According To Chandler Simon (2016) :: Initiatives

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DQ2)Describe a technological innovation and identify where you think it lies on the control

continuum between wholly proprietary and wholly open.

According to Chandler Simon(2016):

Technological Innovation is the latest discovery obtained from research

developments,technical knowledge and tools autonomous of product and services

Technological Innovation can be applied to product/process innovation.Technological

Innovation is the component of the Innovation System Approach.

Technological Innovation comprises of powerful knowledge and adeptness

networks.Networks can also be transfigured in to enlargement blocks.

According to BBVA:

Technological Innovation is the latest contraption originated from the advancements in

research,scientific knowledge and instruments self-reliant of the products and services

Technological Innovation is procedure embodies of sequence of facets essential to carry out

improvements or create a modern development process and products.

Technological Innovation develop when the current rules and concepts discover realistic
usage throughout being practiced and marketed by industrialists.

Technological Innovation is basically the product and process innovations.These

innovations are highly interconnected with organisational and marketing innovations.

Examples of Technological Innovations are:

One of the technological innovation could be the Linux operating system which is quite
similar to the Unix operating system.This operating system is incorporated under the
model of free and open source software development and distribution.Because of the
supremacy of the Androids on smartphones,Linux has the largest installed base of all
general purpose operating systems.The creation of the Linux is the one of the most
conspicuous example of free and open software association.The underlying source code
may be used,altered and dispersed commercially or non commercially by anyone under the
terms of its corresponding licenses.

Other example could be the Apache Open Office is open source software that is substitute
to Microsoft Office which allows to create spreadsheets,word processing documents
etc.There are distinct programs like Google Docs that allows to create documents.The
documents could be created only with the help of having google account.
According to Gawer Annabelle:

Another examples of technological innovation could be Internet,Robotics,Radio

Active,ORA Watch,Heartbeats Headphones,Beotime,Ceramic Speakers,iRobot Scoba 230
Floor Washer,Polaroid Camera Glasses,Touch Mouse,U-Socket AC & USB Power
Outlet,Impact clock and Wireless charging technology.

Here,Above of the examples of the technological innovations are both lies on the control
continuum between the wholly proprietary and wholly open.In wholly proprietary
system,technology used in the product are strictly protected and can be accessed only be
the developers but in case of wholly open system,technology used in the product is not
protected through patents or secrecy.Wholly open systems are generally quickly

For eg. Computers and Communications environments developers uses the concept of
wholly open whereas Producers of Videogame console uses the concept of the wholly
proprietary for distinct reasons.

Chandler Simon(2016),Technological innovation is often simply an innovation in how we

think about technology,Retrieved From:

BBVA,Technological Innovations:Which ones will come on line during 2018? Retrieved


Gawer Annabelle,Platforms,Markets and Innovation,Retrieved From:

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