Music City & Capital City Outstanding Teen 2019 Paperwork

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Miss Music City’s Outstanding Teen & Miss Capital City’s Outstanding Teen Scholarship Pageant 2019

A Preliminary Pageant to the Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen Pageant

Saturday, August 18th, 2018

YOU could be the next Miss Music City’s or Miss Capital City’s Outstanding Teen!

Thank you for your interest in the Miss Music City/Capital City Outstanding Teen Pageant. We are looking forward to an
exciting year where we will crown two young women as the next Miss Music City’s Outstanding Teen & Miss Capital
City’s Outstanding Teen. They will start their journey toward preparing for the Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen
Pageant in Jackson, Tennessee, and hopefully even to the Miss America’s Outstanding Teen stage.

Within this packet you will find the official information from the Miss Music City/Capital City Pageants regarding your
wardrobe, competitions, and awards. Please read all of this information carefully as the rules may change at any time. It
may seem like quite a lot, but most people find it very helpful.


In order to compete in the local preliminary, you must meet the eligibility requirements as stated by the Miss
Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen organization:
 Ages 13 to 17 (Outstanding Teen cannot be a senior in high school.)
 A resident or student in the state of Tennessee for at least six months
 May not have graduated from high school before the start of the MAOT National Finals, except for 16 year olds
who graduated early
 May not turn eighteen (18) years of age on or before August 31 of the year of the National Finals in which she
will compete.
 Not eligible to compete in the Miss America Pageant.
 Is and has always been a female.
 Has never been married.
 Is not pregnant and has never been pregnant nor the adoptive parent of any child.
 Of good moral character and not been involved in any act of moral turpitude.
 Other than minor of petty offenses, never been convicted of any criminal offense and there are no criminal
charges presently pending.
 Never performed any act of engaged in any activity or employment that is or could reasonably be characterized
as dishonest, immoral, or indecent.
 In good health and can participate fully in any Program activities.
 Not under any contract or other obligations that other may control my image, name, or photography.
 Cannot hold another similar title during their local or state reign.
 Do not use or consume any illegal controlled dangerous substances or abuse the use of alcohol or other
dangerous substances.
 Be enrolled in an accredited public, private or home schooling program with passing scores (passing score as
determined by state accreditation score) in academic and citizenship grades.
 At the state level, each contestant must register with CMN and is recommended to raise $50.

There are four areas of competition for which you will be competing:

Private Interview: The private interview section of the competition will consist of an interview with a panel of judges.
The interview will last 8 minutes and will not have a closing statement. The interview will consist of random questions
ranging from platform issues to current events, to personal questions. In other words, be ready for any question.
Interview dresses are best worn for this portion of the competition. Don’t be afraid to bring out your own style while still
looking professional.
Opening Number: The opening number is not part of the judging criteria, but it gives the audience a fun kick-off to the
pageant. Cocktail dresses and fun outfits are best for this portion, and the theme is fun and bright colors that show off
your personality.
Fitness: Judges will be looking for your confidence level and your commitment to stay fit. Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding
Teen will be making lots of appearances during her reign. She must be fit to continue a grueling schedule. Fitness outfit
will be a sports tank top along with a sports short, capri or pant. NO BLING OR METALLIC FABRICS will be allowed this
year. It can be any color or colors. Teen contestants will learn and perform a fitness routine.

Talent Presentation: Each contestant will perform up to a 90 second talent performance of their choice. Contestants
must furnish their own equipment, musical instrument (except piano), and/or accompaniment track. The pageant will
furnish microphones. No other people will be allowed to perform or accompany the contestant. Each person will have a
scheduled sound check and talent rehearsal the day of the pageant. You will be allowed up to ten minutes to rehearse
your talent on the stage. You may use as much or as little of the time allotted. You may also choose to rehearse in full
talent wear or not.

Evening Wear / On-Stage Question: This is the elegant competition of the pageant. Each girl will wear a gown of her
choosing. Judges will be looking for confidence, poise, and presentation. You will also be asked a question during the
evening wear competition. All questions will be drawn from a bowl. Although, you will not know your question before
the competition, the judges will be looking for how you respond to a spontaneous question. Personality and confidence
along with the content of the answer will be taken into consideration when scoring.

The Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen contestants are scored in these categories:

25% Interview
35% Talent (No more than 90 seconds)
25% Evening Gown and Onstage question
15% Fitness Wear


You will need to complete a fact sheet and a platform form and return to . This information will
be shared with the judges for the private interviews. Both forms are included with this packet including a sample of what
it should look like.

Each contestant will choose and represent a platform issue. This is any issue, program, or topic that the contestant has
been involved with, volunteered with, or has valuable insight to. You will find your platform will be stronger if you are
involved with or have experienced. Deadline for all paperwork will be Saturday, August 10th, 2018.

The entry fee to enter the Miss Music City’s Outstanding Teen & Miss Capital City’s Outstanding Teen Pageant is
$100.00. Please make out your check to the Miss Music City Scholarship Program. All checks must be received with the
paperwork on the deadline of August 10, 2018. We look forward to you participating in our program. There is a huge
commitment of the ladies who win these titles and represent our local at the Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen
Pageant; however, the benefits are worth the time and effort.

The following pages will give you more information about the pageant, the paperwork, you need to compete and some
frequently asked questions. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me any time. My email address is and my cell phone number is (334)-233-4992.


Elisabeth Reef
Director, Miss Music City/Capital City Outstanding Teen & Iris Teen
Wardrobe Load In: Contestants will have their opportunity to load in at 8:30am the day of the pageant. Contestants may
have one (1) FEMALE assistant to help with load in. No assistants, friends, nor family members are allowed to remain
in the dressing rooms after load in has been completed.

Keep in mind a new rule from Miss Tennessee. Makeup

Artists and Hairdressers are NOT ALLOWED in the dressing
room to assist you. You must get this done before reporting
back to the auditorium.


The following pages will be the paperwork and other items you will need to compete in the pageant. Here is a checklist
to remind you of the items that you will need.
Item Completed
Registration and Qualification form
Platform and Resume
Copy of most recent school transcript
Registration on CMN Website

In addition, you will need to bring a copy of the signed Music City Contract to Orientation on August 18th, 2018.
E-Mail all files to:

This information must be completed and returned by the deadline of Saturday, August 10th, 2018. This deadline is
very important and will not be extended unless approval from the director.


If you have any questions concerning the Miss Music City/Capital City Outstanding Teen Pageant, please call (334) 233-
4992 or email the This information is being provided to assist interested contestants with the
answers to the most commonly asked questions.
Miss Music City/Capital City Outstanding Teen Pageant
Official Preliminaries to the Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen Pageant

Registration & Qualification Form

Outstanding Teen Contestant Princess Contestant





State: Zip Code:

How long have you lived at this address?

Parents Name(s):

Home Telephone Number: (with area code)

Cell Phone number: (with area code)

Email address:

Date of Birth: Age:

School attending:

Classification as of fall of 2017:


(TEEN) Talent selection: (Type i.e., Vocal, dance, instrumental)

Are you a current titleholder? Yes No Title?

If yes, have you been released to compete by your current director? You may not
compete in the Miss America system if you have a title in another pageant system. Make
sure to as your director to be released to compete.

This form must be returned immediately. Return the completed Registration form to For more information, go to for eligibility
and requirements.

Each contestant must provide a copy of their most current school transcript before the

Miss Music City/Capital City Outstanding Teen & Iris Teen Pageant
Elisabeth Reef – Director
Visit Miss Capital City/Music City Facebook page
an Official Preliminary to the Miss America Pageant

Instructions for Completing the Contestant’s Resume

Please remember this is your opportunity to demonstrate to the judges why they should
consider you for the job of Miss Tennessee. You may list as many or as few items under
each category as you desire. Your only restriction is that it must follow the established
format and it must fit on one page. This page, combined with your Platform Statement, will
comprise your entire application for this job. The judges will receive exactly what is
submitted. Any items submitted that do not fit the established criteria will be returned for correction
only once. Any items, which do not meet the criteria or are submitted after the deadline, will not be
given to the judges. The contestant may explain the lack of judging materials during her interview, if
she so chooses.

1. Go to the word processing program of your computer.

2. Start a “new” document.

3. Set margins for 1" on all four sides. The font style may not be any smaller than “10” and
no larger than “12” point type, using the Times New Roman font style. Please refer to
the attached sample to verify you are following the requested format.

4. With the justification set for left, type “Name:” in bold. Following the colon (:), hit the
space bar twice. Then, type your name as you wish the judges to know it. (If your name
is Jamie Ruth Marie Watkins and you want to be known as “Jamie Watkins”, please type
“Jamie Watkins”).

5. Then, move to the next line and type “Title:” in bold. Following the colon (:), hit the
space bar twice. Then, type your state title.

6. Then, move to the next line and type “Hometown:” in bold. Following the colon (:), hit
the space bar once. Then, type your hometown including the city and the state.

7. Move to the next line. Now set your justification to the right. Type “Date of Birth:” in
bold. Hit the space bar two (2) times, and type the month, day, and year of your birth.
(Ex. October 10, 1979)

8. Move Justification to the left. Double space down and type “Education:” in bold. Hit
the tab bar three times and then type your most recent school first. If it is grad school,
indicate it as such. List degree seeking (all on the same line as the name of the school),
move to the line underneath that to list your undergraduate school and degree
sought/achieved, and below that list your high school.

9. Double space down. Hit the tab bar once. Type “Platform Issue:” in bold. Hit the tab
bar three times. Type the TITLE of your platform, MAKING SURE IT LINES UP WITH

10. Double space down. Hit the tab bar once. Type “Scholastic/Career Ambition:” in
IT. Then type the type of degree/education you would ultimately like to achieve and
beneath that, list your career ambition.

11. Double space down. Hit the tab bar once. Type “Talent:” in bold. Hit the tab bar three
times. Type the type of talent and specific selection. MAKE SURE IT LINES UP WITH
THE INFORMATION ABOVE IT. (i.e. Pop Vocal - “Crying”, Tap Dance - “Staying
Alive”, etc.)

12. Double space down. Type “Scholastic Honors:” in bold. Hit the space bar twice.
Each item should be separated by a semi-colon (;).

13. Double space down. Type “Leadership Roles:” in bold. Hit the space bar twice.
Each item should be separated by a semi-colon (;).

14. Double space down. Type “Accomplishments:” in bold. Hit the space bar twice.
Each item should be separated by a semi-colon (;).

15. Double space down. Type “Interesting Facts:” in bold. Hit the space bar twice. Each
item should be separated by a semi-colon (;).

16. Double space down. Type “Employment:” in bold. Hit the space bar twice. Each item
should be separated by a semi-colon (;).

17. Double space down. Type “How has the world you come from shaped your dreams and
aspirations?” in bold. Hit the space bar twice. Please answer the question in sentence

18. Double space down. Type “Of all the ways you could succeed in your life, why have you
chosen to succeed in the Miss Tennessee Pageant?” in bold. Hit the space bar twice.
Please answer the question in sentence form.

19. Double Space down. Type “What social issue, other than your platform, will have the
greatest impact on your generation and why?” in bold. Hit the space bar twice. Please
answer the question in sentence form.

The entire form MUST FIT ON ONE PAGE using the Times New Roman font style. You must leave a 1" margin on all
four sides of the page.

Use your best judgment on what is most important for the judges to know about you. Use your space wisely. Any variations from
this form will not be returned to you and will not be considered acceptable. The judges will receive your original work.

Some spacing issues may arise. Simply follow the formatting provided.

Name: Jane Smith

Title: Miss State
Hometown: Anytown, America Date of Birth: December 29, 1995

Education: University of State – sophomore – Bachelor of Science, Liberal Arts

Frederick Douglass High School

Platform Issue: Celebrating Cultural Diversity and Inclusiveness

Scholastic/Career Ambition: Obtain a Masters of Business Administration

Talent: Pop Vocal / “Fallen”

Scholastic Honors: Recipient of National Coca-Cola Scholarship; Recipient of the Metropolitan Urban League
National Scholarship; Dean’s List; Member of the President’s Leadership Council at the UCF

Leadership Roles: Created and implemented a comprehensive Cultural Diversity Education Curriculum for grades
K-12 in twelve Public Schools; University Student Body Senator; H.S. Sr. Class Pres.; College Sorority President.

Accomplishments: Recipient of the J.C. Penney Golden Rule Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service to
Community; Recipient of the National Conference for Community and Justice Humanitarian Award; Performer,
Grand Ole Opry in Nashville; Piano Performance scholarship at State University.

Interesting Facts: First person on either side of my family to attend college; Youngest of five children with a 13-
year gap between me and my next oldest sister and an almost 20-year gap between the oldest and myself.

Employment: Internship with a Law Firm; Internship with local ABC television affiliate; Student Assistant at State

How has the world you come from shaped your dreams and aspirations?
I come from a loving, supportive family that has always taught me to work hard for the things I want to achieve.
Growing up, my parents always encouraged us to get involved with our local community and help those who were
less fortunate than us. They tried to instill good values in us and to always guide us on the right path. I think it is
because of these lessons my parents taught me that I want to make a difference in today’s world. I aspire to be a
woman of great influence, preferably working in the non-profit sector, where I can apply my talents for the greater
good and help to change people’s lives. One person truly can make a difference, and I am on my way to proving that
cliché. I also dream to one day have a loving family of my own, with beautiful children in whom I can instill the
same core values that my parents gave to me.

Of all the ways you could succeed in your life, why have you chosen to succeed in the Miss America’s
Outstanding Teen Pageant?
Along with providing the financial assistance for young women to fulfill our educational goals, the Miss America
Organization gives us the opportunity to bring national attention to a cause dear to our hearts. If I were to become
Miss America, I know that my voice would be heard as a spokesperson for my personal platform, as well as the
national platform. Raising awareness of important social and political issues has always been important to me, and
Miss America provides the perfect arena for that.

What social issue, other than your platform, will have the greatest impact on your generation and why?
Although I’m not sure I would consider it a social issue, I think technological advancements will have the greatest
social impact on my generation. Technology is changing everything – the way we communicate, our lifestyles,
access to information – it’s all right at your fingertips! That can be a double-edged sword. I believe we run the risk
of losing both interpersonal and language skills due to the ease and speed of communicating electronically. I believe
our educators should address this issue immediately, or it may, unfortunately, have the greatest impact on my
generation and every generation to follow.
an Official Preliminary to the Miss America Pageant

Please remember. This is your opportunity to explain to the judges what your
chosen platform is and why it is important for the Miss Tennessee Organization to
embrace this platform. In addition, it should explain how your platform will
further the Miss Tennessee Organization “brand” to the public. This ONE (1) page,
single-spaced document combined with the Contestant’s Resume, will comprise your
entire application for this job. . The judges will receive exactly what is submitted. Any items
submitted that do not fit the established criteria will be returned for correction only once. Any items,
which do not meet the criteria or are submitted after the deadline, will not be given to the judges.
The contestant may explain the lack of judging materials during her interview, if she so chooses.

1. Go to the word processing program of your computer.

2. Start a “new” document.

3. Set margins for 1" on all four sides. The font style may not be any smaller than “10”
and no larger than “12” point type using the Times New Roman font style.

4. With the justification set for left, type “Name:” in bold. Following the colon (:), hit the
space bar twice. Then, type your name.

5. Then, move to the next line and type “Title:” in bold. Following the colon (:), hit the
space bar twice. Then, type Your state title.

6. Double space down. Set your justification to “center”. Then type in bold and
underline the title of your Platform.

7. Double space down. Write what you feel is critical for the judge’s to know about your
platform and why it is necessary for you to have the job of Miss Tennessee to promote
this issue. What you write will be what the judges know about your platform, your role
in successfully dealing with this issue, and the role the Miss Tennessee Organization may
play in your plan.

8. This essay may include some of the following items (this is not to be meant as an
exhaustive list):
 A clear definition of the platform and the specific issues you wish to address
 A plan on how you have or will create awareness of the platform
 The way in which you have or will change attitudes regarding the issue
 The way in which you have or will change behaviors related to this issue
 The way in which your platform issue will move the Miss Tennessee Organization
 Your media plans
 Your marketing strategy
 How you propose to fund your ideas/plans
 Any significant accomplishments you have made in regard to your issue

Name: Jane Doe

Title: Miss Local

Celebrating Cultural Diversity and Inclusiveness

It is imperative that this nation face and embrace its cultural diversity. While many people have talked
about this issue, I believe that most of them have only paid lip service to the true necessity of what needs
to be addressed related to this issue. There is a false truth in merely accepting and tolerating cultural
diversity. I intend to prove that in order to accept and understand people of other cultures; one must be
willing to step out of a personal cultural comfort zone and identify the origin of their prejudice. I will
specifically focus on three areas: Children, Communities, and Businesses.

The title of Miss America, combined with the national media already looking at the surface of this issue,
will allow me to create the national awareness that must exist. Currently, the term “Cultural Diversity” is
well known in the halls of institutions of higher learner and, perhaps, even in the public school classroom
because of the need for some to be politically correct. But, in order for us to make a true change in
attitudes and behaviors of Americans, we must move beyond talk and into action and policy changes.

My plan is to motivate the media and to partner with the National Conference for Community and Justice.
This organization has chapters in every major city in the nation and, in many cases, those chapters have
community leaders involved who can, with encouragement and challenging, bring this issue out of hiding
and into the public light in each of those communities.

Obviously the media and the NCCJ already exist. However, what is lacking is a lightning rod to draw
attention to this issue. This is where the Miss America Organization steps into the lead. What better role
is there for Miss America than to be an agent of change in organizing our nation to accept our differences
and to create an environment that values each person on individual characteristics rather than on
stereotypes or assumptions?

For years, Miss America was seen as a young woman who cut ribbons and appeared in parades. It is time
for “Miss America” to step out of the convertible and lead the parade. Our country’s ethnic make-up is
changing rapidly and our citizen’s fear of terrorism can explode already existing, but deeply hidden
prejudices. I want to be the leader that this nation needs.

This nation needs this issue addressed now and through the already existing NCCJ and its local and state
organizations combined with the power of Miss America, we can make a concrete difference now, which
will change the direction and the future of our nation.

Contract for Miss Capital City/Miss Music City Franchise

As the winner of the title of Miss Music City’s Outstanding Teen or Miss Capital City’s Outstanding Teen, I agree
to the following contract for the upcoming year. I understand that any changes to this agreement must be
coordinated between both parties; Titleholder and the Director. Any violations of this agreement could and will
result in loss of title and may prevent me from participating in the Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen Scholarship
pageant and/or could prevent me from giving up my title at the next local for Miss Music City’s Outstanding Teen
or Miss Capital City’s Outstanding Teen Pageant.

1. The titleholder will present herself in a hospitable, friendly, congenial manner at all times. The titleholder
will support the other titleholders and will not present a competitive, petty behavior towards one another.

2. The titleholder will work on a close basis with the director and committee of the pageant. She will meet
with them on a regular basis to discuss items to be addressed in order to prepare for Miss Tennessee’s
Outstanding Teen (i.e., clothes, physical fitness, hair, talent, interview skills, and paperwork). The director
must approve all materials submitted to the Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen Pageant office in
preparation for state competition. This includes contestant’s contract, fact sheet, photographs, and
Community Service Information. All deadlines and requirements of the Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding
Teen office will be strictly adhered to. No changes may be made to the paperwork once it has been
approved and finalized. Any changes the contestant wishes to make must start the approval process over.
No one outside of the Music City/Capital City Outstanding Teen committee may look or amend the

3. Miss Music City’s Outstanding Teen & Miss Capital City’s Outstanding Teen serves as role models for
young people across the state of Tennessee and her conduct should be befitting of such a position. Any
activity or conduct, which would reflect negatively on the pageant organization, could result in immediate
review and termination of her title. The titleholder will be expected to follow all of the rules of the Miss
Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen and Miss America’s Outstanding Teen Scholarship Organizations. She
should not participate in any immoral, questionable or inappropriate act or have a history of participating
including social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. Any pictures or questionable material must be
removed immediately.

4. The titleholder will stay in touch with the director by email or phone at least once every other week.
During the final two months of preparation for Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen, the titleholder should
be in touch weekly.

5. The titleholder will be expected to take the initiative to prepare for Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen.
This will include pageant preparation, paperwork and ad sales for the Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen
program book.

6. The titleholder will work to support the sponsors of the pageant and to make appearances at as many
functions as possible when she is requested to do so.

7. The titleholder will be expected to come to Nashville at least once a month during the proper preparation
time to participate in mock interviews to prepare for Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen. There will be
times when the titleholder could be required to be in Nashville more than once a month.

8. The titleholder is expected to represent herself and the local committee as part of the Music City/Capital
City program in Jackson, Tennessee at the Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen pageant. At no time should
a titleholder be rude, disrespectful or intimidating to other contestants, hostesses, or other staff of Miss
Tennessee organization. She will present an attitude of support to the Miss Tennessee organization, her
fellow contestants, and the reigning Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen.

9. The titleholder will be expected to schedule her own appearances in order to promote her platform. The
titleholder may book as many or as few appearances on her own as she prefers. However, all appearances
should be cleared through the director before she commits herself to an appearance.
10. The titleholder may not work with other pageant directors or pageant coaches without the approval of the

11. The titleholder will write thank you letters within 30 days of being crowned to all pageant sponsors and
pageant judges.

12. The titleholder will be expected to be present to crown their successors.

13. Scholarships will be paid at the end of the titleholders reign unless a special request is made and agreed
upon with the directors.

14. The titleholder may not hold a title from another pageant or system while holding the title of Miss Music
City’s Outstanding Teen or Miss Capital City’s Outstanding Teen. However, she may compete in other
locals as soon as she has competed at the Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen Scholarship Pageant. Under
the Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen Scholarship Program, the titleholder is not allowed to hold another
title (outside of the Miss America program) during her reign as a local or state titleholder.

15. The TEEN Titleholder must meet all the requirements of the Miss America’s Outstanding Teen

 May not have graduate high school before the start of the MAOT National Finals, except for 16
year olds who graduated early

 Resident or student in Tennessee for the last six months

 No younger than 13 at the time of the local competition

 No older than 17 by August 31

 U.S. Citizen

 Female, never been married or pregnant

Contestant Signature: _________________________________________

Print Name: ______________________________________

Date: _________________________________________

Director Signature: _________________________________________

[Bring a signed copy with you to Orientation on August 18th]

Frequently Asked Questions regarding
Miss Music City’s Outstanding Teen & Miss Capital City’s Outstanding Teen Pageant

1. What is the Miss Music City’s & Miss Capital City’s Outstanding Teen Pageant? Our pageant is a
preliminary local for the Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen Pageant. The winners of our local will compete at
the state level in March of 2019. The winner of the Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen Pageant will compete
at the Miss America’s Outstanding Teen Pageant.

2. When is the pageant? The pageant will be held on Saturday, August 18, 2018. The pageant is slated to
start at 6:00 p.m. CST.

3. Where is the pageant and when do I have to be there? The pageant location is currently TBD. Orientation
will start at 9:00 in the morning and you will spend the rest of the day in rehearsals and competition. There
will be a short break to give you time to get some food. The exact schedule of the day will be announced
closer to the date of the competition depending on the number of contestants.

4. Is there an entry fee to entry the pageant? Yes. The entry fee to compete is $100.00. Please make checks
payable to Music City Scholarship Program. All checks must be turned in with your paperwork, which is due
on August 10th.

5. What are the areas of competition? Each contestant will compete in four areas of competition. Each teen
contestant will participate in an 8 minute private interview in front of a panel of judges. She will also compete
in fitness, a talent of her choice, evening gown and poise with an on-stage question.

6. What are the requirements of a contestant? A young woman may compete at the local and state level
more than once, but may only compete in the national Miss America competition one time. For teen
requirements, please reference the first 2 pages of this document, or visit

7. What is a platform? The platform is a program, social issue, organization or community service that you
have strong emotional ties to or support. It can be a national or local program that you have participated,
volunteered or have worked. This is something that you would talk about if you were crowned one of the
titleholders. Each title holder will work to support her platform by raising awareness, funds and encouraging
others to participate. Examples include Special Olympics, Autism Awareness, etc.

8. For my talent competition, am I allowed to have someone with me? No. You may use a vocal or
instrumental track; however a live person cannot accompany you on stage. If you are going to play an
instrument, you must provide your own instrument with the exception of a piano.

9. How big is the stage? Unfortunately the stage is never as big as we would like. However, dancers and
gymnasts have used the stage without problems. Baton twirlers may have to adjust some tricks due to the
height of the ceiling and the lights. You will have a rehearsal time during the day to make yourself familiar
with the stage.

10. What wardrobe items will I need? You will need to provide an appropriate outfit for interview. This can
be dress or pant suit. For the fitness portion, you may wear a one or two piece outfit. All outfits must be
tastefully appropriate. The Miss America organization tends to be a little conservative in this area. For talent,
wear a costume, outfit or dress appropriate to your talent. In evening gown, you will wear a gown that you
feel demonstrates your beauty, grace and poise. The only other outfit you will need will be an outfit for the
opening number. That outfit will be a cocktail dress or outfit of any color that displays your personality.
11. Are tickets sold prior to the competition? No. Each person can purchase a ticket at the door. Tickets are
$15 per person. Invite as many friends and family members as you like. Contestants tend to do better when
they have big crowds cheering them during the competition.

12. Do I have to sell ads for the program book? No. However, if you are crowned as one of the titleholders,
you will sell ads for the Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen Program book.

13. Do I get to choose my contestant number? No. The contestant’s names will be drawn in random prior to
the pageant for the contestant order.

14. Is this an open pageant and what does that mean? In the Miss America program, there are open
pageants and closed pageants. A closed pageant is a local that is only open to a geographical area or a school.
For example, in order to win a Miss University title, you would have to be a student of that University. An
open pageant is open to any contestant in the state of Tennessee as long as the meet the residential and age
requirements. This local is an open pageant.

15. What do I need to bring with me to the dressing room? Since the location is not a theatre, your dressing
room will most likely resemble a classroom. You will have a table to use to get ready; however, space is
limited. You will need to bring a makeup mirror and/or dressing mirror, portable clothing rack, steamers and
extension cord. Please label everything you bring with you.

16. Can I have a makeup and hair person in the dressing room to help me get ready? No. No one is allowed
in the dressing rooms except the contestants and the hostess. No men are allowed. Parents and/or friends
can help you load your things before the pageant and after the pageant but cannot be in the dressing room
once the director asks everyone to leave.

On behalf of our committee, I would like to thank you for your interest in the Music City’s Outstanding
Teen & Miss Capital City’s Outstanding Teen Scholarship Pageant, and I look forward to meeting you.
Our committee is very loyal and supportive of our titleholders and those who enter our pageant. We
want you to have a fantastic experience no matter the outcome.

If you should have any questions, please feel free to call or e-mail me at any time. I have voicemail on
my phone and will gladly return your calls and emails as soon as I possibly can.
Thank you for choosing to compete in our pageant. We appreciate you wanting to be part of the Miss
Music City’s Outstanding Teen & Miss Capital City’s Outstanding Teen Program.

See you soon!

Elisabeth Reef
Miss Music City/Capital City Outstanding Teen & Miss Iris Teen Pageant

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