BU8101 - Semester 1, 2013 - 2014 Guidelines On Assessment of Class Presentation and Participation For Students

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BU8101 – Accounting: A User Perspective

Semester 1, 2013 – 2014

Guidelines on Assessment of Class Presentation and Participation
For Students


Each student will be assigned a group at the beginning of the semester. Each group will then be assigned, on a random
basis, to present solutions and facilitate discussion and revision of concepts relating to the assigned seminar assignment.
Every member of the presenting group is expected to participate and present in front of the class. All presentations must
be in PowerPoint format. An important component of the presentation is for the presenting group to take on the role of
facilitators and help other students revise and recap the main concepts taught in the lectures. Students will be evaluated
using the criteria listed in the rubric below.

Excellent (10-9) Good (8-7) Satisfactory (6-5) Fair (4-0)
Non-verbal skills Captures audience Captures audience Hardly any eye No eye contact,
Eye contact, body attention with direct attention with direct contact, gestures and gestures and
language and poise eye contact, gestures eye contact, gestures movements, and movements, and
and movements. Rarely and movements most reads mostly from reads from notes all
(10% of overall refers to notes. Very of the time. Refers to notes. Mild tension the time. Stiff and
grade) relaxed, confident and notes sometimes. Little and has trouble nervous and has
makes no mistakes. tension and recovers recovering from trouble recovering
very quickly from mistakes. from mistakes.

Verbal skills Exhibits strong interest Exhibits moderate Exhibits some Exhibits no interest
Enthusiasm and in the topics presented. interest in topic interest in topic in topic presented.
elocution Uses a loud and clear presented. Voice is presented. Low Mumbles and speaks
voice and all members clear and class can hear voice and some class too quietly and the
(10% of overall of class can hear presentation. members have majority of class
grade) presentation. difficulty hearing members are unable
presentation. to hear.

Content Presents information in Presents information in Does not present Poor sequencing of
Organization, a logical and a logical sequence information information and no
mechanics and interesting sequence though not interesting. systematically and summary of key
subject knowledge with illustrations. Summarizes key cannot highlight key concepts. PowerPoint
Summarizes key concepts. PowerPoint concepts. slides have several
(40% of overall concepts. PowerPoint slides have no more PowerPoint slides typo mistakes.
grade) slides have no typo than two typo mistakes. have three typo Student has poor
mistakes. Demonstrates Can provide answers to mistakes. Student is grasp of information
full knowledge of the all questions without uncomfortable with and cannot answer
subject and can answer elaboration. subject and can questions about
all questions with clear answer only simple subject.
explanation and questions.

Facilitation skills Very effective use of Effective use of tools Moderate effort put Merely present
Effective use of tools and strategies to and strategies to in to arouse class information and little
tools and strategies promote class promote class interest in the effort put in to arouse
to promote class participation. Students participation. Students presentation. Few class interest in the
participation are very interested and are interested and many students volunteer to presentation. Hardly
participate actively in volunteer to participate participate. any students
(30% of overall class presentation. in the class discussion. volunteer to
grade) participate.
BU8101 – Accounting: A User Perspective
Semester 1, 2013 – 2014
Guidelines on Assessment of Class Presentation and Participation
For Students
Excellent (10-9) Good (8-7) Satisfactory (6-5) Fair (4-0)
Group work Very cohesive group, Cohesive group. Little evidence of Works individually.
exhibits strong group Presence of group spirit group spirit and No indication of
(10% of overall spirit and evidence of and some evidence of shared group spirit.
grade) shared responsibilities. shared responsibilities. responsibilities.

Within one week after the presentation, group members will have to amend and correct presentation slides (if there are
errors) and upload the slides in PDF format to the discussion board in the edventure to share with fellow class members.


Assessment will be based on participation in class discussion. The rubric for class discussion is as follows:

Excellent (10-9) Good (8-7) Satisfactory (6-5) Fair (4-0)
Attendance Attends every seminar, Attends every seminar, Misses seminars no Misses seminars
(40% of overall arriving punctually arriving punctually for more than 3 times more than 3 times
grade) every time. If absent, at least 9 out of 12 without valid without valid excuses
provides valid reasons times. excuses or is late for or is late for 3 or
e.g. medical certificate, 3 or more seminars. more seminars.
permission to be absent

State of Well prepared for Prepared for seminar Shows some sign of Shows no sign of
preparedness seminar. Thought and and can respond to preparation for preparation for
(20% of overall read beyond the tutor’s “cold call”. seminar and can seminar and cannot
grade) required readings and respond to tutor’s respond to tutor’s
can volunteer a “cold call”. “cold call”.
response to a question.

Actual Engages in discussion Engages in discussion Engages in Shows little or no

participation with other students or with other students or discussion with other engagement with
(40% of overall tutor. Able to tutor. Able to discuss students or tutor. other students or
grade) communicate issues that require tutor.
effectively, application of
demonstrate a good knowledge.
understanding of
subject matters, clarify
information, think
critically and provide
innovative suggestions.

Students will receive grades for their presentation and participation, where overall:

A+ and A represent “excellent”

A-, B+ and B represent “good”
B-, C+ and C represent “satisfactory”
D and below represent “fair”

A general feedback (at least once) of the class performance will be provided via individual seminar group website in the
edventure during the recess week from 30 September to 6 October 2013.
BU8101 – Accounting: A User Perspective
Semester 1, 2013 – 2014
Guidelines on Assessment of Class Presentation and Participation
For Students

Good academic work depends on honesty and ethical behaviour. The quality of your work as a student relies on adhering
to the principles of academic integrity and to the NTU Honour Code, a set of values shared by the whole university
community. Truth, Trust and Justice are at the core of NTU’s shared values.

As a student, it is important that you recognize your responsibilities in understanding and applying the principles of
academic integrity in all the work you do at NTU. Not knowing what is involved in maintaining academic integrity does
not excuse academic dishonesty. You need to actively equip yourself with strategies to avoid all forms of academic
dishonesty, including plagiarism, academic fraud, collusion and cheating. If you are uncertain of the definitions of any of
these terms, you should go to the academic integrity website http://academicintegrity.ntu.edu.sg for more information.
Consult your instructor(s) if you need any clarification about the requirements of academic integrity in the course.

Students must attach the Declaration form in the attached Appendix A as cover to the PowerPoint presentation
and group assignment.

~ End ~
BU8101 – Accounting: A User Perspective
Semester 1, 2013 – 2014
Guidelines on Assessment of Class Presentation and Participation
For Students

Appendix A

Declaration of Academic Integrity

Please put a tick in the box (for online submissions) to indicate that you have read
and accepted the following statements. Your assignment will not be accepted
without this declaration.

I confirm that:

1. I have read and understood the University’s Shared Values & Honour Code, including the
information on practices concerning the academic integrity (given in
http://academicintegrity.ntu.edu.sg/a-guide-to-academic-integrity/) and that in the attached
coursework submission I have worked within its expectations

2. I am aware that failure to act in accordance with the University’s Shared Values & Honour
Code may lead to the imposition of penalties which may include the requirement to revise
and resubmit an assignment, receiving a lower grade, or receiving an F grade for the
assignment; suspension from the University or termination of my candidature.

3. I consent to the University copying and distributing any or all of my work in any form and
using third parties to verify whether my work contains plagiarised material, and for quality
assurance purposes.

☑ I, ____________________________, have read and accept the above.

☑ I, ____________________________, have read and accept the above.
☑ I, ____________________________, have read and accept the above.
☑ I, ____________________________, have read and accept the above.
☑ I, ____________________________, have read and accept the above.

If you require any further guidance about academic integrity, please talk to your professor
or use the resources at http://academicintegrity.ntu.edu.sg/.

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