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Maintenance: 2610 Calories/Day

Fat Loss: 2088 calories/day

Extreme Fat Loss: 1566 calories/day

Bodyfat percentage 23% (Prolly did calc wrong)

Lean body mass 63.38 kg

Bodyfat: 19.62 kg

Apparently need 183 grams of protein (Eggs, fish, Lean red meats, poultry, low fat, fat-free or raw
milk, whey, Casein)

Carbs = Fuel for exercise, brain & nervous system. Also replenishes glycogen stores. Maintain so that
muscles are spared from breakdown. Should aim to consume about 30-50% of calories from carbs.
(Whole grains, Oats, Fruits, Fibrous vegetables, starchy vegetables, whole grain pastas or breads,
sprouted breads)  Most beneficial after exercise along with protein immediately

Fats = Important for hormonal production (testosterone). Consume most from polyunsaturated and
monounsaturated. Aim to consume 20-30% of calories from fats (non-animal) such as Fish oil, Flax
seeds & oil, olive oil, fish, nuts, coconut oil, Avocados  Before exercise or several hours after.
Avoid eating fats 1 hr before exercise or 2 hrs after exercise.

Low calorie condiments:

Franks hot sauce

walden farms

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