa agrikultura sa Tsina an

pagkagadan kan 95,000 na mga manok asin gamgam nin
huli sa H5N1 bird flu virus. Sarong lalaki sa nasabing
lugar an nagadan asin sinususpetsahan na ini kawsa kan
hilang na bird flu. An epidemya nakontrol na sa paagi kan
pagpaluwas nin mga giya manungod sa mga paagi para
makalikay sa hilang na ini.
Note: News report taken from the internet.

a. Sain na bansa nagkaigwa nin pagkagadan kan ribong mga manok

asin gamgam?
b. Ano an apud sa hilang na nagging kawsa kan kagadanan kan
mga manok asin gamgam?
c. Pira an bilang kan mga manok na nagadan duman?
d. Kun ika an may ataman kan mga nagadan na manok asin
gamgam, ano an mamatian mo? Ano an gigibuhon mo?
e. Ano kaya an naging kawsa kan kagadanan kan sarong lalaki?
f. Ano-ano kaya an dapat tang gibuhon tanganing makaiwas kita sa
hilang na ini?

B. Presentation
Present a picture of a duck.
1. What beginning sound do you hear in the word “pato”?
2. What other things/names begin with Pp?
3. Teacher presents pictures of things that begin with letter Pp.

C. Modeling
1. Introducing letter Pp and its sound /p/
a. What is the initial letter of the names of the pictures? Pp
b. What do you hear at the beginning of the names? /p/
c. Show letter card with big and small Pp. “This is letter Pp. It gives
the sound /p/.
d. Teacher repeats the sound three times /p/ /p/ /p/.
e. Teacher gives the names of the following pictures. Pupils repeat
after the teacher.

This is a picture of………/p/ /p/ /p/ paha

…….…/p/ /p/ /p/ pako
….……/p/ /p/ /p/ pakpak
…..…../p/ /p/ /p/ pala
…..…../p/ /p/ /p/pito
…...…./p/ /p/ /p/ palda
…...…./p/ /p/ /p/ pana
…......./p/ /p/ /p/ payong

f. Let each pupils produce the sound /p/.

2. Writing Letter Pp
a. Teacher shows the letter card with Pp made of cut-out sandpaper.
b. Teacher traces the cut-out letter with the finger while counting the
number of strokes.
c. Let all pupils trace the sand paper letter and count the number of
d. Let them practice writing big and small letter Pp on the air, palm,
back of classmate, and on the desk using their finger.

D. Guided Practice
1. Trace the broken lines to make letter Pp.
Talaon an putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin letrang Pp.

2. Check the boxes that have the same letter as the first box.

3. Color the umbrellas with letter Pp. Color them with Red.
Kuluran nin pula an mga payong na igwang letrang Pp.

E. Independent Practice
1. Check the letter Pp inside the box.
Tsekan an letrang P sa laog kan kahon.

2. 2Listen as the teacher says the names. Box the object inside the
circle that begins with the sound /Pp/.
Magdangog sa paratukdo. Ikahon an bagay na nasa laog kan bilog na
nagpupuon sa tanog na Pp.

Day 3

Primer Track Lesson (Key Letter Pp)

A. Presentation
Show pictures that begin with letter Pp. Give the initial sound before
saying the name of each picture.

1. Present the Key Picture and Key Word: pato

Ipahiling an tampok na ritrato asin an tampok na tataramon.

a. What does the picture tell?
Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?

b. This is a picture of a_________.

Ini an ritrato kan____________.

c. Teacher points to the key word.

Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.

d. This is how we write the key word.

Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon.

e. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.
Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa laog kan
kahon sa baba kan tampok na ritrato.

f. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.

Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang beses
kasabay an mga aki.

2. Syllable Box
a. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.

Ini an tampok na tataramon. An pagbasa kaini pato.

b. Point to each syllable as teacher reads it distinctly.

pa to

Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan tampok na tataramon.

Babasahon ko an kada silaba, pa to.

c. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do this
again and have the pupils clap with the teacher.
Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan nindo
ako sa pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada silaba.

3. Word Breaking
a. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable
box. Read it to and then with the pupils.

b. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read it to then with the pupils.
c. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and
reading it to and with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
e. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the pupils.




4. Word Making
a. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the-Word
column and reads the new letter with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the new
letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of the word
with the pupils.
c. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-Word
d. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight
column and read the word with the pupils.
e. Pupils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and make
the word together. Volunteers read alone.

pato p

pa pa

p pato

5. Big Box

Pa pi pu na

Ra ro la bo

To ta tu ku

Ba sa ti ya

a. Pupils read letters/syllables as teacher points to each box.

b. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as pupils
c. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.
d. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
e. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.
f. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are committed.

6. Finding the words in the Big Box

a. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the Big
b. These may be words they previously learned or other words they
have not learned/introduced by the teacher.
c. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.
d. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the
pupils. If not, another pupil points to the correct letters.
e. Write each new word on the chalkboard.
f. Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.

Sample of generated words

tasa pito batuta

pira tula sakuya

g. Teacher chooses from among the generated words a word that

he/she may use in a sentence.


7. Sentence Breaking

pato p

pa pa

p pato

pa pi pu na

ra ro la bo

to ta tu ku

ba sa ti ya


Pito an pato sa kubo.

Pito an pato sa
Pito an
a. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (pito). Points to it and
reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the word will be used
to make a sentence.
b. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on the left
c. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she reads it
with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-making
words directly under the same word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.

g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
h. Teacher writes the sentence-making word directly under the same
words in the rows above and reads it with the pupils.

8. Sentence Making

pato p
pa pa
p pato

pa pi pu na

ra ro la bo

to ta tu ku

ba sa ti ya


Pito an pato sa kubo. Pito

Pito an pato sa Pito an
Pito an Pito an pato sa
Pito Pito an pato sa kubo.

a. Teacher tells the pupils, “Now, we will make the sentence

b. Teacher writes the sentence-making word under the Big Box on
the right side.
c. Teacher points to the word as he/she reads it with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the next biggest part of the sentence under the
sentence-making word above.

e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Now, teacher writes the entire sentence so that the sentence-
making word is just under the same word above.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the sentence with the

B. Guided Practice
1. Pupils read the words, phrases and sentences from key word, syllable
box, word-breaking, word-making, big box, new word, sentence-
breaking and sentence-making.
2. Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to

pato p

pa pa

p pato

Pa pi pu na

Ra ro la bo

To ta tu ku

Ba sa ti ya


Pito an pato sa kubo. Pito

Pito an pato sa Pito an
Pito an Pito an pato sa
Pito Pito an pato sa kubo.

Day 4

A. Review
Say the names of the pictures. In each row color the pictures that have an
initial /Pp/.

B. Guided Practice:
1. “Jumbled Letters” Put the cards with previously learned letters on
the table. Let pupils form syllables. Teacher writes all the syllable
formed on the board and reads them.

2. “Big Box” Group pupils into 5. Give each group set of syllables on a
big box. Let them form as many words as they can from the syllables.
Have them write the words on a manila paper and post on the board.

3. Teacher checks all the generated words posted on the board. The
group with the most number of words wins.

4. “Guided Reading” Guide the pupils in reading the words, phrases

and sentences with letters previously learned.

pato para piga tapa

palo kampanya apuon gapo
pakit palibot pino pito
paisi pila pabaya pasma
pako putol gapuon pakpak
payo atop pala pasko
pigsa pusog pukpok alpog
paisi piot palan paniki
sapsap sapsapan pula paaram
pinya panyo pilya apat
paroy alpog pirit paon
tikapo apon puto lapa
pasa pana apos aripuros
sapna talpi tipasi tipsik

an pato pila sa panyo
an pana ni Pilo pigsa sa takyag
pino an gapo pasa ni Pila
pasa an gapo paniki sa gapo
paon sa sira palibot nin parol

1. An pato nasa atop.
Ano an nasa atop?_____________
2. Putol an pakpak kan pato.
Ano an nangyari sa pakpak kan pato?___________
3. Pino an gapo sa baybayon.
Anong klase an gapo sa baybayon?___
4. An sira may piga.
Arin an may piga?_________________
5. May pigsa an takyag kan aki.
Ano an nasa takyag kan aki?_________

Day 5

A. Enrichment
1. Reading Syllables: Teacher blends 2 letters together to form a syllable.
He/She writes the syllable on the letter card. Pupils read the words

pa pi po pu
ap ip op up

2. “Fill in the Missing Syllable” Teacher shows pictures with missing

syllable on its name. Pupil chooses the correct letter card with syllable to
complete the name of the picture.

Isurat an nawawarang silaba sa pangaran kan nasa ritrato.

3. Phoneme Awareness
a. Sa anong tanog nagpupuon an tataramon na pato?
b. Pira an tanog kan letra na madadangog sa tataramon na pato?
c. Ano an bagong tataramon an mabibilog kun riribayan ta nin letrang a
an letrang o sa pato?
d. Anong bagong tataramon an mabibilog kun riribayan an letrang o nin
a sa tataramon na pato?
e. Ano an tataramon na mabibilog kun sasararuoon an mga letrang p, a,
k, o?
f. Magtao pa nin mga bagay na nagpupuon sa tanog na /p/?

B. Independent Practice
1. Bilugan an nawawarang silaba sa pangaran kan nasa ritrato.

2. Isurat sa kahon an mga pangaran kan nasa ritrato.

3. Draw a ring around the word that you make when you slide down the hill.
Say the word.
Bilugan an tataramon na mabibilog sa pagdarusdos sa bulod. Sabihon an

4. Ispeling: Isurat an mga tataramon na ididikta kan paratukdo.

1. pato
2. pana
3. piga
4. paso
5. pako

5. Kupyahon an mga grupo nin mga tataramon sa tamang linya.

1. an payong

2. pito an pato
3. Pito an pato ni Pipoy.

C. Post Assessment:
Read the short story and answer the questions.
Basahon an istorya asin simbagan an mga hapot.

Sinurat ni: Claire B. Barcelona

May pamana si Papay Pipoy ki Popoy

Pito an pamana ni Papay Pipoy ki Popoy

Puti an pamana ni Papay Pipoy ki Popoy

May pakpak an pamana ni Papay Pipoy ki Popoy

Patuka-tuka nin paroy an pamana ni Papay Pipoy ki Popoy.

Paiwad-iwad an paglakaw kan pamana ni Papay Pipoy ki Popoy.

Pakampay-kampay kan pakpak an pamana ni Papay Pipoy ki

Pito, puti, pakpak, patuka-tuka, paiwad-iwad asin pakampay-

kampay an pamana ni Papay Pipoy ki Popoy.

Aram mo na an pamana ni Papay Pipoy ki Popoy?

1. Siisay an may pamana ki Papay Pipoy?_______

2. Para ki isay an pamana?_____
3. Pira an pamana ni Papay Pipoy ki Popoy?_______
4. Ano an kulor kan pamana ni Papay Pipoy Ki Popoy?________
5. Ano-ano an mga nagigibo kan pamana ni Papay Pipoy?______
6. Ano kaya an pamana ni Papay Pipoy ki Popoy?______


I. Objectives
1. Respond to the story through illustration and dramatization
2. Express love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them and
asking to be read more stories
3. Give/ Produce the beginning sound of letter/s in a given word
4. Orally segment a two or more syllable word into its syllabic parts
5. Give the new spoken words when two or more syllables are joined to form
6. Make one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken words
7. Point out that spoken words are represented in written language by
specific sequence of letters
8. Recognize correct spelling of words
9. Give the letter that begins with the name of a given object/picture
10. Identify specific letters in the alphabet, both upper and lower case
11. Show relationship between sounds and written symbols
12. Match words with pictures and objects
13. Give the sounds of the specific letters in the alphabet
14. Blend specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y,u,t,b,l,r,p,d) to form syllables,
words, phrases and sentences and short paragraph
15. Understand that there is a correct way to spell words
16. Spell and write words using phonemic awareness and letter knowledge
17. Write upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
18. Write words, phrases, sentences and paragraph correctly
19. Observe some mechanics when copying/writing sentences; capitalization,
white space between words and correct punctuation marks
20. Discuss meanings and develop vocabulary through meaningful and
concrete experiences
21. Develop and use vocabulary of words that begin with the target letter (Dd)

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Responding to the story through illustration and dramatization
2. Expressing love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them
and asking to be read more stories
3. Giving/ Producing the beginning sound of letter/s in a given word
4. Orally segmenting a two or more syllable word into its syllabic parts
5. Giving the new spoken words when two or more syllables are joined
to form words
6. Making one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken
7. Pointing out that spoken words are represented in written language by
specific sequence of letters
8. Recognizing correct spelling of words
9. Giving the letter that begins with the name of a given object/picture
10. Identifying specific letters in the alphabet, both upper and lower case
11. Showing relationship between sounds and written symbols

12. Matching words with pictures and objects
13. Giving the sounds of the specific letters in the alphabet
14. Blending specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y,u,t,b,l,r,p,d) to form
syllables, words, phrases and sentences and short paragraph
15. Understanding that there is a correct way to spell words
16. Spelling and writing words using phonemic awareness and letter
17. Writing upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
18. Writing words, phrases, sentences and paragraph correctly
19. Observing some mechanics when copying/writing sentences;
capitalization, white space between words and correct punctuation
20. Discussing meanings and developing vocabulary through meaningful
and concrete experiences
21. Developing and using vocabulary of words that begin with the target
letter (Dd)

B. Story: Riddle, An Magkakabarkada

C. Reference: K+12 Curriculum, MTB MLE Indicators
D. Materials: Pictures, riddles, big box, magic/mystery box
E. Theme: People in the Community
F. Value: Respect to community helpers

III. Procedure:

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading Activities
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Unlock difficult words through context clues and pictures.
a. damulag – (showing picture of a carabao)
This is a picture of a carabao.
What can you say about the carabao?

b. uma – (showing picture of a farm)

This is a picture of a farm.
The farmer is plowing the field.

c. sadit – (unlock through context clues and comparison)

Duwa an ataman na damulag ni Kiko.
An saro dakula an saro man sadit.

d. arado – (showing picture)

e. mahigos – (through context clues)
An damulag mahigos magtrabaho sa uma.

2. Motivation
a. Have you visited a farm? What do you see in the farm?

b. What animals are there in the farm? Name the animals in the
c. Present the lesson through riddle.
d. Teacher presents a mystery box. Let pupils guess what’s inside
the box by answering the riddle using the following clues.

I am big and black.

The farmer is my master.
I work hard plowing the field
to give your family rice to eat.
Can you guess what am I?
______ (carabao)

e. What is your guess? Did you get the correct answer?

Ano an saindong ukod? Nakua nindo an tamang simbag?

3. Motive Question:
a. Who is Dodoy?
Sisay si Dodoy?

b. Why does Tata Donato love him?

Nata ta padaba siya ni Tata Donato?

B. Reading the Story

Teacher presents picture

Si Didoy
ni: Nemia B. Cedo

Si Didoy sarong sadit asin mahigos na damulag.

Sa uma pirmi siya an kaiba ni Tata Donato.
Siya mahigos na mag-arado.
Kaya an saiyang amo nauugma saiya.
Sa irarom kan init kan saldang siya padagos sa pag-arado.
Magkakan nin dagami asin mag-inom nin tubig sana an saiyang
Si Didoy an tunay na kabarkada kan mga paraoma.

C. Post Reading Activity
1. Comprehension Questions
a. Siisay si Dodoy?
b. Anong klaseng damulag si Dodoy?
c. Sain siya pirming nahihiling?
d. Siisay an pirmi niyang kaibahan?
e. Ano kaya an hanapbuhay ni Tata Donato?
f. Tano daw ta importante an sarong damulag?
g. Ano an naitatabang sa sato ni Dodoy saka ni Tata Donato?
Ipaliwanag an saimong simbag.

Theme: Apwera sa paratanom siirisay pa an mga katabang ta sa

satuyang komunidad? Papano sinda nakakatabang sa

Valuing: Papano mo maipapahiling an pagpapahalaga sa mga

katabang ta sa satuyang komunidad?

D. Enrichment Activities
1. Teacher shows a figure of a carabao “damulag” presented in broken
lines. Pupils connect the broken lines to reveal the picture and color it.

Ask: What is in the picture? It is a picture of a carabao.

Ano an nasa ritrato?

2. Grouping Activity
Group pupils into four. Give each group task to work on.

Group 1 : Draw a Carabao

(Pupils will draw the carabao and color
the drawing.)

Group 2 : Acting Out

(Pupils act out how the farmer and the
carabao work hard on the field.)

Group 3 : Showing Love
(Pupils discuss within their group
ways on how to take good care
of the carabao and share to
the class what they have discussed.)

Group 4 : Thank You Card

(Pupils make a simple card and write
thank you letter to the farmer.
They show the card and letter to the

3. Make a simple prayer for the farmer.

Day 2

A. Review
1. What story did we read yesterday? What was it about?
Anong istorya an binasa ta kasuhapon?
Manungod sain an istorya?

2. What is the name of the carabao in the story?

Ano an pangaran kan damulag/karabaw sa istorya?

 What kind of animal is Didoy?

Anong klaseng hayop si Didoy?

B. Presentation
 In what letter does the name Didoy begin with?
 Here are some objects/things begin with letter Dd. Teacher names the

C. Modeling
1. Introducing letter Dd and its sound /d/
a. What is the initial letter of the names of the pictures? Dd
b. What do you hear at the beginning of the names? /d/
c. Show letter card with big and small Dd. “This is letter Dd. It gives
the sound /p/. Teacher repeats the sound three times /d/ /d/ /d/.
d. Teacher gives the names of the following pictures. Pupils repeat
after the teacher.

This is a picture of………/d/ /d/ /d/ dahon

………/d/ /d/ /d/ daga
………/d/ /d/ /d/ dalan
….…../d/ /d/ /d/ daraga
….…../d/ /d/ /d/dila
..……./d/ /d/ /d/ dugo
….…. /d/ /d/ /d/ duwa
.….... /d/ /d/ /d/ duwende
.....… /d/ /d/ /d/ duyan

e. Let each pupils produce the sound /d/.

2. Writing Letter Dd
a. Teacher shows the letter card with Dd made of cut-out sandpaper.
b. Teacher traces the cut-out letter with the finger while counting the
number of strokes.
c. Let all pupils trace the sandpaper letter and count the number of
d. Let them practice writing big and small letter Dd on the air, palm,
back of classmate, and on the desk using their finger.

D. Guided Practice
1. Trace the broken lines to make letter Dd.
Talaon an mga putol-putol na linya tanganing makagibo nin letrang

2. Check the boxes that have the same letter as the first box.
Tsekan ( / ) an mga kahon na may letrang kapareho kan nasa inot na

3. Color the leaves with letter Dd. Color them with green.
Kuluran nin berde an mga dahon na may letrang Dd.

E. Independent Practice
1. Check the letter Dd inside the box.
Laganan nin tsek ( / ) an letrang Dd.

2. Box the object that begins with the sound /Dd/. Listen as the teacher
says its name.
Ikahon an mga bagay na nagpupuon sa letrang Dd. Magdangog sa
paratukdo mantang sinasabi an mga pangaran kan lambang ritrato.

3. Color the objects that have partner letters. Make all Dd Yellow.
Kuluran nin yellow an ritrato na igwa nin magkapadis na letrang Dd.

Day 3

Primer Track Lesson (Key Letter Dd)

A. Review:
1. What is the name of the carabao in the story?
2. What kind of animal is Dodoy?
3. In what letter sound does it begin?
4. Give the sound of letter Dd three times.
5. Write Dd on the air.

B. Presentation:
1. Key Picture/Key Word: damulag

Show pictures that begins with letter Dd. Give the initial sound before
saying the name of each picture.

2. Present the Key Picture and Key Word: damulag

Ipahiling an tampok na ritrato asin an tampok na tataramon.

a. What does the picture tell?
Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?

b. This is a picture of a_________.

Ini an ritrato kan____________.

c. Teacher points to the key word.

Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.

d. This is how we write the key word.

Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon.

e. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.
Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa laog
kan kahon sa baba kan tampok na ritrato.

f. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.

Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang
beses kasabay an mga aki.

3. Syllable Box
a. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.

Ini an tampok na tataramon. An pagbasa kaini gana.

b. Point to each syllable as teacher reads it distinctly.

da mu lag

Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan tampok na tataramon.

Babasahon ko an kada silaba, da mu lag.
c. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do
this again and have the pupils clap with the teacher.
Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan nindo
ako sa pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada silaba.

4. Word Breaking
a. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable
box. Read it to and then with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter
above. Read it to then with the pupils.
c. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and
reading it to and with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter
above. Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
e. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the





5. Word Making
a. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the-
Word column and reads the new letter with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the
new letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of
the word with the pupils.
c. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-
Word Activity.
d. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight
column and read the word with the pupils.
e. Pupils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and
make the word together. Volunteers read alone.


damulag da

damu damu

da damulag

6. Big Box
da du di do

pa la ta ba

sa lo kol bo

lag das pad pan

a. Pupils read letters/syllables as teacher points to each box.

b. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as
pupils read.
c. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.
d. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
e. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.

f. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are

7. Finding the words in the Big Box

a. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the
Big Box.
b. These may be words they previously learned or other words
they have not learned/introduced by the teacher.
c. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.
d. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the
pupils. If not, another pupil points to the correct letters.
e. Write each new word on the chalkboard.
f. Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.

Sample of generated words

dupa lata basa

dulag pala pabo

dakul taba badol

g. Teacher chooses from among the generated words a word

that he/she may use in a sentence.

8. Sentence Breaking


damulag da

damu damu

da damulag

da du di do

pa la ta ba

sa lo kol bo

lag das pad pan


Dakul an duot sa uma.

Dakul an duot sa

Dakul an duot

Dakul an


a. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (dakul). Points

to it and reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the
word will be used to make a sentence.
b. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on
the left side.
c. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she
reads it with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-
making words directly under the same word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the
sentence with the pupils.
f. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the
sentence with the pupils.
h. Teacher writes the sentence-making word directly under the
same words in the rows above and reads it with the pupils.

9. Sentence Making


damulag da

damu damu

da damulag

da du di do

pa la ta ba

sa lo kul bo

lag das pad pan


Dakul an duot sa uma. Dakul

Dakul an duot sa Dakul an

Dakul an duot Dakul an duot

Dakul an Dakul an duot sa

Dakul Dakul an duot sa uma.

a. Teacher tells the pupils, “Now, we will make the sentence

b. Teacher writes the sentence-making word under the Big Box
on the right side.
c. Teacher points to the word as he/she reads it with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the next biggest part of the sentence under the
sentence-making word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Now, teacher writes the entire sentence so that the sentence-
making word is just under the same word above.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the sentence with the

C. Guided Practice
 Pupils read the words, phrases and sentences from key word, syllable
box, word-breaking, word-making, big box, new word, sentence-
breaking and sentence-making.
 Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to


damulag da

damu damu

da damulag

da du di do

pa la ta ba

sa lo kul bo

lag das pad pan


Dakul an duot sa uma. Dakul

Dakul an duot sa Dakul an

Dakul an duot Dakul an duot

Dakul an Dakul an duot sa

Dakul Dakul an duot sa uma.

Day 4

A. Review
1. Show the key picture and name it. What is the beginning sound of the
key word?
2. What other objects begin with Dd? Name them.

B. Guided Practice
1. Big Box –

a. Introduce the big box with set of syllables. Can you point out the
syllables that made up the key word?
b. What other words can you form out of the syllables in the big box.

2. Grouping:
a. Group pupils into several groups.
b. Give each group set of syllables and let them form as many words
as they can.
c. Let each group check their work. The group with the most number
of words wins.

3. Guided Reading of Words, Phrases and Sentences

damulag dakulon duyan
dila gadan palad
dapan sapad tada
parapad tudok dayo
digta badbad dalnak
dulsi palda damulag
dagos daya dai
dama duros duot
tada pamada dukot
kadakul sadit dapa
arado dapla likod
dati digdi dugi
dulag daraga asada
askad bados balad
baladan balagon balud
barabad binlod daa
dagami dagos daklag
dakul dakula dalan
gakod guyod bado
asada buyod dara
dayupot duda dulay

may dalnak dugi nin sira
duot sa natad arado nin damulag
asada sa duot dakul an binlod
dugta sa palda dagami sa dalan
an duros digdi sadit na arado

Dakul an duot sa natad. Ano an dakul sa natad? ________
Dakula an asada sa duot. Ano an nasa duot? ________
Dakul an binlod kan bagas. Ano an dakul sa bagas? ________
Sadit an arado sa uma. Hain an arado? ________
Dakul an dagami sa dalan. Hain an dagami? ________

C. Independent Practice
1. Copy the words correctly on a piece of paper.
Kupyahon an mga tataramon sa papel na tama sa linya.

2. Connect the word with the picture. Listen as teacher reads each word.
Ikabit an pangaran sa tamang ritrato. Magdangog sa paratukdo
mantang sinasabi an mga pangaran kaini.

3. Copy the word correctly on the blocks.

Kupyahon nin tama an mga tataramon sa laog kan mga kahon.

Day 5

A. Enrichment Activities
1. Phoneme Awareness
a. Sa anong tanog nagpupuon an tataramon na dila? ______
b. Pira an tanog kan letra na madadangog sa tataramon na
c. Anong tataramon an mabibilog kun pag-iiribahon an mga letrang
d, a, m, asin a?______
d. Ano an tataramon an mabibilog kun hahalion an tanog na /d/ sa
tataramon na dama?______
e. Ano an bagong tataramon an mabibilog kun riribayan an tanog /d/
nin /t/ sa tataramon na dama?______
f. Magtao pa nin mga bagay na nagpupuon sa tanog na /d/?______

2. Independent Practice
a. Write the missing syllable to form the name of the picture.
Isurat an nawawarang silaba para mabilog an pangaran kan nasa

b. Connecting Word to Picture

Connect the word with the correct picture by drawing a line.
Ikabit nin linya an tataramon sa tamang ritrato.

c. Ispeling: Isurat an mga tataramon na ididikta kan paratukdo.
1. damulag
2. dila
3. duyan
4. dama

B. Post Assessment:
1. Teacher guides pupils to read the short story and answer questions
2. Read the story and answer the questions below.
Basahon an istorya asin simbagan an mga hapot sa ibaba.

An Magkakabarkada
ni: Evelyn Pateno

Sinda Dina, Dana buda Dona an mga paratinda na

Kada aga sa saod nagtitinda sinda. Dakul pirmi an paninda na
dara-dara ninda.
Pag-abot udto kun diit na sana an natatada na paninda sinda
mapuli na.
Saka maipos pagpaduman sa piglalaugan ninda sa pag-adal.
Makatapos nin pag-aadal an buot kan magkakabarkada asin
magin doktora.

1. Sirisay an magkakabarkada?___________
2. Ano an saindang gibo sa aga?__________
3. Sain sinda nagtitinda?_____________
4. Ano an ginigibo ninda kun sinda tapos na magtinda?___________
5. Ano an gusto nindang maabot pag-abot nin


I. Objectives
1. Express opinion on the story and local news heard using culturally
appropriate expressions (I think, I believe, In my opinion, etc.)
2. Express love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them and
asking to be read more stories
3. Give/ Produce the beginning sound of letter/s in a given word
4. Orally segment a two or more syllable word into its syllabic parts
5. Give the new spoken words when two or more syllables are joined to form
6. Make one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken words
7. Point out that spoken words are represented in written language by
specific sequence of letters
8. Recognize correct spelling of words
9. Give the letter that begins with the name of a given object/picture
10. Identify specific letters in the alphabet, both upper and lower case
11. Show relationship between sounds and written symbols
12. Match words with pictures and objects
13. Give the sounds of the specific letters in the alphabet
14. Blend specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y,u,t,b,l,r,p,d,h) to form syllables,
words, phrases and sentences and short paragraph
15. Understand that there is a correct way to spell words
16. Spell and write words using phonemic awareness and letter knowledge
17. Write upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
18. Write words, phrases, sentences and paragraph correctly
19. Observe some mechanics when copying/writing sentences; capitalization,
white space between words and correct punctuation marks
20. Discuss meanings and develop vocabulary through meaningful and
concrete experiences
21. Develop and use vocabulary of words that begin with the target letter (Hh)
22. Sequence three events in the story, legend, propaganda, radio broadcast,
and news articles by telling which happened first, second, or last
23. Sequence three events in the story and legend by telling which
happened first, second, or last

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Expressing opinion on the story and local news heard using culturally
appropriate expressions (I think, I believe, In my opinion, etc.)
2. Expressing love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them
and asking to be read more stories
3. Giving/ Producing the beginning sound of letter/s in a given word
4. Orally segmenting a two or more syllable word into its syllabic parts
5. Giving the new spoken words when two or more syllables are joined
to form words
6. Making one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken

7. Pointing out that spoken words are represented in written language by
specific sequence of letters
8. Recognizing correct spelling of words
9. Giving the letter that begins with the name of a given object/picture
10. Identifying specific letters in the alphabet, both upper and lower case
11. Showing relationship between sounds and written symbols
12. Matching words with pictures and objects
13. Giving the sounds of the specific letters in the alphabet
14. Blending specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y,u,t,b,l,r,p,d,h) to form
syllables, words, phrases and sentences and short paragraph
15. Understanding that there is a correct way to spell words
16. Spelling and writing words using phonemic awareness and letter
17. Writing upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
18. Writing words, phrases, sentences and paragraph correctly
19. Observing some mechanics when copying/writing sentences;
capitalization, white space between words and correct punctuation
20. Discussing meanings and developing vocabulary through meaningful
and concrete experiences
21. Developing and using vocabulary of words that begin with the target
letter (Hh)
22. Sequencing three events in the story, legend, propaganda, radio
broadcast, and news articles by telling which happened first, second,
or last
23. Sequencing three events in the story and legend by telling which
happened first, second, or last

B. Selection: Mga Huna-huna

Sinurat ni: Meriam Z. Tandog
C. Reference: K+12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: box, ball, pictures, letter cards, short stories using the letters
E. Theme: Our Local Heroes
F. F. Value: Know the truth before jumping into conclusion

III. Procedure:

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading Activities
1. Unlocking of Difficulties: Unlock difficult words through pictures,
actions and context clues.
a. huna-huna – (Madali nang malamos an aki kan sa huna-
huna niya hababaw sana an tubig kaini.)
b. purisaw – (Napurisaw an turog ni Ana kan subrang kusog
na bura kan talapang.)
c. hambog – (“Ako an pinakamatibay magdalagan digdi sa

gabos na hayop sa kabukidan,” an hambog na sabi ni Kuneho.)
d. bura – (“Kokak! Kokak!” an bura kan talapang sa uma.)
e. kuwaw - show picture
f. tataghan - show picture and context clue.
(Nasa tataghan an mga sugok/bunay kan gamgam.)

2. Motivation:
a. “Mystery Box” Teacher puts a bell inside the box. Let the pupils
guess what’s inside it.
 Who made the right guess?
 Who made wrong guesses?

3. Motive Question:
Ano sa paghuna nindo an dahilan kun tano dai nagsimbag si Goto sa
hapot ni Halas?

B. Story Reading –Interactive Listening Story

Teacher tells the story while asking questions. Pupils predict/guess what
will happen next. After guessing teacher continues telling the story.
Teacher must be creative in telling the story; variation of voices must be
observed based on what it represents.

Mga Huna-huna
Sinurat ni: Meriam Z. Tandog

Sa sarong kabukidan, marhay an iribahan kan mga hayop.

Tarabang sinda sa mga gibo kaya mayo sindang dakul na problema
nin huli ta gabos sinda naghihiro tanganing makatabang.
Sarong aldaw, si Namok Hambog naghahambog na naman ki Goto.
Habo nang magdangog an Goto kaya kuminua siya nin duwang
dahon saka inilaag sa saiyang talinga asin huminali.
(Sa paghuna nindo tano ta habo na magdangog ni Goto ki Namok?
Siguro _____.)
Nasabatan kan Goto an sarong Halas.
“Masain ka, Goto? Marhay na aga saimo,” an sabi kan Halas.
Palibhasa may tahob an talinga, dai nadangog kan Goto an sinabi
kan Halas.
“Tano daw ta dai ako ginirungan ni Goto? Baka anggot siya sako?
Baka may gigibuhon siyang sala?” huna-huna ni Halas.
(Ano kaya an nasa isip ni Halas na gigibuhon ni Goto? Siguro
Pakasabi kaini, dagos siyang suminakat sa kahoy. Nakilagan si
Unggoy na nagkukurukulambitay sa sanga kan kahoy.
Tulos na nagbalyo si Unggoy sa ibang kahoy.
Huna niya, kakakanon siya kan halas.
Sa saiyang pagbalyo sa mga sanga, nabari an sarong sanga asin
nahulog siya sa sarong tataghan na may mga saradit na kuwaw.
Nada’tugan ni Unggoy an sarong sadit na kuwaw kaya ini

“Anong nangyari digdi ta nagaba asin napilayan an saro kong aki?”
hapot kan anggot na inang kuwaw.
“Nada’tugan po siya ni Unggoy kan ini nagkukulambitay sa sanga,”
simbag kan sarong gamgam.
(Ano sa paghuna mo an namatian ni Kuwaw?)
Naanggot an inang kuwaw kaya dai siya nagbura. An saldang dai
nagsisirang kun dai nadadangog an bura kan kuwaw.
(Ano kaya an mangyayari kun dai magsirang an aldaw? Siguro
Pirang aldaw dai nagsirang an aldaw kaya madiklom na marhay sa
“Tano ta dai nagsisirang an saldang?” hapot kan anggot na si
Hading Leon.
“Dai po kaya nagbubura si Kuwaw!” simbag ni Elepante. “Napilayan
po kaya si saro niyang aki ta nada’tugan ni Unggoy,” sabi kaini.
Pinaapod ni Hading Leon si Unggoy.
(Ano kaya an ihahapot ni Hading Leon ki Unggoy? Siguro _____.)
“Tano ta pigda’tugan mo an sarong aki ni Kuwaw?” hapot ni Hading
“Nakilagan po kaya ako pagsakat ni Halas sa kahoy na pig-iistaran
ko. Huna ko po kaya kakagaton niya ako,” sabi ni Unggoy.
Pinaapod ni Hading Leon si Halas. “Ta’no ta nagsakat kang bigla sa
kahoy na pig-iistaran ni Unggoy?” hapot ni Hading Leon.
“Huna ko po kaya may planong mandata si Goto ta pigkakaulay ko,
dai niya ako pigsimbag, kaya nagsakat ako bigla sa kahoy,”
paliwanag ni Halas.
Pinaapod si Goto kan hadi. Uminabot ini na igwa pa nin tahob na
dahon sa saiyang talinga.
(Nakasimbag kaya si Goto sa hapot ni Hading Leon? Siguro
‘Ta’no ta dai mo pigsimbag si Halas kan kaulayon ka?” hapot kan
Dai nagsimbag an Goto ta dai man nadangog an sabi kan hadi.
Nagngirisi an ibang hayop saka hinali an tahob na dahon. Inutro kan
hadi an hapot.
“Ta’no ta dai mo pigsimbag si Halas kan kaulayon ka?”
“Dai ko po siya nadangog,” simbag kan Goto.
“Ta’no ta nagtahob ka sa saimong talinga?” hapot giraray ni Hading
“Nagpaparahambog po kaya si Namok kaya tinahuban ko po an
sakong talinga,” simbag ni Goto.
Ipinahanap ni Hading Leon si Namok sa mga hayop alagad matibay
ining magtago kaya dai nahahanap.
Kaya si Namok pirming patago-tago. Minsan may hinapot siya.
“Bzzzzzzz……Bzzzzzz… Pighahanap pa ako ni Hading Leon?”
hinghing ni Namok sa dungo ni Higanteng Elepante.
“Ssssrruuup!” dagos-dagos sa laog kan dungo ni Elepante si

Hinapot ni Hading Leon si Higanteng Elepante. “Ta’no ta sinurop
mo si Namok?”
(Ano an paghuna ni Higanteng Elepante ki Namok?)
“Huna ko po kaya mani siya.”

C. Post Reading Activities:

1. Interactive Questions:
a. Ano an paghuna ni Sawa na gigibuhon saiya ni Goto kaya
napiritan siyang magsakat sa kahoy?
b. Tano daw ta naisip niya ito? Ano sa paghuna nindo?
c. Ano an nangyari kan suminakat siya sa kahoy? Tano?
d. Ano an nangyari kan dali-daling nagbalyo si Kabalang sa sanga?
e. Ano an ginibo ni Kuwaw na iyong nakapurisaw sa mga hayop sa

2. Post Reading Questions:

a. Ano an ginibo ni Hading Leon kan inistoryahan siya kan mga
hayop kan nangyari sa kagubatan?
a. Sa saindong paghuna, tama daw su mga huna-huna kan mga
b. (Value) Ika, matubod ka daw sa sarong huna-huna sana? Tano ta
iyo? Tano ta dai?
c. Ano an saimong nagunong leiksyon sa istoryang nadangog?

Extender (Theme):
 Siisay an nakaresolba kan problema kan mga hayop sa
 An ipinahiling kayang kaugalian ni Hading Leon pareho sa ugali
nin mga bayani? Tano?
 May mga bistado man kamong bayani sa saindong lugar?
 Siirisay?
 Tano ta inapod sindang bayani?

D. Guided Practice:
1. “Acting Out Parts of the Story” Group pupils into 4. Give each
group a situation or a part of the story that they will act out.

Group 1 – Sa sarong kabukidan marhay an iribahan kan mga

hayop. Nagtatarabangan sinda sa gabos na gibo.
Naghahambog na naman si Namok, kaya nagtahob sa
talinga si Goto. Naghapot si Halas ki Goto, pero dai siya
sinimbag kaya nag-isip siya na may maraot ining plano
sa saiya kaya nagsakat siya bigla sa kahoy.

Group 2 – Nakilagan si Unggoy ta paghuna niya kakagaton siya ni

Halas kaya naglukso siya sa sarong sanga. Nabari an
sanga asin nahulog siya sa tataghan ni Kuwaw.

Napilayan an sarong sadit na kuwaw. Naanggot an
inang kuwaw asin dai siya nagbura. Ini an dahilan kan
dai pagsirang kan aldaw.

Group 3 – Ipinaapod ni Hading Leon an gabos na hayop tanganing

maaraman an dahilan kun tano nabarian an sadit na
kuwaw asin dai nagsirang an aldaw. An mga hayop
sinabi an saindang mga huna-huna.

2. ”Sequencing Events” Let each group present the part of the story
assigned to them. Have a discussion after the presentations.

Group 1-
 Ano an inot na pangyayari sa istorya?
 Sain nangyari an istorya?
 Sa irisay an mga tauhan kan istorya?
 Naipahiling daw ini nin tama kan mga nainot na grupo?
 Ano an ginibo ni Namok na nagging dahilan kan pagtahob nin
talinga ni Goto?
 Ini daw an suminunod na pangyayari sa istorya?
 Ano an nasa isip ni Halas kan dai siya sinimbag ni Goto?
 Ano an ginibo ni Halas?
 Sa saindong pagmati naipahiling daw nin tama kan ikaduwang
grupo an nagsunod na pangyayari sa istorya?

Group 2-
Ano an nagsunod na pangyayari sa istorya?
 Tano ta nabari ni Unggoy an sanga?
 Siisay an nabarian?
 Ano an ginibo ni Kuwaw kan siya naanggot?
 Naipahiling daw nin tama kan ikatulong grupo an suminunod
na pangyayari?

Group 3-
 Ano an ginibo ni Hading Leon kan dai suminirang an saldang?
 Ano an sinabi saiya kan mga hayop?
 Ano an naging katapusan kan istorya?

Day 2

A. Review:
1. Ano an titulo kan istoryang nadangog?
2. Manungod ini sa ano?
3. Sa irisay an mga tauhan kan istorya? Pangaranan sinda.
4. Ano-ano an sunod-sunod na pangyayari sa istorya?

5. Siisay saindo an makakapag-istorya liwat kan pangyayari sa istorya?
Sunudon an tamang pagkakasunod-sunod kaini.

B. Presentation:
1. Sa anong letra nagpupuon an pamagat kan istorya na Huna- huna?
2. Ano pang mga tataramon o bagay an nagpupuon sa letrang Hh?
(Teacher shows pictures of objects that begin with letter Hh.)

Hikaw Hito Harigi

Hadok Hadi Harong

C. Modelling
1. Introducing Letter Hh and its sound /h/
a. Teacher presents pictures that begin with the sound /Hh/. Here
are some pictures with initial /h/ sound.

Hikaw Hito Harigi

Hadok Hadi Harong

b. Teacher produces the sound /h/ as he/she says the name of the


This is a picture of ……./h/…./h/…/h/…hikaw


c. Show letter card with letter Hh. This letter represents the sound
d. Teacher shows/raises the letter card as she gives the sound /h/
three times as in /h/, /h/,/h/. Pupils repeat after the teacher.
e. Introduce big and small letter Hh.

2. Writing Letter Hh
 Introduce the proper hand stroke in writing letter Hh.
 Practice writing by counting the strokes using fingers. Write
letter Hh in the air, hands, desk, etc.

D. Guided Practice
1. “Letter Box- Thumbs Up or Down” Present a letter box with letters
printed on it.
Teacher points to each letter one at a time then asks: “Is this /h/?” If
the answer is YES, pupils show Thumbs Up sign and if the answer is
NO, Thumbs Down.

N s h o H I
a H h m h h
2. Trace letter Hh.
Talaon an mga putol-putol na linya tanganing makagibo nin
letrang Hh.

3. Color the object inside the box that begins with the sound /h/.
Listen as the teacher says its name.
Kuluran an mga bagay sa laog kan kahon na nagpupuon sa
tanong na /h/. Magdangog sa paratukdo mantang sinasabi an
mga pangaran kan nasa ritrato.

Day 3

Primer Track Lesson (Key Letter Hh)

A. Review
1. Show the letter card with letter Hh. What is the letter name? What is
the sound of this letter?
2. Show pictures that begin with letter Hh. Let the pupils produce the
sound /h/ before naming the pictures.

B. Presentation:
1. Present the Key Picture and Key Word: hikaw
Ipahiling an tampok na ritrato asin an tampok na tataramon.

a. What does the picture tell?
Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?

b. This is a picture of a_________.

Ini an ritrato kan____________.

c. Teacher points to the key word.

Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.

d. This is how we write the key word.

Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon.

e. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.
Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa laog kan
kahon sa baba kan tampok na ritrato.

f. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.

Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang beses
kasabay an mga aki.

2. Syllable Box
a. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.


Ini an tampok na tataramon. An pagbasa kaini hikaw.

b. Point to each syllable as teacher reads it distinctly.

hi kaw

Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan tampok na tataramon.

Babasahon ko an kada silaba, hi kaw.

c. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do this
again and have the pupils clap with the teacher.
Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan nindo ako sa
pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada silaba.

3. Word Breaking
a. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable box.
Read it to and then with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read it to then with the pupils.
c. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and
reading it to and with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
e. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the pupils.





4. Word Making
a. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the-Word
column and reads the new letter with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the new
letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of the word
with the pupils.
c. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-Word
d. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight
column and read the word with the pupils.

e. Pupils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and
make the word together. Volunteers read alone.

hi kaw
hikaw h

hi hi

h hi

5. Big Box

ha hi hu ho
gos mot ka bo
kot han ri gi
ba ra las ma

a. Pupils read letters/syllables as teacher points to each box.

b. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as
pupils read.
c. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.
d. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
e. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.
f. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are
6. Finding the words in the Big Box.
a. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the Big
b. These may be words they previously learned or other words they
have not learned/introduced by the teacher.
c. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.
d. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the
pupils. If not, another pupil points to the correct letters.
e. Write each new word on the chalkboard.
f. Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.

ha hi hu ho

gos mot ka bo

kot han ri gi

ba ra las ma


g. Teacher chooses from among the generated words a word

that he/she may use in a sentence.

7. Sentence Breaking

hi kaw

hamak h

ha ha

h hamak

ha hi hu ho

gos mot ka bo

kot han ri gi

ba ra las ma


An harigi gibo sa gapo.

An harigi gibo sa

An harigi gibo

An harigi


a. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (harigi). Points

to it and reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the
word will be used to make a sentence.
b. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on
the left side.
c. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she
reads it with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-
making words directly under the same word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the
sentence with the pupils.
f. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.
Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
g. Teacher writes the sentence-making word directly under the
same words in the rows above and reads it with the pupils.

8. Sentence Making

hi kaw

hamak h

ha ha

h hamak

ha hi hu ho

gos mot ka bo

kot han ri gi


An harigi gibo sa gapo. An

An harigi gibo sa An harigi

An harigi gibo An harigi gibo

An harigi An harigi gibo sa

An An harigi gibo sa gapo.

a. Teacher tells the pupils, “Now, we will make the sentence

b. Teacher writes the sentence-making word under the Big
Box on the right side.
c. Teacher points to the word as he/she reads it with the
d. Teacher writes the next biggest part of the sentence under
the sentence-making word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Now, teacher writes the entire sentence so that the
sentence-making word is just under the same word above.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the sentence with the

C. Guided Practice
1. Pupils read the words, phrases and sentences from key word, syllable
box, word-breaking, word-making, big box, new word, sentence-
breaking and sentence-making.
2. Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to

hi kaw

hikaw h

hi hi

h hikaw

ha hi hu ho

gos mot ka bo

kot han ri gi

ba ra las ma


An harigi gibo sa gapo. An

An harigi gibo sa An harigi

An harigi gibo An harigi gibo

An harigi An harigi gibo sa

An An harigi gibo sa gapo.

Day 4

A. Review:
1. Present the key picture and say its name as the key word. hikaw
2. Show letter cards with previously learned letters. Give the sound of
each letter.

B. Guided Practice:
1. Forming syllables with letter Hh. Let the pupils read the syllables.

ha hi ho hu
ah ih oh uh

2. “Jumbled Letters” Put the cards with previously learned letters on

the table. Let pupils form syllables. Teacher writes all the syllables
formed on the board and reads them.

3. “Big Box” Group pupils into 5. Give each group set of syllables on a
big box. Let them form as many words as they can from the syllables.
Have them write the words on a manila paper and post on the board.

4. “Guided Reading” Guide the pupils in reading the words, phrases

and sentences with letters previously learned.

hamak harigi hadit higos
hilot hurma hurmahan hapit
hasta kaha saha hito
halat paha hibi hamot
halas habo hiron hapot
hambog hiro mahiro hagkos
hipno hagad halat hula
hulog bahog barahibo haplas
hapon higot hiras hoy!
daghan hadok habon hadit
hadukan hagop hagyan hakbot
hakot hinali hakuton hararum
haldat hali halion halipot
taghoy tataghan bahala baraha

an harigi halas sa hamak
hagkos an paha halipot an paha
hinalo an bahog mahiro an halas
hakbot nin bahog higot an gakod
hibi kan aki halaba na paha

(Answer the question after each sentence.)
An aki may ataman na halas.

Ano an ataman kan aki?

An ama may hagkos na paha

Ano an hagkos kan ama?

Higot an gakod kan bahog

Arin an higot an gakod?

Halipot an paha kan aki

Ano an paha kan aki?

Hinalo an bahog sa hamak

Sain hinalo an bahog?

Day 5

A. Enrichment
1. Phoneme Awareness
a. Sa anong tanog nagpupuon an tataramon na hikaw? ______
b. Pira an tanog kan letra na madadangog sa tataramon na
c. Anong tataramon an mabibilog kun pag-iiribahon an mga letrang
p, a, h, asin a?______
d. Magtao pa nin mga bagay na nagpupuon sa tanog na

2. Independent Practice
a. Write the missing syllable to form the name of the picture.
Isurat an nawawarang silaba para mabilog an pangaran kan nasa

b. Isurat sa kahon an mga pangaran kan nasa ritrato.

c. Ispeling: Isurat an mga tataramon na ididikta kan paratukdo.

 Hikaw
 halas
 hibi

 habo
 harigi

3. Post Assessment:
a. Read the short story and answer the following questions.
b. Basahon an istorya asin simbagan an mga hapot makatapos

ni: Claire B. Barcelona

"Halas! Halas!," an makusog na sabi ni Hiram.

"May halas sa laog kan luho?" hapot ni Manoy Hiro.
"Iyo po, halaba an halas sa luho."
Mahiro an halas sa laog kan luho.
“Sain na luho?" hapot ni Manoy Hiro.
"Sa luho kan harigi," takot na pahayag ni Hiram.
Sa luho kan hababa na harigi an halaba na halas.
"Gurano kahalaba an halas sa luho kan harigi?” dagdag na
hapot ni Manoy Hiram
Kasinlaba kan paha ni Pay Hugo!

 Siisay an nakahiling nin halas? ________________

 Sain niya nahiling an halas__________________
 Ano an masasabi nindo manungod sa halas na nahiling ni
 Natakot kaya si Hiram sa nahiling nya? Nata?
 Sa anong bagay ni Hiram ikinumparar an halas na nahiling


I. Objectives:
1. Begin to identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and multiple
meaning words correctly
2. Modify prior knowledge based on new knowledge from the story
3. Make inferences on what is likely to happen next based on the events in
the story
4. Correctly spell previously studied words.
5. Identify and recognize letter Ww and its sound /w/.
6. Read words, phrases, sentences and short story with letter Ww and other
previously learned letters

II. Subject Matter:

A. Skills:
1. Identifying and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and multiplem
meaning words correctly
2. Modifying prior knowledge based on new knowledge from the story
3. Make inferences on what is likely to happen next based on the events
in the story
4. Correctly spell previously studied words
5. Identify and recognize letter Ww and its sound /w/
6. Read words, phrases, sentences and short story with letter Ww and
other previously learned letters

B. Reference: K+12 Curriculum, MTBMLE Indicators,

C. Materials: pictures, prediction chart, story “An Madunong na si Wako”
D. Theme: Important places in our Community
E. Value: Being wise and clever

III. Procedure

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading Activities
1. Unlocking of difficulties
Unlock difficult words found in the story through context clues, action
and pictures.

a. Madunong – (Si Andoy sarong madunong na aki, pirmi niyang

sinisuhay an mga tugon kan saiyang magurang.)
b. Sitsit – (Nagsitsit si Ben kan saiyang inapod an aki.) (through
c. Magbaba – (“Madya, magbaba ka sa sakong likod tanganing dai
ka mapagal sa paglakaw,” an sabi ni Lito sa saiyang sadit na

d. Daghan-- (through action- point the part of the body.)
e. Pigpapangidaman (Gustong-gusto ni Nanay an singkamas, ini
kaya an saiyang pigpapangidaman ngunyan na siya bados.)
f. Nahandal – (Nahandal an gabos kan biglang naglinog.)

2. Motivation:
a. Motivate pupils through Prediction Chart.
b. Show 3 pictures of events that happened in the story. Let the
pupils ask question/s about the picture and guess what happened.

Questions Guesses Answer

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

c. What will you do when someone is asking something from you?

Ano an gigibuhon mo kun may hinahagad saimong bagay an
sarong tawo?

3. Motive Questions
In the story find out what Woki is asking from Wako?
Sa istorya aramon kun ano an hinahagad ni Woki ki Wako?

B. Reading the Story: Listening Story

1. Teacher reads the story while pupils listen.
2. Teacher sets rules in listening to the story.

An Madunong na si Wako
Sinurat ni: Meriam Z. Tandog

Sarong aldaw, nagsasakat-sakat sa kahoy an kino na si Wako.
“Madya na, Wako! Maparigos kita!” sabi ni Wikwik na amigo niya.
“Sa atyan na ako maparigos ta malipot an tubig,” simbag ni
Pakahali ni Wikwik may sitsit na nadangog si Wako. Nahiling
niya an sarong siyukoy na yaon sa dagat. Ako palan si Woki,
sarong siyukoy. Mari na! Magayon sa irarom kan dagat, may
mahihiling kang mga burak, mga duot, saka mga perlas.”
“Pano man ako makakapasyar sa irarom kan dagat? Siyempre,
malalamos ako,” sabi ni Wako.
“Pag nagbaba ka digdi sa sakong likod, makakahangos ka sa
irarom kan dagat, dai ka malalamos,” pirit ni Woki.
Nin huli ta gusto talaga ni Wako na mahiling an irarom kan
dagat, nag-iba siya ki Woki. Nangalas si Wako ta nakakahangos
siya sa irarom kan dagat. Magayon talaga sa irarom kan dagat.
“Aram mo,” poon ni Woki, “an agom kong si Wela
“Wow! Di magkakaaki na kamo? Magayon iyan!”
“Iyo, kaya lang an pigpapangidaman niya, iyo an puso kan kino.
Kaya dinara ta ka digdi para hagadon saimo an saimong puso.”
Nahandal si Wako. “Gusto mo an puso ko? Dai ka tulos nagsabi
subago tanganing nadara ko. Isinabit ko duman sa sanga na
pigsasakat-sakatan ko. Marhay pa ibalik mo ako duman sa hinalian
ta ta kukuanon ko an puso ko duman nganing itao saimo.”
Ibinalik ni Woki si Wako sa pangpang. Duminalagan tulos si
Wako sa kahoy.

(Ano kaya an puwedeng mangyari kun dai tulos naisip ni Wako

na iwinalat niya su puso sa kahoy? Siguro _____.)

“Hahaha!” Dai ko itatao saimo an puso ko ta magagadan palan

ako?” sabi ni Wako.
“Sabi mo ibalik ta ka ta kukuanon mo?” anggot na hapot ni
Dai ko ngani puwedeng itao saimo ta an puso ko yaon digdi,”
sabay tukdo sa saiyang daghan.
(Sa saindong paghuna, ano kaya an puwedeng mangyari sa
relasyon ninda Wako asin Woki bilang mag-amigo? Siguro _____.)

C. Post Reading Activities

1. Engagement
a. Sa istorya aramon kun ano an hinahagad ni Woki ki Wako?
b. Yaon sain si Wako? Ano an ginigibo niya duman?
c. Siisay an nagtangro saiya na magkarigos?
d. Tano ta dai siya nag-iba ki Wikwik?
e. Ano an saiyang nadangog? Siisay an nagsitsit saiya?
f. Sain tinangro ni Woki si Wako?
g. Nag-iba saiya si Wako? Tano?

h. Kan sinda nasa dagat na ano an sinabi ni Woki ki Wako?
i. Ano an namatian ni Wako sa nadangog na sinabi saiya ni Woki?
j. Ano an ginibo ni Wako tanganing maisalbar niya an saiyang
k. Sa saimong paghuna, ano kaya an puwedeng mangyari ki Wako
kun itatao niya an saiyang puso? Tano?
l. Anong klaseng kino kaya si Wako?
m. Value: Pano mo nasabi na madunong si Wako?
n. Marhay kaya an maging madunong? Tano ta iyo o tano ta dai?
o. Theme: Magtao nin mga magagayon asin importanteng lugar na
mahihiling sa saindong lugar. Tano mo nasabi na importante an
mga ini?

D. Skill Development
1. In the story there are words that we can give same meaning.
Sa istorya igwa nin mga tataramon na pupuwedeng matawanan nin
magkaparehong kahulugan.

madya - mari
magbaba - nagsakay
nahandal - natakot
isinabit - ibinitay

Synonyms are pair of words having the same meaning.

 Give other pair of words with the same meaning.

Magtao nin mga padis na mga tataramon na may magkaparehong
gustong sabihon.
 Use the pair of synonyms in simple sentence.
Gamiton an padis nin tataramon na may may magkaparehong
kagulugan sa pangungusap?

2. Grouping Activity.
Divide the class into 4 groups. Give each group task to perform.

Group 1 - Draw the beautiful place that Wako saw under the
Group 2 - Act out part of the story you like best.

Group 3 - Retell the story. (Pantomime)

Group 4 - Write a simple letter that you can give to Wako.

Day 2

A. Review:
1. Who are the characters in the story?
Wako Wikwik Woki

2. Post the name on the board with picture of the characters.

What do you notice?
3. What is the beginning letter of the names of the characters?
4. What other names begin with W? Wally, Willy, Waway

B. Presentation:
There are other objects/things that begin with Ww.
Teacher presents pictures of objects that begin with Ww.

C. Modelling
1. Introducing letter Ww and its sound.
a. What is the initial letter of the names of the picture? Ww
b. What do you hear at the beginning of the names? /w/
c. Show letter card with big and small Ww. “This is letter Ww. It gives
the sound /t/. Teacher repeats the sound three times /w/ /w/ /w/.
d. Teacher may give the names of the following pictures. Pupils
repeat after the teacher.\

This is a picture of………/w/ /w/ /w/ wala

………/w/ /w/ /w/ walo
………/w/ /w/ /w/ watusi
……../w/ /w/ /w/ wagak

e. Let each pupils produce the sound /w/.

2. Writing Letter Ww
a. Teacher shows the letter card with Ww made of cut-out
b. Teacher traces the cut-out letter with the finger while counting the
number of strokes.
c. Let all pupils trace the sandpaper letter and count the number of
d. Let the pupils practice writing big and small letter Ww on the air,
palm, back of classmate, and on the desk using their finger.

D. Guided Practice:
1. Trace the broken lines to make letter Ww.

Talaon an putol-putol na linya tanganing makagibo nin letrang Ww.

2. Connect the dots to form big and small Ww.

Pagkabiton an mga tuldok tanganing makabilog nin letrang Ww.

3. Check the box with Ww.

Laganan nin tsek ( / ) an kahon na igwa nin letrang Ww.

4. Color the number eight with letter Ww. Color them with Green.
Kuluran nin berde an numero 8 na may letrang Ww.

E. Independent Practice
Look at the pictures. Connect each picture to Ww if it begins with the
sound /w/.
Hilingon an mga ritrato. Ikabit an ritrato sa letrang Ww kun ini nagpupuon
sa tanog n /w/.

Day 3

Primer Track Lesson (Key Letter-Ww)

A. Review:
Show pictures that begins with letter Ww. Give the initial sound before
saying the name of the pictures.

B. Presentation:
1. Present the Key Picture and Key Word: walo
Ipahiling an tampok na ritrato asin an tampok na tataramon.

a. What does the picture tell?
Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?

b. This is a picture of a_________.

Ini an ritrato kan____________.

c. Teacher points to the key word.

Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.

d. This is how we write the key word.

Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon.

e. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.
Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa laog kan
kahon sa baba kan tampok na ritrato.

f. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.

Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang beses
kasabay an mga aki.

2. Syllable Box
a. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.

Ini an tampok na tataramon. An pagbasa kaini walo.

b. Point to each syllable as teacher reads it distinctly.

wa lo

Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan tampok na tataramon.
Babasahon ko an kada silaba, wa lo.

c. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do this
again and have the pupils clap with the teacher.

Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan nindo ako sa

pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada silaba.

3. Word Breaking
a. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable
box. Read it to and then with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read it to then with the pupils.
c. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and
reading it to and with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
e. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the pupils.


wa lo


4. Word Making
a. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the-Word
column and reads the new letter with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the new
letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of the word
with the pupils.
c. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-Word
d. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight
column and read the word with the pupils.

e. Pupils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and make
the word together. Volunteers read alone.


wa lo
walo w

wa wa

w walo

5. Syllable Box

wa wi wit ba

du naw riw ban

hi lak kaw da

la saw ku lo

a. Pupils read letters/syllables as teacher points to each box.

b. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as pupils
c. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.
d. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
e. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.
f. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are committed.

6. Finding the Words in the Big Box.

a. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the Big
b. These may be words they previously learned or other words they
have not learned/introduced by the teacher.
c. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.
d. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the
pupils. If not, another pupil points to the correct letters.

e. Write each new word on the chalkboard.
Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.

walo lawa hikaw wala

banwit banwa banhi dawa

danaw kuba lada duda

duwa lakaw banda kula

f. Teacher chooses from among the generated words a word that

he/she may use in a sentence.


7. Sentence Breaking


wa lo
walo w

wa wa

w walo

wa wi wit ba

du naw riw ban

hi lak kaw da

la saw ku lo


Nasa wala an hikaw.

Nasa wala an

Nasa wala


a. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (nasa). Points to

it and reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the word
will be used to make a sentence.
b. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on
the left side.
c. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she
reads it with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-
making words directly under the same word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the
sentence with the pupils.
f. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.
Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
g. Teacher writes the sentence-making word directly under the
same words in the rows above and reads it with the pupils.

8. Sentence Making


wa lo
walo w

wa wa

w walo

wa wi wit ba

du naw riw ban

hi lak kaw da

la saw ku lo


Nasa wala an hikaw. wala

Nasa wala an Nasa wala

Nasa wala Nasa wala an

Nasa Nasa wala an hikaw.

a. Teacher tells the pupils, “Now, we will make the sentence

b. Teacher writes the sentence-making word under the Big
Box on the right side.
c. Teacher points to the word as he/she reads it with the
d. Teacher writes the next biggest part of the sentence under
the sentence-making word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Now, teacher writes the entire sentence so that the
sentence-making word is just under the same word above.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the sentence with the

C. Guided Practice
1. Pupils read the words, phrases and sentences from key word, syllable
box, word-breaking, word-making, big box, new word, sentence-
breaking and sentence-making.
2. Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to


wa lo
walo w

wa wa

w walo

wa wi wit ba

du naw riw ban

hi lak kaw da

la saw ku lo


Nasa wala an hikaw. Nasa

Nasa wala an Nasa wala

Nasa wala Nasa wala an

Nasa Nasa wala an hikaw.

Day 4
A. Review
1. What is the key word learned yesterday? Teacher shows the key
picture. walo
2. Say the names of the pictures. In each row, color the pictures that
have initial /Ww/ sound.

Wala Walo Watosi Wagak

B. Guided Practice:
1. Using the letter card teacher guides pupils in forming syllables.
wa wi wo wu

aw iw ow uw

2. “Jumbled Letters” Put the cards with previously learned letters on

the table. Let pupils form syllables. Teacher writes all the syllable
formed on the board and reads them.

3. “Big Box” Group pupils into 5. Give each group set of syllables on a
big box. Let them form as many words as they can from the syllables.
Have them write the words on a manila paper and post on the board.

wa wi wit ba

du naw riw ban

hi lak kaw da

la saw ku lo

Teacher checks all the generated words posted on the board. The
group with the most number of words wins.

4. “Word Game” Group pupils into five. Give each group set of
syllables from the letters previously learned. Pupils form as many
words as they can and write the words on the manila paper. Let each
group present their output and count the number of words formed.
The group with the most number of words wins the game.

5. ”Guided Reading” Teacher guides pupils in reading the words,

phrases and sentences.

walo wala wagak kawali
nawara wara pamahaw hikaw
lakaw pakyaw walat nawalat
lawa kawasa hilaw tukaw
bakulaw sawsaw bayaw talaw
kurahaw aldaw ariw banwit
bawion duwa hanaw idawit
lalawgon lasaw lataw ligwan
tiwi siwit tunaw tukawan
tuwad witik Waway Willy

walo an ligwan wara an kawali
nawara an hikaw lawa sa sawali
lataw an banwit talaw sa lakaw
walat sa lakaw an lalawgon

Sentences: (Answer questions for comprehension check.)

Walo an ligwan sa kahoy. Pira an ligwan sa kahoy? ______

Nawara an hikaw ni Waway. Ano an nawara ni Waway? _____
Nawara an kawali sa aldaw. Kan suarin nawara an kawali? ___
Duwa an lawa sa sawali. Hain an duwang lawa? _________
Nawalat sa paglakaw si Willy. Siisay an nawalat sa paglakaw? __

Day 5

A. Review:
1. Let the pupils read the syllable formed with letter Ww.

wa wi wo wu

aw iw ow uw

2. Read the words, phrases and sentences generated with letter Ww

and other previously learned letters.

B. Independent Practice
1. Connect the picture with the missing syllable.
Isugpon an ritrato sa nawawarang silaba.

2. Listen as the teacher says the name of the picture. Connect the name
with the correct picture.

Magdangog sa paratukdo mantang sinasabi an pangaran kan nasa
ritrato. Ikabit an pangaran sa tamang ritrato.

3. Draw a ring around the word that is the name of the picture. Listen as
the teacher name the pictures.

Bilugan an pangaran kan nasa ritrato. Magdangog sa paratukdo

mantang sinasabi an pangaran kaini.

C. Post Assessment
1. Phoneme Awareness
a. Sa anong tanog nagpupuon an tataramon na walo? ______
b. Pira an tanog kan letra na madadangog sa walo? ______
c. Ano an bagong tataramon an mabibilog kun hahalion an letrang w
sa walo? ______
d. Anong bagong tataramon an mabibilog kun riribayan an letrang o
nin a sa tataramon na walo? ______
e. Ano an tataramon na mabibilog kun sasararuon an mga letrang l,
a, w, a? ______
f. Magtao pa nin mga bagay na nagpupuon sa tanog na /w/?

2. Spelling
Teacher dictates words and pupils write on the paper.
Isurat an mga tataramon na ididikta kan paratukdo.
1. walo
2. wala
3. hikaw
4. duwa
5. lawa

D. “Time to Read!”
Read the short story and answer the following questions.
Basahon an istorya. Simbagan an mga kahaputan.

An Karaw ni Waldo
ni: Shielee B. Vega

Si Waldo ikawalo sa aki ni Tata Wildo.

Mayo nin gibo si Waldo kundi magtukaw o maglakaw-lakaw.
Saro na aldaw kan si Waldo naglakaw-lakaw sa tahaw kan maawot
na bulod bigla siya nagkurahaw.
“May halimaw, may halimaw! Igwa nin halimaw!”
An ama niya na si Tata Wildo tulos na nagbutwa sa tahaw kan
mahibog na mga dahon kan bataw.
“Waldo, hain an halimaw?”
“Wara man tabi, Papay, ako man sana nagkakaraw.”
“Waldo, dai ka magparakaraw ta ika nakakabulahaw.”
Si Tata Wildo nagbalik sa mabataw kaiba an winalat na karabaw.
Pagkalihis nin mga minuto si Waldo giraray nagkurahaw, “halimaw,
Si Tata Wildo gari sana wara na namamati ta huna si Waldo
nagkakaraw giraray.
Nagkahururos an sarwal ni Waldo sa kadadalagan
Kaya puon sa aldaw na ito si Waldo dai na nagkakaraw.

1. Siisay si Waldo?______________________
2. Pangpira siya sa magturugang?___________
3. Ano an pangaran kan saiyang ama?_________
4. Ano an saiyang ginibo kan siya naglakaw-lakaw?______________
5. Totoo man daw na may nahiling siyang halimaw?______________
6. Ano an ginibo ni Waldo?________________
7. Nata nagkurahaw siya?____
8. Kun ika si Waldo gigibuhon mo man na magkaraw-karaw? Nata iyo?
Nata ta dai?_____________
9. Iladawan si Waldo base sa istoryang binasa.
10. Ano an mensahe na gustong ipaabot kan istorya?


I. Objectives:
1. Listen and relate events in the story heard to personal experiences.
2. Observe some mechanics when copying/writing sentences: capitalization,
white space between words and correct punctuation marks.
3. Correctly spell previously studied words
4. Use the prepositions correctly in constructing own sentences
5. Begin to identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and multiple-
meaning words correctly
6. Modify prior knowledge based on new knowledge from the story.
7. Make inferences on what is likely to happen next based on the events
in the story
8. Identify and recognize letter Ee and its sound /e/
9. Read words, phrases, sentences and story with letter Ee and other
previously learned letters.

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Listening and relating events in the story heard to personal
2. Observing some mechanics when copying/writing sentences:
capitalization, white space between words and correct punctuation
3. Spelling previously studied words
4. Using the prepositions correctly in constructing own sentences
5. Beginning to identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and
multiple- meaning words correctly
6. Modifying prior knowledge based on new knowledge from the story.
7. Making inferences on what is likely to happen next based on the
events in the story
8. Identifying and recognizing letter Ee and its sound /e/
9. Reading words, phrases, sentences and story with letter Ee and other
previously learned letters.

B. Reference: K+12 Curriculum, MTBMLE Indicators,

C. Materials: pictures, word card, strip of papers, big box, syllable box,
bigbook “An Elepanteng si Epoy”
D. Theme: Important Places in our Community
E. Value: Being Obedient

III. Procedure

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading Activities:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties: Unlock difficult words through action,
pictures and context clues.
a. pinakahoben- (Sa tulong magturugang si Bino an nguhod kaya
siya an pinakahoben.)
b. amigo – (Si Karlo an kaamigo ni Marlon; pirmi sindang
magkaiba maski sain sinda magduman.)
c. masusog – (Banggi na kan masusog ninda an ataman na ido
sa kabukidan.
d. nagbura- (Nagbura nin makusog an mga hayop sa
e. nginatngat- (through action and context clue)
f. (Nginatngat kan kino an sako sa kusina.)

2. Motivation:
Do you have a friend? Who are your friends?
May kaamiga o kaamigo ka? Siisay an saimong kaamigo o

3. Motive Questions:
In the story find out what happened to Epoy when he disobeyed
his Mother?
Sa istorya aramon kun ano an nangyari ki Epoy kan dai siya
nagsunod sa saiyang ina?

B. Reading the Story: Shared Reading Strategy

1. Introduce the Shared Reading Story
Teacher takes up the cover of the book. Mention the title, author, and
illustrator. Ask questions about the cover and encourage the pupils to
think about and talk about the topic of the story. Have pointer ready to
move under the words that the teacher reads.

2. Following the Reading Plan

a. Teacher reads the entire text to the pupils.
(If the pupils cannot read the text themselves yet, but if they can
read the text already, skip the step.)
b. Teacher reads the text with all the pupils.
c. Teacher reads one part of the text with one or two pupil-
d. One or two pupil-volunteers read that part of the text by
e. Teacher reads the entire text again, with all the pupils.

3. Read the story using the reading plan

a. Teacher reads the title of the story and asks 1-2 pupils to tell
about their experiences related to the topic.

b. Teacher opens to the first page of the story, points out the main
points in the picture, and then reads the text for that page while
moving the pointer smoothly under the sentences.
c. Do the same for each page, stopping 2 or 3 times and asks:
“What do you think will happen next?”

d. After reading the story, teacher asks the pupils some questions.
For example: “What happened in the story?”
“Why do you think that happened?”
“What part of the story did you like best?”
“Why did you like that part best?”

e. Then read the story following Steps 2-5 of the Reading Plan.
f. Teacher and pupils read together while the teacher moves the
pointer smoothly under the words being read.

An Elepanteng Si Epoy
Sinurat ni: Meriam Z. Tandog

Sa sarong parte kan kabukidan, may sarong pamilya nin mga

elepante. Si Epoy an pinakahoben sainda, kaya padangat iya
kan saiyang mga pag-iriba. Dai siya tinutugutan magduman sa
ibang lugar na mayo siya nin kaibahan.
Sarong aldaw, inagihan siya kan saiyang amigong si Ek-ek na
sarong kabalang. “Gusto mong mag-iba sako? Maduman ako sa
balyong sapa ta malinig ako kan bago ming harong.”
“Gusto ko kuta pero mayo si Mama Egay ko, baka ako
anggutan,” sabi ni Epoy.
“Sige,” sabi ni Ek-ek. “Maduman na ako,” simbag ni Ek-ek ki
Alagad kan medyo huruharayo na si Ek-ek biglang
nagkurahaw si Epoy. “Halat, Ek-ek, maiba lugod ako. Total mayo
man si Mama Egay, dai niya maaaraman ta mabalik man sana
kita.” Sabay dalagan paluwas ta linapag si Ek-ek. Palibhasa dai
tatao kan dalan, dai na niya nasundan si Ek-ek. Dai na man niya
nasusog an dalan pauli sainda.
Madali nang magbanggi. Takot na si Epoy. “Ek-ek! Ek-ek!”
kurahaw ni Epoy. Mayong nakakadangog saiya. May nahiling
siyang kabalang, linapag niya ini ta an huna niya si Ek-ek. May
alang na salog na babalyuhan sinda. An kabalang nagkulambitay
sa sanga. Si Epoy dagos-dagos na nagbalyo sa alang na salog.
“Oooops!” Nag-iirarom si Epoy. Nagbura nin makusog si Epoy
na gabos sa kabukidan nakadangog.
“Si Epoy! Haen si Epoy?” handal na hapot ni Mama Egay.
Gabos na mga elepante nagruluwas ta hahanapon si Epoy.
Pauli na si Ek-ek kan madangog niya an makusog na bura ni
Epoy. “Si Epoy ito! Napano daw si Epoy?” sabay dalagan
pasiring sa hinalian kan bura. Nahiling niya si Epoy na nahulog

sa kumunoy. “Dai ka magparahiro, mairarom kang lalo kun
magparahiro ka. Dai ka matakot, tatabangan ta ka,” sabi ni Ek-
ek. Dali-daling kuminua nin halabang ugat saka iinapon ki Epoy.
Tulos na pinurupot ni Epoy an saiyang halabang dungo
tanganing dai na siya mag-irarom.
Tamang-tama nag-arabot naman an mga elepante. Tulos na
nagkarabitan an mga elepante ta kinua na si Epoy.
“Sinabihan taka na na dai ka magluwas nin solo, tano ta dai
ka nagtubod sakuya?” hapot ni Mama Egay. “Sori po, Mama, dai
ko na po gigibuhon giraray an magsuhay sa saindong pigsasabi.
Salamat po.”
“Salamat, Ek-ek. Kun mayo ka baka dai mi na nahiling si
Epoy,” sabi ni Mama Egay.
“Salamat, Ek-ek,” sabi ni Epoy. “Tunay kang amigo talaga.”
“Ok lang, dawa ika siguro tatabangan mo ako kun ako man an
nasa lugar mo,” sabay lakaw na sindang pauli.

C. Post Reading Activity:

1. Comprehension Questions
a. Sa istorya aramon kun ano an nangyari ki Epoy kan dai siya
nagsunod sa saiyang ina?
b. Siisay an amigo ni Epoy?
c. Sain nag-iistar si Epoy?
d. Ano an tugon ni Mama Egay ki Epoy na dai niya dapat gibuhon?
e. Ano an ginibo ni Epoy?
f. Siisay an nag-agda saiya na magluwas? Tano masain sinda?
g. Ano an ginibo ni Epoy?
h. Tano ta nakaduman sa kumunoy si Epoy?
i. Ano an ginibo ni Epoy kan mahulog siya sa kumunoy?
j. Pano siya nadangog kan ibang elepante saka ni Ek-ek?
k. Pano siya tinabangan ni Ek-ek? Ano an ginibo ni Ek-ek?
l. Ano an dapat mong gibuhon kun may maray na ginibo para saimo
an saimong kapwa?
m. Tano ta dapat pirmi tang sunudon an mga tugon kan satong mga
n. Ano kaya an puwedeng mangyari sato kun dai kita masunod sa
satong mga magurang?
o. (Value): Base sa saimong eksperiyensiya, mag-istorya kan
nangyari kan ika dai nagsunod sa saimong ina.
p. (Theme): Sa saindong kumunidad, igwa ka man na nahihiling na
lugar na nakakahawig sa lugar na pinangyarihan kan istorya?
Pangaranan an mga ini.

2. Do the Matching Word Activity

a. Select the Matching Word Cards that the teacher prepared for the
Shared Reading Story.

b. Give one of the Matching Word cards to each of the pupil-
volunteers. One at a time, they put their cards under the word in
the story that is the same with the word in their cards. If they do it
correctly, read the word with them and praise them.
c. Tell the volunteers to point to the matching words in the story.

3. Do the Hide-a-Word Activity

a. Find the first sentence you chose for the Hide- A-Word activity.
Read that sentence with the pupils.
b. Hold a small piece of paper over one of the important words in
that sentence.
c. Reread the sentence with the pupils, including the word that is
d. Ask the pupils, “Which of the words in that sentence did I
e. If they say the correct word, uncover the word and praise them.
Then read the sentence again.
f. If they say the wrong word, point to the word they said and show
them that it is NOT the word that is covered. Read the sentence
again, using the pointer to show them the words they are reading.
Let them try to say the word again.
g. Do this with the other two “Hide-A-Word” sentences.

D. Guided Activity
"Grouping Activity” Divide the class into 5. Give each group a task. After
the presentation, have a discussion.

Group 1 - Draw the place where the story happened. “Sa Kabukidan”

Group 2 - Say something about the main characters, Epoy and Ek-ek.
“An mga Bida”
Group 3 - Act out how Ek-ek helps Epoy. “Light, Camera, Action!”

Group 4 - Write letters/notes that you can give to Epoy and to Ek-ek.
“Simple Notes”
Group 5 - Complete the sentence.”Fill in the Blanks”

Starting today, I will always__________

my parents so that I will not__________.

E. Identifying Antonyms
1. Teacher shows cut-out of elephant’s head with word written on it.
Give the opposite meaning of the word.

pinakahoben banggi alang

makusog maibabaw

2. Discuss: Antonyms are pair of words with opposite meanings.

3. After giving the meaning of the words, pupils use the words in
sentences.Let pupils give other pairs of sentences.

Day 2

A. Review:
1. What was the story read yesterday?
Ano an istoryang binasa kasuudma?

2. What is the story about?

Manungod sa ano an istorya?

3. Who are the characters in the story?

Sa irisay an mga tauhan sa istorya?

(Teacher writes the names of the characters on the board.)

Epoy Ek-ek Egay

 Teacher reads the names and pupils follow.

 What do you notice on the names written on the board?
 What is the beginning letter of the names? Ee
 Can you give other names that begin with letter Ee?
Edgar Emily Estong Efren Eden Erick

B. Presentation:
Aside from the names, here are some pictures of objects that begin with
letter Ee.

C. Modelling
1. Introducing letter Ww and its sound.
a. What is the initial letter of the names of the picture? Ee
b. What do you hear at the beginning of the names? /e/
c. Show letter card with big and small letter Ee. “This is letter Ee. It
gives the sound /e/. Teacher repeats the sound three times /e/ /e/
d. Teacher gives the names of the following pictures. Pupils repeat
after the teacher.

This is a picture of………/e/ /e/ /e/ ekis

………/e/ /e/ /e/ elise
………/e/ /e/ /e/ eroplano
….….../e/ /e/ /e/ eskuwela
…...…./e/ /e/ /e/ eskuwelahan
…....…/e/ /e/ /e/ espada
…......../e/ /e/ /e/ esperma

 Let each pupils produce the sound /e/.

2. Writing Letter Ee
a. Teacher shows the letter card with Ww made of cut-out
b. Teacher traces the cut-out letter with the finger while counting the
number of strokes.
c. Let all pupils trace the sandpaper letter and count the number of
d. Let them practice writing big and small letter Ww on the air, palm,
back of classmate, and on the desk using their finger.

D. Guided Practice:
1. Trace the broken lines to make letter Ee.
Talaon an putol-putol na linya tanganing makagibo nin letrang Ee.

2. Pagkabiton an mga tuldok tanganing makabilog nin letrang Ee.

3. Color the boxes red that have the same letter as the first box.
Kuluran nin pula an kahon na may kaparehong letra kan nasa inutan
na kahon,

4. Check the box with Ee.

Tsekan an kahon na may letrang Ee.
e W E E S R
f E H W E e
E W Y E d E

E. Independent Practice
1. Color the objects that have partner letters.
Kuluran an mga bagay na may magkapadis na letra.

2. Draw a line from the letter in the middle to all the letters in the box that
are the same as the letter in the middle.
Ikabit nin linya an letrang nasa laog kan bilog pasiring sa kaparehong
letra na nasa palibot kaini.

3. Look at the pictures. Connect the picture to Ee if it begins with the sound
Hilingon an mga ritrato. Ikabit sa letrang Ee an mga ritrato na nagpupuon
sa tanog na /e/.

Day 3

Primer Track Lesson (Key Letter Ee)

A. Review
Show pictures that begin with letter Ee. Give the initial sound before
saying the name of the pictures.

B. Presentation:
1. Present the Key Picture and Key Word: eroplano
Ipahiling an tampok na ritrato asin an tampok na tataramon.


a. What does the picture tell?

Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?

b. This is a picture of a_________.

Ini an ritrato kan____________.

c. Teacher points to the key word.
Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.

d. This is how we write the key word.

Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon
e. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.
f. Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa laog kan
kahon sa baba kan tampok na ritrato.

g. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.

Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang beses
kasabay an mga aki.

2. Syllable Box
a. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.

Ini an tampok na tataramon. An pagbasa kaini eroplano.

b. Point to each syllable as teacher reads it distinctly.

e ro pla no

Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan tampok na tataramon.

Babasahon ko an kada silaba, e ro pla no.

c. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do

this again and have the pupils clap with the teacher.
Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan nindo
ako sa pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada silaba.

3. Word Breaking
a. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable
box. Read it to and then with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read it to then with the pupils.
c. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and
reading it to and with the pupils.

d. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
e. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the pupils.


e rop la no




4. Word Making
a. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the-Word
column and reads the new letter with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the new
letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of the word
with the pupils.
c. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-Word
d. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight
column and read the word with the pupils.
e. Pupils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and make
the word together. Volunteers read alone.


e rop la no

eroplano e
eropla erop

erop eropla

e eroplano

5. Big Box

le te bo de

not e si mo

la rek kat li

ra ha no ses

a. Pupils read letters/syllables as teacher points to each box.

b. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as
pupils read.
c. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.
d. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
e. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.
f. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are

6. Finding the Words in the Big Box.

a. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the Big
b. These may be words they previously learned or other words they
have not learned/introduced by the teacher.
c. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.
d. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the
pupils. If not, another pupil points to the correct letters.
e. Write each new word on the chalkboard.
f. Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.

elisi bote likat sino

tela hala boses reklamo

g. Teacher chooses from among the generated words a word that

he/she may use in a sentence.

7. Sentence Breaking


e ro pla no

eroplano e

eropla ero

ero eropla

e eroplano

le te bo de

not e si mo

la rek kat li

ra ha no ses


May elisi an eroplano.

May elisi an

May elisi


a. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (elisi). Points to

it and reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the word
will be used to make a sentence.
b. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on
the left side.
c. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she
reads it with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-
making words directly under the same word above.

e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the
sentence with the pupils.
f. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the
sentence with the pupils.
h. Teacher writes the sentence-making word directly under the
same words in the rows above and reads it with the pupils.

8. Sentence Making


e ro pla no

eroplano e
eropla erop

erop eropla

e eroplano

le te bo de

not e si mo

la rek kat li

ra ha no ses


May elisi an eroplano. May

May elisi an May elisi

May elisi May elisi an

May May elisi an eroplano.

a. Teacher tells the pupils, “Now, we will make the sentence


b. Teacher writes the sentence-making word under the Big
Box on the right side.
c. Teacher points to the word as he/she reads it with the
d. Teacher writes the next biggest part of the sentence under
the sentence-making word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Now, teacher writes the entire sentence so that the
sentence-making word is just under the same word above.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the sentence with the

C. Guided Practice
1. Pupils read the words, phrases and sentences from key word, syllable
box, word-breaking, word-making, big box, new word, sentence-
breaking and sentence-making.
2. Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to


e ro pla no

eroplano e
eropla erop

erop eropla

e eroplano

le te bo de

not e si mo

la rek kat li

ra ha no ses


May elisi an eroplano. May

May elisi an May elisi

May elisi May elisi an

May May elisi an eroplano.

Day 4

A. Review:
1. What was the key word/key picture learned yesterday?
(Teacher shows the picture of the key word.)
2. Give names of objects that begin with /e/ sound.

B. Guided Practice:
1. Show letter card with letter Ee and other previously learned letters.
Let the pupils form syllables from the previously learned letters.
Let them write the syllable formed on a blank card.

2. “Word Building” Let pupils form words by blending the syllables

written on the card. Have them write the words on the show me board.
Encourage pupils to read the words.

3. Guided Reading: Guide pupils in reading the words, phrases, and

sentences with letter Ee and other previously learned letters:

eroplano elisi ekis lamesa
balde bayle bote boses
edad katre eskuwela eskuwelahan
Eba Elsa Elsie Emma

an eroplano an elisi
may eroplano may ekis
nasa eroplano bote asin balde
bote sa katre sa eskuwelahan

May bote sa katre. Ano an nasa katre? _____
Nasa eroplano si Elsa. Hain si Elsa? __________
May eroplano sa eskuwelahan. Ano an yaon sa eskuwelahan? ____
May ekis an elisi kan eroplano. Ano an nasa elisi kan eroplano? ____

C. Independent Practice:
Let pupils read orally from words, phrases and sentences.

Day 5

A. Review:
1. Teacher shows picture of objects that begin with letter Ee.
2. What is the key picture learned?
3. Give other name of objects that begin with letter Ee.

B. Guided Practice
“Phoneme Awareness”
1. Sa anong tanog nagpupuon an tataramon na eroplano? ______
2. Pira an tanog kan letra na madadangog sa tataramon na bote? ____
3. Anong tataramon an mabibilog kun pag-iiribahon an mga letrang e, k,
i, asin s? ______
4. Ano an bagong tataramon an mabibilog kun riribayan an tanog /b/ nin
/l/ sa tataramon na bote? ______
5. Magtao pa nin mga bagay na nagpupuon sa tanog na /e/? ______

C. Independent Practice
1. Listen as the teacher reads the word. Connect the word with the
correct picture.
Magdangog sa paratukdo mantang binabasa an mga tataramon.
Ikabit an tataramon sa tamang ritrato.

2. Write the missing syllable to complete the name of the picture.

Isurat an nawawarang silaba tanagning mabilog an pangaran kan
nasa ritrato.

3. Ispeling: Isurat an mga tataramon na ididikta kan paratukdo.
a. eroplano
b. elisi
c. ekis
d. bote
e. balde

4. Copy the following words and phrases.

Kupyahon an minasubod na mga tataramon na tama sa linya.
1. eroplano
2. elisi
3. ekis
4. ekis kan eroplano
5. bote sa balde

D. Post Assessment
1. Read the story with the teacher. Answer the following questions.
2. Teacher guides pupils to read the short story and answer questions
Basahon an istorya kasabay kan saindong paratukdo. Simbagan an
mga hapot pagkatapos magbasa.

An Eroplano ni Elmo
ni: Claire B. Barcelona

“Yeepee!” maugmahon na kurahaw kan kambal na sinda

Elmo asin Enso.
Eroplano, magayon na eroplano an regalo ni Tiyo Edmundo
sa kambal.
“Masdi baya Elmo an elisi kan eroplano ko. Ekis an elisi kan
eroplano,” an sabi ni Enso.
“Ay nata arog kaini an eroplano ko?” hapot ni Elmo.
“Daing elisi an eroplano mo, Elmo. Pano mo iyan
mapalayog?” dagdag na hapot ni Enso.
“Dai bali, Elmo, surusublian na sana kita kan ekis na elisi

kan eroplano ko,” pag-a-alo na sabi ni Enso.
“Mari na, Enso. Palayugon ta na an eroplano na regalo ni
Tiyo Edmundo.”

a. Siisay an magkambal ? _________

b. Ano an naresibe nindang regalo? _________
c. Siisay an nagregalo sa sainda? _________
d. Papano nagkaiba an eroplano ni Elmo sa eroplano ni Enso?
e. Ano kaya an gigibuhon nindang duwa sa saindang pagkawat nin
eroplano? _________


I. Objectives:
1. Listen and relate events in the story heard to personal experiences.
2. Observe some mechanics when copying/writing sentences:
Capitalization, white space between words and correct punctuation
3. Correctly spell previously studied words
4. Use the prepositions correctly in constructing own sentences
5. Begin to identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and multiple-
meaning words correctly.
6. Modify prior knowledge based on new knowledge from the story.
7. Make inferences on what is likely to happen next based on the events in
the story
8. Identify and recognize letter NGng and its sound /ng/
9. Read words, phrases, sentences and story with letter Ng and other
previously learned letters.

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Listening and relating events in the story heard to personal
2. Observing some mechanics when copying/writing sentences:
capitalization, white space between words and correct punctuation
3. Spelling previously studied words
4. Using the prepositions correctly in constructing own sentences
5. Beginning to identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and
multiple- meaning words correctly
6. Modifying prior knowledge based on new knowledge from the story.
7. Making inferences on what is likely to happen next based on the
events in the story
8. Identifying and recognizing letter NGng and its sound /ng/
9. Reading words, phrases, sentences and story with letter Ng and other
previously learned letters.

B. Reference: K+12 Curriculum, MTBMLE Indicators

C. Materials: pictures, syllable box, big box, flashcards
D. Theme: Important Places in our Community
E. Value: Respect people with disability

III. Procedure

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading Activity
1. Unlocking of Difficulties- unlock difficult words through action and
context clues.
a. ngungo - (Si Ange bako tanos kun magtaram ta siya sarong
b. hinagkos - (through action)
c. nagpadausdos - (present through picture and action)
d. kampanaryo- (through picture)

2. Motivation:
a. Nakahiling na kamo nin sarong tawo na bako tanos kun
b. Ano an ginibo mo saiya? Dapat ta daw siyang pagngisihan?

3. Motive Question:
Ano an naginibo ni Ange na nagpabago sa paghiling saiya kan mga

B. Reading the Story: Interactive Listening Story

Teacher tells the story using cutout pictures of the characters in the story.
Pupils listen. Teacher pauses once in awhile to ask question. Let pupils
predict what will happen next in the story.

An Ngungo sa Kampanaryo
Sinurat ni: Meriam Z. Tandog

Sa sarong lugar, may sarong dakulang simbahan. Ini ginibo pa kan

panahon nin mga Kastila. Igwa ini nin halangkaw na kampanaryo.
Takot an gabos na magsakat digdi nin huli ta halangkaw ining marhay.
Pero si Ange dai natatakot digdi. Si Ange iyo an aking
nagpapatugtog kan kampana sa simbahan na idto. Arualdaw siya ang
nagbabagting kan kampana duman sa simbahan.
Dawa sarong ngungo si Ange, dakul siyang mga amigo. Maray an
ugali niya, mabuot saka matinabang, pirming nakangisi sa lambang
tawong masabatan.
Sarong aldaw, yaon si Ange sa may saudan kan madangog niya an
kurahaw. “Baka mahulog iyan, herak man!” sabi kan saro. “Ano na
kayang aki iyan ta nagsakat diyan. Hain daw an mga magurang
kaiyan?” kurahaw kan saro.
“Nagpapalupad daa iyan nin buradol, nasabit sa may kampanaryo,
sinakat para kuahon, pero napalis su bitis kaya nagbibitay-bitay sa may
bintana,” sabi man kan saro.
Nahiling ni Ange na an tawo paduman gabos sa may simbahan
kaya siya nagdalagan man. Nahiling niya na may sarong aki na nag-
kakabit-kabit sa bintana. Pagal na ini saka nagpaparahibi. Dali-daling
suminakat si Ange sa kampanaryo, kuminua nin lubid na yaon sa may
kampanaryo, hinagkos niya ini sa saiyang habayan saka nagduman sa
may bintana kan kampanaryo.

“Ae ka atakot. Ae ka lang butas sa bintana ta kukuon ta ka.”
Pakasabi kaidto tulos na nagkulambitay si Ange sa mga bintana.
Pagrani niya sa aki sinabihan niya ini, “Marani ako saimo, magbaba ka
sa likod ko, ae ka magbutas sa liog ko.” Nagtango an aki saka nagbaba
sa likod ni Ange. Pagkatapos nagpadarusdos siya sa lubid pababa
kaiba an aki na nasa likod niya.
Nag-urupakan an mga tawo pakababa kan duwa. “Mabuhay si
Ange! Mabuhay si Ange!” kurahaw kan mga tawo. Nagdalagan an mga
magurang kan aki saka pinasalamatan si Ange. “Salamat Ange, kun
mayo ka baka nahulog na si Nguyen.”
Puon kaidto dakul ng nagpapadangat ki Ange. Ugma an mga tawo ki
Ange ta dawa ini ngungo, may karahayan na nagigibo ini.

C. Post Reading Activity

1. Comprehension Questions:
a. Ano an naginibo ni Ange na nagpabago sa paghiling saiya kan
mga tawo?
b. Siisay si Ange?
c. Sain siya pirmi nahihiling?
d. Ano an saiyang ginigibo sa kampanaryo?
e. Anong klase nin aki si Ange?
f. Tano ta dai siya pig-iintindi kan mga tawo?
g. Ano an nangyari sarong aldaw kan si Ange nasa saudan?
h. Ano an nangyari sa aki?
i. Tano daw ta nagkatarakot an mga tawo na nakahiling sa saiya?
j. Ano an ginibo ni Ange tanganing maisalbar an aki?
k. Natabangan daw ni Ange an aki na nasa itaas kan kampanaryo?
l. Kun ika si Ange, gigibuhon mo man daw an ginibo niyang
pagtabang sa aki? Tano iyo? Tano ta dae?

Value: Ano an dapat gibuhon kun nakahiling ka nin tawo na may

kakundian? Tano ta ini an gigibuhon mo?

a. Nakahiling na kamo nin kampanaryo?
b. Igwa man kamo kaini sa saindong lugar?
c. Tano ta importante ini sa sato? Sa mga tawo? Asin sa sarong

Day 2

A. Review:
1. What was the story yesterday? Who is the main character in the
Ano an istoryang nadangog kasuudma? Siisay an nanginginot na
tauhan sa istorya?

2. Give the exact name of the main character in the story?
Itao an eksaktong pangaran kan nanginginot na tauhan sa istorya?

3. Write the name correctly on the paper. (Observe capitalization.)

Isurat nin tama an pangaran sa papel.

B. Presentation
1. The name of the character in the story is Ange.
An pangaran kan tauhan sa istorya iyo si Ange.
2. Describe Ange. What can you say about her?
Iladawan si Ange. Ano an masasabi mo sa saiya?
3. In the names Ange and Ngungo, what letters are the same?
Sa mga pangaran na Ange asin ngungo, anong mga letra an
nahihiling nindo na magkapareho? Ng
4. Can you give other words with letters Ng?
Makakatao man daw kamo nin mga tataramon na igwa nin mga
letrang Ng?
5. Here are some words and pictures with letters Ng. (Teacher shows
Uya an mga tataramon asin mga ritrato na igwa nin mga letrang Ng.
(Ipapahiling kan paratukdo an mga ritrato.)

Grammar: Gamit kan an / an mga

6. Present pictures using an / an mga.
7. Nuarin puwedeng gamitin an panandang an? an mga?
8. Magdrowing gamit an an asin an mga.

a. an sanga an mga sanga

b. an dungo an mga dungo
c. an sungay an mga sungay

C. Modeling
1. Introducing letter NGng and its sound /ng/.
What are the beginning letters of the names in the pictures? Ng
Ano an mga inot na letra kan mga pangaran kan nasa ritrato? Ng
This is a picture of …../ng/ /ng/ /ng/ nguso
….../ng/ /ng/ /ng/ ngabil
….../ng/ /ng/ /ng/ nganga
….../ng/ /ng/ /ng/ ngisi
2. Show flashcard with big and small letter NG ng.
Ipahiling ang flashcard na igwa nin dakula asin sadit na letrang Ng.

3. Introduce letter Ng with the sound /ng/.
Ipabisto ang letrang Ng sa tanog na /ng/.

4. Teacher produces the /ng/ sound. Repeat for several times and pupils
Papatanugon kan paratukdo an tanog na /ng/. Ipautro ini sa mga aki
nin magkapirang beses.

5. Let each pupil produce the sound /ng/.

Ipatanog sa kada aki an tanog na /ng/.

6. Writing letter NGng

a. Show the proper hand strokes in writing letter NGng.
b. Let pupils write the letter on the air, palm, back of their classmate,
and on the desk using their finger.
c. “Show Me Board” Write big and small NGng 5 times on a magic
slate or mini-board. Pupils show the magic slate or mini-board to
the class.

D. Guided Practice
1. Color the objects that have partner letters.
Kuluran an mga bagay na igwa nin magkapadis na letra.

2. Trace letter NGng using the broken lines.

Talaon an mga putol-putol na linya tanganing makagibo nin letrang

3. Connect the dots to form letter Ngng.
Pagkabiton an mga tuldok tanganing makabilog nin letrang Ngng.

E. Independent Practice
1. Draw a line from each letter in a circle to the same letter inside the
Idugtong nin linya an bilog asin rektanggulo na may magkaparehong

2. Color the boxes red that have the same sound as the first box. Listen
as the teacher produces the sound.

Kuluran nin pula an mga kahon na may kaparehong tanog arog kan
tanog kan nasa inutan. Magdangog sa paratukdo mantang itinatao an

Day 3

Primer Track Lesson (Key Letter- NGng)

A. Review:
a. What is the name of the character in the story? Ange
Ano an pangaran kan aki na nasa istorya? Ange
b. What other objects begin with /ng/? (Show again words that begin
with /ng/)
Ano-ano pang mga bagay an nagpupuon sa tanog na /ng?
c. Teacher shows the pictures, produce the sound before naming each.

Nguso Ngabil Nganga Ngisi

B. Presentation:
1. Present the Key Picture and Key Word: nguso


a. What does the picture tell?

Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?

b. This is a picture of a_________.
Ini an ritrato kan____________.

c. Teacher points to the key word.

Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.

d. This is how we write the key word.

Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon.

e. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.
Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa laog kan
kahon sa baba kan tampok na ritrato.
f. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.
Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang beses
kasabay an mga aki.

2. Syllable Box
a. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.

Ini an tampok na tataramon. An pagbasa kaini nguso.

b. Point to each syllable as teacher reads it distinctly.

ngu so

Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan tampok na tataramon.

Babasahon ko an kada silaba, ngu so.

c. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do this
again and have the pupils clap with the teacher.
Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan nindo ako sa
pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada silaba.

3. Word Breaking
a. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable
box. Read it to and then with the pupils.

b. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read it to then with the pupils.
c. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and
reading it to and with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above.
Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
e. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the pupils.


ngu so



4. Word Making
a. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the-Word
column and reads the new letter with the pupils.
b. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the new
letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of the word
with the pupils.
c. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-Word
d. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight
column and read the word with the pupils.
e. Pupils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and make
the word together. Volunteers read alone.


ngu so

nguso ngu

ngu nguso

5. Big Box

ngo nga ngu ngi

du ku li pon

pa la ta pi

bi ko da ha

a. Pupils read letters/syllables as teacher points to each box.

b. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as
pupils read.
c. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.
d. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
e. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.
f. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are

6. Finding the Words in the Big Box.

a. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the
Big Box.
b. These may be words they previously learned or other words
they have not learned/introduced by the teacher.
c. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.
d. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the
pupils. If not, another pupil points to the correct letters.
e. Write each new word on the chalkboard.
Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.

ngo nga ngu ngi

du ku li pon

pa la ta pi

bil ko da ha

tango ngungo ngipon ngabil

talinga dungo lingo hanga

panga pango tanga pangako

f. Teacher chooses from among the generated words a word

that he/she may use in a sentence.


7. Sentence Breaking


ngu so

nguso ngu
ngu nguso

ngo Nga ngu ngi

du Ku la da

pa La ta pi

bi Ko da ha


An ngipon kan ngungo.

An ngipon kan

An ngipon


a. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (ngipon), points

to it and reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the
word will be used to make a sentence.
b. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on
the left side.
c. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she
reads it with the pupils.
d. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-
making words directly under the same word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the
sentence with the pupils.
f. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.
Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence
with the pupils.
g. Teacher writes the sentence-making word directly under the
same words in the rows above and reads it with the pupils.

8. Sentence Making


ngu so

nguso ngu
ngu nguso

ngo Nga ngu Ngi

du Ku la Da

pa La ta Pi

bi Ko da Ha


An ngipon kan ngungo. An

An ngipon kan An ngipon

An ngipon An ngipon kan

An An ngipon kan ngungo.

a. Teacher tells the pupils, “Now, we will make the sentence

b. Teacher writes the sentence-making word under the Big
Box on the right side.
c. Teacher points to the word as he/she reads it with the
d. Teacher writes the next biggest part of the sentence under
the sentence-making word above.
e. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the part of the sentence
with the pupils.
f. Now, teacher writes the entire sentence so that the
sentence-making word is just under the same word above.
g. Teacher uses the pointer and reads the sentence with the

C. Guided Practice
1. Pupils read the words, phrases and sentences from key word, syllable
box, word-breaking, word-making, big box, new word, sentence-
breaking and sentence-making.
2. Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to


ngu so

nguso ngu
ngu nguso

ngo Nga ngu Ngi

du Ku la Da

pa La ta Pi

bi Ko da Ha


An ngipon kan ngungo. An

An ngipon kan An ngipon

An ngipon An ngipon kan

An An ngipon kan ngungo.

Day 4

A. Review:
1. What was the key word learned yesterday? (Teacher shows the key
2. What is the sound heard at the beginning of the key word?
3. “Sound a Card” Teacher shows cards with previously learned letters
and the recently introduced letter NGng. As the teacher shows the
card pupils sound the letter.

B. Presentation
1. Introduce new syllables with the sound of Ng. Pupils read the

nga nge ngi ngo ngu

ang eng ing ong ung

2. “Building Syllables” Teacher places on the board the letter cards

with letters previously learned.
3. Call pupils to join two or three letters to make a syllable. Write the
generated syllables on card and place them on the Big Box.

C. Modelling

“Building Words” When the Big Box is complete with the generated
syllables. It’s time to build words by joining two or three syllables together.
Encourage pupils to form words as many as they can.

D. Guided Practice:
1. Group Activity: Group pupils into 5. Give each group sets of syllables
from the learned letters. The group with the most number of generated
words will be declared as winner.


ngo nga ngu ngi

du ku la da

pa la ta pi

bi ko da ha

2. Guided Reading: “Growing Words” Teacher reads with pupils the

lists of generated words, phrases and sentences with previously
learned letters.

nguso ngipon arong banggi
angas nganga ngisi ngana
ungos angog ngani sagang
nguna sangat inggo ngungo
sanga nguniyan singsing alang
aling aragirang dangan duling
langsa pirong bangkag bangko
datong harong pangaran ngabil
dungo gurang halakbang halangkaw
kamang pisngi ngaran kulang
angay atang bunga bungog
saldang salming sangli sungay
tamong tangkal tangkas tanglay
sungka tangka ranga banga

ngabil kan ngungo aragirang an dahon
langsa kan sira arong sa angog
pirong an mata arong sa pisngi
datong sa gurang halangkaw na bangko

Mapula an ngabil kan ngungo.
Siisay an mapula an ngabil?______________

Malangsa an sira
Ano an parong kan sira? ______________

Pirong an mata kan ngungo

Siisay an pirong an mata? ______________

An datong para sa gurang

Para kiisay an datong? ______________

Aragirang an dahon kan mangga

Ano na an dahon kan mangga? ______________

May arong sa angog an ngungo.

Hain an arong kan ngungo? ______________

\ May arong sa pisngi si Ange

Siisay an may arong sa pisngi? ______________

E. Post Assessment
Pupils read the new words, phrases and sentences by volunteers, by
two’s, or by group.

Day 5

A. Review:
Teacher shows card with previously learned syllables. Pupils read.

ang eng ing ong ung

B. Enrichment Activities
1. Listen as teacher names the picture. What is the missing syllable?
Place the flash card of the correct syllable on the blank.
Magdangog sa paratukdo. Ano an nawawarang letra? Itangod an
tamang silaba na nasa flashcard para mabilog an tataramon.

2. Teacher gives picture and pupils connect the picture with the correct
word. Then, teacher read the word as pupils listen.
Ipapahiling kan paratukdo an mga ritrato mantang sinasabi an mga
pangaran kaini. Ikabit an ritrato sa pangaran kaini.

3. Ring the correct name of the picture on the left.

Bilugan an tamang pangaran kan nasa ritrato.

4. Phoneme Awareness
a. Ano an inot na tanog an madadangog sa tataramon na nguso
b. Ano an bagong tataramon na mabibilog kun riribayan nin /ta/ an
/so/ sa tataramon na nguso? ______
c. Ano an tataramon an mabibilog kun pagsasararuon an mga
letrang ng, a, b, i, l?______
d. Ano an bagong tataramon an mabibilog kun riribayan nin ya an so
sa tataramon na nguso? ______
e. Magtao pa nin mga tataramon na nagpupuon sa tanog na /ng/

5. Spelling
a. nguso
b. ngabil
c. nganga
d. ngisi
e. sanga

C. Post Assessment:
Teacher reads the short story with the pupils
Answer the questions below.
Basahon an istorya kasabay an saindong paratukdo
Simbagan an mga hapot pagkatapos magbasa.

Mangilong Ngipon
ni: Claire B. Barcelona

“Nganga, Nena, ngana.”

“Ngirit, Nena, ngirit,” an karaw na sabi ni Nonong.

Maputi an ngipon ni Nena. Mapula-pula an ngabil niya.

Magayon man an arong niya sa may dungo.

“ Nata ta nakapamurungkuan ka, Nena?” hapot ni Nonong.

“Mangilo kaya an ngipon ko, Nonong,” mamundong simbag ni Nena.

“Nagparakaon kaya ako nin manggang hilaw,” dagdag pa niya.

“Hay, Nena, dahil sa mangga, mangilo an ngipon mo. Kaya palan

dai ka nagnganganga asin nagngingirit,” an paulok na sambit ni

1. Siisay an nagkakaraw ki Nena? ______

2. Ano an pigpapagibo kaini ki Nena? ______
3. Nagsunod daw si Nena sa pigpagibo saiya? Tano? ______
4. Ano an namamatian ni Nena? ______
5. Tano ta nagngilo an ngipon ni Nena? ______

Ispeling: Isurat an mga tataramon na ididikta kan paratukdo.

1. ngabil
2. mangga
3. dungo
4. panga
5. alang


I. Objectives:
1. Listen and retell a story, legends, school and community events and
local news in summary form
2. Give the summary of the propaganda and advertisements listened to
3. Use the directional (ito-ini; iyon-ito)
4. Begin to identify and use words with multiple meanings correctly
5. Write words and phrases, sentences and paragraph correctly

II. Subject Matter:

A. Skills:
1. Listening and retelling a story, legends, school and community events
and local news in summary form
2. Giving the summary of the propaganda and advertisements listened
3. Using the directional (ito-ini; iyon-ito)
4. Identifying and using words with multiple meanings correctly
5. Writing words and phrases, sentences and paragraph correctly

B. Story: An Magkaereskuwela
Sinurat ni: Emy B. Barja
C. Reference: K+12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Indicators,
D. Materials: advertisement, pictures of activity sheets
E. Theme: Our Cultural Music
F. Value: Appreciating Music

III. Procedure:

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading:
1. Unlocking of difficult words:
a. Teacher unlocks the difficult words found in the story through:
pictures – gamgam, lawog
b. context clues – suanoy
*An mga suanoy na kanta dawa luma na magayon pagdangogon
asin madaling kantahon.
c. action/gestures – palabyugon, nangalagkalag, ipadya

2. Motivation:
a. What do you do when you come to school early?
Ano an piggigibo mo kun ika atab na nag-abot sa eskuwelahan?
b. Introduce the big book. Display the cover. Read aloud the title
author and illustrator.
Ipamidbid an libro. Ipahiling an cover. Basahon an titulo buda an

c. What do you see in the cover?
Ano an nahihiling mo sa patos/cover kaining libro?

3. Motive Question:
What did the children do before the class begins?
Ano an piggibo kan mga aki bago nagpuon an klase?

B. During Reading:
Interactive Reading: Teacher reads the story “An Magkaereskuwela”
while pupils interact to the teacher’s question.

An Magkaeskuwela
Sinurat ni: Emy B. Barja

Atab na nag-eskuwela si Ana. Pag-abot niya sa saindang

eskuwelahan sarado pa an saindang kuwarto.
“Marhay pa magkaranta kita buda magsarayaw,” sabi ni Ana sa
saiyang mga kaeskuwela. “Magkaraag kita ki burak sa satong talinga,”
suriyaw ni Ana.
“Ining burak na kapot ko an gagamiton ko,” an taramon ni Nena.
“May mga burak su gumamela duman sa gilid kan kudal. Ito an
puwedeng garamiton kan iba,” an sabi ni Ana. Itinuro ni Ana an mga
gumamela ngani madali makua kan mga kaeskuwela.
Nagdaralagan pa so ibang aki ngani magharanap ki burak.
“Nakapurot ako ki natakdag na burak sa may puon kan rosal. Ini an
ikakaag ko sa talinga,” sabi ni Perla.
“Yaraon na gabos. Magkaranta na kita,” agda ni Ana.
Maugmang nagkakaranta so mga aki kan bigla na sanang,
“Hu…hu…hu…. dai na ako mabali. Dai man ako nakakua ki burak,”
naghihibing nagtaram si Dolores.
“Dai na maghibi, Dolores. Iba na sana an kantahon ta,” sabay-
sabay na sabi kan mga aki.
“Ako an makanta,” sabi ni Perla.
“Ika an magsayaw, Rosa,” sabi ni Mario. “Dai na kita makaag ki
burak sa talinga,” dagdag pa ni Mario.
“Sige. Sisay an matao kan puon kan kanta?” hapot ni Dolores.
“Kakantahon nguna ni Perla nganing masabayan ta,” an simbag ni
“Itinuro an kantang iyan kan satong paratukdo,” dagdag ni Ana.
“Makaranta na kita,” agda ni Dolores.

Tolong butang kino

Nagsurok sa luho
Kun naglalakaw
Kun naglalakaw

Ining sarong kino

Na harani sako
Kun naghihiro
Kun naghihiro

Itong sa harayo
Kaiba so saro
Sa ibabaw kan pugon.

“Aram nindo an kantang ‘Sarong Banggi’?” hapot ni Dolores.

“Iyo,” sabay-sabay na simbag kan mga magkaereskuwela. “Pirmi mi
ngani iyan pigkakanta sa harong.”
Magayon na kinanta kan mga aki an “Sarong Banggi.”
Sarong banggi sa higdaan
Nakadangog ako nin huni nin sarong gamgam
Salubako, katurugan, bako kundi
Simong boses iyo palan
Dagos ako bangon si sakuyang mata iminuklat
Itong kadikluman na ito ako nangalagkalag
Kaso ihiling ko si sakuyang mata sa itaas
Simong lawog nahiling ko maliwanag
“Marhay palan pagkantahon an mga suanoy na kanta,” sabi ni Ana.
“Makaugmahon pa buda pasil sunudon,” sabi ni Dolores.
“Kaya makanta pa kita ki saro,” dagdag ni Selya.
Taod-taod uminabot an sarong babayi, binuksan niya an kuwarto
kan mga aki.
“Magayunon an mga pigkakaranta nindo mga aki!” komentaryo
“Aram nindo na igwa kitang pakontes sa pagkanta nin mga suanoy
sa maabot na Biyernes.” “Marhay pa basahon nindo taod-taod an
pagirumdom na nakadukot sa may opisina kan principal,” dagdag pa
Sarabay na nagduruman sa may opisina an mga aki. Nahiling ninda
an pagirumdom na pigsabi kan saindang paratukdo.

C. Post Reading Activity:

1. Engagement Activity:

Group 1: What did the children do before the class begins?

Draw the scene.
Ano an ginibo kan mga aki bago nagpuon an klase?

Group 2: How did the children comfort Dolores? Act it out.

Pano nilinga si Dolores kan saiyang mga kaeskuwela?

Group 3: What did the children sing? Present it in front of the class.
Ano an kinanta kan kan mga aki? Kantahon ini sa klase.

Group 4: Compose a simple Bikol song depicting our culture.

Magkumposo ki simpleng kantang Bikol na nagpapahiling
kan satuyang kultura.

a. What did the children do before the class begins?

*Group1 presents
Ano an piggibo kan mga aki bago magpuon an klase?
* Inot na grupo

b. Who asked the children to sing?

Sisay an nag-agda sa mga aki na magkaranta?

c. Where did Ana stand?

Sain nagtindog si Ana?

d. Who cried?
Sisay an naghibi?

e. Why did she cry?

Nata siya naghibi?

f. How did the children comfort Dolores?

*Group 2 presentsPano nilinga si Dolores kan saiyang mga
kaeskuwela?*Iarte kan ika duwang grupo

g. If you were Dolores, would you cry also? Why? Why not?
Kun ika si Dolores, mahibi ka man? Nata? Nata dai?

h. What did the children sing?

*Group three presents
Ano an kinanta kan mga aki?Ipadangog kan ika tulong grupo

i. Did you like the song that we sang?

j. Which do you prefer, the songs that you hear over the radio or
our local songs that depict our culture? Why? Why not?

k. What should we do with our local songs?

 Nagustuhan nindo su satong kinanta?
 Arin an mas muya nindo? Mga kantang nadadangog nindo
sa radyo o mga sadiri tang kanta na nagpapahiling kan
satuyang kultura? Nata? Nata habo?
 Ano an dapat gibuhon sa satuyang mga sadiring kanta?

 How do you feel when you sing our own local songs?
 What other local songs do you know?

 Can you also make/compose your own local song that depicts
our culture?
*Group four presents
 Ano an saindong namati kan kamo nagkanta kan sadiri
tang mga kanta?
 Ano pang mga sadiri tang kanta an aram nindo?
 Kaya man daw nindong maggibo o magkumposo ki
mga sadiring kanta na nagpapahiling kan satuyang
 Ipadangog kan ikaapat na grupo

Day 2

Skill Focus: (Listening)

A. Presentation:
1. Let the pupils listen to the advertisement again.


Ano? : Pakontes sa Pagkanta nin mga Suanoy

Nuarin?: Oktubre 19, 2012; Biyernes; ala-una kan hapon
Sain? : Social Hall kan Eskuwelahan
Sisay an Pwede Magbali?: Mga Grupo ki Eskwela
puon sa Grade I hanggang Grado VI
An gabos na gusto magbali pwede nan magpalista ngunyan hanggang
October 12 ki Juliana Cabrelles,
Grado VI, sekretarya kan Music Club.

2. What was the advertisement about?

Manungod sa ano an pagirumdom?

3. When would the contest happen?

Nuarin gigibuhon an kontes?

4. Where would the contest be conducted?

Sain gigibuhon an kontes?

5. Who could join the contest?

Sisay an puwede magbali sa kontes?

6. Till when would the registration be?

Hanggang nuarin puwede magpalista an gusto magbali?

7. Who was the in-charge of the registration?

Sisay an puwede palistahan kan mabali?

8. If you would join the said contest, what details should you remember?
Kun ika mabali man sa sinabing kontes, anong mga detalye an dapat
mong rumdumon?

B. Guided Discussion:
1. “Let’s Recall”
a. Let the pupils recall the advertisement.
1. What details are found in the advertisement?
Anong mga detalye an nasa pagirumdom?

2. What questions are answered by these details?

Anong mga hapot an pigsimbag kaining mga detalye?

3. Are these details important in an advertisement? Why?

Importante kaya ining mga detalyeng ini sa pagirumdom?

4. What do you think will happen if an advertisement has

incomplete information?
Ano an puwedeng mangyari kun an pagirumdom kulang an
impormasyon na ipigtatao?

5. If we will summarize the advertisement, what information shall

we include?
Kun satong bibilugon an pagirumdom, anong mga
impormasyon an isasabay ta?

6. Give the summary of the advertisement in the story.

Itao an kabilugan kan pagirumdom na nasa istorya.

b. Generalization
How do we summarize an advertisement?
Paano ta maitatao an kabilugan kan sarong pagirumdom?

2. “Practice More” (Pair Activity)

a. Let the pupils identify and supply the missing information in the
following advertisement.

Ano? : Sarayawan sa Eskuwelahan
Nuarin?: _________; __________; __________
Sain? : _________
Sisay an mga Kabali?: Mga Grupo ki ______ puon Grado I
hanggang Grado VI
An gabos na gusto maghiling puwedeng magkua ki tiket sa
mga opisyales kan School Dance Club.

b. What details are missing in the advertisement?
Anong mga detalye an kulang sa pagirumdom?

c. Complete the advertisement by giving the needed information?

Kumpletuhon an pagirumdom sa paagi nin pagtao kan kaipuhan
na impormasyon?

3. “Let’s Apply” (Individual Activity)

a. Let the pupils write the summary of the following advertisement.

Sisay? : Mga Eskwela
Ano? : Programang Pangkultura
Nuarin?: Oktubre 22, 2012; Lunes; ala-una kan hapon
Sain? : Sa Gymnasium kan Eskwelahan
Sisay an mga Kabali?: Mga Miyembro kan School Dance
An gabos na gusto maghiling puwedeng magkua ki tiket sa
mga opisyales kan School Dance Club.

b. Summarize the advertisement above by filling the blanks with the

missing details.

Bilugon an pagirumdom sa paagi nin pagkaag kan tamang detalye

sa kada blangko.

Iniimbitaran an gabos na __________ na maghiling

kan ____________ na gigibuhon sa Oktubre 22, 2012,
___________, __________ sa __________ kan
An mga kabali sa programa iyo an mga miyembro
kan ___________. An mga ___________ kan nasabing
grupo an matao kan mga tiket para sa programa.

Day 3

Skill Focus: (Grammar Awareness)

A. Presentation:
1. Let the pupils sing again the song “Tolong Butang Kino” from the
Tolong Butang Kino

Tolong butang kino Ining sarong kino
Nagsurok sa luho Na harani sako
Kun naglalakaw Kun naghihiro
Kun naglalakaw Kun naghihiro
Nagtiriko-tiko. Nagkikiro-kiro.

Itong sa harayo
Kaiba so saro
Sa ibabaw kan pugon.

2. Let the pupils answer the following questions.

a. How many rats were mentioned in the song?
Pirang kino an nabanggit sa kanta?

b. What did they do?

Ano an ginibo ninda?

c. How did they walk?

Paano sinda naglakaw?

d. How many rats were near the narrator in the song?

Pirang kino an harani sa nagsasabi sa kanta?

e. What word in the song showed the location of the rat?

Anong tataramon an ginamit ngani ipahiling an kinamumugtakan
kan kino?

f. When we use ini, what is the location of the thing referred to in

relation to the position of the speaker?
Pag piggamit ta an ini, ano an lokasyon kan bagay na ipigtuturo
kan nagtataram?

B. Guided Activity:
1. “Let’s Recall”
Let the pupils read the sentences from the story.
 “Ining kapot kong burak an gagamiton ko,” an taramon ni Nena.
 “Ini an ikakaag ko sa talinga,” sabi ni Perla.

2. “Let’s Learn More”

Ask the pupils:

Haputon an mga aki:

 Sain nakakaag so burak na gagamiton ni Nena?
 Ano an ginamit niyang tataramon ngani ipahiling an
kinamumugtakan kan burak?

 Ano an lokasyon kan bagay na ipigtuturo kun an piggamit na
tataramon ini?
 Sain nakua ni Perla an burak na gagamiton niya?
 Hain so burak kan sabihon niya na ito an gagamiton niya?
 Anong tataramon an ginamit ni Perla sa pagturo kan burak na
kapot niya?
 Nata ta an tataramon na ini an ginamit niya?
 Nuarin gagamiton an ini sa pagturo ki bagay?
 Sabihon sa mga aki na an tataramon na ini piggagamit sa pagturo
kan mga bagay na harani sa nagtataram.

3. Generalization:
When do we use ini?
Nuarin ta gagamiton an tataramon na ini?

C. Independent Activity:
1. “Let’s Do It Together”
Dyad: Call pupils by pair. One pupil gets an object found inside the
classroom and gives it to the other child who then gives a sentence
about that object using ini.

Pagpadison an mga aki. An sarong aki makua ki bagay na nasa laog

kan kwarto. Itatao niya ini sa kapartner niya na siyang matao ki
pangungusap manungod sa bagay na ito gamit an tataramon na ini.

2. “Tell Me What”
Complete the sentence with the correct word in showing location as
shown in the picture.
Kumpletuhon an pangungusap nin tamang taramon sa pagturo kan
lokasyon kan bagay base sa ipigpapahiling sa litrato.

D. Evaluation:
1. Fill the blank with ini to complete the idea.
Isurat sa blangko an ini nganing makumpleto an ideya.

Day 3

Skill Focus: (Grammar Awareness)

A. Presentation:
1. Let the pupils sing again the song “Tolong Butang Kino” from the

Tolong Butang Kino

Tolong butang kino Ining sarong kino

Nagsurok sa luho Na harani sako
Kun naglalakaw Kun naghihiro
Kun naglalakaw Kun naghihiro
Nagtiriko-tiko. Nagkikiro-kiro.
Itong sa harayo
Kaiba so saro
Sa ibabaw kan pugon.
2. How many rats were mentioned in the third stanza of the song?
Pirang kino an nabanggit sa pantolong stanza kan kanta?

3. What did the rats do?

Ano ang ginibo ninda?

4. Where did they jump?
Sain sinda nagturon-turon?

5. Were they near or far from the narrator in the song?

Harayo kaya sinda o harani sa nag-iistorya sa kanta?

6. What word in the song was used to show the position of these rats?
Anong tataramon an ginamit ngani ipahiling an lokasyon kan mga
kinong ini?

7. When we say ito, what is the location of the thing referred to?
Pag pigsabi tang ito, ano an lokasyon kan bagay na ipigtuturo?

B. Guided Activity:
1. “Let’s Recall”
Let the pupils read the sentences from the story.
 “Ito an pwedeng garamiton kan iba,” an sabi ni Ana.

2. “Let’s Learn More”

Ask the pupils:

Haputon an mga aki:

 Sain makua kan burak ki gumamela so ibang mga aki?
 Sisay an nagturo kan mga burak na ini?
 Ano an kinamumugtakan kan mga burak na ini, harayo o harani ki
 Anong tataramon an ginamit ni Ana sa pagturo kan bagay na
harayo saiya?
 Sain makukua an bagay na ipigtuturo kun an piggamit na taramon
 Nuarin piggagamit an tataramon na ito sa pagturo ki bagay?
 Sabihon sa mga aki na an tataramon na ito piggagamit sa pagturo
kan mga bagay na harayo sa nagtataram.

3. Generalization:
a. When do we use ito?
b. Nuarin ta gagamiton an tataramon na ito?

C. Independent Activity: “Let’s Do It Together”

 Dyad: Call pupils by pair. One pupil points to an object found inside
the classroom. The other one gives a sentence about it using ito.
Pagpadison an mga aki. An sarong aki maturo ki bagay na nasa
laog kan kuwarto. Su sarong aki mataram ki pangungusap
manungod kaini na gagamitan ki ito.

D. “Tell Me What”

2. Complete the sentence with ito to show the location of the object
being shown in the picture.
Kumpletuhon an mga pangungusap gamit an ito ngani ipahiling an
kinamumugtakan kan bagay na ipigtuturo sa ritrato.

E. Evaluation:

Day 5

A. “Blast from the Past”

1. Read the following words:
Basahon an mga minasunod na tataramon:

2. Read the following phrases:
Basahon an mga minasunod na grupo ki tataramon:
puon kan rosal puon kan kanta
itinuro an gumamela itinuro an kanta

3. Read the following sentences.

Basahon an mga pangungusap.
Nakapurot ako ki burak sa may puon kan rosal.
Sisay an matao kan puon kan kanta?

Itinuro ni Ana an mga gumamela nganing madali makua.

Itinuro an kantang iyan kan satong paratukdo.
Ipabasa an mga tataramon ki sabayan, grupo, duwahan, asin solo.

B. “Mind Stretch”
1. Read the sentences taken from the story.\
Basahon an mga pangungusap na kinua sa istorya.
a. Nakapurot ako ki burak sa may puon kan rosal.
b. Sisay an matao kan puon kan kanta?
c. Itinuro ni Ana an mga gumamela.
d. Itinuro an kantang iyan kan satong paratukdo.

2. Let’s understand the meaning of some words used in the sentences.

a. Sabuton ta an kahulugan kan ibang tataramon na ginamit sa
b. Answer the following questions.
Simbagon an mga minasunod na hapot.
 Sain napurot su burak?
 Ano an gustong sabihon kan puon sa inot na pangungusap?
 Anong parte kan kanta an itatao?
 Ano an gustong sabihon kan puon sa ikaduwang
 Ano an gustong sabihon kan puon sa duwang pangungusap,
magkapareho o bako?
 Pirang magkaibang kahulugan igwa an tataramon na puon sa
 Ano an ginibo ni Ana nganing makua tulos su gumamela?
 Ano an gustong sabihon kan itinuro sa ikatulong
 Ano an ginibo kan paratukdo sa kantang kakantahon kan mga
 Ano an gustong sabihon kan itinuro sa ikaapat na
 Ano an gustong sabihon kan itinuro sa duwang pangungusap,
magkapareho o bako?
 Pirang magkaibang kahulugan igwa an tataramon na itinuro
sa istorya?

 An puon buda itinuro mga tataramon na igwa nin sobra sa
sarong kahulugan. An pagkakaiba sa kahulugan kan mga
tataramon na ini depende sa pagkagamit sainda sa

C. “Now I Know”
1. Add words to the word inside the circle to form sentences.
Dagdagan ki mga tataramon an tataramon sa laog kan bilog ngani
makagibo ki pangungusap.



2. Write the sentences given by the pupils on the board.

Isurat an mga pangungusap na itinao kan mga aki.

3. Let the pupils read the sentences.

Ipabasa sa mga aki.

D. Guided Practice:
Identify the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. Choose from
the meanings inside the box.
Aramon an kahulugan kan tataramon na may linya sa pangungusap.
Pilion an tamang kahulugan sa laog kan kahon.

a. parte kan lawas
b. parte kan prutas
c. bakong turog

1. Mapungay an mata kan aking ini.

2. Hinalian na ki mga mata su pinya.
3. Mata na si Yani. Naginamata siya sa ribuk kan mga aki.

E. Independent Practice:\

Activity 3
Use the given word in a sentence and identify its meaning from the
multiple meanings.
Gamiton sa pangungusap an itinaong tataramon dangan itao an
kahulugan hali sa dakul na mga kahulugan kaini.

a. hayop
b. dai sigurado

F. Evaluation:
Identify the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. Choose from
the multiple meanings given.
Midbidon an kahulugan kan tataramon na may linya sa pangungusap.
Magpili hali sa mga itinaong kahulugan.

a. madiretso
b. may maray an ugali

1. Kaipuhan na matanos an lansang na ini.

2. Matanos na aki ining si Joshua.
3. Gumamit ka ki ruler ngani matanos mo an linya.
4. Pilion ta an mga miyembro na matanos an pakiiba sa kaklase.
5. Dapat matanos ta an gilid kan awot.

G. Assignment:
“Something To Do”

Write sentences using kaya. Give the meanings of this word according to
how it is used in the sentence.
Magsurat ki mga pangungusap gamit an tataramon na kaya. Itao an
mga kahulugan kaini base sa gamit sa pangungusap


I. Objectives
1. Talk about family, friends, school, community and significant people and
places in culturally appropriate manner
2. Discuss meanings and develop vocabulary through meaningful and
concrete experiences
3. Predict what the story, fables, legends, school and community
events/situations/issues, radio broadcast and local news base on context
4. Make inferences on what is likely to happen next based on the events in
the story/fables/legends
5. Locate specific information in the text to find answers to simple questions
6. Express love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them and
asking to be read more stories
7. Identify proper names of person, places and things
8. Read by sight words listed in appendix __
9. Read phrases, sentences and short stories containing high frequency
words and words studied
10. Read grade one level text in three -to-four word phrases with appropriate
intonation, expression and punctuation cues
11. Spell correctly previously learned words
12. Spell correctly proper names of persons, places, and things
13. Write simple sentences, phrases, paragraph, and stories observing
correct punctuation marks, capitalization, indentions and format

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills
1. Talking about family, friends, school, community and significant
people and places in culturally appropriate manner
2. Discussing meanings and develop vocabulary through meaningful and
concrete experiences
3. Predicting what the story, fables, legends, school and community
4. Making inferences on what is likely to happen next based on the
events in the story/fables/legends
5. Locating specific information in the text to find answers to simple
6. Expressing love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them
and asking to be read more stories
7. Identifying proper names of person, places, and things
8. Reading by sight words listed in appendix__
9. Reading phrases, sentences and short stories containing high
frequency words and words studied
10. Reading grade one level text in three-to-four word phrases with
appropriate intonation, expression and punctuation cues correctly
previously learned words
11. Spelling correctly proper names of persons, places, and things

12. Writing simple sentences, phrases, paragraphs, and stories
observing correct punctuation marks, capitalization, indentions and

B. Story: An Siyudad Kan Legazpi

Sinurat ni: Salve B. Estrella
Drinowing ni: Dante B. Bercasio

C. Reference: K to 12 MT Competencies
D. Materials: big book, pictures
E. Theme: Our Cultural Music
F. Value: Leadership

III. Procedure

Day 1 and Day 2

A. Pre- reading
1. Motivation
a. Pupils sing the song “Sarong Banggi”.
b. What other bicol songs do you know?
Ano pa an aram nindong mga kantang bicol?
c. Let the pupils sing bicol songs.

2. Unlocking of difficult words

*through pictures

puppet siyudad salog

*through context clues

a. kunteno
 Kunteno na sa buhay si Armida ta nakakua na siya ki maray
na trabaho.

b. inusunan
 Kadakul na tawo an nawaran ki pagsadiri kan inusunan an
lugar ninda kan pagtuga kan Bulkan Mayon.

c. makisumaro
 An sabi ni lola tanganing maging matrayumpo an anuman na
trabaho kaipuhan makisumaro an gabos na imbuwelto.

d. prinoklamar
 Maugmahon an pamilya Roces kan prinoklamar na gana an
saindang ama sa eleksiyon.
3. Motivation
a. Who among you have gone to Legazpi?
Sisay saindo an nakaduman/nakaistar na sa Legazpi?
b. What did you do there?
Ano an ginibo nindo duman?

4. Book Orientation
a. Introduce the big book.
b. What is in the cover of the book?
c. Tell/predict what the story is about.
d. Pupils describe the cover.
e. Ask questions about the story, predict what the story is all about.
f. Teacher introduces the writer and illustrator.

5. Motive Question
Where was the name Legazpi taken from?
Sain hali an pangaran kan lugar na Legazpi?

B. Reading the story

Read Aloud
Interactive Reading:
a. Teacher reads the story “An Siyudad Kan Legazpi” while pupils listen.
b. Teacher stops for a while then asks question. Pupils predict what will
happen next. Then, teacher continues reading the story.

An Siyudad Kan Legazpi

Sinurat ni: Salve B. Estrella

Maugma buda kuntento na nagruluwas su mga tawo sa Astrodome

pakatapos mahiling su “Puppet Show” para sa Golden Anniversary
Celebration kan pagmukna kan siyudad nin Legazpi.

Kairiba duman su pamilya Cedrix na nag iristoryahan samantalang

nagtatraysikel pauli.

“Papa, makulor buda magayonon man palan an istorya kan satong

siyudad,” sabi ni Xavier.

“Iyo po baga, Xavier. Nahiling mo na nagpupuon su istorya sa

sarong baryong sadit kan mga parasira sa bunganga kan salog

Sawangan,” paliwanag kan ama.

“Ngunyan, sain man po iyan na salog Sawangan

(Yawa River )?” hapot ni Trish, an aking babayi.

“Nene, iyo na po iyan na pigaagihan mo pag maeskuwela ka

Aquinas University,” sabi kan ina.

“Pero Mama, makangalason man. Hababawon na baga,” simbag ni


“Kawasa kaya inusunan an kan pagtuga kan Bulkan Mayon. Grabe

an nagbago dara kan pagtuga kaito,” dagdag kan ama ninda.

“Kaito man ngani, maisog palan an mga tawo digdi.

Sabagay, sala man ito kan lider ninda na si Datu Gat-Ibal,”
paliwanag man sana ni Xavier.

Iyo Nonoy. An karahayan sana ta an uminabot na mga Kastila digdi

mabubuot asin tataong makisumaro arog ki Gobernador Legazpi,”
sabi kan ina
“Ah, kaya palan Legazpi an naging ngaran kan lugar ta, adi?”
dagdag ni Trish.

Tulong beses pa ngani prinoklamar an pagka siyudad kaini. Inot kan
1892, ikaduwa kan 1948 asin an ikatulo kan Hunyo 12,1959,” sabi
kan ama ninda.

C. Post Reading
Interactive Questions
1. Sain hali an pangaran kan lugar na Legazpi?
2. Ano an hiniriling kan mga tawo sa Astrodome?
3. Sain nagpuon su istorya kan siyudad?
4. Sain makukua an salog Sawangan?
5. Nata ta hababawon na sana an salog Sawangan?
6. Anong klase ki tawo an nakaistar sa siyudad?
7. Kisay sala kaya ta naging maisog an mga tawo sa siyudad kan
8. Sisay an uminabot sa lugar na ito?
9. Pirang beses prinoklamar an siyudad?
10. Kun ika saro sa mga tawo duman sa siyudad, maarog ka man
sainda na maging maisog? Nata iyo? Nata dai?
11. Tama daw na maging maisog an namamayo ki sarong lugar?
Nata iyo? Nata dai?

*Value: Bilang namamayo ki sarong lugar, ano an dapat mong
gibuhon para maging marhay kang ehemplo sa saimong

D. Guided Activity
Group pupils into 3

Teacher gives situation for each group to act out in front of the class.

Group 1- Maugma buda kuntentado na nagruluwas su mga tawo s

Group 2- Pamilya Cedrix na nag iiristoryahan mantang nasa traysikel.
Group 3- Mabuot buda tataong makisumaro na Gobernador/lider.

E. Enrichment Activity
Show picture/scene in a river.
 Ano an piggiribo kan mga babayi?
 Sain kaya sinda nagraralaba?
 Ano an piggigiribo ninda samantalang naglalaba?
 Anong klase an saindang pigkakanta?
 Gusto man nindong kantahon an mga pigkakanta ninda?
 Ipakanta sa mga aki an “Salampating Guminaro” , “Ano Daw
 Idto Sa Gogon”, “Isipon Mo Sana”.
 Nagustuhan nindo su mga kanta?
 Sain ta pa pwedeng kantahon an mga kantang Bicol?

Day 3

A. Review
1. Recall some events/situations in the story. Ask pupils to read these
 Inusunan kan pagtuga kan Bulkan Mayon an salog kan
 Uminabot sa lugar kan siyudad an sarong mabuot buda
tataong makisumaro na si Gobernador Legazpi.
 Ano an nangyari sa salog Sawangan kan ini inusunan?
 Ano an itinaong pangaran sa siyudad kan uminabot si
Gobernador Legazpi?

B. Presentation
Listen to the following situations. Call pupil one at a time to infer what
is likely to happen next.
 Nagadal kamo ki marahay kasubanggi ta tatawan kamo ki

 Nagparakaon ka ki tsokolate tapos dai ka nagsipilyo.
 Naguuran na sige mo pa an kawat sa luwas.
 Dai ka nasasabihan na dai magdalagan ta magapo sa agihan.
 Banggi ka na naguli hali sa eskuwelahan.

C. Guided Activity
Match the inferences in the box with the sentences below. Write your
answer on your paper.

1. Tiniripon ni Tonyo su dugi, ikinaag sa bagol tapos nagduman sa

kulungan ni Bantay.
2. Nagkua ki tasa si Manay Lita kinagan ki mainit na tubig, asukar
buda kape.
3. May bagong sapatos buda bado si Betina.
4. Dara dara ni Pablo an duwang baldeng pano ki tubig hali sa
5. Sibut sibot si Jonathan na naglaog sa saiyang kuwarto bitbit an
bag na pano ki gamit sa eskuwelahan.

D. Independent Activity
Make an inference on the following sentences. Write your answer on your

Day 4 and Day 5

A. Review
Balikan giraray an istoryang, “An Siyudad Kan Legazpi”
 Ano an mga pangaran na nabanggit sa istorya?
 Ipasurat sa mga aki an mga pangaran kan tawo, lugar, buda
bagay na nabanggit sa istorya.

Cedrix Astrodome Puppet Show

Xavier Sawangan Bulkan Mayon
Trish Aquinas University
Datu Gat-Ibal Legazpi Gobernador Legazpi

 Ipabasa ki tama an mga grupo kan tataramon na sinurat kan mga


B. Modeling
1. Umapod ki nagkapirang aki. Sabihon an mga pangaran ninda.
Ipahiling an lapis, notebook, papel,sapatos. Sabihon an mga
pangaran kaini.
 Ipahiling an ritrato ki mga lugar,.Sabihon man an mga pangaran
 Isurat sa pisara an mga pangaran kan mga aki, bagay buda lugar
na nabanggit sa lambang grupo.

2. Bangaon sa tulong grupo an mga aki. Ipabasa sa inot na grupo an

pangaran kan mga tawo, ikaduwang grupo an mga pangaran kan
bagay, ikatulong grupo, mga pangaran kan lugar.

Hapoton an mga aki kun ano an masasabi ninda sa mga nakasurat
buda binasa ninda na nasa pisara.
3. Magpasabi sa mga aki ki tiyak na pangaran ki tawo, bagay buda

C. Guided Practice
Ipikit an mga mata sa laog nin 2 minuto. Isipon an mga mahahalagang
tawo sa buhay mo. Rumdumon an mga lugar na pinasyaran nindo
dangan an mga bagay na saimong nahiling duman.

Ilista sa saindong papel an tiyak na pangaran ki:




1. Sabihon kun an mga masunod tiyak na pangaran ki tawo, bagay, o


Argentina Sarah Geronimo Spartan

Dr. Flores Mongol Bingo
Colgate Bacacay East Central School Manila Zoo
Bearbrand Landas sa Wika Mrs. Corazon Daep
St. Michael Hospital Wika at Pagbasa

2. Gamiton sa pangungusap an mga pangaran ki tawo, bagay buda

lugar na nasa kahon. Isurat an simbag sa papel.

3. Generalization:
 Ano an masasabi nindo sa mga pangaran ki tawo, lugar asin
 Sa anong letra nagpupuon an mga tiyak na pangaran ki tawo,
lugar asin bagay?

D. Independent Practice
Simbagan an minasunod:

E. Post Assessment

F. Assignment
Sumurat ki limang (5) tiyak na pangaran ki tawo, bagay asin lugar.
Gamiton sa pangungusap an mga napiling tataramon.


I. Objectives
1. Listen and respond to others
2. Express love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them and
asking to be read more stories
3. Talk about family, friends, school, community and significant people and
places in culturally appropriate manner
4. Discuss meanings and develop vocabulary through meaningful and
concrete experiences
5. Predict possible outcomes based on what the characters say and do
6. Make inferences on what is likely to happen next based on the events in
the legend/ school and community
7. Use proper nouns in sentences
8. Read by sight words listed
9. Read phrases, sentences and short stories containing high frequency
words and word studied
10. Read grade one level text in three to four sentences with appropriate
intonation expression and punctuation cues
11. Correctly spelled previously learned words
12. Correctly spell proper names of persons, places, and things
13. Write simple sentences, phrases, paragraph, and stories observing
correct punctuation marks, capitalization, indention and format

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills
1. Listening and responding to others
2. Expressing love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them
and asking to be read more stories
3. Discussing meanings and develop vocabulary through meaningful and
concrete experiences
4. Predicting possible outcomes based on what the characters say and
5. Making inferences on what is likely to happen next based on the
events in the legend
6. Using proper nouns in sentences
7. Reading sight words listed
8. Reading phrases, sentences and short stories containing high
frequency words and words studied
9. Reading aloud grade one level text at a rate of approximately 60
words per minute
10. Reading grade one level text in three to four sentences with
appropriate intonation, expression and punctuation cues
11. Correcting spelled previously learned words
12. Correcting spell proper names of persons, places, and things
13. Writing simple sentences, phrases, paragraph, and stories observing
correct punctuation marks, capitalization, indention and format

B. Selections:
Story: “Pangaturugan ni Daragang Magayon”
Sinurat ni: Dr. Regida N. Vibar
Drinowing ni: Ma. Genelyn B. Vergara
Story: Puwede Po
Sinurat ni: Salve Estrella

C. References: K to 12 MT Competencies
D. Materials: Big Book, charts, pictures
E. Theme: Our Cultural Dances
F. Value: Love for reading

III. Procedure

Day 1
Day 1

A. Pre-Reading
1. Unlocking of difficulties: (through pictures and context clues)

a. pig-irokan

 Kweba an pig-irokan kan satong mga ninuno kan dai pa sinda

naggibo ki harong.

b. Agta (picture of an Ita.)

 Si Tomas sarong Agta kaya maitom siya buda kurongon an

c. kadlagan

 Makahoy buda dakul na iba-ibang hayop sa kadlagan.

d. higante

 Diit pang matungtungan kan higante an mga tawo.

e. nagtuga

 Nabulusan kan mga nagbabagang dugi an mga pananom kan

nagtuga su bulkan.

f. alituktok (peak of a mountain)

 Napagal sinda sa pagtukad hanggang sa alituktok kan bulod.

*Context clues
 Sa sobrang dagit, dinaguso ni Tiyo Aning an mga mahabas asin
 Nagimata si Neneng na nakaulok huli sa saiyang magayon na

2. Motivation
a. What are some of the famous volcanoes found in bikol?
Ano an mga bulkan na yaon sa bikol?
b. Have you seen an errupting volcano?
Nakahiling na kamo ki nagtutugang bulkan?
c. What comes out of a volcano?
Ano ang nagluluwas hali sa bulkan?

3. Book Orientation
a. What is in the cover of the book?
Ano an nasa inotan na ritrato kan libro?
b. Predict what the story is about.
Ukodon ta daw kun ano an istoryang ini.
c. Pupils describe the cover, ask question about the story, and
predict what the story is all about.
Nagtaram an mga aki manungod kan inotan na ritrato kan libro,
naghapot manungod kaini, buda nag-ukod kun sain manungod an

4. Motive Question
Who was the lady from the volcano?
Sisay su daraga na hali sa bulkan?

B. During Reading
Read Aloud
Interactive Reading: Teacher reads the story “Pangaturugan ni Daragang
Magayon” while pupils listen. Teacher stops for a while then ask a
question. Pupils predict and make inferences on what is likely to happen
next. Then, teacher continues reading the stories.

Pangaturogan ni Daragang Magayon

Sinurat ni: Dr. Regida N. Vibar

Kaidtong panahon an isla kan Rapu-Rapu sarong kadlagan. Makahoy

ini na pig-aapod Rapu-rapu.

Sirisay daw kaya ang nakaistar sa lugar na ini?

Digdi nakaistar an higanteng si Kulakog.

Pinag-iirokan man ini kan mga Agta.
Digdi man nagpaili an ibang tawo na hali pang Sto. Domingo, Bacacay
asin Tabako kan tuminuga an Bulkan Mayon.
Sarung aldaw nabulabog an isla kan si Kulakog naribokan kan mga
paralate asin mga parasira.

Ano kaya ang ginibo kan higante kan siya naribokan?

“Gwwwwuarrrrrkkk! Gwwwuarrrrrkkkk!” Dagit na nagimata an higante.

Nagdurulag an mga parasira asin paralate sa kadlagan.
Nagtarago man sa kuweba an mga Agta huli sa katakotan.

Igwa daw na nagtabang sa mga tawo laban sa higante? Sisay kaya


Nadangog ni Daragang Magayon an sinuriyaw kan higante.

Luminukso si Daragang Magayon hali sa bulkan asin dinaguso an
makanos na si Kulakog.

Ano an nangyari ki Kulakog pakahiling ki Daragang Magayon?

Natagalpo si Kulakog sa kagayonan ni Daragang Magayon.

Tuminago si Daragang Magayon sa likod kan kahoy.

Nata daw ta tuminago si Daragang Magayon?

Binugnot niya an buhok kan higante.

Natumba an higante. Nakatama an saiyang payo sa alituktok kan
bulod na nagkabaranga.
Iyo na ini an Isla kan Batan, Rapu-Rapu buda Guinanayan.

C. Post Reading
1. Engagement
a. Who was the lady from the volcano?
Sisay su daraga na hali sa bulkan?
b. Where was the volcano located?
Sain na lugar mahihiling su bulkan?
c. Who were the people living in Rapu-Rapu?
Sirisay an nag-iristar sa Rapu-Rapu?
d. Who was the giant in the story?
Sisay an higante sa istorya?
e. Why did the giant get angry?
Nata nadagit su higante?
f. Where did the people hide?
Sain nagtarago su mga tawo?
g. What could have happened if the people did not hide?
Ano kaya an posibleng nangyari kun dai sinda nagtarago?
h. Who saved the people of Rapu-Rapu from the giant?
Sisay an nagsalbar sa mga taga Rapu-Rapu laban sa higante?
i. What happened when Daragang Magayon grabbed the giant’s
Ano an nangyari kan binugnot ni Daragang Magayon an buhok ni
j. If you were among the people in the story, would you also hide?

Kun ika kaiba man kan mga tawo sa istorya, madulag ka man?
k. How would you save them from the giant?
Pano mo sinda maisasalbar sa higante?
l. What will you do if something frightful happens in our school?
Ano an gigibohon mo kun may mangyaring makatakot digdi sa
eskuwelahan ta? Nata?
m. Could it be possible that the people celebrated when Daragang
Magayon defeated the giant? How?
Posible kayang nag-urugma su mga tawo kan madaog ni
Daragang Magayon si Kulakog? Pano?
n. Do the people in your community include dancing during
celebrations? What cultural dances are presented during these
Nagsasarayawan kaya an mga tawo sa saindong lugar kun nag-
uurugma? Anong mga sayaw an ipigpapahiling ninda?

2. Extender
Group the class into four. Teacher gives situation for each group to
act out in front of the class.

Grupo 1 - Nagluwas an higante na si Kulakog, nagdurulagan an mga

Grupo 2 - Nagtarago sa kweba an mga Agta, tarakuton sinda.

Grupo 3 - Luminukso si Daragang Magayon hali sa bulkan buda

dinaguso an higante.

Grupo 4 -Tuminago si Daragang Magayon sa likod kan kahoy dangan

binugnot su buhok kan higante. Natumba su higante.
Nakatama an saiyang payo sa alituktok kan bulod.

Day 1 Day 2

A. Presentation
1. Present the following words with the help of pictures and context
Ipahiling an mga tataramon kasabay an ritrato o grupo ki tataramon
gamit an tataramon na pigpapahiling.

Agta Kulakog Daragang Magayon

Batan Bacacay Rapu-rapu
Mayon Bulkan Sto. Domingo Guinanayan

Let the pupils read the nouns taken from the story “Daragang Magayon”
by class, by rows and individually.

a. What do these words name?
Ano an pigpapangaranan kan mga tataramon na ini?
b. Which words name persons? places? things?
Arin na mga tataramon an ngaran ki tawo? lugar? bagay?
c. What other words are names of persons? places? and things?
Ano pang mga tataramon an ngaran ki tawo? lugar? buda `

B. Guided Practice
1. Write the names being asked on the specified figure.

Limang ngaran ki Limang ngaran Limang ngaran

ballpen o lapis na ki barangay sa kan saimong
aram nindo. satong banwa. mga
 Ano an pigngangaranan kan mga isinurat mo saa.inot na ritrato? sa
ikaduwa? sa ikatulo?
 Pano ipigsurat an inot na letra kan mga tataramon na ini?

2. Let us clap our hands when we hear the name of a person. Say ‘yes!’,
if it’s a name of a place, and ‘Hurray!’ if it’s a name of a thing.

Sandra Colgate Misibis Beach Mr. Sarmiento

Mongol Sampaguita Joselito Rapu-Rapu
Mrs. Sally Santino Tide bar Donsol, Sorsogon

3. Write three sentences using a particular name of person, place, and a

thing. Underline the proper noun.

C. Independent Practice
1. Guess What!!
The teacher prepares flash cards with a proper noun written in each.
The flash cards are placed in a box. Each pupil will get one and
he/she will use the proper noun in a sentence. Then, he/she will write
the word written in the card on the appropriate circle.

2. Complete the sentences using the appropriate nouns.

Day 3

A. Presentation
Present the words in the charts. Let the pupils read by class and by rows.
1. Reading words

atis asukar balon

pwede hamis silensyo
atab leksyon magkaon

2. Phrases

an balon ta pwede na silensyo po

apat na atis magkaon na hamis kan asukar

3. Sentences

Dakul an balon ta? Pwede na ako mag-uli?

Silensyo an gabos! Mahamis an atis!
An balon ko apat na atis. Garo asukar an hamis kan atis.

B. Modeling
Teacher reads the sentences with appropriate intonation, expression and
punctuation then the pupils repeat.

Dakul an balon ta? Pwede na ako mag-uli?

Silensyo an gabos! Mahamis an atis!
An balon ko apat na atis. Garo asukar an hamis kan atis.

C. Guided Practice
Pupils read words phrases and sentences in the charts.

atis asukar balon

puwede hamis silensyo
atab leksyon magkaon
an balon ta pwede na silensyo po
apat na atis magkaon na hamis kan asukar

Dakul an balon ta? Pwede na ako mag-uli?

Silensyo an gabos! Mahamis an atis!
An balon ko apat na atis. Garo asukar an hamis kan atis.

D. Independent Practice
Pupils read the phrases and sentences alone and in pair.
an atis
an gabos
pwede na
an balon mo
asukar na mahamis

Atis an balon ko.

Dakul an balon mo.
Silensyo an gabos!
Mahamis an asukar!
Pwede na kita mag-uli?
Sain kita makaon ki atis?

Day 4 and Day 5

and 5

A. Pre-Reading activities
1. Unlocking of difficulties (through actions and context clues)

silensyo hamis pasensya

2. Motivation
a. When you are in the class, do you listen to your teacher? Do you
obey him/her?
Pag-nasa laog kamo kan klase, nagdadangog kamo sa paratukdo
Nagsusunod ka saiya?
b. Do you ask permission from your teacher when you want to do
something? Why?
Nagpapaaram ka sa paratukdo mo kun may gusto kang gibohon?
c. What do you do when he/she does not permit you?
Ano an gigibohon mo kun dai ka niya pigtugotan?

3. Book Orientation
a. What is in the cover of the book?
b. Can tell/predict what the story is about?
c. Pupils describe the cover, ask questions about the story, and
predict what the story is all about.
d. Teacher introduces the writer and illustrator of the book.

4. Motive Question
Why did the teacher not permit Ana to go home?
Nata ta dai tinugotan kan paratukdo si Ana na mag-uli?

B. Reading the story

Read Aloud

Interactive Reading: Pupils read the poem. Teacher stops the pupils for a
while then asks a question. Pupils predict what will happen next. Then the
class continue reading the story.

Pwede Po
Sinurat ni: Salve B. Estrella

“Maestra, Maestra
Pwede pong magkaon na?”
Pwede po, Alicia
Ta tapos ka na asin
Ma-recess na kita.”

Ano kaya an ginibo ni Alicia kan tinugotan siya?

“Ana, Ana,
Ano po an balon ta?”
Hapot ni Alicia.

Ano daw an balon ni Ana?

“Apat pong atis
Na garo asukar an hamis.”

Naugma kaya su maestra kan nadangog su duwa? Ano kaya

an tinaram niya?

“Ana, Ana
Pwede pong silensyo
Asin magtukaw sana?
“Opo, maestra
Pasensya na sana.”

“Maestra, Maestra.
Pwede pong mag-uli na?

Tinugotan kaya kan maestra si Ana? Nata?
“Dai pa po, Ana
Ta atab pa asin
May leksyon pa kita.”

C. Post Reading
Post Reading Questions
a. Why did the teacher not permit Ana to go home?
Nata ta dai tinugotan kan paratukdo si Ana na mag-uli?
b. Who wanted to eat in the story?
Sisay an muya na magkaon sa istorya?
c. Who asked Ana what her baon was?
Sisay an naghapot ki Ana kun ano an balon niya?
d. What was Ana’s baon? How did it taste?
Ano an balon ni Ana? Ano an namit kaini?
e. When you are eating do you make noise? Do you obey your teacher
when she tells you to be silent?
Pag nagkakaon kamo, maribok kamo? Nagsusunod kamo sa
paratukdo kun pigtaraman kamo na magsilensyo?
f. When you want to go home, do you leave without asking permission
from your teacher? Why and why not?
Kun muya mong mag-uli na, minahali ka sana na dai nagpapaaram sa
paratukdo mo? Nata?
g. What do you think could happen if you disobey your teacher?
Why?Ano kaya an pwedeng mangyari kun dai ka magsunod sa
paratukdo mo? Nata?
h. What courteous expression was mentioned in the story?Do you also
use it when you asked permission?
Anong magalang na ekspresyon an ginamit sa istorya?Piggamit mo
man ini kun nagpapaaram ka?

D. Independent Practice
The pupils will read the poem “Pwede Po”in pair and individually.

E. Post Assessment
1. Underline the proper noun in the sentence.
a. My mother bought a Mongol pencil for me.
Ibinakal ako kan sakuyang ina ki Mongol na lapis.
b. Mrs. Rojas is a kind teacher.
Si Mrs. Rojas mabuot na maestra.
c. I want to study in Legazpi,City
Gusto kong mag-adal sa Legazpi City.
d. My father is working in Manila.
An ama ko nagtatrabaho sa Manila.
e. The Nara tree is tall.
Halangkaw an kahoy na Nara.

2. Read the words and phrases in the box, use each in a sentence.

Si Marina Nara dakula na agila
an rosal an Safeguard sa Tabaco

1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
4. ____________________________________
5. ____________________________________

3. Make inference on what is likely to happen on the event in the school.

Atab nag-eskwela si Agnes. Pag-abot sa eskwelahan nagtabang siya

sa mga kagrupo na maglinig sa atubangan kan kwarto ninda. Taod-
taod nadangog ninda an makusog na tanog kan kampana(bell) sa

Ano sa paghuna mo an dapat na gibohon ni Agnes?


I. Objectives
1. Talk about family, friends, school, community and significant people and
places in culturally appropriate manner
2. Express love for stories by browsing the story books read to them and
asking to be read more stories
3. Read by right words listed in appendix
4. Read phrases, sentences and short stories containing high frequency
words and words studied
5. Read aloud grade one level text at a rate of approximately 60 words per
6. Read grade one level text in three-to-four word phrases with appropriate
intonation, expression and punctuation cues
7. Correctly spell previously learned words
8. Correctly spell pronouns used in sentences
9. Write simple sentences, phrases, paragraph and stories observing correct
punctuation marks, capitalization, indentions and format
10. Write using phonic knowledge for different purposes-sentences, lists,
jokes, poems, songs, riddles, short stories, etc
11. Identify the pronouns used in sentences
12. Use clues from context to figure out what the words mean
13. Predict what the story, fable, legends, school and community
events/situations/issues, radio broadcast and local news base on context
14. Give the cause or the effect of certain events in the story, fables, legends,
etc. read
15. Locate specific information in the text to find answers to higher level
16. Answer higher level questions about the story/fables/legends, etc. read
17. Give the cause or the effect of certain events in the school and
community events/situations/issues, radio broadcast and local news, etc.
18. Locate specific information in the text to find answers to higher level
19. Answer higher level questions about the school and community
events/situations/issues, radio broadcast and local news, etc. read

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Talking about family, friends, school, community and significant
people and places in culturally appropriate manner
2. Expressing love for stories by browsing the story books read to them
and asking to be read more stories
3. Reading by right words in appendix
4. Reading phrases, sentences and short stories containing high
frequency words and words studied

5. Reading aloud grade one level text at a rate of approximately 60
words per minute
6. Reading grade one level text in three-to-four word phrases with
appropriate intonation, expression, and punctuation cues
7. Spelling correctly previously learned words
8. Spelling correctly pronouns used in sentences
9. Writing simple sentences, phrases, paragraph, and stories observing
correct punctuation marks
10. Writing phonic knowledge for different purposes – sentences, jokes,
poems, songs, riddles, short stories, etc
11. Identifying the pronouns used in sentences
12. Using clues from context to figure out what the words mean
13. Predicting what the story, fables, legends, school and community
events, situations, issues radio broadcast and local news base on
14. Giving the cause or the effect of certain events in the story, fables,
legends, etc. read
15. Locating specific information in the text to find answers to higher
level questions
16. Answering higher level question about the story, fables, legends, etc.
17. Giving the cause or the effect of certain events in the school and
community events/situations/issues, radio broadcast and local news,
etc. read
18. Locating specific information in the text to find answers to higher
level questions
19. Answering higher level questions about the school and community
events, situations, issues, radio broadcast and local news, etc. read

B. Selection: “An Mag-irina”

Sinurat ni: Editha B. Bertumen
C. Reference: K to 12 Curriculum , MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: big book, pictures, flash cards, big box, activity sheets
E. Theme: Our local arts and crafts
F. Value: Helpfulness

III. Procedure

Day 1

A. Pre reading
1. Unlocking of difficult words
Teacher unlocks the difficult words found in the story through pictures
 nagliligis, tinukbas

*real objects
 karagumoy

 nangalas
 nagpipinsar

2. Motivation
What do you do when your mother do household chores? Do you help
her? Why?
Ano an piggigibo mo kun may piggigibo sa harong si mama mo?
Nagtatabang ka saiya? Nata?

3. Book Orientation
a. What does the cover of the book show?
Ano an an pigpapahiling sa cover kan libro?
b. Can tell/predict what the story is about? Pupils describe the cover,
ask question about the story, predict what the story is all about.
Teacher introduces the writer and illustrator.

4. Motive Question
What did the children do to make more baskets?
Ano an piggigibo kan mga aki ngani makahaman ki dakul na basket?

B. During Reading
1. Shared Reading: Teacher reads the story: “An Basket”.

An Basket
Sinurat: Editha B. Bertumen

Si Nita sarong mahigos na ina. May tulo siyang aki. Paggibo ki

banig an saiyang trabaho. Sarong aldaw, nagpasaod siya ta
mabakal ki bagas. Nangalas siya ta naghagad su tindera ki
laogan kan bagas, Napiritan lugod siya na magbakal ki basket.

“Nata man Nita ta mabakal ka ki basket? Bako matibay ka na

maggibo kaini?” sabi ni Dora.

“Mala baga dai lamang ako nagpipinsar na dai na pwede

maggamit kan plastik ngunyan,” sabi ni Nita.

“Ano daw Nita, maggibo ka ki basket tapos darahon mo digdi ta

ipagpabakal ta,”sabi ni Dora.

“Maray pa adi, tapos kagan mi man ki iba-ibang klase ki burda,”

sabi ni Nita.

Pag-abot sa harong.
“Mama, magayonon man tabi an saimong basket,” sabi ni Mabeth.

“Ay ata! Dai na palan puwede ngunyan an plastik, nagbakal baga

ako kaini ta linaogan ko kan bagas”, sabi ni Nita.

“Iyo baga tabi mama, iyo na baga iyan an bagong ordinansa na

pigpapasunod ni Gov. Salceda tanganing matabangan na
mailigtas an kinaban,” sabi ni Allen.

“Muya ni Dora, maggibo man kita ki basket ta ititinda niya,” sabi ni


“Sige na mama ta dugang pa iyan sa income ta,” sabi ni Julia.

“Matarabang kita, ako man an maligis kan karagumoy,” sabi ni


“Iyo mga aki, tutal dakul man sana kitang tinukbas, di matumok
lugod ako pakakaon,” sabi ni Nita.

“Ika Julia, ibakal mo ako ki tumok sa tindahan, kamo Mabeth kasi

Allen magligis na ngani magkaniring mag mara an tinumok may
haman na kitang basket na burdahan,” sabini Nita.

Dakul na sindang nahaman, dinara na ni Nita an mga basket ki


“Magayonon man Nita an basket mo, bata iba-iba an disenyo.

Sigurado dakul kaini an mabarakal,” sabini Dora.

Makaagi ki duwang aldaw, nagduman si Dora ka Nita.

“Naubos na baga Nita su mga basket, puwede igibo giraray nindo

ako ta dakul an naghaharanap,” sabi ni Dora.

“Sige Dora, daing problema ta an mga aki mi katabang mi nang

maray. Sinda baga an nagbururda kaito,” sabi ni Nita.

Pakahali ni Dora, kinurugos niya an mga aki. Napaluha sinda sa


C. Post Reading Activity

1. Comprehension Check
a. What did the children do to make more baskets?
Ano an piggibo kan mga aki ngani makagibo ki dakul na basket?
b. Who is the industrious mother?
Siisay an mahigos na ina?
c. How many children does she have?
Pira an aki niya?
d. Where did she go one day? Why did she go there?
Sain siya nagduman sarong aldaw? Nata siya nagduman?
e. Who is the saleslady in the store?

Siisay an tindera sa tindahan?
f. What happened when Nita bought in the store?
Ano an nangyari kan si Nita nagbakal sa tindahan?
g. What did Dora ask Nita? Why?
Ano an pipagibo ni Dora ki Nita? Nata?
h. Did Nita agree with her? Why?
Nagtugot daw si Nita?Nata?
i. How did the children help their mother?
Pano nagtabang so mga aki ki Nita?
j. What kind of children are they? Describe them.
Anong klase sindang mga aki? Iladawan sinda.
k. If you were Mabeth, Allen and Julia, would you help also? Why?
Why not?
Kun ika si Mabeth, Allen buda Julia, matabang ka man sa
saimong ina? Nata?
l. What happened to the basket in the store? Why?
Ano an nangyari sa mga basket sa tindahan? Nata?
m. If you see in the store, different baskets with different designs,
would you buy also? Why? Why not?
Kun nakahiling ka ki mga basket na magagayon sa saod, mabakal
ka man? Nata?
n. How do you feel when you use our own local products?
Ano an namamati mo kun gamit mo an mga produkto na gibo

D. Enrichment
Magdrowing nin mga gamit sa harong nindo na gibo sa mga lokal na
materyales arog kan karagumoy, abaka, buri asin iba pa.

Day 2

A. Review
Ipahiling sa paagi nin aksyon an mga sitwasyon sa napagadalan na

Grupo 1: Daing laogan kan bagas na sinaodan si Nita kaya nagbakal

nin basket.

Grupo 2: Naubosan ki basket si Dora kaya nakihuron siya ki Nita na

darahan pa siya nin mga basket.

Grupo 3: Gustong madagdagan ni Julia an income kan pamilya kaya

naggibo sinda nin may mga disenyong basket.

Grupo 4: Maugmahon si Nita sa mga aki kaya kinugos niya an mga ini.

B. Presentation
Ipabasa sa mga aki an mga pangungusap manungod sa ipinahiling na
1. Daing laogan kan bagas na sinaodan si Nita kaya nagbakal siya nin
2. Naubusan ki basket si Dora kaya nakihuron siya ki Nita na darahan
pa siya nin mga basket.
3. Gustong madagdagan ni Julia an income kan pamilya kaya naggibo
sinda nin may mga disenyong basket.
4. Maugmahon si Nita sa mga aki kaya kinugos niya an mga ini.

C. Analysis Questions
Balikan ta kun pano nindo ipinahiling sa paagi nin aksiyon an mga
sitwasyon na ini.
1. Nata ta nagbakal ki basket si Nita?
2. Nata ta nakihuron si Dora ki Nita na darahan siya nin mga basket?
3. Nata nagibo nin may mga disenyong basket si Julia?
4. Nata ta kinugos ni Nita an saiyang mga aki?
5. Ano an apod nyato sa mga dahilan kan nasabing aksyon?
6. Sa mga pangungusap na binasa nindo arin digdi an naging
dahilan(cause) kan mga pangyayari?
7. Ano an ipigpapahiling kan dahilan(cause)?
8. Pano nindo maitatao an mga dahilan kan mga pangyayari?
9. Sain nindo pigbase an mga dahilan na ini?

D. Generalization
1. Ano an dahilan(cause)?
2. Pano kamo makakatao kan dahilan kan sarong pangyayari?

E. Modeling
Ano an mga dahilan o kawsa kan pangyayaring nabanggit? Ipapahiling
kan paratukdo sa paagi nin aksiyon an posibleng mga dahilan. Itatao kan
mga aki an mga ini.

Dai naka-eskuwela si Marvin kan sarong aldaw.

Ano kaya an mga pwedeng dahilan kaini?
*Naghilang si Marvin.
*Naglamaw si Marvin.
*Nabayaan si Marvin kan school bus?
*Makusogon su uran .
*Daing maaling sa nguhod niyang tugang.
*Nagtrabaho si Marvin sa uma.

F. Guided Practice
Basahon an mga sitwasyon. Itao an mga posibleng dahilan kan nasabing
pangyayari. Isurat sa papel an mga simbag kan kada grupo.

Grupo 1: Nagbaha sa Brgy. Bayandong.
Grupo 2: Maugmahon si Brigette pag-uli hali sa eskwelahan.
Grupo 3: Nagparasuriyaw si Tiyo Pedro mantang nagdadalagan hali sa
Grupo 4: Nagparakulog su payo ni Minda.

G. Independent Practice

A. Agreement:
Maglista nin mga posibleng dahilan kun nata kaipohan gamiton an mga
basket na laogan kan mga sinaodan kaysa sa paggamit nin mga plastik.

Day 3

B. Presentation
“Blast from the Past”
1. Read the following words.
Basahon an mga minasunod na mga tataramon.
nagsaod dugang naubos
nagbakal matarabang nahaman
burda ititinda dakul
Ipabasa an mga tataramon ki sabayan, grupo, duwahan, solo.

2. Dagdagan ta ki mga tataramon an mga nakasurat sa itaas.

nagsaod si mama dugang na income
nagbakal ki bagas matarabang an mga aki
magayon an burda ititinda sa saod
naubos na an tinda nahaman na basket
dakul an karagumoy

3. Isurat an mga parirala sa pisara.
4. Ipabasa sa mga aki.
a. Pano nindo nabilog an mga parirala?
b. Anong mga tataramon an ikinabit nindo sa nainot na tataramon?
c. May kinaaram daw ining mga tataramon na ikinabit nindo?
d. Ano an parirala?

C. Practice Exercises
Gibohon 1
 Mag-apod ki aki na mabunot ki tataramon sa laog kan kahon.
 Magibo an aki ki mga parirala hali sa tataramon.
 Ipasurat an parirala sa pisara.
 Ipabasa ini sa mga aki.

Gibohon 2
Basahon an mga tataramon sa laog kan kahon. Maggibo ki parirala
gamit an mga tataramon.

padaba maugos gabos

maboot pagtios pigpabayaan

Gibohon 3
 Magpahiling nin gamit na gibo sa mga lokal na materyales( local
 Iladawan an mga bagay na ini. Magtao nin mga parirala.

Gibuhon 4
 Magpasyar sa hardin. Magsurat nin mga parirala base sa
obserbasyon nindo sa hardin.
 Ipabasa sa mga aki an mga parirala na sinurat.

D. Independent Practice:
Basahon an minasunod na mga tataramon. Gamiton ini sa parirala.


tugang kawatan

masiram malinig

Days 4 and Day 5

A. Presentation
1. “Let’s Recall”
Let the pupils read the sentences from the story.

Magibo kita ki mga basket.

Matarabang kita, ako man an maligis.
Kamo Mabeth kasi Allen an magligis.
Dakul na sindang nahaman na basket.
Sinda baga an nagbururda kaito.

2. Analysis Questions
Sirisay an magibo kan mga basket?
Sirisay an matarabang paggibo kan basket?
Pirang tawo an pighururunan digdi?
Ano an ginamit na tataramon na pansalida sa ngaran na Nita,
Mabeth, Allen buda Julia?

Sirisay an maligis?
Ano an ginamit na tataramon na pansalida sa pangaran na Mabeth
asin Allen?
Pirang tawo an pighururunan digdi?
Nuarin ta gagamiton an kita?

Sirisay an nagharaman kan basket?

Sirisay man an nagburda kan basket?
Ano an ginamit na tataramon na pansalida sa pangaran na Nita,
Mabeth, Allen buda Julia?
Pirang tawo an pighururunan digdi?

Ano an apod sa mga tataramon na kita, kamo, sinda?

Nata ta pansalida an apod ta kaini?
Ano an pansalida?

3. Generalization

An pansalida mga tataramon na panribay sa

pangaran na pighuhururunan.

B. Guided Activity
1. Present the song written on the chart. (Tune: Si Nanay, Si Tatay)

Si mama, si papa
Satuyang tabangan
Marahay na buot
Saindang inatang
Kun sinda may gibo
Kita magtarabangan
Kita dai ninda pigpapabayaan
Kaya kita gabos
Sainda mag-ugos
Ipamati sainda
Pagkamuot na lubos
Ay mama, ay papa
Salamat nin maray
Sa saindo kami
Minaasang tunay

a. What are the pronouns used in the song?

Ano an mga pansalida na ginamit?
b. When we say kita, who do we mean?
Pagpigsabi tang kita, siisay ini?
c. When we say sinda, who do we mean?
Pagpigsabi tang sinda, siisay ini?
d. When we say kamo, who do we mean?
Pagpigsabi tang kamo, siisay ini?
e. What word does a pronoun replace?
Anong tataramon an pigsasalidahan kan mga ini?

2. Pag-adalan an mga ritrato. Gumamit nin mga pansalida sa paggibo

nin mga pangungusap manungod digdi.



I. Objectives
1. Listen and ask questions about stories heard
2. Show love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and
making comments
3. Use pronouns used in sentences (ako, ika, siya, sinda, kita, kamo)
4. Use clues from context to figure out what the words mean
5. Correctly spell pronouns used in sentences
6. Give the effect of certain events in story, events in school and community,
issues, radio broadcast and local news, etc. read
7. Read by sight words listed in appendix
8. Write simple phrases observing correct punctuation marks and

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Listening and asking questions about stories heard
2. Showing love for reading by listening attentively during story reading
and making comments
3. Using pronouns used in sentences. (ako, ika, siya, sinda,kita,kamo)
4. Using clues from context to figure out what the words mean
5. Spelling correctly pronouns used in sentences
6. Giving the effect of certain events in story, events in school and
community, issues, radio broadcast and local news, etc. read
7. Reading by sight words listed in appendix
8. Writing simple phrases observing correct punctuation marks and

B. Story: An Pyesta
Sinurat Ni: Dr. Regida N. Vibar
C. Reference: MTB-MLE Indicators, K to 12 Curriculum
D. Materials: big book, pictures, activity sheets
E. Theme: Our Cultural Food
F. Value: Being thankful for God’s blessings

III. Procedure

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading
1. Unlocking of difficult words
Teacher unlocks the difficult words in the story through context clues:
a. paralate

Dakul na mga kamote, linsa asin galyang an itinanom kan mga
b. rekado
Nagbakal ki mga rekado si Tiya Mining na isasahog sa lutuon niya
na pansit.
c. promesa
Sarong litson an promesa ni Tiyo Pedro sa selebrasyon kan
kapistahan kan barangay

ibus, tabrelya, urabang

2. Motivation
Magpahiling nin iba-ibang simbolo asin sabihon kun anong okasyon
nindo nahihiling an mga simbolong ini?

Ano an mga pigahahanda nindo kun may okasyon?

3. Motive Question
Ano an okasyon na pighahandahan kan mga paralate?

B. During Reading
Interactive Reading: Teacher reads the story “An Pyesta”.

An Pyesta
Sinurat ni: Dr. Regida N. Vibar

Sarong aldaw, kaitong panahon, igwang pagtiripon-tipon an mga

paralate sa sadit na lugar sa Bicol.

Maugma sinda ta bago pa sanang pagpagapas nin paroy. Magayon an

ani ninda kaya bwelo man an saindang paghalat buda pagplano kan
saindang pyesta.

“Sarong litson an donasyon ko para sa gabos,” tuga ni Omeng.

“Saro man na litson hali sa pamilya ko,” sabi ni Fredo buda kan agom
niyang si Elena.

“Sako naman an sarong sakong bagas,” tataramon ni Tomas.

“An pamilya ko buda an mga tugang ko an matarabang magluto,”

dagdag ni Berto. “Sagot ko na pati rekado.”

“Mapapinangat ako buda magisa ki lada na may urabang,” tuga ni Tiya

“Matao man an pamilya ko buda panugangan ko nin duwang dosenang

manok para tinolahon,” promesa man ni Juan.

“Maibos akong duwang gatos para sa gabos,” an maugmang tataramon

ni Tiya Rita.

“Tsokolateng purong cacao an kaiba kaiyan. Madara akong sanggatos

na tabrelya,” sabi ni Tiyang Rosa.

“Maluto man akong tulong kilong sotanghon,” an tuga ni Maring.

“Mapamisa kita, iimbitaran ko si Padre Lucio sa banwa buda si Alkalde

Luna sa kaaldawan kan piyesta,” makusog na anunsiyo ni Kapitan

“Pagkabanggi, mapabayli kaming mga opisyal. Ako na an bahala sa

musikero. Ini bilang pasasalamat saindo sa tabang nindong magkaigwa
nin katuninungan sa satuyang lugar.

Inot sa Diyos, ikaduwa sa saindong kooperasyon,” an pagtatapos na

tataramon ni Kapitan.

“Mag-urugma kita sa Piyesta,” suriyaw kan gabos.

C. Post Reading Activity

1. Engagement:
Group Activity

Grupo 1 - Ipahiling sa sarong dula-dulaan kun pano nagplano an mga


Grupo 2 - Idrowing an mga kaonon na ihahanda kan mga paralate.

Grupo 3 - Ilista an mga aktibidad na gigibohon ninda sa pagselebrar

kan kapyestahan.

Grupo 4 - Kumpletohon an sertipiko na itatao nindo sa mga

nagtarabang sa pagplano kan maabotan na pyesta.

Barangay San Ramon
Tabaco City

Itinatao ining

Sertipiko nin Pagmidbid



nin huli ta nagtabang siya sa paagi nin



 Ano an okasyon na pighahandaan kan mga paralate?

 Pano sinda nagplano para sa okasyon na ini?

Grupo 1- Mapahiling kan dula-dulaan

 Ano-anong mga pagkaon an ipigpromesa kan lambang saro?

 Arog kan kaini an ipighahanda nindo pag pyesta?

Grupo 2- Ipahiling an mga drinowing na pagkaon

 Nakatana na man kamo kan mga pagkaon na ini?

Theme : Apwera sa mga planong ihanda kan mga paralate, ano pa

an mga pagkaon na masasabi nyatong lutong bikolano?
 Dapat daw nyatong ipag-urgulyo an mga pagkaon na ini? Nata?
 Pag kamo igwang okasyon sa harong, pano kamo nagpreparar?

Grupo 3-Ihiras sa klase an listahan kan mga aktibidad na

gigibuhon sa pagselebrar kan pyesta
 Tama daw ining pagpreparar kan mga paralate sa maaboton na
okasyon? Nata?

Grupo 4- Ipresentar sa klase an ginibo na sertipiko.

 Naging matrayumpo kaya an selebrasyon kan pyesta? Nata?

Value: Pano ipinahiling kan mga paralate an pasasalamat ninda sa
mga biyayang itinao kan Diyos?

Day 2

A. Review
1. Anong okasyon an pigselebrar kan mga paralate base sa istoryang
satuyang napag-adalan?
2. Anong mga preparasyon an saindang ginibo?

B. Presentation
1. Hilingon an ipinapahiling sa kada ritrato. Ano an pigpapahiling kaini?

2. Basahon ang mga pangungusap manungod sa ritrato.

a. Naging makulor su selebrasyon kan pyesta ta nagplano an mga
opisyal kan barangay.
b. Dinara sa hospital si Domingo ta nasubrahan siya ki kakan kan
c. Napano nin tawo su simbahan ta igwang binunyagan sa aldaw
kan kapyestahan ni San Vicente.

C. Skill Focus
1. Ano an naging epekto kan marhay na plano kan mga opisyal kan
2. Ano man an naging epekto kan nasubrahan sa pagkakan nin latik si
3. Ano man an naging epekto kan igwang binunyagan sa aldaw kan
4. Basahon giraray an mga pangungusap. Arin sa kada pangungusap an
grupo kan mga tatataramon na nagpapahiling kan epekto kan
5. Apwera sa mga naitaong epekto sa kada pangyayari, may naisip pa
kamo na pwedeng maging epekto kun nagpaplano nin marhay an
mga opisyal? kun nasubrahan sa pagkakan ki latik an sarong tawo?
kun igwang binunyagan sa aldaw kan kapyestahan?
6. Ano an ipigpapahiling kan epekto?

D. Generalization
Pano ka makakatao nin posibleng epekto kan sarong ginibong aksyon?

E. Practice Exercises
1. Basahon an kada sitwasyon. Itao an posibleng epekto sa kada

Grupo 1- Ipigbareta sa radyo na igwang makusog na bagyo an paabot

sa probinsiya nindo. Makusog na uran asin paros an mamamatian.

Grupo 2- Maski sain nagtatapok kan basura an pamilya ni Tiyo

Kardo.Kadakul na mga langaw asin hipos sa natad ninda.

Grupo 3-Sarong organisasyon an nagkunduktir nin feeding program

sa eskuwelahan.

Grupo 4- Driver nin jeep an ama ni Gina. Sarong aldaw nadangog

niya an istoryahan kan saiyang mga magurang manungod sa
padagos na paglangkaw kan presyo kan gasolina.

2. Hilingon an ritrato na nakapaskil/dukot sa kada istasyon. Itao an mga

posibleng epekto na ipigpapahiling kaini.

Istasyon 1- Pagputol ki kahoy

Istasyon 2- Pagbabawal kan paggamit nin plastik na mga laugan
Istasyon 3- Dai pagsunod kan mga tanda trapiko

F. Independent Practice

Day 3 and Day 4

A. Presentation

Ako, ika, kamo kita gabos may magiginibo,
Ngani satong banwa umasenso,
Dai sana pag isipon an sadiri,
Rumdumon an kapwa puro pirmi.

Kung igwang daramayan,

Gabos na problema malalampasan,
Ako, ika, kita may paninimbagan
Habang kita nabubuhay sa kinaban.

B. Analysis Questions
1. Manungod sain an rap?
2. Pagsinabi ako, sisay ini?
3. Pagsinabi tang ika, sisay ini?
4. Pagsinabi kamo, sisay ini?
5. Nuarin gagamiton an ako?
6. Pirang tawo an pighuhurunan pag ginamit an taramon na ika?
7. Nuarin piggagamit an siya?
8. Pirang tawo an pighuhurunan pag ginamit an taramon na siya?
9. Nuarin gagamiton an kamo?
10. Nuarin piggagamit an sinda?
11. Ano an pigsasalidahan kan mga tataramon na ako, ika, kamo, siya,
12. Ano an apod sa mga tataramon na ini?

C. Generalization
Nuarin piggagamit an tataramon na ako, ika, siya, sinda, kita, kamo?

D. Guided Practice
Pick and Tell
 Teacher presents a box with pictures inside. Ask the pupils to pick
one picture then make a sentence using the pronouns ako, ika, siya,
sinda, kita, kamo. Teacher writes the sentences on the board.

E. Independent Practice
Put Me Right
Look at each picture. What do you think the children are saying? Use the
correct pronoun inside the parenthesis to complete the sentences. (Use
appropriate pictures)

Gamiton an mga pansalida sa laog kan parenthesis ngani mabilog an

1. (Ako, Kamo) an malaba kan mga tamong ta papalinigon kong maray.
2. Ako an makanta. (Ika, siya) man Boyet ang magsayaw.
3. Pirmi na man sana ako an nagsisigid. Dai (kamo, kita) nagtatarabang.
4. (Siya, Sinda) an nanggana sa pakawat kaya magbabaranga sinda sa
5. (Kita, Kamo) na ang mapadangog kan kanta kaya dapat tang ugutan.

F. Evaluation
Use the pronoun inside the box to complete the sentences below.

Day 5

A. Presentation
Game: “Pinoy Henyo”

Bangaon sa apat an klase. Pumili ki duwang (2) makawat sa kada grupo.

Su sarong aki matao kan clue/giya tapos su sarong aki man an maukod
kan tataramon. Su padis na pinakamadaling makaukod kan tataramon an

1. gatas
2. butones
3. burak
4. maestra
5. lapis

 Ano an nakatabang saindo tanganing maukudan an mga tataramon?

 Ano an gustong sabihon kan mga tataramon na ini?

B. Discussion
May mga paagi pa kun pano ta maitatao an kahulugan kan sarong
Basahon ta an kada pangungusap.
1. Ibinareta sa radyo an pag-abot kan makusog na bagyo kaya dakul na
tawo an nahandal kan anunsyo na ini.

2. An makusog na paros an rason kun nata an mga parasira natakot
maglawud huli ta maduros asin mahukol an dagat.
3. Inagapan kan mga paralangoy an mga tawo na nakalunad sa sadit na
baroto, lunad sa dakulang barko sinda nagpasiring sa lawud.
4. Maragandang an panahon, sa subrang init, nagbaratak an mga
 Anong mga tataramon an igwang linya sa kada pangungusap?
 Anong tataramon sa inot na pangungusap an makakatao sato nin
giya kun ano an gustong sabihon kan tataramon na anunsyo?
 Pag sinabi niyato na anunsyo, ano an buot sabihon kaini?
 Sa ikaduwang pangungusap an mga grupo nin tataramon an
makakatabang saindo tanganing maitao an gustong sabihon kan
tataramon na igwang linya?Sa ikatulo? ikaapat?
 Pano nindo naitao an kahulugan kan mga tataramon?
 Nakatabang saindo an ibang tataramon na ginamit sa

C. Guided Practice
1. Anong tataramon an naiisip mo sa mga sasabihon ko?

a. bota, payong, kapote (baha)

b. bilog, nag-uuntol, pigpapashoot (bola)
c. nagtatanog, pig-aapudan, gamit pagtext (cellphone)
d. mahamis, yellow, mahamot ,masiram (mangga)
e. pigtataharan, pigsusurat, (lapis)

2. Look at the words inside the box. Find and write the word that
answers to what I say.

1. Hilingon an mga tataramon sa laog kan kahon. Hanapon buda

isurat sa pisara an tamang tataramon.

halo-halo, simbahan, strawberry, bulan, hospital

1. pigsasambahan pag Domingo kan mga katoliko

2. prutas na nabubuhay sa Baguio
3. nagtataong liwanag pag banggi
4. lugar kun sain pigbubulong an may helang
5. masiram kaunon pagmainit an panahon

2. Ano an gustong sabihon kan mga tataramon naigwang linya?

D. Post Assessment


I. Objectives
1. Give the cause or the effect of certain events in the story, fables, legends,
etc. read.
2. Infer the character's feelings based on their actions or on what they say
3. Express love for stories by browsing the story books read to them and
asking to be read
4. Use imperatives to give simple two - three steps directions in a
culturally appropriate manner
5. Correctly spell imperatives use in sentences
6. Read grade one level text in three-to-four words, phrases and sentences
with appropriate intonation, expressions and punctuation cues
7. Write simple sentences, phrases, paragraph and stories observing correct
punctuation marks, capitalization, indentions and format
8. Identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and multi-meaning
words correctly

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills
1. Giving the cause or the effect of certain events in the story, fables,
legends, etc. read
2. Inferring the character's feelings based on their actions or on what
they say
3. Expressing love for stories by browsing the story books read to
them and asking to be read more stories
4. Using imperatives to give simple two - three steps directions in a
culturally appropriate manner
5. Spelling imperatives correctly in sentences
6. Reading grade one level text in three-to-four words, phrases and
sentences with appropriate intonation, expressions and punctuation
7. Writing simple sentences, phrases, paragraph and stories observing
correct punctuation marks, capitalization, indentions and format
8. Identifying and using synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and multi-
meaning words correctly

B. Selection: Urigan ni Mang Popoy

Sinurat ni: Salvacion L.Barrameda
C. Reference: K to 12 Curriculum
MTB-MLE Indicators

D. Materials: story, pictures, situations
E. Theme: Good Citizenship (obeying traffic rules, waste
management, etc.)
F. Value: Proper Waste Management

III. Procedure

Day 1 and Day 2

A. Pre reading Activities

1. Unlocking of difficulties
 Unlock difficult words through context and picture clues.

a. urigan

b. bulod

c. kalut

d. pangki

5. mapagabot Pigparakulugan ki ngipon si Popoy.

Mapagabot na siya sa dentista.
6. suminupay Nagpapalis nin subrang tubig sa baso si Ana.
Suminupay an tubig sa baso, naula ini sa
2. Motivation

Field trip to a nearby piggery.(optional)
Show picture of piggery.
 Is it necessary to maintain cleaniness in a piggery? Why?
Importante man an pagmatinir kan kalinigan sa urigan? Nata?
 What did they do for their animal wastes?
Ano an ginibo ninda sa mga ati kan urig?

3. Book Orientation
 The teacher introduces the big book, the title, and the author of
the story.

4. Motive Questions:
 Why was there bad smell in Mang Popoy’s piggery? How did it
Nata ta may maraot na parong kina Mang Popoy na origan? Pano
ta nangyari ini?

B. During Reading Activity

Listening story: “Urigan ni Mang Popoy”
Interactive Reading: Teacher reads the story while pupils interact by
giving cause/effect of certain events in the story through questions.

Urigan ni Mang Popoy

Sinurat ni: Salvacion L. Barrameda

Sa Barangay Iraya igwa nin sarong negosyante na nagbugtak ki

dakulang urigan. Rinibong urig an saindang ataman. Dakol na mga
taga Iraya an natawan ki trabaho, saro kaini an ama ni Aboy.

Sarong aldaw,.. “Roy! Igwa na bagang trabaho si Pay. Sabi ngani, sa

masunod na suweldo mapagabot na sya kan bagang ta
nagpaparakulog na daa. Kasubago, tinawan nya ngani ako ki
pambakal ki tinapay.” Sabi ni Aboy. “talaga? Paborito ko iyan!” sabi
ni Roy. “Musna ta mabakal kita duman ki Lola Silya” agda ni Aboy.
Maugmahon si Roy buda si Aboy pasiring ki Lola Silya.

 Nata nakakasiguro si Aboy na dai makaraot an urigan sa barangay?

“Sain palan nagtrabaho si Pay? Hapot ni Roy. “Sa urigan ni Mang

Popoy” sabi ni Aboy. “Sain nakatugdok an urigan na iyan?” hapot ni
Roy… “Duman baga sa ibabaw kan bulod, sa itaas na Ka Dunying”,
simbag ni Aboy. “Ano sa paghuna mo, dai daw iyan makaraot sa
satuyang lugar?” hapot ni Roy. “Dai man siguro ta naggiribo sa Pay ki
dakulaon na kalot, duman papabuloson an gabos na ati kan urig”’
simbag ni Aboy.

 Nata nabigla an duwa mantang naglalakaw? Nata sunod-sunod an
hapot ni Roy kay Aboy?

Pakalihis ki nagkapirang bulan. “Tag-uran na naman”, sabi ni Aboy,

mantang naglalakaw sindang duwa ni Roy, bigla na sanang may
namarong…Hmmmmmg! ! Nabigla an duwa asin nakadalagan sa
tindahan ni Lola Silya. “Ano daw ito!? Ano daw iyan?” Sunud-sunod na
hapot ni Roy. Ano an mabataon na iyan? Hapot naman ni Roy. “Iyo
ngani, sain daw hali iyan?” hapot ni Aboy

 Ano an ginibo kan duwa? Ano an nangyari sa malinigon na sapa?

Ano sa paghuna nindo an mangyayari sa mga buyod buda sira na
nakaistar sa sapa?

Dai namatunong an duwa hinanap ninda kun sain hali an daing datang
parong. “Ay! Hilinga Aboy, su malinigon tang sapa, naging maation na
salog, bata dakol na mga buyod asin kasiling nakaistar dyan, pano na
sinda? An hapot ni Roy.

 Sain hali an maitumon buda mabataon na tubig na ini? Nata sa

paghuna nindo ta suminupay an kalot sa urigan?

May nasabatan sinda na mga Tanod na nag-usyuso man kan nangyari,

may mga takop an saindang dungo dahil sa subrang bata kan parong.
“Sain hali an maitumon asin mabataon na tubig na iyan? Hapot ni Roy
asin Aboy. “Dyan sa urigan ni Popoy, suminupay kaya su dakulaon na
kalot kaya uminula digdi” simbag kan mga Tanod.

 Ano an nangyari ki Lanie? Nata dai na sya nakaeskwela? Nata

nagkarulugad si Lanie?

“Ay! Hilinga si Lanie, nahulog sa sapa!” sabi ni Aboy. “Musna ta

tabangan ta”, sabi ni Roy. Binuhat kan duwa si Lanie sa sapa, mabata
asin maitomon an kabwang nyang lawas. Hu! Hu! Hu! “Salamat saindo,”
sabi ni Lanie. Puon kaito dai na nakaeskwela si Lanie ta ginatol ki husto
an saiyang lawas sagkod na nagkarulugad. “Kaherak man ki Lanie,” sabi
ni Aboy.

 Ano an namatian ni Roy kinaagahan? Nata dai sindang nakua sa


Kinaagahan. . . “Haaagggaaab . . Piroton pa ako,” sabi ni Roy. Nata

nagsain ka naman kasubanggi?” hapot ni Aboy. “Nag iba kaya ako ki
Pay na nagpangki kasubanggi, ni Mulog dai kami nakakua ta subrang
bata kan dagat. Bata pipiroton na ako,” simbag ni Roy. Maray ngani ta
dai ka nahulog,” sabi ni Aboy.

 Kun ika si Mang Popoy, ano an gigibohon mo? Nata?

Marhay man kuta na may urigan si Popoy ta dakul na tawo an
natabangan, pero mas dakul na tawo an naapektohan,” sabi ni Roy.
“Kaya pag uli ni Manoy, sinabihan si Pay na maghali sa urigan’” sabi ni
“Dai ako mahali, kakahuronon ko si Mang Popoy na magpagibo ki
saradong tangke, tangani dai maapiktaran an palibot.” Sabi kan ama ni
Roy. “Musna ta paaramon ta man kaini si Kapitan,” sabi ni Aboy.

Answer the following question:

1. Nata ta dakul an nagkaigwa nin trabaho sa Barangay Iraya?
2. Nata nakakasiguro si Aboy na dai makaraot an urigan sa
3. Nata nabigla/nakigkig an duwa mantang naglalakaw?
4. Ano an nangyari sa malinigon na sapa?
5. Ano kaya an mangyayari sa mga buyod buda sira na nakaistar
sa sapa? Nata daw?
6. Sain hali an maitomon buda mabataon na tubig na ini?
7. Nata ta suminupay an kalot? Tama daw an kagibo ni Mang
Popoy kan tapukan kan basura sa urigan? Nata bako?
8. Nata dai na nakaeskwela si Lanie? Nata?
9. Nata dai nang nadakop na mga sira sa dagat?
10. Anong marhay na adal an ipinahiling ni Aboy buda ni Roy sa
satuya sa istorya?

C. Post Reading Activity

1. Engagement
Group 1 - Draw the piggery of Mang Popoy that helped people of
Barangay Iraya
Idrowing an urigan ni Mang Popoy na nakatabang sa mga tawo kan
Brgy. Iraya.

Group 2 - How would you dispose garbage and animal wastes?

Give/cite proper ways of waste management
Pano mo itatapok an mga basura asin ati kan mga hayop? Magtao nin
mga tamang paagi kan pagtapok kan basura.

Group 3 - Act out the following scenes:

 Aboy and Roy helped Lanie come up into the dirty water.
 Aboy and Roy informed the Barangay Captain about the events.
Iarte an mga sitwasyon.
Tinabang nin Aboy kasi Roy si Lanie na makahaon sa maating
Tinaraman ninda Aboy asin Roy an kapitan kan barangay
manungod sa maating tubig.

What helped the people in Barangay Iraya?

Group 1 – presents
 How did they show proper waste management?

Group 2 – presents
 How did they show their concerns to the people in the

Group 3 – presents

 What should you do to be of help to the community?
Ano an dapata mong gibuhon tanganing makatabang sa
 How would you manage your wastes/garbage?
Ano an gigibuhon mo sa mga basura?

Value Focus:
 What should we remember about wastes management?
Ano an dapat mong girumdumon manungod sa tamang
pagtapok kan mga basura?

2. Skill Focus-(Grammar Awareness)

Recall the following scenes in the story

Let us make simple direction for each situation using the following
words.Gamiton an mga tataramon sa paggibo nin mga simpleng

tabang hilingon gibuhon itapok

masdan takupan halion linigan

 Pakihanapon buda sabihon kun ano an maraot na parong na iyan.

 Magtabang buda palinigon tabi an salog.
 Pakarhayon buda takpan tabi an diposito kan origan.
 Tabangi asin hawasa siya sa salog.
 Paisiha asin osipani daw tabi si kapitan sa nangyari.

Uliton an mga direksyon na ini.

(by whole class,by groups,and individually)

 Anong mga tataramon an ginamit sa pagtao nin direksyon?

 Kun matao ka ki direksyon, ano an dapat mong rumdomon
tanganing magibo nin tama an itinao mong direksyon?
 Pano kita dapat magtao nin direksyon?

3. Guided Practice
a. Let us make the direction for each picture.
(Use appropriate pictures for each situation.)

Stop, look and listen please.

Pundo, hilingon asin dangugon tabi.

Throw your dirt in the trash can
Itapok an mga ati sa basurahan.

4. Game: “Treasure Hunting”

Magpreparar nin mapa asin mga direksyon. Sa kada istasyon igwang
gibuhon na dapat mahimo kan lambang grupo bago makaduman sa
sunod na istasyon hanggang mahanap an kayamanan.

Day 3

A. Recall
Give simple two-three steps direction for the picture.

Anong mga direksyon an pwedeng itao nindo manungod sa mga aksyon

na ipinapahiling?

B. Modeling
Listen as I Read

Listen and repeat after me.

Magdangog asin utrohon an satuyang binasa.

Kindly walk slowly.

Luway-luway kitang maglakaw.

Please use the trash can.

Gamiton an basurahan. Itapok digdi an mga ati.

Pick up the pieces of paper please.

Pakipuruton tabi an mga papel na nakakalat,

Please sweep the floor.

Paki samodan an salog.

 Ano an impormasyon na pigtatao sa lambang pangungusap?

 Pano dapat magtao nin mga direksyon?
 Importante daw na masabutan an mga direksyon na itinatao? Nata?

C. Guided Practice
I can read!

Read what the picture shows.

Basahon kun ano an ipinapahiling sa kada ritrato.

Please walk slowly.

Maglakaw ki luway-luway.

Please throw your dirt properly.

Paki tapok tabi kan saindong basura.

Stop writing on the wall, please.

Dai na tabi magsurat sa lanob.

Kindly clean the blackboard.

Paki linigan tabi an pisara.

Please keep of the grass.

Dai tabi pagtungtungan an mga tinanom.

Please scrub the floor.

Paki lampasohon an salog.

D. Individual Practice

Rolled strips of paper with two -three steps direction written on it are
placed inside the magic box. A pupil draws one in the box, opens it then
reads it. Then he/she says “POPCORN” to call the next player. The game
continues until everybody is able to participate.

Day 4

A. Preparatory Activity
Let us sing this song. Kantahon ta ini.

Sit Down, Sit Down

Tukaw, tukaw, tumukaw kamo.

Tukaw, tukaw, tukaw kamo.
Tukaw, tukaw,tumukaw kamo.
Ano an pigsasabi sa kanta?
Naggibo mo ini? Ipahiling.

B. Presentation
Read each direction. Basahon an kada direksiyon.

Dai tabi pagtungtungan an mga tinanum.

Paki lampasuhon tabi an salog.
Paki linigan tabi an pisara.
Maglakaw sana. Dai magdalagan.

Kaya man nindong sunodun an pigasasabi sa mga direksyon?

Nata importante na sunodon ta an mga direksyon?

C. Guided Practice
Magtao nin 2-3 direksyon base sa sitwasyon. Isurat an mga ini.
Grupo 1- Tapos na an klase nindo. Ika an lider kan grupo na natukahan
na maglimpya sa likod kan kwarto nindo. Magtao nin direksyon para sa
saimong mga kagrupo.

Grupo 2- Nagsaod kamo kan saimong ina. Mantang nagbabakal ki

kamatis si mama mo, nahiling mo an sarong aki na nadidipisilan na ilaog
an mga binakalan sa basket. Ano an direksyon na itatao mo saiya?

Grupo 3-Madali na mag-flag ceremony. Ika an tinaraman kan saimong

maestra na magpalinya kan saimong mga kaklase. Ano an mga
direksyon na itatao mo sainda?

D. Independent Practice

Day 5

A. Recall
1. Simbagan an mga hapot. Basahon an mga tataramon na hali sa
istoryang napag-adalan.
 Ano an plinano kan ama ni Aboy na ipagabot nia?
 Ano an apod ninda sa ama?

 Ano an gusto ni Aboy na bakalon?
 Iladawan an tubig sa salog bago asin pakatapos mag-apaw su
kalot kan urigan?
 Ano an masasbi nindo sa urigan sa barangay?

2. Basahon an kada grupo ki mga tataramon.

1 2
bagang - ngipon malinigon - maation
pay – ama - papa nakatabang - nakaapikto
pay – pan - tinapay

 Arin na grupo an igwa nin padis na gustong sabihon?

 Arin man na grupo an bako padis an gustong sabihon?
 Kun padis an gustong sabihon kan tataramon pwede man na
isalida an saro duman sa ikaduwa? Nata?
 Kun magkaiba an kahulugan kan duwang tataramon, ano an
gustong sabihon kaini kun gagamiton ta sinda sa pangungusap?
 Pano mo masasabi na an duwang tataramon magkapareho an
gustong sabihon?magkaiba an gustong sabihon?

B. Guided Practice
1. Pagkabiton an mga tataramon na pareho an buot sabihon.

saday guwapita
maaliwalas sadit
magayon malinig

2. Bilugan an mga tataramon na magkabaliktad an buot sabihon.

malinig maaliwalas maati

halangkaw hibaba pugod
waragas masamok mahipid

C. Independent Practice

D. Enrichment

An saday na Dyip

Pip Pip Pip Pip

An saday na dyip
Makaskas,marabas 2x

Pip Pip Pip Pip

An sadit na dyip
Pundo kamo mga aki
Untok kamo mga aki

Pip Pip Pip Pip

Uya na an saday na dyip
Yaon na an saday na dyip

E. Assignment
Bilugan an mga tataramon sa kanta na pareho an buot sabihon.


I. Objectives
1. Express love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them and
asking to be read more stories
2. Cite the problem and/the most likely solutions to story, legends, etc. read
3. Cite the problem and/the most likely solution school and community
issues, events, situations, radio broadcast, news, etc. read
4. Infer the character’s feelings based on their actions or on what they say
5. Use culturally appropriate expressions to explain/give reason on a certain
topic/s being presented
6. Use imperatives to give simple four – six steps directions in a culturally
appropriate manner
7. Identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and multiple meaning
words correctly
8. Correctly spell previously learned words
9. Read by sight words listed in Appendix ___
10. Read phrases, sentences and short stories containing high frequency
words and word studied
11. Read with automaticity, accuracy and prosody 100 first grade high
frequency/sight words
12. Write simple sentences, phrases, paragraphs and stories observing
correct punctuation marks, capitalization, indentions and format

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills
1. Expressing love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them
and asking to be read more stories
2. Citing the problem and/the most likely solutions to story, legends, etc.
3. Citing the problem and/the most likely solution school and community
issues, events, situations, radio broadcast, news, etc. read
4. Inferring the character’s feelings based on their actions or on what
they say
5. Using culturally appropriate expressions to explain/give reason on a
certain topic/s being presented
6. Using imperatives to give simple four – six steps directions in a
culturally appropriate manner
7. Identifying and using synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and multiple
meaning words correctly
8. Correctly spelling previously learned words
9. Reading by sight words listed in Appendix ___
10. Reading phrases, sentences and short stories containing high
frequency words and word studied
11. Reading with automaticity, accuracy and prosody 100 first grade high
frequency/sight words
12. Writing simple sentences, phrases, paragraphs and stories observing
correct punctuation marks, capitalization, indentions and format

B. Reference: MTBMLE Indicators, K-12 Curriculum
C. Materials: Story – An Tarahadi sa Baryo
pictures, real object, flashcards.
D. Theme: Community Celebrations (Cultural Gatherings, fiesta etc.)
E. Value: Obedience

III. Procedure

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading Activities
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
 Use pictures, context clues and realia in unlocking the words.

a. tarahadi – procession d. sulog – rooster

b. sulpaot – torch e. ermita – chapel

c. butong – bamboo (use real f. tanayad – plain land

buko – part of the bamboo

2. Motivation
a. Show a picture of tarahadi.

b. What do you see in the picture?Ano an nahiling nindo sa ritrato?
c. When do we usually have processions?Nuarin kita nagkakaigwa
ki tarahadi?

3. Motive Question
Where did the children want to go?Sain gusto magduman kan mga

B. During Reading
1. Introduce the Shared Reading Story
a. Teacher takes up the cover of the book.
b. Mention the title, author and illustrator.
c. Ask questions about the cover and encourage the pupils to think
about and talk about the topic of the story.
d. Have pointer ready to move under the words that the teacher read.

2. Following the Reading Plan

a. Teacher reads the entire text to the pupils.If the pupils cannot read
the text themselves but if they can read the text already, skip the
b. Teacher reads the text with all the pupils.
c. Teacher reads one part of the text with one or two pupil-
d. One or two pupil-volunteers read that part of the text by
e. Teacher reads the entire text again, with all the pupils.

C. Reading the Story

Shared Reading: Teacher reads the story with the pupils “An Tarahadi sa

D. Interactive reading: Second reading of the story.

An Tarahadi sa Baryo
Sinurat ni: Marlyn B. Baclao

Sa baryo San Juaquin, nagkakaigwa ki novena sa laog ki siyam na

aldaw bago an kapyestahan. Ang novena kikantada tanganing an
gabos lalo na an mga aki makaiba.

“Shane! Mapuon na daa baga dyan na banggi an tarahadi sabi ni Tiya

Dalen,” an sabi kan nagpapakpak na si Hedwig.

Napalukso si Shane sa magayon na bareta ni Hedwig.

“Yahooo! Mairiba kita, kaya dapat maghanda na kita kan gagamiton

tang sulpaot. Si Ace an pakuwaon ta ki butong,” sabi ni Shane.

Maliksi itong nadangog ni Ace kaya nagpabulod tulos tanganing

maghanap ki butong.

“Conrad, ika na an maggibo ki sulpaot,” sugo ni Ace.

“Pano man tabi, Manoy?” an hapot ni Conrad.

“Yasyasan an butong, palinigon ki maray, putolon lampas sa buko,
ngani may salodan ki gas. An puro kaagan ki mitsa pagkatapos
malaogan ki gas,” an pasunod ni Ace.

“Iyo tabi, Manoy, gibohon ko an pasunod mo. Sain palan tabi ako
makua ki pang mitsa?” hapot ni Conrad

“Gumunting ka ki diit na dugnit, arog kan trapo ta baga duman sa

lababo,” an simbag ni Ace.

Nagbagting na sa Ermita, senyales na mapuon na an tarahadi.

“Dali na Ace, Conrad, Reina, Shane, maduman na kita sa ermita,” an

nasisibot na suriyaw ni Hedwig.

“Halaton nindo ako, maiba man ako,” sabi ni Lola.

“Dai na po, Lola, bata ika lula pirmi pag harayo na an piglalakawan,”
napapakagaw sa payo na sabi ni Conrad.

“Nata sain an libot, Manoy?” hapot ni Shane.

“Duman maagi sa padihon ni Lolo na dakul na ataman na sulog. An

harong harani sa salog na makusog an sulog. Kaya, pag-agi ta duman
halion an sulog na tsinelas ta baka ianod,” sabi ni Ace.

Nagdesisyon an magturugang na dai na ipag-iba si Lola ta delikado sa

“Maray ngani, Manoy, naggibo si Conrad ki mga sulpaot. Maliwanag
sa agihan ta dawa madiklom na an banggi,” an sabi ni Reina.

Maugmang nagsarabay sa tarahadi an magturugang pati an mga


Pagbalik sa ermita, pinarilinya su mga aki ki duwang linya buda

pinaturukro. Tinawan sinda ki tigsararong supot na sopas.

“Ace, pwede kamo masugo ni Conrad maglimpya sa ermita?” hapot

kan sarung gurang.

“Iyo po, May,” malistong simbag ni Ace.

“Reina, ika na sana an magdara kan mga panao samuya ta
pipatabang kami paglimpya sa ermita,” sabi ni Conrad.

“Iyo tabi, Manoy, maray ngani dara ko ining nigo kaya nigo gabos
ining mga panao satuya,” simbag ni Reina.

“Sa agang banggi maiba giraray kita, ipag-iba ta na si Lola ta sa

tanayad na an agi, dai na siya masisingkog ta pantay na an daga,”
maugmang sabi ni Shane.

E. Post Reading Activity

1. Engagement Activity
Group 1
 Where did the children want to go?
 Make a Dialogue.
Sain gusto magduman kan mga aki?
Maggibo ki dyalogo.

Group 2
 What are the things used in making a “sulpaot”?
 Write them.
Ano an mga kagamitan sa paggibo ki sulpaot?
Isurat an mga ini.

Group 3
 How did they make the “sulpaot”? Cite the procedure.
Pano ninda ginibo su sulpaot? Sabihon an proseso.

Group 4
 What did the children do after the procession?
 Act it out.
Ano an piggibo kan mga aki pagkatapos kan tarahadi?
Iarte ini.
 Where did the children want to go?
Sain gusto magduman kan mga aki?

Group 1 presents.
 How did the children feel about the “tarahadi”?
Ano an namatian kan mga aki manungod sa tarahadi?
 What did they prepare for that occasion?
Ano an ipigpreparar ninda para sa okasyon?
Who was asked to make the “sulpaot”?
Sisay an nasugo na maggibo ki sulpaot?

 What were the things used in making a “sulpaot”?

Ano an mga ginamit sa paggibo kan sulpaot?

Group 2 presents
 How did they make the “sulpaot”?
Pano ninda ginibo su sulpaot?

Group 3 presents
 Who wanted to go with them?
Sisay an gusto mag-iba sainda?
 Why did the children not want their grandamother to go with
Nata habo kan mga aki na umiba si Lola sainda?
 If you were the grandchildren in the story, would you do the
same? Why? Why not?
Kun kamo makuapo kan lola sa istorya, gigibuhon man nindo an
ginibo kan mga makuapo niya? Nata iyo? Nata dai?
 Where did the “tarahade” start and finish?
 Sain nagpuon buda nagtatapos su tarahadi?
 What did the children do after the “tarahade”?
Ano an piggibo kan mga aki pagkatapos kan tarahade?

Group 4 presents
 What did the children receive after the “tarahade”?
Ano an naresibi kan mga aki pagkatapos kan tarahade?
 Who was asked to clean the chapel?
Sisay an nasugo maglimpya sa ermita?
 If you were also asked to clean the chapel, would also you follow?
Kun ika nasugo maglimpya sa ermita, masunod ka man?

Value *Why is there a need to obey our elders?

Nata kaipohan tang sunodon an satuyang mga matua, gurang
asin iba pa?

Day 2

A. Review
Sa istoryang satuyang napag-adalan kasuudma, pano nagprepar an mga
aki sa okasyon?

B. Presentation
From the story heard, here are the steps on how to make a “sulpaot”.
Steps in Making Sulpaot
1. Yasyasan an butong.
2. Palinigon ki maray.
3. Putolon lampas sa buko tanganing may salodan kan gas.

4. Kagan ki mitsa an puro pagkatapos malaogan ki gas.
 Pano an proseso sa paggibo ki sulpaot?
 Kun dai masunod nin tama an mga paagi sa paggibo kaini, ano an
pwedeng mangyari?
 Ika, makagibo ka man daw kan sulpaot?Kaya mo man masundan
an mga direksyon sa paggibo kaini?
 Pirang direksiyon an susunodon tanganing makagibo kaini?
 Kun dai mo taposon an mga direksyon na nabanggit, makagibo ka
kaya nin sulpaot?Nata dai?

C. Practice Exercises
1. Each group will write 3- 4 steps procedure in setting the table before

Magsurat nin 3-4 na mga paagi kun pano nindo ihahandao ipreparar
an lamesa bago magkaon.

2. Study the illustrations showing the steps in cooking fried egg for
3. Write the steps in correct order.

D. Independent Practice
Igwang bisita na naghahanap kan opisina kan saindong principal.
Tabangan siya sa paagi nin pagtao nin 3-4 na mga direksyon. Hali sa
saindong kwarto turuan siya na makaabot sa opisina.

E. Enrichment
Idrowing an mga paagi kun pano kamo makakagibo ki dekorasyon para
sa maabot na okasyon kan pasko.

Day 3

A. Review
Game: “Hunting for My Pair”

The teacher gives half part of the cardboard shaped fruit to the pupils with
a word written on it. Ask pupils to find the pair of it from the scattered
parts inside the classroom.


amay atab
tanayad pantay

 What do you call the pairs of words that you find?

Ano an apud ta sa mga padis na tataramon?
 What can you say about their meaning?
Ano an masasabi nindo sa gustong sabihon kan mga ini?

B. Presentation
1. Study the words used in the story. Take note of the meaning of the
underlined words.
a. Salamat sa sulpaot. Maliwanag sa agihan ta dawa madiklom na
an banggi.
b. Dakul an nag-iba sa tarahadi pero diit sana su sulpaot.
c. Harayo su linibotan kan tarahadi ngunyan. Tibaad sa aga harani
na sana.

 What does ‘maliwanag’ mean? How about ‘madiklom’?

Ano an gustong sabihon kan maliwanag? an madiklom?
 What can you say about the meaning of these words?
Pareho an kahulugan kan mga tataramon na ini?
(Do the same for ‘dakul - diit’ and ‘harayo - harani’.)
 What do you call these words with opposite meaning?
Ano an apod ta sa mga tataramon na magkaiba an kahulugan?

C. Practice Exercises
1. Look at the pictures and read each word below.

( fast ) ( slow ) ( happy ) ( sad )

( many ) ( few ) ( old ) ( young )

Gamiton sa pangungusap an kada padis na tataramon.

2. Read the sentences. Write on your paper the antonyms in each


D. Independent Practice
Check in each row the antonym of the word in the first column.

Day 4 and Day 5

A. Review on previously learned words

Game: “Picking Flowers”

 Teacher posts different colored flowers on the board. Let the pupils
close their eyes and imagine as if they were in the beautiful garden.
 They are going to pick one for their mothers.
 The flowers have words in it, so after picking a flower of their choice,
they are going to read it and write it on the board.

B. Presentation
Let the children read the words found in the story.

mapuon makaiba
nagtukro nagpabulod
dugnit nagbagting

1. Reading of words by the class, rows, pairs, and individual.

2. Reading Phrases and Sentences

mapuon na an tarahadi nagbagting sa Ermita

nagtukro an aki nagpabulod si Manoy
maati an dugnit makaiba sa paglakaw

Sa aga na mapuon an tarahadi.

Nagtukro an aki sa gilid kan Ermita.
Maati an dugnit na kinaag sa sulpaot.
Nasibot an mga tawo ta nagbagting na sa Ermita.
Nagpabulod si Manoy ta nagkua ki butong.
Si Lola dai makaiba sa paglakaw ta pirmi lula.

Nuarin mapuon an tarahadi? __________________
Sain nagtukro su aki? __________________
Ang klaseng dugnit an ipigkaag sa sulpaot? __________________
Sisay an mga nasibot kan nagbagting na sa Ermita
Ano an pigkua ni Manoy sa bulod?__________________
Nata dai makaiba si Lola sa paglakaw? __________________

C. Enrichment
Song: ( Tune: “Here We Are” )

Tukad na, tukad na

tukad na sa bulod,
Masakit, mapagal,
Makulog sa tuhod.

Bayae pa, bayae pa

Basta makaukod
Kun pano, kun pano
Paggibo ki sulpaot.

D. Post Assessment
Basahon an tula asin simbagan an mga hapot.


I. Objectives
1. Tell stories with accuracy and prosody
2. Infer the character’s feelings based on their actions / what they say
3. Use the correct action words in narrating one’s experiences
4. Identify and use synonyms correctly
5. Read by sight words listed in Appendix ------
6. Express love for stories by browsing the storybooks

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills
1. Telling stories with accuracy and prosody
2. Inferring the character’s feelings based on their actions/ what they say
3. Using the correct action words in narrating one’s experiences
4. Identifying and using synonyms correctly
5. Reading by sight words listed in the Appendix
6. Expressing love for stories by browsing the storybooks

B. Story: An Prusisyon Kan Mga Santo

Sinurat ni: Rosa Belga
C. Reference: MTB – MLE Indicators, K-12 Curriculum
D. Materials: big book, pictures of activity sheets
E. Theme: Our community celebration, customs, beliefs, and traditions
F. Value: Respect ones faith and religion

III. Procedure

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading
1. Unlocking of difficult words:
a. through pictures
prusisyon Biyernes Santo magabas

b. through action

listo - dali-dali
ngirit-ngirit - ulok-ulok

c. context clues
 matuninong-pormal
- Madaling natapos an hururon manungod sa preparasyon sa
prusisyon nin huli ta matuninong su irestoryahan kan mga

2. Motivation
 Sain kamo nagduduman kun Byernes Santo?
 Ano nahihiling nindo kun may prusisyon?
 Ano an nahihiling nindong tradisyon o nakaugalian na sa
pagselebrar kan Byernes Santo?

3. Motive Question
4. Sain na santo nagsabay an pamilya ni Boboy?

B. During Reading
Interactive Reading Teacher reads the story, “An Prusisyon kan mga

An Prusisyon Kan Mga Santo

Sinurat ni: Rosa Belga

Sarong aldaw masalinggaya an bilog na pamilya ni Manting kaiba

an saiyang mga tugang na si Ikay, Nana, buda si Boboy. Biyernes
Santo kaya arog kan nakaugalian na kan bilog na pamilya ni May
Maria kasi Pay Pedro na mag-iba sa prusisyon.

“May, ano an isusulot ko? Tama na tabi ining short ko buda

sando?”, an hapot ni Boboy.

Aw, hare ka daw diyan ta maiba kita sa prusisyon, su tamang bado

an isulot mo. Dali na ta nakasangli na su mga tugang mo.

“May, Pay dali na kamo ta yaon na su sikad-sikad.” apod ni


“Iyo padiyan na kami ni Pay mo buda mga tugang mo. Mari na

kamo, Nana, Kikay.

Pag-abot sa simbahan matuninong sindang nagdangog kan misa.

Pero, iba ang gibo ni Manting. Sige nya an ngirit-ngirit sa mga
naheheling niyang mga nagsisirimba.

Nata sa paghuna mo nagpapara ngirit-ngirit si Manting?

“Boboy, hilinga itong gurang tiripo.” sabi ni Manting. Sabay na
uminulok an duwa.
Hiniling an duwa ni May Maria buda ni Pay Pedro.

Ano sa paghuna mo an ginibo ni May Maria sa duwang aki?

Pagkatapos kan misa tinaraman sinda ni May Maria “Kamong
duwa, pag nasa laog na kamo kan simbahan dai kamo
magpararibok dapat matuninong sana kamong magdangog kan
misa, naintindihan nindo? Hala, dali na kamo ta mapuon na ang
prusisyon kan mga Santo.

Nata sa paghuna mo nagdali-dali sinda?

” Duman kita ki San Pedro ta duman kami nagsasabay ni Pay mo ta

sabi niya kangaran niya buda mahilig daa siya sa manok, magabas
daa siya ki anting-anting.” pakaraw na sabi ni May Maria.

Ha! Ha! Ha! o, sige tama na ta maduman na kita sa linya ta

nagpapasabot na si Pay Igne na mapuon na ang prusisyon.

“Iyo po!” sabay-sabay na sabi ni Manting, Boboy, Nana buda ni


” Basta tandaan nindo tuninong sana kamo, dai magparakaraw

buda isabuot an pag-iba sa prusisyon, buda dai pagkarawan an
kandilang dara nindo, sabi ni Pay Pedro.

Myentras na nasa prusisyon, matuninong na naglalakaw an mga

tawo, taud taud, nagdurudalagan sinda Boboy asin kairiba niya.

“Mari na Ikay, Nana dali-dali na kamo ta magayonon ang kandila na

ipagdalagan nagsasabay sa paros.”

“Hala kamo, sabi ni May kasi Pay dai kita magkararaw.” sabi ni
“Hmpp! Dai man kita nahihiling ta dukuon sa kakapangadyi hehe!”
sabi ni Boboy.

Dai na kami masabay saimo manoy.” sabi ni Nana buda ni Ikay.

Taod-taod, nagkariribok sa inotan ta an mga nagpuprusisyon.
Nata ta nagkariribok su mga tawo sa inotan?
Kinurab si Manting, “Ambida si Boboy ito.”, tamang tama
padangadang na man si Boboy pano ki dugi. “May, Pay si Boboy!”
sabi ni Manting.

“Ano nangyari saimo?” hapot kang mga magurang niya.

“Bako sabi ko saindo dai kamo magparakaraw?”

Pasensya na po May, Pay dai ko na po uutrohun, dapat po sinunod

ko kamo sa tugon nindo, dai na po ako utro makaraw. Prusisyon
kan Santo pero dai ko ini pigtawan ki respeto. “Pasensya na po.”
nasusupog na sabi ni Boboy.

O, sige musna ta mangarigos ka na. Sabay-sabay na nag-uli na an

bilog na pamilya.

C. Post Reading Activity

Igrupo an mga aki sa 4. Sa laog ki 5 minuto ipagibo sa mga aki an

Group I- Ano an ginibo kan pamilya kan Byernes santo?

Group II- Ano an ginibo ni May Maria sa laog kan simbahan? Arogon.
Group III- Ano an ginibo ni Boboy habang nag sasabay sa prusisyon?

Group IV-Gumibo ki pangadyion.

 Arin na santo an sinabayan kan pamilya ni Buboy?
 Nata ta duman sinda nagsabay?
 Ano ginibo kan pamilya ni Buboy sa aldaw kan Byernes Santo?

Group 1 presents.
 Piggibo man nindo ini pag Byernes Santo?
 Ano pa an piggibo nindo sa aldaw na ini?

Group 2 presents
 Arin na santo an pigsasabayan man nindo? Nata duman kamo
 Mantang nagpuprusisyon kamo, ano an piggibo nindo?

Group 3 presents
 Tama daw itong ginibo ni Buboy? Nata?
 Ano an dapat na ginibo ninda?
 Kun nagsasabay sa prusisyon, ano an dapat na piggibo kan mga

Group 4 presents
 Pano ka nangangadyi?
 Nuarin mo ini pigggibo?

Value: Ano an mga piggibo mo na nagpapahiling kan saimong

pagtubod sa Diyos?
Ano an dapat tang gibohon kun may mga kamidbid o
kaeskwela kita na iba man an paa-gi nin pagtubod?

D. Skill Focus
Magbilog nin 5 grupo. Iistorya sa mga kagrupo an saindong piggibo kun
nagsasabay man kamo sa prusisyon.Pagkatapos maghiras kan saindang

istorya an lambang saro sa grupo, magpili nin kaeskuwela na iyo an
mahiras sa klase kan pinagsararong eksperyensya kan kada myembro
kan grupo.

 Pano nabilog an saindong mga istorya?

 Pano ipig-istorya kan lambang myembro ini?
 Tama man an pagkakasunod-sunod kan istoryang nabilog? Nata?
 Ano an dapat nindong rumdomon kun nag-iistorya kamo?

Day 2 and Day 3

A. Review
 Ano an ginibo kan pamilya ni Boboy?
 Magpahiling nin mga ritrato manungod sa mga ginibo kan pamilya ni
Boboy sa pagselebrar kan Byernes Santo.
 Sabihon kun ano an ginibo kan lambang saro.

B. Presentation
Basahon an mga pangungusap na ngapapahiling kan mga piggibo kan
pamilya ni Boboy.

1. Matuninong na nagpapangadyi si May Maria sa simbahan.

2. Sarabay na nagraralakaw sa pagprusisyon sinda Nana, Manting asin
3. Dara an kandila, nagdadalagan sa pagprusisyon si Boboy
4. Dakul na tawo an nagsisirimba kun aldaw nin Byernes Santo.
5. Nagpapadukot nin kandila an mga tawo sa pagsabay sa prusisyon.

C. Analysis Questions
1. Ano an pigigibo ni May Maria sa simbahan?
2. Ano man an sarabay na pigigibo ninda Nana, Manting asin Buboy?
3. Ano an pigigibo ni Boboy mantang nagpuprusisyon?
4. Ano an piggibo kan dakul na tawo kun aldaw nin Biyernes Santo?
5. Ano an piggibo ninda sa kandila sa pagsabay sa prusisyon?
6. Basahon an mga tataramon na simbag sa lambang hapot.

 Ano an ipigpahiling kan kada tatatamon?

 Ano an apod ta sa mga tatataramon na nagpapahiling nin
 Anong aksyon an ipigpappahiling kan kada tatatamon?
 Base sa mga binasang pangungusap, kasuarin nangyari an mga
aksyon na ini?

 Linyahan an ugat na tataramon sa lambang tatataramon na
nagpapahiling nin aksyon
 Tanganing maipahiling ta na piggibo pa sana an aksyon o hiro,
ano an ginibo ta sa inot na silaba kan ugat na tataramon?


D. Generalization
Kun ika maistorya kan piggibo mo uroaldaw, pano mo ini sasabihon?

E. Modelling
Let the pupils sing the song, “Ipakpak An Satong Kamot.”

Ipakpak an satong kamot.

Ipadyak and duwang bitis,
Iyugyog an satong lawas
Mari na masayaw kita.

Sarabay na gibohon an mga aksyon.

Ano an pigigibo ta sa satong kamot?
Ano an pigigibo ta sa satong bitis?
Ano an pigigibo ta sa satong lawas?
Ano an hudyan tang pigibo?

- Iistorya kan paratukdo an eksperyensya kan klase mantang

pigpapahiling giraray an mga aksiyon.
- Kita nagpaparakpak kan satuyang kamot. Nagpaparadyak kan
satuyang duwang bitis. Kita man nagsasarayaw.
- Ano ngani ining mga aksiyon na ipinapahiling ko?

F. Guided Activity
a. Paired Activity
 Mag-apod ki magkapadis na aki. An saro mataram ki
pangungusap, an saro masabi kan tataramon na may hiro na
ginamit digdi

b. Individual Activity
 Rumdomon an saimong pigigibo puon pagmata hanggang
magkaturog. Ihiras sa klase an saimong mga eksperyensya.

G. Group Activity
Magkarawat nin football sa luwas kan eskwelahan. Isurat an saimong
eksperyensiya sa pagkarawat nindo.Gamiton an mga tataramon na
nagpapahiling nin aksiyon base sa napag-adalan.

H. Independent Activity

I. Evaluation
What’s in the box?

Pakantahon an mga aki nin sarong pamilyar na kanta.Ipapasa an kahon

na may mga nakatiplok na papel. Pagpundo kan kanta an aki na igwang
kapot kan kahon mabunot ki papel asin gagamiton an tataramon na
nakasurat digdi sa pangungusap.






Day 4 and Day 5

A. Review
Read the following words.

Basahon an mga minasunod na tataramon. Ipahiling sa aksyon an mga

tataramon na ini.



B. Presentation
1. Answer the questions.
Simbagan an minasunod na hapot.

a. Ano an ginibo ni Boboy sa badong sulot nya?

(pinalitan, sinalidahan)
b. Ano an namatian kan mga aki kan Byernes Santo?
(masalinggaya, maugma)
c. Ano ang binalihan ninda pakatapos kan misa?
(prusisyon, parada)
d. Pano nagdangog kan misa an ibang aki?
(matuninong, pormal, trangkilo)
e. Ano an ginibo ni Manting sa laog kan simbahan?
(nagngirit-ngirit, ulok-ulok)
f. Nata ta ki San Pedro sinda nag sabay?
(nagabas, makua)
g. Ano an nangyari sa mga tawo sa prusisyon?
(nagkaburukag, nagkariribok)

2. Pupils read the answer that the teacher wrote on the board.
Basahon an mga simbag nindo na isinurat ko sa pisara.

pinalitan sinalidahan
masalinggaya maugma
prusisyon parada
matuninong pormal
ngirit-ngirit uluk-ulok
magabas makua
nagkaburukag nagkariribok

C. Analysis Questions
1. Ano an gustong sabihon kan kada padis na tataramon?
2. Magkapareho an gustong sabihon kan mga ini?
3. Kun gagamiton ta an mga ini sa pangungusap o pagpahayag nin
ideya, parehas man sana kaini an gustong sabihon? Nata?
4. Ano an apod ta sa mga tataramaon na magkapareho an kahulugan?
5. Nuarin ta gagamiton an mga tataramon na pareho an gustong

D. Generalization
1. What are synonyms?

2. When do we use synonyms?

E. Guided Practice
1. Get a word inside the box and match it with the word on the board.

Kumua ki tataramon sa kahon asin itaning sa pisara na kapariyo an

gustong sabihon. Basahon an magkapadis na tataramon.

mailaw - maliwanag
manamit - masiram
maliksi - masigkat
nagkuradit - nagsuriyaw
damulagon - dakulaon

2. Connect the words in column A with the words in column B.

3. Circle the synonyms of the underlined words in the sentences from

the words inside the parenthesis.

4. Group Activity –Complete the table by adding words that has the
same meaning of the word written at the left side. On the third column
use the words in a sentence.

Tataramon Tataramon na Pangungusap

kapadis an

F. Independent Practice
Choose the words inside the box that has the same meaning of the word
used in each sentence. Write it on the blank.



I. Objectives
1. Tell stories with correct rate, accuracy and prosody (phrasing, pausing
and emphasis)
2. Read phrases, sentences and short stories containing high frequency
words and words studied
3. Read one level text in three to four words, phrases and sentences with
appropriate intonations and punctuation clues
4. Express love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them and
asking to be read more stories
5. Listen and respond to the story through discussions
6. Infer the character feelings based on their actions or what they say
7. Identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and multiple meaning
8. Use the correct action words in narrating one’s experiences in different
9. Write using phonic knowledge for different purposes- sentences, poems
and short stories
10. Write simple sentences, observing correct punctuation marks,
capitalization, indentions and format
11. Correctly spell previously learned words
12. Correctly spell action words in different tenses as it is used in the

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Telling stories with correct rate, accuracy and prosody
2. Reading phrases, sentences and short stories containing high
frequency words and words studied
3. Reading one level text in three to four words, phrases and sentences
with appropriate intonations and punctuation clues
4. Expressing love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them
and asking to be read more stories
5. Listening and responding to the story through discussions
6. Inferring the character feelings based on their actions or what they
7. Identifying and using synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and multiple
meaning correctly
8. Using the correct action words in narrating one’s experiences in
different forms
9. Writing using phonic knowledge for different purposes- sentences,
poems and short stories
10. Writing simple sentences, observing correct punctuation marks,
capitalization, indentions and format
11. Correctly spelled previously learned words
12. Correctly spell action words in different tenses as it is used in the

B. Selection: An Bakasyonista
Sinurat ni: Adelfa L. Binamira
C. Reference: K + 12 Curriculum, MTB- MLE Indicators
D. Materials: stories, poems, pictures, flashcards
E. Theme: Our Transportation –(tricycle/bicycle, bangka, jeepney, bus,
LRT, car, raft, horseback, carabao, on foot, etc.)
F. Value: Obedience

III. Procedure
Day 1

Day 1
A. Experience Story
1. Motivation
a. Present a picture of a family riding on boat going on a vacation?
Magpahiling ki ritrato nin pamilya na nakalunad sa sakayan para
magbakasyon sa sarong lugar.

b. What is in the picture? Do you also go on vacation? When did it

Ano an nasa ritrato? Nagbabakasyon man an saindong pamilya?
Kasuarin an pamilya nindo nagbakasyon?
2. Presentation
a. Do the experience together.
Teacher lets the pupils act out the activity done during their
vacation time. Let the pupils talk about what they did.

b. Ask the following questions.

 How did you find the activity?
 Did you like the activity? Why? Why not?
Nagustuhan nindo su ginibo ta? Nata? Nata dai?
 What did you feel while performing the activity?
Ano an namatian nindo mantang ginigibo an aktibidad?
 How did you feel when you were asked to join the activity?
 Ano an namati mo kan ika inapod na magbali sa

c. Talking about the experience

Create a story by encouraging the pupils to share their
experiences while they are on vacation. Use the correct form of
the verb.

Gumibo ki istorya sa paagi kan pag-inganyar kan mga aki na
iistorya an saindang ekspiryensya kan sinda nagbakasyon.
Gamiton an tamang tataramon na nagpapahiling nin aksiyon.
d. Pupils write the sentences they made. Observe the spelling,
capitalization and punctuation marks.
Isurat an mga pangungusap na ginibo. Tandaan an tamang
ispiling, kapitalisasyon, asin bantas.

Day 2

A. Pre reading
1. Unlocking of difficult words (through pictures and context clues
a. hikot (fish net)
Si Tiyo Nestor naggamit ki hikot sa pagsira.
b. hararom (deep)
Hinulog an hikot sa hararom na parti kan dagat.
c. katig
May duwang katig an sakayan ngani ini maging balanse.
d. gobing (dress)
Igwa siyang bagong gobing.
e. sagwan(paddle)
Ini sarong dakulang sagwan.
f. naghigaran(cleaning the fishnet)
Si Mang Ambo naghihigaran kan saiyang hikot.

B. Motivation
a. Who among you have tried riding on a banca?
b. What do you feel while on a banca?
Siisay sa indo an nakasakay na sa sakayan o balakwitan?
Ano an namatian nindo mantang nasa banka?

C. Book Orientation
Introduce the book. Talk about the cover.

D. Motive Question
What are the means of transportation used by Tomas and Casio while on
vacation? Ano an ginamit na lunadan ninda Tomas asin Casio mantang
nasa bakasyon?

E. Reading the story

Listening Story: Teacher reads the story “An Bakasyonista”

An Bakasyonista
Sinurat ni: Adelfa L. Binamira

Sa sarong harayong baryo digdi sa Bacacay, Nagtapis kun apodon,
sitio kan Busdac, nagbakasyon an pamilya ni Manay Mina. Magayon an
panahon kan aldaw na ito, kaya maugmang maray an pagsabat sainda
kan mga paryentes ninda duman. Kinaagahan amay nagmata an
duwang aki niya. Dali-daling nagpaaram sa saindang ina dangan
nagduman tulos sa baybayon ngani magpaparusparos.

“Masiramon talaga an hoyop-hoyop kan paros kun amay na aga.

Magayon pang maglamutaw sa tubig, mapreskuhon an pagmati bako
arog sa banwa na aga pa sana maalingahuton na”, maugmang sabi ni

Mantang nagkakawat sinda Casio sa tubig asin si Tomas kan mga

gapo na saidang tigpurot saru-saro, nahiling ninda an tiyuon na si
Berto. Sabay na nagdalagan an duwa dangan nagbisa.

“Tiyo ano tabi an ginigibo mo diyan? Nata ta pigkakaag mo sa

sakayan an hikot?, sunod-sunod na hapot ni Tomas.

“Aw ini, naghihigaran ako kan hikot sabay na bugtak sa sakayan ta

mataon ako taod-taod. Mahanap ako lamang ki panira atyan na udto,”
paliwanag ni Tiyo Berto.
“Hipid na maray baga tiyo an pagkakaag mo kan hikot”,an sabi ni
“Iyo Noy ngani dai magubot pagtighulog na sa dagat. Malisto kong
maibaba sa dagat an lambat dawa ako sanang saro,” paliwanag ni tiyo
”Magayon man po ba tiyo na magsakay dyan sa sadit na baroto?
Pano man po an paglunad asin pagpadalagan kaiyan na balakwitan,”
usyoso man ni Casio.
”Kun gusto nindo mag-iba kamo sako ngani maeksperyinsyahan
nindo kun pano maglunad digdi,” pag- inganyar ni Tiyo Berto.
Diit na oras pa natapos man giraray ni Tiyo Berto an paghigaran kan

“Casio…Tomas… Kua na iyan na sagwan ta gamiton ta ngani

matabangan nindo ako sa pagsagwan,” an sabi ni tiyo Berto.

“Ano pong sagwan? Arin po iyan?,sabay na hapot kan duwa.”

Sagwan…..iyan baga itong garo kutsara na may halabang tugod.

Ginagamit iyan na pamparabas kaining sakayan. Igaod mo sana arog
kaini ta madalagan na ining sakayan ta,” paliwanag ni tiyo Berto.

Dali- daling suminakay an duwa sabay sagwan. “Yan tatao na ako

magsagwan, madalion man sana adalan. Wow!magayunon palan tiyo
magsakay sa balakwitan gari man sana nagsakay sa duyan”, kurahaw
ni Tomas.

Mantang nagsasagwan an tolo, biglang naghapot si Casio.”Tiyo, ano

po an apod diyan sa sa duwang botong na nakagapos sa gilid kaining

“Katig iyan Noy. Iyan an naghihinimbang kaining sakayan tangani

dai magtagilid. Magrani-rani ka sana Casio sa may ulin ngani maray an
balanse tang tolo,” tugon ni Tiyo Berto.

Mga apat pa sanang dupa an rayo ninda hali sa gilid kan baybay kan
mahiling ni Casio an dakul na saradit na sira sa hababaw na parti kan

“Oy! kadakol na saradit na sira digdi. Ano daw kun arog man kaini
an yaon duman sa hararom na parti kan dagat,hadi? an sabi ni Tomas.

”Kaitong mga nakaaging aldaw talagang dakol pa an saradit asin

dakulang sira mapahababaw man o mapalawod, dawa lawod ka ng
magsira madalion sana, tambak an sakong nakukua, magsawa ka
talaga ki kakan. Ngunyan, dahil sa mga bako maray na gibo kan mga
tawo an tambak na sirang nakukua, diit na sana. Dati maski sa
hababaw na parti pwede ka ng magdakop nin sira.Ngunyan kaipuhan
pang magduman sa lawod ngani malagan an saimong hikot,” pahadit
na paliwanag ni Tiyo Berto.

Biglang pinaluhay ni Tiyo Berto an dalagan kan sakayan. Harani na

palan sa parting huhulugan kan hikot.

“Casio kapoti na an kabwang na parti kan hikot ta ihulog ta na.

Taod-taod babalikan ko an ta batunon ngani makua an sira na
magsabo diyan.dakol sana an magsabo ngani maray an satuyang
pagharampangan diyan na udto,”palaom ni Tiyo Berto.

“Sana ngani po tiyo adi, pero kun dakol na sira an madadakop mo

pwedeng maraot kaan an hikot, ha ha ha!, pakaraw na simbag ni

Nagburubangka nguna an tolo sa lawod bago nagbalik sa gilid.

Nahiling kan duwa na dakol man palan an tinanum na nabubuhay sa
irarom kan dagat. Nawili sinda sa pagsakay-sakay. Nakamangno man
harani na sa gilid alagad nariparo ninda na an nabubuhay na tinanum
digdi diit na sana. Ini an resulta kan grabeng abuso kan tawo sa
kapalibutan. Mahukol- hukol na kan biglang nagkaraw si Tomas kaya
tuminagilid an saindang sakayan. Luminapatong si Casio sa saiyang
pagkabigla, si Tomas siring man ta nakigkig kaya magkasabay an duwa
na luminabunok. Daing naginibo si Tiyo Berto kundi an sapudon sinda.
Sibot-sibot na nilangoy an duwa dangan dali-daling tigbuwat pasiring sa
sakayan. Dai nagkaalo si Tomas, si Casio siring man dai nag-ribok ta
sinda palan tataong maglangoy.

“Sa masunod dai na nindo iyan pag-otrohon dawa tatao kamo

maglangoy ta panu kung nasa hararom. Bigla kamong nalamos.
Tandaan nindo, basta nagsasakay maski sa ano man na klase nin

lunadan rumdumon pirmi an pag-ingat ngani maibitaran an aksidente,”
paliwanag ni Tiyo Berto.

“Opo, tiyo pasensya na po. Dai na kami mautro,” simbag kan duwa.

Magkasabay na hinuba kan duwa an sulog nindang gubing dangan

tinao sa saindang tiyo na pagilid na man asin padagos nang naglangoy-
langoy. Udto na kan sinda maghawas sa dagat.

Tulos kinua an badong hinuba na nasa sakayan dangan sinulog

habang naglalakaw pauli sa harong. Mintras na nag-iistoryahan an
duwa, nag-agi an saindang lolo na may darang karabaw, guyod an
pababa na may kargang sinakong kamote. Nagdalagan an duwa sabay
turon ngani makasangat sa pababa. Sakto lang an saindang
pagkalumpat. Ugmahon an duwa na nagkakarawan asin
nagkukurokanta mantang nakalunad sa pababa. Bako sana palan
magayon magsakay sa baroto kundi pati sa pababa iyo man.
Namangnuhan ni Tomas, nahuhuros na palan siya, maray sana ta
maluhay an dalagan kan karabaw.

Padagos an pagkanta ni Casio, taod-taod pa nariparo niya nasa

tangod na palan sinda kan harong ninda. Maugmang nagbaba an
duwa sa pababa dangan kuminurahaw ……. Yehey! magayon an
bakasyon mi.

F. Post Reading Activities

1. Comprehension Check
a. What are the means of transportation used by Tomas and Casio
while on vacation?
Ano an ginamit na lunadan ninda Tomas asin Casio habang
nasa bakasyon?
b. Where did they spend their vacation? Sain sinda nagbakasyon?
c. What did they do that made their vacation memorable?
Ano an ginibo ninda na naging memorabling maray an saindang
d. Did they enjoy boating? What did they feel?
Naugma kaya sinda sa pagsakay-sakay? Ano an namatian
e. What did they discover about the beauty of the sea?
Ano an nadiskubre ninda sa kagayunan kan dagat?
f. What did he people do that made the fisherman feel bad?
Ano an ginibo kan mga tawo na nagtao nin problema sa mga
g. If you were the children in the story, would you do what they did
while boating? Why?
Kun kamo an mga aki sa istorya, aarugon daw ninda an ginibo
ninda habang nagsasakay-sakay? Nata?

h. What is the message of the story?
Anong adal an naukudan nindo sa istorya?

2. Skill Development
a. Magkarawat nin paurukudan. An inot na grupo mapahiling kan
mga aksiyon na ginibo ninda Tomas, Casio asin Tiyo Berto sa
b. An ikaduwang grupo maukod kan nasabing aksiyon.
c. An ikatulong grupo matao nin pangungusap manungod sa
aksiyon na nahihiling.


naglunad -Naglunad sa balakwitan asin pababa sinda

Tomas ansin Casio.

naglangoy -Naglangoy si Tomas kan nahulog sinda sa


Nagkawat -Nagkawat sinda Tomas asin Casio sa


nagsira -Nagsira si Tiyo Berto.

 Anong mga tataramon an nagpapahiling nin aksiyon o

 Kasuarin nangyari an nasabing mga aksiyon?
 Pano ipinahiling na tapos na an nasabing aksiyon?
 Anong tataramon an ikinabit sa inutan kan tatataramon na
nagpapahiling nin aksiyon tanganing maipahiling na tapos
na an nasabing aksiyon?
 Kun kamo maistorya man kan saindong mga
ekspiryensiya, pano mo ini sasabihon? Anong mga
tataramon na nagpapahiling nin hiro an gagaminton mo?

3. Practice Exercise

Paired Activity
a. Iistorya sa kaamigo/amiga an dai mo malilingawan na
eksperyinsya. An kapareha ililista sa notebook an mga
tataramanon na ginamit na nagpapahiling nin hiro o aksiyon..

4. Enrichment
Idrowing an pinakamemorable nindong bakasyon kaibahan an
saimong pamilya. Sa ibaba kan drowing isurat an saimong namatian
mantang nagbabaksyon.


Day 3
Day 1
A. Recall
1. Where did the family spend their vacation?
Sain nagbakasyon so pamilya ni Manay Mina?
2. What did the children do on their vacation?
Ano-ano an ginibo ninda Tomas asin Casio sa saindang

B. Presentation
1. Teacher presents the pair of words.
a. Ipresentar an padis na taramon.Basahon an mga tataramon hali
sa istoryang napagadalan.

(play) (clothes)
1. nagkakaraw – nagkakawat 4. bado – gubing

(deep part of the sea) (put in)

2. hararom – lawod 5. kinaag – binugtak

(to ride)
3. magsakay – maglunad

b. Ano an gustong sabihon kan kada padis na tataramon?

c. Magkaiba daw an gustong sabihon kan mga padis na tataramon?
d. Gamiton an mga padis na tataramon sa sadiring pangungusap.
e. Kun isalida ta an kapadis na tataramon duman sa ginamit sa
pangungusap, magiiba daw an gustong sabihon kaini? Nata dai?
f. Ano kaya an apud ta sa mga tataramon na magkapareho an

C. Generalization
Ano an apud sa mga tataramon na pareho an kahulugan?

D. Practice Exercises
“Let’s go fishing?”
1. Let the pupils locate pair of words inside the classroom. Use an
improvise fishhook to get the words.

Hanapon an mga tataramon sa laog kan kuwarto na magkapadis an
2. Gumamit nin panbanwit nganing makua an mga ini.
3. Ipabasa sa mga aki an padis na taramon.

 sakayan – baroto – balakwitan

 nabigla – nakigkig

 tambak – dakul

 tamang – tama – eksakto

(keep silent)
 dai nagribok – dai nagkaaalo

 naglumpat – nagturon

 naghinimbang- nagbalanse

4. Gamiton sa pangungusap an mga padis na tatataramon.

5. Game: Rolled strips of papers are placed inside the boat. Pupils will
pick the strip of paper read it to the entire group. The pupil who can
give a word with the same meaning will be the one to pick another
strip of paper. The game continues.

E. Post Activity
Match the word in column A that give its similar meaning in column B.

Day 4

A. Review
1. What do you call the pair of words that have similar meaning?
2. Ano an apud sa padis na taramon na igwa nin parehong kahulugan?
Give some examples.
Magtao ki mga halimbawa.

B. Presentation
1. Teacher presents the poem

Different Feelings

Sometimes I am sad
Often I am glad.
Sometimes I am afraid.
Often I am brave.
Sometimes I am happy.
Often I am lonely.
I always feel good
But never feel bad.

Iba- Ibang Pagmati

Minsan mamundo ako.

Halos maugma an oras ko.
Paminsan natatakot.
Halos man makusog an boot.
Minsan masalinggaya.
Mababloy bihira.
Pagmati pirmi maray.
Nungkang maraot o naging sablay.

2. Let the pupils read the poem.

Ipabasa an tula.
a. Ano an mensahe kan tula?
b. Anong mga emosyon an nabanggit sa tula?
c. Parareho daw an mga emosyon na ini?
d. Nuarin siya mamundo? maugma?
e. Ika, namamatian mo man an mga emosyon na ini? Arin sa mga
ini an pirmi mong namamatian? Nata?

3. Let them read the underlined antonyms in every two lines.

Basahon an tataramon na may guhit na magkaiba an kahulugan sa
kada duwang linya.
4. Let the pupils read the pair of words.

Ipabasa sa mga aki an padis na taramon. Ipahiling sa paagi nin
aksiyon an gustong sabihon kan kada tataramon.

a. maugma - mamundo
b. natatakot - makusog an boot
c. maray – maraot
d. masalinggaya – mababloy

 Ano an namalisyahan nindo sa mga padis na tataramon?

 Pararehas daw an gustong sabihon kan mga ini?
 Kun bako magkapareho an kahulugan kan mga ini, ano an
gustong ipahiling kaini?
*May mga tataramon na magkaiba an gustong sabihon.

C. Generalization
What do you call the pair of words with opposite meaning?
Ano an apud kan padis na taramon na kabaliktad an kahulugan?

D. Practice Exercise
Group Activity: Group the class into 3.
Igrupo an klase sa tolo.

Group I. Match the antonyms. Write only the letter.

Group II. Distribute the pictures to the pupils. Find the pictures with
opposite meaning. (Use appropriate pictures.)
Itao an mga ritrato sa mga aki. Hanapon an ritrato na may kabaliktad na

Group III. Make sentences using the following pair of words. Observe
correct spelling, capitalization and punctuation marks.
Gumibo ki pangungusap gamit an padis na taramon sa ibaba. Gamiton
an tamang ispeling, kapitalisasyon asin tamang bantas.

old (gurang) – baby (aki) small (sadit) – big (dakula)

clean (malinig) – dirty (maati) soft (mayumok) – hard (matagas)
tall (halangkaw) – short (hababa)

E. Independent Practice
Teacher presents pair of pictures. Let the pupils make sentences using

Ipresentar an mga padis na na ritrato. Gumibo ki pangungusap gamit an

magkaibang kahulugan na tataramon.

1. __________________





F. Enrichment:
Magkumposo/magsurat nin simpleng tula na minagamit nin mga
tataramon na magkaiba an kahulugan.

Day 5
A. Review
“Show a Card”. Teacher shows cards of words. Let the pupils read and
give the antonyms.

Magpahiling an paratukdo nin tataramon sa kard. Ipabasa sa eskuwela

asin ipatao an kabaliktadan na kahulugan.

halangkaw mabuot magayon maliwanag

gurang sadit maluya malipot

marhay matali makusog manipis

B. Presentation
1. Present the following sentences.
a. Ipahiling an mga minasunod na pangungusap.

The cat is small. Carabao is big.

An ikos sadit. An karabaw dakula.

Mark put his things inside the bag. He placed the bag on the table.
Kinaag ni Mark an mga gamit niya sa laog kan bag. An bag
binugtak niya man sa lamesa.

What are the pair of words that give an opposite meaning in the
sentences read? the same meaning?
Ano an padis na taramon sa kada pangungusap an magkabaliktad
na kahulugan?magkapdis?

b. Kumpletuhon ta an tsart.

Tataramon Kapadis Kabaliktad

sadit saday dakula
kinaag binugtak hinale

 Ano an ipinapahiling sa tsart manungod sa mga tataramon na


 Gamiton sa pangungusap an mga tataramon na ini.
 Kun magkapadis an gustong sabihon kan tataramon ano an boot
sabihon kaini? Kun makaiiba an kahulugan kan mga tataramon,
ano man an gustong sabihon kaini?

C. Guided Practice
1. Group Activity
Group I. Write the antonyms of the following words. Observe correct
Isurat an kabaliktadan na taramon. Obserbahan an tamang ispeling.
a. harayo - ________________
b. saditl - ________________
c. malinig- ________________
d. aki - ________________

Group II. Use the following pair of synonyms in a sentence.

Gamiton sa pangungusap an mga tataramon na may padis na

1. matali-matibay
2. makanos-pangit
3. balanse-pantay
4. maparos-maduros

2. “MIX and MATCH”

Pagpadison an mga tataramon. Ikaag sa tamang kahon an mga ini.

kapadis kabaliktad

harayo sadit harani

hararom itaas ibaba
masarig hababaw makaskas
marikas maribuk silensiyo
malinig manipis maati
mahibog nahandal mahamot
natakot mabata masamok

D. Independent Practice
Choose the antonyms of the underlined words. Write the letter only.

E. Post Assessment
Read the short story and answer the questions below.


I. Objectives
1. Tell stories, legends, jokes, advertisement.etc. with correct rate,
2. accuracy and prosody (phrasing, pausing and emphasis)
3. Listen and respond to the story, legends, fables, etc. through
4. discussions, illustrations, songs, dramatization and art
5. Infer the character feelings based on their action or on what they say
6. Use the correct action words in narrating one’s experiences in different
7. Correctly spell action words in different tenses as it is used in the
8. Identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and multiple
9. meaning words correctly
10. Read phrases, sentences and short stories containing high frequency
11. words and words studied
12. Read grade one level text in three-to-four words, phrases and
13. sentences with appropriate intonation, expressions and punctuation
14. cues
15. Correctly spell action words in different tenses as it is used in the
16. sentences
17. Write simple sentences, phrases paragraph and stories observing
18. correct punctuation marks, capitalization, indention and format

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills
1. Telling stories, legends, fables, jokes, advertisement etc. with correct
2. rate accuracy and prosody
3. Listening and responding to the story legends, fables, etc., through
4. discussions, illustrations, songs, dramatization and art
5. Inferring the character feelings based on their action or on what they
6. Using the correct action words in narrating one’s experiences in
different forms
7. Correctly spell action words in different tenses as it is used in the
8. Identifying and using synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and multiple
meaning words correctly
9. Reading phrases sentences and short stories containing high
frequency words and words studied
10. Reading grade one level text in three- to- four words, phrases and
sentences with appropriate intonation, expressions and punctuation
11. Correctly spell action words in different tenses as it is used in the
12. Writing simple sentences, phrases, paragraph and stories observing
correct punctuation marks, capitalization, indention and format

B. Selection: An Anunsiyo
Sinurat ni: Nanette D. Calleja
C. Reference: K to 12 Curriculum, MTB – MLE indicators
D. Material : stories, word cards
E. Theme : Communication
F. Value: Being accurate in relaying information

III. Procedure

Day 1 and Day 2

A. Pre reading
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Unlock difficult words found in the story through pictures and context

a. sibot (hurry)
Madali nang maglarga an awto kaya sibot an mga tawo na
makasakat ngani dai mabayaan kan biyahe.

b. suspendido (suspended)
Nagpaluwas nin order an gobernador na suspendido na an klase
huli kan maraot na panahon kaya amay na nag-uruli an mga aki
sa eskuwelahan.

2. Motivation
a. What time do you go home from school?
Anong oras kamo nag-uuruli hale sa eskuwelahan?

b. Why is it that some pupils are being sent off early even though it is
not yet time?
Nata ta minsan atab na pigpauruli an mga aki maski bako pa oras
kan urulian?

3. Motive Question
Find out why Mikay went home early.
Aramon kun nata atab na mauli si Mikay?

B. During Reading
1. Teacher tells the story using big book
2. Teacher pauses once in awhile to ask question. Let pupils predict
what will happen next in the story

An Anunsiyo
Sinurat ni: Nannett Calleja

Lunes na aga,mauran-uran alagad atab na nagmata si Mikay para
Habo nanggad siya na magpalta sa pagklase. Uroaldaw pirmi siyang
na nagpapasiring sa eskuwelahan.

” Marhay na aga po Mam! Maogma niyang pagtaong galang .

” Marhay na aga man saimo Mikay,“ simbag kan saiyang paratukdo.
Dai pa nahaloy an saindang leksiyon kan mag-abot an saindang
pamayo kan eskuwelahan.

“Marhay na aga po Prinsipal,” pagtaong galang kan mga aki.

“Marhay na aga man mga aki,” simbag kan saindang principal.

“Mga aki nagdigdi ako para ipaaram saindo na suspendido na an klase

sa bilog na elementary asin sekondarya huli kan maraot na panahon. An
baretang ini hale sa satong gobernador na pinaagi sa radio asin
telebisyon,”pagpaliwanag kan prinsipal.

Pakahali kan prinsipal, sinabihan sinda kan paratukdo,

” Mga aki susog duman sa sinabi kan satong principal dai na kamong
eskuwela ta suspendido na. Atab kamo na mauli ngunian. Sisay saindo
an aram an numero kan cellphone kan saindong magurang magsabi
sako ngani mapaisi ko sinda asin makua ninda kamo digdi. Tolos na
nagtaas kan kamot si Mikay huli ta aram niya an numero kan san
saiyang ina. May nag abot naman na ibang magurang huli ta nadangog
man ninda an mensahe kan gobernador sa radio asin telebisyon pati na
su naresibe nindang text

C. Post – Reading Activity
1. Engagement
a. Why did Mikay go home early?
Nata atab na mauli si Mikay?
b. Who informed them about the suspension of classes?
Sisay an nagpaisi manungod kan pagsuspinde kan klase?
c. What is the reason for suspension?
Ano an rason kan pagsuspinde kan klase?
d. Where did the principal get the information?
Sain naaraman kan principal an impormasyon?
e. What are the means of communication mentioned in the story?
Anong mga paagi nin komunikasyon an naunabihan sa istorya?
f. Is it good to have this kind of communication in our community?
Why? Why not?
g. Marhay daw na igwa kita ki arog kaining klase nin komunikasyon
an satong komunidad? Nata?
h. What if we don’t have this means of communication? How can we
inform the public or the people?

i. Pano kun dai kita nin arog kaini nin paagi nin komunikasyon?
Pano ta papaaramon an publiko o mga tawo?

Value: What should you remember in giving information?

Is it important to relay accurate information? Why?

2. Skill Focus
Tell the character’s feelings based on their action or on what they say.

Write your answer on the blank before the number.

__________ 1. Mikay does’nt like to be absent in her class.

Habo magpalta sa klase si Mikay.
__________ 2. The teacher announced the suspension of classes.
Pig-anunsyo kan paratukdo na suspendido na an
__________ 3. Mikay waits too long for her mother to fetch her in the
Nagparahalat si Mikay sa saiyang ina na hapiton siya
sa eskuwelahan.
__________ 4. Heavy rains fall overnight.
Nag-uran ki grabe mag-aga.
___________ 5. Governor ordered suspension of classes in the entire
province due to bad weather.
Sinuspinder kan gobernador an klase sa bilog na
probinsiya huli sa maraot na panahon.

 How did you infer character’s feelings?

 What did you consider in inferring character’s feeling?
 Did the actions and the dialogues help you in giving inferences?
 How?

 What should you remember in giving inferences?

D. Practice Exercises
Basahon an kada sitwasyon. Isurat kun ano an mamamatian kan tauhan
base sa aksiyon asin tataramon.

E. Extender
Ano-ano an mga gadgets ngunian na piggamit sa komunikasyon?
Idrowing sa laog kan kahon ini asin sa baba ipaliwanag kun nata
importante an paggamit kaini.


Day 3

A. Motivation ______________________________
Bilugon an mga ritrato na nagpapahiling nin ibaibang gamit sa
komunikasyon. Pakatapos mabilog an mga ini. Sabihon kun aano an
gamit kaini.



Grupo 1- radyo
Grupo 2- telebisyon
Grupo 3- telepono
Grupo 4- kompyuter

B. Presentation
Class, I’ll give you some words, tell me the appropriate action word for it.
Look for the answer in the box below.

paratukdo radyo cell phone

bandera telebisyon

maturo makanta madangog maapod mahiling maluto

Basahon an mga pangungusap gamit an mga tataramon..

 Mahiling ako ki palabas sa telebisyon taod-taod.
 Maapod si Mila gamit an cell phone sa saiyang ama sa sunod na
 Sa Sabado, madangog kita ki bareta sa radyo manungod kan K to 12
Program sa programa ni Dr. Almayda sa DZGB.
 Maturo ki kanta an paratukdo sa sunod na semana.
 Mataas na kan bandera kaya malinya na an mga aki.

C. Analysis Question
a. Anong mga tataramon na nagpapahiling nin aksiyon an ginamit sa
kada pangungusap?
b. Nangyari na an mga aksiyon na ini? Nata?
c. Balikan an kada pangungusap, nuarin gigibuhon an kada aksiyon?
d. Anong mga tataramon an ginamit na mapahiling na aksiyon,
mangyayari pa sana?
e. Sa kada, tataramon na nagpapahiling nin aksiyon, ano an panlapi na
ikinabit tanganing maipahiling na gigibuhon pa sana an nasabing
aksiyon o hiro?

D. Generalization
a. Ano an apod sa mga tataramon na nagpapahiling nin aksiyon o hiro?
b. Anong panlapi an ikinabit sa tataramon na nagpapahiling nin aksiyon
tanganing maipahiling na gigibuhon pa sana an aksiyon?

E. Guided Practice

F. Spelling
It’s Showtime!
 Spell and write the following action words. Show your correctly spelled
words on your “Show- me- Board”.

1. makanta
2. madalagan
3. malaba
4. mabarayle
5. masakat
6. maturon
7. malampaso
8. makakan
9. mapraktis
10. makarigos

Day 4

A. Recall
Game : “ Mystery Words”
 Find out the mystery words under your chair.
 Pupils will put the mystery word below the word with the same
 The first pupil to give the pair will be the winner.

hararom gubing nagturon
mm n


 Words to be paired:
lawod bado nagkawat naglukso binugtak

B. Presentation: Same with Me

1. Study the pictures. Give or tell something about it.
Adalan an mga ritrato. Magsabi manungod kaini.

masarig sagrado marabas maugma

( makusog ) (banal) (marikas ) ( masalinggaya)

2. Read the given words.

Basahon an mga tataramon na itinao nindo.
3. Give another word from the given pictures with the same meaning.
Magtao giraray ki tataramon na may kaparehong kahulugan hale
sa nakasurat na tataramon.

C. Guided Practice
Tell Me Quick!
 Listen to the words that I am giving you. Select the answer from the
box that have the same or similar meaning.
Dangugon an mga tataramon na itatao ko saindo. Itao an kaparehong
kahulugan na makukua sa kahon,.

kahuron nadangog panahon sibot bareta atab

1. amay 2. nahimate 3. kaistoryahan 4. anunsiyo 5. Klima

D. Independent Practice

Day 5
Day 5

A. Preparatory Activity
Song :
An Mga Lukton
An mga lukton, nagturon-turon
Nagkakaranta, mga maugmahon
An mga lukton, an mga lukton
Mga berdeng lukton 2x
Nagbabarayle,pag marhay an panahon.

What did the grasshopper do when they were happy?

Ano an ginigibo kan mga lukton kun sinda mga maugmahon?
When did they dance?
Nuarin sinda nagbabarayle?
How did the grasshopper move?
Pano maghiro an mga lukton?

B. Presentation:
1. Look at the objects below. What do you observed?
Hilingon an mga bagay sa ibaba. Ano an saindong nariparo?

dakula sadit halaba halipot

2. What can you say about the words and the pictures?
Ano an masasabi nindo sa mga nakasurat na tataramon?

3. Encourage the pupil to look around the room and give opposite words
from the objects found in it.

Inganyaron an mga aki na mangalagkalag sa laog kan klasrum asin

sabihon an mga tataramon na magka-iba an kahulugan na saindang
nahiling hali sa bagay na yaon duman.


malinig – maati dakul – diit mahibog – manipis

C. Practice Exercises
1. Read the following phrases. Give the opposite of the underlined

Basahon an mga parirala. Itao an kabaliktadan kan tataramon na may


atab na aga sadit na radio manipis na celfon luma na telebisyon

mahigos na aki makusog na uran marhay na panahon

2. Read and study the underlined words in the sentences. Give the
opposite meaning of it.

Basahon asin adalan an may kurit na tataramon sa pangungusap.Itao

an kabaligtaran na tataramon kaini.

1. Communication nowadays is very fast.

Marikas an komunikasyon sa panahon ngunian.
2. Mikay is very happy every time she goes to school.
Maugmahon si Mikay kada pagpasiring niya sa eskuwelahan.
3. Melba is a diligent pupil.
Mahigos na eskuwela si Melba.
4. The principal is kind.
Mabuot an principal.
5. She waited too long in the school.
Haloy siyang naghalat sa eskuwelahan.

D. Writing Activity
Teacher asks the pupils to write simple sentences, phrases observing
correct punctuation marks and capitalization, indentions and format.

Base sa naukudan na mga tataramon na pareho asin magkaiba an mga
kahulugan, an kada grupo magibo kan minasunod:

Grupo 1- Magbisita sa hardin magsurat nin halipot na talata manungod sa

mga nahiling sa luwas.

“May Magkapareho asin Magkaiba”

Grupo 2- Magsurat ki halipot na talata manungod sa mga gadgets sam


“ Marhay o Maraot?”


I. Objectives:
1. Listen and respond to the school community issues or events
2. Identify and use homonyms
3. Read by sight words
4. Read with automaticity, accuracy and prosody 100 first grade high-
frequency/sight words
5. Correctly spell previously learned words
6. Write using phonic knowledge for different purposes – sentences, lists,
jokes, poems, songs, riddles, short stories etc

II. Subject Matter:

A. Skills:
1. Listening and responding to the school community issues or events
2. Identifying and using homonyms
3. Reading by sight words
4. Reading with automaticity, accuracy and prosody 100 first grade high-
frequency/sight words
5. Correctly spelling previously learned words
6. Writing using phonic knowledge for different purposes – sentences,
lists, jokes, poems, songs, riddles, short stories, etc.

B. Selection/Dialogue:
Bagyo: Paghahandaan Mi Ika
Sinurat ni: Riza B. Bon
C. Reference: K+12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: charts and flashcards
E. Theme: Communication
F. Value: Listening attentively

III. Procedure:
Day 1

A. Pre reading
1. Unlocking of difficult words
Teacher unlocks the difficult words through context clues.
a. pagirumdom (reminder)
* An mga pagirumdom ni Mama na pirmi mag-ingat an naglikay sako
sa aksidente.
b. irekomenda(suggest)
*Si Jose an irekomenda mo na maging dyanitor ta siya sarung
mahigos na tawo.
c. namamanwaan (people living in that place)
*An mga namamanwaan sa Camalig nagkasararo para sa mga

proyekto kan Barangay.

2. Motivation
Let the pupils watch a one-minute video clip showing a strong typhoon or
destruction caused by it.

 How does a strong typhoon affect a community?

Pano naapektuhan kan makusog na bagyo an sarung komunidad?
 What preparations should people do in case a strong typhoon is
Anong paghahanda an dapat gibuhon kan mga tawo kun may
bagyong paabot?
 What do you do during typhoon?
Ano an piggigibo mo kun may bagyo?

3. Motive Question:
What did the barangay captain do to prepare the people for unexpected
Ano an ginibo kan kapitan tanganing ihanda an mga tawo sa dai pig-
aasahan na mga kalamidad?

B. During Reading:
The teacher reads “Bagyo: Paghahandaan Mi Ika”.

Bagyo: Paghahandaan Mi Ika

Sinurat ni: Riza B. Bon

Sarong hapon, an kapitan kan Baryo Cajugotan nagpapaapod nin

miting sa mga opisyales asin mga paratukdo duman. Saindang
paghuhururunan kun pano mapaghahandaan an mga dai pig-
aasahan na kalamidad laong-lalo na an bagyo.

Kapitan: Diyos marhay na aldaw sa saindo gabos.

Mga Tawo: Diyos marhay na aldaw man po, Kapitan.
Kapitan: Satuyang paghuhururunan an manungod sa bagyo – kun
pano ta mapaghahandaan ini.
Prinsipal: (Nagtaas nin kamot) An sakuya po na suhestiyon,
magkaigwa kita nin maray na daloy nin komunikasyon gamit an
satuyang mga cellphone. Sa paagi kaini, makakaabot tulos sa mga
residente digdi an anuman na impormasyon lalong-lalo na manungod
sa pagkansela kan klase kun may maraot na panahon tangani dai
mabuyo an satuyang mga eskuwela na magklase pa sa aldaw na
may mga kanselasyon kan klase.
(Nag-ayon an lambang saro sa sinabi kan prinsipal.)
Kapitan: Salamat po saimo Mam sa magayon mong suhestiyon.
Sisay pa an may suhestiyon diyan na maidadagdag?
Sekretaryo: An sakuya man po na suhestiyon, Kapitan, ano daw po
magpaskil kita nin mga plakard na may kaag na pagirumdom

manungod sa mga tamang gigibuhon kan mga namamanwaan kun
may bagyo.

Kapitan: Tama an mga sinabi nindo. Puunan ta na ngunyan an mga

suhestiyon nindo miyentras atab pa asin dai pang nangyayaring
maraot sa baryo ta huli sa kalamidad. Salamat sa saindo gabos asin
Diyos mabalos sa saindong pagdangog sa halipot na diskusiyon
manungod sa isyung paghahanda sa bagyo.
(Nagkasararo an gabos na punan na tulos an mga bagay na
napaghurururnan manungod sa paghahanda sa mga kalamidad.)

C. Post reading
1. Engagement:
 What did the barangay captain do to prepare the people for
unexpected calamities?
Ano an ginibo kan kapitan tanganing ihanda an mga tawo sa dai
pig-aasahan na mga kalamidad?
 Who were present in the meeting?
Sirisay an presente sa miting?
 What did they talk about?
Ano an pinaghururunan ninda?
 Who gave suggestions?
Sirisay an nagtarao ki suhestiyon?
 Which plan do you think could be more effective? Why?
Arin na plano an sa paghuna nindo mas marhay? Nata?
 How could these suggestions help the people in case of
Pano ini makakatabang sa mga tawo kun sakaling may
 If you were one of the officers or teachers in that discussion, what
would you suggest?
Kun saro ka sa mga opisyales o paratukdo na yaon duman sa
miting, ano an suhestiyon mo?

Theme: How are they going to communicate to the people in

times of calamities?
Pano sinda makakakomunikar sa mga tawo sa oras nin
Valuing: Ano an ginibo nindo miyentras na pighuhururunan an
isyu manungod sa paghahanda sa bagyo? Nata
kaipuhan na magdangog ki marhay kun may
importanteng pighuhururunan?

D. Extender:
Maggibo ki plakard na may pagirumdom manungod sa dapat gibuhon kun
may bagyo.

Day 2

A. Review
Recall the story read yesterday.
 What was the title of the story read yesterday?
 What was it about?
 What should we remember during calamities?

B. Presentation
Read the poem about typhoon.


Bagyo, bagyo, bagyo

Anong kusog kan paros po

An kadaklan kan mga tawo

Nahahandal sa pag-abot mo.

Bagyo, bagyo, bagyo

Laom mi an paghali mo

Kaming mga mapa-Baguio

Yaon digdi laom sa sentro.

Bagyo, bagyo, bagyo

An dara mo dakulang distroso

 Manungod sa ano an tula?
Itong ataman ming urig na dulag
 Ano an namamatian kan mga tawo kun may bagyo?
 Nata Dai
ta gusto na kantanagtataram
na nadakop sige sana ansa tula na maghali na su
 Ano an puwede mong gamiton tanganing makomunikar sa
ibang tawo kun ika nalaom kan bagyo?
 Ano an dara kan bagyo?
 Nata dai na nadadakop su dulag?

C. Guided Activity
Read the lines taken from the poem.

Bagyo, anong kusog kan paros mo
Kaming mga mapa-Baguio

Bagyo, laom mi an paghali mo Yaon digdi laom sa sentro

Itong ataman ming urig na dulag Dai nadadakop, sige sa an dulag

 How do you read the underlined words in each pair of lines?

 Do they mean the same?
 What does ‘bagyo’ mean? How about ‘Baguio’?
 What does ‘laom’ mean in ‘laom mi an paghali mo’? How about in
‘laom sa sentro’?
 What does ‘dulag’ mean in ‘urig na dulag’? How about in “sige
sana an dulag’?
 How are the pairs of words read? Does each word in the pair
mean the same?
 What do you call these words with the same sound but have
different meanings?

D. Independent Activity
Give the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence based on how
it is used..

sako (sack) – sako (ownership)

uli (change) – uli (go home)
bilog (shape) – bilog (whole)

E. Practice More
Use the following pairs of words in sentences according to their meaning.
Baguio (place) – bagyo (typhoon)

laom (stranded) – laom (expect)

dulag (female pig) – dulag (escape)

sako (sack) – sako (ownership)

uli (change) – uli (go home)

bilog (shape) – bilog (whole)

Day 3

A. Let's Recall
1. Read the following paired words by group, rows and individual.

Baguio (place) – bagyo (typhoon)

laom (stranded) – laom (expect)
dulag (female pig) – dulag (escape)
sako (sack) – sako (ownership)
ule (change) – ule (go home)
bilog (shape) – bilog (whole)

2. Read the following sentences.

Basahon an mga minasunod na grupo ki mga tataramon.
a. An lipot pagyaon ka sa Baguio gari man sana arog kan lipot pag
may bagyo.
b. An dulag nagdulag sa kulungan.
c. Sako an sako na ini.

d. Darahon mo an uli mo pag mauli ka na.
e. An bilog na klase nagporma na bilog.

3. Mind Stretch
Call pupil to spell some previously learned words.

sako bilog dulag laom

4. Time to write
Write a short story about what your family does during calamities. Use
words with the same sound but different meaning.

B. Post Assessment
Identify in each sentence the words with the same sound but different

C. Assignment
List down other words with the same sound but different meanings.

Day 4 and Day 5

Note: Conduct of Third Periodic Examination


I. Objectives:
1. Use culturally appropriate expressions in giving opinion, ideas, views, etc.
in a given situations/issues/news/events
2. Read stories, legends, essays, news articles, blogs, etc. containing high
frequency words and words studied
3. Read grade one level text in four to five word phrase with appropriate
intonation ,expression and punctuation
4. Correctly spell descriptive words as it is used in the sentences
5. Observe proper spacing between words, punctuation marks and
capitalization in essay and story writing
6. Write essay and story observing correct punctuation marks, capitalization
indentions and format
7. Identify describing words in sentences
8. Predict what the story, school and community events, situations, activity
legends, blogs, etc. based on context clues
9. Tell if the story is real or fantasy
10. Give the possible endings of a story, legends, and etc.
11. Give the summary of propaganda, issues, blogs advertisements read
12. Show love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and
making comments

II. Subject Matter:

A. Skills
1. Using culturally appropriate expressions in giving opinion, ideas,
views in a given situations/issues/news/events
2. Reading stories, legends, essays, news, articles, blogs, etc.
containing high frequency words and words studied
3. Reading grade one level text in four to five word phrase with
appropriate intonation, expression and punctuation cues
4. Writing the correct spelling of descriptive words as it used in the
5. Sentences
6. Observing proper spacing between words ,punctuation marks and
7. capitalization in essay and story writing
8. Writing essay and story observing correct punctuation marks,
capitalization, indentions and format.
9. Identifying describing words in sentences
10. Predicting what the story, school and community events, situations,
activity, legends, blogs. etc. based on context clues
11. Telling if the story is real or fantasy
12. Giving the possible endings of a story, legends, and etc.
13. Giving the summary of the propaganda, issues, blogs, advertisements
14. Showing love for reading by listening attentively during story reading
and making comments

B. Story:
“Si Karabasang Magayon”
ni: Agnes M. Camposano
Poem /Rawit-dawit: “ An Samuyang Banwa”
ni: Agnes M. Camposano

C. References: MTBMLE Indicators, K to 12 Curriculum Guide

D. Materials: Big book, pictures, flashcards, charts, cut-out letters
E. Theme: Resources in Our Community – Food/Crops
F. Value: Being Humble, Being Industrious

Day 1

III. Procedure
A. Pre -reading
1. Motivation
a. Ask the pupils who among them eats vegetables.
b. What are their favorite vegetables? Why?

2. Unlocking of Difficulty
a. atraktibo- ( context clue)
An kulor kan mga burak atraktibo sa mga kulibangbang.
b. gunoon- ( context clue)
Kaipohan nang gunuon an mga hinog na prutas.

3. Motive Question
What is the most nutritious vegetable in the garden of Mang Adong?
Ano kaya an pinakamasustansyang gulay sa gabos na tanom ni Mang

B. During Reading
1. Book Orientation
a. Introduce the book, the title, author and illustrator.
b. Story reading by the teacher and later the teacher again with the
pupils. Follow the reading plan.

“Si Karabasang Magayon”

ni: Agnes M. Camposano

Sa tanuman ni Mang Adong igwang nakatanom na manlain-

lain na gulayon na madali nang gunuon. Sarong aga,amay na nag-
urulay-ulay an mga gulayon.

Si Tapayas nainot na nagtaram.” Ako an pupudoon ni Mang

Adong an sakong lawas halaba na”. Dai nag-uyon si Talong.”

Anong ika”? Mas atraktibo an kulor ko asin an lawas magian pa.”

Si Kamatis napangarakngak. “Ha!ha!ha! paghuna sana nindo


Aram ko na ako na an pupudoon ni Mang Adong. Hilinga daw

nindo an lawas ko na nagkikintab asin namumula-mula pa.” Si
Tapayas, Talong asin Kamatis nag-iriwal na. Si Karabasa dai
nagriribok. Nakahiling sana sainda asin nagdadangog.

Biglang nagtindog si Talong.” Halat kamo…iintra man nindo si

Karabasa. Hilinga nindo an saiyang lawas garo na
planggana.”Ha!ha!ha! iyo man nanggad.” ngarakngak kan tulo. Si
Karabasa namundo asin naghihibi. Taod-taod nag-abot an
parabakal nin gulayon na si Aling Lika.

“Huy Badong magayonon na an mga karabasa mo!”makusog

na taram niya. Babakalon ko ini.An karabasa an
pinakamasustansiya na gulayon mo digdi. Makakatabang ini sa
mga kaakian tanganing magkaigwa nin maray na salud asin
malinaw na mga mata.”

Napanganga si Tapayas, Kamatis asin Talong. Naghagad sinda

nin dispensa ki Karabasa. Puon kaidto naaraman ninda an gayon
ni Karabasa.

C. Post-Reading
Comprehension questions
1. What is the most nutritious vegetable in the garden of Mang
Ano an pinakamasustansyang gulayon na tanom ni Mang Adong?
2. What are the vegetables in the story?
Ano- ano an mga gulayon sa istorya?
3. What vegetable do you want in the story? Why?
Anong gulayon an nagustuhan mo sa istorya? Tano ta
nagustuhan mo ini?
4. Who planted the vegetables?
Siisay an nagtanom kan mga gulayon?
5. If you are a farmer what vegetables are you going to plant? Why?
Kun ika sarong parauma anong gulayon an itatanom mo? Tano?
6. What do we get from vegetables? Do you think planting vegetable
is important?
Ano an makukua mo kun ika magtatanom nin mga gulay?
Sa paghuna mo importante kaya an pagtanom nin mga
Day 2

A. Review of the previous story
a. What are the vegetables mentioned in the story?
Ano an mga gulayon na nabanggit sa istorya?
b. Who can retell the story?
c. Siisay an makakaistorya giraray kan gabos na nangyari sa istorya na
nadangog kasuhapon?

B. Presentation of the lesson

Group the pupils into four. Give each group a task card. Let them do/
perform the activity written in the card. Give them 5 minutes preparation
to present their task.

Group 1 - Act out when the vegetables are busy talking in the

Group 2- Pantomime the situation when the vegetables are teasing

karabasa and karabasa is crying.

Group 3-Draw and color the vegetables found in the garden of Mang

Group 4- Arrange the letters found inside the envelop to form the name of
the vegetables mentioned in the story.

Let each group present their output.

C. Modelling
a. Look at the pictures. What are these? What can you say about them?
(Teacher post the different vegetables mentioned in the story. Pupils
name and describe the pictures.)
HiIingon ta an mga ritrato. Ano an mga ini? Ano an masasabi nindo sa
mga ini?

b. Let the pupils pick a word that will describe the picture and post
beside it. The teacher can provide additional pictures of vegetables or
agricultural crops familiar in the community.


mapula halaba dakula

D. Guided practice
Let the pupils make a sentence using the describing words posted.


Pula an kamatis
Dakula an karabasa sa tanoman ni Mang Adong.
Halaba an talong.

Day 3

A. Recall
Let the pupils describe the pictures in a complete sentence.

B. Presentation of the lesson

The teacher will read the poem with proper intonation and expression
while pupils listen.

Basahon an rawit-dawit mantang nagdadangog an mga eskwela.

An Samuyang Banwa
ni: Agnes M. Camposano

An samuyang banwa
Camalig maogma
Mahigos na tawo
Pinangat pamuso

Dagos kamo digdi

Lada yaon pirmi
Kun maarang ini
Namitan an pili

Ibang klaseng puto

An bagas na puro
Mababasog kamo
Mabakal pa utro.

C. Modelling
Read the poem correctly with the pupils.Then, let pupils read by group, by
2’s or individually.

D. Post Activities:
a. What are the popular foods or products mentioned in the poem?
Name them.
b. What are the popular foods or products in your barangay.
c. How can these products help your community?

E. Homework
Memorize the poem.Tuomon an rawit-dawit.

Day 4

A. Recall
Let the pupils recite the poem learned.

B. Presentation of the lesson

Let the pupils read the sentences.

1. Camalig maogma.
2. Mahigos na tawo
3. Lada na maarang.
4. Mahamis na pili.

C. Modelling
1. What words describes the town of Camalig? The people, the pepper
and the pili? Anong tataramon an nagtataram o nag-oomaw sa
banwaan kan Camalig? sa mga tawo, sa lada, asin sa pili?

2. Group the pupils into four.Give each group a picture and let them talk
about the pictures in 5 minutes. Guide them to use words that will
describe each picture.


Group I -Picture of a father and son catching fish

Group II-Picture of women making abaca slippers
Group III-Picture of a girl collecting shells in the seashore
Group IV- Picture of family working in the farm.

3. Presentation of outputs by group.

D. Enrichment Activities
Draw inside the box the products produced in group 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Day 5

A. Recall of previous lessons

a. What are the famous vegetables, fruits and rootcrops in your place?
b. What are the famous native foods /delicacies in your place? Name
c. What made them famous? Describe each.

B. Presentation of the lesson

Show the sentences written on the chart. Let them read the sentences
andencircle the words or phrases that describes the underlined word.

1. Masustansya an karabasa.
2. Mahigos si Mang Adong.
3. Magayon an kublit kan nagkakakan nin kamatis.
4. Masiram an pinangat.
5. An dulsing pili mahamis.

C. Post Activities

1. Write the words that the teacher will dictate. Write correctly on the
Isurat sa malinig na papel nin tama an mga tataramon na ididikta
kan paratukdo.

1. atraktibo
2. magayon

3. mahigos
4. mapupula
5. maarang
2. Copy the sentence correctly. Observe capitalization and correct
punctuation marks.


I. Objectives
1. Use culturally appropriate expressions in giving opinions, ideas in a given
2. Show love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and
making comments.
3. Use appropriate describing words in talking about persons, places and
4. Predict what the story school &community events, situations activity
based on context clues.
5. Give the possible ending of the story.
6. Read stories containing high frequency words and words studied.
7. Read grade one level text with an accuracy rate of 95-100%
8. Read grade one level text in four to five word phrases with appropriate
intonation, expression and punctuation cues.
9. Correctly spelled previously learned words.
10. Correctly spell descriptive words as it is used in the sentences.
11. Observe proper spacing between words, punctuation marks and
capitalization in story writing.
12. Write essay and story observing correct punctuation marks, capitalization,
indentions and format.

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills
1. Using culturally appropriate expressions in giving opinions, ideas in a
given situations
2. Showing love for reading by listening attentively during story reading
and making comments.
3. Using appropriate describing words in talking about persons, places
or things
4. Givingthe possible ending of the story.
5. Predicting what the story, school and community events, situations,
activity based on context clues.
6. Reading stories containing high frequency words and word studied.
7. Reading grade one level text with an accuracy rate of 95-100%.
8. Reading grade one level text in four to five word phrases with
appropriate intonation, expression and punctuation cues.
9. Spell correctly previously learned words.
10. Spell correctly descriptive words as it is used in the sentences.
11. Observing proper spacing between words, punctuation marks,
capitalization in story writing.
12. Writing a story observing correct punctuation marks, capitalization,
indention and format.

B. Story: Kwarta Sa Plastik asin Papel
Sinurat ni: Mercedes C. Cope
C. Reference: K to 12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: Mga tunay na bagay: bote, papel, letter cards
E. Theme: Community Livelihood/occupation trade and industry e.g. one
town one product (OTOP) tiangge
F. Value: Being Industrious

Day 1

A. Reading the Story:

1. Motivation
 Let the pupils look around, inside and outside the classroom.
 What did you see?
 Look under your chairs and tables?
 Can you see all the trash scattered around the room?

2. Unlocking of difficult word

a. pabrika (through picture)

Ini an gibohan nin mga bag asin tsinelas na hali sa abaka.

3. Motive Question
What are the things you are going to collect and save?
Ano- ano an mga bagay na gusto mong kolektahon asin itago?

4. Book Orientation
Introduce the book, the title, author, illustrator.
 Have the pupils stand and let them sing the song with action
and dance with the teacher. To the tune of “Kun Ikaw ay
Kun ika mahigos, paladan ka, ha, ha, ha (2X)
Kun ika mahigos, Kun ika mahigos, Kun ika mahigos paladan ka.
Kun ika mahigos mabubuhay ka (stamp your feet) 2x
Kun ika mahigos, kun ika mahigos, kun ika mahigos mabubuhay

B. Story reading
Teacher will read the story as the pupils listen.
After the teacher reads the story, call a pupil/s volunteer/s to read the
(Interacting with the text)

“May Kwarta sa Plastik asin Papel”

Erwin: “Diyos marhay na aldaw po Nanay. Nariparo ko po, na

dakul na an natipon ta na mga basura. May duwang sako
nin plastic na bote asin galon na yaon diyan sa sirong kan harong ta.”

Tiya Mina: “Tamang-tama maabot na ngunyan si Badong na parabote.

Babakalon niya iyan”.

Erwin: “Pati po ining sarong sakong papel babakalon niya?”

Tiya Mina: “Iyo Erwin. Dadarahon niya iyan sa pabrika para gibohon na
bagong papel.”

Badong: “Diyos marhay na aldaw Tiya Mina. Matrabaho na naman

kita. Pirang sako na po nin bote asin papel an natipon ta diyan?”

Tiya Mina: Marhay na aldaw man Badong. Sige pakibilangon mo na

tabi kun pirang sako na an nasa sirong. Hay! Salamat
mababawasan na an tambak sa sirong magkakaigwa pa
kami nin kwarta.”

C. Engagement Activity
1. What were the things Erwin collected and saved to earn money?
Ano an mga tiniripon asin sinaray ni Erwin para magkaigwa nin

2. Who are the characters in the story?

Siisay an mga tawohan sa istorya?

3. Why did Erwin and Tiya Mina collect used paper, bottles and plastic
Tano ta pigtitiripon ni Erwin asinTiya Mina an nagamit nang papel,
bote asin galon?

4. Where will Badong “the parabote” bring the used paper and bottle
Sain dadarahon ni Badong an mga tiniripon nindang papel, bote asin

5. What courteous expressions did the characters say in the story?
Anong magalang na pagbati an sinabi o nadangog nindo sa istorya?

6. Can you also do what Erwin and Tiya Mina did? How?
Kaya man daw nindong gibohon an ginibo ni Erwin asinTiya Mina?
7. Why should we collect and keep used paper and plastic and bottles?
Give your reason.
Tano ta dapat ta na kolektahon asin sarayon an mga gamit nang
papel, plastic asin bote? Magtao nin rason.

8. Collect candy wrappers, biscuit wrappers and cut it into small pieces
and put it in your small pillow case. (Do it everyday)

Day 2

A. Review the previous story

“May Kwarta Sa Plastik asin Papel”

1. Do you still remember the story we had yesterday?

2. Call one pupil to retell the story.
3. Present pictures of the following:

Teacher asks the pupils:

 What do you see in the picture?
Ano an nahihiling nindo sa mga ritrato?
 Do you see people selling pots, flower pots from Tiwi?

Nakahiling na kamo nin paratinda nin kuron asin masitera
hali sa Tiwi?
 What do they get from selling pots and flower pots?
Ano an nakukua ninda sa pagtinda nin kuron asin
 What do you want to sell also if you want to earn money?
Ika, ano an gusto mong itinda para makatipon ka man nin
 What kind of people are those that sacrifice for their
Ano an apod sa tawo na nagsasakripisyo para sa pamilya?

B. Post Activity
1. Group the pupils into 3’s.
2. Distribute the rolled paper one for each group.
3. Assign a leader, she/he will read the situation on it.
4. Members will act out the situation assigned.
a. Suggested situations (Remember: Teachers can modify/add any

Group 1- People selling fish along the street.

(Pagregaton in bicol)
Group 2- People selling blankets and mats along the streets.
Group 3- People selling magnolia ice cream along the streets.

b. Teacher will discuss the reactions of the pupils to the situations

that can help community livelihood, occupation, industry of their
own family.

 The teacher reads the situation while the pupils listen.

 The pupils will raise their hands if they agree with the
 The pupils will cross their arms if they disagree with the
 The teacher will make her own situation depicting
community, livelihood,
 occupation, trade and industry etc.

c. Complete the box with words that best describe the people, place,
things in your own locality.(Note: Teacher may make her own or
may use this examples suited to their pupils)

Day 3

1. Present again the story “Kwarta sa Plastik asin Papel”

2. Let the pupils read the story silently.
3. Have the pupils read the story aloud
A. Unlocking of difficult words (through pictures)

1. Let the pupils match words with the pictures

Match the words with pictures

2. Reading of sentences and phrases.
Basahon an mga grupo nin tataramon.

duwang sako
bote asin galo
Badong na parabote
sako kan papel
dadarahon sa pabrika

Nakatipon si Erwin nin duwang sakong bote.

Tinipon ni Erwin an mga bote asin papel sa sako.
Nakatipon si Erwin nin sarong sakong papel.

3. Teacher paste the sentences around the classroom,

Pupils will find and read each sentences.
Pupils will answer the questions.

Answer the questions:

Simbagon an mga hapot:

 How many sacks of bottle did Erwin collect?

Pirang sakong bote an natipon ni Erwin?
 How many sacks of paper did Erwin collect?
Pirang sakong papel an natipon ni Erwin?
 What did Erwin collect for him to sell?
Ano an pigtipon ni Erwin para ipabakal?

4. Read the phrases and check the things that Erwin collected to earn

Day 4

1. Review the story “Kwarta sa Plastik asin Papel”

a. What did Erwin collect to earn money?
b. Ano-anong mga bagay an pigtiripon ni Erwin para magkaigwa nin

2. Game: Magkarawat Kita

The teacher prepares dice with words written on every side.
Let the boys and the girls form their lines, the group that can read
more words will be the winner.

Note: words must be written in upper and lower case like LATA lata
Here are the words to be written in the dice.

LATA lata
BOTE bote
PLASTIK plastic
GALON gallon
PAPEL papel
PABRIKA pabrika

3. The teacher flashes the picture of the words previously learned.

The pupils spell the name of the pictures flashed by the teacher.

pabrika papel plastik lata/bote galon

4. Have the pupils spell the words on the blackboard through a contest.

Have one pupil represent the group for the contest.
The one who got the perfect score will be declared winner.


lata galon plastik bote pabrika

5. Have the pupils get their spelling booklet and let them again spell the
previously studied words.


galon lata pabrika plastic

Day 5

A. Enrichment Activity
Teacher shows the pictures or actual objects like used clothings and
bottles of mineral water, used cans of sardines and many more. Have
them name the pictures.

B. Guided Activity
Call three pupils to represent the group. They will write simple sentences
about what they see in the picture. Teacher checks the work done by the

(Note: for slow pupils they will just say it orally.)

Possible answers:
 An mga bado nasa laog kan kahon.
 An mga bado na nasa kahon may iba-ibang kulor.
 An mga gamit nang mga bagay dapat ta na i-recycle.
 An mga bagay na nasa kahon magagamit pa.

C. Guided Practice
a. Have the pupils copy the sentences written on the board with correct
punctuation and capitalization, using the blue and the red lines.

b. Teacher shows and explains to the class through modeling how to
write with correct punctuation and capitalization.
c. Using the lines on the board remind the pupils to write on the line.

C. Independent Activity
Let the pupils get their writing pad or writing notebook and have them
copy from a model.

__Magagamit pa an mga bagay sa kahon.


Criteria Percentage

Punctuation 20%
Capitalization 20%
Neatness 20%
Spelling 20%
Spacing 20%
Total 100%


I. Objectives
1. Use culturally appropriate expressions in giving idea in given news.
2. Read news containing high frequency words and work studied.
3. Read grade one level text with an accuracy rate of 95.100%.
4. Read grade one level text in four to five word phrases with appropriate
intonation, expressions and punctuation clues.
5. Predict what the news based on context clues.
6. Retell news read and listened using own words with emphasis on the
correct sequence of events.
7. Show love for reading by listening attentively during news reading and
making comments.
8. Recognize words that show the degree of a descriptive (e.g. more, most).
9. Use appropriate describing words expressing degree of comparison in
talking about thing.
10. Use clues from context to figure out what the word mean.
11. Correctly spell descriptive words as it is used in the sentence.
12. Correctly spelled previously learned words.
13. Recognize that two words can make a compound word.
14. Write news observing correct punctuation marks, capitalization,
indentions and format.
15. Observe proper spacing between words, punctuation marks and
capitalization in news writing.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic:
1. Using culturally appropriate expressions in giving ideas in given news.
2. Reading news containing high frequency words and words studied.
3. Reading grade one level text with an accuracy rate of 95.100%.
4. Reading grade one level text in four to five word phrases with
appropriate intonation, expressions and punctuation clues.
5. Predicting what the news based on context clues.
6. Retelling news read and listened using own words with emphases on
the correct sequence of events.
7. Showing love for reading by listening attentively during news reading
and making comments.
8. Recognizing words that show the degree of a descriptive (e.g. more,
9. Using appropriate describing words expressing degree of comparison
in talking about things.
10. Using clues from context to figure out what the word mean.
11. Correcting spell descriptive words as it used in the sentence.
12. Correcting spelled previously learned words.
13. Recognizing that two words can be compound words.
14. Writing news observing correct punctuation marks, capitalization,
indentions and format

15. Observing proper spacing between words, punctuation marks and
capitalization in news writing.

B. Reference: K to12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Curriculum

C. Materials: Newspaper, pictures, cut-outs, box.
D. Selection: “An Botilyang Bombilya”
Kinuha sa: Makabayan Student Herald Vol. 7no.1 SY 2011-2012
E. Theme: Energy Sources
F. Value: Thriftiness

III. Procedure

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading
1. Unlocking of difficult word
Teacher unlocks the difficult words found in the news through
pictures/context clues

a. syudad a. kunsumidures – an mga

konsumidures kan kuryente
nagreklamo kan halangkaw na
singil kan kuryente.

b. kumunidad – lugar sa palibot c. bumbilya

d. barrio e. bote

2. Motivation
Present the news paper, talk about the parts of the newspaper.
a. What do you see on the cover of the newspaper?

Ano an nahihiling mo sa inotan kan dyaryo?
b. What are the parts of the newspaper?
Ano-ano an mga parte kan dyaryo?

3. Motive Question
What is the importance of “Botilyang Bombilya?”
Ano an importansya kan “Botilyang Bombilya?”

B. During Reading
Reading aloud of the news. ”An Botilyang Bombilya”?
Teacher reads the news using the news paper while pupils listen.

“An Botilyang Bombilya”

Magtatao nin Liwanag sa Nagtitirios
Kinua ini sa: Makabayan Student Herald Vol. 7 No, SY 2011-

Tinawan nin pag-asa ni Mayor Alfredo Lim kan Manila an

pamilyang nagtitirios na nakaistar sa syudad. Ini sa paagi kan “Solar
Lightning Project “ napakikinabangan kan 120 na mga saradit na
Pinili ni Mayor Lim an lugar kan BASECO sa ikalimang distrito
kan Manila bilang inot na lugar para sa proyektong “Solar Bottle
Bulbs” Pagkatapos isusunod tulos an iba pang komunidad kan Tondo
arog kan Parola; Isla Puting Bato asin Happyland.
Sigon ki Mayor Lim, mas kadakul na kompanya an namuya
kan “solar project” pero mas burubarato an pigtao kan Manila Electric
Company (MERALCO) na mas diit sana an makukunsumo sa 150
hanggang 200 kada harong asin naghagad pa siya nin tabang sa iba
pang mga ahensya kan syudad.
Ipinaliwanag man ni Mayor Lim na sa irarom kan proyekto
mas makukua kan kada harong an solar – generated electricity na iyo
nang gagastohon kan mga kunsumidures. Sa siring na paagi dai na
sinda magamit pa nin kandila o liwanag na di-gas na pirmi ng
pigpupunan nin sulo.
Sa irarom kan proyektong ini an kada harong burubalot na
bubugtakan nin “solar bulb” nagibo sa duwang litrong boteng plastic
na pano nin pighalong tubig, asin chlorine na pagaganahon sa sirang
kan saldang. An bote an magtatao nin liwanag na kapareho kan 50
watts na bombilyang di kuryente.
Nagkapira sa mga nag-atinder sa pagpapautob kan “Sarong
Litro – The Solar Bottle Bulls Project” iyo an mga opisyal kan syudad,

an City Engineer, MERALCO asin mga konsehal.

C. Post Reading
Teacher asks questions about the news heard.
1. Comprehension Check
a. Ano an tabang na naitatao kan botilyang bombilya?
b. Siisay an nagtao nin pag-asa na magkaigwa nin ilaw an kada
c. Ano an saindang proyekto? Ano an ngaran kaini?
d. Anong lugar an inot na mapapailawan?
e. Siisay an matatawan kaining proyekto?
f. Pano ini piggigibo para magkaigwa nin ilaw?

2. Value Infusion:
a. Kun matatawan kita kaining ilaw sa satuyang lugar, ano an tabang
kaini sato?
b. Sa saindong lugar, ano man an proyektong ipinapautob kan mga
opisyal kan barangay?
c. Pano ka nakikiayon sa mga proyekto sa saindong lugar?

Day 2

A. Review
Recall details that happened in the news listened to.

B. Presentation
Present the news again by asking some questions about it.
a. Ano an ngaran kan proyekto ni Mayor Lim?
b. Siisay an natawan kaining proyekto?
c. Ano an tabang kaining proyekto sa mga kunsumidures?
d. Nakatabang daw ini sainda? Sa papanong paagi?

C. Modeling
Teacher models how to retell the news happened.
Situations are given to practice in how to sequence the events using the

D. Guided Activity
Based on the news you heard, pupils will retell the news on the correct
sequence of events.

E. Independent Activity
Let the pupils draw “An Botilyang Bombilya”.

Day 3

A. Presentation
Through news presented, let pupils identify the describing words by
asking their questions.
a. Duman sa baritang binasa ta, anong mga tataramon an
nagsasabi nin pagkumparara sa mga minasunod na tataramon?

kadakol - maliwanag -burubarato

B. Guided Activity
a. Get a box and put pictures of different things.
b. Let each pupil pick one and identify each name. As the pupils
name the picture , pupils will describe the things he / she pick.

 What is this?
Ano ini?
 What can you say about this? Describe.
Ano an masasabi mo igdi? Iladawan.

C. Independent Activity
Using the things/objects on the table. Pupils will select pick one and
pupils will describe using the degree of comparison.

D. Post Activity
Write a word that describe the following objects:

Day 4

A. Presentation
1. Through the news presented, let pupils identify the compound words
by asking these questions:
a. Pano sinda makabarato kan pagsingil kan kuryente? Burubarato
b. Pano an pagkabit kan bombilya kada harong? Burubalot?
c. Pano nagsirbi an lente pasiring sa harong? durudiretso

2. Based on the answers given, how many words are formed?

3. What do you call these words?
4. What is the compound words?

Compound words-two words make as one word.

B. Modelling:
Teacher say’s a word to the pupils, wave hands if the words are
compound words and if it is not they will nod their head.

1. turutalibong 4. kagharong 7. turutalinga

2. bayong 5. durudiretso 8. burubalyo
3. burubisekleta 6. bulalakaw

C. Guided Practice:
“Picking the Fruit”
Teacher prepares cut out of different fruits with compound word. Pupils
pick out the cut outs with compound word and read it to the class.

turutalibong muruputo pansit bato

bulalakaw sakayan

D. Independent Activity
Write a check (√) if the word is a compound word and x if not.

E. Post assessment:

F. Presentation
1. Present a picture to the pupils. Let pupils write simple news through a
guided question

a. Ano an masasabi mo sa ritrato?
b. Sain mo ini nahihling?
c. Ano an gamit kaini?
d. Ano an maitatabang kaini sato?

G. Guided Practice:
Pupils write news using the picture.
They will observe correct punctuation marks, capitalization, indention and

H. Independent Practice:
Through this picture, write news, observe the correct punctuation marks,
capitalization, indention and format.
Gamiton an ritrato sa paggibo nin bareta. Obserbahan an tamang gamit
kan mga pananda.

I. Post Assesment:
Cut a picture and write simple news


I. Objectives
1. Read stories, legends, essays, news, articles, blogs, etc. containing high
frequencywords and words studied
2. Predict what the story, school and community events, situations, activity,
legends, blogs etc.based on the context clues
3. Show love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and
making comments
4. Use clues from context to figure out what the words mean
5. Retell story, legends and etc. read using own words with emphasis on the
correct sequence of events
6. Use culturally appropriate expressions in giving opinion, ideas, views, etc.
In a given situations/issues/news/events
7. Recognize words that show the degree of a descriptive words (e.g. More,
8. Use appropriate describing words expressing degree of comparison in
talking about persons, places and things
9. Correctly spell descriptive words as it is used in the sentences
10. Recognize that two words can make compound word
11. Retell news articles, TV broadcast and etc. Read and listened using own
words with emphasis on the correct sequence of events
12. Read grade one level text with an accuracy rate of 95 – 100%
13. Read grade one level text in four to five word phrases with appropriate
intonation, and punctuation cues
14. Write essay and story observing correct punctuation marks, and
capitalization, indentions, format
15. Observe proper spacing between words, punctuation marks, and
capitalization in essay and story writing

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Reading stories, legends, essays, news, articles, blogs, etc. containing
high frequency words and words studied
2. Predicting what the story, school and community events, situations,
activity, legends, blogs etc.based on the context clues
3. Showing love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and
making comments Usingclues from context to figure out what the words
4. Retelling story, legends and etc. read using own words with emphasis on
the correct sequence of events
5. Using culturally appropriate expressions in giving opinion, ideas, views,
etc. In a given situations/issues/news/events
6. Recognizing words that show the degree of a descriptive words
(e.g. More, most)
7. Using appropriate describing words expressing degree of comparison in
talking about persons, places and things
8. Spelling descriptive words as it is used in the sentences

9. Recognizingthat two words can make compound word
10. Retelling news articles, TV broadcast and etc. Read and listened using
own words with emphasis on the correct sequence of events
11. Reading grade one level text with an accuracy rate of 95 – 100%.
12. Reading grade one level text in four to five word phrase with appropriate
intonation, and punctuation cues
13. Writing essay and story observing correct punctuation marks, and
capitalization, indentions, format.
14. Observing proper spacing between words, punctuation marks, and
capitalization in essay and story writing

B. Selection: Si Marta
Sinurat ni: Annaliza A. Cambaya
Listening Story
C. Reference: K to12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Competencies
D. Materials: Story- Si Marta, pictures
E. Theme: Conserving Energy and Other Resources
F. Value: Conservation of energy and other resources

III. Procedure:

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading Activities
1. Unlocking of difficult words through pictures and context clues
a. Eksamin – (context clue)
An paratukdo pirming nagtatao nin eksamin pagkatapos kan

b. kompyuter

2. Motivation
What is your hobby?
Ano an pirmi/paborito mong ginigibo?

3. Motive Question
What is the hobby of Marta?
Ano an paboritong gibohon ni Marta?

B. During Reading
Listening Story: Si Marta
Interactive Reading: Teacher reads the story while pupils interact by
predicting what will happen next through questions.

Si Marta
Sinurat ni: Annaliza A. Cambaya

Si Marta sarong magayon na aki na babayi. Nasa inot na grado na

siya. Singkwenta sinda saklase asin si Marta sana an mahilig maghiling
nin telebisyon asin magkawat nin kompyuter.

Sarong aldaw bago mag-urulian nagsabi an saindang maestra, “Mga

aki sa aga magkakaigwa kita nin eksamin sa Mathematics, aram ko na
mga matatali kamo, halangkaw an makukua nindo”. Urugmahon an mga
kaklase ni Marta. “O Marta tano ta mamundo ka?” an hapot kan
paratukdo, “mahiling po ma’am ako nin telebisyon pag-abot ko sa
harong, pano daw po ako makaadal?” an mamundong hapot ni Marta.
“Dai ka na maghiling nin telebisyon ta may eksamin kamo”, an simbag
kan paratukdo. “Ma’am magayonon po an “Walang Hanggan” paborito
ko si Coco Martin, dai po puwede na dai ako maghiling”, pigpipirit na
sabi ni Marta.

Ano kaya an ginibo ni Marta pag abot sa harong?

Pag abot sa harong dalidali na ibinugtak ni Marta an mga gamit sa

lamesa. Mantang an saiyang tugang na si Eboy asin an mga kaklaseng
matataba na si Angelito asin si Lorenzo, nag – aaradal.”Marhay na
hapon ate”, an sabi ni Eboy. Hiniling sana siya ni Marta.

Pinaandar an telebisyon asin kompyuter. Nahiling siya kan saiyang


“Marta, tano ta gabos mo iyan pinaandar”? Magagamit mo kaya

iyan nin sabay-sabay?” hapot kan saiyang ina.

“Iyo po mama, mantang naghihiling ako nin telebisyon makawat ako

nin kompyuter”. “Marta sayang kan kuryente, pundohon mo muna an

Mag- adal ka muna ta may eksamin ka sa aga, dapat inoton mo an

saimong pag-adal tanganing makapasar ka,” an pagpagirumdom kan

“Aro-atyan na po ako maadal tapuson ko muna ining sakuyang

pighihiling,” an simbag ni Marta. Padagos ining naghiling nin telebisyon
hanggang sa napaturog siya na nag- aandar an telebisyon asin

Ano kaya an nangyari sa telebisyon?

Naka-eksamin kaya si Marta?

“Marta mata na, udto na may klase ka pa,” an pagpukaw kan ina.
“Mama dai po ako maklase. Makulog po an sakuyang payo, tungkaon
pa po ako,” an simbag ni Marta sa saiyang ina.

Dai naka-eskwela si Marta. Pagkaudto, binukasan na naman niya

nin sabay an telebisyon asin kompyuter.

”Mama, nata ta dai na ini nag-aarandar?” an hapot ni Marta.

“Dai mo aram Marta? Kasubanggi pinabayaan mo na nakabukas.

Nasubrahan nin init kaya puminutok. Iyan an kawsa kun tano mayo kita
ngunyan nin kuryente. Dai ka nagtutultol kan saimong pag eskwela. Pig-
inot mo an mga bagay na dai mo dapat inoton, ano an mangyayari kaan
saimo?” dagit na sabi kan ina ni Marta.

Ano kaya an ginibo ni Marta kan nahiling niya na dagit na an

saiyang ina?
“Mama patawad po. Dai na ako mautro kan sakuyang ginibo,
maeskwela na ako sa aga”.

Pagkaaga amay na nagmata si Marta pasiring sa eskwelahan kairiba

an saiyang ina. ”Ma’am pasensya na tabi dai ako naka- eskwela”, an
mahuyo na sabi ni Marta. “ Aram ko na Marta an saimong ginibo.”
Ma’am patawad po sa sakuyang ginibo, naraot ko an samuyang mga
gamit sa harong. Nawaran pa po kami nin kuryente, dai pa po ako
nakaeksamin. Puon po ngunyan iinoton ko na an sakuyang pag- adal
asin magtitipid na po ako kan paggamit nin kuryente. Patawad po
mama. Patawad po ma’am. Dai na po ako mautro kan sakuyang ginibo.”

C. Post Reading
Answer the following questions:
1. Ano kaya an pirming ginigibo ni Marta?
2. Tano ta habo ni Marta mag-adal?
3. Ano an paboritong hilingon ni Marta sa telebisyon?
4. Ano an ginibo ni Marta pag abot sa harong?
5. Naka eksamin kaya si Marta sa Matematika? Tano?
6. Ano an nangyari sa telebisyon? Ano an nawara sainda?
7. Ano an ginibo ni Marta? Ano an tinaram niya sa saiyang ina asin

 What should you do in order to conserve energy and other resources?

Ano an dapat nindong gibohon tanganing makatipid sa paggamit nin
enerhiya arog kan kuryente?
 What should you do after watching television and using other
appliances at home?
Ano ang gigibohon mo pakatapos maghiling nin telebisyon asin
maggamit nin mga kagamitan sa harong na nagkukunsumo nin

Value Focus:
 What should people remember when using energy and other
Ano an dapat rumdomon mantang naggagamit nin enerhiya sa

Day 2

A. Review
“Tell Me”
In your own word, retell the story” Si Marta”.
Iistorya giraray an nanudan nindong istorya na “Si Marta” base sa
tamang pagkasunod-sunod kan mga pangyayari kaini.

B. Literary Extender
Groupings: “Let’s Do It”
 Teacher groups the pupils into 4. Give each group a task or scenario
from the story and let pupils perform the assigned activity.

Group I- Act out the effects when Marta chose to watch television and
Group II- Draw the different appliances you have at home.
Group III-List ways on how you can conserve energy.
Group IV-Write a letter of apology to mother.

C. Skill Development
What was the expression used by the characters in the story?
1. Ano an sinabi ni Eboy kan nahiling an tugang na nag-abot?
2. Ano an sinabi ni Marta sa saiyang ina kan naaraman niyang sala an
ginibo niya?
3. Ano an sinabi ni Marta sa saiyang paratukdo kan pag- eskwela niya?

D. Modeling
Teacher models how each expression is used. Situations are given to
practice how these expressions are appropriately used in different
situations, ideas, opinions etc.

Marhay na hapon.
Pasensya na po./Sori po.
Patawad po.

 Nuarin nindo piggagamit an mga tataramon na ini?

 Parareho daw an piggagamit nindong ekspresyon sa kada sitwasyon?
Tano? Tano bako?

E. Guided Practice
Teacher reads the situations and the pupils give the correct and
appropriate expressions

F. Independent Activity
“Say It Again”

Teacher shows different pictures/situations that need appropriate

expressions. Pupils will practice saying the correct expressions.
Ano an tamang ekspresyon sa kada sitwasyon na ipinapahiling sa ritrato?

Day 3

A. Presentation
Introduce names.
1. These are the characters found in the story.
Ini an mga tawohan sa istorya.

Marta Angelito maestra

Eboy Lorenzo ina

2. These are the places found in the story.

Ini an mga lugar na nabanggit sa istorya.
harong eskuwelahan

3. These are the things found in the story.
Ini an mga bagay na nabanggit sa istorya.

telebisyon kompyuter

 Describe the characters in the story base on the trait they have
Iladawan an mga tawohan sa istorya base sa ipinahiling nindang
Sisay si Eboy asin Marta?
 Compare how they value school base in the story.
Ikumparar kun pano ninda pinahalagahan an saindang pag-
eskwela base sa istorya.
 In your observation at home and school, compare these places.
Sa obserbasyon mo sa saindong eskwelahan asin harong,
ikumparar an mga lugar na ini.
 In things used at Marta’s home compare its sizes.
Sa mga gamit sa harong nina Marta, ikumparar an kadakulaan
kan mga ini.

1. Si Eboy mas mahigos mag–adal kaysa ki Marta.
2. Mas dakula an telebisiyon kaysa sa kompyuter.
3. Sa mga lugar sa harong nina Marta, an kusina iyo an
4. An paghiling nin telebisyon an pinakagustong gibohon ni Marta.

 What words can be use in comparing person, place ang thing?

Ano an mga tataramon na pwede mong gamiton para
makumparar an tawo, lugar asin bagay?
 What words used to compare person, place and thing?
Ano an tataramon na ginamit sa pagkumparar kan tawo, lugar
asin bagay?
 What word is added to the describing word when comparing
two persons, places and things?
Anong tataramon an ipigkabit sa tataramon na naglaladawan
kun duwang tawo lugar asin bagay an pigkukumparar?
 What word is added to the describing word when comparing
more than two persons, places and things?
Anong tataramon an ipigkabit sa tataramon na naglaladawan
kun subra sa duwa an pigkumparar?

B. Modeling
a. Teacher uses picture, real objects to show comparison.
b. Pupils compare the pictures orally.

C. Guided Activity
1. “Describe Me”
a. Let pupils to describe things or objects found inside the classroom
using more (mas) and most(pinaka).
Iladawan an mga bagay na nahihiling nindo sa satuyang kwarto.
Pagkumpararon an mga ini gamit an mga ekspresyon na mas,
pinaka na ikakabit sa tataramon na naglaladawan.

2. “Spell it”
a. Write properly the describing words that teacher will dictate.

D. Independent Activity
“Buy Me” Look at the price of the items. Ask pupils to give sentences in
describing items using More and Most. Use the word expensive.

E. Post-Activity
“Fill Me”
Write on the blank the word more or most to complete the idea.

Day 4

A. Presentation
1. “What’s this?”
2. Show different pictures.What does it tell?

mata + pobre = matapobre

3. Let pupils d escribe the pictures orally.

B. Analysis Questions
1. What new word is form when the two words are joined together?
Anong tataramon an nabilog kan pinagsaro an duwang tataramon?
2. What is the meaning of the new word formed from the two words that
are joined together?
Ano an buot sabihon kan tataramon na nabilog kan pinagsararo an
duwang tataramon?
3. Teacher gives context clues for the word matapobre.

Ini si Doña Nora. Siya matapobre.

Kadakul an dagit sa pamilya ni Doña Nora nin huli ta matapobre
sinda. Bako magayon an pagtratar ninda sa mga pobreng tawo.

4. What do we call the new word formed from joining two words with
Ano an apod sa mabibilog na tataramon pagkatapos pagdugtungon
an duwang tataramon na igwa nin kanya-kanyang kahulugan?
5. When two words with meaning are joined together, the new word
formed is called a compound word.
Compound word an apod sa nabilog na tataramon hali sa duwang
tataramon na igwa nin sadiring kahulugan.

C. Modeling
1. Reacher gives examples on how a compound words are formed.


 Who is in the picture?
Si isay an nasa ritrato?
 What two words a joined to form the word parauma?
Anong duwang tataramon an pinagkabit tanganing mabilog an
tataramon na parauma?

2. Teacher post picture of para and uma to form parauma.

D. Guided Practice
1. “What do you want to be? “
What two words can be joined together to form a new word which is
shown in the picture?

Anong duwang tataramon an pagdudugtungon tanganing mabilog an

bagong tataramon na pigpapahiling sa kada ritrato?

+ =

para _____________________

+ =

tanom _____________________

kanta _____________________

para sayaw _____________________

2. Connect the picture with the two words that formed the name of each

E. Independent Practice
“Choose Me”
Choose the compound words. Write it on your paper.

Day 5

A. Review
What is lost in Marta’s house after the TV was overheat?
Ano an nawara sa harong ninda Marta kan nasubrahan nin init an

B. Presentation
Teacher reads a short essay about Conserving Energy and Other
Resources. Pupils listen.

Pagtipid nin Kuryente

An pagtipid sa paggamit nin kuryente importante. An mga kagamitan

sa harong arog kan bintilador, plantsa, telebisyon, kompyuter asin iba pa,
dapat na pundohon pag dai piggagamit. Kun tama an satuyang paggamit
kan mga ini dakula an satuyang matitipid.

C. Modeling
 Pupils read the short essay after the teacher with appropriate
intonation, expression and punctuation cues as teacher points it.
Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are committed.
 Let the whole class read the essay
 Call pupil/s volunteer/s to read by 3’s, 2’s or individually.
 Use this Rubrics to rate the reading ability of the pupils.

a. intonation 40%
b. expression 35%
c. observance of punctuation 25%
D. Guided Practice
“Write It”
Copy correctly on the lines the short essay with correct punctuation
marks, spacing and capitalization.

E. Independent Practice
“Try It”
Write an essay about the conservation of water. Use correct
capitalization, punctuation marks, indentions and format.


I. Objectives
1. Use culturally appropriate expressions in hypothesizing (giving possible
outcomes/results of story, events, activity, actions and situations heard.
2. Read stories, legends, essays, news articles, blogs, etc. containing high
frequency words and words studied.
3. Read grade one level text with an accuracy rate of 95 - 100%.
4. Read grade one level text in four to five word phrases with appropriate
5. intonation, expression and punctuation cues
6. Correctly Spelled previously learned words
7. Correctly spell compound words as it is used in the sentences
8. Observe proper spacing between words, punctuation marks, and
9. capitalization in taking down dictated text
10. Write through dictation simple sentences, phases, and paragraph
observing correct punctuation marks, capitalization, indentions and format
11. Give the synonyms and antonyms of simple describing words
12. Use clues from context to figure out what the words mean
13. Recognize that two words can make a compound word
14. Recognize words that show the degree of descriptive words (e.g. more,
15. most)
16. Predict what the story, school and community events, situations, activity,
legends, blogs, etc. based on context clues
17. Retell a story/legend/folktale/folklore read in their own words, citing the
characters and important events
18. Retell a school/community articles, news, events, etc. read in their own
words, citing the characters and important events
19. Show love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and
making comments

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Using culturally appropriate expressions in hypothesizing (giving possible
outcomes/results of story, events, activity, actions and situations heard.
2. Reading stories, legends, essays, news articles, blogs, etc. containing
high frequency words and words studied.
3. Reading grade one level text with an accuracy rate of 95 - 100%.
4. Reading grade one level text in four to five word phrase with appropriate
intonation, expression and punctuation cues.
5. Spelling previously learned words.
6. Spelling compound words as it is used in the sentences.
7. Observing proper spacing between words, punctuation marks, and
capitalizationin taking down dictated text.
6. Writing through dictation simple sentences, phases, and paragraph
7. observing correct punctuation marks, capitalization, indentions and
8. Giving the synonyms and antonyms of simple describing words

9. Using clues from context to figure out what the words mean
10. Recognizing that two words can make a compound word.
11. Recognizing words that show the degree of descriptive words (e.g. more,
12. Predicting what the story, school and community events, situations,
activity, legends, blogs, etc. based on context clues.
13. Retelling a story/legend/folktale/folklore read in their own words, citing the
14. characters and important events.
15. Retelling a school/community articles, news, events, etc. read in their own
16. words, citing the characters and important events.
17. Showing love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and
making comments.

B. Selection: Listenening Story “Mike Mahikero”

C. Reference: K to 12 Curriculum, MTBMLE Indicators
D. Materials: picture story of Mike Mahikero, pictures, strips of words
E. Theme: Helping My Community- Keeping our community clean
F. Value: Caring for the environment

III. Procedure:

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading
1. Unlocking of difficult words
Teacher unlocks the difficult words found in the story through context

a. mahikiro
Ginibong bayong kan mahikero an panyo.
Makangalas-ngalas an saiyang ginibo.

b. nirisiklo
Nirisiklo ni Berta an lata kan sardinas.
Linimpiyahan asin dinisinyuhan niya ini tanganing maging kaagan
nin lapis o pencil holder.

2. Motivation
a. Have you ever experience to watch a magic show?
Nakaeksperyensya na kamo na makadalan nin magic show?
b. What kind of magic did you see?
Anong klaseng magic o mahika an nahiling nindo?

3. Motive Question
What magic did Mike Mahikero perform?
Anong mahika an ginibo ni Mike Mahikero?

B. During Reading
 Listening Story: Teacher reads the story “Mike Mahikero“
 Pupils listen.

Interactive Reading: Second reading of the story

Mike Mahikero
Sinurat ni: Lovely M. Eva

Kaidtong panahon, igwang sarong tawo na nakaistar sa ababang bulod

harani sa banwa. Mike Mahikero an apod saiya. Sa laog kan harong niya,
mahihiling an manlain-lain na gamit. Haros gabos na gamit niya hali sa
risiklong bagay pero magagayon asin malilinig.
Padaba ni Mike an kapalibutan kaya dawa ngani maski bako man niya
trabaho an paglinig sa palibot ginigibo niya. Aroaldaw, naglilibot siya sa
kaharongan para mamurot nin mga basura. Nag-agi an mga aldaw, dai
maubos-ubos ni Mike an pigpupurot na basura.

Ano kaya an mamamatian ni Mike na dai maubos-ubos an basura?

Grabe an kamundoan asin kapagalan an namamatian niya hanggang sa

suminuko siya. Sa saiyang pagpahingalo nagpahiling si Inang Kalingkasan.
“Mike tano ta dai ka na nagpupurot kan mga basura?” hapot ni Inang
Kalingkasan. Si Mike nagsimbag, “Inang Diwata, pagpasensyahan mo po kun
ako nakamati nin kapagalan. Nahiling ko kaya na maski ubuson ko an oras ko
sa pagpurot nin basura para malinigan an kapalibotan dai mauubos an mga
basura. Igwang mga tawo na malilinig an saindang palibot alagad mas dakul
an mga tawo na maation an saindang palibot. Lalo sa palibot kan harong ni
Petra, saiya an pinakamaati. Minsan ngani mas tatao pa magtapok nin basura
an mga aki kaysa sa mga gurang.”

“Aram ko na padaba mo an kapalibotan, aram ko na importante saimo na

malinig an kapalibutan kaya tatawanan ta ika nin kapangyarihan na
makakatabang saimo “, taram kan Inang Kalingkasan.

Ano kayang kapangyarihan an itatao ni Inang Kalikasan kay Mike?

Sunod na aldaw, nagduman sa kaharungan si Mike. Tinipon niya gabos na

tawo asin tinukduan kan tamang paglinig sa kapalibutan. “Kaipohan igwang
tulong basurahan para sa mga basura na nalalapa, dai nalalapa asin
naririsiklo. An mga basura na dai nalalapa ikaag sa basurahan, an nalalapa
gibohon na pataba sa tanom, an naririsiklo pa pakarahayon asin gamiton
giraray. Sa arog kaining paagi na pangangatamanan ta an kalinigan san
kapalibutan.” May mga tawong nagtubod saiya pero igwa man na dai.
Kinaagahan, may nadangog si Mike na mga tawong nagkukurahaw.

Tano daw nagkukurahaw an kadaklan na mga tawo?

Nahiling niya an kadaklan na tawo na may nakadukot na basura sa lawas

ninda. Dai nahahali an basura sa lawas ninda gurano man ninda ini bugnoton
asin halion. “Dai mahahali an basura sa lawas nindo sagkod dai kamo
makanuod na mapangatamanan an kalinigan sa palibot”, taram ni Mike asin
naghali na siya. Puon kaito nabantog an pangaran niya na Mike Mahikero.
Sain man siya magduman na maating lugar minabalik asin minadukot an
basura sa nagtapok kaini.

Nahali pa kaya an mga basurang nakadukot sa lawas kan

tawo lalo na duman sa lugar niya? Tano iyo? Tano ta dai?

Pagkalihis kan sarong bulan, nagbalik siya sa saiyang lugar asin naugma siya
sa saiyang nahiling.

Ano an tunay na nangyari sa katapusan kan istorya?

C. Post Reading
1. Engagement Activities
a. What magic spell Mike did to the people?
Anong mahika an ginibo ni Mike Mahikero?
b. What character traits Mike Mahikero have as a person?
Anong ugali igwa si Mike Mahikero bilang sarong tawo?
c. Describe his house?
Iladawan an saiyang harong?

Grupo 1- Gumibo nin sarong graphic organizer na nagpapahiling

kan pag- uugali ni Mike Mahikero.

d. What Mike is doing for his place/town?

Ano an ginigibo ni Mike sa banwaan niya?

e. Does he finish collecting all the trash in his place?

Naubos daw niya an mga basura na napurot?

f. Did you know the kinds of waste/trash Mike collected?

Aram na nindo kun anong klaseng mga basura an pigpupurot ni

Grupo 2- Magdrowing nin tulong klase nin basura.

Nalalapa Dai Nalalapa Naririsiklo
g. Who showed Mike?
Siisay an nagpahiling saiya?

h. Why do think Inang Kalikasan showed him?

Tano daw ta nagpahiling saiya si Inang Kalikasan?

i. What did Mike Mahikero tell to Inang Kalikasan?

Ano an sinabi ni Mike Mahikero ki Inang Kalikasan?

j. What did Inang Kalikasan gave to Mike Mahikero?

Ano an itinao ni Inang Kalikasan ki Mike Mahikero?

Grupo 3- Iarte an parte kan diyalogo ni Inang Kalikasan asin Mike


k. What did Mike Mahikero tell the people?

Ano an tinaram ni Mike Mahikero sa mga tawo?

l. What happened to the people?

Ano an nangyari sa mga tawo?
Grupo 4 – Gumibo nin sarong SLOGAN tungkol sa pag-ataman
kan kalinigan sa palibot.

Theme: Pano ta mapangangataman an kalinigan sa satuyang

Ano an mga dapat tang gibohon?
Valuing: Ika bilang sarong aki, pano ka makakatabang sa pag-
ataman sa kalinigan sa eskwelahan? Sa harong?

Day 2

A. Recall
Describe Mike Mahikero.
Iladawan si Mike Mahikero.

Describe the people and the place in the story told yesterDay

B. Presentation
Present the words together with the pictures.

mahigos ugakon

malinig maati

maataman pabaya

diit dakul

maogma mamundo

C. Modeling
 Does the pair of words mean the same? Let the pupils read the
 They are antonyms. Antonyms mean the opposite.
 What other pairs of words mean the opposite? Give examples.

Take a look at these pair of words. Let pupils read.


 Does the pair of words mean the same?

 They are synonyms. Synonyms mean the same.
 What other pairs of words mean the same?

D. Guided Practice
“Say Something!”

Divide the class into 4 groups.Teacher will present pictures.

Group 1- Pupils will describe the picture.
Group 2- Pupils will give its synonym/antonym.

Group 3- Pupils will use it in asentence with a degree of


Group 4 - Pupils will use it in a sentence with a degree of


Example: (a picture of a clean environment)

Pupils will say:

Group 1- Malinig an palibot.
Group 2- Kabaliktaran kan malinig- maati

Group 3- Mas malinigan plasa kaysa saudan.
Group 4- Pinakamalinig an simbahan sa gabos.

E. Independent Practice
“Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down”
a. Teacher will show pair of words in strips of paper.
b. Children will read the words.
c. They will show “thumbs up” if the words are synonyms.
d. They will show “thumbs down” if the words are antonyms.

Day 3

A. Presentation
These are words found in the story. Notice how these words are formed.
Let pupils read the words.

Maga+gayon-------- magagayon
Mina + dukot----------minadukot
Mina + balik-----------minabalik

B. Modeling
1. What two words make up ‘magagayon’?
Anong duwang tataramon an pinagsaro sa “magagayon”?
2. Do the words mean the same when they are combined?
Magkapareho kaya an buot sabihon kan ini pinagsaro?
3. What two words make up ‘malilinig’?
Anong duwang tataramon an pinagsaro sa “malilinig”?
4. Do the words mean the same when they are combined?
Magkapareho kaya an buot sabihon kan ini pinagsaro?
5. What two words make up ‘minadukot’?
Anong duwang tataramon an pinagsaro sa “minadukot”?
6. Do the words mean the same when they are combined?
Magkapareho kaya an buot sabihon kan ini pinagsaro?
7. What two words make up ‘minabalik’?
Anong duwang tataramon an pinagsaro sa “minabalik”?
8. Do the words mean the same when they are combined?
Magkapareho kaya an buot sabihon kan ini pinagsaro?

C. Guided Practice
“Mix and Match”

1. Look for two words that will form or make a new word. Shade them
with the same color.
2. Remember the words that you shall form have to do with caring for
the environment.

(Expected answers: minaati, minagayon, parapurot, paratapok,

pigasako, malilinig)

D. Independent Practice
a. Read the article and look for compound words.
b. Write your answers on a sheet of paper.

Day 4

A. Recall
In your own words, retell the article you’ve read about “May
KwartasaBasura” (citing the characters and important events)

B. Presentation
Present a legend.

An Ginikanan kan Basura

Sinuratni Lovely M. Eva

Kaidtong panahon, malinig an palibot. Gabos na tawo

naghihiro, naglilinig. Gabos sinda disiplinado. Maogmahon sindang
nag-iistar sa saindang mga harong. Pagkalihis kan pirang taon,
igwang sarong tawo na naging madunong. Nag-imbento ini nin mga
bagay na gibo sa plastic arog kan bag, plato, baso asin iba pa.
Nagka-interes asin nawili an mga tawo sa paggamit kaini huli ta dai
ini napapasa, haloy maluma, madaling linigan asin dai nalalapa.
Bakal digdi, bakal duman sagkod sa dakul na sindang gamit sa
harong na dai nagagamit. Naging burara sinda sa gamit. Digdi
nagpuon an taramon na ‘basura’, an pagiging burara sa gamit.

C. Modeling
Pupils read the short legend with appropriate intonation, expression and
punctuation cues as teacher points it. Teacher makes necessary
corrections, if mistakes are committed.
 Ipabasa an essay sa bilog na klase.
 Ipabasa sa kada grupo, tandem, solo.
 Gamitan rubric markahan an kada grupo sa pagbasa kan legend.

intonation 30%
observance of pauses 30%
expression 40%

D. Guided Practice
“Tell It”
In your own words, retell the legend citing important events.

E. Independent Practice
“Write It”
1. Write properly on the lines the words that the teacher will dictate.
2. Write it on your paper.

Day 5

A. Presentation
1. Teacher reads the article with the pupils.
2. What is the article all about?
Tungkol sain an artikulong binasa?

B. Guided Practice
Teacher models on how to write a paragraph. Observes correct
punctuation marks, capitalization, indentions and format.

C. Independent Practice
Let pupils copy the paragraph. Observe correct punctuation marks,
capitalization, indentions and format.

D. Post Assessment
Dictation. Write in a paragraph form.

Criteria: Rubrics Points

Legibly written All five criteria are 10 points
Correct punctuation Four criteria are present 8 points
marks including correct spelling
Legibly written Three criteria are 6 points
present including correct
Indention and format Two criteria are present 4 points
including correct spelling
Correct spelling All the criteria are not 2 points


I. Objectives
1. Use culturally appropriate expressions in hypothesizing (giving possible
outcomes/results of story, events, activity, actions and situations heard
2. Read stories, legends, essays, news, articles, blogs, etc. containing high
frequency words and words studied
3. Read grade one level text with an accuracy rate of 95 – 100%
4. Read grade one level text in four to five word phrase with appropriate
intonation, expression and punctuation cues
5. Spells correctly previously learned words
6. Spells correctly compound words as it it used in the sentences
7. Observe proper spacing between words, punctuation marks and
capitalization in taking down dictated text
8. Write through dictation simple sentences, phrase and paragraph
observing corrct punctuation marks, capitalization, indentions and format
9. Give the synonyms and antonyms of simple describing words
10. Use clues from context to figure out what the words mean
11. Recognize that two words can make a compound word
12. Recognize words that show degree of a descriptive words (e.g. more,
13. Predict what the story, school and community, events, situations, activity,
legends, blogs etc. based on context clues
14. Retell a story/legend/folktale/folklore read in their own words citing the
characters and important events
15. Retell a school/community articles, news, events etc read in their own
words, citing characters and important events
16. Show love for reading by listening attentively during story-reading and
making comments

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Using culturally appropriate expressions in hypothesizing (giving
possible outcomes/results of story, events, activity, actions and
situations heard
2. Reading stories, legends, essays, news, articles, blogs, etc.
containing high frequency words and words studied
3. Reading grade one level text with an accuracy rate of 95 – 100%
4. Reading grade one level text in four to five word phrase with
appropriate intonation, expression and punctuation cues
5. Spelling previously learned words correctly
6. Spelling compound words correctly as it it used in the sentences
7. Observing proper spacing between words, punctuation marks and
capitalization in taking down dictated text
8. Writing through dictation simple sentences, phrase and paragraph
observing correct punctuation marks, capitalization, indentions and

9. Giving the synonyms and antonyms of simple describing words
10. Using clues from context to figure out what the words mean
11. Recognizing that two words can make a compound word
12. Recognizing words that show degree of a descriptive words (e.g.
more, most)
13. Predicting what the story, school and community, events, situations,
activity, legends, blogs etc. based on context clues
14. Retelling a story/legend/folktale/folklore read in their own words citing
the characters and important events
15. Retelling a school/community articles, news, events etc read in their
own words, citing characters and important events
16. Showing love for reading by listening attentively during story-reading
and making comments

B. Selection: An Pagarayonan Nin Natad

Sinurat ni: Mischele Q. Rivera
C. Reference: K to12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: big book, word strips, sentence strips, pictures, pocket chart,
small balls, cut-out letters (half-size bond paper), questionnaires,
E. Theme: Helping My Community - Beautifying our community
F. Value: Involving oneself in community projects

III. Procedure

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading Activities
1. Unlocking of difficulties through pictures
a. Barangay

b. natad

c. tinampo

d. sertipiko

2. Motivation
Have you experienced joining a contest in your barangay?
Nakabali na kamo sa mga pakontes sa barangay?

3. Motive Question
What do you think is the contest the people in the barangay joined in?
Ano kayang pakontes an pigbalihan kan mga tawo sa barangay?

4. During Reading
Read Aloud
Teacher reads the short story “An Pagarayonan Nin Natad”

An Pagarayonan nin Natad

Sinuratni: Mischele Q. Rivera

Sa Barangay Arellano, igwang walong purok na igwa nin

treynta y dos na pamilya. Kada bulan nin Pebrero sinda
nagseselebrar kan saindang kapyestahan. Si Kapitan Leon
Marco an namamayo kan mga pakawat sa lambang simana.
Napagkasurundoan na sa bulan na ini magkakaigwa nin
pakontes sa pagarayonan nin natad sa kada purok. An
manggagana na igwang pinakamagayon asin malinig na natad,
magkakaigwa nin sarong sakong bagas.
An purok uno asin dos nagtaranom nin mga pananom na
nagbuburak sa gilid kan tinampo. An purok tres, kwatro, asin
singko man pigpurutolan an mga sanga kan kahoy na
nagtatama na sa kable nin kuryente. An purok sais sagkod otso
nagpinta kan mga paso na yaon sa atubangan kan saindang mga


An mga bisita nauugma man sa pighihiling kan kada

miyembro na nagtatarabangan na mapagayon an saindang mga

Sa ultimong aldaw kan Pebrero, nagtiripon an mga tawo sa

barangay hall tanganing maisihan kun arin purok an nanggana. Sa
ngunyan na taon, an nanggana iyo an purok uno, dos asin tres na
talagang nagpahiling kan magayonon na resulta. Sa pamayo ni
Kapitan Marco, natawan an lambang pamilya nin sertipiko asin
sarong sakong bagas mantang an dai nanggana tinawanan man
giraray ni kapitan nin kinseng kilong bagas para sa saindang
kooperasyon asin tabang.

B. Post -Reading Activity

1. Comprehension Check-up
a. Anong barangay an nagseselebrar kan saindang kapiyestahan?
b. Anong bulan ninda ini pigsisilibrar? irang pamilya an
nagkukumpwesto sa barangay?
c. isay an namamayo kan mga pakawat sa barangay?
d. Ano-ano an piggiribo kan kada purok
e. Si isay an nanggana sa pakontes ni Kapitan Leon?
f. Tano nanggana an purok uno, dos sagkod tres?
g. Ano an tinaong premyo sa nanggana? Sa dai naggana?
h. Ano kaya an namataen kan mga pamilya na nagbarali sa
i. Kun ika sarong myembro kan barangay, maintra ka man daw sa
mga pakontes na arog kaini? Tano ta iyo?Tano ta dai?
j. Ano-anong mga benipisyo an makukua sa pagpartisipar sa mga
aktibidades na arog kaini?

C. Enrichment Activity:
 “Time to Share” Teacher group pupils into four. They will be given 10
minutes to practice a short pantomime depicting the different activities
that each purok did based from the story heard.
 After 10 minutes, teacher will call the group and have their 3 minute
presentation in front of the class.
 The best group presentation will be rewarded with a token (sticker
star) for their effort.

Day 2
A. Review:
 Teacher presents pictures/scenes found in the story.
 What do these pictures tell you based from the story you have heard

B. Retelling of the Story by the Pupils
Teacher calls on some pupils to tell the scenes from the story using the
pictures on the board.

C. Guided Practice
Teacher posts on the board 5 sentence strips and read with the pupils.
Can you pick out the sentences which describe the pictures?

Si Kapitan Marco nagtataram sa inotan manungod sa pakontes

Piggagawad sa mga nanggana an sertipiko asin sarong sakong bagas
hali ki kapitan.

Nagtataranom nin mga namumurak na pananom an mga tawo sa gilid

kan tinampo.

Pigpipintahan an mga masitera sa hampang kan saindang mga harong.

D. Practice to Perfect
a. Call volunteers, pairs/dyads, rows, groups, and the entire class to
read the sentence strips posted on the board.

b. Teacher guides the pupils on the proper phrasing and intonation of
the sentences posted on the board.
c. How did we find the correct answers to the pictures? What did you do
to get the proper answers?
Papano mo nakua an tamang simbag? Ano an nakatabang saimo
para makua an tamang simbag?

Day 3

A. Review:
a. What did each purok do to beautify their barangay?
Ano an mga ginibo kan lambang purok tanganing mapagayon an
saindang barangay?
b. Can you tell the things that they did?
Masasabi mo daw an mga bagay na ginibo ninda?
c. What do you think will happen to their barangay after cleaning the
Ano kaya sa pagmati nindo an mangyayari sa saindang barangay
matapos na linigon an lugar?
d. What will happen if the people in the community will not participate in
cleaning the place?
Ano sa paghuna nindo an pwedeng mangyari kun dai mapartisipar sa
paglinig an mga tawo sa saindang barangay?
e. Let pupils describe and compare what will happen to the place

malinig - maati
maogma - mamundo
maliwanag - madiklom
matuninong - maribok

B. Group Activity
Game“ Dribble Scrabble”
 Teacher groups pupils into four. Each group is given an envelope
containing letters composing of words to be formed.
 Teacher will read the questions.
 On teacher’s cue, each member will then dribble the ball until he/she
reaches the board.
 He/She then will post the needed letters to form the answers on the
board one by one.
 The group who gets more correct answers wins the game.


Ako an mahigos na namamayo sa sarong barangay.

Siisay ako?


Dakul na tawo an nagdidigdi, mga masisiram na pagkaon

pighahanda sa mga bisita kaya pirming maogma. Ano ini?

Ako an nagtatao nin gayon sa palibot, dai ako pudoon.

Dapat pa atamanon.
Ano ako?

An ugaling ini tunay na bikolano.

Ano ini?

Ini an kaipohan tanganing gabos na proyekto sa barangay

matanos na magibo. Ano ini?

1. Teacher asks the following questions:
a. Anong grupo an nanggana?
b. Ano-ano an saindang piggibo ta nanggana sinda?
c. Bilang sarong grupo, ano dapat an saindong gibohon tanganing
maging matrayumpo kamo sa mga gibohon?

Day 4
A. Review
1. Teacher shows the words: kooperasyon, and pagkasararo
2. Ask the pupils what each word means based the activities they did

B. Modeling
“Point and Read”
 Teacher guides pupils to point the syllables that make the words:
kooperasyon, pagkasararo and pagtarabangan.
 Then, pupils will be asked to formulate individually culturally known
words from the letters given:

Sample words formed:

kooperasyon: rasyon anyos laso

pako ayos puon
saro soya peras

sona keso paso

ako rasa pasa
saro paros garo
oras gapas paso
sako kaso aras

 As pupils to read all the words that they have formed from the two
words given. Let a pupil use a pointing stick as their guide to read.
 Do these in big and small groups and individually for wider
 If there are formed words which they do not still know, unlock them
through actions or simple picture or illustration.
 Teacher will ask selected pupils to pick out a word from the answers
posted on the board and let him/her use it in a sentence.

C. Independent Practice
1. Pupils form again new words out of this word: pagtarabangan.

2. List down at least 10 bikol words that you know. Write correctly on
your pad paper.

3. From the 10 words, choose 5 words and use them in sentences. Write
the sentences correctly on the lines.

4. Can you Do More? Assignment

a. Have a short interview with your barangay captain using the
prepared questionnaire.
b. Let the Barangay Captain sign in your questionnaire.
c. Ask the following questions and be ready for the reporting the next
 Ano an pangaran mo? Edad?
 Ano-anong mga programa an saimong pinapatupad sa satong
barangay? Bilang sarong aki sa grado uno, ano
 Ano an mga bagay na pwede kong ikatao para makatabang sa
mga proyekto kan satong barangay?

Day 5

A. Checking of the Preparation

a. Teacher asks volunteers to read the answers from the interview that
they had yesterday with the barangay captain. If the BC is not around,
ask any barangay official to represent the BC.
b. Ask some more pupils especially who comes from other barangays.
c. Teacher will give a token (A pack of candy) to the pupils who did well
in the interview and reporting.

 Ano dapat an satuyang gibohon bilang sarong myembro kan
 Pano kita makakatabang sa pagpapagayon asin paglilinig kan satong
mga natad?
 Ano an marhay na epekto kun kita magtatarabangan sa
pagpapagayon kan satong palibot?

B. Post Assessment

1. As a grade one pupil, think of simple ways on how you could help
clean and make the community clean.
2. Draw them on a short bond paper.
3. Write 2 to 3 sentences about your drawing observing proper
punctuation marks, capitalization, indentions and format.


I. Objectives:
1. Use culturally appropriate expressions in hypothesizing (giving possible
outcomes/results of story, events activity, actions and situations
2. Show love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and
making comments
3. Read stories, legends, essays, newsarticles,blogs, containing high
frequency words
4. Read grade one level text in four to five word phrase with appropriate
intonation, expression and punctuation cues
5. Correctly spelled previously learned words
6. Correctly spell environmental prints being learned
7. Observe proper spacing between words, punctuation marks and
capitalization in writing essays, news article, story, fable
8. Write essay, news, events, story, advertisement observing correct
punctuation mark, capitalization, indention and format
9. Identify the adverbs used in the sentence
10. Use the adverbs correctly on constructing own sentences
11. Understand that the language used in school is more formal than the
language used at home and with friends
12. Tell their own news article,advertisement community and school events
13. State the meaning of some environmental signs

II. Subject Matter:

A. Skills:
1. Using culturally appropriate expressions in hypothesizing (giving
possible outcomes/results of story, events activity, actions and
situations heard
2. Showing love for reading by listening attentively during story reading
and making comments
3. Reading stories, legends, essays, news containing high frequency
4. Reading grade one level text in four to five word phrase with
appropriate intonation, expression and punctuation cues
5. Writing the correct spellingof previously learned words
6. Writing the correct spelling of environmental prints being learned
7. Observing proper spacing between words, punctuation marks and
capitalization in writing essays, news article, story, fable
8. Writing essay, news, events, story, advertisement observing correct
punctuation mark, capitalization, indention and format
9. Identifying the adverbs used in the sentence
10. Using the adverbs correctly on constructing own sentences
11. Understanding that the language used in school is more formal than
the language used at home

12. Telling their own stories and legends, news article, advertisement,
community and school events
13. Stating the meaning of some environmental signs

B. Selection: “May Nanudan Ako sa Baryo”

Sinurat ni: Ederlyn Imperial-Morales
C. Reference: K +12 Curriculum
MTB- MLE Indicators
D. Materials: story, meta cards, pictures (butterfly, other insects, fairy) can,
road signs, environmental prints
E. Theme:
F. Value: Following directions, being humble, taking care of the

III. Procedure:

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading Activities
1. Unlocking of difficult words ( through picture and context clues)
a. Kulibangbang
 Makulor an kulibangbang na ini.

b. baryo
 Simple an buhay sa baryo.

c. alibangbang
 Nakatugdon an alibangbang sa sanga kan tinanom.

d. diwata
 Seryosong nagdangog an diwata.

2. Motivation:
a. Who among you lived with Lolo and Lola at home?
Siisay saindo an may lola o lolo sa harong?
b. Who among you lived without lolo and lola at home?
Siisay an dai kaiba an lola asin lola sa harong?
c. Where do they live? Do you visit them?
Sain sinda nakaistar? Nagbibisita man kamo?
d. What did you do when you visit them? Does they tell you stories?
What story?
Ano an piggigibo nindo pag nagbibisita?
Pig-iistoryahan man kamo kan lolo asin lola nindo? Anong

3. Book Orientation
Introduce the book, the title and the author.

4. Motive Question:
Where did Adelen go?
Sain nagduman si Adelen?

B. During Reading:
Listening to a story: “May Nanudan Ako sa Baryo”
Teacher reads the story using the small book while pupils listen.

May Nanudan Ako

Asaa Baryo
Sinurat ni: Ederlyn Imperial-Morales

Sabado nin aga maogmang nagmata si Adelen. Mahihiling na

naman niya an saiyang lolo asin lola na nakaistar sa baryo. Maduman
sinda kan saiyang ama na si Mang Santi. Mantang nagbibiyahe
ngalason siyang pighihiling an mga bagay-bagay sa dalan. Dakulon na
insektong nagraralayog-layog sa palibot kan mga tinanom. Dai niya

nariparo na nasa atubangan na palan sinda kan harong kan lolo asin
lola niya.
“Benny dali!,” uya si Santi kaiba si Adelen,” makusogon na sabi ni
Lola Enyang sa saiyang agom.
“Looola!Looolo! uya na po an magayon nindong makuapo!” sabay
bisa asin mahigot na kinugos an lolo asin lola niya.
“Kumusta na kamo Santi? Tano ta dai mo pig-iba si Crista, an agom
mo?” hapot ni Lolo Benny.
“May pig-atindiran po siyang seminar”.
“O sige, diyan na nguna kamo ta mapriparar ako kan pagkakan ta.
Nagluto si Lola Enyang nin inadobong natural na manok na igwang
tapayas asin nagpritos nin tilapia. Maganang nagkakan an apat.
Pakatapos magkakan luway- luway nagtaning si Adelen sa Lola.
“Lola, dakolon daw akong nahiling na nagraralayog-layog na
insekto sa dalan. Magagayon asin makukulor pati an mga tinanom.”
“Apo, digdi kaya samo dai nagpapabaya an mga tawo sa pag-asikaso
kan mga tinanom. Bawal siisay man mahiling na magraot kan tinanom
asin magdakop nin mga insekto. Aber, ano an mga nahiling mong
nagralayog-layog?” hapot ni Lola Adelen.
“Alibangbang asin iba ibang kulor nin kulibangbang”, listong simbag
ni Adelen.
“Gusto mong maaraman kun pano nagkaigwa nin iba-ibang kulor
an kulibangbang? Dangogon mo an istorya ko.”, sabi ni Lola Enyang.
May sarong lugar digdi sa kinaban na dakolon tanom asin burak na
mang-iba iba an kulor. Digdi man nakaistar an manlain-lain nainsekto
kaiba an pamilya ni Kuli.
Minsan habang nakatugdon siya ki Sampagita nahiling siya ni
Bangbang, sarong makulor na Alibangbang.
“Yaon ka na naman diyan Kuli!” Dai ka nasusupog kan sadiri mo?
Mayo ka lamang kakulor-kulor. Pareho sana kamo ni Sampagita, an
sabi ni Bangbang.” “Grabe ka man Bangbang manlait. Magayon man
baga an kulor na puti,” simbag ni Sampaguita.
Hahaha! Dai kamo digdi bagay!”, ngarakngak ni Bangbang asin kan
ibang burak. Dai sana nagribok si Kuli asin an ibang kulibangbang.
Natuod na sana sinda sa kantyaw kan ibang makulor na insekto.
Sa dai karayoan, may biglang nagluwas na diwata sa tahaw kan
sarong burak. Ini seryosong nagdadangog kan panlalait ni Bangbang.
Nahirak siya sa sitwasyon ni Kuli asin kan mga kaibanan kaini. “Tama
daw an piggigibo nindo sa mga kulibangbang?”, an hapot kan diwata.
Dai nakaribok an mga nagtatsar sa mga kulibangbang asin saro-
sarong naghagad nin tawad sa diwata.
“Bako kamo sako maghagad nin tawad kundi sa mga nakulugan
nindo” an sabi kan diwata.
“Puon ngunyan magkakaigwa na kamo Kuli nin kulor. Iwawalat
ko ining lata na igwa nin iba-ibang kulor. Ikuskos ini nindo sa lawas
tanganing magkakulor kamo. Regalo ko iyan saindo ta
mapagpakumbaba kamo.” Sabi kan diwata asin biglang nawara.
Puon kaidto nagkaigwa na ning iba ibang kulor an mga

“Lola, salamat sa pag-istorya mo sako. Dapat palan atamanon an
mga tinanom asin maraot palan an pagtatsar sa kapwa”, sabi ni Adelen.
Nakangirit na nakaturog si Adelen balon an istorya ni lola niya.

C. Post Reading
1. Sain nagduman si Adelen asin an saiyang ama?
2. Ano an namatian ni Adelen mantang sinda nagbibiyahe?
3. Tano ta ngalason si Adelen?
4. Ano an naging reaksiyon ni Lola Enyang pagkahiling sa mag-ama?
5. Ano an ginibo ni Adelen pag-abot sa harong kan saiyang lola asin
6. Kamo, ano man an piggigibo nindo kun kamo nagbibisita sa saindong
lolo asin lola?
7. Papano nagkarakan an magparamilya?
8. Papano man kamo nagkakakan sa pamilya nindo? Maogma man
9. Kun kamo nasa harong kan lolo asin lola nindo, ano an pwede
nindong maitabang pakatapos magkaon?
10. Siisay saindo an arog ki Adelen na nagpapaistorya sa Lola?
11. Manungod sain an istorya ni Lola Enyang?
12. Kun ika saro sa mga insekto sa istorya, pano ka makikiiba sa mga
kulibangbang? Aarogon mo kaya si Bangbang? Tano?
13. Ano an importansya kan paghagad nin tawad? Kan pagpapatawad?
14. Kun ika an diwata, anong bagay an itatao mo sa kulibangbang?
Tano? Sa Alibangbang? Tano?
15. Tano kaya nagturog si Adelen na maogma?
16. Ano kaya an pwedeng nangyari kan nakauli na sinda Adelen sa
harong ninda?
17. Bilang sarong aki, ano an kaya mong gibohon para maipahiling an
pagmakulog mo sa kapalibutan?
18. Pupils will read the story correctly with proper phrasing, intonation,
expression and punctuation cues.( Group the pupils into four and
assign each group to read a paragraph, observing the proper
standards in reading orally)

Day 2

A. Review:
Recall details that happened in the story read by asking some questions
about it:

B. Literary Extender:
Grouping: “Lights, Camera, Action”
Teacher groups the pupils into 4. Each group will be given a task to

Group 1- What are the preparations that you do before you go to

your grandparent’s house?Act out some of these preparations.

Group 2: What are the things that you see along the road while
going to your grandparent’s house? Draw these things and tell
what do you do with such things.

Group 3: What are the environmental signs or labels that you

often see along the road? Draw or write the signs.

Group 4: Look at the environmental signs or prints drawn/written

on the meta cards. Act out what will you do upon seeing these

C. Skill Development:
Teacher presents jumbled letters /environmental prints written on
cards.Pupils will arrange the cards to form the correct environmental print
or label. Pictures will serve as a clue.

______________ __________________

_______________ _____________________

_____________ _________________


 Ano an buot sabihon kan lambang nakasurat asin nakadrowing sa

 Ano an gigibohon mo kun nakakahiling o nakakabasa ka kaini?
 Tano ta kaipohan mo ining maaraman?

D. Modelling:
Teacher will show other environmental signs and asked pupils of their
meanings. Teacher models the proper way or manner of following these
signs or environmental prints.

E. Guided Practice:
A comic strip will be shown with environmental prints on it. Pupils will give
the right action or what they will do upon seeing the sign.

F. Independent Activity
“On the Wall: Stop, Look and Show” Teacher posts environmental
prints/signs on the walls of the classroom. Each group will go around
inside the room and upon seeing the sign they will show or perform what
is the meaning of the sign.

Day 3

A. Recall:
Recall the story “May Nanudan Ako sa Baryo”
 Ano an itsura kan lalawgon ni Adelen kan pagmata niya? Tano? Pano
pighiling ni Adelen an mga tinanom asin insekto sa dalan? Pano niya
pigkugos an lola asin lolo niya? Pano sinda nagkarakan?

B. Presentation:
Read the sentences from the story heard yesterday.
Basahon ta an mga pangugusap hali sa istoryang pig-adalan ta.

1. Tulos na nagmata si Adelen

2. Pano nin kaugmahan na pigpakaray an sadiring gamit.
3. Ngalason na pighihiling niya an mga bagay sa dalan.
4. Mahigot na nagkugos sa kada saro an maglolo asin maglola.
5. Maganang nagkarakan nin pamanggihan an magparamilya
6. Si Adelen luway-luway na naglambing kay Lola Enyang
7. Seryosong nagdadangog an Diwata sa istoryahan kan mga insekto
asin burak.
8. Nakangirit na nagkaturog si Adelen balon an istoya kan lola niya.

C. Skill Development:
1. Papano nagmata si Adelen? linyahan ini.
2. Anong tataramon an piglaladawan kan tataramon na “tulos”?
3. An tataramon na “nagmata”, anong klaseng tataramon, pandiwa o
pang uri?
4. Anong hapot an masimbag sa tataramon na “tulos”?
5. Pano nagpakaray nin gamit si Adelen? Anong hapot an sinisimbag
kan tataramon na “pano nin kaugmahan”?
6. Anong aksyon na tataramon an piglaladawan kaini?
7. Anong klaseng tataramon an “pigpakaray”, pandiwa o pang uri?
8. Papano pighiling ni Adelen an mga bagay bagay sa tinampo?
Linyahan ini?
9. Sa anong hapot nasisimbag tataramon na ngalason?
10. Anong tataramon sa pangungusap an pigtatawan duon kaini?
11. Papano ninda pigkugos an kada saro? Linyahan ini.
12. Ano an piglaladawan kan tataramon na mahigot? Anong hapot an
pigsisimbag kaini? (Maghapot pa sa ibang pangungusap na
13. Basahon an mga nalinyahan na tataramon asin an piglaladawan kaini.

maogmang nagmata
ngalason na pighihiling
mahigot na kinugos
maganang nagkarakan

luway-luway na nagtaid
seryosong nagdadangog
nakangirit na nakaturog
biglang nagluwas
biglang nawara

a. What do we call the words used to deacribe the action or

Ano an apod ta sa mga tataramon na naglaladawan nin
aksyon o pandiwa?
b. What question answered by this?
Anong hapot an sinisimbag kaini?

D. Guided Practice:
“How is it done?”
a. Group pupils into four. Teacher shows situation and action.
b. Help pupils form sentences using adverb. Teacher can ask questions
about the sentences.
c. Write the responses on the board and read. Identify the adverbs by
underlining and encircling the word it described.

Day 4

A. Presentation:
1. Teacher shows pictures. Pupils will identify the action in the picture
and how it is done.
Hilingon an mga ritrato? Ano an ginigibo ninda? Sabihon nindo kun
pano nindo piggigibo an mga ini.

2. What adverb did you used to describe how the action in the picture is
done. What is described in the pictures?
Anong pang-abay an ginamit nindo para iladawan an piggigibo kan
mga nasa ritrato?
Ano an piglaladawan kan mga nasa ritato? (hal: aki na maogmang

B. Guided Activity:
“Mystery Box”
a. Teacher shows 2 boxes labeled as 1 and 2. Pupils choose picture
from any of the boxes then show it to the class while saying
something about it using the adverbs of manner.
b. This will be done until everyone has his turn to get a picture from the

C. Independent Activity:
“Picture Shown and Sentence Making Activity”
1. Each group will make at least 2 sentences about the picture shown
and they’re going to underline the adverbs once and the word being
modified twice. Teacher will check whether they followed the proper
way of making a sentence and observed proper usage of the adverb
of manner.
2. Write sentence about the picture. Underline the adverbs and encircle
the word it described.

Day 5

A. Recall:
Teacher shows pictures. Volunteer/s pupil/s go to the board and write
something about the picture using the adverb of manner.

 After writing sentences, the teacher will let pupils read the
answers and call their attention on the correct way of writing
sentences. (The teacher may guide the pupils on how to write
a sentence correctly.)

B. Writing Activity

a. Hilingon ta an nasa ritrato? Ano an piggigibo ninda? Nagpiknik naman

kamo arog kan nasa ritrato. Ano an piggigibo kan nasa ritrato?
b. Ano man an piggigibo nindo kun nagpipiknik? Ano an namamatian
nindo kun nagpipiknik kamong magkapamilya? Iladawan ini.
c. Paste picture of your family when you go to the beach or during
picnic. Write sentences about the picture. Write the sentences
correctly and observe proper use of adverbs of manner.

C. Post Assessment:
After making simple sentences about the picture or their experiences,
each pupil will be called to read his work with correct phrasing,
expression and punctuation cues.


I. Objectives:
1. Use culturally appropriate expressions in giving one’s obligation, hope and
2. Show love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and
making comments
3. Predict what the story, school and community events, situations, activity,
legends, blogs, etc. based on context clues
4. State the meaning of some environmental signs (e.g.traffic safety, warning
5. Identify the adverbs used in sentences
6. Use the adverb correctly in constructing own sentences
7. Observe proper spacing between words, punctuation marks and
capitalization in writing essay, news article, story, fable, etc.
8. Write essay, news articles, events, story, advertisement observing correct
punctuation mark, capitalization, indention and format

II. Subject Matter:

A. Skills:
1. Using culturally appropriate expressions in giving one’s obligation, hope
and wish
2. Showing love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and
making comments
3. Predicting what the story, school and community events, situations,
activity, legends, blogs, etc. based on context clues
4. Stating the meaning of some environmental signs (e.g. traffic safety,
warning signs)
5. Identifying the adverbs used in sentences
6. Using the adverb correctly in constructing own sentences
7. Observing proper spacing between words, punctuation marks and
capitalization in writing essay, news article, story, fable, etc.
8. Writing essay, news articles, events, story, advertisement observing
correct punctuation mark, capitalization, indention and format

B. Story : An Mahigoson na Si Vince

Sinurat ni: Emelyn B. Revale
C. Reference: K to 12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: pictures, word cards, strips of paper, charts, activity sheets
E. Theme: Helping My Community- Vegetable growing
F. Value: Kindness

III. Procedure

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading Activities
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Unlock difficult words through pictures, actions and context clues
a. killjoy- tawong dai nakikisabay sa kaugmahan
b. lampa- dai kayang maglakaw o magdalagan
c. mangkok- kaagan nin sabaw o kakanon

2. Motivation
Teacher asks the questions:
a. Do you have plants at your backyard?
May mga pananom kamo sa natad nindo?
b. What plants in your backyard bear fruits?
Anong mga pananom nindo sa natad an nagbubunga?
c. In the story find out what kind of plants does Vince have in their
Aramon sa istorya kun ano an mga pananom ni Vince sa natad
3. Reading the Story: Interactive Reading
 Teacher reads the story “An Mahigoson na Si Vince”.

An Mahigoson na Si Vince
Sinurat ni: Emelyn B. Revale

Sa sarong baryo, may sarong aki na an ngaran Vince an

mahigoson asin mahilig magtanom nin mga gulayon. Aroaldaw
pigbabaribi niya ini dangan pighahali an mga nagtatalubong awot
sa palibot kaini.

Dakul na mga gulay an tanom niya sa likod kan saindang

harong. Igwang okra, talong, karabasa,marigoso asin petsay.
Padaba ni Vince an mga pananom niya kaya daing aldaw na dai
niya ini pighihiling.

Sarong Sabado, habang nagbabaribi si Vince, nag-agi an mga

pinsan niyang sinda Ken asin Ton-Ton na may dara-darang bola.
“Vince, mari na magkarawat kita nin basketbol, bayai na nguna an
mga tanom mong iyan,” nakangising taram ni Ken sa iya. “Iyo
Vince, dai man iyan magagadan kun dai mo baribihon ngunyan,”
paulok na dugang ni Ton-Ton.
“Pasensya na kamo Ken, Ton-Ton dai ako saindo makaiba
ngunyan. Kaipohan ko panong tapuson ini ngunyan. Sa masunod
na aldaw na lang kita magkawat,”pakiulay ni Vince sa duwa.

“Ano na iyan Vince, killjoy ka man na maray. Para man lang
ngunyan kita makawat habo mo pa,”taram ni Ken. “ Ha!ha!ha!ha!
Garo kana babayi na nagpapara gibo kan mga gibohon sa
harong!, “ kantyaw ni Ton-Ton.

“Bako man sa arog kaiyan. Kaipohan tang magtabang sa

harong bago ta inoton an pagkawat, simbag ni Vince. “ Hmm, an
sabihon mo lampa ka lang kaya habo mong makikawat samo!”
pasuriyaw na taram ni Ken.

Dai na lang pinatulan ni Vince an mga tinaram kan saiyang

mga pinsan. Nagpadagos na lang siya sa sa piggigibo niya.
Pagkalipas kan sarong oras, nadangog ni Vince na pig-aapod siya
ni Tiya Azon, an saiyang ina. “Vince! Vince! Hain ka?

“ Ano tabi po mama?” simbag ni Vince na nagrani sa saiyang

ina na nasa kusina, nagluluto nin pangudtohan. “Vince,igwa na
lamang kitang mapudong gulay sa mga tanom mo? Ikaag ko kuta
digdi sa sinabawang karne,” hapot kan saiyang ina.

“Ay igwa na po mama. May mga bunga na po an okra, talong,

dangan karabasa. Makua po ako mama.”“ Aw iyo? Marhay man
ngani dai na kita mabakal. Sige, ta ikaag ta digdi sa sinabawan,”
taram ni Tiya Azon.

Pagbalik ni Vince, dara-dara niya an mga gulay. Hinugasan

niya ini bago tinao sa saiyang ina. “Mahigoson ka talaga Vince,
kaya padabaon ta kang marhay. Dakulaon na an naitatabang mo
sato,” taram kan saiyang ina. Pigkugos ni Tiya Azon si Vince
dangan pigkugos man ni Vince an saiyang ina. “ Marhay pa Vince
darahan mo man sinda Tiya Soling mo ki sarong mangko na
sinabawan ta dakol man ini. Nganing manamitan man ninda an
saimong mga napudong gulay,” taram ni Tiya Azon. “Sige po
mama darahan ko man sinda,” simbag ni Vince sa saiyang ina.

Pag- abot ni Vince sa harong ni Tiya Soling niya, nagbisa ini

dangan inabot an mangko na may sinabawan.

Ay wow! Gari masiramon ini Vince ah,” maogmang taram ni

Tiya Soling niya. “ Mga paborito ko pati ining mga gulay Vince.
Salamat na marhay,” taram ni Tiya Soling. “Iyo po Tiya Soling,
Luto po iyan ni mama. An mga gulay po bagong pudo iyan sa mga
pananom ko po sa likod kan harong mi,” magalang na simbag ni

Nataon na nagabot na sinda Ken dangan Ton-Ton hali sa

pagkawat pagkasabi kaini ni Vince.

“Mahigoson ka talaga Vince, hilinga daw nindo iyan Ken, Ton-

Ton si Vince. Dakulaon na an naitatabang niya sa mga magurang
niya. Samantalang kamo puro sana kawat an nasa isip nindo,”

ni Tiya Soling kina Ken dangan Ton-Ton. Napasupog sinda

Ken dangan Ton-Ton kay Vince. Nagirumduman ninda su mga
sinabi nindang kantyaw kay Vince. Niranihan ninda si Vince
dangan naghagad ki tawad.

“Vince pasensya ka na kun pinagparakantyawan mi ika

kasubago. Dai mi ito pigtuyong sabihon.

Ngunyan matabang naman kami digdi sa harong,” taram ni

Ken. “Iyo, tama ka nanggad Vince dapat inuton mi nguna an mga
gibohon sa harong bago magkawat.

Nag-arabrasa an mga magpirinsan. Puon kaidto nagtatabang na

sinda Ken asin Ton-Ton sa saindang mga magurang. Igwa naman
sindang tanoman ki mga gulay. Maogmahon si Tiya Soling ta
nakanood ng magtabang an saiyang mga aki

B. Post Reading Activities:

“ Ano an mga pananom ni Vince sa natad ninda?” ( Motive Question)

Interactive Questions:
1. Siisay an nag-agda ki Vince na magkawat nin basketbol?
2. Tano ta dai siya nag-iba sa mga pinsan niya?
3. Tano ta pig -apod ni Tiya Azon si Vince?
4. Ano an nangyari kan pag-abot ninda Ken asin Ton-Ton sa harong
5. Pano nakanood magtabang sa harong sinda Ken asin Ton-Ton?

Post Reading Questions:

1. Ano an piggigibo ni Vince kan mag-agi sa harong ninda an mga
pinsan niyang sinda Ken asin Ton-Ton?
2. Sa saindong paghuna tama daw an ginibo ni Vince? Kan saiyang mga
pinsan? Tano?
3. Kun ika si Vince, madadagit ka sa mga sinabi ninda Ken dangan Ton-
4. Ano an saindong napurot na leksyon sa istoryang nadangog?

Extender (Theme)

1. Ano an karahayan kan pagtanom ni Vince nin mga gulayon sa likod

kan saindang harong
2. Dapat kaya na arogon an piggigibong ini ni Vince? Tano?
3. Bilang sarong aki, pano ka makakatabang sa saimong

C. Guided Practice
“Acting Out Parts of the Story” Group pupils into 4. Give each group a
situation or part of the story that they will act out.

Group 1- Sa sarong Baryo, may sarong aki na an ngaran Vince na

mahigoson asin mahilig magtanom nin mga gulayon. Aroaldaw
pigbabaribi niya ini asin pighahali an mga nagtatalubong mga awot sa
palibot kaini.

Group 2- Nag-agi an saiyang mga pinsan na sinda Ken dangan Ton-Ton

na may darang bola. Pig-agda si Vince na magkawat nin basketbol.
Nagsayuma siya ta igwa siyang piggigibo. Kinantyawan si Vince kan
saiyang mga pinsan.

Group 3 - Dinarahan ni Vince nin sarong mangkong sinabawan an

saiyang Tiya Soling. Nadagitan sinda Ken asin Ton-Ton ta dai
nagtatabang sa harong arog ki Vince. Napasupog sinda ki Vince kaya
naghagad sinda ki tawad ki Vince.

Group 4- Nagbago na sinda Ken asin Ton-Ton. Nagtatabang na sinda sa

mga gibo sa harong. Naging maogma na si Tiya Soling.

Day 2

A. Review
a. Ano an titulo kan istorya ta kasuhapon?
b. Ano an hilig na gibohon ni Vince?
c. Nag-iba si Vince kan pig-agda kan mga pinsan niyang magkawat?
d. Ano an nangyari kan nagsayumang mag-iba si Vince?
e. Pano nagbago an saiyang mga pinsan?

B. Presentation
Kan magduman sinda Ken asin Ton-Ton sa basketbolan, igwa sindang
nabasang mga pagirumdom. Iyo ini an mga nabasa ninda sa dalan.

Paisi: Paisi: Paisi:

Dai tabi mag- Ilaag an basura sa Magbalyo sa

apon nin basura. tamang kaagan. tamang agihan.

sa may salog sa basketbolan sa tinampo

 Let pupils read the signs.

C. Guided Practice
“Let’s Recall” Teacher asks the following questions.

a. Ano an mga pagirumdom na nabasa ninda sa dalan?

b. Anong pagirumdom an nabasa ninda sa may salog? Sa may
basketbolan? Sa kalye?
c. Importante kaya ining mga pagirumdom na ini? Tano?
d. Ano kaya sa paghuna nindo an pwedeng mangyari kun mayo an mga
pagirumdom na ini asin kun dai ini susunodon?
e. Kun kita magibo nin pagirumdom, pano ta ini isusurat? Ano an mga
dapat tang tandaan kun masurat kaini?

D. Generalization
Pano ta isusurat an sarong pagirumdom?
“Practice More” (Group Activity)

Grupo su mga aki sa apat. Magpagibo nin pagirumdom manungod sa mga

minasunod na mga sitwasyon.

Group 1

Namasyar sa may parke an magtugang na sinda Joy asin Jay.


sa mga makukulor na burak ining si Joy kaya nagkua siya nin


burak. Sinaway siya ni Jay pero dai siya nagdangog.

Anong pagirumdom an dapat na maaraman ni


Group 2

Mabalyo si Jose sa kalye. Dai siya naghiling sa wala dangan sa

tuo. May biglang uminagi na motor. Bigla ining nakapreno. Diit
pang maligis kan motor si Jose.

Anong pagirumdom an dapat na maaraman ni


Group 3

Masakay sa bus si Rodel ta mapa-Legazpi siya. Haloy na siya

kakapara dai man na nagpupundo sa pighahalatan niya an bus.
Pirmi ining minalampas.

Anong pagirumdom an dapat niyang


Group 4

Mabalyo an magkaklaseng sinda Rodel asin Kristofer sa may

saodan. May pulis na nagbabantay sa gilid kan kalye. Dai ninda
hiniling an kolor kan ilaw sa trapiko, biglang nagpasiwit an pulis

Anong pagirumdom an dapat na maaraman ninda?


E. Independent Practice
“ Let’s do it Together”
1. Pahanapon ki kapareha an kada saro. Mabulnot sinda ki mga ngaran
nin lugar na nakakaag sa kahon.
2. Ipasurat an mga pagirumdom na pwede nindang mahiling o mabasa
pag yaon sinda sa mga lugar na ini.

Mga halimbawa kan mga lugar:

1. sa simbahan
2. sa eskwelahan
3. sa silid-aralan
4. sa library
5. sa opisina

Day 3

A. Presentation
Here are some of the events happened in the story.
Let us read the sentences.

1. Dakol na mga gulay an tanom ni Vince sa likod kan saindang harong.

2. Nagkawat na sa basketbolan sinda Ken asin Ton-Ton.
3. Nagrani si Vince sa saiyang ina na nagluluto ki pangudtohan sa
4. Nagduman si Vince sa harong ni Tiya Soling niya dara an sarong
mangko ki sinabawan.

Grammar: Gamit kan Pang-abay na Panlugar

Present pictures showing the events mentioned above. Then ask the
following questions. Post their answers on the board.
1. Sain mahihiling an mga tinanom na gulay ni Vince?
( sa likod kan saindang harong)
2. Sain nagkawat nin basketbol sinda Ken asin Ton-Ton?
( sa basketbolan)
3. Sain nagluluto nin pangudtohan an saiyang ina?
( sa kusina)
4. Sain nagduman si Vince para itao an sarong mangko nin sinabawan?
( sa harong ni Tiya Soling)

 Ipabasa sa mga aki an saindang mga simbag. Ano an naririparo

nindo sa mga simbag nindo?
 Itaram na an mga pariralang ini mga halimbawa ki mga pang-abay
na panlugar.

B. Generalization
 Anong hapot an pigsisimbag kan pang-abay na panlugar? ( sain)
 Pano maaaraman an mga parirala nagtataram nin pang-abay na
panlugar? (Nagtataram ini kan lugar/lokasyon kan pinangyarihan)

C. Guided Practice
1. “ Practice More” (Pair Activity)
 Let pupils identify and supply the missing information in the

2. “Let’s Apply” (Individual Activity)

a. Let the pupils choose the adverb of place mention in each
sentence. Note to them the correct way of writing sentences.

b. Write the appropriate adverb of place for the following sentences.

Day 4

A. Review
Teacher ask the following questions:
1. Sain mahihiling an mga pananom na gulay ni Vince?
(sa likod kan saindang harong)
2. Sain nagkawat nin basketbol sinda Ken asin Ton-Ton?
(sa basketbolan)
3. Sain nagluluto nin pangudtohan an saiyang ina?
(sa kusina)
4. Sain nagduman si Vince para itao an sarong mangko nin sinabawan?
(sa harong ni Tiya Soling)

B. Presentation
1. Present some pictures showing the events happened in the story.

2. Teacher asks the following questions:
 Sain si Vince nagbabaribi kan mga pananom?
 Sain nagkakawat sinda Ken asin Ton-Ton?
 Sain nagaluto si Tiya Azon?
 Sain nagduman si Vince?
 Ano an apod sa mga simbag nindo?( pang-abay na panlugar)
 Anong hapot an ihahapot kun pang-abay na panlugar an
pigtutukoy? (Sain)

C. Guided Practice
“You and Me!”
Maghanap nin kapareha. An saro mahapot na nagapuon sa “sain”
dangan an kapareha sisimbagon an saiyang hapot manungod sa
lugar.(tawan nin duon an pagsimbag sa kompletong kaisipan)


Eskwela 1: Sain ka nagselebrar kan saimong kumpleanyo kan

nakaaging taon?

Eskwela 2: Sa harong mi lang ako nagselebrar kan sakuyang

kumpleanyo kan sarong taon.

Eskwela 2: Sain kamo nagduman kan nakaaging bakasyon?

Eskwela 1: Nagduman kami sa Naga kan nakaaging bakasyon.

D. Generalization
a. Anong hapot an pigsisimbag kan pang-abay na panlugar? ( sain)
b. Pano maaaraman kun an mga parirala nagtataram nin pang-abay na
(Nagtataram ini kan lugar/lokasyon kan pinangyarihan.)

E. Enrichment Activity
Gamiton sa pangungusap an mga pang-abay na nagsasabi nin lugar.

Day 5

A. Recall
B. Presentation
Use the following adverbs of place in sentences. Write your answer on
your paper.
1. sa saod 4. Sa ibabaw kan lamesa
2. sa kabinet 5. Sa Legazpi
3. sa salog

C. Independent Practice
1. Complete the sentences with the correct adverb of place. Use the
pictures as your guide.

2. Write the sentence correctly as dictated by the teacher. Observe
proper spacing and punctuation mark.
An mga mga pananom ni Mang Ansel magagayon


I. Objectives
1. Use culturally appropriate expressions in giving one’s obligation, hope and
2. Read stories, legends, essays, news, articles, blogs etc. containing high
frequency words and words studied
3. Read grade one level text in four to five words, phrases with appropriate
intonation, expression and punctuation cues
4. Correctly spelled previously learned words
5. Observe proper spacing between words, punctuation marks and
capitalization in writing essay, news, articles, story,fable etc.
6. Identify the adverbs used in sentences
7. Use the adverb correctly in constructing own sentences
8. Understand that the language used in school is more formal than the
language used at home and with friends
9. Predict what the story, school and community events, situations, activities,
legends, blogs based on context clues
10. Tell thier own stories and legends as an output of thier research

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills
1. Using culturally appropriate expressions in giving one’s obligation,
hope and wish.
2. Reading stories, legends, essays, news, articles, blogs etc.
Containing high frequency words and words studied.
3. Reading grade one level text in four to five words, phrases with
appropriate intonations expression and punctuation cues.
4. Writing correctly spelled previously learned words.
5. Observing proper spacing between words, punctuation marks and
capitalization in writing essay, news, articles, story, fable etc.
6. Identifying the adverbs used in sentences.
7. Using the adverb correctly in constructing own sentences.
8. Understanding that the language used in school is more formal than
the language used at home and with friends.
9. Predicting what the story, school and community events, situations,
activities, legends, blogs based on context clues.
10. Telling thier own stories and legends as an output of thier research.

B. Selection: “Bareta Manungod sa Kamugtakan kan Panahon”

(Weather Forecast)
Story: Listening Story
“Si Biboy asin Si Len”
ni: Agnes M. Camposano
Poem: “Aroaldaw Sibot”

C. Reference: K + 12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: pictures, sentences, charts, strips of words and phrases
E. Theme: Disaster Preparedness
F. Value: Being careful and alert

III. Procedure

Day 1

A. Recall
 Teacher review previously learned lesson.

B. Presentation
Pupils read the weather forecast with the guidance of the teacher.

“Bareta Manungod Sa Kamugtakan kan Panahon”

Marhay na aga Bikolandia. An magiging kamugtakan kan

panahon sa aldaw na ini Hulyo 10 aldaw nin Sabado hali sa pag-
asa Legazpi.

An Metro Manila magkakaigwa nin marhay na kondisyon nin

panahon, maliwanag an kalangitan. An Rehiyon Bikol
makakaeksperyensya nin pag-uran, pagkikilat asin pagdaguldol lalo
na sa bandang hapon. Siring man buot na ipinapaisi sa mga lugar
na hababa asin mga harani sa pampang nin salog na maglikay asin
mag preparar sa paglangkaw kan tubig. An Visayas asin Mindanao
magkakaigwa man nin marhay na panahon.

An aldaw masirang alas-sais kan aga asin masulnop alas

singko y medya nin hapon.

Magdangog giraray sa aga sa parehong oras para sa bareta

kan panahon. Sa giraray marhay na aldaw Bikolandia! Mabuhay

Comprehension Check-Up
1. Para sa anong aldaw an bareta kan panahon?
2. Anong oras nagsirang an aldaw?
3. Anong oras masulnop an aldaw?
4. Ano an dapat gibohon pag mauran o igwang maraot na panahon?

C. Modelling
 Read the following sentences. Identify the words that tell about time
(adverbs of time)
Itaram an mga tataramon na nagsasabi kun nuarin asin ipasurat sa
a. An selebrasyon para sa kumpleanyo ni Ana gigibohon sa Hulyo
b. Si Ruel naglimpya sa eskwelahan kasuhapon.
c. Binibisita mi si Lolo asin si Lola sarong beses sa sarong bulan.
2. Kun Sabado regular na pighihiling ko an programa sa telebisyon
na “Deal or No Deal”.
3. An seminar piggibo sa Albay kan sarong bulan.
4. Ngunyan ako maduman sa opisina.
5. Naglimpya sa natad si Manay kan Lunes.
6. Mauli na ako sa aga sa harong.
7. Sa sarong simana pa ako mabisita saindo.
8. Nagsisirimba kami kun aldaw na Domingo?

D. Independent Practice
 Ipabasa an mga grupo nin tataramon na sinurat kan mga eskwela.
 Ipaliwanag na an mga ini mga pang-abay na nagsasabi nin panahon.
 An mga tataramon na ini nagtataram kun nuarin ginibo,ginigibo o
gigibohon an sarong bagay.

E. Homework
Let them list down 5 examples of adverbs of time.

Day 2

A. Review of the previous lesson

B. Presentation
Read the story with proper intonation and expression.
Pupils will listen.

Si Biboy asin Si Len

ni: Agnes M. Camposano

Atab na nagmamata aroaldaw an magtugang na si Biboy asin si

Len.Puon Lunes sagkod Biyernes pirmi sindang magkaibahan
pagkaaga pasiring sa eskwelahan. An saindang ama na si Mang Rene
an nagsusundo sainda hapon-hapon pauli sa harong. Pagkakaon sa
banggi pareho na sinda nag-aadal kan saindang leksyon. Bago
magkaturog pighihiling kan saindang ina kun gabos na gamit ninda sa
eskwelahan nakahanda na.

Kun aldaw nin Sabado, si Biboy nagduduman sa saiyang mga
kakawat. Mahilig siya magkawat. Si Len nasa laog sana kan harong.
Pagkaaga nagbabasa siya kan paborito niyang libro asin pagkahapon
naghihiling siya ki telebisyon.
Domingo na aga an pamilya ninda nagsisimba. Pagkahapon iyo an
oras ninda para mamasyar. Maugma an saindang pamilya.

C. Modelling
 Let the pupils read the story by group . After reading let them choose
the adverbs of time used in the story by writing on the strips provided
per group.

D. Independent Practice
Let the pupils use the words and phrases (adverbs) in their own
Day 3

A. Recall
 Let them read previously learned adverbs of time.

B. Presentation
 Let the pupils give examples of adverb of time.
 Let them write the adverbs on the board. Call other pupils to use them
in sentences.

C. Modelling
Fill in the blank with the answer to the question.
(Guide the pupils to form a complete sentence using adverb of time.)

Day 4

A. Review
 Review of past lesson about adverbs of time.
 Teacher asks the following. Pupils answer orally.
Kan suarin ka nagbisita sa saimong lolo asin lola?
Kan suarin ka nagkakan nin pamahaw?
Kan suarin ka nagduman sa SM Mall?
Kan suarin ka nagkawat sa parke?

B. Presentation
 Let the pupils read this poem with appropriate expression and

“Sarong Simanang Sibot”

ni: Agnes M. Camposano

Domingo kan ako magduman sa simbahan

Lunes, kan ako mag-eskwela
Martes, ako nagduman sa plasa
Miyerkules, kan ako magkanta
Huwebes ,dali-dali akong nagpintura
Biyernes,nag-iba ako sa parada
Sabado, sa harong ako nagpundo...
O, kadali kan simana
Pag sibot-sibot kang talaga
Oras dai mo mamamangnohan na.

C. Modelling
Complete the sentences with the correct adverb of time based from the

D. Generalization
 An mga pangaran kan aldaw sa sarong simana mga pang-abay na
pamanahon na nagtataram ki panahon. Nagtataram man sinda kun
nuarin piggigibo an mga pangyayari.

E. Independent Practice
1. Group the pupils into four. Give each group a picture showing actions.
2. Let each group write a sentence using the Days of the week as the
adverb of time.

Sample illustrations:
1. picture of children going to school in the morning
2. picture of children going to churh every Sunday
3. picture of children playing in the afternoon
4. picture of a family watching TV at night

Day 5

A. Recall
 Let them recite the poem learned yesterDay.
“Sarong Simanang Sibot”

B. Post-Assessment
a. Read the sentences. Encircle the words that tell adverbs of time.

b. Spell the words and phrases.

1. aga-aga 4. sa Lunes
2. sa sarong taon 5. atyan na banggi
3. atabon

c. Write a short paragraph about your family at least 5-7 sentences. Use
adverbs of time correctly. Observe proper spacing between words,
punctuation marks and capitalization.


I. Objectives:
1. Show love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and making
2. Tell their own news articles, advertisement, community and school events,
etc. as an output of their research work
3. State the meaning of some environmental sign(traffic safety, warning signals)
4. Predict what the story, school and community events, situations, activity,
legends, blogs, etc. based on context clues
5. Read stories, legends, essays, news articles, blogs, etc. containing high
frequency words and words and words studied
6. Read grade one level text with an accuracy rate of 95-100%.
7. Spell correctly previouslylearned words
8. Spell correctly environmental prints being learned
9. Write essays, news articles, events, story, advertisement observing correct
punctuation mark, capitalization, indention and format

II. Subject Matter:

A. Skills:
1. Showing love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and
making comments.
2. Telling their own news articles, advertisement, community and school
event, etc. as an output of their research work.
3. State the meaning of some environmental sign(traffic safety, warning
4. Predicting what the story, school and community events, situations,
activity, legends, blogs, etc. based on context clues
5. Reading stories, legends, essays, news articles, blogs, etc. Containing
high frequency words and words and words studied
6. Reading grade one level text with an accuracy rate of 95-100%
7. Spelling correctly previously learned words
8. Spelling correctly environmental prints being learned
9. Writing essays, news articles, events, story and advertisement observing
correct punctuation mark, capitalization, indention and format

B. Story: “Bagyo, Bagyo! Habo Mi Saimo”

Sinurat ni: Marcial B. Bellen
Idrinowing ni: Cristy D. Beltran
Kinuluran ni: Emy B. Barja

“Pito, Puti, Pato”

Sinurat ni: Claire B. Barcelona
Drowing ni: Cristy D. Beltran

C. Reference: K to 12 MT Competencies
D. Materials: big book, pictures, activity sheets
E. Theme: Disaster preparedness-Emergency drill, emergency kits (first
aid and other things)
F. Value: Preparedness

III. Procedure:

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading
1. Unlocking of difficult words:
a. kawayan (picture)
b. kakahoyan (picture)
c. pagtios (context clues)

 Daing trabaho an ina asin ama ni Minda.

 Grabe an saindang pagtios.

d. Nadistroso
Nagkaigwa nin makusogon na paros, nadistroso an mgaharong.

e. Pagsadiri
 Mahiwas an patanoman ni Pay Kulas, dakul an mga ataman
niyang mga hayop, dakul an saiyang mga gamit sa harong,
dakul an saiyang mga pagsadiri.

f. natumba (action/gesture)

2. Motivation
a. Ipahiling an ritrato ni Kuya Kim Atienza.

 Siisay an nasa ritrato?

 Sain nindo siya nahihiling?
 Ano an gibo niya sa TV Patrol?
 Siisay an gusto maging arog saiya?
 Kaya man daw nindong maging arog saiya?

b. Mag-apod nin aki na mabasa kan “weather report” na priniparar

kan paratukdo.

Sarong makusog na bagyo an matama sa Rehiyon


An bagyong pinangaranan na Tobing pig-aasahan na maabot
sa masunod na aldaw. May dara ining makusog na duros asin
Pipatanidan an mga tawo na nakaistar sa harani sa dagat,
salog asin mga nasa pamitisan kan bulod na mag-ibakwar
tangani makalikay sa baha asin pagrasay kan daga.
Pipagharanda man an mga tawo kan mga dapat gibohon,
maghanda nin pagkakan, tubig, bulong, plaslayt asin iba pa.
Ini si___________________________ an saindong

c. Pag-urulayan an ipinadangog na bareta.

Manungod sa ano an bareta?
Sain matama an bagyo?
Anong mga paghahanda an dapat gibohon kan mga tawo?

3. Presentation
a. Sabihon sa mga aki na magdangog sinda nin istorya.
Introduce the big book. Display the cover. Read aloud the title
author and illustrator.
Ipamidbid an libro. Ipahiling an cover. Basahon an titulo asin an
b. What do you see in the cover?
 Ano an nahihiling mo sa patos/cover kaining libro?
 Ano an ginibo kan mga aki?

B. During Reading:
Interactive Reading: Teacher reads the story “Bagyo, Bagyo! Habo Mi
Saimo” while pupils interact to the teacher’s question.

“Bagyo, Bagyo! Habo Mi Saimo”

Sinurat ni Marcial B. Bellen

“Madya na Ben, Berto, Biboy, magkarawat kita.

Magkarapotan nin kamot, magporma nin bilog asin sabihon
“Uran, uran, pantay kawayan. Bagyo, bagyo pantay
kabayo,” an sabi ni Bambam.
“Bako marhay nagibohon na karawan an bagyo. Baka
ini magbisita giraray,” saway ni Lolo Bilo.“Makaherak gabos
na Bikolano.”
“Lolo Bilo, ano po an nangyari kan nagkaigwa nin
bagyo?” an hapot ni Berto.
“Uran na makusog nagbulos. Nag-agi, nagbalik
makusog na paros! Boom! Blag! Boom! Blag! Ilinayog su mga
atop. Nagaba su mga harong.Boom! Blag! Boom! Blag! Mga
kahoy natumba. Nadistroso su mga uma. Boom! Blag! Boom!
Blag Kabulodan nakalbo. Mga tinanom haloy na nagtubo.

Labi-labing pagtios, an bagyo an kagibo. Buhay kan mga
tawo, sinayang kan bagyo. Mga pagsadiri daing natada. Mga
hanapbuhay nawara. Nagtarabang an mga tawo asin
nangadyi sa Diyos. Pagkalihis nin haloy na panahon, kita
nakabawi sa subrang pagtios. Kaya mga aki, saindong
bayaan an kawat na iyan “Uran, uran pantay kawayan.
Bagyo, bagyo pantay kabayo,” pagirumdom ni Lolo Bilo.

C. Post Reading Activity

1. Engagement Activity:
Group pupils into four.

Group 1: What did the children do? Act it out

Ano an ginibo kan mga aki? Iarte
Group 2: Who played? Arrange the jumbled letters to form their
Siirisay an nagkawat? Pakarayon an mga letra na nasa
envelop tanganing mabilog an saindang pangaran.
Group 3: What happened to houses, mountains, trees and
plants? Draw them.
Ano an nangyari sa mga harong, mga bulod asin mga
pananom pag igwang bagyo? Idrowing
Group 4: What do we prepare when there is a typhoon? List
Ano an pig-pipriparar kan mga tawo kun igwang
bagyo? Ilista.
Ano an ginibo kan mga aki?

Iarte kan inot na grupo

 Siirisay an nagkawat?

Bilogan an mga letra kan ikaduwang grupo.

 Siirisay an nagsaway sa mga aki?
 Tano ta sinaway sinda ni Lolo Bilo?
 Pano pinaliwanag ni Lolo Bilo sa mga aki an pagtios na nasa
sapapo pag may bagyo?
 Ano an nangyayari sa mga harong, mga bulod asin mga
pananom kun igwang bagyo?

Idrowing kan ikatulong grupo

 Ano an dapat ta na gibohon pag igwa nin mga kalamidad arog
kan bagyo?
 Tano ta kaipohan ta maghanda o magpriparar?
 Ano-ano an mga dapat ta na ihanda o ipriparar?

Ilista kan ikaapat na grupo.

 Ano pa an satong magigibo tangani makalikay o Makaligtas
kita sa mga kalamidad

2. Literary Extender: Pagibohon an mga aki nin halipot na pangadyi

manungod sa paghagad nin kaligtasan sa mga kalamidad.

Day 2

A. Skill Focus:
1. Presentation: Rap ni Emy B. Barja

Rehiyon Bikol harani sa Pasipiko

Pirmi man pigbibisita ki bagyo
Minsan pa bibaha, Bulkan Mayon minauson pa
Linog mamati man tsunami titakutan

Kaya mga tawo malisto, priming alisto, priparado

Mga patanid, girumdumon, tandaan
Ngani diskwido maibitaran
Busina, pasiwik, bagting sa simbahan
Tandaan an tanog napipakahulugan
Sa paglakaw sa tinampo dobleng ingat man
Maghiling wala tuo, hilingon sain mabalyo
Sain mapundo…Yo

a. What is the rap about?

Manungod sainansatuyang rap?
b. What kind of calamaties do people of Bikol Region experiences?
Anong mga kalamidad an namamatikan mga taga Bikol?
c. What should we do if there is a calamity?
Ano ang dapat gibohon kun may minaabot na kalamidad?
d. What warning signals were mentioned in our rap?
Ano-anong mga patanid an nabanggit sa rap?

2. “I can still remember!”

a. Teacher presents different pictures of traffic signs and warning
signals from previous lessons.
b. Pupils identify what each picture mean.

3. “Talk Time”
a. Let the pupils read sentences from the story, news and rap.
b. Let them predict what each situation tells.
 Ipabasa sa mga aki an mga pangungusap hali sa istorya,
bareta, asin sa rap.

 Patuodan sa mga aki an pwedeng mangyari sa lambang
 Naghanda an mga tawo nin pagkakan, bado, flashlight.
(Matama an bagyo sa Bikol.)
 Nagralayog an mga atop kan mga harong.
 Nakalbo an mgabulod.
 Haloy nagtubo an mga pananom.
 Maingat sa pagbalyo sa tinampo.

B. Independent Practice:

Day 3

A. Presentation
1. Motivation
a. Show picture of seven, white ducks.
b. Ask something about the picture.
Ipahiling an ritrato kan pitong, putting pato.
Maghapot manungod kaini.

2. Book Orientation
a. Present the big book to the class, let the pupils tell something
about the cover.
b. Introduce the title, the writer the illustrator and the one who
colored it.

3. Motive Question
Ano an pamana ki Popoy?

B. During Reading:
Ask the pupils to read the story by themselves silently.

Pito, Puti, Pato

Sinurat ni: Claire B. Barcelona
Drinowing niCristy D. Beltan
Kinuloran niEmy B. Barja

Igwa ki pitong, puting pato si Popoy.

Pamana ni Pay Pipoy ang pitong, puting pato.
“Hilinga baya, Pinday!” an kurahaw ni Pindoy.
Patuka-tuka nin paroy an pitong, putting pato ni Popoy.
Paiswad-iswad kan lobot an paglakaw kan pitong, putting pato
Pakampay-kampay kan pakpak an paglangoy kan pitong, puting
pato ni Popoy.
“Pasain ka Popoy?” an hapot ni Pipoy.
“Pasiring kami kan pitong, putting pato sa palasyo ni Prinsipe
Pindoy,” an simbag ni Popoy.
“Saro, duwa, tulo!” an bilang ni Pindoy.
“Apat, lima, anom!” an bilang ni Pinday.
Halat ka, bakong pito an puting pato na pamana ni Pay Pipoy
Ki Popoy?

C. Post Reading
Comprehension Check:
1. Ano an pamana ki Popoy?
2. Siisay an nagpamana saiya kan mga pato?
3. Pirang pato an pamana saiya?
4. Ano an kulor kan mga pato?
5. Pano maglakaw an mga pato?
6. Pano maglangoy an pato?
7. Sain nagduman si Popoy?
8. Siisay an nakahiling saiya?
9. Kaiba daw gabos ni Popoy an gabos na pato? Nata ta nasabi mong
iyo? Nata nasabi mong dai?
10. Kun ika si Popoy, iiba mo daw an gabos na ataman mong pato sa
palasyo? Nata? Nata dai?
11. Anong klaseng para ataman si Popoy?

D. Guided Practice
Group the pupils into four, let each group read aloud the story.

(Teacher monitors if the children were able to read the words, sentences

E. Independent Practice:
Call each pupil to read aloud the story with accuracy rate of 95-100%

Day 4 and Day 5

A. Review:
Recall the stories, news and rap previously learned.

B. Presentation:
Present words on the board.

bagyo kalamidad distroso

tinampo pasiwik palasyo
pananom ilinayog Pasipiko
prinsipe pamana bagting

 Let the pupils read the words.

 Tell the pupils that they will spell each word.
 Spelling and checking

C. Guided Practice:
1. Let individual pupil choose a word from the group of words they
2. Encourage them to think about a topic from the words they chose.
3. Let them create their own short story based from their experience.
4. Let the pupils write the story they created.
5. Encourage them to give a title suited to the story.
6. Let them read the story.

D. Independent Practice:
Creative Writing:
 Present different pictures.
 Ask the pupil to choose a picture and create a story about it.
 Encourage them to write freely and add helpful details to make their
stories interesting. Be sure to give them plenty of encouragement and


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