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Rating Methodology

redit ratings inculcate structure of that particular debt
transparency and invite instrument and its priority in the
investor confidence. capital structure which strength-
Ratings are a third ens or weakens its recovery
party opinion on the credibility prospects in comparison with the
and financial strength of institu- unsecured creditors. Credit ratings
tions signifying ability to service of listed debt instruments are
debt in a timely manner. Ratings mandatory in Pakistan.
facilitate borrower access to a
large and The Rating Scale & Horizon
Ratings facilitate borrower access
to a large and diverse funding diverse Ratings are opinions on the
pool to provide greater leeway to funding timely payment of obligations and
match the nature of assets being the rating bands denote the rela-
financed pool to
provide tive risk associated with the rat-
greater leeway to match the ings. Along the rating spectrum,
nature of assets being financed. all ratings of BBB- and above are
From the lenders point of view, investment grade. JCR-VIS evalu-
credit ratings can be an additional ates credit risk over the medium
tool of risk management of their to long term horizon incorporating
asset portfolios and may well serve an assessment of future events to
as pricing benchmarks. the extent they are known or can
be anticipated, hence, the ratings
JCR-VIS Credit Rating are prospective in nature. The
Company Limited (JCR-VIS) con- present and the projected financial
ducts local currency credit ratings health and market position of the
in which sovereign risks are institution are analyzed in view of
ignored and the Government of the management's long-term
Pakistan is considered risk free i.e. vision and strategy, available
AAA rated. In order to serve the resources and industry prospects.
varying needs of the industrial sec- Ratings should be stable or at least
tor, JCR-VIS issues both entity and Ratings predictable over the rating horizon
debt instrument ratings. Entity rat- should be stable unless the company demonstrates
or at least pre- unexpected performance - either
ings reflect the capacity of the positive or negative
company to re-pay its unsecured dictable over the
creditors while debt instrument rating horizon unless the company
ratings also take into account the demonstrates unexpected per-

JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited October, 2003 1

Industrial Corporates - Rating Methodology

formance - either positive or nega- The 'Rating Watch' status

tive. Temporary fluctuations in per- results from a need to notify enti-
formance do not warrant a rating ties, creditors and investors that
action if JCR-VIS does not expect there are conditions present lead-
a change in long-term perform- ing to re-evaluation of the current
ance. rating(s) which may or may not
lead to a rating change. Certain
The lowest rating 'D' stands circumstances which may lead to
for default and is the only rating rating watch are mergers and
which is based on the historical acquisitions, major expansions,
event when an interest and /or regulatory actions and any other
principal payment is due and is significant change in operating
not paid. The condition of default environment; the impact of which
is removed on clearance of the cannot be assessed due to lack of
dues by any means including sufficient information. As there is
rescheduling or write-off by the some uncertainty involved, out-
lenders. looks are not assigned to ratings
Rating outlooks highlight the on Rating Watch.
potential direction of ratings. An We expect the ratings to be
outlook is not necessarily a pre- more stable in the upper rating
An outlook is not necessarily a pre- cursor of a rating bands due
cursor of a rating change. Rather, change. Rather, We expect the ratings to be more
the rating outlooks "Stable," the rating out- to the stable in the upper rating bands
"Positive" and "Negative" are used stronger due to the stronger protection fac-
to qualify the potential direction of looks "Stable", tors present
the rating, given changes in eco- "Positive" and protection
nomic and/or business conditions factors present. The performance
"Negative" are
used to qualify the potential direc- criteria become stricter as we
tion of the rating, given changes move up the rating spectrum and
in economic and/or business con- the risk profile has to be main-
ditions. Stable outlook indicates tained at significantly lower levels
that the company is performing to remain eligible for that rating
as expected for the given rating, band. High rated companies may
and no events are currently fore- have to sacrifice aggressive growth
seen that would precipitate a rat- opportunities to maintain their
ing change. Positive outlook indi- credit risk profile.
cates that the company is per-
forming above expectations set RATING METHODOLOGY
for the given rating while Negative A host of major factors and
outlook indicates the contrary sub-factors are examined to reach
view. Generally, we expect out- the overall rating to incorporate all
looks to resolve within a period of factors in accordance with their
one year only. It should also be importance, weakness in one area
noted that these indicators are may be offset by strengths in
concerned only with the perceived another area or the vice versa may
change in credit risk involved, if also hold true. JCR-VIS analyzes
any and should not be confused both qualitative and quantitative
with expectations of the compa- factors to determine the credit risk
ny's operational performance as a
of a company. Qualitative factors

2 October, 2003 JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited

Industrial Corporates - Rating Methodology

include the nature of the industry regulations etc. The degree of reg-
that the company is operating in, ulatory support the industry
the entry and exit barriers, the receives is also a function of its
competitive profile of the industry contribution to
The degree of regulatory support
and the company's position in it, economic growth the industry receives is also a func-
size, strength and adequacy of which will deter- tion of its contribution to economic
growth which will determine its
operational systems, quality of mine its impor- importance to economy and to pol-
management and regulatory tance to economy icy makers
framework governing the industry. and to policy mak-
ers. For instance, oil and gas
Quantitative factors include industry is generally supported by
an appraisal of the historic and the local governments world wide
projected financials to consider due to its strategic nature.
the risk entailed by the capital
structure, level of profitability, The level of transparency in
capacity utilization levels, capital operational systems and in report-
expenditure requirements, ade- ing and the reliability of audit
quacy of cashflows to meet opera- practices are given due weight in
tional requirements and debt serv- the ratings to the extent that the
icing obligations etc. Financial information provided by the man-
statements may also be recasted agement reflects the true opera-
to assess the company's perform- tional health of the company. The
ance over a time-line. The project- corporate governance is also
ed financials are studied for their assessed in light of practices put
reflection of the current and in place by the management to
expected economic realities and attain the goals of transparency,
are also sensitized on different risk accountability and fair play in
scenarios to judge the company's dealing with the stakeholders.
ability to bear operational and Generally, accounting quality, relia-
financial risk. While review of his- bility and breadth of disclosure
tory is and corporate governance is
While review of history is impor-
tant to judge the company's track important greater in public limited compa-
record of performance, it is the to judge nies as compared to private limit-
potential for future performance
which drives the ratings the com- ed companies and is given due
pany's weight in the ratings.
track record of performance, it is
the potential for future perform- Industry Risk Assessment
ance which drives the ratings. The business risk of a com-
pany to a large extent dictates the
Regulatory Framework & degree of financial risk it can
Transparency afford by affecting the level and
The regulatory framework predictability of cashflows that it is
governing the industry may place likely to generate. With the excep-
the company at a significant tion of few, industrial ratings are
advantage or disadvantage vis-à- generally constrained by the inher-
vis its competition through tax ent risks in the industry and we
incidence, price regulations, seldom see high (AA category)
industry protection, environmental ratings in industrial sectors.

JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited October, 2003 3

Industrial Corporates - Rating Methodology

Higher and predictable cash flow market supply and, hence, output
streams will lower the industry prices which may render it an
Ratings are generally constrained risk. For instance advantage over other market play-
by the inherent risks in the industry utilities operate ers. Serving niche markets may
and we seldom see high (AA cate-
gory) ratings in industrial sectors with greater stabili- also be an advantage or disadvan-
ty in demand due tage depending upon the elasticity
to the captive market base which of demand for the limited target
provide strength to the ratings. market. The positioning in the
Some companies may also have value-chain also impacts the sta-
mitigated the sectoral risk by way bility and strength of cashflows.
of diversification. Generally, there are better margins
and greater stability and control
The performance of different over cash-
industries is affected by trend of flows for
Generally, there are better margins
and greater stability and control
various economic variables includ- companies over cashflows for companies posi-
ing GDP, interest and exchange positioned
tioned higher up on the value-
rates and the nature of the indus- higher up
try (cyclical, commodity, value- on the value-chain. Vertical inte-
added). grations also provide greater lee-
The other industry factors way to control costs and prices.
which are considered include level The quality and concentration
and patterns of demand growth of trade debtors and the credit
and elasticity of demand, level of terms extended to them are also
profitability and ability to maintain analyzed for the past track record
margins, capital intensive nature of payment, diversification to miti-
and flexibility in the timing of capi- gate exposure risk and the impact
tal outlay and degree of cyclicality. on the cash cycle of the company.
Vulnerability to technological Similarly, the supply and price risk
change may also be a greater haz- of raw materials is assessed includ-
ard in certain industries such as ing the availability and nature of
software, telecom or airlines. For market of raw materials including
industries / companies dependent foreign markets, supplier relation-
upon foreign markets for input ships and available substitutes.
supply or for sales, the timely
access and fluctuations in The location and number of
exchange rate pose major risks. independent plant facilities
The competitive nature of industry reduces the vulnerability of the
is also critical including nature and company to geographical risks
size of competition versus the size which may pertain to demand, or
of the market and the entry and availability of raw materials or
exit barriers to competition. labor problems. For instance, geo-
graphical dispersion is necessary
Competitive Positioning & for any hotel chain to mitigate risk
Diversification of regional downturns and provide
The company's product lines some stability to cashflows
and its market share for each through economic and real estate
determine its ability to govern the cycles. Similarly, for the sugar

4 October, 2003 JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited

Industrial Corporates - Rating Methodology

industry factors such as easy avail- funds. Moreover, it is seen that

ability of sugarcane and recovery since lending insti- Size is also a key driver of ratings.
rates are important considerations tutions have larger Larger companies have generally
for location. exposure to these greater staying power due to their
extensive resource base and
companies, they stronger shields in terms of
Diversification in most con- are more willing to economies of scale, reserves,
texts is looked at favorably as it extend support in
broader market access or customer
base, large number of products,
mitigates business risk to the difficult times and franchise value
company. Diversification within the to reschedule and
industry including variety in prod- restructure their borrowings or
uct lines and target markets pro - even extend additional funds.
vides cushion to the revenue base
in case demand declines for a par- Smaller companies generally
ticular product or a segment. lack the above strengths and addi-
tionally have a riskier financial
Ratings are supported in case structure particularly in the growth
of true diversification in business stage which adds to their vulnera-
Ratings are supported in case of
lines where bility in times of economic or busi-
true diversification in business lines perform- ness downturn.
where performance is dependent ance is
upon unrelated variables
dependent Management & Organization
upon unrelated variables. A com- The credibility of the man-
pany is given credit if it operates in agement is judged by the conver-
diverse industries serving different gence of the management strate-
target markets with no major gy and established business goals
dominance from any unit. In this and its performance against
case, each line of business is eval- objectives. Management is
uated as an independent unit. assessed for its operational effec-
With diverse operations, compe- tiveness and for its risk tolerance.
tent and professional manage- The stability of the management
ment for each line is also an team and the relevance of their
important factor as skills and credentials to their tasks are also
practices required in running dif- important considerations.
ferent businesses vary greatly.
Organizational structure
Size is also a key driver of depicts the overall management
ratings. Larger companies have philosophy and determines opera-
greater staying power due to their tional efficiency and success.
extensive resource base and Over-dependence on just a few
stronger shields in terms of individuals, absence of succession
economies of scale, reserves, planning, heavy orientation
broader market access or cus- towards family versus professional
tomer base, large number of prod- management, indistinct manage-
ucts and franchise value which ment structure, too much interfer-
may enable them to better with- ence by the board in the day-to-
stand economic downturns. They day operations, absence of dele-
generally have a greater number gation etc. become rating con-
of peripheral assets as well to sell straints.
off or place as collateral to raise

JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited October, 2003 5

Industrial Corporates - Rating Methodology

The formulation of a vision Any un-provided losses or

by the top management and its provisions are also netted off
communication to all levels is also including dead investments or
a pre-requisite for organization lending with little likelihood of
building. Employee awareness of repayment. On the other hand, a
the overall goals and objectives of company is given the benefit of
the company and the short-term hidden reserves, if any, in the form
and long-term strategy towards of high value assets not reflected
achievement of those goals is on the books.
important for business growth.
Leverage translates into
Capital Structure & Access to higher returns enhancing share -
Funds holder's
Leverage translates into higher
The financial policy of the value, how- returns enhancing shareholder's
management is assessed to deter- ever, at the value, however, at the same time,
increases the risk level as fixed
mine the degree of flexibility in the same time, obligations increase
capital structure of the company increases
as compared to its business risk. the risk level as fixed obligations
Ordinary shares provide the great- increase. Leverage is expected to
est cushion to creditors, as they be maintained in certain ranges
do not entail any fixed obligations. for different rating categories
Preference shares also have which characterize the level of
greater flexibility in payments than credit risk represented by that cat-
pure debt instruments as the divi- egory. However, there may be
dend payments are made out of exceptions if there are other
available profits, although they strengths present which mitigate
pose a greater strain on cashflows the risk of higher leverage. An
as compared to ordinary equity. analysis of the source of funding,
tenor, and the associated costs
While the definitions of equity with respect to the assets being
and debt remain standardized, financed is conducted to assess
certain adjustments are at times the re-financing risk of the bal-
necessary to evaluate the risk ance sheet. The level of unen-
associated with the capital struc- cumbered assets to total assets is
ture of the company on the basis also considered to determine
of the structure and intent of the room for additional leverage.
instrument. Preference shares may
bear greater characteristics of JCR-VIS also examines the
debt if they carry a redeemable company's access to funds under
option which has high probability stress, JCR-VIS also examines the compa-
of being exercised. Debt instru- including ny's access to funds under stress,
including its access to the capital
ments may also carry options for its access markets as demonstrated histori-
conversion into equity, however, to the capi- cally, its affiliations, banking rela-
such is not accounted for until the tal markets tionships, presence of peripheral
assets which could be sold
event takes place as the interest as demon-
payments are fixed and payable by strated historically, its affiliations,
the company till conversion. banking relationships, presence of
peripheral assets which could be

6 October, 2003 JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited

Industrial Corporates - Rating Methodology

sold. A company's experience with spinning sectors. Global supply

different financial instruments and and demand risk is also evaluated
debt and capital markets gives it for companies with significant
several options in case funds from exports or imports.
a particular source dry up for any
reason. The capital structure of the
company will also affect the prof-
Often access to borrowings itability through the burden of
at favorable terms for weak com- debt servicing costs. As the risk
panies is also achieved through associated with the capital struc-
obtaining guarantees from the ture increases, lenders demand
stronger group companies. On greater compensation for their
the opposite note, it is entirely exposure. A rough measure to
possible that the other group evaluate the degree of benefit
companies are weaker and require awarded by the level of leverage
support from the company being maintained by the company is
rated. The prospective burden is ROAE / unleveraged ROAA
assessed in light of past instances (adjusted for financial expenses). If
and future potential including cur- the ratio is above 1.0x, then the
rently outstanding guarantees or company is benefiting from lever-
commitments on behalf of weaker age while the trend indicates
associated concerns and is improving or declining level of
accordingly reflected in the rat- benefit.
The projected profitability lev-
Profitability & Cash flow els are subjected to various stress
Generation tests including reduced volumes,
Strong profitability over time, unfavorable change in input and
coupled with judicial retention, is output prices, unfavorable change
able to attract external capital as in exchange rates if there is cur-
well as withstand adversarial con- rency risk involved and increased
ditions. Historical trends and the burden of financial costs.
current and expected market situ- While profitability levels are
ations are examined to project considered, cashflows assume the
future profitability to form a broad paramount importance for credit
idea of stable, improved or deteri- ratings as debt
orating profitability position in the While profitability levels are con-
servicing has to be sidered, cashflows assume the
intermediate to the long-term. made out of cash. ratingsparamount importance for credit
as debt servicing has to be
Sales stabilize and gross The company's made out of cash
margins improve generally as a ability to meet its
company moves towards value- obligations in a timely manner is a
addition, develop a differentiated prime consideration for the rat-
product or a market niche, oper- ings. The current and projected
ate at higher capacity utilization level of debt and debt servicing
and develop economies of scale. requirements with respect to the
For commodities, there is risk of cashflows generated are examined
both price and off take as may be to determine the projected risk
observed in the sugar and cotton profile of the company.

JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited October, 2003 7

Industrial Corporates - Rating Methodology

The quality of cashflows is CFFO incorporates the

judged on the basis of their impact of stress created by work-
The quality of cashflows is judged strength, volatility ing capital changes. At the level of
on the basis of their strength, with business FCF, companies capability to serv-
volatility with business cycles, pre-
dictability in course of normal cycles, predictabili- ice both regular and strategic
operations and is analyzed at vari- ty in course of nor- expenditures is considered. Since
ous levels
mal operations the assumption is that of a going
and is analyzed at various levels. concern, JCR-VIS evaluates the
company's ability to internally gen-
Funds Flow from Operations erate funds to modernize / main-
(FFO): Profit before financial tain its assets as well as to obtain
expenses and taxes + adjustment external funds for expansions. An
for impact of non-cash items - interesting measure to determine
payment for financial expenses adequate level of capital expendi-
and taxes ture for modernization is the capi-
Cash Flow from Operations tal expenditure to depreciation
(CFFO): FFO +/- changes in ratio. The dividend paying capaci-
working capital ty is evaluated at the level of DCF.

Free Cash Flow (FCF): CFFO - The crux of the cash flow
impact of capital expenditure analysis is to determine the ability
undertaken and disposal of fixed of the company to produce suffi-
assets cient funds from operations to
meet debt servicing requirements
Discretionary Cash Flow (DCF): and incur capital expenditure. For
FCF - dividends paid during the higher-grade companies where
period long-term viability is more
assured, there is greater emphasis
Debt Coverage Ratios: Cashflows on the level of cashflows from
(separately at the four levels) / operations and its relation to the
Total Debt outstanding debt level which will
determine the time period
Debt Servicing Coverage Ratios:
required to pay-off the entire debt.
Cashflows (separately at the four
Focusing on debt servicing cover-
levels) + financial charges paid /
age from cash flow becomes
(Periodic principal repayment +
more important as we go down
financial charges paid)
the rating spectrum.
The FFO level reflects the
High cash flow coverage
capacity of the cash generated
ratios may not necessarily consti-
from operations to meet working
tute strength if they are arising
capital, capital expenditure and
from low level of capital expendi-
debt servicing requirements. The
ture or decline in debt levels which
sensitivity of revenues from core
can indicate complacency on the
operations to business cycles is
part of the management and shall
evaluated to determine the preci-
affect future growth.
sion of the cash flow forecasts.
A company with stable and
predictable cashflows can under-

8 October, 2003 JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited

Industrial Corporates - Rating Methodology

take a comparatively aggressive and capital intensive with high

capital structure without compro- spending cycles. Examples of
mising creditworthiness. For cyclical companies in the manu-
example, the cashflows of the oil facturing sector are sugar, cotton
and gas exploration industry are spinning, automobiles, paper and
dependent upon the quantum of pulp while non-manufacturing
present include lodging / hoteling, recre-
A company with stable and pre-
dictable cashflows can undertake a proven ation and airlines.
comparatively aggressive capital reserves
structure without compromising
which will JCR-VIS rates such industries
go into through the cycle. The maximum
production, therefore, it continual- down-turn potential in the industry
ly invests significant capital in has to be analyzed for how bad
exploration activities to build up the results can be and how well
reserves. However, since a suc- the company is equipped to
cessful hit is not assured, cash- weather any down-
turn. When the When the industry is going through
flows tend to be volatile and low a boom period, the ratings would
debt leverage is preferable for the industry is going appear to be depressed while
sector. On the other hand, the through a boom when the industry is going through
a trough, the ratings would appear
pharma industry exhibits compar- period, the ratings to be optimistic
atively stable demand patterns, would appear to
and hence, stable cashflows, and be depressed while when the
can afford comparatively higher industry is going through a
debt leverage. trough, the ratings would appear
to be optimistic.
For industries dependent
upon seasonal agricultural crops Financial flexibility and liquid-
for production, like the sugar and ity are important considerations as
cotton spinning industry, debt cash can accumulate and be con-
leverage peaks during the produc- sumed very rapidly in cyclical
tion season with seasonal borrow- industries. Generally, the compa-
ing to finance inventories and then nies in cyclical industries accumu-
declines. For such industries, the late cash during the boom cycle
average liquidity position is to provide a buffer during the
assessed through the cycle as well downturn.
as the maximum stress on the The strength of the cashflows
financials during the peak produc- from year to year is hard to deter-
tion time. mine due to volatility, especially if
Rating Cyclical Industries it is in both input and output
A cyclical company is defined prices and volumes, and large
as one whose sales in volume and capital expenditures spread vari-
price, move closely with major ably across the cycle. Relative cost
macro economic indicators and / position then becomes a competi-
or aggregate business activity. tive strength in the industry as in a
Generally, these companies sell downturn the lowest cost producer
non-differentiated products, are has the room to cut prices upto
price takers in a volatile market his breakeven level to maintain or
increase market share which may

JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited October, 2003 9

Industrial Corporates - Rating Methodology

result in unsustainable losses for Notching Criteria

the higher cost producers. For Entity ratings are notched up
instance, for spinning companies from the stand alone ratings in
the prices of yarn move in line case of significant explicit external
with the international prices while support available to the entity.
the prices of raw cotton depend Notching relationships for debt
upon domestic production factors. instruments combine considera-
Since increase in raw material tions of asset protection and rank-
prices cannot be passed on to the ing i.e. material advantage or dis-
customer entirely this affects gross advantage of a given debt instru-
margins in which case only the ment which may arise due to its
low cost producers with high vol- positioning in the capital structure
umes can perform. of the company, presence of secu-
rity etc. This leads to differentia-
It is also important to under- tion in ratings of specific issues
stand the management discretion from entity ratings.
possible in incurring capital expen-
diture and the timing and level of While timeliness is the pri-
such capital expenditure. mary issue for investment grade
Generally, increase in capacity ratings, the potential for ultimate
comes near the peak of the cycle recovery
While timeliness is the primary
on an industry-wide basis. Also, also issue for investment grade ratings,
the capacity increases tend to be becomes the potential for ultimate recovery
also becomes important for lower
large to generate economies of important grade ratings which have higher
scale. for lower probability of default
grade rat-
Since it takes time for the ings which have higher probability
new capacity to come on-line and of default. Therefore, based on
generate full efficiency, it is hard similar security ensuring ultimate
to predict supply conditions which recovery, the degree of advantage
can result in price swings. Often or disadvantage given to a below
the capacity increase may hit the investment grade rating may be
trough of the cycle which can fur- greater as compared to an invest-
ther exacerbate supply conditions. ment grade rating.
Such is also the case with lodging
/ hotel industry since hotel con- External Support to Entity
struction takes time, any additions Entity ratings may be
in capacity including setting up of enhanced on the basis of the
a new hotel is risky as economic extent of support from sponsors /
conditions may not be so robust shareholders, associated compa-
by the time it comes online. nies, etc. JCR-VIS takes into
account how integral the company
Cyclical industries do not is to the group, the relative finan-
afford high debt levels as they
cial health of the group and any
carry high business risks. Hence, a
explicit or implicit support to the
conservative debt profile is viewed company being rated. JCR-VIS
favorably as cashflows become
seeks to analyze the particular
significantly stressed in times of
instances in which assistance was
low economic activity.

10 October, 2003 JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited

Industrial Corporates - Rating Methodology

required by the company being their recovery prospects vis-à-vis

rated and the degree of support the unsecured creditors.
provided by the sponsors. Subordinated debt is notched
Evaluation of the financial strength below the entity rating and the
of the group then becomes impor- number of notches depends upon
tant to give any benefit in credit the degree of subordination.
ratings including its franchise
value, access to funds and diversi- Notching up is done on the
fication element. basis of security determined by
the quality of security and degree
Any institution holding an of coverage provided to principal.
external guarantee will be rated Further notching up is also possi-
equivalent to the guarantor if the ble through establishing a strong
guarantee is explicit and provides structure which gives significant
full coverage to obligations. additional enhancement to the
However, in other cases where the debt recovery prospects. This
guarantee is present but timeli- could be achieved through credit
ness is not ensured, notching enhancement features such as
down from the guarantor is usual- creation of a reserve or sinking
ly the practice. The ultimate spon- fund, dedicated liquidity support
sor / guarantor will be the govern- or strong external higher rated
ment which is rated risk free or guarantors. In the last case, the
AAA where LCY rating is con- debt issue rating will be rated
cerned. equivalent to the Notching relationships on basis of
guarantors rating security, however, do not hold for
In the event that a company / if the guarantee is highAA band rated companies with
probability of timely payment
obligation is supported by two explicit and pro-
entities carrying independent cred- vides 100% coverage to the obli-
it risks, then the support provided gations. Notching relationships on
is generally superior as compared basis of security, however, do not
to the situation in which only the hold for AA band rated companies
stronger entity was supporting the with high probability of timely pay-
company being rated. This con- ment. JCR-VIS
cept arises from the viewpoint that
the probability of both the sup-
porting entities defaulting at the
same time is lower than the prob-
ability of either one defaulting.
Limited benefit of joint support is
given to associated / group com-
panies or companies in the same
sector to ensure independent risk

Notching Relationships of
Debt Instruments
Debt instruments may be
notched up or down based on

JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited October, 2003 11

Industrial Corporates - Rating Methodology


12 October, 2003 JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited

Industrial Corporates - Rating Methodology

Faheem Ahmad
President & CEO, JCR-VIS
Founder, VIS Group

Faheem Ahmad has diverse experience with international

consulting agencies in USA & Middle East. He has also
held senior positions with local industrial and financial
groups. In 1994, he established Vital Information Services
(Pvt.) Limited, which is a leading capital market research
house. VIS has the largest data bank of corporate Pakistan. His major research
work includes copyrighted F&J financial strength rankings, Musharaka Variable
Income Securities and stock market indices. VIS group includes JCR-VIS Credit
Rating Company Limited and News-VIS Credit Information Services (Pvt.)
Limited, the first private credit bureau of Pakistan. The majority of shareholders
in group companies include the largest publication house in Pakistan and
major financial institutions.
He obtained his B.S in Civil Engineering from NED University of Engineering
and Technology, Karachi. He also has Masters degrees in Engineering and
Business Administration from USA. His research work has been published in
various international journals.

Kiran Lakhwani
Assistant Vice President

Kiran Lakhwani, CFA, currently leads ratings of industrial con-

cerns and structured finance transactions. She is also involved
in ratings of finacial institutions. She holds a Masters degree in
Business Administration from the Institute of Business Administration, Karachi.

Sadaf Shabbir
Senior Financial Analyst

Sadaf Shabbir is involved in ratings in the industrial sector and

in structured finance. Prior to joining JCR-VIS, she worked on
several projects pertaining to strategic planning and organiza-
tional building as well.
She holds a Masters degree in Business Administration from the Institute of
Business Administration, Karachi.

0JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited October, 2003 13

Jahangir Kothari Parade (Lady LLoyd Pier) National Excellence,
Inspired by Her Excellency, The Honorable Lady
Lloyd, this promenade pier and pavillion was con- International Reach
structed at a cost of 3 Lakhs and donated to the pub-
lic of Karachi by Jahangir Kothari to whose genrosity JCR-VIS Credit Rating
and public spirit the gift is due. Foundation stone laid Company Limited is com -
on January 5, 1920. Opened by Her Excellency, The mitted to the protection of
Honorable Lady Lloyd on March 21, 1921.
investors and offers a
Dome: A roof or vault, usually hemispherical in form. Jahangir Kothari blend of local expertise
Until the 19th century, domes were constructed of Parade
and international experi-
masonry, of wood, or of combinations of the two, fre-
quently reinforced with iron chains around the base to ence to serve the domestic financial mar-
counteract the outward thrust of the structure. kets. With its international reach, JCR-VIS is

Origins: The dome seems to have developed as roof-

positioned to aim for an international mark.
ing for circular mud-brick huts in ancient In this regard, the global experience of our
Mesopotamia about 6000 years ago. In the 14th cen- principal, Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd.
tury B.C. the Mycenaean Greeks built tombs roofed
with steep corbeled domes in the shape of pointed
has been invaluable towards adding depth
beehives (tholos tombs). Otherwise, the dome was to our ongoing research endeavors, enrich -
not important in ancient Greek architecture. The ing us in ways, that enable us to deliver our
Romans developed the masonry dome in its purest
form, culminating in a temple built by the emperor responsibilities to the satisfaction of all
Hadrian. Set on a massive circular drum the coffered investors.
dome forms a perfect hemisphere on the interior, with
a large oculus (eye) in its center to admit light. The edifice of the Jahangir Kothari Parade
has stood proudly through the years and is
a symbol of our heritage. Its 'Dome' as the
most stable of building structures, exempli -
fies architectural perfection. Committed to
excellence, JCR-VIS continues its endeavor
to remain an emblem of trust.

Affiliate of Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd.

Founder Shareholder of Islamic International Rating Agency, Bahrain
JV Partner in CRISL, Bangladesh
Member Association of Credit Rating Agencies in Asia

First Floor, PIDC House

M.T. Khan Road, Karachi - Pakistan
Tel: (92-21) 5680766, 5680996, 5671822, 5671833
Fax: (92-21) 5681105, 5671600

Information herein was obtained from sources believed to be accurate and reliable; however, JCR-VIS does not guarantee the accuracy, ade-
quacy or completeness of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such
information. Rating is an opinion on credit quality only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any securities. Copyright 2003 JCR-VIS Credit
Rating Company Limited. All rights reserved. Contents may be used by news media with credit to JCR-VIS.

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