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De: Dansk ICYE - Lisbet Østergaard [mailto:lisbet@icye.

Enviado el: jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017 16:24
Para: Dansk ICYE - Lisbet Østergaard
Asunto: New EVS host projects in or near Copenhagen and Aarhus

Dear Partners

We are very happy to inform you about our new and interesting projects on the our EVS
hosting programme.
The projects are still pending but we expect everything to be ready for the coming deadline in

Have a look at our website and spread the news to your applicants.
Please note that the deadline for applications for the new projects is 3 April

Themes are: youth/teaching, youth/ art,music and theater, Social and Physical Activities for
Elderly people in Aarhus, organization and administration work in Århus and Copenhagen.

Please make sure the applications are send to before 3 April the latest.

We are looking very much forward to hear from your candidates in the nearest future.

Venlig hilsen/Best regards

Lisbet Østergaard

Dansk ICYE
Klosterport 4 A, 3. sal
DK - 8000 Aarhus C
Telephone: +45 86 18 07 15

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